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[goodguy/cinelerra.git] / cinelerra-5.1 / expanders.txt
1 Video Effects
2         - Color_Correction
3                 Blue Banana
4                 Brightness/Contrast
5                 C41
6                 Color 3 Way
7                 Color Balance
8                 Gamma
9                 Gradient
10                 HistEq
11                 Histogram
12                 Histogram Bezier
13                 Hue saturation
14                 Interpolate Bayer
15                 Invert Video
16                 RGBShift
17                 RGB - 601
18                 Reroute
19                 Sketcher
20                 Swap channels
21                 Threshold
22                 VideoScope
23                 YUV
24                 YUV411
25                 YUVShift
26         - FF_Color_Correction
27                 F_chromahold
28                 F_colorbalance
29                 F_colorchannelmixer
30                 F_colorkey
31                 F_colorlevels
32                 F_colormatrix
33                 F_curves
34                 F_elbg
35                 F_eq
36                 F_fftfilt
37                 F_floodfill
38                 F_greyedge
39                 F_haldclutsrc
40                 F_histeq
41                 F_histogram
42                 F_limiter
43                 F_lut
44                 F_lut1d
45                 F_lut3d
46                 F_lutrgb
47                 F_lutyuv
48                 F_negate
49                 F_normalize
50                 F_pseudocolor
51                 F_separatefields
52                 F_setparams
53                 F_setrange
54                 F_shuffleplanes
55                 F_swapuv
56                 F_tlut2
57                 F_vignette
58                 F_vibrance
59         - Motion
60                 Motion
61                 Motion 2 Point
62                 Motion51
63                 MotionCV
64                 MotionHV
65                 F_dejudder
66                 F_deshake
67         - Blur
68                 Blur
69                 Edge
70                 Linear Blur
71                 Motion Blur
72                 Radial Blur
73                 Sharpen
74                 Unsharp
75                 Zoom Blur
76                 F_avgblur
77                 F_boxblur
78                 F_deband
79                 F_deblock
80                 F_edgedetect
81                 F_gblur
82                 F_sab
83                 F_smartblur
84                 F_unsharp
85         - Denoise
86                 DeScratch
87                 Denoise video
88                 DotTV
89                 Selective Temporal Averaging
90                 Time Average
91                 F_atadenoise
92                 F_bitplanenoise
93                 F_dctdnoiz
94                 F_fftdnoiz
95                 F_hqdn3d
96                 F_nlmeans
97                 F_noise
98                 F_owdenoise
99                 F_removegrain
100                 F_vaguedenoiser
101         - Extract Keys
102                 Blue Banana
103                 Chroma key
104                 Chroma key (HSV)
105                 CriKey
106                 Difference key
107                 F_chromakey
108                 F_despill
109                 F_lumakey
110         - Geometry
111                 Auto Scale
112                 Crop & Position
113                 Flip
114                 Lens
115                 Perspective
116                 Polar
117                 Rotate
118                 Rumbler
119                 Scale
120                 Scale Ratio
121                 Sketcher
122                 Sphere Cam
123                 Translate
124                 Whirl
125                 Wave
126                 F_cropdetect
127                 F_crop
128                 F_cover_rect
129                 F_drawbox
130                 F_drawgraph
131                 F_drawgrid
132                 F_fillborders
133                 F_hflip
134                 F_lenscorrection
135                 F_pad
136                 F_perspective
137                 F_rotate
138                 F_scale
139                 F_super2xsai
140                 F_swaprect
141                 F_tile
142                 F_vflip
143         - Scale
144                 Auto Scale
145                 Downsample
146                 F_hqx
147                 F_scale
148                 F_super2xsai
149                 F_xbr
150                 Scale
151                 Scale Ratio
152         - Time
153                 Decimate
154                 Delay Video
155                 Freeze Frame
156                 Loop video
157                 Interpolate Video
158                 ReframeRT
159                 Reverse video
160                 Time Average
161                 TimeFront
162                 F_amplify
163                 F_deflicker
164                 F_framerate
165                 F_framestep
166                 F_loop
167                 F_mpdecimate
168                 F_realtime
169                 F_tblend
170                 F_tinterlace
171                 F_tmix
172                 F_vfrdet
173         - Test
174                 F_bench
175                 F_bbox
176                 F_ciescope
177                 F_color
178                 F_datascope
179                 F_entropy
180                 F_graphmonitor
181                 F_mptestsrc
182                 F_oscilloscope
183                 F_pal100bars
184                 F_pal75bars
185                 F_pixscope
186                 F_rgbtestsrc
187                 F_showpalette
188                 F_signalstats
189                 F_smptebars
190                 F_smptehdbars
191                 F_testsrc
192                 F_testsrc2
193                 F_vectorscope
194                 F_yuvtestsrc
195                 F_waveform
196 Audio Effects
197         - Calf
198                 - Instruments / Generators
199                         L2_Calf Organ
200                         L2_Calf Monosynth
201                         L2_Calf Fluidsynth
202                         L2_Calf Wavetable
203                 - Modulation Effects
204                         L2_Calf Multi Chorus
205                         L2_Calf Phaser
206                         L2_Calf Flanger
207                         L2_Calf Rotary Speaker
208                         L2_Calf Pulsator
209                         L2_Calf Ring Modulator
210                 - Delay Effects
211                         L2_Calf Reverb
212                         L2_Calf Vintage Delay
213                         L2_Calf Compensation Delay Line
214                         L2_Calf Reverse Delay
215                 - Dynamic Processors
216                         L2_Calf Compressor
217                         L2_Calf Sidechain Compressor
218                         L2_Calf Multiband Compressor
219                         L2_Calf Mono Compressor
220                         L2_Calf Deeser
221                         L2_Calf Gate
222                         L2_Calf Sidechain Gate
223                         L2_Calf Multiband Gate
224                         L2_Calf Limiter
225                         L2_Calf Multiband Limiter
226                         L2_Calf Sidechain Limiter
227                         L2_Calf Transient Designer
228                 - Filters and Equalizers
229                         L2_Calf Filter
230                         L2_Calf Filterclavier
231                         L2_Calf Envelope Filter
232                         L2_Calf Emphasis
233                         L2_Calf Vocoder
234                         L2_Calf 5-Band Equalizer
235                         L2_Calf 8-Band Equalizer
236                         L2_Calf 12-Band Equalizer
237                         L2_Calf 30-Band Equalizer
238                 - Distortion Effects
239                         L2_Calf Saturator
240                         L2_Calf Exciter
241                         L2_Calf Bass Enhancer
242                         L2_Calf Tape Simulator
243                         L2_Calf Vinyl
244                         L2_Calf Crusher
245                 - Tools
246                         L2_Calf Mono Input
247                         L2_Calf Pitch Tools
248                         L2_Calf Stereo Tools
249                         L2_Calf Haas Stereo Enhancer
250                         L2_Calf Multi Spread
251                         L2_Calf Multiband Enhancer
252                         L2_Calf X-Over 2 Band
253                         L2_Calf X-Over 3 Band
254                         L2_Calf X-Over 4 Band
255                         L2_Calf Analyzer