/* * CINELERRA * Copyright (C) 2011 Adam Williams * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA * */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "bcbitmap.h" #include "bchash.h" #include "bcpbuffer.h" #include "bcresources.h" #include "bcsignals.h" #include "bcsynchronous.h" #include "bctexture.h" #include "bcwindowbase.h" #include "clip.h" #include "bccmodels.h" #include "vframe.h" class PngReadFunction { public: static void png_read_function(png_structp png_ptr, png_bytep data, png_size_t length) { VFrame *frame = (VFrame*)png_get_io_ptr(png_ptr); if(frame->image_size - frame->image_offset < (long)length) { printf("PngReadFunction::png_read_function %d: overrun\n", __LINE__); length = frame->image_size - frame->image_offset; } memcpy(data, &frame->image[frame->image_offset], length); frame->image_offset += length; }; }; VFrameScene::VFrameScene() { } VFrameScene::~VFrameScene() { } //static BCCounter counter; VFrame::VFrame(unsigned char *png_data) { reset_parameters(1); params = new BC_Hash; read_png(png_data); } VFrame::VFrame(unsigned char *png_data, long image_size) { reset_parameters(1); params = new BC_Hash; read_png(png_data, image_size); } VFrame::VFrame(VFrame &frame) { reset_parameters(1); params = new BC_Hash; allocate_data(0, -1, 0, 0, 0, frame.w, frame.h, frame.color_model, frame.bytes_per_line); memcpy(data, frame.data, bytes_per_line * h); copy_stacks(&frame); } VFrame::VFrame(int w, int h, int color_model, long bytes_per_line) { reset_parameters(1); params = new BC_Hash; allocate_data(data, -1, 0, 0, 0, w, h, color_model, bytes_per_line); } VFrame::VFrame(unsigned char *data, int shmid, int w, int h, int color_model, long bytes_per_line) { reset_parameters(1); params = new BC_Hash; allocate_data(data, shmid, 0, 0, 0, w, h, color_model, bytes_per_line); } VFrame::VFrame(unsigned char *data, int shmid, long y_offset, long u_offset, long v_offset, int w, int h, int color_model, long bytes_per_line) { reset_parameters(1); params = new BC_Hash; allocate_data(data, shmid, y_offset, u_offset, v_offset, w, h, color_model, bytes_per_line); } VFrame::VFrame(BC_Bitmap *bitmap, int w, int h, int color_model, long bytes_per_line) { reset_parameters(1); params = new BC_Hash; int shmid = 0; unsigned char *data = 0; if( bitmap->is_shared() ) shmid = bitmap->get_shmid(); else data = bitmap->get_data(); allocate_data(data, shmid, bitmap->get_y_offset(), bitmap->get_u_offset(), bitmap->get_v_offset(), w, h, color_model, bytes_per_line); } VFrame::VFrame() { reset_parameters(1); params = new BC_Hash; this->color_model = BC_COMPRESSED; } VFrame::~VFrame() { clear_objects(1); // Delete effect stack prev_effects.remove_all_objects(); next_effects.remove_all_objects(); delete params; delete scene; } int VFrame::equivalent(VFrame *src, int test_stacks) { return (src->get_color_model() == get_color_model() && src->get_w() == get_w() && src->get_h() == get_h() && src->bytes_per_line == bytes_per_line && (!test_stacks || equal_stacks(src))); } int VFrame::data_matches(VFrame *frame) { if(data && frame->get_data() && frame->params_match(get_w(), get_h(), get_color_model()) && get_data_size() == frame->get_data_size()) { int data_size = get_data_size(); unsigned char *ptr1 = get_data(); unsigned char *ptr2 = frame->get_data(); for(int i = 0; i < data_size; i++) { if(*ptr1++ != *ptr2++) return 0; } return 1; } return 0; } // long VFrame::set_shm_offset(long offset) // { // shm_offset = offset; // return 0; // } // // long VFrame::get_shm_offset() // { // return shm_offset; // } // int VFrame::get_memory_type() { return memory_type; } int VFrame::params_match(int w, int h, int color_model) { return (this->w == w && this->h == h && this->color_model == color_model); } int VFrame::reset_parameters(int do_opengl) { status = 1; scene = 0; field2_offset = -1; memory_type = VFrame::PRIVATE; // shm_offset = 0; shmid = -1; use_shm = 1; bytes_per_line = 0; data = 0; rows = 0; color_model = 0; compressed_allocated = 0; compressed_size = 0; // Size of current image w = 0; h = 0; y = u = v = a = 0; y_offset = 0; u_offset = 0; v_offset = 0; sequence_number = -1; timestamp = -1.; is_keyframe = 0; if(do_opengl) { // By default, anything is going to be done in RAM opengl_state = VFrame::RAM; pbuffer = 0; texture = 0; } prev_effects.set_array_delete(); next_effects.set_array_delete(); return 0; } int VFrame::clear_objects(int do_opengl) { // Remove texture if(do_opengl) { delete texture; texture = 0; delete pbuffer; pbuffer = 0; } // Delete data switch(memory_type) { case VFrame::PRIVATE: // Memory check // if(this->w * this->h > 1500 * 1100) // printf("VFrame::clear_objects 2 this=%p data=%p\n", this, data); if(data) { //printf("VFrame::clear_objects %d this=%p shmid=%p data=%p\n", __LINE__, this, shmid, data); if(shmid >= 0) shmdt(data); else free(data); //PRINT_TRACE } data = 0; shmid = -1; break; case VFrame::SHMGET: if(data) shmdt(data); data = 0; shmid = -1; break; } // Delete row pointers switch(color_model) { case BC_COMPRESSED: case BC_YUV410P: case BC_YUV411P: case BC_YUV420P: case BC_YUV422P: case BC_YUV444P: case BC_RGB_FLOATP: case BC_RGBA_FLOATP: break; default: delete [] rows; rows = 0; break; } return 0; } int VFrame::get_field2_offset() { return field2_offset; } int VFrame::set_field2_offset(int value) { this->field2_offset = value; return 0; } void VFrame::set_keyframe(int value) { this->is_keyframe = value; } int VFrame::get_keyframe() { return is_keyframe; } VFrameScene* VFrame::get_scene() { return scene; } int VFrame::calculate_bytes_per_pixel(int color_model) { return BC_CModels::calculate_pixelsize(color_model); } long VFrame::get_bytes_per_line() { return bytes_per_line; } long VFrame::get_data_size() { return calculate_data_size(w, h, bytes_per_line, color_model) - 4; } long VFrame::calculate_data_size(int w, int h, int bytes_per_line, int color_model) { return BC_CModels::calculate_datasize(w, h, bytes_per_line, color_model); } void VFrame::create_row_pointers() { int sz = w * h; switch(color_model) { case BC_YUV410P: if( this->v_offset ) break; this->y_offset = 0; this->u_offset = sz; this->v_offset = sz + w / 4 * h / 4; break; case BC_YUV420P: case BC_YUV411P: if( this->v_offset ) break; this->y_offset = 0; this->u_offset = sz; this->v_offset = sz + sz / 4; break; case BC_YUV422P: if( this->v_offset ) break; this->y_offset = 0; this->u_offset = sz; this->v_offset = sz + sz / 2; break; case BC_YUV444P: if( this->v_offset ) break; this->y_offset = 0; this->u_offset = sz; this->v_offset = sz + sz; break; case BC_RGBA_FLOATP: if( this->v_offset || a ) break; a = this->data + 3 * sz * sizeof(float); case BC_RGB_FLOATP: if( this->v_offset ) break; this->y_offset = 0; this->u_offset = sz * sizeof(float); this->v_offset = 2 * sz * sizeof(float); break; default: rows = new unsigned char*[h]; for(int i = 0; i < h; i++) rows[i] = &this->data[i * this->bytes_per_line]; return; } y = this->data + this->y_offset; u = this->data + this->u_offset; v = this->data + this->v_offset; } int VFrame::allocate_data(unsigned char *data, int shmid, long y_offset, long u_offset, long v_offset, int w, int h, int color_model, long bytes_per_line) { this->w = w; this->h = h; this->color_model = color_model; this->bytes_per_pixel = calculate_bytes_per_pixel(color_model); this->y_offset = this->u_offset = this->v_offset = 0; // if(shmid == 0) { // printf("VFrame::allocate_data %d shmid == 0\n", __LINE__, shmid); // } this->bytes_per_line = bytes_per_line >= 0 ? bytes_per_line : this->bytes_per_pixel * w; // Allocate data + padding for MMX if(data) { //printf("VFrame::allocate_data %d %p\n", __LINE__, this->data); memory_type = VFrame::SHARED; this->data = data; this->shmid = -1; this->y_offset = y_offset; this->u_offset = u_offset; this->v_offset = v_offset; } else if(shmid >= 0) { memory_type = VFrame::SHMGET; this->data = (unsigned char*)shmat(shmid, NULL, 0); //printf("VFrame::allocate_data %d shmid=%d data=%p\n", __LINE__, shmid, this->data); this->shmid = shmid; this->y_offset = y_offset; this->u_offset = u_offset; this->v_offset = v_offset; } else { memory_type = VFrame::PRIVATE; int size = calculate_data_size(this->w, this->h, this->bytes_per_line, this->color_model); if(BC_WindowBase::get_resources()->use_vframe_shm() && use_shm) { this->shmid = shmget(IPC_PRIVATE, size, IPC_CREAT | 0777); if(this->shmid < 0) { printf("VFrame::allocate_data %d could not allocate shared memory\n", __LINE__); } this->data = (unsigned char*)shmat(this->shmid, NULL, 0); //printf("VFrame::allocate_data %d %d %d\n", __LINE__, size, this->shmid); //printf("VFrame::allocate_data %d %p\n", __LINE__, this->data); // This causes it to automatically delete when the program exits. shmctl(this->shmid, IPC_RMID, 0); } else { // Have to use malloc for libpng this->data = (unsigned char *)malloc(size); } // Memory check // if(this->w * this->h > 1500 * 1100) // printf("VFrame::allocate_data 2 this=%p w=%d h=%d this->data=%p\n", // this, this->w, this->h, this->data); if(!this->data) printf("VFrame::allocate_data %dx%d: memory exhausted.\n", this->w, this->h); //printf("VFrame::allocate_data %d %p data=%p %d %d\n", __LINE__, this, this->data, this->w, this->h); //if(size > 1000000) printf("VFrame::allocate_data %d\n", size); } // Create row pointers create_row_pointers(); return 0; } void VFrame::set_memory(unsigned char *data, int shmid, long y_offset, long u_offset, long v_offset) { clear_objects(0); if(data) { memory_type = VFrame::SHARED; this->data = data; this->shmid = -1; this->y_offset = y_offset; this->u_offset = u_offset; this->v_offset = v_offset; } else if(shmid >= 0) { memory_type = VFrame::SHMGET; this->data = (unsigned char*)shmat(shmid, NULL, 0); this->shmid = shmid; } y = this->data + this->y_offset; u = this->data + this->u_offset; v = this->data + this->v_offset; create_row_pointers(); } void VFrame::set_memory(BC_Bitmap *bitmap) { int shmid = 0; unsigned char *data = 0; if( bitmap->is_shared() ) shmid = bitmap->get_shmid(); else data = bitmap->get_data(); set_memory(data, shmid, bitmap->get_y_offset(), bitmap->get_u_offset(), bitmap->get_v_offset()); } void VFrame::set_compressed_memory(unsigned char *data, int shmid, int data_size, int data_allocated) { clear_objects(0); if(data) { memory_type = VFrame::SHARED; this->data = data; this->shmid = -1; } else if(shmid >= 0) { memory_type = VFrame::SHMGET; this->data = (unsigned char*)shmat(shmid, NULL, 0); this->shmid = shmid; } this->compressed_allocated = data_allocated; this->compressed_size = data_size; } // Reallocate uncompressed buffer with or without alpha int VFrame::reallocate( unsigned char *data, int shmid, long y_offset, long u_offset, long v_offset, int w, int h, int color_model, long bytes_per_line) { // if(shmid == 0) printf("VFrame::reallocate %d shmid=%d\n", __LINE__, shmid); clear_objects(0); // reset_parameters(0); allocate_data(data, shmid, y_offset, u_offset, v_offset, w, h, color_model, bytes_per_line); return 0; } int VFrame::allocate_compressed_data(long bytes) { if(bytes < 1) return 1; // Want to preserve original contents if(data && compressed_allocated < bytes) { int new_shmid = -1; unsigned char *new_data = 0; if(BC_WindowBase::get_resources()->use_vframe_shm() && use_shm) { new_shmid = shmget(IPC_PRIVATE, bytes, IPC_CREAT | 0777); new_data = (unsigned char*)shmat(new_shmid, NULL, 0); shmctl(new_shmid, IPC_RMID, 0); } else { // Have to use malloc for libpng new_data = (unsigned char *)malloc(bytes); } bcopy(data, new_data, compressed_allocated); UNBUFFER(data); if(memory_type == VFrame::PRIVATE) { if(shmid > 0) { if(data) shmdt(data); } else free(data); } else if(memory_type == VFrame::SHMGET) { if(data) shmdt(data); } data = new_data; shmid = new_shmid; compressed_allocated = bytes; } else if(!data) { if(BC_WindowBase::get_resources()->use_vframe_shm() && use_shm) { shmid = shmget(IPC_PRIVATE, bytes, IPC_CREAT | 0777); data = (unsigned char*)shmat(shmid, NULL, 0); shmctl(shmid, IPC_RMID, 0); } else { // Have to use malloc for libpng data = (unsigned char *)malloc(bytes); } compressed_allocated = bytes; compressed_size = 0; } return 0; } int VFrame::read_png(const unsigned char *data, long img_sz) { // Test for RAW format if(data[0] == 'R' && data[1] == 'A' && data[2] == 'W' && data[3] == ' ') { int new_color_model = BC_RGBA8888; w = data[4] | (data[5] << 8) | (data[6] << 16) | (data[7] << 24); h = data[8] | (data[9] << 8) | (data[10] << 16) | (data[11] << 24); int components = data[12]; new_color_model = components == 3 ? BC_RGB888 : BC_RGBA8888; // This shares the data directly // reallocate(data + 20, 0, 0, 0, w, h, new_color_model, -1); // Can't use shared data for theme since button constructions overlay the // images directly. reallocate(NULL, -1, 0, 0, 0, w, h, new_color_model, -1); memcpy(get_data(), data + 16, w * h * components); } else if(data[0] == 0x89 && data[1] == 'P' && data[2] == 'N' && data[3] == 'G') { int have_alpha = 0; png_structp png_ptr = png_create_read_struct(PNG_LIBPNG_VER_STRING, 0, 0, 0); png_infop info_ptr = png_create_info_struct(png_ptr); int new_color_model; image_offset = 0; image = data; image_size = img_sz; png_set_read_fn(png_ptr, this, PngReadFunction::png_read_function); png_read_info(png_ptr, info_ptr); w = png_get_image_width(png_ptr, info_ptr); h = png_get_image_height(png_ptr, info_ptr); int src_color_model = png_get_color_type(png_ptr, info_ptr); /* tell libpng to strip 16 bit/color files down to 8 bits/color */ png_set_strip_16(png_ptr); /* extract multiple pixels with bit depths of 1, 2, and 4 from a single * byte into separate bytes (useful for paletted and grayscale images). */ png_set_packing(png_ptr); /* expand paletted colors into true RGB triplets */ if (src_color_model == PNG_COLOR_TYPE_PALETTE) png_set_expand(png_ptr); /* expand grayscale images to the full 8 bits from 1, 2, or 4 bits/pixel */ if (src_color_model == PNG_COLOR_TYPE_GRAY && png_get_bit_depth(png_ptr, info_ptr) < 8) png_set_expand(png_ptr); if (src_color_model == PNG_COLOR_TYPE_GRAY || src_color_model == PNG_COLOR_TYPE_GRAY_ALPHA) png_set_gray_to_rgb(png_ptr); /* expand paletted or RGB images with transparency to full alpha channels * so the data will be available as RGBA quartets */ if (png_get_valid(png_ptr, info_ptr, PNG_INFO_tRNS)){ have_alpha = 1; png_set_expand(png_ptr); } switch(src_color_model) { case PNG_COLOR_TYPE_GRAY: case PNG_COLOR_TYPE_RGB: new_color_model = BC_RGB888; break; case PNG_COLOR_TYPE_GRAY_ALPHA: case PNG_COLOR_TYPE_RGB_ALPHA: default: new_color_model = BC_RGBA8888; break; case PNG_COLOR_TYPE_PALETTE: if(have_alpha) new_color_model = BC_RGBA8888; else new_color_model = BC_RGB888; } reallocate(NULL, -1, 0, 0, 0, w, h, new_color_model, -1); //printf("VFrame::read_png %d %d %d %p\n", __LINE__, w, h, get_rows()); png_read_image(png_ptr, get_rows()); png_destroy_read_struct(&png_ptr, &info_ptr, NULL); } else { printf("VFrame::read_png %d: unknown file format" " 0x%02x 0x%02x 0x%02x 0x%02x\n", __LINE__, data[4], data[5], data[6], data[7]); } return 0; } int VFrame::read_png(const unsigned char *data) { long img_sz = ((long)data[0] << 24) | ((long)data[1] << 16) | ((long)data[2] << 8) | (long)data[3]; return read_png(data+4, img_sz); } int VFrame::write_png(const char *path) { png_structp png_ptr = png_create_write_struct(PNG_LIBPNG_VER_STRING, 0, 0, 0); png_infop info_ptr = png_create_info_struct(png_ptr); FILE *out_fd = fopen(path, "w"); if(!out_fd) { printf("VFrame::write_png %d %s %s\n", __LINE__, path, strerror(errno)); return 1; } int png_cmodel = PNG_COLOR_TYPE_RGB; switch(get_color_model()) { case BC_RGB888: case BC_YUV888: png_cmodel = PNG_COLOR_TYPE_RGB; break; case BC_A8: png_cmodel = PNG_COLOR_TYPE_GRAY; break; } png_init_io(png_ptr, out_fd); png_set_compression_level(png_ptr, 9); png_set_IHDR(png_ptr, info_ptr, get_w(), get_h(), 8, png_cmodel, PNG_INTERLACE_NONE, PNG_COMPRESSION_TYPE_DEFAULT, PNG_FILTER_TYPE_DEFAULT); png_write_info(png_ptr, info_ptr); png_write_image(png_ptr, get_rows()); png_write_end(png_ptr, info_ptr); png_destroy_write_struct(&png_ptr, &info_ptr); fclose(out_fd); return 0; } #define ZERO_YUV(components, type, max) \ { \ for(int i = 0; i < h; i++) \ { \ type *row = (type*)get_rows()[i]; \ for(int j = 0; j < w; j++) \ { \ row[j * components] = 0; \ row[j * components + 1] = (max + 1) / 2; \ row[j * components + 2] = (max + 1) / 2; \ if(components == 4) row[j * components + 3] = 0; \ } \ } \ } int VFrame::clear_frame() { int sz = w * h; //printf("VFrame::clear_frame %d\n", __LINE__); switch(color_model) { case BC_COMPRESSED: break; case BC_YUV410P: bzero(get_y(), sz); bzero(get_u(), w / 4 * h / 4); bzero(get_v(), w / 4 * h / 4); break; case BC_YUV411P: case BC_YUV420P: bzero(get_y(), sz); bzero(get_u(), sz / 4); bzero(get_v(), sz / 4); break; case BC_YUV422P: bzero(get_y(), sz); bzero(get_u(), sz / 2); bzero(get_v(), sz / 2); break; case BC_RGBA_FLOATP: if( a ) { float *ap = (float *)a; for( int i=sz; --i>=0; ++ap ) *ap = 1.f; } case BC_RGB_FLOATP: { float *rp = (float *)y; for( int i=sz; --i>=0; ++rp ) *rp = 0.f; float *gp = (float *)u; for( int i=sz; --i>=0; ++gp ) *gp = 0.f; float *bp = (float *)v; for( int i=sz; --i>=0; ++bp ) *bp = 0.f; break; } case BC_YUV444P: bzero(get_y(), sz); bzero(get_u(), sz); bzero(get_v(), sz); break; case BC_YUV888: ZERO_YUV(3, unsigned char, 0xff); break; case BC_YUVA8888: ZERO_YUV(4, unsigned char, 0xff); break; case BC_YUV161616: ZERO_YUV(3, uint16_t, 0xffff); break; case BC_YUVA16161616: ZERO_YUV(4, uint16_t, 0xffff); break; default: bzero(data, calculate_data_size(w, h, bytes_per_line, color_model)); break; } return 0; } void VFrame::rotate90() { // Allocate new frame int new_w = h, new_h = w, new_bytes_per_line = bytes_per_pixel * new_w; unsigned char *new_data = new unsigned char[calculate_data_size(new_w, new_h, new_bytes_per_line, color_model)]; unsigned char **new_rows = new unsigned char*[new_h]; for(int i = 0; i < new_h; i++) new_rows[i] = &new_data[new_bytes_per_line * i]; // Copy data for(int in_y = 0, out_x = new_w - 1; in_y < h; in_y++, out_x--) { for(int in_x = 0, out_y = 0; in_x < w; in_x++, out_y++) { for(int k = 0; k < bytes_per_pixel; k++) { new_rows[out_y][out_x * bytes_per_pixel + k] = rows[in_y][in_x * bytes_per_pixel + k]; } } } // Swap frames clear_objects(0); data = new_data; rows = new_rows; bytes_per_line = new_bytes_per_line; w = new_w; h = new_h; } void VFrame::rotate270() { // Allocate new frame int new_w = h, new_h = w, new_bytes_per_line = bytes_per_pixel * new_w; unsigned char *new_data = new unsigned char[calculate_data_size(new_w, new_h, new_bytes_per_line, color_model)]; unsigned char **new_rows = new unsigned char*[new_h]; for(int i = 0; i < new_h; i++) new_rows[i] = &new_data[new_bytes_per_line * i]; // Copy data for(int in_y = 0, out_x = 0; in_y < h; in_y++, out_x++) { for(int in_x = 0, out_y = new_h - 1; in_x < w; in_x++, out_y--) { for(int k = 0; k < bytes_per_pixel; k++) { new_rows[out_y][out_x * bytes_per_pixel + k] = rows[in_y][in_x * bytes_per_pixel + k]; } } } // Swap frames clear_objects(0); data = new_data; rows = new_rows; bytes_per_line = new_bytes_per_line; w = new_w; h = new_h; } void VFrame::flip_vert() { unsigned char *temp = new unsigned char[bytes_per_line]; for(int i = 0, j = h - 1; i < j; i++, j--) { memcpy(temp, rows[j], bytes_per_line); memcpy(rows[j], rows[i], bytes_per_line); memcpy(rows[i], temp, bytes_per_line); } delete [] temp; } void VFrame::flip_horiz() { unsigned char temp[32]; for(int i = 0; i < h; i++) { unsigned char *row = rows[i]; for(int j = 0; j < bytes_per_line / 2; j += bytes_per_pixel) { memcpy(temp, row + j, bytes_per_pixel); memcpy(row + j, row + bytes_per_line - j - bytes_per_pixel, bytes_per_pixel); memcpy(row + bytes_per_line - j - bytes_per_pixel, temp, bytes_per_pixel); } } } int VFrame::copy_from(VFrame *frame) { int w = MIN(this->w, frame->get_w()); int h = MIN(this->h, frame->get_h()); timestamp = frame->timestamp; switch(frame->color_model) { case BC_COMPRESSED: allocate_compressed_data(frame->compressed_size); memcpy(data, frame->data, frame->compressed_size); this->compressed_size = frame->compressed_size; break; case BC_YUV410P: memcpy(get_y(), frame->get_y(), w * h); memcpy(get_u(), frame->get_u(), w / 4 * h / 4); memcpy(get_v(), frame->get_v(), w / 4 * h / 4); break; case BC_YUV420P: case BC_YUV411P: //printf("%d %d %p %p %p %p %p %p\n", w, h, get_y(), get_u(), get_v(), frame->get_y(), frame->get_u(), frame->get_v()); memcpy(get_y(), frame->get_y(), w * h); memcpy(get_u(), frame->get_u(), w * h / 4); memcpy(get_v(), frame->get_v(), w * h / 4); break; case BC_YUV422P: //printf("%d %d %p %p %p %p %p %p\n", w, h, get_y(), get_u(), get_v(), frame->get_y(), frame->get_u(), frame->get_v()); memcpy(get_y(), frame->get_y(), w * h); memcpy(get_u(), frame->get_u(), w * h / 2); memcpy(get_v(), frame->get_v(), w * h / 2); break; case BC_YUV444P: //printf("%d %d %p %p %p %p %p %p\n", w, h, get_y(), get_u(), get_v(), frame->get_y(), frame->get_u(), frame->get_v()); memcpy(get_y(), frame->get_y(), w * h); memcpy(get_u(), frame->get_u(), w * h); memcpy(get_v(), frame->get_v(), w * h); break; default: // printf("VFrame::copy_from %d\n", calculate_data_size(w, // h, // -1, // frame->color_model)); // Copy without extra 4 bytes in case the source is a hardware device memmove(data, frame->data, get_data_size()); break; } return 0; } int VFrame::transfer_from(VFrame *that, int bg_color) { if( this->get_color_model() == that->get_color_model() && this->get_w() == that->get_w() && this->get_h() == that->get_h() ) return this->copy_from(that); timestamp = that->timestamp; #if 0 BC_CModels::transfer( this->get_rows(), that->get_rows(), // Packed data out/in this->get_y(), this->get_u(), this->get_v(), // Planar data out/in that->get_y(), that->get_u(), that->get_v(), 0, 0, that->get_w(), that->get_h(), // Dimensions in/out 0, 0, this->get_w(), this->get_h(), that->get_color_model(), this->get_color_model(), // Color models in/out bg_color, // alpha blend bg_color that->get_w(), this->get_w()); // rowspans (of luma for YUV) #else unsigned char *in_ptrs[4], *out_ptrs[4]; unsigned char **inp, **outp; if( BC_CModels::is_planar(that->get_color_model()) ) { in_ptrs[0] = that->get_y(); in_ptrs[1] = that->get_u(); in_ptrs[2] = that->get_v(); in_ptrs[3] = that->get_a(); inp = in_ptrs; } else inp = that->get_rows(); if( BC_CModels::is_planar(this->get_color_model()) ) { out_ptrs[0] = this->get_y(); out_ptrs[1] = this->get_u(); out_ptrs[2] = this->get_v(); out_ptrs[3] = this->get_a(); outp = out_ptrs; } else outp = this->get_rows(); BC_CModels::transfer(outp, this->get_color_model(), 0, 0, this->get_w(), this->get_h(), this->get_w(), inp, that->get_color_model(), 0, 0, that->get_w(), that->get_h(), that->get_w(), bg_color); #endif return 0; } #define OVERLAY(type, max, components) \ { \ type **in_rows = (type**)src->get_rows(); \ type **out_rows = (type**)get_rows(); \ int in_w = src->get_w(); \ int in_h = src->get_h(); \ \ for(int i = 0; i < in_h; i++) \ { \ if(i + out_y1 >= 0 && i + out_y1 < h) \ { \ type *src_row = in_rows[i]; \ type *dst_row = out_rows[i + out_y1] + out_x1 * components; \ \ for(int j = 0; j < in_w; j++) \ { \ if(j + out_x1 >= 0 && j + out_x1 < w) \ { \ int opacity = src_row[3]; \ int transparency = dst_row[3] * (max - src_row[3]) / max; \ dst_row[0] = (transparency * dst_row[0] + opacity * src_row[0]) / max; \ dst_row[1] = (transparency * dst_row[1] + opacity * src_row[1]) / max; \ dst_row[2] = (transparency * dst_row[2] + opacity * src_row[2]) / max; \ dst_row[3] = MAX(dst_row[3], src_row[3]); \ } \ \ dst_row += components; \ src_row += components; \ } \ } \ } \ } void VFrame::overlay(VFrame *src, int out_x1, int out_y1) { switch(get_color_model()) { case BC_RGBA8888: OVERLAY(unsigned char, 0xff, 4); break; } } int VFrame::get_scale_tables(int *column_table, int *row_table, int in_x1, int in_y1, int in_x2, int in_y2, int out_x1, int out_y1, int out_x2, int out_y2) { int i; float w_in = in_x2 - in_x1; float h_in = in_y2 - in_y1; int w_out = out_x2 - out_x1; int h_out = out_y2 - out_y1; float hscale = w_in / w_out; float vscale = h_in / h_out; for(i = 0; i < w_out; i++) { column_table[i] = (int)(hscale * i); } for(i = 0; i < h_out; i++) { row_table[i] = (int)(vscale * i) + in_y1; } return 0; } void VFrame::push_prev_effect(const char *name) { char *ptr; prev_effects.append(ptr = new char[strlen(name) + 1]); strcpy(ptr, name); if(prev_effects.total > MAX_STACK_ELEMENTS) prev_effects.remove_object(0); } void VFrame::pop_prev_effect() { if(prev_effects.total) prev_effects.remove_object(prev_effects.last()); } void VFrame::push_next_effect(const char *name) { char *ptr; next_effects.append(ptr = new char[strlen(name) + 1]); strcpy(ptr, name); if(next_effects.total > MAX_STACK_ELEMENTS) next_effects.remove_object(0); } void VFrame::pop_next_effect() { if(next_effects.total) next_effects.remove_object(next_effects.last()); } const char* VFrame::get_next_effect(int number) { if(!next_effects.total) return ""; else if(number > next_effects.total - 1) number = next_effects.total - 1; return next_effects.values[next_effects.total - number - 1]; } const char* VFrame::get_prev_effect(int number) { if(!prev_effects.total) return ""; else if(number > prev_effects.total - 1) number = prev_effects.total - 1; return prev_effects.values[prev_effects.total - number - 1]; } BC_Hash* VFrame::get_params() { return params; } void VFrame::clear_stacks() { next_effects.remove_all_objects(); prev_effects.remove_all_objects(); params->clear(); status = 1; } void VFrame::copy_params(VFrame *src) { status = src->status; params->copy_from(src->params); } void VFrame::copy_stacks(VFrame *src) { clear_stacks(); for(int i = 0; i < src->next_effects.total; i++) { char *ptr; next_effects.append(ptr = new char[strlen(src->next_effects.values[i]) + 1]); strcpy(ptr, src->next_effects.values[i]); } for(int i = 0; i < src->prev_effects.total; i++) { char *ptr; prev_effects.append(ptr = new char[strlen(src->prev_effects.values[i]) + 1]); strcpy(ptr, src->prev_effects.values[i]); } copy_params(src); } int VFrame::equal_stacks(VFrame *src) { for(int i = 0; i < src->next_effects.total && i < next_effects.total; i++) { if(strcmp(src->next_effects.values[i], next_effects.values[i])) return 0; } for(int i = 0; i < src->prev_effects.total && i < prev_effects.total; i++) { if(strcmp(src->prev_effects.values[i], prev_effects.values[i])) return 0; } if(!params->equivalent(src->params)) return 0; return 1; } void VFrame::dump_stacks() { printf("VFrame::dump_stacks\n"); printf(" next_effects:\n"); for(int i = next_effects.total - 1; i >= 0; i--) printf(" %s\n", next_effects.values[i]); printf(" prev_effects:\n"); for(int i = prev_effects.total - 1; i >= 0; i--) printf(" %s\n", prev_effects.values[i]); } void VFrame::dump_params() { params->dump(); } void VFrame::dump() { printf("VFrame::dump %d this=%p\n", __LINE__, this); printf(" w=%d h=%d colormodel=%d rows=%p use_shm=%d shmid=%d\n", w, h, color_model, rows, use_shm, shmid); } int VFrame::filefork_size() { return sizeof(int) * 13 + sizeof(long); } void VFrame::to_filefork(unsigned char *buffer) { *(int*)(buffer + 0) = shmid; *(int*)(buffer + 4) = y_offset; *(int*)(buffer + 8) = u_offset; *(int*)(buffer + 12) = v_offset; *(int*)(buffer + 16) = w; *(int*)(buffer + 20) = h; *(int*)(buffer + 24) = color_model; *(int*)(buffer + 28) = bytes_per_line; *(int*)(buffer + 32) = compressed_allocated; *(int*)(buffer + 36) = compressed_size; *(int*)(buffer + 40) = is_keyframe; *(int*)(buffer + 44) = status; *(long*)(buffer + 48) = sequence_number; //printf("VFrame::to_filefork %d %lld\n", __LINE__, sequence_number); // printf("VFrame::to_filefork %d", __LINE__); // for(int i = 0; i < 40; i++) // { // printf(" %02x", buffer[i]); // } // printf("\n"); // dump(); } void VFrame::from_filefork(unsigned char *buffer) { // This frame will always be preallocated shared memory //printf("VFrame::from_filefork %d %d\n", __LINE__, *(int*)(buffer + 24)); if(*(int*)(buffer + 24) == BC_COMPRESSED) { set_compressed_memory(0, *(int*)(buffer + 0), // shmid *(int*)(buffer + 36), // compressed_size *(int*)(buffer + 32)); // compressed_allocated color_model = BC_COMPRESSED; //printf("VFrame::from_filefork %d %d\n", __LINE__, get_compressed_size()); } else { // printf("VFrame::from_filefork %d", __LINE__); // for(int i = 0; i < 40; i++) // { // printf(" %02x", buffer[i]); // } // printf("\n"); reallocate(0, *(int*)(buffer + 0), // shmid *(int*)(buffer + 4), // y_offset *(int*)(buffer + 8), // u_offset *(int*)(buffer + 12), // v_offset *(int*)(buffer + 16), // w *(int*)(buffer + 20), // h *(int*)(buffer + 24), // colormodel *(int*)(buffer + 28)); // bytes per line //dump(); } is_keyframe = *(int*)(buffer + 40); status = *(int*)(buffer + 44); sequence_number = *(long*)(buffer + 48); //printf("VFrame::from_filefork %d %lld\n", __LINE__, sequence_number); } int VFrame::get_memory_usage() { if(get_compressed_allocated()) return get_compressed_allocated(); return get_h() * get_bytes_per_line(); } void VFrame::draw_pixel(int x, int y) { if(!(x >= 0 && y >= 0 && x < get_w() && y < get_h())) return; #define DRAW_PIXEL(x, y, components, do_yuv, max, type) \ { \ type **rows = (type**)get_rows(); \ rows[y][x * components] = max - rows[y][x * components]; \ if(!do_yuv) \ { \ rows[y][x * components + 1] = max - rows[y][x * components + 1]; \ rows[y][x * components + 2] = max - rows[y][x * components + 2]; \ } \ else \ { \ rows[y][x * components + 1] = (max / 2 + 1) - rows[y][x * components + 1]; \ rows[y][x * components + 2] = (max / 2 + 1) - rows[y][x * components + 2]; \ } \ if(components == 4) \ rows[y][x * components + 3] = max; \ } switch(get_color_model()) { case BC_RGB888: DRAW_PIXEL(x, y, 3, 0, 0xff, unsigned char); break; case BC_RGBA8888: DRAW_PIXEL(x, y, 4, 0, 0xff, unsigned char); break; case BC_RGB_FLOAT: DRAW_PIXEL(x, y, 3, 0, 1.0, float); break; case BC_RGBA_FLOAT: DRAW_PIXEL(x, y, 4, 0, 1.0, float); break; case BC_YUV888: DRAW_PIXEL(x, y, 3, 1, 0xff, unsigned char); break; case BC_YUVA8888: DRAW_PIXEL(x, y, 4, 1, 0xff, unsigned char); break; case BC_RGB161616: DRAW_PIXEL(x, y, 3, 0, 0xffff, uint16_t); break; case BC_YUV161616: DRAW_PIXEL(x, y, 3, 1, 0xffff, uint16_t); break; case BC_RGBA16161616: DRAW_PIXEL(x, y, 4, 0, 0xffff, uint16_t); break; case BC_YUVA16161616: DRAW_PIXEL(x, y, 4, 1, 0xffff, uint16_t); break; } } void VFrame::draw_line(int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2) { int w = labs(x2 - x1); int h = labs(y2 - y1); //printf("FindObjectMain::draw_line 1 %d %d %d %d\n", x1, y1, x2, y2); if(!w && !h) { draw_pixel(x1, y1); } else if(w > h) { // Flip coordinates so x1 < x2 if(x2 < x1) { y2 ^= y1; y1 ^= y2; y2 ^= y1; x1 ^= x2; x2 ^= x1; x1 ^= x2; } int numerator = y2 - y1; int denominator = x2 - x1; for(int i = x1; i <= x2; i++) { int y = y1 + (int64_t)(i - x1) * (int64_t)numerator / (int64_t)denominator; draw_pixel(i, y); } } else { // Flip coordinates so y1 < y2 if(y2 < y1) { y2 ^= y1; y1 ^= y2; y2 ^= y1; x1 ^= x2; x2 ^= x1; x1 ^= x2; } int numerator = x2 - x1; int denominator = y2 - y1; for(int i = y1; i <= y2; i++) { int x = x1 + (int64_t)(i - y1) * (int64_t)numerator / (int64_t)denominator; draw_pixel(x, i); } } //printf("FindObjectMain::draw_line 2\n"); } void VFrame::draw_rect(int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2) { draw_line(x1, y1, x2, y1); draw_line(x2, y1 + 1, x2, y2); draw_line(x2 - 1, y2, x1, y2); draw_line(x1, y2 - 1, x1, y1 + 1); } #define ARROW_SIZE 10 void VFrame::draw_arrow(int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2) { double angle = atan((float)(y2 - y1) / (float)(x2 - x1)); double angle1 = angle + (float)145 / 360 * 2 * 3.14159265; double angle2 = angle - (float)145 / 360 * 2 * 3.14159265; int x3; int y3; int x4; int y4; if(x2 < x1) { x3 = x2 - (int)(ARROW_SIZE * cos(angle1)); y3 = y2 - (int)(ARROW_SIZE * sin(angle1)); x4 = x2 - (int)(ARROW_SIZE * cos(angle2)); y4 = y2 - (int)(ARROW_SIZE * sin(angle2)); } else { x3 = x2 + (int)(ARROW_SIZE * cos(angle1)); y3 = y2 + (int)(ARROW_SIZE * sin(angle1)); x4 = x2 + (int)(ARROW_SIZE * cos(angle2)); y4 = y2 + (int)(ARROW_SIZE * sin(angle2)); } // Main vector draw_line(x1, y1, x2, y2); // draw_line(x1, y1 + 1, x2, y2 + 1); // Arrow line if(abs(y2 - y1) || abs(x2 - x1)) draw_line(x2, y2, x3, y3); // Arrow line if(abs(y2 - y1) || abs(x2 - x1)) draw_line(x2, y2, x4, y4); }