/* * CINELERRA * Copyright (C) 2008 Adam Williams * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA * */ #ifndef BCRESOURCES_H #define BCRESOURCES_H // Global objects for the user interface #include "bcdisplayinfo.inc" #include "bcfilebox.h" #include "bcfontentry.inc" #include "bcresources.inc" #include "bcsignals.inc" #include "bcsynchronous.inc" #include "bcwindowbase.inc" #include "vframe.inc" #include typedef struct { const char *suffix; int icon_type; } suffix_to_type_t; typedef struct { char path[BCTEXTLEN]; int id; } filebox_history_t; class BC_Resources { public: BC_Resources(); // The window parameter is used to get the display information initially ~BC_Resources(); friend class BC_WindowBase; int initialize_display(BC_WindowBase *window); // Get unique ID int get_id(); // Get ID for filebox history. Persistent. int get_filebox_id(); int get_bg_color(); // window backgrounds int get_bg_shadow1(); // border for windows int get_bg_shadow2(); int get_bg_light1(); int get_bg_light2(); // Get window border size created by window manager int get_top_border(); int get_left_border(); int get_right_border(); int get_bottom_border(); // Get synchronous thread for OpenGL BC_Synchronous* get_synchronous(); // Called by user after synchronous thread is created. void set_synchronous(BC_Synchronous *synchronous); // Set signal handler static void set_signals(BC_Signals *signal_handler); static BC_Signals* get_signals(); // These values should be changed before the first window is created. // colors int bg_color; // window backgrounds int border_light1; int border_light2; int border_shadow1; int border_shadow2; int bg_shadow1; // border for windows int bg_shadow2; int bg_light1; int bg_light2; int default_text_color; int disabled_text_color; // beveled box colors int button_light; int button_highlighted; int button_down; int button_up; int button_shadow; int button_uphighlighted; // highlighting int highlight_inverse; // 3D box colors for menus int menu_light; int menu_highlighted; int menu_down; int menu_up; int menu_shadow; // If these are nonzero, they override the menu backgrounds. VFrame *menu_popup_bg; VFrame **menu_title_bg; VFrame *menu_bar_bg; VFrame **popupmenu_images; // Minimum menu width int min_menu_w; // Menu bar text color int menu_title_text; // color of popup title int popup_title_text; // Right and left margin for text not including triangle space. int popupmenu_margin; // Right margin for triangle not including text margin. int popupmenu_triangle_margin; // color for item text int menu_item_text; // Override the menu item background if nonzero. VFrame **menu_item_bg; // color for progress text int progress_text; int menu_highlighted_fontcolor; // ms for double click long double_click; // ms for cursor flash int blink_rate; // ms for scroll repeats int scroll_repeat; // ms before tooltip int tooltip_delay; int tooltip_bg_color; int tooltips_enabled; int audiovideo_color; // default color of text int text_default; // background color of textboxes and list boxes int text_border1; int text_border2; int text_border2_hi; int text_background; int text_background_hi; int text_background_noborder_hi; int text_border3; int text_border3_hi; int text_border4; int text_highlight; int text_inactive_highlight; // Not used int text_background_noborder; // Optional background for highlighted text in toggle VFrame *toggle_highlight_bg; int toggle_text_margin; // Background images static VFrame *bg_image; static VFrame *menu_bg; // Buttons VFrame **ok_images; VFrame **cancel_images; VFrame **filebox_text_images; VFrame **filebox_icons_images; VFrame **filebox_updir_images; VFrame **filebox_newfolder_images; VFrame **filebox_rename_images; VFrame **filebox_descend_images; VFrame **filebox_delete_images; VFrame **filebox_reload_images; // Generic button images VFrame **generic_button_images; // Generic button text margin int generic_button_margin; VFrame **usethis_button_images; // Toggles VFrame **checkbox_images; VFrame **radial_images; VFrame **label_images; VFrame **tumble_data; int tumble_duration; // Horizontal bar VFrame *bar_data; // Listbox VFrame *listbox_bg; VFrame **listbox_button; VFrame **listbox_expand; VFrame **listbox_column; VFrame *listbox_up; VFrame *listbox_dn; int listbox_title_overlap; // Margin for titles in addition to listbox border int listbox_title_margin; int listbox_title_color; int listbox_title_hotspot; int listbox_border1; int listbox_border2_hi; int listbox_border2; int listbox_border3_hi; int listbox_border3; int listbox_border4; // Selected row color int listbox_selected; // Highlighted row color int listbox_highlighted; // Inactive row color int listbox_inactive; // Default text color int listbox_text; // Sliders VFrame **horizontal_slider_data; VFrame **vertical_slider_data; VFrame **hscroll_data; VFrame **vscroll_data; // Minimum pixels in handle int scroll_minhandle; // Pans VFrame **pan_data; int pan_text_color; // Pots VFrame **pot_images; int pot_x1, pot_y1, pot_r; // Amount of deflection of pot when down int pot_offset; int pot_needle_color; // Meters VFrame **xmeter_images, **ymeter_images; int meter_font; int meter_font_color; int meter_title_w; int meter_3d; // Progress bar VFrame **progress_images; // Motion required to start a drag int drag_radius; // Filebox static suffix_to_type_t suffix_to_type[TOTAL_SUFFIXES]; VFrame **type_to_icon; // Display mode for fileboxes int filebox_mode; // Filter currently used in filebox char filebox_filter[BCTEXTLEN]; // History of submitted files filebox_history_t filebox_history[FILEBOX_HISTORY_SIZE]; // filebox size int filebox_w; int filebox_h; // Column types for filebox int filebox_columntype[FILEBOX_COLUMNS]; int filebox_columnwidth[FILEBOX_COLUMNS]; int filebox_sortcolumn; int filebox_sortorder; // Column types for filebox in directory mode int dirbox_columntype[FILEBOX_COLUMNS]; int dirbox_columnwidth[FILEBOX_COLUMNS]; int dirbox_sortcolumn; int dirbox_sortorder; // Bottom margin between list and window int filebox_margin; int dirbox_margin; int directory_color; int file_color; // fonts static const char *small_font; static const char *medium_font; static const char *large_font; static const char *big_font; // Backup of fonts in case the first choices don't exist static const char *small_font2; static const char *medium_font2; static const char *large_font2; static const char *big_font2; static const char *small_fontset; static const char *medium_fontset; static const char *large_fontset; static const char *big_fontset; static const char *small_font_xft, *small_b_font_xft; static const char *medium_font_xft, *medium_b_font_xft; static const char *large_font_xft, *large_b_font_xft; static const char *big_font_xft, *big_b_font_xft; // Backup of fonts in case the first choices don't exist static const char *small_font_xft2; static const char *medium_font_xft2; static const char *large_font_xft2; static const char *big_font_xft2; void init_font_defs(double scale); VFrame **medium_7segment; //clock int draw_clock_background; int use_fontset; int use_xft; // Current locale uses utf8 static int locale_utf8; // Byte order is little_endian static int little_endian; // Language and region static char language[LEN_LANG]; static char region[LEN_LANG]; static char encoding[LEN_ENCOD]; static const char *wide_encoding; static ArrayList *fontlist; static int init_fontconfig(const char *search_path); static BC_FontEntry *find_fontentry(const char *displayname, int style, int mask); static FcPattern* find_similar_font(FT_ULong char_code, FcPattern *oldfont); static size_t encode(const char *from_enc, const char *to_enc, char *input, int input_length, char *output, int output_length); static int find_font_by_char(FT_ULong char_code, char *path_new, const FT_Face oldface); // Make VFrame use shm int vframe_shm; int use_vframe_shm() { return use_shm && vframe_shm ? 1 : 0; } static int get_machine_cpus(); static int machine_cpus; // Available display extensions int use_shm; int shm_reply; static int error; // If the program uses recursive_resizing int recursive_resizing; // Work around X server bugs int use_xvideo; // Seems to help if only 1 window is created at a time. Mutex *create_window_lock; private: // Test for availability of shared memory pixmaps void init_shm(BC_WindowBase *window); void init_sizes(BC_WindowBase *window); static int x_error_handler(Display *display, XErrorEvent *event); BC_DisplayInfo *display_info; VFrame **list_pointers[100]; int list_lengths[100]; int list_total; static const char *fc_properties[]; Mutex *id_lock; static Mutex fontconfig_lock; // Pointer to signal handler class to run after ipc static BC_Signals *signal_handler; BC_Synchronous *synchronous; int id; int filebox_id; }; #endif