/* * CINELERRA * Copyright (C) 2009 Adam Williams * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA * */ #include "asset.h" #include "bchash.h" #include "bcsignals.h" #include "file.h" #include "filefork.h" #include "fileserver.h" #include "filesystem.h" #include "filethread.h" #include "filexml.h" #include "format.inc" #include "mutex.h" #include "mwindow.h" #include "samples.h" #include "string.h" #include "vframe.h" #include #ifdef USE_FILEFORK FileFork::FileFork(FileServer *server) : ForkWrapper() { file = 0; real_fork = 0; this->server = server; //printf("FileFork::FileFork %d\n", __LINE__); } FileFork::~FileFork() { if(real_fork) { MWindow::file_server->delete_filefork(real_fork); } } void FileFork::init_child() { //printf("FileFork::init_child %d\n", __LINE__); } int FileFork::handle_command() { int64_t result = 0; const int debug = 0; if(debug) printf("FileFork::handle_command %d (pid=%d) this=%p command=%d\n", __LINE__, getpid(), this, command_token); // to grab this task in the debugger //static int zbug = 1; volatile int bug = zbug; //while( bug ) usleep(10000); switch(command_token) { case OPEN_FILE: { file = new File; file->is_fork = 1; // Read file modes int offset = 0; int rd = *(int*)(command_data + offset); offset += sizeof(int); int wr = *(int*)(command_data + offset); offset += sizeof(int); file->cpus = *(int*)(command_data + offset); offset += sizeof(int); file->white_balance_raw = *(int*)(command_data + offset); offset += sizeof(int); file->interpolate_raw = *(int*)(command_data + offset); offset += sizeof(int); file->playback_subtitle = *(int*)(command_data + offset); offset += sizeof(int); file->current_program = *(int*)(command_data + offset); offset += sizeof(int); // Read asset from socket BC_Hash table; table.load_string((char*)command_data + offset); Asset *new_asset = new Asset; new_asset->load_defaults(&table, "", 1, 1, 1, 1, 1); if(debug) { printf("FileFork::handle_command %d\n%s\n", __LINE__, command_data + offset); new_asset->dump(); } // printf("FileFork::handle_command %d\n", __LINE__); // table.dump(); //printf("FileFork::handle_command %d server=%p\n", __LINE__, server); //printf("FileFork::handle_command %d server->preferences=%p\n", __LINE__, server->preferences); result = file->open_file( server->preferences, new_asset, rd, wr); new_asset->Garbage::remove_user(); if(debug) printf("FileFork::handle_command %d result=" _LD "\n", __LINE__, result); // Send updated asset file->asset->save_defaults(&table, "", 1, 1, 1, 1, 1); char *string = 0; table.save_string(string); int buffer_size = strlen(string) + 1; send_result(result, (unsigned char*)string, buffer_size); delete [] string; break; } case SET_PROCESSORS: file->set_processors(*(int*)command_data); send_result(0, 0, 0); break; case SET_PRELOAD: file->set_preload(*(int64_t*)command_data); send_result(0, 0, 0); break; case SET_SUBTITLE: file->set_subtitle(*(int*)command_data); send_result(0, 0, 0); break; case SET_INTERPOLATE_RAW: file->set_interpolate_raw(*(int*)command_data); send_result(0, 0, 0); break; case SET_WHITE_BALANCE_RAW: file->set_white_balance_raw(*(int*)command_data); send_result(0, 0, 0); break; case CLOSE_FILE: { unsigned char result_buffer[sizeof(int64_t) * 2]; int64_t *rbfr = (int64_t *)result_buffer; file->close_file(0); rbfr[0] = file->asset->audio_length; rbfr[1] = file->asset->video_length; // printf("FileFork::handle_command %d " _LD " " _LD "\n", // __LINE__, // file->asset->audio_length, // file->asset->video_length); send_result(0, result_buffer, sizeof(int64_t) * 2); done = 1; break; } case GET_INDEX: result = file->get_index((char*)command_data); send_result(result, 0, 0); break; case START_AUDIO_THREAD: { int buffer_size = *(int*)command_data; int ring_buffers = *(int*)(command_data + sizeof(int)); result = file->start_audio_thread(buffer_size, ring_buffers); // Send buffer information back to server here int result_bytes = ring_buffers * Samples::filefork_size() * file->asset->channels; unsigned char result_buffer[result_bytes]; for(int i = 0; i < ring_buffers; i++) { Samples **samples = file->audio_thread->audio_buffer[i]; for(int j = 0; j < file->asset->channels; j++) { samples[j]->to_filefork(result_buffer + i * Samples::filefork_size() * file->asset->channels + j * Samples::filefork_size()); } } send_result(result, result_buffer, result_bytes); break; } case START_VIDEO_THREAD: { int buffer_size = *(int*)command_data; int color_model = *(int*)(command_data + sizeof(int)); int ring_buffers = *(int*)(command_data + sizeof(int) * 2); int compressed = *(int*)(command_data + sizeof(int) * 3); // allocate buffers here result = file->start_video_thread(buffer_size, color_model, ring_buffers, compressed); // Send buffer information back to server here int result_bytes = ring_buffers * file->asset->layers * buffer_size * VFrame::filefork_size(); unsigned char result_buffer[result_bytes]; for(int i = 0; i < ring_buffers; i++) { VFrame ***frames = file->video_thread->video_buffer[i]; for(int j = 0; j < file->asset->layers; j++) { for(int k = 0; k < buffer_size; k++) { //printf("FileFork::handle_command %d j=%d k=%d %p %p\n", __LINE__, j, k, frames[j][k], frames[j][k]->get_shmid())); frames[j][k]->to_filefork(result_buffer + i * file->asset->layers * buffer_size * VFrame::filefork_size() + j * buffer_size * VFrame::filefork_size() + k * VFrame::filefork_size()); } } } send_result(result, result_buffer, result_bytes); break; } case START_VIDEO_DECODE_THREAD: result = file->start_video_decode_thread(); send_result(result, 0, 0); break; case STOP_AUDIO_THREAD: result = file->stop_audio_thread(); send_result(result, 0, 0); break; case STOP_VIDEO_THREAD: result = file->stop_video_thread(); send_result(result, 0, 0); break; case SET_CHANNEL: result = file->set_channel(*(int*)command_data); send_result(result, 0, 0); break; case SET_LAYER: result = file->set_layer(*(int*)command_data, 0); send_result(result, 0, 0); break; case GET_AUDIO_LENGTH: result = file->get_audio_length(); send_result(result, 0, 0); break; case GET_VIDEO_LENGTH: result = file->get_video_length(); send_result(result, 0, 0); break; case GET_VIDEO_POSITION: result = file->get_video_position(); send_result(result, 0, 0); break; case GET_AUDIO_POSITION: result = file->get_audio_position(); send_result(result, 0, 0); break; case SET_AUDIO_POSITION: result = file->set_audio_position(*(int64_t*)command_data); send_result(result, 0, 0); break; case SET_VIDEO_POSITION: result = file->set_video_position(*(int64_t*)command_data, 0); send_result(result, 0, 0); break; case WRITE_SAMPLES: { int entry_size = Samples::filefork_size(); Samples **samples = new Samples*[file->asset->channels]; for(int i = 0; i < file->asset->channels; i++) { samples[i] = new Samples; samples[i]->from_filefork( command_data + entry_size * i); } int64_t len = *(int64_t*)(command_data + entry_size * file->asset->channels); result = file->write_samples(samples, len); send_result(result, 0, 0); for(int i = 0; i < file->asset->channels; i++) { delete samples[i]; } delete [] samples; break; } case WRITE_FRAMES: { //PRINT_TRACE int entry_size = VFrame::filefork_size(); //PRINT_TRACE VFrame ***frames = new VFrame**[file->asset->layers]; //printf("FileFork::handle_command %d %d\n", __LINE__, file->asset->layers); int len = *(int*)command_data; //printf("FileFork::handle_command %d %d %d\n", __LINE__, file->asset->layers, len); for(int i = 0; i < file->asset->layers; i++) { frames[i] = new VFrame*[len]; for(int j = 0; j < len; j++) { frames[i][j] = new VFrame; //PRINT_TRACE frames[i][j]->from_filefork(command_data + sizeof(int) + entry_size * len * i + entry_size * j); // printf("FileFork::handle_command %d color_model=%d\n", // __LINE__, // frames[i][j]->get_color_model(), // frames[i][j]->get_compressed_size()); //PRINT_TRACE } } //PRINT_TRACE result = file->write_frames(frames, len); //PRINT_TRACE send_result(result, 0, 0); for(int i = 0; i < file->asset->layers; i++) { for(int j = 0; j < len; j++) { delete frames[i][j]; } delete [] frames[i]; } delete [] frames; break; } case WRITE_AUDIO_BUFFER: result = file->write_audio_buffer(*(int64_t*)command_data); send_result(result, 0, 0); break; case WRITE_VIDEO_BUFFER: { //printf("FileFork::handle_command %d\n", __LINE__); int len = *(int64_t*)command_data; VFrame ***video_buffer = file->video_thread->get_last_video_buffer(); for(int i = 0; i < file->asset->layers; i++) { for(int j = 0; j < len; j++) { // Copy memory state //printf("FileFork::handle_command %d i=%d j=%d %p %p\n", __LINE__, i, j, video_buffer[i][j], video_buffer[i][j]->get_shmid()); video_buffer[i][j]->from_filefork(command_data + sizeof(int64_t) + VFrame::filefork_size() * (len * i + j)); //printf("FileFork::handle_command %d %p " _LD "\n", __LINE__, video_buffer[i][j]->get_shmid(), video_buffer[i][j]->get_number()); } } result = file->write_video_buffer(len); send_result(result, 0, 0); //printf("FileFork::handle_command %d\n", __LINE__); break; } case GET_AUDIO_BUFFER: { // int entry_size = Samples::filefork_size(); // int result_bytes = entry_size * file->asset->channels; // unsigned char result_buffer[sizeof(int)]; // // Make it swap buffers // Samples **samples = file->get_audio_buffer(); // for(int i = 0; i < file->asset->channels; i++) // { // samples[i]->to_filefork(result_buffer + // i * Samples::filefork_size()); // } file->get_audio_buffer(); send_result(file->audio_thread->current_buffer, 0, 0); break; } case GET_VIDEO_BUFFER: { // int entry_size = VFrame::filefork_size(); // int layers = file->asset->layers; // int buffer_size = file->video_thread->buffer_size; // int result_size = entry_size * // layers * // buffer_size + // sizeof(int); // unsigned char result_buffer[result_size]; // *(int*)(result_buffer + entry_size * // layers * // buffer_size) = buffer_size; //printf("FileFork::handle_command %d layers=%d\n", __LINE__, layers); // VFrame ***frames = file->get_video_buffer(); // for(int i = 0; i < layers; i++) // { // for(int j = 0; j < buffer_size; j++) // { // frames[i][j]->to_filefork(result_buffer + // entry_size * i * buffer_size + // entry_size * j); // } // } file->get_video_buffer(); send_result(file->video_thread->current_buffer, 0, 0); //printf("FileFork::handle_command %d\n", __LINE__); break; } case READ_SAMPLES: { if(debug) PRINT_TRACE int len = *(int64_t*)(command_data + Samples::filefork_size()); if(debug) PRINT_TRACE Samples *samples = new Samples; samples->from_filefork(command_data); if(debug) PRINT_TRACE result = file->read_samples(samples, len); if(debug) PRINT_TRACE send_result(result, 0, 0); if(debug) PRINT_TRACE delete samples; if(debug) PRINT_TRACE break; } case READ_FRAME: { VFrame *frame = new VFrame; frame->from_filefork(command_data); int allocated_data = frame->get_compressed_allocated(); // printf("FileFork::handle_command %d file=%p\n", // __LINE__, // file); // frame->dump(); result = file->read_frame(frame, 0); // printf("FileFork::handle_command %d size=%d\n", // __LINE__, // frame->get_compressed_size()); // Send compressed data through socket only if data allocation changed. if(frame->get_color_model() == BC_COMPRESSED && allocated_data != frame->get_compressed_allocated()) { int result_size = sizeof(int) * 2 + frame->get_compressed_size(); unsigned char *result_data = new unsigned char[result_size]; *(int*)result_data = frame->get_compressed_size(); *(int*)(result_data + sizeof(int)) = frame->get_keyframe(); memcpy(result_data + sizeof(int) * 2, frame->get_data(), frame->get_compressed_size()); send_result(result, result_data, result_size); delete [] result_data; } else { int result_size = sizeof(int) * 2; unsigned char *result_data = new unsigned char[result_size]; *(int*)result_data = frame->get_compressed_size(); *(int*)(result_data + sizeof(int)) = frame->get_keyframe(); send_result(result, result_data, result_size); delete [] result_data; } // printf("FileFork::handle_command %d size=%d\n", // __LINE__, // frame->get_compressed_size()); delete frame; // printf("FileFork::handle_command %d size=%d\n", // __LINE__, // frame->get_compressed_size()); break; } case CAN_COPY_FROM: { FileXML xml; int64_t position = *(int64_t*)(command_data); int output_w = *(int*)(command_data + sizeof(int64_t)); int output_h = *(int*)(command_data + sizeof(int64_t) + sizeof(int)); xml.read_from_string((char*)command_data + sizeof(int64_t) + sizeof(int) * 2); xml.read_tag(); // Asset doesn't read the XML path. Asset *new_asset = new Asset(xml.tag.get_property("SRC")); new_asset->read(&xml, 1); result = file->can_copy_from(new_asset, position, output_w, output_h); send_result(result, 0, 0); new_asset->Garbage::remove_user(); break; } case COLORMODEL_SUPPORTED: { int colormodel = *(int*)command_data; result = file->colormodel_supported(colormodel); send_result(result, 0, 0); break; } case FILE_MEMORY_USAGE: result = file->file_memory_usage(); send_result(result, 0, 0); break; case SET_PROGRAM: { int no = *(int*)command_data; result = file->set_program(no); send_result(result, 0, 0); break; } case GET_CELL_TIME: { double time; int no = *(int*)command_data; result = file->get_cell_time(no, time); send_result(result, (unsigned char *)&time, sizeof(time)); break; } case GET_STT_TIME: { int64_t tm; result = file->get_system_time(tm); send_result(result, (unsigned char *)&tm, sizeof(tm)); break; } case GET_AUDIO4VIDEO: { int64_t channel_mask = 0; int vstream = *(int*)command_data; int astream = *(int*)(command_data + sizeof(int)); result = file->get_audio_for_video(vstream, astream, channel_mask); send_result(result, (unsigned char *)&channel_mask, sizeof(channel_mask)); break; } case GET_VIDEO_PID: { int track = *(int*)command_data; result = file->get_video_pid(track); send_result(result, 0, 0); break; } case GET_VIDEO_INFO: { int width=0, height=0; double framerate=0; char title[BCTEXTLEN]; title[0]=0; int track = *(int*)command_data; result = file->get_video_info(track, pid, framerate, width, height, title); unsigned char data[sizeof(framerate)+sizeof(pid)+ sizeof(width)+sizeof(height)+sizeof(title)]; unsigned char *bp = data; *(double *)bp = framerate; bp += sizeof(framerate); *(int *)bp = pid; bp += sizeof(pid); *(int *)bp = width; bp += sizeof(width); *(int *)bp = height; bp += sizeof(height); for( char *cp=title; (*bp++=*cp)!=0; ++cp ); send_result(result, data, bp-data); break; } case SELECT_VIDEO_STREAM: { Asset *asset = new Asset; int vstream = *(int*)command_data; result = file->select_video_stream(asset, vstream); unsigned char data[sizeof(asset->frame_rate)+sizeof(asset->video_length)+ sizeof(asset->width)+sizeof(asset->height)]; unsigned char *bp = data; *(double *)bp = asset->frame_rate; bp += sizeof(asset->frame_rate); *(int *)bp = asset->video_length; bp += sizeof(asset->video_length); *(int *)bp = asset->width; bp += sizeof(asset->width); *(int *)bp = asset->height; bp += sizeof(asset->height); delete asset; send_result(result, data, bp-data); break; } case SELECT_AUDIO_STREAM: { Asset *asset = new Asset; int astream = *(int*)command_data; result = file->select_audio_stream(asset, astream); unsigned char data[sizeof(asset->channels)+sizeof(asset->sample_rate)+ sizeof(asset->audio_length)]; unsigned char *bp = data; *(int *)bp = asset->channels; bp += sizeof(asset->channels); *(int *)bp = asset->sample_rate; bp += sizeof(asset->sample_rate); *(int *)bp = asset->audio_length; bp += sizeof(asset->audio_length); delete asset; send_result(result, data, bp-data); break; } } return result; } #endif // USE_FILEFORK