/* * CINELERRA * Copyright (C) 2009-2013 Adam Williams * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA * */ #include "asset.h" #include "assets.h" #include "audiodevice.h" #include "awindow.h" #include "awindowgui.h" #include "batch.h" #include "bchash.h" #include "channel.h" #include "channeldb.h" #include "channelpicker.h" #include "clip.h" #include "commercials.h" #include "condition.h" #include "cwindow.h" #include "devicedvbinput.h" #include "drivesync.h" #include "edl.h" #include "edlsession.h" #include "errorbox.h" #include "file.h" #include "filexml.h" #include "filemov.h" #include "filesystem.h" #include "filethread.h" #include "format.inc" #include "formatcheck.h" #include "indexfile.h" #include "keys.h" #include "language.h" #include "localsession.h" #include "mainmenu.h" #include "mainundo.h" #include "mwindow.h" #include "mwindowgui.h" #include "mutex.h" #include "picture.h" #include "playbackengine.h" #include "preferences.h" #include "quicktime.h" #include "record.h" #include "recordaudio.h" #include "recordconfig.h" #include "recordgui.h" #include "recordlabel.h" #include "recordmonitor.h" #include "recordprefs.inc" #include "recordthread.h" #include "recordvideo.h" #include "removefile.h" #include "mainsession.h" #include "sighandler.h" #include "testobject.h" #include "theme.h" #include "timebar.h" #include "tracks.h" #include "videoconfig.h" #include "videodevice.h" #include #include #include RecordMenuItem::RecordMenuItem(MWindow *mwindow) : BC_MenuItem(_("Record..."), "r", 'r') { this->mwindow = mwindow; record = new Record(mwindow, this); } RecordMenuItem::~RecordMenuItem() { delete record; } int RecordMenuItem::handle_event() { record->start(); return 1; } Record::Record(MWindow *mwindow, RecordMenuItem *menu_item) : Thread(1, 0, 0), record_batches(mwindow) { this->mwindow = mwindow; this->menu_item = menu_item; mwindow->gui->record = this; adevice = 0; vdevice = 0; file = 0; picture = new PictureConfig(); channeldb = new ChannelDB; master_channel = new Channel; record_channel = new RecordChannel(this); channel = 0; current_channel = 0; default_asset = 0; load_mode = 0 ; pause_lock = new Mutex("Record::pause_lock"); init_lock = new Condition(0,"Record::init_lock"); record_audio = 0; record_video = 0; record_thread = 0; record_monitor = 0; record_gui = 0; session_sample_offset = 0; device_sample_offset = 0; recording = 0; capturing = 0; single_frame = 0; writing_file = 0; drop_overrun_frames = 0; fill_underrun_frames = 0; power_off = 0; commercial_check = skimming_active = 0; commercial_start_time = -1; commercial_fd = -1; deletions = 0; status_color = -1; keybfr[0] = 0; last_key = -1; do_audio = 0; do_video = 0; current_frame = written_frames = total_frames = 0; current_sample = written_samples = total_samples = 0; audio_time = video_time = -1.; play_gain = mute_gain = 1.; drivesync = 0; input_threads_pausing = 0; window_lock = new Mutex("Record::window_lock"); timer_lock = new Mutex("Record::timer_lock"); file_lock = new Mutex("Record::file_lock"); adevice_lock = new Mutex("Record::adevice_lock"); vdevice_lock = new Mutex("Record::vdevice_lock"); batch_lock = new Mutex("Record::batch_lock"); skim_thread = new SkimDbThread(); cutads_status = new RecordCutAdsStatus(this); blink_status = new RecordBlinkStatus(this); } Record::~Record() { mwindow->gui->record = 0; stop(); join(); delete blink_status; delete cutads_status; stop_skimming(); delete skim_thread; delete deletions; delete picture; delete channeldb; delete record_channel; delete master_channel; delete window_lock; delete timer_lock; delete record_audio; delete record_video; delete adevice_lock; delete vdevice_lock; delete batch_lock; delete file_lock; delete pause_lock; delete init_lock; } int Record::load_defaults() { char string[BCTEXTLEN]; BC_Hash *defaults = mwindow->defaults; EDLSession *session = SESSION; default_asset->copy_from(session->recording_format, 0); default_asset->channels = session->aconfig_in->channels; default_asset->sample_rate = session->aconfig_in->in_samplerate; default_asset->frame_rate = session->vconfig_in->in_framerate; default_asset->width = session->vconfig_in->w; default_asset->height = session->vconfig_in->h; default_asset->layers = 1; // Fix encoding parameters depending on driver. // These are locked by a specific driver. switch( session->vconfig_in->driver ) { case CAPTURE_LML: case CAPTURE_BUZ: strncpy(default_asset->vcodec, QUICKTIME_MJPA, 4); break; case CAPTURE_DVB: case VIDEO4LINUX2MPEG: break; case VIDEO4LINUX2JPEG: if( strncmp(default_asset->vcodec,QUICKTIME_MJPG,4) != 0 ) strncpy(default_asset->vcodec,QUICKTIME_MJPA,4); break; case CAPTURE_FIREWIRE: case CAPTURE_IEC61883: strncpy(default_asset->vcodec, QUICKTIME_DVSD, 4); break; } record_batches.load_defaults(channeldb, this); int cur_chan_no = defaults->get("RECORD_CURRENT_CHANNEL", 0); current_channel = channeldb->get(cur_chan_no); load_mode = defaults->get("RECORD_LOADMODE", LOADMODE_PASTE); monitor_audio = defaults->get("RECORD_MONITOR_AUDIO", 1); metering_audio = defaults->get("RECORD_METERING_AUDIO", 1); monitor_video = defaults->get("RECORD_MONITOR_VIDEO", 1); video_window_open = defaults->get("RECORD_MONITOR_OPEN", 1); video_x = defaults->get("RECORD_VIDEO_X", 0); video_y = defaults->get("RECORD_VIDEO_Y", 0); video_zoom = defaults->get("RECORD_VIDEO_Z", (float)1); picture->load_defaults(); reverse_interlace = defaults->get("REVERSE_INTERLACE", 0); for( int i=0; iget(string, 0); } drop_overrun_frames = defaults->get("DROP_OVERRUN_FRAMES", 0); fill_underrun_frames = defaults->get("FILL_UNDERRUN_FRAMES", 0); commercial_check = defaults->get("COMMERCIAL_CHECK", 0); return 0; } int Record::save_defaults() { char string[BCTEXTLEN]; BC_Hash *defaults = mwindow->defaults; set_editing_batch(0); // Save default asset path but not the format because that's // overridden by the driver. // The format is saved in preferences. if( record_batches.total() ) strcpy(default_asset->path, record_batches[0]->asset->path); default_asset->save_defaults(defaults, "RECORD_", 0, 0, 0, 0, 0); record_batches.save_defaults(channeldb); int cur_chan_no = channeldb->number_of(current_channel); defaults->update("RECORD_CURRENT_CHANNEL", cur_chan_no); defaults->update("RECORD_LOADMODE", load_mode); defaults->update("RECORD_MONITOR_AUDIO", monitor_audio); defaults->update("RECORD_METERING_AUDIO", metering_audio); defaults->update("RECORD_MONITOR_VIDEO", monitor_video); defaults->update("RECORD_MONITOR_OPEN", video_window_open); defaults->update("RECORD_VIDEO_X", video_x); defaults->update("RECORD_VIDEO_Y", video_y); defaults->update("RECORD_VIDEO_Z", video_zoom); picture->save_defaults(); defaults->update("REVERSE_INTERLACE", reverse_interlace); for( int i=0; iupdate(string, dc_offset[i]); } defaults->update("DROP_OVERRUN_FRAMES", drop_overrun_frames); defaults->update("FILL_UNDERRUN_FRAMES", fill_underrun_frames); defaults->update("COMMERCIAL_CHECK", commercial_check); SET_TRACE return 0; } void Record::configure_batches() { // printf("Record::configure_batches %d\n",__LINE__); // default_assset->dump(); strcpy(record_batches[0]->asset->path, default_asset->path); int total_batches = record_batches.total(); for( int i=0; iasset->copy_format(default_asset); } } void Record::run() { int result = 0; record_gui = 0; // Default asset forms the first path in the batch capture // and the file format for all operations. default_asset = new Asset; // Determine information about the device. AudioInConfig *aconfig_in = SESSION->aconfig_in; VideoInConfig *vconfig_in = SESSION->vconfig_in; int driver = vconfig_in->driver; VideoDevice::load_channeldb(channeldb, vconfig_in); fixed_compression = VideoDevice::is_compressed(driver, 0, 1); load_defaults(); // Apply a major kludge if( fixed_compression ) { VideoDevice device; device.fix_asset(default_asset, driver); } default_asset->channels = aconfig_in->channels; VideoDevice::save_channeldb(channeldb, vconfig_in); save_defaults(); mwindow->save_defaults(); configure_batches(); set_current_batch(0); set_editing_batch(0); // Run recordgui edl = new EDL; edl->create_objects(); edl->session->output_w = default_asset->width; edl->session->output_h = default_asset->height; edl->session->aspect_w = SESSION->aspect_w; edl->session->aspect_h = SESSION->aspect_h; window_lock->lock("Record::run 3"); record_gui = new RecordGUI(mwindow, this); record_gui->create_objects(); record_monitor = new RecordMonitor(mwindow, this); record_monitor->create_objects(); record_gui->update_batch_sources(); record_gui->show_window(); record_gui->flush(); if( mwindow->gui->remote_control->deactivate() ) mwindow->gui->record_remote_handler->activate(); if( video_window_open ) { record_monitor->window->show_window(); record_monitor->window->raise_window(); record_monitor->window->flush(); } window_lock->unlock(); channel = 0; start_input_threads(); update_position(); init_lock->unlock(); result = record_gui->run_window(); // record gui operates here until window is closed // wait for it if( record_gui->get_window_lock() ) { record_gui->lock_window(); record_gui->unlock_window(); } // Need to stop everything this time stop_commercial_capture(0); int video_stream = -1; if( default_asset->format == FILE_MPEG ) { Channel *channel = get_current_channel(); if( channel ) video_stream = channel->video_stream; } stop(); edl->Garbage::remove_user(); if( mwindow->gui->remote_control->deactivate() ) mwindow->gui->cwindow_remote_handler->activate(); // Save everything again save_defaults(); // Paste into EDL if( !result && load_mode != LOADMODE_NOTHING ) { mwindow->gui->lock_window("Record::run"); ArrayList new_edls; // Paste assets int total_batches = record_batches.total(); for( int i=0; iasset; if( batch->recorded ) { EDL *new_edl = new EDL; mwindow->remove_asset_from_caches(asset); new_edl->create_objects(); new_edl->copy_session(mwindow->edl); mwindow->asset_to_edl(new_edl, asset, batch->labels); new_edls.append(new_edl); } } if(new_edls.total) { mwindow->undo->update_undo_before(); // For pasting, clear the active region if(load_mode == LOADMODE_PASTE) mwindow->clear(0); mwindow->paste_edls(&new_edls, load_mode, 0, -1, SESSION->labels_follow_edits, SESSION->plugins_follow_edits, SESSION->autos_follow_edits); for( int i=0; iGarbage::remove_user(); new_edls.remove_all(); if( video_stream >= 0 ) { mwindow->select_asset(video_stream, -1); mwindow->fit_selection(); } mwindow->save_backup(); mwindow->undo->update_undo_after(_("record"), LOAD_ALL); mwindow->restart_brender(); mwindow->update_plugin_guis(); mwindow->gui->update(1, 2, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0); mwindow->sync_parameters(CHANGE_ALL); } mwindow->gui->unlock_window(); AWindowGUI *agui = mwindow->awindow->gui; agui->lock_window("Record::record"); agui->update_assets(); agui->flush(); agui->unlock_window(); } // Delete everything record_batches.clear(); default_asset->Garbage::remove_user(); } void Record::stop() { stop_operation(); window_lock->lock("Record::stop"); delete record_thread; record_thread = 0; delete record_monitor; record_monitor = 0; delete record_gui; record_gui = 0; window_lock->unlock(); } void Record::activate_batch(int number) { if( number != current_batch() ) { stop_writing(); set_current_batch(number); record_gui->update_batches(); record_gui->update_position(current_display_position()); record_gui->update_batch_tools(); } } void Record::delete_index_file(Asset *asset) { IndexFile::delete_index(mwindow->preferences, asset, ".toc"); IndexFile::delete_index(mwindow->preferences, asset, ".idx"); } void Record::delete_batch() { // Abort if one batch left int edit_batch = editing_batch(); int total_batches = record_batches.total(); if( total_batches > 1 && edit_batch < total_batches ) { int cur_batch = current_batch(); Batch *batch = record_batches[edit_batch]; record_batches.remove(batch); delete batch; if( cur_batch == edit_batch ) stop_writing(); record_gui->update_batches(); record_gui->update_batch_tools(); } } void Record::change_editing_batch(int number) { set_editing_batch(number); record_gui->update_batch_tools(); } Batch* Record::new_batch() { Batch *batch = new Batch(mwindow, this); //printf("Record::new_batch 1\n"); batch->create_objects(); record_batches.append(batch); batch->asset->copy_format(default_asset); //printf("Record::new_batch 1\n"); batch->create_default_path(); Batch *edit_batch = get_editing_batch(); if( edit_batch ) batch->copy_from(edit_batch); int total_batches = record_batches.total(); set_editing_batch(total_batches - 1); //printf("Record::new_batch 1\n"); // Update GUI if created yet if(record_gui) record_gui->update_batch_tools(); //printf("Record::new_batch 2\n"); return batch; } int Record::current_batch() { return record_batches.current_item; } int Record::set_current_batch(int i) { return record_batches.current_item = i; } int Record::editing_batch() { return record_batches.editing_item; } int Record::set_editing_batch(int i) { return record_batches.editing_item = i; } int Record::delete_output_file() { Batch *batch = get_current_batch(); // Delete old file if( !file && batch && !access(batch->asset->path, F_OK) ) { batch->set_notice(_("Deleting")); record_gui->update_batches(); Asset *asset = batch->asset; remove_file(asset->path); mwindow->remove_asset_from_caches(asset); delete_index_file(asset); batch->clear_notice(); record_gui->update_batches(); } while(0); return 0; } int Record::open_output_file() { int result = 0; file_lock->lock(); Batch *batch = get_current_batch(); if( !file && batch ) { delete_output_file(); Asset *asset = batch->asset; asset->frame_rate = default_asset->frame_rate; asset->sample_rate = default_asset->sample_rate; asset->width = default_asset->width; asset->height = default_asset->height; int wr = 1; if( default_asset->format == FILE_MPEG ) { asset->layers = vdevice ? vdevice->total_video_streams() : 0; asset->channels = adevice ? adevice->total_audio_channels() : 0; wr = 0; } file = new File; result = file->open_file(mwindow->preferences, asset, 0, wr); if( !result ) { mwindow->sighandler->push_file(file); batch->recorded = 1; file->set_processors(mwindow->preferences->real_processors); record_gui->update_batches(); } else { delete file; file = 0; } } file_lock->unlock(); return result; } void Record::start() { if( running() ) { window_lock->lock("Record::start"); record_gui->lock_window("Record::start"); record_gui->raise_window(); record_gui->unlock_window(); window_lock->unlock(); } else { stop(); join(); init_lock->reset(); Thread::start(); } } void Record::start_over() { stop_writing(); Batch *batch = get_current_batch(); if( batch ) batch->start_over(); record_gui->update_batches(); } void Record::stop_operation() { stop_writing(); stop_input_threads(); } int Record::cron_active() { return !record_thread ? 0 : record_thread->cron_active; } void Record::close_output_file() { file_lock->lock(); if( file ) { mwindow->sighandler->pull_file(file); file->close_file(); delete file; file = 0; } file_lock->unlock(); record_gui->update_batches(); } void Record::toggle_label() { Batch *batch = get_current_batch(); if( batch ) batch->toggle_label(current_display_position()); record_gui->update_labels(current_display_position()); } void Record::clear_labels() { Batch *batch = get_current_batch(); if( batch ) batch->clear_labels(); record_gui->update_labels(0); } int Record::get_fragment_samples() { const int min_samples = 1024, max_samples = 32768; int samples, low_bit; samples = default_asset->sample_rate / SESSION->record_speed; if( samples < min_samples ) samples = min_samples; else if( samples > max_samples ) samples = max_samples; // loop until only one bit left standing while( (low_bit=(samples & ~(samples-1))) != samples ) samples += low_bit; return samples; } int Record::get_buffer_samples() { int fragment_samples = get_fragment_samples(); if( !fragment_samples ) return 0; int fragments = (SESSION->record_write_length+fragment_samples-1) / fragment_samples; if( fragments < 1 ) fragments = 1; return fragments * fragment_samples; } Batch* Record::get_current_batch() { return record_batches.get_current_batch(); } Batch* Record::get_editing_batch() { return record_batches.get_editing_batch(); } int Record::get_next_batch(int incr) { int i = current_batch(); if( i >= 0 ) { i += incr; int total_batches = record_batches.total(); while( i < total_batches ) { if( record_batches[i]->enabled ) return i; ++i; } } return -1; } const char* Record::current_mode() { Batch *batch = get_current_batch(); return batch ? Batch::mode_to_text(batch->record_mode) : ""; } double Record::current_display_position() { //printf("Record::current_display_position " // _LD " " _LD "\n", total_samples, total_frames) double result = -1.; Asset *asset = default_asset; if( writing_file ) { if( asset->video_data && record_video ) result = (double) written_frames / asset->frame_rate; else if( asset->audio_data && record_audio ) result = (double) written_samples / asset->sample_rate; } if( result < 0. ) { if( asset->video_data && record_video ) result = (double) total_frames / asset->frame_rate; else if( asset->audio_data && record_audio ) result = (double) total_samples / asset->sample_rate; else result = (double) total_time.get_difference() / 1000.; } return result; } const char* Record::current_source() { Batch *batch = get_current_batch(); return batch ? batch->get_source_text() : "Unknown"; } Asset* Record::current_asset() { Batch *batch = get_current_batch(); return batch ? batch->asset : 0; } Channel *Record::get_current_channel() { return current_channel; } Channel *Record::get_editing_channel() { Batch *batch = get_editing_batch(); return batch ? batch->channel : 0; } ArrayList* Record::get_video_inputs() { return default_asset->video_data && vdevice ? vdevice->get_inputs() : 0; } int64_t Record::timer_position() { timer_lock->lock("RecordAudio::timer_positioin"); int samplerate = default_asset->sample_rate; int64_t result = timer.get_scaled_difference(samplerate); result += session_sample_offset; timer_lock->unlock(); return result; } void Record::reset_position(int64_t position) { timer_lock->lock("RecordAudio::reset_position"); session_sample_offset = position; device_sample_offset = adevice ? adevice->current_position() : 0; timer.update(); timer_lock->unlock(); } void Record::update_position() { int64_t position = sync_position(); reset_position(position); current_frame = current_sample = 0; audio_time = video_time = -1.; } int64_t Record::adevice_position() { timer_lock->lock("RecordAudio::adevice_position"); int64_t result = adevice->current_position(); result += session_sample_offset - device_sample_offset; timer_lock->unlock(); return result; } int64_t Record::sync_position() { int64_t sync_position = -1; double sync_time = -1.; double next_audio_time = -1.; double next_video_time = -1.; if( current_frame == 0 && current_sample == 0 ) { audio_time = video_time = -1.; reset_position(0); } switch( SESSION->record_positioning ) { case RECORD_POS_TIMESTAMPS: if( default_asset->video_data && record_video ) next_video_time = vdevice->get_timestamp(); if( default_asset->audio_data && record_audio ) { next_audio_time = !adevice->is_monitoring() || writing_file > 0 ? adevice->get_itimestamp() : adevice->get_otimestamp(); } if( next_audio_time >= 0. ) sync_time = next_audio_time; else if( next_video_time > 0. ) sync_time = next_video_time; if( sync_time >= 0. ) { sync_position = sync_time * default_asset->sample_rate; } if( sync_position >= 0 ) break; case RECORD_POS_DEVICE: if( default_asset->audio_data && record_audio ) sync_position = adevice_position(); if( sync_position > 0 ) break; case RECORD_POS_SOFTWARE: sync_position = timer_position(); if( sync_position > 0 ) break; case RECORD_POS_SAMPLE: default: sync_position = current_sample; break; } if( next_video_time < 0. ) next_video_time = current_frame / default_asset->frame_rate; if( next_video_time > video_time ) video_time = next_video_time; if( next_audio_time < 0. ) next_audio_time = (double)sync_position / default_asset->sample_rate; if( next_audio_time > audio_time ) audio_time = next_audio_time; return sync_position; } void Record::adevice_drain() { if( adevice && record_audio ) { adevice->stop_audio(0); adevice->start_recording(); } } #define dbmsg if( debug ) printf void Record::resync() { dropped = behind = 0; int64_t audio_position = sync_position(); double audiotime = (double) audio_position / default_asset->sample_rate; double diff = video_time - audiotime; const int debug = 0; dbmsg("resync video %f audio %f/%f diff %f", video_time, audiotime, audio_time, diff); if( fabs(diff) > 5. ) { dbmsg(" drain audio"); // jam job dvb file tesing, comment next line record_channel->drain_audio(); } else if( diff > 0. ) { int64_t delay = (int64_t)(1000.0 * diff); dbmsg(" delay " _LDv(8), delay); if( delay > 500 ) { video_time = audio_time = -1.; delay = 500; } if( delay > 1 ) Timer::delay(delay); } else { behind = (int)(-diff * default_asset->frame_rate); dbmsg(" behind %d", behind); if( behind > 1 && fill_underrun_frames ) { dropped = behind > 3 ? 3 : behind-1; dbmsg(" dropped %d", dropped); } } dbmsg("\n"); int frames = dropped + 1; current_frame += frames; total_frames += frames; record_gui->update_video(dropped, behind); if( dropped > 0 && drop_overrun_frames ) if( vdevice ) vdevice->drop_frames(dropped); } void Record::close_audio_input() { adevice_lock->lock(); if( adevice ) { adevice->close_all(); delete adevice; adevice = 0; } adevice_lock->unlock(); } void Record::close_video_input() { vdevice_lock->lock(); if( vdevice ) { vdevice->close_all(); delete vdevice; vdevice = 0; } vdevice_lock->unlock(); } void Record::close_input_devices() { close_audio_input(); close_video_input(); } void Record::stop_audio_thread() { if( record_audio ) { record_audio->stop_recording(); delete record_audio; record_audio = 0; } close_audio_input(); recording = 0; } void Record::stop_video_thread() { if( record_video ) { record_video->stop_recording(); delete record_video; record_video = 0; } close_video_input(); capturing = 0; single_frame = 0; } void Record::stop_input_threads() { pause_lock->lock("Record::stop_input_threads"); stop_skimming(); stop_playback(); stop_audio_thread(); stop_video_thread(); pause_lock->unlock(); } void Record::stop_playback() { if( record_monitor ) record_monitor->stop_playback(); } void Record::open_audio_input() { close_audio_input(); adevice_lock->lock(); // Create devices if( default_asset->audio_data ) adevice = new AudioDevice(mwindow); // Configure audio if( adevice ) { int sw_pos = SESSION->record_positioning == RECORD_POS_SOFTWARE; adevice->set_software_positioning(sw_pos); adevice->open_input(SESSION->aconfig_in, SESSION->vconfig_in, default_asset->sample_rate, get_fragment_samples(), default_asset->channels, SESSION->real_time_record); adevice->start_recording(); adevice->open_monitor(SESSION->playback_config->aconfig,monitor_audio); adevice->set_vdevice(vdevice); if( vdevice ) vdevice->set_adevice(adevice); } adevice_lock->unlock(); } void Record::open_video_input() { close_video_input(); vdevice_lock->lock(); if( default_asset->video_data ) vdevice = new VideoDevice(mwindow); // Initialize video if( vdevice ) { vdevice->set_quality(default_asset->jpeg_quality); vdevice->open_input(SESSION->vconfig_in, video_x, video_y, video_zoom, default_asset->frame_rate); // Get configuration parameters from device probe color_model = vdevice->get_best_colormodel(default_asset); master_channel->copy_usage(vdevice->channel); picture->copy_usage(vdevice->picture); vdevice->set_field_order(reverse_interlace); vdevice->set_adevice(adevice); if( adevice ) adevice->set_vdevice(vdevice); set_dev_channel(get_current_channel()); } vdevice_lock->unlock(); } void Record::start_audio_thread() { open_audio_input(); if( !record_audio ) { total_samples = current_sample = 0; audio_time = -1.; record_audio = new RecordAudio(mwindow,this); record_audio->arm_recording(); record_audio->start_recording(); } recording = 1; } void Record::start_video_thread() { open_video_input(); if( !record_video ) { total_frames = current_frame = 0; video_time = -1.; record_video = new RecordVideo(mwindow,this); record_video->arm_recording(); record_video->start_recording(); } capturing = 1; } void Record::start_input_threads() { behind = 0; input_threads_pausing = 0; if( default_asset->audio_data ) start_audio_thread(); if( default_asset->video_data ) start_video_thread(); start_skimming(); } void Record::pause_input_threads() { pause_lock->lock("Record::pause_input_threads"); input_threads_pausing = 1; stop_skimming(); adevice_lock->lock(); vdevice_lock->lock(); if( record_audio ) record_audio->pause_recording(); if( record_video ) record_video->pause_recording(); } void Record::resume_input_threads() { if( record_audio ) record_audio->resume_recording(); if( record_video ) record_video->resume_recording(); vdevice_lock->unlock(); adevice_lock->unlock(); input_threads_pausing = 0; start_skimming(); pause_lock->unlock(); } int Record::start_toc() { if( !mwindow->edl->session->record_realtime_toc ) return 0; Batch *batch = get_current_batch(); Asset *asset = batch->asset; char source_filename[BCTEXTLEN], toc_path[BCTEXTLEN]; IndexFile::get_index_filename(source_filename, mwindow->preferences->index_directory, toc_path, asset->path,".toc"); if( default_asset->video_data ) return vdevice->start_toc(asset->path, toc_path); if( default_asset->audio_data ) return adevice->start_toc(asset->path, toc_path); return -1; } int Record::start_record(int fd) { start_toc(); if( default_asset->video_data ) return vdevice->start_record(fd); if( default_asset->audio_data ) return adevice->start_record(fd); return -1; } void Record::start_writing_file() { if( !writing_file ) { written_frames = 0; written_samples = 0; do_video = File::supports_video(default_asset->format); do_audio = File::supports_audio(default_asset->format); if( single_frame ) do_audio = 0; if( !do_video && single_frame ) single_frame = 0; else if( !open_output_file() ) writing_file = default_asset->format == FILE_MPEG ? -1 : 1; if( do_audio && record_audio && writing_file > 0 ) { int buffer_samples = get_buffer_samples(); record_audio->set_write_buffer_samples(buffer_samples); file->start_audio_thread(buffer_samples, FILE_RING_BUFFERS); } if( do_video && record_video && writing_file > 0 ) { int disk_frames = SESSION->video_write_length; int cmodel = vdevice->get_best_colormodel(default_asset); int cpress = vdevice->is_compressed(1, 0); file->start_video_thread(disk_frames, cmodel, FILE_RING_BUFFERS, cpress); } if( writing_file < 0 ) { int fd = file->record_fd(); if( fd >= 0 ) start_record(fd); } if( writing_file ) { record_gui->start_flash_batch(); if( SESSION->record_sync_drives ) { drivesync = new DriveSync(); drivesync->start(); } } } update_position(); } int Record::stop_record() { if( default_asset->video_data ) return vdevice->stop_record(); if( default_asset->audio_data ) return adevice->stop_record(); return -1; } void Record::flush_buffer() { if( record_audio ) record_audio->flush_buffer(); if( record_video ) record_video->flush_buffer(); } void Record::stop_writing_file() { record_gui->stop_flash_batch(); if( !writing_file ) return; if( writing_file > 0 ) flush_buffer(); if( writing_file < 0 ) stop_record(); close_output_file(); writing_file = 0; Asset *asset = current_asset(); asset->audio_length = written_samples; asset->video_length = written_frames; record_gui->flash_batch(); if( drivesync ) { drivesync->done = 1; delete drivesync; drivesync = 0; } } void Record::stop_writing() { if( writing_file ) { pause_input_threads(); stop_writing_file(); resume_input_threads(); } } void Record::start_cron_thread() { if( cron_active() < 0 ) { delete record_thread; record_thread = 0; } if( !record_thread ) { record_thread = new RecordThread(mwindow,this); record_thread->start(); record_gui->disable_batch_buttons(); record_gui->update_cron_status("Running"); } } void Record::stop_cron_thread(const char *msg) { if( record_thread ) { delete record_thread; record_thread = 0; record_gui->enable_batch_buttons(); record_gui->update_cron_status(msg); } } void Record::set_power_off(int value) { power_off = value; record_gui->power_off->update(value); } int Record::set_video_picture() { if( default_asset->video_data && vdevice ) vdevice->set_picture(picture); return 0; } void Record::set_translation(int x, int y) { video_x = x; video_y = y; if(default_asset->video_data && vdevice) vdevice->set_translation(video_x, video_y); } int Record::set_channel(Channel *channel) { if( !channel ) return 1; printf("set_channel %s\n",channel->title); if( record_channel->set(channel) ) return 1; RecordMonitorGUI *window = record_monitor->window; window->lock_window("Record::set_channel"); window->channel_picker->channel_text->update(channel->title); window->unlock_window(); return 0; } int Record::set_channel_no(int chan_no) { if( chan_no < 0 || chan_no >= channeldb->size() ) return 1; Channel *channel = channeldb->get(chan_no); return set_channel(channel); } int Record::channel_down() { Channel *channel = get_current_channel(); if( !channel || !channeldb->size() ) return 1; int n = channeldb->number_of(channel); if( n < 0 ) return 1; if( --n < 0 ) n = channeldb->size() - 1; return set_channel_no(n); } int Record::channel_up() { Channel *channel = get_current_channel(); if( !channel || !channeldb->size() ) return 1; int n = channeldb->number_of(channel); if( n < 0 ) return 1; if( ++n >= channeldb->size() ) n = 0; return set_channel_no(n); } int Record::set_channel_name(const char *name) { Channel *channel = 0; int ch = 0, nch = channeldb->size(); while( ch < nch ) { channel = channeldb->get(ch); if( channel && !channel->cstrcmp(name) ) break; ++ch; } if( ch >= nch || !channel ) return 1; return set_channel(channel); } void Record::set_batch_channel_no(int chan_no) { Channel *channel = channeldb->get(chan_no); if( channel ) { Batch *batch = get_editing_batch(); if( batch ) batch->channel = channel; record_gui->batch_source->update(channel->title); } } void Record::set_dev_channel(Channel *channel) { // should be tuner device, not vdevice if( channel && vdevice && (!this->channel || *channel != *this->channel) ) { current_channel = channel; if( this->channel ) delete this->channel; this->channel = new Channel(channel); vdevice->set_channel(channel); int strk = !SESSION->decode_subtitles ? -1 : SESSION->subtitle_number; vdevice->set_captioning(strk); set_video_picture(); printf("new channel %s, has_signal=%d\n",channel->title,vdevice->has_signal()); total_frames = 0; total_samples = 0; total_time.update(); } } /* widget holds xlock and set_channel pauses rendering, deadlock */ /* use a background thread to update channel after widget sets it */ RecordChannel::RecordChannel(Record *record) : Thread(1, 0, 0) { this->record = record; change_channel = new Condition(0,"RecordSetChannel::change_channel"); channel_lock = new Condition(1,"Record::channel_lock",1); new_channel = 0; Thread::start(); } RecordChannel::~RecordChannel() { done = 1; change_channel->unlock(); Thread::join(); delete change_channel; delete channel_lock; } int RecordChannel::set(Channel *channel) { if( !channel || new_channel ) return 1; new_channel = channel; channel_lock->lock(); // block has_signal change_channel->unlock(); // resume channel changer thread return 0; } void RecordChannel::drain_audio() { if( !audio_drain ) { audio_drain = 1; change_channel->unlock(); } } void RecordChannel::run() { done = 0; while( !done ) { change_channel->lock(); if( done ) break; if( !new_channel && !audio_drain ) continue; record->pause_input_threads(); if( new_channel ) { record->set_dev_channel(new_channel); record->record_gui->reset_video(); record->record_gui->reset_audio(); audio_drain = 0; } if( audio_drain ) { audio_drain = 0; record->adevice_drain(); } record->update_position(); record->resume_input_threads(); if( new_channel ) { new_channel = 0; channel_lock->unlock(); } } } int Record::has_signal() { record_channel->channel_lock->lock("Record::has_signal"); record_channel->channel_lock->unlock(); vdevice_lock->lock(); int result = vdevice ? vdevice->has_signal() : 0; vdevice_lock->unlock(); return result; } int Record::create_channeldb(ArrayList *channeldb) { return vdevice ? vdevice->create_channeldb(channeldb) : 1; } void Record::set_audio_monitoring(int mode) { update_position(); monitor_audio = mode; if( record_audio ) record_audio->set_monitoring(mode); record_gui->lock_window("Record::set_audio_monitoring"); if( record_gui->monitor_audio ) record_gui->monitor_audio->update(mode); record_gui->unlock_window(); } void Record::set_audio_metering(int mode) { metering_audio = mode; record_gui->lock_window("Record::set_audio_metering"); if( record_gui->meter_audio ) record_gui->meter_audio->update(mode); record_gui->unlock_window(); RecordMonitorGUI *window = record_monitor->window; window->lock_window("Record::set_audio_metering 1"); window->resize_event(window->get_w(),window->get_h()); window->unlock_window(); } void Record::set_video_monitoring(int mode) { monitor_video = mode; record_gui->lock_window("Record::set_video_monitoring"); if( record_gui->monitor_video ) record_gui->monitor_video->update(mode); record_gui->flush(); record_gui->unlock_window(); } int Record::get_time_format() { return SESSION->time_format; } int Record::set_record_mode(int value) { Batch *batch = get_editing_batch(); batch->record_mode = value; record_gui->update_batches(); return 0; } int Record::check_batch_complete() { int result = 0; batch_lock->lock(); if( writing_file && cron_active() > 0 ) { Batch *batch = get_current_batch(); if( batch && batch->recorded > 0 && batch->record_mode == RECORD_TIMED && current_display_position() >= batch->record_duration ) { batch->recorded = -1; batch->enabled = 0; record_gui->update_batches(); record_thread->batch_timed_lock->unlock(); result = 1; } } batch_lock->unlock(); return result; } int Record::skimming(void *vp, int track) { return ((Record*)vp)->skimming(track); } int Record::skimming(int track) { int64_t framenum; uint8_t *tdat; int mw, mh; if( !vdevice ) return -1; if( vdevice->get_thumbnail(track, framenum, tdat, mw, mh) ) return 1; int pid, width, height; double framerate; if( vdevice->get_video_info(track, pid, framerate, width, height, 0) ) return 1; if( !framerate ) return 1; return skim_thread->skim(pid,framenum,framerate, tdat,mw,mh,width,height); } void Record::start_skimming() { if( commercial_check && vdevice && !skimming_active ) { skimming_active = 1; skim_thread->start(mwindow->commercials); vdevice->set_skimming(0, 0, skimming, this); } } void Record::stop_skimming() { if( skimming_active && vdevice ) { skimming_active = 0; vdevice->set_skimming(0, 0, 0, 0); skim_thread->stop(); } } void Record::update_skimming(int v) { if( (commercial_check=v) != 0 ) start_skimming(); else stop_skimming(); } RecordRemoteHandler::RecordRemoteHandler(RemoteControl *remote_control) : RemoteHandler(remote_control->gui, GREEN) { } RecordRemoteHandler::~RecordRemoteHandler() { } void Record:: display_video_text(int x, int y, const char *text, int font, int bg_color, int color, int alpha, double secs, double scale) { // gotta have a window for resources record_monitor->window-> display_video_text(x, y, text, font, bg_color, color, alpha, secs, scale); } void Record:: display_cut_icon(int x, int y) { VFrame *cut_icon = *mwindow->theme->get_image_set("commercial"); double scale = 3; x += cut_icon->get_w()*scale; y += cut_icon->get_h()*scale; display_vframe(cut_icon, x, y, 200, 1.0, scale); } DeviceDVBInput *Record:: dvb_device() { DeviceDVBInput *dvb_dev = !vdevice ? 0 : (DeviceDVBInput *)vdevice->mpeg_device(); if( !dvb_dev ) dvb_dev = !adevice ? 0 : (DeviceDVBInput *)adevice->mpeg_device(); return dvb_dev; } #if 0 void Record:: display_vframe(VFrame *in, int x, int y, int alpha, double secs, double scale) { if( !channel ) return; if( !vdevice || vdevice->in_config->driver != CAPTURE_DVB ) return; DeviceDVBInput *dvb_input = dvb_device(); if( !dvb_input ) return 1; zmpeg3_t *fd = dvb_input->get_src(); if( !fd ) return; scale *= fd->video_height(channel->video_stream) / 1080.; int ww = in->get_w() * scale, hh = in->get_h() * scale; VFrame out(ww, hh, BC_YUV444P); BC_WindowBase::get_cmodels()->transfer(out.get_rows(), in->get_rows(), out.get_y(), out.get_u(), out.get_v(), in->get_y(), in->get_u(), in->get_v(), 0, 0, in->get_w(), in->get_h(), 0, 0, out.get_w(), out.get_h(), in->get_color_model(), out.get_color_model(), 0, in->get_bytes_per_line(), ww); int sz = ww * hh; uint8_t *yuv = out.get_data(), aimg[sz]; uint8_t *yp = yuv, *up = yuv+sz, *vp = yuv+2*sz, *ap = 0; if( alpha > 0 ) memset(ap=aimg, alpha, sz); else if( alpha < 0 ) ap = yp; fd->display_subtitle(channel->video_stream, 1, 1, yp,up,vp,ap, x,y,ww,hh, 0, secs*1000); dvb_input->put_src(); } void Record:: undisplay_vframe() { if( !channel ) return; if( !vdevice || vdevice->in_config->driver != CAPTURE_DVB ) return; DeviceDVBInput *dvb_input = dvb_device(); if( !dvb_input ) return 1; zmpeg3_t *fd = dvb_input->get_src(); if( !fd ) return; fd->delete_subtitle(channel->video_stream, 1, 1); dvb_input->put_src(); } #else void Record:: display_vframe(VFrame *in, int x, int y, int alpha, double secs, double scale) { record_monitor->display_vframe(in, x, y, alpha, secs, scale); } void Record:: undisplay_vframe() { record_monitor->undisplay_vframe(); } #endif int Record:: display_channel_info() { if( !channel ) return 1; if( !vdevice || vdevice->in_config->driver != CAPTURE_DVB ) return 1; DeviceDVBInput *dvb_input = dvb_device(); if( !dvb_input ) return 1; int elem = channel->element; time_t tt; time(&tt); struct tm ttm; localtime_r(&tt,&ttm); int result = 1; char text[BCTEXTLEN]; zmpeg3_t *fd = dvb_input->get_src(); if( !fd ) return 1; for( int ord=0, i=0; ord<0x80; ) { char *cp = text; int len = fd->dvb.get_chan_info(elem,ord,i++,cp,BCTEXTLEN-2); if( len < 0 ) { ++ord; i = 0; continue; } struct tm stm = ttm, etm = ttm; char wday[4], *bp = cp; cp += len; if( sscanf(bp, "%02d:%02d:%02d-%02d:%02d:%02d", &stm.tm_hour, &stm.tm_min, &stm.tm_sec, &etm.tm_hour, &etm.tm_min, &etm.tm_sec) != 6 ) continue; while( bp= et ) continue; int major=0, minor=0; fd->dvb.get_channel(elem, major, minor); char chan[64]; sprintf(chan, "%3d.%1d", major, minor); for( i=0; i<5 && chan[i]!=0; ++i ) *bp++ = chan[i]; while( bp=60 && *bp==' ') ) { if( ++n >= 10 ) break; *(lp=bp) = '\n'; } } *bp = 0; while( bp > text && *--bp == '\n' ) *bp = 0; result = 0; break; } dvb_input->put_src(); if( !result ) display_video_text(20, 20, text, BIGFONT, WHITE, BLACK, 0, 3., 1.); return result; } int Record:: display_channel_schedule() { if( !channel ) return 1; if( !vdevice || vdevice->in_config->driver != CAPTURE_DVB ) return 1; DeviceDVBInput *dvb_input = dvb_device(); if( !dvb_input ) return 1; int elem = channel->element; time_t tt; time(&tt); struct tm ttm; localtime_r(&tt,&ttm); char text[BCTEXTLEN]; zmpeg3_t *fd = dvb_input->get_src(); if( !fd ) return 1; RecordSchedule channel_schedule; for( int ord=0, i=0; ord<0x80; ) { char *cp = text; int len = fd->dvb.get_chan_info(elem,ord,i++,cp,BCTEXTLEN-2); if( len < 0 ) { ++ord; i = 0; continue; } struct tm stm = ttm, etm = ttm; char wday[4], *bp = cp; cp += len; if( sscanf(bp, "%02d:%02d:%02d-%02d:%02d:%02d", &stm.tm_hour, &stm.tm_min, &stm.tm_sec, &etm.tm_hour, &etm.tm_min, &etm.tm_sec) != 6 ) continue; while( bp= et ) continue; if( bp > text )*--bp = 0; channel_schedule.append(new RecordScheduleItem(st, text)); } dvb_input->put_src(); channel_schedule.sort_times(); char *cp = text, *ep = cp+sizeof(text)-1; for( int i=0, n=0; ititle; cp= 12 ) break; } *cp = 0; while( cp > text && *--cp == '\n' ) *cp = 0; display_video_text(20, 20, text, BIGFONT, WHITE, BLACK, 0, 3., 1.); return 0; } void Record::clear_keybfr() { keybfr[0] = 0; undisplay_vframe(); } void Record::add_key(int ch) { int n = 0; while( n<(int)sizeof(keybfr)-2 && keybfr[n] ) ++n; keybfr[n++] = ch; keybfr[n] = 0; display_video_text(20, 20, keybfr, BIGFONT, WHITE, BLACK, 0, 3., 2.); } int RecordRemoteHandler::remote_process_key(RemoteControl *remote_control, int key) { Record *record = remote_control->mwindow_gui->record; return record->remote_process_key(remote_control, key); } int Record::remote_process_key(RemoteControl *remote_control, int key) { int ch = key; switch( key ) { case KPENTER: if( last_key == KPENTER ) { set_channel_name(keybfr); clear_keybfr(); break; } ch = '.'; // fall through case '0': if( last_key == '0' && ch == '0' ) { clear_keybfr(); break; } case '1': case '2': case '3': case '4': case '5': case '6': case '7': case '8': case '9': add_key(ch); break; //case UP: case DOWN: case LEFT: case RIGHT: //case KPPLAY: case KPBACK: case KPFORW: case KPRECD: case 'c': // start capture, mark endpoint if( !deletions ) { start_commercial_capture(); if( adevice ) set_play_gain(0.075); } else { mark_commercial_capture(DEL_MARK); blink_status->update(); } display_cut_icon(10,20); break; case KPSTOP: case 'd': // end capture, start cutting remote_control->set_color(YELLOW); stop_commercial_capture(1); break; case KPAUSE: case 'x': // ignore current commercial mark_commercial_capture(DEL_SKIP); break; case KPBACK: case 'a': // toggle mute audio if( !monitor_audio ) { set_mute_gain(1); set_play_gain(1); } set_audio_monitoring(monitor_audio ? 0 : 1); break; case 'm': // toggle metering audio set_audio_metering(metering_audio ? 0 : 1); break; case KPPLAY: case 's': // ignore previous endpoint mark_commercial_capture(DEL_OOPS); break; case KPFWRD: case KPSLASH: display_channel_info(); break; case KPMAXW: case KPSTAR: display_channel_schedule(); break; case KPCHUP: case KPPLUS: channel_up(); break; case KPCHDN: case KPMINUS: channel_down(); break; case 'f': { Canvas *canvas = record_monitor->window->canvas; if( !canvas->get_fullscreen() ) canvas->start_fullscreen(); else canvas->stop_fullscreen(); break; } default: return -1; } last_key = key; return 1; } int Record::start_commercial_capture() { if( deletions != 0 ) return 1; Channel *channel = get_current_channel(); if( !channel ) return 1; int track = channel->video_stream; int pid = vdevice->get_video_pid(track); if( pid < 0 ) return 1; time_t st; time(&st); struct tm stm; localtime_r(&st, &stm); char file_path[BCTEXTLEN]; sprintf(file_path,"/tmp/del%04d%02d%02d-%02d%02d%02d.ts", stm.tm_year+1900, stm.tm_mon+1, stm.tm_mday, stm.tm_hour, stm.tm_min, stm.tm_sec); commercial_fd = open(file_path,O_RDWR+O_CREAT,0666); if( commercial_fd < 0 ) return 1; if( vdevice->start_record(commercial_fd, 0x800000) ) { close(commercial_fd); commercial_fd = -1; return 1; } commercial_start_time = st; printf("del to %s\n", file_path); deletions = new Deletions(pid, file_path); mark_commercial_capture(DEL_START); blink_status->start(); return 0; } int Record::mark_commercial_capture(int action) { if( deletions == 0 ) return 1; double time = vdevice->get_timestamp(); printf("dele %f\n", time); deletions->append(new Dele(time, action)); return 0; } void Record::remote_fill_color(int color) { mwindow->gui->remote_control->fill_color(color); } void Record::set_status_color(int color) { status_color = color; remote_fill_color(status_color); } void Record::set_mute_gain(double gain) { gain = (mute_gain = gain) * play_gain; if( adevice ) adevice->set_play_gain(gain); } void Record::set_play_gain(double gain) { gain = mute_gain * (play_gain = gain); if( adevice ) adevice->set_play_gain(gain); } int Record::stop_commercial_capture(int run_job) { if( deletions == 0 ) return 1; if( run_job ) blink_status->stop(); set_play_gain(1); vdevice->stop_record(); commercial_start_time = -1; if( commercial_fd >= 0 ) { close(commercial_fd); commercial_fd = -1; } int result = -1; if( run_job ) { char del_filename[BCTEXTLEN]; strcpy(del_filename, deletions->file_path()); strcpy(strrchr(del_filename, '.'),".del"); if( !deletions->write_dels(del_filename) ) { int pid = spawn("cutads %s",del_filename); if( pid > 0 ) { cut_pids.append(pid); cutads_status->start_waiting(); result = 0; } } } else { remove_file(deletions->filepath); } delete deletions; deletions = 0; return result; } extern void get_exe_path(char *result); // from main.C int Record:: spawn(const char *fmt, ...) { char exe_path[BCTEXTLEN], cmd[BCTEXTLEN]; get_exe_path(exe_path); va_list ap; va_start(ap, fmt); int n = snprintf(cmd, sizeof(cmd), "exec %s/", exe_path); vsnprintf(cmd+n, sizeof(cmd)-n, fmt, ap); va_end(ap); pid_t pid = vfork(); if( pid < 0 ) return -1; if( pid > 0 ) return pid; char *const argv[4] = { (char*) "/bin/sh", (char*) "-c", cmd, 0 }; execvp(argv[0], &argv[0]); return -1; } int Record:: commercial_jobs() { for( int i=0; irecord = record; wait_lock = new Condition(0,"RecordCutAdsStatus::wait_lock",0); done = 0; start(); } RecordCutAdsStatus:: ~RecordCutAdsStatus() { if( running() ) { done = 1; wait_lock->unlock(); cancel(); join(); } delete wait_lock; } void RecordCutAdsStatus:: start_waiting() { wait_lock->unlock(); } void RecordCutAdsStatus:: run() { int status, pgrp = getpgrp(); while(!done) { wait_lock->lock("RecordCutAdsStatus::run"); if( done ) break; if( !record->commercial_jobs() ) continue; record->set_status_color(YELLOW); while( !done ) { enable_cancel(); waitpid(-pgrp, &status, 0); disable_cancel(); if( !record->commercial_jobs() ) break; } record->set_status_color(GREEN); } } void RecordBlinkStatus:: remote_color(int color) { record->remote_fill_color(color); } void RecordBlinkStatus:: update() { timer.update(); } void RecordBlinkStatus:: start() { done = 0; update(); Thread::start(); } void RecordBlinkStatus:: stop() { done = 1; if( running() ) { cancel(); join(); } } RecordBlinkStatus:: RecordBlinkStatus(Record *record) : Thread(1, 0, 0) { this->record = record; } RecordBlinkStatus:: ~RecordBlinkStatus() { stop(); } void RecordBlinkStatus:: run() { int color = YELLOW; while( !done ) { remote_color(color); enable_cancel(); usleep(500000); disable_cancel(); color ^= YELLOW ^ BLUE; if( timer.get_difference() > 10*60*1000 ) { // 10 minites record->stop_commercial_capture(0); done = 1; } } remote_color(record->status_color); }