/* * CINELERRA * Copyright (C) 2010-2013 Adam Williams * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA * */ #include "asset.h" #include "bcsignals.h" #include "clip.h" #include "guicast.h" #include "file.h" #include "filesystem.h" #include "formattools.h" #include "language.h" #include "maxchannels.h" #include "mwindow.h" #include "preferences.h" #include "quicktime.h" #include "theme.h" #include "videodevice.inc" #include #include #include FormatTools::FormatTools(MWindow *mwindow, BC_WindowBase *window, Asset *asset) { this->mwindow = mwindow; this->window = window; this->asset = asset; this->plugindb = mwindow->plugindb; aparams_button = 0; vparams_button = 0; aparams_thread = 0; vparams_thread = 0; channels_tumbler = 0; audio_switch = 0; video_switch = 0; path_textbox = 0; path_button = 0; format_title = 0; format_button = 0; format_text = 0; audio_title = 0; audio_switch = 0; video_title = 0; video_switch = 0; channels_title = 0; channels_button = 0; multiple_files = 0; file_entries = 0; w = window->get_w(); recording = 0; use_brender = 0; do_audio = 0; do_video = 0; prompt_audio = 0; prompt_audio_channels = 0; prompt_video = 0; prompt_video_compression = 0; strategy = 0; locked_compressor = 0; video_driver = 0; } FormatTools::~FormatTools() { SET_TRACE delete path_button; SET_TRACE delete path_textbox; SET_TRACE delete format_button; SET_TRACE if(aparams_button) delete aparams_button; SET_TRACE if(vparams_button) delete vparams_button; SET_TRACE if(aparams_thread) delete aparams_thread; SET_TRACE if(vparams_thread) delete vparams_thread; SET_TRACE if(channels_tumbler) delete channels_tumbler; SET_TRACE if(file_entries) { file_entries->remove_all_objects(); delete file_entries; } } void FormatTools::create_objects(int &init_x, int &init_y, int do_audio, // Include support for audio int do_video, // Include support for video int prompt_audio, // Include checkbox for audio int prompt_video, int prompt_audio_channels, int prompt_video_compression, char *locked_compressor, int recording, int *strategy, int brender) { int x = init_x; int y = init_y; this->locked_compressor = locked_compressor; this->recording = recording; this->use_brender = brender; this->do_audio = do_audio; this->do_video = do_video; this->prompt_audio = prompt_audio; this->prompt_audio_channels = prompt_audio_channels; this->prompt_video = prompt_video; this->prompt_video_compression = prompt_video_compression; this->strategy = strategy; file_entries = new ArrayList; FileSystem fs; char string[BCTEXTLEN]; // Load current directory fs.update(getcwd(string, BCTEXTLEN)); for(int i = 0; i < fs.total_files(); i++) { file_entries->append( new BC_ListBoxItem( fs.get_entry(i)->get_name())); } //printf("FormatTools::create_objects 1\n"); // Modify strategy depending on render farm if(strategy) { if(mwindow->preferences->use_renderfarm) { if(*strategy == FILE_PER_LABEL) *strategy = FILE_PER_LABEL_FARM; else if(*strategy == SINGLE_PASS) *strategy = SINGLE_PASS_FARM; } else { if(*strategy == FILE_PER_LABEL_FARM) *strategy = FILE_PER_LABEL; else if(*strategy == SINGLE_PASS_FARM) *strategy = SINGLE_PASS; } } if(!recording) { window->add_subwindow(path_textbox = new FormatPathText(x, y, this)); x += path_textbox->get_w() + 5; window->add_subwindow(path_button = new BrowseButton( mwindow, window, path_textbox, x, y, asset->path, _("Output to file"), _("Select a file to write to:"), 0)); // Set w for user. w = MAX(w, 305); // w = x + path_button->get_w() + 5; x -= path_textbox->get_w() + 5; y += 35; } else { // w = x + 305; w = 305; } window->add_subwindow(format_title = new BC_Title(x, y, _("File Format:"))); x += 90; window->add_subwindow(format_text = new BC_TextBox(x, y, 180, 1, File::formattostr(asset->format))); x += format_text->get_w(); //printf("FormatTools::create_objects %d %p\n", __LINE__, window); window->add_subwindow(format_button = new FormatFormat(x, y, this)); format_button->create_objects(); x += format_button->get_w() + 5; window->add_subwindow(ffmpeg_type = new FFMpegType(x, y, 50, 1, asset->fformat)); x += ffmpeg_type->get_w(); window->add_subwindow(format_ffmpeg = new FormatFFMPEG(x, y, this)); format_ffmpeg->create_objects(); x = init_x; y += format_button->get_h() + 10; if(do_audio) { window->add_subwindow(audio_title = new BC_Title(x, y, _("Audio:"), LARGEFONT, RED)); x += 80; window->add_subwindow(aparams_button = new FormatAParams(mwindow, this, x, y)); x += aparams_button->get_w() + 10; if(prompt_audio) { window->add_subwindow(audio_switch = new FormatAudio(x, y, this, asset->audio_data)); } x = init_x; y += aparams_button->get_h() + 10; // Audio channels only used for recording. // if(prompt_audio_channels) // { // window->add_subwindow(channels_title = new BC_Title(x, y, _("Number of audio channels to record:"))); // x += 260; // window->add_subwindow(channels_button = new FormatChannels(x, y, this)); // x += channels_button->get_w() + 5; // window->add_subwindow(channels_tumbler = new BC_ITumbler(channels_button, 1, MAXCHANNELS, x, y)); // y += channels_button->get_h() + 20; // x = init_x; // } //printf("FormatTools::create_objects 6\n"); aparams_thread = new FormatAThread(this); } //printf("FormatTools::create_objects 7\n"); if(do_video) { //printf("FormatTools::create_objects 8\n"); window->add_subwindow(video_title = new BC_Title(x, y, _("Video:"), LARGEFONT, RED)); x += 80; if(prompt_video_compression) { window->add_subwindow(vparams_button = new FormatVParams(mwindow, this, x, y)); x += vparams_button->get_w() + 10; } //printf("FormatTools::create_objects 9\n"); if(prompt_video) { window->add_subwindow(video_switch = new FormatVideo(x, y, this, asset->video_data)); y += video_switch->get_h(); } else { y += vparams_button->get_h(); } //printf("FormatTools::create_objects 10\n"); y += 10; vparams_thread = new FormatVThread(this); } //printf("FormatTools::create_objects 11\n"); x = init_x; if(strategy) { window->add_subwindow(multiple_files = new FormatMultiple(mwindow, x, y, strategy)); y += multiple_files->get_h() + 10; } //printf("FormatTools::create_objects 12\n"); init_y = y; update_format(); } void FormatTools::update_driver(int driver) { this->video_driver = driver; switch(driver) { case CAPTURE_DVB: case VIDEO4LINUX2MPEG: // Just give the user information about how the stream is going to be // stored but don't change the asset. // Want to be able to revert to user settings. if(asset->format != FILE_MPEG) { format_text->update(_("MPEG stream")); asset->format = FILE_MPEG; } locked_compressor = 0; audio_switch->update(1); video_switch->update(1); break; case CAPTURE_IEC61883: case CAPTURE_FIREWIRE: case CAPTURE_BUZ: case VIDEO4LINUX2JPEG: case CAPTURE_JPEG_WEBCAM: if(asset->format != FILE_AVI && asset->format != FILE_MOV) { format_text->update(MOV_NAME); asset->format = FILE_MOV; } else format_text->update(File::formattostr(asset->format)); switch(driver) { case CAPTURE_IEC61883: case CAPTURE_FIREWIRE: locked_compressor = (char*)QUICKTIME_DVSD; strcpy(asset->vcodec, QUICKTIME_DVSD); break; case CAPTURE_BUZ: case VIDEO4LINUX2JPEG: locked_compressor = (char*)QUICKTIME_MJPA; strcpy(asset->vcodec, QUICKTIME_MJPA); break; case CAPTURE_JPEG_WEBCAM: locked_compressor = (char*)QUICKTIME_JPEG; strcpy(asset->vcodec, QUICKTIME_JPEG); break; } audio_switch->update(asset->audio_data); video_switch->update(asset->video_data); break; default: format_text->update(File::formattostr(asset->format)); locked_compressor = 0; audio_switch->update(asset->audio_data); video_switch->update(asset->video_data); break; } close_format_windows(); } void FormatTools::update_format() { if( do_audio && prompt_audio && audio_switch ) { audio_switch->update(asset->audio_data); if( !asset->audio_data ) audio_switch->disable(); else audio_switch->enable(); } if( do_video && prompt_video && video_switch ) { video_switch->update(asset->video_data); if( !asset->video_data ) video_switch->disable(); else video_switch->enable(); } if( asset->format == FILE_FFMPEG ) { ffmpeg_type->show(); format_ffmpeg->show(); } else { ffmpeg_type->hide(); format_ffmpeg->hide(); } } int FormatTools::handle_event() { return 0; } Asset* FormatTools::get_asset() { return asset; } void FormatTools::update_extension() { const char *extension = File::get_tag(asset->format); // split multiple extensions ArrayList extensions; int len = strlen(extension); const char *extension_ptr = extension; for(int i = 0; i <= len; i++) { if(extension[i] == '/' || extension[i] == 0) { extensions.append(extension_ptr); extension_ptr = extension + i + 1; } } if(extensions.size()) { char *ptr = strrchr(asset->path, '.'); if(!ptr) { ptr = asset->path + strlen(asset->path); *ptr = '.'; } ptr++; // test for equivalent extension int need_extension = 1; //int extension_len = 0; for(int i = 0; i < extensions.size() && need_extension; i++) { char *ptr1 = ptr; extension_ptr = extensions.get(i); // test an extension need_extension = 0; while(*ptr1 != 0 && *extension_ptr != 0 && *extension_ptr != '/') { if(tolower(*ptr1) != tolower(*extension_ptr)) { need_extension = 1; break; } ptr1++; extension_ptr++; } if(*ptr1 == 0 && *extension_ptr != 0 && *extension_ptr != '/') need_extension = 1; } //printf("FormatTools::update_extension %d %d\n", __LINE__, need_extension); // copy extension if(need_extension) { char *ptr1 = ptr; extension_ptr = asset->format != FILE_FFMPEG ? extensions.get(0) : asset->fformat; while(*extension_ptr != 0 && *extension_ptr != '/') *ptr1++ = *extension_ptr++; *ptr1 = 0; } int character1 = ptr - asset->path; int character2 = strlen(asset->path); // *(asset->path + character2) = 0; if(path_textbox) { path_textbox->update(asset->path); path_textbox->set_selection(character1, character2, character2); } } } void FormatTools::update(Asset *asset, int *strategy) { this->asset = asset; this->strategy = strategy; if(path_textbox) path_textbox->update(asset->path); format_text->update(File::formattostr(plugindb, asset->format)); if(do_audio && prompt_audio && audio_switch) audio_switch->update(asset->audio_data); if(do_video && prompt_video && video_switch) video_switch->update(asset->video_data); if(strategy) { multiple_files->update(strategy); } close_format_windows(); } void FormatTools::close_format_windows() { // This is done in ~file if(aparams_thread && aparams_thread->running()) { aparams_thread->file->close_window(); aparams_thread->join(); } if(vparams_thread && vparams_thread->running()) { vparams_thread->file->close_window(); vparams_thread->join(); } } int FormatTools::get_w() { return w; } void FormatTools::set_w(int w) { this->w = w; } void FormatTools::reposition_window(int &init_x, int &init_y) { int x = init_x; int y = init_y; if(path_textbox) { path_textbox->reposition_window(x, y); x += path_textbox->get_w() + 5; path_button->reposition_window(x, y); x -= path_textbox->get_w() + 5; y += 35; } format_title->reposition_window(x, y); x += 90; format_text->reposition_window(x, y); x += format_text->get_w(); format_button->reposition_window(x, y); x = init_x; y += format_button->get_h() + 10; if(do_audio) { audio_title->reposition_window(x, y); x += 80; aparams_button->reposition_window(x, y); x += aparams_button->get_w() + 10; if(prompt_audio) audio_switch->reposition_window(x, y); x = init_x; y += aparams_button->get_h() + 20; if(prompt_audio_channels) { channels_title->reposition_window(x, y); x += 260; channels_button->reposition_window(x, y); x += channels_button->get_w() + 5; channels_tumbler->reposition_window(x, y); y += channels_button->get_h() + 20; x = init_x; } } if(do_video) { video_title->reposition_window(x, y); x += 80; if(prompt_video_compression) { vparams_button->reposition_window(x, y); x += vparams_button->get_w() + 10; } if(prompt_video) { video_switch->reposition_window(x, y); y += video_switch->get_h(); } else { y += vparams_button->get_h(); } y += 10; x = init_x; } if(strategy) { multiple_files->reposition_window(x, y); y += multiple_files->get_h() + 10; } init_y = y; } int FormatTools::set_audio_options() { // if(video_driver == CAPTURE_DVB) // { // return 0; // } if(!aparams_thread->running()) { aparams_thread->start(); } else { aparams_thread->file->raise_window(); } return 0; } int FormatTools::set_video_options() { // if(video_driver == CAPTURE_DVB) // { // return 0; // } if(!vparams_thread->running()) { vparams_thread->start(); } else { vparams_thread->file->raise_window(); } return 0; } FormatAParams::FormatAParams(MWindow *mwindow, FormatTools *format, int x, int y) : BC_Button(x, y, mwindow->theme->get_image_set("wrench")) { this->format = format; set_tooltip(_("Configure audio compression")); } FormatAParams::~FormatAParams() { } int FormatAParams::handle_event() { format->set_audio_options(); return 1; } FormatVParams::FormatVParams(MWindow *mwindow, FormatTools *format, int x, int y) : BC_Button(x, y, mwindow->theme->get_image_set("wrench")) { this->format = format; set_tooltip(_("Configure video compression")); } FormatVParams::~FormatVParams() { } int FormatVParams::handle_event() { format->set_video_options(); return 1; } FormatAThread::FormatAThread(FormatTools *format) : Thread(1, 0, 0) { this->format = format; file = new File; joined = 1; } FormatAThread::~FormatAThread() { join(); delete file; file = 0; } void FormatAThread::start() { join(); joined = 0; Thread::start(); } void FormatAThread::run() { file->get_options(format, 1, 0); } FormatVThread::FormatVThread(FormatTools *format) : Thread(1, 0, 0) { this->format = format; file = new File; joined = 1; } FormatVThread::~FormatVThread() { join(); delete file; file = 0; } void FormatVThread::start() { join(); joined = 0; Thread::start(); } void FormatVThread::run() { file->get_options(format, 0, 1); } FormatPathText::FormatPathText(int x, int y, FormatTools *format) : BC_TextBox(x, y, format->w - format->mwindow->theme->get_image_set("wrench")[0]->get_w() - x - 10, 1, format->asset->path) { this->format = format; } FormatPathText::~FormatPathText() { } int FormatPathText::handle_event() { // Suggestions calculate_suggestions(format->file_entries); strcpy(format->asset->path, get_text()); format->handle_event(); return 1; } FormatAudio::FormatAudio(int x, int y, FormatTools *format, int default_) : BC_CheckBox(x, y, default_, (char*)(format->recording ? _("Record audio tracks") : _("Render audio tracks"))) { this->format = format; } FormatAudio::~FormatAudio() {} int FormatAudio::handle_event() { format->asset->audio_data = get_value(); return 1; } FormatVideo::FormatVideo(int x, int y, FormatTools *format, int default_) : BC_CheckBox(x, y, default_, (char*)(format->recording ? _("Record video tracks") : _("Render video tracks"))) { this->format = format; } FormatVideo::~FormatVideo() {} int FormatVideo::handle_event() { format->asset->video_data = get_value(); return 1; } FormatFormat::FormatFormat(int x, int y, FormatTools *format) : FormatPopup(format->plugindb, x, y, format->use_brender) { this->format = format; } FormatFormat::~FormatFormat() { } int FormatFormat::handle_event() { BC_ListBoxItem *selection = get_selection(0, 0); if( selection ) { int new_format = File::strtoformat(format->plugindb, get_selection(0, 0)->get_text()); // if(new_format != format->asset->format) { Asset *asset = format->asset; asset->format = new_format; asset->audio_data = File::supports_audio(asset->format); asset->video_data = File::supports_video(asset->format); format->format_text->update(selection->get_text()); format->update_extension(); format->close_format_windows(); format->update_format(); } } return 1; } FormatFFMPEG::FormatFFMPEG(int x, int y, FormatTools *format) : FFMPEGPopup(format->plugindb, x, y) { this->format = format; } FormatFFMPEG::~FormatFFMPEG() { } int FormatFFMPEG::load_defaults(const char *path, const char *type, char *codec, char *codec_options, int len) { char default_file[BCTEXTLEN]; FFMPEG::set_option_path(default_file, "%s/%s", path, type); FILE *fp = fopen(default_file,"r"); if( !fp ) return 1; char default_codec[BCSTRLEN]; fgets(default_codec, sizeof(default_codec), fp); fclose(fp); char *cp=codec, *dp=default_codec; while( *dp && *dp!='\n' ) *cp++ = *dp++; *cp = 0; FFMPEG::set_option_path(default_file, "%s/%s", path, codec); return FFMPEG::load_options(default_file, codec_options, len); } int FormatFFMPEG::handle_event() { BC_ListBoxItem *selection = get_selection(0, 0); if( selection ) { char *text = get_selection(0, 0)->get_text(); format->ffmpeg_type->update(text); Asset *asset = format->asset; strcpy(asset->fformat, text); strcpy(asset->ff_audio_options, ""); strcpy(asset->ff_video_options, ""); asset->audio_data = !load_defaults("audio", text, asset->acodec, asset->ff_audio_options, sizeof(asset->ff_audio_options)); asset->video_data = !load_defaults("video", text, asset->vcodec, asset->ff_video_options, sizeof(asset->ff_video_options)); format->update_extension(); format->close_format_windows(); format->update_format(); } return 1; } FormatChannels::FormatChannels(int x, int y, FormatTools *format) : BC_TextBox(x, y, 100, 1, format->asset->channels) { this->format = format; } FormatChannels::~FormatChannels() { } int FormatChannels::handle_event() { format->asset->channels = atol(get_text()); return 1; } FormatToTracks::FormatToTracks(int x, int y, int *output) : BC_CheckBox(x, y, *output, _("Overwrite project with output")) { this->output = output; } FormatToTracks::~FormatToTracks() { } int FormatToTracks::handle_event() { *output = get_value(); return 1; } FormatMultiple::FormatMultiple(MWindow *mwindow, int x, int y, int *output) : BC_CheckBox(x, y, (*output == FILE_PER_LABEL) || (*output == FILE_PER_LABEL_FARM), _("Create new file at each label")) { this->output = output; this->mwindow = mwindow; } FormatMultiple::~FormatMultiple() { } int FormatMultiple::handle_event() { if(get_value()) { if(mwindow->preferences->use_renderfarm) *output = FILE_PER_LABEL_FARM; else *output = FILE_PER_LABEL; } else { if(mwindow->preferences->use_renderfarm) *output = SINGLE_PASS_FARM; else *output = SINGLE_PASS; } return 1; } void FormatMultiple::update(int *output) { this->output = output; if(*output == FILE_PER_LABEL_FARM || *output ==FILE_PER_LABEL) set_value(1); else set_value(0); }