#include "arraylist.h" #include "asset.h" #include "clip.h" #include "commercials.h" #include "cache.h" #include "edit.h" #include "edits.h" #include "edl.h" #include "edlsession.h" #include "file.h" #include "filexml.h" #include "indexable.h" #include "indexfile.h" #include "linklist.h" #include "mainmenu.h" #include "mediadb.h" #include "mwindow.h" #include "mwindowgui.h" #include "pluginset.h" #include "preferences.h" #include "record.h" #include "track.h" #include "tracks.h" #include "vframe.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include Commercials:: Commercials(MWindow *mwindow) : Garbage("Commercials") { this->mwindow = mwindow; this->scan_status = 0; mdb = new MediaDb(); scan_file = 0; cancelled = 0; muted = 0; openDb(); detachDb(); } Commercials:: ~Commercials() { closeDb(); delete mdb; tracks.remove_all_objects(); } int Commercials:: newDb() { return mdb->newDb(); } void Commercials:: closeDb() { tracks.remove_all_objects(); mdb->closeDb(); } int Commercials:: openDb() { if( !mwindow->has_commercials() ) return -1; if( !mdb->is_open() && mdb->openDb() ) { printf("Commercials::openDb failed\n"); return -1; } return 0; } int Commercials:: resetDb() { mdb->closeDb(); if( !mwindow->has_commercials() ) return -1; return mdb->resetDb(); } void Commercials:: commitDb() { mdb->commitDb(); } void Commercials:: undoDb() { mdb->undoDb(); } int Commercials:: attachDb(int rw) { return mdb->attachDb(rw); } int Commercials:: detachDb() { return mdb->detachDb(); } int Commercials:: put_weight(VFrame *frame, int no) { int w = frame->get_w(), h = frame->get_h(), rsz = w; uint8_t *tp = frame->get_y(); int64_t wt = 0; for( int y=h; --y>=0; tp+=rsz ) { uint8_t *bp = tp; for( int x=w; --x>=0; ++bp ) wt += *bp; } clip_weights[no] = (double)wt / (w*h); return 0; } int Commercials:: put_frame(VFrame *frame, int no, int group, double offset) { int iw = frame->get_w(), ih = frame->get_h(); int sw = SWIDTH, sh = SHEIGHT; int slen = sw*sh; uint8_t skey[slen]; Scale(frame->get_y(),0,iw,ih,0,0,iw,ih).scale(skey,sw,sh,0,0,sw,sh); int ret = mdb->new_frame(clip_id, skey, no, group, offset); if( ret < 0 ) ret = 0; // ignore forbidden frames return ret; } int Commercials:: put_clip(File *file, int track, double position, double length) { if( file->asset->format != FILE_MPEG ) return -1; double framerate; int pid, width, height; char title[BCTEXTLEN]; if( file->get_video_info(track, pid, framerate, width, height, title) ) return -1; if( file->set_layer(track) ) return -1; int64_t pos = position * framerate; if( file->set_video_position(pos, 0) ) return 1; time_t ct; time(&ct); int64_t creation_time = (int64_t)ct, system_time; if( file->get_system_time(system_time) ) system_time = 0; int frames = length * framerate; int prefix_size = 2*framerate, length2 = frames/2; if( prefix_size > length2 ) prefix_size = length2; int suffix_size = prefix_size; if( mdb->new_clip_set(title, file->asset->path, position, framerate, frames, prefix_size, suffix_size, creation_time, system_time) ) return 1; clip_id = mdb->clip_id(); cancelled = 0; scan_status = new ScanStatus(this, 30, 30, 1, 1, cancelled, "Cutting Ads"); scan_status->update_length(0, frames); scan_status->update_position(0, 0); update_cut_info(track+1, position); clip_weights = mdb->clip_weights(); frame_period = 1. / framerate; VFrame frame(width, height, BC_YUV420P); int i = 0, n = 0, result = 0; // first 2 secs of frame data and weights while( i < prefix_size && !result ) { if( (result=file->read_frame(&frame)) != 0 ) break; if( (result=put_frame(&frame, n++, 1, i/framerate)) != 0 ) break; if( (result=put_weight(&frame, i)) != 0 ) break; result = scan_status->update_position(0, ++i); } int suffix_start = frames - suffix_size; while( i < suffix_start && !result ) { if( (result=file->read_frame(&frame)) != 0 ) break; if( (result=put_weight(&frame, i)) != 0 ) break; result = scan_status->update_position(0, ++i); ++n; } // last 2 secs of frame data and weights while( i < frames && !result ) { if( (result=file->read_frame(&frame)) != 0 ) break; if( (result=put_frame(&frame, n++, 2, i/framerate)) != 0 ) break; if( (result=put_weight(&frame, i)) != 0 ) break; result = scan_status->update_position(0, ++i); } double wt = 0; for( i=0; iclip_average_weight(wt/frames); delete scan_status; scan_status = 0; return result; } Clips *Commercials:: find_clips(int pid) { Clips *clips = 0; int trk = tracks.size(); while( --trk >= 0 && (clips=tracks.get(trk))->pid != pid ); return trk >= 0 ? clips : 0; } int Commercials:: get_frame(File *file, int pid, double position, uint8_t *tp, int mw, int mh, int ww, int hh) { if( file->asset->format != FILE_MPEG ) return -1; int sw = SWIDTH, sh = SHEIGHT; int slen= sw*sh; uint8_t skey[slen]; Scale(tp,0,mw,mh,0,0,ww/8,hh/8).scale(skey,sw,sh,0,0,sw,sh); Clips *clips = find_clips(pid); if( !clips ) tracks.append(clips = new Clips(pid)); int fid, result = mdb->get_frame_key(skey, fid, clips, position); return result; } double Commercials:: frame_weight(uint8_t *tdat, int rowsz, int width, int height) { int64_t weight = 0; for( int y=height; --y>=0; tdat+=rowsz ) { uint8_t *bp = tdat; for( int x=width; --x>=0; ++bp ) weight += *bp; } return (double)weight / (width*height); } int Commercials:: skim_frame(Snips *snips, uint8_t *dat, double position) { int fid, result = mdb->get_frame_key(dat, fid, snips, position, 1); double weight = frame_weight(dat, SWIDTH, SWIDTH, SHEIGHT); for( Clip *next=0,*clip=snips->first; clip; clip=next ) { next = clip->next; result = verify_snip((Snip*)clip, weight, position); if( !result ) { if( clip->votes > 2 ) mute_audio(clip); } else if( result < 0 || --clip->votes < 0 ) { --snips->count; delete clip; if( !snips->first ) unmute_audio(); } } return 0; } double Commercials:: abs_err(Snip *snip, double *ap, int j, int len, double iframerate) { double vv = 0; int i, k, sz = snip->weights.size(), n = 0; for( i=0; ipositions[i] - snip->start) * iframerate + 0.5; if( k < 0 ) continue; if( k >= len ) break; double a = ap[k], b = snip->weights[i]; double dv = fabs(a - b); vv += dv; ++n; } return !n ? MEDIA_WEIGHT_ERRLMT : vv / n; } int Commercials:: verify_snip(Snip *snip, double weight, double position) { int cid = snip->clip_id; if( mdb->clip_id(cid) ) return -1; double iframerate = mdb->clip_framerate(); int iframes = mdb->clip_frames(); double pos = position - snip->start; int iframe_no = pos * iframerate + 0.5; if( iframe_no >= iframes ) return -1; snip->weights.append(weight); snip->positions.append(position); double *iweights = mdb->clip_weights(); double errlmt = MEDIA_WEIGHT_ERRLMT; double err = errlmt, kerr = err; int k = 0; int tmargin = TRANSITION_MARGIN * iframerate + 0.5; for( int j=-2*tmargin; j<=tmargin; ++j ) { err = abs_err(snip, iweights, j, iframes, iframerate); if( err < kerr ) { kerr = err; k = j; } } if( kerr >= errlmt ) return 1; if( iframe_no + k >= iframes ) return -1; return 0; } int Commercials:: mute_audio(Clip *clip) { Record *record = mwindow->gui->record; if( !clip->muted ) { clip->muted = 1; mdb->access_clip(clip->clip_id); mdb->commitDb(); char clip_title[BCSTRLEN]; sprintf(clip_title,"%d",clip_id); record->display_video_text(10, 10, clip_title, BIGFONT, DKGREEN, LTYELLOW, -1, 300., 1.); } if( !muted ) { muted = 1; record->set_mute_gain(0); printf("***MUTE***\n"); } return 0; } int Commercials:: unmute_audio() { Record *record = mwindow->gui->record; if( muted ) { muted = 0; record->set_mute_gain(1); printf("***UNMUTE***\n"); } record->undisplay_vframe(); return 0; } int Commercials::skim_weight(int track) { if( cancelled ) return 1; int64_t framenum; uint8_t *tdat; int mw, mh; if( scan_file->get_thumbnail(track, framenum, tdat, mw, mh) ) return 1; double framerate; int pid, width, height; if( scan_file->get_video_info(track, pid, framerate, width, height, 0) ) return 1; if( !framerate ) return 1; width /= 8; height /= 8; //write_pbm(tdat,width,height,"/tmp/dat/r%05ld.pbm",framenum); if( height > mh ) height = mh; if( !width || !height ) return 1; weights.append(frame_weight(tdat, mw, width, height)); int64_t frame_no = framenum - frame_start; offsets.append(frame_no / framerate); if( scan_status->update_position(1,frame_no) ) return 1; // return < 0, continue. = 0, complete. > 0 error return frame_no < frame_total ? -1 : 0; } int Commercials::skim_weight(void *vp, int track) { return ((Commercials *)vp)->skim_weight(track); } int Commercials:: skim_weights(int track, double position, double iframerate, int iframes) { double framerate; int pid, width, height; char title[BCTEXTLEN]; if( scan_file->get_video_info(track, pid, framerate, width, height, title) ) return 1; if( scan_file->set_layer(track) ) return 1; frame_start = framerate * position; if( scan_file->set_video_position(frame_start, 0) ) return 1; // skimming limits double length = iframes / iframerate; frame_total = length * framerate; scan_status->update_length(1,frame_total); scan_status->update_position(1, 0); weights.remove_all(); offsets.remove_all(); return scan_file->skim_video(track, this, skim_weight); } double Commercials:: abs_err(double *ap, int len, double iframerate) { double vv = 0; int i, k, sz = weights.size(), n = 0; for( i=0; i= len ) break; double a = ap[k], b = weights[i]; double dv = fabs(a - b); vv += dv; ++n; } return !n ? MEDIA_WEIGHT_ERRLMT : vv / n; } int Commercials:: verify_clip(int clip_id, int track, double position, double &pos) { if( mdb->clip_id(clip_id) ) return 1; double iframerate = mdb->clip_framerate(); if( iframerate <= 0. ) return 1; int iframes = mdb->clip_frames(); int tmargin = TRANSITION_MARGIN * iframerate; int mframes = iframes - 2*tmargin; if( mframes <= 0 ) return 1; double tposition = position + TRANSITION_MARGIN; if( skim_weights(track, tposition, iframerate, mframes) ) return 1; double *iweights = mdb->clip_weights(); double err = abs_err(iweights, mframes, iframerate); int k = 0; double kerr = err; int n = 2*tmargin; for( int j=1; j= MEDIA_WEIGHT_ERRLMT ) return -1; pos = position + (k - tmargin) / iframerate; return 0; } int Commercials:: write_ads(const char *filename) { char index_filename[BCTEXTLEN], source_filename[BCTEXTLEN]; IndexFile::get_index_filename(source_filename, mwindow->preferences->index_directory, index_filename, filename, ".ads"); FILE *fp = fopen(index_filename, "wb"); if( fp != 0 ) { FileXML xml; xml.tag.set_title("ADS"); xml.append_tag(); xml.append_newline(); int trks = tracks.size(); for( int trk=0; trksave(xml); xml.tag.set_title("/ADS"); xml.append_tag(); xml.append_newline(); xml.terminate_string(); xml.write_to_file(fp); fclose(fp); } return 0; } int Commercials:: read_ads(const char *filename) { char index_filename[BCTEXTLEN], source_filename[BCTEXTLEN]; IndexFile::get_index_filename(source_filename, mwindow->preferences->index_directory, index_filename, filename, ".ads"); tracks.remove_all_objects(); FileXML xml; if( xml.read_from_file(index_filename, 1) ) return 1; do { if( xml.read_tag() ) return 1; } while( !xml.tag.title_is("ADS") ); for(;;) { if( xml.read_tag() ) return 1; if( xml.tag.title_is("/ADS") ) break; if( xml.tag.title_is("CLIPS") ) { int pid = xml.tag.get_property("PID", (int)0); Clips *clips = new Clips(pid); tracks.append(clips); if( clips->load(xml) ) return 1; if( !xml.tag.title_is("/CLIPS") ) break; } } return 0; } void Commercials:: dump_ads() { for( int i=0; ifirst; clip; clip=clip->next ) printf(" clip_id %d: votes %d, index %d, groups %d, start %f, end %f\n", clip->clip_id, clip->votes, clip->index, clip->groups, clip->start, clip->end); } } int Commercials:: verify_edit(Track *track, Edit *edit, double start, double end) { int64_t clip_start = track->to_units(start,0); int64_t clip_end = track->to_units(end,0); int64_t edit_start = edit->startsource; if( edit_start >= clip_end ) return 1; int64_t edit_end = edit_start + edit->length; if( edit_end <= clip_start ) return 1; return 0; } Edit *Commercials:: cut_edit(Track *track, Edit *edit, int64_t clip_start, int64_t clip_end) { int64_t edit_start = edit->startsource; int64_t edit_end = edit_start + edit->length; int64_t cut_start = clip_start < edit_start ? edit_start : clip_start; int64_t cut_end = clip_end >= edit_end ? edit_end : clip_end; int64_t edit_offset = edit->startproject - edit->startsource; // shift from source timeline to project timeline cut_start += edit_offset; cut_end += edit_offset; // cut autos and plugins track->automation->clear(cut_start, cut_end, 0, 1); if( mwindow->edl->session->plugins_follow_edits ) { int sz = track->plugin_set.size(); for( int i=0; iplugin_set.values[i]; plugin_set->clear(cut_start, cut_end, 0); } } // cut edit Edit *next_edit = track->edits->split_edit(edit, cut_start); int64_t cut_length = cut_end - cut_start; next_edit->length -= cut_length; next_edit->startsource += cut_length; for( Edit *ep=next_edit->next; ep; ep=ep->next ) ep->startproject -= cut_length; return next_edit; } int Commercials:: scan_audio(int vstream, double start, double end) { int64_t channel_mask = 0; int astrm = scan_file->get_audio_for_video(vstream, -1, channel_mask); if( astrm < 0 || !channel_mask ) return -1; Tracks *tracks = mwindow->edl->tracks; for(Track *atrk=tracks->first; !cancelled && atrk; atrk=atrk->next) { if( atrk->data_type != TRACK_AUDIO ) continue; if( !atrk->record ) continue; Edits *edits = atrk->edits; Edit *next = 0; for( Edit *edit=edits->first; !cancelled && edit; edit=next ) { next = edit->next; if( ((channel_mask>>edit->channel) & 1) == 0 ) continue; Indexable *indexable = edit->get_source(); if( !indexable || !indexable->is_asset ) continue; Asset *asset = (Asset *)indexable; if( !scan_file->asset->equivalent(*asset,0,0) ) continue; if( verify_edit(atrk, edit, start, end) ) continue; next = cut_edit(atrk, edit, atrk->to_units(start,0), atrk->to_units(end,0)); } edits->optimize(); } return 0; } int Commercials:: scan_media() { cancelled = 0; scan_status = new ScanStatus(this, 30, 30, 2, 2, cancelled, "Cutting Ads"); if( !openDb() ) { scan_video(); commitDb(); closeDb(); } delete scan_status; scan_status = 0; return 0; } int Commercials:: scan_video() { Tracks *tracks = mwindow->edl->tracks; for( Track *vtrk=tracks->first; !cancelled && vtrk; vtrk=vtrk->next) { if( vtrk->data_type != TRACK_VIDEO ) continue; if( !vtrk->record ) continue; Edits *edits = vtrk->edits; Edit *next = 0; for( Edit *edit=edits->first; !cancelled && edit; edit=next ) { next = edit->next; Indexable *indexable = edit->get_source(); if( !indexable || !indexable->is_asset ) continue; Asset *asset = (Asset *)indexable; if( update_caption(edit->channel+1, edits->number_of(edit), asset->path) ) break; if( read_ads(asset->path) ) continue; if( scan_asset(asset, vtrk, edit) ) continue; next = edits->first; } edits->optimize(); } return 0; } int Commercials:: scan_asset(Asset *asset, Track *vtrk, Edit *edit) { int result = 1; scan_file = mwindow->video_cache->check_out(asset, mwindow->edl); if( scan_file && scan_file->asset->format == FILE_MPEG ) { result = scan_clips(vtrk, edit); mwindow->video_cache->check_in(asset); scan_file = 0; } return result; } int Commercials:: scan_clips(Track *vtrk, Edit *edit) { int pid = scan_file->get_video_pid(edit->channel); if( pid < 0 ) return 1; Clips *clips = find_clips(pid); if( !clips ) return 1; double last_end = -CLIP_MARGIN; scan_status->update_length(0, clips->total()); scan_status->update_position(0, 0); for( Clip *clip=clips->first; !cancelled && clip; clip=clip->next ) { if( verify_edit(vtrk, edit, clip->start, clip->end) ) continue; if( update_status(clips->number_of(clip), clip->start, clip->end) ) break; scan_status->update_position(0, clips->number_of(clip)); double start = clip->start; if( verify_clip(clip->clip_id, edit->channel, clip->start, start) ) continue; double length = clip->end - clip->start; if( start < 0 ) { if( (length+=start) <= 0 ) continue; start = 0; } double end = start + length; printf("cut clip %d in edit @%f %f-%f, clip @%f-%f\n", clip->clip_id, vtrk->from_units(edit->startsource), vtrk->from_units(edit->startproject), vtrk->from_units(edit->startproject+edit->length),start,end); if( last_end+CLIP_MARGIN > start ) start = last_end; edit = cut_edit(vtrk, edit, vtrk->to_units(start,0), vtrk->to_units(end,0)); scan_audio(edit->channel, start, end); mdb->access_clip(clip->clip_id); last_end = end; } return 1; } int Commercials:: update_cut_info(int trk, double position) { if( cancelled ) return 1; char string[BCTEXTLEN]; EDLSession *session = mwindow->edl->session; Units::totext(string, position, session->time_format, session->sample_rate, session->frame_rate, session->frames_per_foot); char text[BCTEXTLEN]; sprintf(text,"ad: trk %d@%s ",trk,string); scan_status->update_text(0, text); return 0; } int Commercials:: update_caption(int trk, int edt, const char *path) { if( cancelled ) return 1; char text[BCTEXTLEN]; snprintf(text,sizeof(text),"trk%d edt%d asset %s", trk, edt, path); scan_status->update_text(0, text); return 0; } int Commercials:: update_status(int clip, double start, double end) { if( cancelled ) return 1; char text[BCTEXTLEN]; snprintf(text,sizeof(text),"scan: clip%d %f-%f", clip, start, end); scan_status->update_text(1, text); return 0; } ScanStatusGUI:: ScanStatusGUI(ScanStatus *sswindow, int x, int y, int nlines, int nbars) : BC_Window("Scanning", x, y, 340, 40 + BC_CancelButton::calculate_h() + (BC_Title::calculate_h((BC_WindowBase*) sswindow-> commercials->mwindow->gui, "My") + 5) * nlines + (BC_ProgressBar::calculate_h() + 5) * nbars, 0, 0, 0) { this->sswindow = sswindow; this->nlines = nlines; this->nbars = nbars; this->texts = new BC_Title *[nlines]; this->bars = new ScanStatusBar *[nbars]; } ScanStatusGUI:: ~ScanStatusGUI() { delete [] texts; delete [] bars; } int ScanStatusGUI:: create_objects(const char *text) { lock_window("ScanStatusGUI::create_objects"); int x = 10, y = 10; int dy = BC_Title::calculate_h((BC_WindowBase*) sswindow-> commercials->mwindow->gui, "My") + 5; for( int i=0; icommercials = commercials; gui = new ScanStatusGUI(this, x, y, nlines, nbars); gui->create_objects(text); start(); gui->init_wait(); }; ScanStatus:: ~ScanStatus() { stop(); delete gui; } int ScanStatus:: update_length(int i, int64_t length) { if( status ) return 1; gui->bars[i]->update_length(length); return 0; } int ScanStatus:: update_position(int i, int64_t position) { if( status ) return 1; gui->bars[i]->update(position); return 0; } int ScanStatus:: update_text(int i, const char *text) { if( status ) return 1; gui->texts[i]->update(text); return 0; } void ScanStatus:: stop() { status = 1; if( running() ) { if( gui ) gui->set_done(1); cancel(); join(); } } void ScanStatus:: run() { gui->create_objects("Cutting Ads"); int result = gui->run_window(); if( result ) status = 1; } void SdbPacketQueue:: put_packet(SdbPacket *p) { mLock holds(this); append(p); } SdbPacket *SdbPacketQueue:: get_packet() { mLock holds(this); SdbPacket *p = first; remove_pointer(p); return p; } SkimDbThread:: SkimDbThread() : Thread(1, 0, 0) { input_lock = new Condition(0, "SkimDbThread::input_lock"); for( int i=32; --i>=0; ) skim_frames.append(new SdbSkimFrame(this)); snips = new Snips(); commercials = 0; done = 1; } SkimDbThread:: ~SkimDbThread() { stop(); delete snips; delete input_lock; } void SkimDbThread:: start(Commercials *commercials) { commercials->add_user(); this->commercials = commercials; if( commercials->openDb() ) return; if( commercials->detachDb() ) return; done = 0; Thread::start(); } void SkimDbThread:: stop() { if( running() ) { done = 1; input_lock->unlock(); cancel(); join(); } if( commercials && !commercials->remove_user() ) commercials = 0; } int SkimDbThread:: skim(int pid,int64_t framenum,double framerate, uint8_t *idata,int mw,int mh,int iw,int ih) { SdbSkimFrame *sf = (SdbSkimFrame *)skim_frames.get_packet(); if( !sf ) { printf("SkimDbThread::skim no packet\n"); return 1; } sf->load(pid,framenum,framerate, idata,mw,mh,iw,ih); sf->start(); return 0; } void SdbPacket::start() { thread->put_packet(this); } void SkimDbThread:: put_packet(SdbPacket *p) { active_packets.put_packet(p); input_lock->unlock(); } void SkimDbThread:: run() { while( !done ) { input_lock->lock("SkimDbThread::run"); if( done ) break; SdbPacket *p = active_packets.get_packet(); if( !p ) continue; commercials->attachDb(); p->run(); commercials->detachDb(); } } void SdbSkimFrame:: load(int pid,int64_t framenum,double framerate, uint8_t *idata,int mw,int mh,int iw,int ih) { int sw=SWIDTH, sh=SHEIGHT; this->pid = pid; this->framenum = framenum; this->framerate = framerate; Scale(idata,0,mw,mh,0,0,iw/8,ih/8).scale(dat,sw,sh,0,0,sw,sh); } void SdbSkimFrame:: run() { double position = framenum / framerate; thread->commercials->skim_frame(thread->snips, dat, position); thread->skim_frames.put_packet(this); } void run_that_puppy(const char *fn) { FILE *fp = fopen(fn,"r"); double position, length; if( !fp ) { perror("fopen"); return; } MWindow::commercials->resetDb(); MWindow *mwindow = MWindow::commercials->mwindow; File *file = mwindow->video_cache->first->file; int result = 0; while( !result && fscanf(fp,"%lf %lf\n",&position, &length) == 2 ) { int result = MWindow::commercials->put_clip(file, 0, position, length); printf("cut %f/%f = %d\n",position,length, result); } MWindow::commercials->commitDb(); MWindow::commercials->closeDb(); fclose(fp); }