#include "asset.h" #include "dvdcreate.h" #include "edl.h" #include "edit.h" #include "edits.h" #include "edlsession.h" #include "filexml.h" #include "format.inc" #include "keyframe.h" #include "labels.h" #include "mainerror.h" #include "mainundo.h" #include "mwindow.h" #include "mwindowgui.h" #include "plugin.h" #include "pluginset.h" #include "track.h" #include "tracks.h" #include #include #include #include #include // DVD Creation const int64_t CreateDVD_Thread::DVD_SIZE = 4700000000; const int CreateDVD_Thread::DVD_STREAMS = 1; const int CreateDVD_Thread::DVD_WIDTH = 720; const int CreateDVD_Thread::DVD_HEIGHT = 480; const double CreateDVD_Thread::DVD_ASPECT_WIDTH = 4.; const double CreateDVD_Thread::DVD_ASPECT_HEIGHT = 3.; const double CreateDVD_Thread::DVD_WIDE_ASPECT_WIDTH = 16.; const double CreateDVD_Thread::DVD_WIDE_ASPECT_HEIGHT = 9.; const double CreateDVD_Thread::DVD_FRAMERATE = 30000. / 1001.; const int CreateDVD_Thread::DVD_MAX_BITRATE = 8000000; const int CreateDVD_Thread::DVD_CHANNELS = 2; const int CreateDVD_Thread::DVD_WIDE_CHANNELS = 6; const double CreateDVD_Thread::DVD_SAMPLERATE = 48000; const double CreateDVD_Thread::DVD_KAUDIO_RATE = 224; CreateDVD_MenuItem::CreateDVD_MenuItem(MWindow *mwindow) : BC_MenuItem(_("DVD Render..."), _("Shift-D"), 'D') { set_shift(1); this->mwindow = mwindow; } int CreateDVD_MenuItem::handle_event() { mwindow->create_dvd->start(); return 1; } CreateDVD_Thread::CreateDVD_Thread(MWindow *mwindow) : BC_DialogThread() { this->mwindow = mwindow; this->gui = 0; this->use_deinterlace = 0; this->use_inverse_telecine = 0; this->use_scale = 0; this->use_resize_tracks = 0; this->use_histogram = 0; this->use_wide_audio = 0; this->use_wide_aspect = 0; this->use_label_chapters = 0; this->use_ffmpeg = 0; } CreateDVD_Thread::~CreateDVD_Thread() { close_window(); } int CreateDVD_Thread::create_dvd_jobs(ArrayList *jobs, const char *tmp_path, const char *asset_title) { EDL *edl = mwindow->edl; if( !edl || !edl->session ) { char msg[BCTEXTLEN]; sprintf(msg, _("No EDL/Session")); MainError::show_error(msg); return 1; } EDLSession *session = edl->session; double total_length = edl->tracks->total_length(); if( total_length <= 0 ) { char msg[BCTEXTLEN]; sprintf(msg, _("No content: %s"), asset_title); MainError::show_error(msg); return 1; } char asset_dir[BCTEXTLEN]; sprintf(asset_dir, "%s/%s", tmp_path, asset_title); if( mkdir(asset_dir, 0777) ) { char err[BCTEXTLEN], msg[BCTEXTLEN]; strerror_r(errno, err, sizeof(err)); sprintf(msg, _("Unable to create directory: %s\n-- %s"), asset_dir, err); MainError::show_error(msg); return 1; } double old_samplerate = session->sample_rate; double old_framerate = session->frame_rate; session->video_channels = DVD_STREAMS; session->video_tracks = DVD_STREAMS; session->frame_rate = DVD_FRAMERATE; session->output_w = DVD_WIDTH; session->output_h = DVD_HEIGHT; session->aspect_w = use_wide_aspect ? DVD_WIDE_ASPECT_WIDTH : DVD_ASPECT_WIDTH; session->aspect_h = use_wide_aspect ? DVD_WIDE_ASPECT_HEIGHT : DVD_ASPECT_HEIGHT; session->sample_rate = DVD_SAMPLERATE; session->audio_channels = session->audio_tracks = use_wide_audio ? DVD_WIDE_CHANNELS : DVD_CHANNELS; char script_filename[BCTEXTLEN]; sprintf(script_filename, "%s/dvd.sh", asset_dir); int fd = open(script_filename, O_WRONLY+O_CREAT+O_TRUNC, 0755); FILE *fp = fdopen(fd, "w"); if( !fp ) { char err[BCTEXTLEN], msg[BCTEXTLEN]; strerror_r(errno, err, sizeof(err)); sprintf(msg, _("Unable to save: %s\n-- %s"), script_filename, err); MainError::show_error(msg); return 1; } fprintf(fp,"#!/bin/bash\n"); fprintf(fp,"echo \"running %s\" $# $*\n", script_filename); fprintf(fp,"\n"); char exe_path[BCTEXTLEN]; get_exe_path(exe_path); fprintf(fp,"PATH=$PATH:%s\n",exe_path); if( !use_ffmpeg ) { fprintf(fp,"mplex -f 8 -o $1/dvd.mpg $1/dvd.m2v $1/dvd.ac3\n"); fprintf(fp,"\n"); } fprintf(fp,"rm -rf $1/iso\n"); fprintf(fp,"mkdir -p $1/iso\n"); fprintf(fp,"\n"); fprintf(fp,"dvdauthor -x - <\n"); fprintf(fp," \n"); fprintf(fp," jump title 1; \n"); fprintf(fp," \n"); fprintf(fp," \n"); fprintf(fp," \n"); fprintf(fp," \n"); fprintf(fp," \n"); fprintf(fp,"\n"); fprintf(fp,"eof\n"); fprintf(fp,"\n"); fprintf(fp,"echo To burn dvd, load blank media and run:\n"); fprintf(fp,"echo growisofs -dvd-compat -Z /dev/dvd -dvd-video $1/iso\n"); fprintf(fp,"\n"); fclose(fp); if( use_wide_audio ) { session->audio_channels = session->audio_tracks = DVD_WIDE_CHANNELS; session->achannel_positions[0] = 90; session->achannel_positions[1] = 150; session->achannel_positions[2] = 30; session->achannel_positions[3] = 210; session->achannel_positions[4] = 330; session->achannel_positions[5] = 270; if( edl->tracks->recordable_audio_tracks() == DVD_WIDE_CHANNELS ) mwindow->remap_audio(MWindow::AUDIO_1_TO_1); } else { session->audio_channels = session->audio_tracks = DVD_CHANNELS; session->achannel_positions[0] = 180; session->achannel_positions[1] = 0; if( edl->tracks->recordable_audio_tracks() == DVD_WIDE_CHANNELS ) mwindow->remap_audio(MWindow::AUDIO_5_1_TO_2); } double new_samplerate = session->sample_rate; double new_framerate = session->frame_rate; edl->rechannel(); edl->resample(old_samplerate, new_samplerate, TRACK_AUDIO); edl->resample(old_framerate, new_framerate, TRACK_VIDEO); int64_t aud_size = ((DVD_KAUDIO_RATE * total_length)/8 + 1000-1) * 1000; int64_t vid_size = DVD_SIZE*0.96 - aud_size; int64_t vid_bitrate = (vid_size * 8) / total_length; vid_bitrate /= 1000; vid_bitrate *= 1000; if( vid_bitrate > DVD_MAX_BITRATE ) vid_bitrate = DVD_MAX_BITRATE; char xml_filename[BCTEXTLEN]; sprintf(xml_filename, "%s/dvd.xml", asset_dir); FileXML xml_file; edl->save_xml(&xml_file, xml_filename, 0, 0); xml_file.terminate_string(); if( xml_file.write_to_file(xml_filename) ) { char msg[BCTEXTLEN]; sprintf(msg, _("Unable to save: %s"), xml_filename); MainError::show_error(msg); return 1; } BatchRenderJob *job = new BatchRenderJob(mwindow->preferences); jobs->append(job); strcpy(&job->edl_path[0], xml_filename); Asset *asset = job->asset; asset->layers = DVD_STREAMS; asset->frame_rate = session->frame_rate; asset->width = session->output_w; asset->height = session->output_h; asset->aspect_ratio = session->aspect_w / session->aspect_h; if( use_ffmpeg ) { char option_path[BCTEXTLEN]; sprintf(&asset->path[0],"%s/dvd.mpg", asset_dir); asset->format = FILE_FFMPEG; strcpy(asset->fformat, "dvd"); asset->audio_data = 1; strcpy(asset->acodec, "dvd.dvd"); FFMPEG::set_option_path(option_path, "audio/%s", asset->acodec); FFMPEG::load_options(option_path, asset->ff_audio_options, sizeof(asset->ff_audio_options)); asset->ff_audio_bitrate = DVD_KAUDIO_RATE * 1000; asset->video_data = 1; strcpy(asset->vcodec, "dvd.dvd"); FFMPEG::set_option_path(option_path, "video/%s", asset->vcodec); FFMPEG::load_options(option_path, asset->ff_video_options, sizeof(asset->ff_video_options)); asset->ff_video_bitrate = vid_bitrate; asset->ff_video_quality = 0; int len = strlen(asset->ff_video_options); char *cp = asset->ff_video_options + len; snprintf(cp, sizeof(asset->ff_video_options)-len-1, "aspect %.5f\n", asset->aspect_ratio); } else { sprintf(&asset->path[0],"%s/dvd.m2v", asset_dir); asset->video_data = 1; asset->format = FILE_VMPEG; asset->vmpeg_cmodel = BC_YUV420P; asset->vmpeg_fix_bitrate = 1; asset->vmpeg_bitrate = vid_bitrate; asset->vmpeg_quantization = 15; asset->vmpeg_iframe_distance = 15; asset->vmpeg_progressive = 0; asset->vmpeg_denoise = 0; asset->vmpeg_seq_codes = 0; asset->vmpeg_derivative = 2; asset->vmpeg_preset = 8; asset->vmpeg_field_order = 0; asset->vmpeg_pframe_distance = 0; job = new BatchRenderJob(mwindow->preferences); jobs->append(job); strcpy(&job->edl_path[0], xml_filename); asset = job->asset; sprintf(&asset->path[0],"%s/dvd.ac3", asset_dir); asset->audio_data = 1; asset->format = FILE_AC3; asset->channels = session->audio_channels; asset->sample_rate = session->sample_rate; asset->bits = 16; asset->byte_order = 0; asset->signed_ = 1; asset->header = 0; asset->dither = 0; asset->ac3_bitrate = DVD_KAUDIO_RATE; } job = new BatchRenderJob(mwindow->preferences); jobs->append(job); job->edl_path[0] = '@'; strcpy(&job->edl_path[1], script_filename); strcpy(&job->asset->path[0], asset_dir); return 0; } void CreateDVD_Thread::handle_close_event(int result) { if( result ) return; mwindow->batch_render->load_defaults(mwindow->defaults); mwindow->undo->update_undo_before(); KeyFrame keyframe; char data[BCTEXTLEN]; if( use_deinterlace ) { sprintf(data,""); keyframe.set_data(data); insert_video_plugin("Deinterlace", &keyframe); } if( use_inverse_telecine ) { sprintf(data,""); keyframe.set_data(data); insert_video_plugin("Inverse Telecine", &keyframe); } if( use_scale ) { sprintf(data,"", DVD_WIDTH, DVD_HEIGHT); keyframe.set_data(data); insert_video_plugin("Auto Scale", &keyframe); } if( use_resize_tracks ) resize_tracks(); if( use_histogram ) { #if 0 sprintf(data, "" "" "" ""); #else sprintf(data, ""); #endif keyframe.set_data(data); insert_video_plugin("Histogram", &keyframe); } create_dvd_jobs(&mwindow->batch_render->jobs, tmp_path, asset_title); mwindow->save_backup(); mwindow->undo->update_undo_after(_("create dvd"), LOAD_ALL); mwindow->resync_guis(); mwindow->batch_render->handle_close_event(0); mwindow->batch_render->start(); } BC_Window* CreateDVD_Thread::new_gui() { memset(tmp_path,0,sizeof(tmp_path)); strcpy(tmp_path,"/tmp"); memset(asset_title,0,sizeof(asset_title)); time_t dt; time(&dt); struct tm dtm; localtime_r(&dt, &dtm); sprintf(asset_title, "dvd_%02d%02d%02d-%02d%02d%02d", dtm.tm_year+1900, dtm.tm_mon+1, dtm.tm_mday, dtm.tm_hour, dtm.tm_min, dtm.tm_sec); use_deinterlace = 0; use_inverse_telecine = 0; use_scale = 0; use_resize_tracks = 0; use_histogram = 0; use_wide_audio = 0; use_wide_aspect = 0; use_label_chapters = 0; use_ffmpeg = 0; option_presets(); int scr_x = mwindow->gui->get_screen_x(0, -1); int scr_w = mwindow->gui->get_screen_w(0, -1); int scr_h = mwindow->gui->get_screen_h(0, -1); int w = 500, h = 250; int x = scr_x + scr_w/2 - w/2, y = scr_h/2 - h/2; gui = new CreateDVD_GUI(this, x, y, w, h); gui->create_objects(); return gui; } CreateDVD_OK::CreateDVD_OK(CreateDVD_GUI *gui, int x, int y) : BC_OKButton(x, y) { this->gui = gui; set_tooltip(_("end setup, start batch render")); } CreateDVD_OK::~CreateDVD_OK() { } int CreateDVD_OK::button_press_event() { if(get_buttonpress() == 1 && is_event_win() && cursor_inside()) { gui->set_done(0); return 1; } return 0; } int CreateDVD_OK::keypress_event() { return 0; } CreateDVD_Cancel::CreateDVD_Cancel(CreateDVD_GUI *gui, int x, int y) : BC_CancelButton(x, y) { this->gui = gui; } CreateDVD_Cancel::~CreateDVD_Cancel() { } int CreateDVD_Cancel::button_press_event() { if(get_buttonpress() == 1 && is_event_win() && cursor_inside()) { gui->set_done(1); return 1; } return 0; } CreateDVD_DiskSpace::CreateDVD_DiskSpace(CreateDVD_GUI *gui, int x, int y) : BC_Title(x, y, "", MEDIUMFONT, GREEN) { this->gui = gui; } CreateDVD_DiskSpace::~CreateDVD_DiskSpace() { } int64_t CreateDVD_DiskSpace::tmp_path_space() { const char *path = gui->tmp_path->get_text(); if( access(path,R_OK+W_OK) ) return 0; struct statfs sfs; if( statfs(path, &sfs) ) return 0; return (int64_t)sfs.f_bsize * sfs.f_bfree; } void CreateDVD_DiskSpace::update() { // gui->disk_space->set_color(get_bg_color()); int64_t disk_space = tmp_path_space(); int color = disk_spaceneeded_disk_space ? RED : GREEN; static const char *suffix[] = { "", "KB", "MB", "GB", "TB", "PB" }; int i = 0; for( int64_t space=disk_space; i<5 && (space/=1000)>0; disk_space=space, ++i ); char text[BCTEXTLEN]; sprintf(text, "%s" _LDv(3) "%s", _("disk space: "), disk_space, suffix[i]); gui->disk_space->BC_Title::update(text); gui->disk_space->set_color(color); } CreateDVD_TmpPath::CreateDVD_TmpPath(CreateDVD_GUI *gui, int x, int y, int w) : BC_TextBox(x, y, w, 1, -(int)sizeof(gui->thread->tmp_path), gui->thread->tmp_path, 1, MEDIUMFONT) { this->gui = gui; } CreateDVD_TmpPath::~CreateDVD_TmpPath() { } int CreateDVD_TmpPath::handle_event() { gui->disk_space->update(); return 1; } CreateDVD_AssetTitle::CreateDVD_AssetTitle(CreateDVD_GUI *gui, int x, int y, int w) : BC_TextBox(x, y, w, 1, 0, gui->thread->asset_title, 1, MEDIUMFONT) { this->gui = gui; } CreateDVD_AssetTitle::~CreateDVD_AssetTitle() { } CreateDVD_Deinterlace::CreateDVD_Deinterlace(CreateDVD_GUI *gui, int x, int y) : BC_CheckBox(x, y, &gui->thread->use_deinterlace, _("Deinterlace")) { this->gui = gui; } CreateDVD_Deinterlace::~CreateDVD_Deinterlace() { } int CreateDVD_Deinterlace::handle_event() { if( get_value() ) { gui->need_inverse_telecine->set_value(0); gui->thread->use_inverse_telecine = 0; } return BC_CheckBox::handle_event(); } CreateDVD_InverseTelecine::CreateDVD_InverseTelecine(CreateDVD_GUI *gui, int x, int y) : BC_CheckBox(x, y, &gui->thread->use_inverse_telecine, _("Inverse Telecine")) { this->gui = gui; } CreateDVD_InverseTelecine::~CreateDVD_InverseTelecine() { } int CreateDVD_InverseTelecine::handle_event() { if( get_value() ) { gui->need_deinterlace->set_value(0); gui->thread->use_deinterlace = 0; } return BC_CheckBox::handle_event(); } CreateDVD_Scale::CreateDVD_Scale(CreateDVD_GUI *gui, int x, int y) : BC_CheckBox(x, y, &gui->thread->use_scale, _("Scale")) { this->gui = gui; } CreateDVD_Scale::~CreateDVD_Scale() { } CreateDVD_ResizeTracks::CreateDVD_ResizeTracks(CreateDVD_GUI *gui, int x, int y) : BC_CheckBox(x, y, &gui->thread->use_resize_tracks, _("Resize Tracks")) { this->gui = gui; } CreateDVD_ResizeTracks::~CreateDVD_ResizeTracks() { } CreateDVD_Histogram::CreateDVD_Histogram(CreateDVD_GUI *gui, int x, int y) : BC_CheckBox(x, y, &gui->thread->use_histogram, _("Histogram")) { this->gui = gui; } CreateDVD_Histogram::~CreateDVD_Histogram() { } CreateDVD_LabelChapters::CreateDVD_LabelChapters(CreateDVD_GUI *gui, int x, int y) : BC_CheckBox(x, y, &gui->thread->use_label_chapters, _("Chapters at Labels")) { this->gui = gui; } CreateDVD_LabelChapters::~CreateDVD_LabelChapters() { } CreateDVD_WideAudio::CreateDVD_WideAudio(CreateDVD_GUI *gui, int x, int y) : BC_CheckBox(x, y, &gui->thread->use_wide_audio, _("Audio 5.1")) { this->gui = gui; } CreateDVD_WideAudio::~CreateDVD_WideAudio() { } CreateDVD_WideAspect::CreateDVD_WideAspect(CreateDVD_GUI *gui, int x, int y) : BC_CheckBox(x, y, &gui->thread->use_wide_aspect, _("Aspect 16x9")) { this->gui = gui; } CreateDVD_WideAspect::~CreateDVD_WideAspect() { } CreateDVD_UseFFMpeg::CreateDVD_UseFFMpeg(CreateDVD_GUI *gui, int x, int y) : BC_CheckBox(x, y, &gui->thread->use_ffmpeg, _("Use FFMPEG")) { this->gui = gui; } CreateDVD_UseFFMpeg::~CreateDVD_UseFFMpeg() { } CreateDVD_GUI::CreateDVD_GUI(CreateDVD_Thread *thread, int x, int y, int w, int h) : BC_Window(_(PROGRAM_NAME ": Create DVD"), x, y, w, h, 50, 50, 1, 0, 1) { this->thread = thread; at_x = at_y = tmp_x = tmp_y = 0; ok_x = ok_y = ok_w = ok_h = 0; cancel_x = cancel_y = cancel_w = cancel_h = 0; asset_title = 0; tmp_path = 0; disk_space = 0; needed_disk_space = 15e9; need_deinterlace = 0; need_inverse_telecine = 0; need_scale = 0; need_resize_tracks = 0; need_histogram = 0; need_wide_audio = 0; need_wide_aspect = 0; need_label_chapters = 0; ok = 0; cancel = 0; } CreateDVD_GUI::~CreateDVD_GUI() { } void CreateDVD_GUI::create_objects() { lock_window("CreateDVD_GUI::create_objects"); int pady = BC_TextBox::calculate_h(this, MEDIUMFONT, 0, 1) + 5; int padx = BC_Title::calculate_w(this, (char*)"X", MEDIUMFONT); int x = padx/2, y = pady/2; BC_Title *title = new BC_Title(x, y, _("Title:"), MEDIUMFONT, YELLOW); add_subwindow(title); at_x = x + title->get_w(); at_y = y; asset_title = new CreateDVD_AssetTitle(this, at_x, at_y, get_w()-at_x-10); add_subwindow(asset_title); y += title->get_h() + pady/2; title = new BC_Title(x, y, _("tmp path:"), MEDIUMFONT, YELLOW); add_subwindow(title); tmp_x = x + title->get_w(); tmp_y = y; tmp_path = new CreateDVD_TmpPath(this, tmp_x, tmp_y, get_w()-tmp_x-10); add_subwindow(tmp_path); y += title->get_h() + pady/2; disk_space = new CreateDVD_DiskSpace(this, x, y); add_subwindow(disk_space); disk_space->update(); y += disk_space->get_h() + pady/2; need_deinterlace = new CreateDVD_Deinterlace(this, x, y); add_subwindow(need_deinterlace); int x1 = x + 150, x2 = x1 + 150; need_inverse_telecine = new CreateDVD_InverseTelecine(this, x1, y); add_subwindow(need_inverse_telecine); need_use_ffmpeg = new CreateDVD_UseFFMpeg(this, x2, y); add_subwindow(need_use_ffmpeg); y += need_deinterlace->get_h() + pady/2; need_scale = new CreateDVD_Scale(this, x, y); add_subwindow(need_scale); need_wide_audio = new CreateDVD_WideAudio(this, x1, y); add_subwindow(need_wide_audio); need_resize_tracks = new CreateDVD_ResizeTracks(this, x2, y); add_subwindow(need_resize_tracks); y += need_scale->get_h() + pady/2; need_histogram = new CreateDVD_Histogram(this, x, y); add_subwindow(need_histogram); need_wide_aspect = new CreateDVD_WideAspect(this, x1, y); add_subwindow(need_wide_aspect); need_label_chapters = new CreateDVD_LabelChapters(this, x2, y); add_subwindow(need_label_chapters); ok_w = BC_OKButton::calculate_w(); ok_h = BC_OKButton::calculate_h(); ok_x = 10; ok_y = get_h() - ok_h - 10; ok = new CreateDVD_OK(this, ok_x, ok_y); add_subwindow(ok); cancel_w = BC_CancelButton::calculate_w(); cancel_h = BC_CancelButton::calculate_h(); cancel_x = get_w() - cancel_w - 10, cancel_y = get_h() - cancel_h - 10; cancel = new CreateDVD_Cancel(this, cancel_x, cancel_y); add_subwindow(cancel); show_window(); unlock_window(); } int CreateDVD_GUI::resize_event(int w, int h) { asset_title->reposition_window(at_x, at_y, get_w()-at_x-10); tmp_path->reposition_window(tmp_x, tmp_y, get_w()-tmp_x-10); ok_y = h - ok_h - 10; ok->reposition_window(ok_x, ok_y); cancel_x = w - cancel_w - 10, cancel_y = h - cancel_h - 10; cancel->reposition_window(cancel_x, cancel_y); return 0; } int CreateDVD_GUI::translation_event() { return 1; } int CreateDVD_GUI::close_event() { set_done(1); return 1; } int CreateDVD_Thread:: insert_video_plugin(const char *title, KeyFrame *default_keyframe) { Tracks *tracks = mwindow->edl->tracks; for( Track *vtrk=tracks->first; vtrk; vtrk=vtrk->next ) { if( vtrk->data_type != TRACK_VIDEO ) continue; if( !vtrk->record ) continue; vtrk->expand_view = 1; PluginSet *plugin_set = new PluginSet(mwindow->edl, vtrk); vtrk->plugin_set.append(plugin_set); Edits *edits = vtrk->edits; for( Edit *edit=edits->first; edit; edit=edit->next ) { plugin_set->insert_plugin(title, edit->startproject, edit->length, PLUGIN_STANDALONE, 0, default_keyframe, 0); } vtrk->optimize(); } return 0; } int CreateDVD_Thread:: resize_tracks() { Tracks *tracks = mwindow->edl->tracks; #if 0 int max_w = 0, max_h = 0; for( Track *vtrk=tracks->first; vtrk; vtrk=vtrk->next ) { if( vtrk->data_type != TRACK_VIDEO ) continue; if( !vtrk->record ) continue; Edits *edits = vtrk->edits; for( Edit *edit=edits->first; edit; edit=edit->next ) { Indexable *indexable = edit->get_source(); int w = indexable->get_w(); if( w > max_w ) max_w = w; int h = indexable->get_h(); if( h > max_h ) max_h = h; } } #endif for( Track *vtrk=tracks->first; vtrk; vtrk=vtrk->next ) { if( vtrk->data_type != TRACK_VIDEO ) continue; if( !vtrk->record ) continue; vtrk->track_w = DVD_WIDTH; // max_w; vtrk->track_h = DVD_HEIGHT; // max_h; } return 0; } int CreateDVD_Thread:: option_presets() { if( !mwindow->edl ) return 1; Tracks *tracks = mwindow->edl->tracks; int max_w = 0, max_h = 0; int has_deinterlace = 0, has_scale = 0; for( Track *trk=tracks->first; trk; trk=trk->next ) { if( !trk->record ) continue; Edits *edits = trk->edits; switch( trk->data_type ) { case TRACK_VIDEO: for( Edit *edit=edits->first; edit; edit=edit->next ) { Indexable *indexable = edit->get_source(); int w = indexable->get_w(); if( w > max_w ) max_w = w; if( w != DVD_WIDTH ) use_scale = 1; int h = indexable->get_h(); if( h > max_h ) max_h = h; if( h != DVD_HEIGHT ) use_scale = 1; } for( int i=0; iplugin_set.size(); ++i ) { for(Plugin *plugin = (Plugin*)trk->plugin_set[i]->first; plugin; plugin = (Plugin*)plugin->next) { if( !strcmp(plugin->title, "Deinterlace") ) has_deinterlace = 1; if( !strcmp(plugin->title, "Auto Scale") || !strcmp(plugin->title, "Scale") ) has_scale = 1; } } break; } } if( has_scale ) use_scale = 0; if( use_scale ) { if( max_w != DVD_WIDTH ) use_resize_tracks = 1; if( max_h != DVD_HEIGHT ) use_resize_tracks = 1; } for( Track *trk=tracks->first; trk && !use_resize_tracks; trk=trk->next ) { if( !trk->record ) continue; switch( trk->data_type ) { case TRACK_VIDEO: if( trk->track_w != max_w ) use_resize_tracks = 1; if( trk->track_h != max_h ) use_resize_tracks = 1; break; } } if( !has_deinterlace && max_h > 2*DVD_HEIGHT ) use_deinterlace = 1; Labels *labels = mwindow->edl->labels; use_label_chapters = labels && labels->first ? 1 : 0; float w, h; MWindow::create_aspect_ratio(w, h, max_w, max_h); if( w == DVD_WIDE_ASPECT_WIDTH && h == DVD_WIDE_ASPECT_HEIGHT ) use_wide_aspect = 1; if( tracks->recordable_audio_tracks() == DVD_WIDE_CHANNELS ) use_wide_audio = 1; return 0; }