27 "Adjust camera automation"
28 "Adjust projector automation"
30 "Align cursor on frames"
34 "AModule::import_samples Couldn't open %s.\n"
36 "( Answering ""No"" will destroy changes )"
37 "Append asset in new tracks"
38 "Append to end of track"
43 "Apply to all selected keyframes"
56 "Attach single stand alone and share others"
57 "Attach Transition..."
70 "Audio playback in real time priority (root only)"
81 "Background Rendering (Video only)"
85 "BC_Theme::check_used: Images aren't used.\n"
94 "BRender::fork_background: can't open /proc/self/cmdline.\n"
95 "BRender::set_video_map called to set NOT_SCANNED\n"
96 "BRender::set_video_map " _LD ": attempt to set beyond end of map " _LD ".\n"
112 "Cancel the operation"
113 "cannot connect to X server.\n"
114 "Can't quit while a recording is in progress."
115 "Can't quit while a render is in progress."
118 "-c = Configuration file to use instead of %s%s.\n"
119 "(C) %d Adam Williams\n\nheroinewarrior.com"
133 "Channels to record:"
135 "check for commercials."
136 "Cinelerra: New Project"
139 "clear default keyframe"
140 "Clear default keyframe"
145 "Clicking on edit boundaries does what:"
157 "Commercial ( shift X )"
158 "Component Y'CbCr 10-bit 4:4:4"
159 "Component Y'CbCr 8-bit 4:2:2 (2vuy)"
160 "Component Y'CbCr 8-bit 4:2:2 (yuv2)"
161 "Component Y'CbCr 8-bit 4:4:4"
162 "Component Y'CbCrA 8-bit 4:4:4:4"
164 "Compressor: 16 bit PCM"
165 "Compressor: Consumer DV"
168 "Configure audio compression"
169 "Configure video compression"
170 "Consolidate output files on completion"
173 "Conversion from %s to %s is not available"
176 "Copy default keyframe"
180 "Couldn't open %s for writing."
183 "Create new file at each label"
189 "Crop a layer or output"
191 "curve zoom (autofit Alt f)"
196 "Cut and paste editing mode"
197 "cut default keyframe"
198 "Cut default keyframe"
208 "Decode frames asynchronously"
216 "Delete all indexes in %s?"
217 "Delete asset from disk"
218 "Delete asset from project"
221 "Delete existing indexes"
228 "Delete this file and %s?"
250 "'DISPLAY' environment variable not set.\n"
256 "Don't send to output"
257 "Drag all following edits"
258 "Drag and drop editing mode"
264 "Drop input frames when behind."
265 "drop overrun frames"
266 "-d = Run in the background as renderfarm client. The port (400) is optional.\n"
280 "DVD Subtitle to display:"
285 "Edit information on asset"
295 "EDL %s not found.\n"
296 "enable/disable file fork"
298 "Enable subtitles/captioning"
299 "encode: lame_init_params returned %d\n"
300 "Enter a filename to save as"
301 "Enter a new name for the file:"
302 "Enter the name of the folder:"
304 "Error rendering data."
314 "Failed to start render farm"
316 "Fast forward ( Enter )"
317 "Fast Forward ( Enter )"
324 "Feather by how many frames:"
325 "Feather by how many samples:"
332 "filenames = files to load\n\n\n"
333 "FileOGG::open_file rdwr"
334 "Filesystem prefix on remote nodes:"
335 "FileVorbis::open_file %s: invalid bitstream.\n"
336 "fill underrun frames"
338 "Fit autos to display ( Alt + f )"
339 "Fit selection to display ( f )"
348 "Follow audio config"
349 "Follow video config"
350 "Force single processor use"
354 "Frame forward ( 1 )"
358 "Framerate achieved:"
359 "Frame rate for recording:"
360 "Frame reverse ( 4 )"
364 "Frames per background rendering job:"
366 "Frames to buffer in device:"
367 "Frames to preroll background:"
368 "Frames to record to disk at a time:"
370 "-f = Run in the foreground as renderfarm client. Substitute for -d.\n"
375 "Generate keyframes while tweeking"
398 "Hours:Minutes:Seconds"
399 "Hours:Minutes:Seconds:Frames"
400 "Hours:Minutes:Seconds.xxx"
410 "IMA4 compression is only available in Quicktime movies."
411 "IndexFile::draw_index: index has 0 zoom\n"
413 "Index files go here:"
415 "IndexState::write_index Couldn't write index file %s to disk.\n"
423 "Insert before beginning of track"
425 "Insertion strategy:"
430 "Interpolate CR2 images"
431 "Interrupt recording in progress?"
436 "Jump to end ( End )"
439 "Keyframe force frequency:"
440 "Keyframe frequency:"
442 "Keyframe parameters:"
444 "Keyframes follow edits"
461 "Look for global plugins here"
462 "Look for personal plugins here"
465 "Made with Cinelerra for Linux"
470 "Make the highlighted\nclip active."
475 "Mary Egbert\nhad a little lamb."
496 "Messages::write_message"
540 "MWindow::init_plugins: couldn't open %s directory\n"
541 "MWindow::init_theme: theme %s not found.\n"
549 "New projector size:"
550 "Next edit ( alt -> )"
552 "Next label ( ctrl -> )"
554 "-n = Nice value if running as renderfarm client. (20)\n"
556 "No default transition %s found."
559 "No effect selected."
561 "No options for MPEG transport stream."
562 "No output file specified."
563 "No plugins available."
564 "No processing defined for this plugin.\n"
565 "No recordable tracks specified."
568 "Normal forward ( 3 )"
569 "Normal reverse ( 6 )"
570 "No selected range to process."
571 "No space left on disk."
581 "Number of audio channels to record:"
582 "Number of index files to keep:"
593 "Output for background rendering:"
597 "(overridden if new file at each label is checked)"
600 "Overwrite project with output"
610 "Parameters for the new project:"
613 "Paste asset on recordable tracks"
615 "paste default keyframe"
616 "Paste default keyframe"
625 "Permanently remove from disk?"
626 "Personal Plugin Path"
634 "Playback buffer samples:"
652 "poweroff system when batch record done."
655 "Preload buffer for Quicktime:"
656 "Presentation Timestamps"
660 "Press Alt to translate the mask"
661 "Press Alt to translate the ruler."
662 "Press Ctrl to lock ruler to the\nnearest 45%c angle."
663 "Press Ctrl to move a point"
664 "Press Shift to edit bezier curve"
666 "Previous edit (alt <- )"
668 "Previous label ( ctrl <- )"
673 "Projector position:"
677 "Protect video from changes"
680 "Quantization Quality (%):"
682 "Quicktime for Linux"
684 "Quit and paste into project."
685 "Quit without pasting into project."
688 "-r = batch render the contents of the batch file (%s%s) with no GUI. batch file is optional.\n"
692 "Really delete the following files?"
696 "recieve message failed\n"
701 "Record in realtime priority (root only)"
703 "RecordTransport single frame"
708 "Redraw all indexes for the current project?"
714 "Remove from project"
721 "Render audio tracks"
724 "RenderFarmClient::main_loop: accept"
725 "RenderFarmClient::main_loop: bind path %s: %s\n"
726 "RenderFarmClient::main_loop: bind port %d: %s"
727 "RenderFarmClient::main_loop: listen"
728 "RenderFarmClient::main_loop: socket"
729 "RenderFarmClientThread::read_package no output path recieved.\n"
730 "RenderFarmClientThread::run: Session finished.\n"
731 "RenderFarmServerThread::open_client: %s: %s\n"
732 "RenderFarmServerThread::open_client: unknown host %s.\n"
733 "RenderFarmServerThread::run: unknown request %02x\n"
734 "RenderFarmServerThread::start_loop: socket"
735 "RenderFarmServerThread::start_loop: socket\n"
739 "Render video tracks"
750 "ResourcePixmap::draw_audio_source: failed to check out %s for drawing.\n"
752 "Rewind batch and overwrite?"
754 "Rewind the current file and erase."
768 "Sample rate for recording:"
770 "Samples read from device:"
771 "Samples to write to disk:"
780 "Save edit list before exiting?"
782 "Save the recording and quit."
786 "Scaling equation: Enlarge / Reduce "
788 "Scan for commercials during toc build"
793 "Seconds to preroll renders:"
794 "Seek to end of recording"
798 "Select a file for this asset:"
799 "Select a file to record to:"
800 "Select a file to render to:"
801 "Select a file to write to:"
803 "Select an EDL to load:"
805 "Select a region to crop in the video output window"
807 "Select files to load:"
808 "Select the directory for index files"
809 "Select the directory for plugins"
810 "Select the first file to render to:"
811 "Select transition from list"
813 "send message failed\n"
814 "Sequence start codes in every GOP"
817 "Set background render"
821 "Set parameters for channel scanning."
822 "Set parameters for this audio format:"
823 "Set parameters for this video format:"
824 "Set presentation up to current position"
827 "Set up effect panel and hit \"OK\""
828 "%s [-f] [-c configuration] [-d port] [-n nice] [-r batch file] [filenames]\n\n"
829 "'s format couldn't be determined."
833 "Shift-click on a curve keyframe to snap it to the neighboring values."
843 "Show tip of the day."
844 "Show tip of the day"
855 "Size of captured frame:"
856 "Size of index file:"
872 "Start batch recording\nfrom the current position."
874 "Starting render farm"
877 "Start recording\nfrom current position"
884 "Stop playback locks up."
886 "Submit the directory"
893 "SVCD Still sequence"
895 "Sync drives automatically"
899 "The following errors occurred:"
900 "The following files exist. Overwrite them?"
901 "The format you selected doesn't support audio."
902 "The format you selected doesn't support video."
904 "Theme::get_image: %s not found.\n"
905 "There are no audio options for this format"
906 "There are no video options for this format"
907 "This format doesn't support audio."
908 "This format doesn't support video."
919 "Toggle label at current position ( l )"
921 "Total jobs to create:"
928 "Transition Length..."
950 "Use background rendering"
959 "Use software for positioning information"
960 "Use the +/- keys in the Compositor window to zoom in and out.\n"
961 "Use thumbnails in resource window"
962 "Use virtual filesystem"
968 "Values are unsigned"
971 "VDeviceLML::read_buffer: driver crash\n"
972 "VDeviceLML::read_buffer: reopened\n"
979 "Video is not supported in this format."
984 "View follows playback"
989 "Welcome to Cinelerra."
991 "White balance CR2 images"
997 "Write extra frames when behind."