/* * CINELERRA * Copyright (C) 1997-2011 Adam Williams * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA * */ #include "bcdisplayinfo.h" #include "clip.h" #include "cursors.h" #include "bchash.h" #include "filexml.h" #include "language.h" #include "cicolors.h" #include "samples.h" #include "echocancel.h" #include "theme.h" #include "transportque.inc" #include "units.h" #include "vframe.h" #include #define TMPDIR "/tmp/echocancel/" REGISTER_PLUGIN(EchoCancel) EchoCancelConfig::EchoCancelConfig() { level = 0.0; normalize = 0; xzoom = MIN_XZOOM; peaks = MIN_PEAKS; damp = MIN_DAMP; cutoff = (MIN_CUTOFF+MAX_CUTOFF)/2; gain = 0; offset = 0; window_size = 0; mode = CANCEL_OFF; history_size = 4; } int EchoCancelConfig::equivalent(EchoCancelConfig &that) { return EQUIV(level, that.level) && normalize == that.normalize && xzoom == that.xzoom && damp == that.damp && cutoff == that.cutoff && window_size == that.window_size && mode == that.mode && history_size == that.history_size; } void EchoCancelConfig::copy_from(EchoCancelConfig &that) { level = that.level; normalize = that.normalize; xzoom = that.xzoom; peaks = that.peaks; damp = that.damp; cutoff = that.cutoff; gain = that.gain; offset = that.offset; window_size = that.window_size; mode = that.mode; history_size = that.history_size; if( window_size ) CLAMP(window_size, MIN_WINDOW, MAX_WINDOW); CLAMP(history_size, MIN_HISTORY, MAX_HISTORY); CLAMP(xzoom, MIN_XZOOM, MAX_XZOOM); CLAMP(peaks, MIN_PEAKS, MAX_PEAKS); CLAMP(damp, MIN_DAMP, MAX_DAMP); CLAMP(cutoff, MIN_CUTOFF, MAX_CUTOFF); } void EchoCancelConfig::interpolate(EchoCancelConfig &prev, EchoCancelConfig &next, int64_t prev_frame, int64_t next_frame, int64_t current_frame) { copy_from(prev); } EchoCancelFrame::EchoCancelFrame(int n) { this->len = n; data = new float[n + 1]; data[0] = 1; } EchoCancelFrame::~EchoCancelFrame() { delete [] data; } EchoCancelLevel::EchoCancelLevel(EchoCancel *plugin, int x, int y) : BC_FPot(x, y, plugin->config.level, INFINITYGAIN, MAXGAIN) { this->plugin = plugin; } int EchoCancelLevel::handle_event() { plugin->config.level = get_value(); plugin->send_configure_change(); return 1; } EchoCancelMode::EchoCancelMode(EchoCancel *plugin, int x, int y) : BC_PopupMenu(x, y, 120, to_text(plugin->config.mode)) { this->plugin = plugin; } void EchoCancelMode::create_objects() { add_item(new BC_MenuItem(to_text(CANCEL_OFF))); add_item(new BC_MenuItem(to_text(CANCEL_ON))); add_item(new BC_MenuItem(to_text(CANCEL_MAN))); } int EchoCancelMode::handle_event() { int new_mode = to_mode(get_text()); if( plugin->config.mode != new_mode ) { plugin->config.mode = new_mode; plugin->send_configure_change(); } return 1; } const char* EchoCancelMode::to_text(int mode) { switch(mode) { case CANCEL_ON: return _("ON"); case CANCEL_MAN: return _("MAN"); } return _("OFF"); } int EchoCancelMode::to_mode(const char *text) { if(!strcmp(to_text(CANCEL_ON), text)) return CANCEL_ON; if(!strcmp(to_text(CANCEL_MAN), text)) return CANCEL_MAN; return CANCEL_OFF; } EchoCancelHistory::EchoCancelHistory(EchoCancel *plugin, int x, int y) : BC_IPot(x, y, plugin->config.history_size, MIN_HISTORY, MAX_HISTORY) { this->plugin = plugin; } int EchoCancelHistory::handle_event() { plugin->config.history_size = get_value(); plugin->send_configure_change(); return 1; } EchoCancelWindowSize::EchoCancelWindowSize(EchoCancel *plugin, int x, int y, const char *text) : BC_PopupMenu(x, y, 80, text) { this->plugin = plugin; } int EchoCancelWindowSize::handle_event() { plugin->config.window_size = atoi(get_text()); plugin->send_configure_change(); return 1; } const char *EchoCancelWindowSize::to_text(int size) { if( !size ) return _("default"); static char string[BCSTRLEN]; sprintf(string, "%d", size); return string; } int EchoCancelWindowSize::to_size(const char *text) { return !strcmp(to_text(0),text) ? 0 : strtol(text,0,0); } EchoCancelWindowSizeTumbler::EchoCancelWindowSizeTumbler(EchoCancel *plugin, int x, int y) : BC_Tumbler(x, y) { this->plugin = plugin; } int EchoCancelWindowSizeTumbler::handle_up_event() { if( !plugin->config.window_size ) plugin->config.window_size = MIN_WINDOW; else if( (plugin->config.window_size *= 2) > MAX_WINDOW ) plugin->config.window_size = MAX_WINDOW; EchoCancelWindowSize *window_size = ((EchoCancelWindow *)plugin->get_thread()->get_window())->window_size; const char *wsp = EchoCancelWindowSize::to_text(plugin->config.window_size); window_size->set_text(wsp); plugin->send_configure_change(); return 0; } int EchoCancelWindowSizeTumbler::handle_down_event() { plugin->config.window_size /= 2; if(plugin->config.window_size < MIN_WINDOW) plugin->config.window_size = 0; EchoCancelWindowSize *window_size = ((EchoCancelWindow *)plugin->get_thread()->get_window())->window_size; const char *wsp = EchoCancelWindowSize::to_text(plugin->config.window_size); window_size->set_text(wsp); plugin->send_configure_change(); return 1; } EchoCancelNormalize::EchoCancelNormalize(EchoCancel *plugin, int x, int y) : BC_CheckBox(x, y, plugin->config.normalize, _("Normalize")) { this->plugin = plugin; } int EchoCancelNormalize::handle_event() { plugin->config.normalize = get_value(); plugin->send_configure_change(); return 1; } EchoCancelXZoom::EchoCancelXZoom(EchoCancel *plugin, int x, int y) : BC_IPot(x, y, plugin->config.xzoom, MIN_XZOOM, MAX_XZOOM) { this->plugin = plugin; } int EchoCancelXZoom::handle_event() { plugin->config.xzoom = get_value(); plugin->send_configure_change(); return 1; } EchoCancelPeaks::EchoCancelPeaks(EchoCancel *plugin, int x, int y) : BC_IPot(x, y, plugin->config.peaks, MIN_PEAKS, MAX_PEAKS) { this->plugin = plugin; } int EchoCancelPeaks::handle_event() { plugin->config.peaks = get_value(); plugin->send_configure_change(); return 1; } EchoCancelDamp::EchoCancelDamp(EchoCancel *plugin, int x, int y) : BC_IPot(x, y, plugin->config.damp, MIN_DAMP, MAX_DAMP) { this->plugin = plugin; } int EchoCancelDamp::handle_event() { plugin->config.damp = get_value(); plugin->send_configure_change(); return 1; } EchoCancelCutoff::EchoCancelCutoff(EchoCancel *plugin, int x, int y) : BC_IPot(x, y, plugin->config.cutoff, MIN_CUTOFF, MAX_CUTOFF) { this->plugin = plugin; } int EchoCancelCutoff::handle_event() { plugin->config.cutoff = get_value(); plugin->send_configure_change(); return 1; } EchoCancelCanvas::EchoCancelCanvas(EchoCancel *plugin, int x, int y, int w, int h) : BC_SubWindow(x, y, w, h, BLACK) { this->plugin = plugin; current_operation = NONE; } int EchoCancelCanvas::button_press_event() { if(is_event_win() && cursor_inside()) { calculate_point(1); current_operation = DRAG; plugin->send_configure_change(); return 1; } return 0; } int EchoCancelCanvas::button_release_event() { if(current_operation == DRAG) { calculate_point(2); current_operation = NONE; return 1; } return 0; } int EchoCancelCanvas::cursor_motion_event() { if(current_operation == DRAG) { calculate_point(3); } return 0; } void EchoCancelCanvas::calculate_point(int do_overlay) { int x = get_cursor_x(); int y = get_cursor_y(); CLAMP(x, 0, get_w() - 1); CLAMP(y, 0, get_h() - 1); EchoCancelWindow *window = (EchoCancelWindow *)plugin->thread->window; window->calculate_frequency(x, y, do_overlay); } void EchoCancelCanvas::draw_overlay() { EchoCancelWindow *window = (EchoCancelWindow*)plugin->thread->window; if(window->probe_x >= 0 || window->probe_y >= 0) { set_color(GREEN); set_inverse(); char string[BCTEXTLEN]; sprintf(string, "%d, %f", plugin->config.offset, plugin->config.gain); draw_text(window->probe_x, window->probe_y, string); draw_line(0, window->probe_y, get_w(), window->probe_y); draw_line(window->probe_x, 0, window->probe_x, get_h()); set_opaque(); } } EchoCancelWindow::EchoCancelWindow(EchoCancel *plugin) : PluginClientWindow(plugin, plugin->w, plugin->h, 320, 320, 1) { this->plugin = plugin; probe_x = probe_y = -1; } EchoCancelWindow::~EchoCancelWindow() { } void EchoCancelWindow::create_objects() { int pad = plugin->get_theme()->widget_border; add_subwindow(canvas = new EchoCancelCanvas(plugin, 0, 0, get_w(), get_h() - 2*BC_Pot::calculate_h() - 3*pad)); canvas->set_cursor(CROSS_CURSOR, 0, 0); int x = pad, y = canvas->get_y() + canvas->get_h() + pad; int x1 = x, y1 = y; add_subwindow(level_title = new BC_Title(x, y, _("Level:"))); x += level_title->get_w() + pad; add_subwindow(level = new EchoCancelLevel(plugin, x, y)); x += level->get_w() + pad; y += level->get_h() + pad; x = x1; add_subwindow(normalize = new EchoCancelNormalize(plugin, x, y)); x += normalize->get_w() + 3*pad; y += normalize->get_h() - BC_Title::calculate_h(this,"Gain: "); add_subwindow(gain_title = new EchoCancelTitle(x, y, _("Gain: "), 0.)); x += gain_title->get_w() + 2*pad; add_subwindow(offset_title = new EchoCancelTitle(x, y, _("Offset: "), 0)); x = x1 + level_title->get_w() + level->get_w() + 2*pad; x1 = x; y = y1; add_subwindow(mode_title = new BC_Title(x, y, _("Mode:"))); x += mode_title->get_w() + pad; add_subwindow(mode = new EchoCancelMode(plugin, x, y)); mode->create_objects(); x = x1; y += mode->get_h() + pad; add_subwindow(window_size_title = new BC_Title(x, y, _("Window size:"))); x += window_size_title->get_w() + pad; const char *wsp = EchoCancelWindowSize::to_text(plugin->config.window_size); add_subwindow(window_size = new EchoCancelWindowSize(plugin, x, y, wsp)); x += window_size->get_w(); add_subwindow(window_size_tumbler = new EchoCancelWindowSizeTumbler(plugin, x, y)); window_size->add_item(new BC_MenuItem(EchoCancelWindowSize::to_text(0))); for( int i=MIN_WINDOW; i<=MAX_WINDOW; i*=2 ) { window_size->add_item(new BC_MenuItem(EchoCancelWindowSize::to_text(i))); } x = x1; y += window_size->get_h() + pad; x = x1 = window_size_tumbler->get_x() + window_size_tumbler->get_w() + pad; y = y1; add_subwindow(history_title = new BC_Title(x, y, _("History:"))); x += history_title->get_w() + pad; add_subwindow(history = new EchoCancelHistory(plugin, x, y)); x = x1; int y2 = y; y += history->get_h() + pad; add_subwindow(xzoom_title = new BC_Title(x, y, _("X Zoom:"))); x += xzoom_title->get_w() + pad; add_subwindow(xzoom = new EchoCancelXZoom(plugin, x, y)); x += xzoom->get_w() + pad; x1 = x; add_subwindow(damp_title = new BC_Title(x, y, _("Damp:"))); x += damp_title->get_w() + pad; add_subwindow(damp = new EchoCancelDamp(plugin, x, y)); x += damp->get_w() + pad; add_subwindow(cutoff_title = new BC_Title(x, y, _("Cutoff Hz:"))); x += cutoff_title->get_w() + pad; add_subwindow(cutoff = new EchoCancelCutoff(plugin, x, y)); int x2 = x - BC_Title::calculate_w(this, _("Peaks:")) - pad; add_subwindow(peaks_title = new BC_Title(x2, y2, _("Peaks:"))); add_subwindow(peaks = new EchoCancelPeaks(plugin, x, y2)); x = x1 + 3*pad; y = y1; add_subwindow(freq_title = new BC_Title(x, y, _("0 Hz"))); y += freq_title->get_h() + pad; add_subwindow(amplitude_title = new BC_Title(x, y, "Amplitude: 0 dB")); show_window(); } int EchoCancelWindow::resize_event(int w, int h) { int canvas_h = canvas->get_h(); int canvas_difference = get_h() - canvas_h; canvas->reposition_window(0, 0, w, h - canvas_difference); canvas->clear_box(0, 0, canvas->get_w(), canvas->get_h()); probe_x = probe_y = -1; int dx = 0, dy = canvas->get_h() - canvas_h; // Remove all columns which may be a different size. plugin->frame_buffer.remove_all_objects(); plugin->frame_history.remove_all_objects(); level_title->reposition_window_relative(dx, dy); level->reposition_window_relative(dx, dy); mode_title->reposition_window_relative(dx, dy); mode->reposition_window_relative(dx, dy); window_size_title->reposition_window_relative(dx, dy); window_size->reposition_window_relative(dx, dy); window_size_tumbler->reposition_window_relative(dx, dy); gain_title->reposition_window_relative(dx, dy); offset_title->reposition_window_relative(dx, dy); normalize->reposition_window_relative(dx, dy); history_title->reposition_window_relative(dx, dy); history->reposition_window_relative(dx, dy); xzoom_title->reposition_window_relative(dx, dy); xzoom->reposition_window_relative(dx, dy); peaks_title->reposition_window_relative(dx, dy); peaks->reposition_window_relative(dx, dy); damp_title->reposition_window_relative(dx, dy); damp->reposition_window_relative(dx, dy); cutoff_title->reposition_window_relative(dx, dy); cutoff->reposition_window_relative(dx, dy); freq_title->reposition_window_relative(dx, dy); amplitude_title->reposition_window_relative(dx, dy); flush(); plugin->w = w; plugin->h = h; return 0; } void EchoCancelWindow::calculate_frequency(int x, int y, int do_overlay) { if( !do_overlay && probe_x == x && probe_y == y ) return; if( do_overlay & 2 ) canvas->draw_overlay(); probe_x = x; probe_y = y; // Convert to coordinates in frame history int need_config_update = 0; double gain = plugin->config.gain; double offset = plugin->config.offset; if( x >= 0 && plugin->frame_history.size() ) { int ww = canvas->get_w(); int freq_pixel = x; if( freq_pixel < 0 ) freq_pixel = 0; if( freq_pixel > ww ) freq_pixel = ww; int time_pixel = 0; int idx = plugin->frame_history.size()-1 - time_pixel; EchoCancelFrame *frm = plugin->frame_history[idx]; int pixels = canvas->get_w(); int half_window = plugin->header.window_size / 2; offset = (double)half_window * freq_pixel/(pixels * plugin->config.xzoom); if( offset <= 1e-10 ) offset = 1; int freq = plugin->header.sample_rate / offset; int msecs = 1000. / freq; char string[BCTEXTLEN]; sprintf(string, "%d Hz, %d ms (%d))", freq, msecs, (int)offset); freq_title->update(string); int frm_sz1 = frm->size()-1; if( freq_pixel > frm_sz1 ) freq_pixel = frm_sz1; float *frame_data = frm->samples(); double level = frame_data[freq_pixel]; double scale = frm->scale(); sprintf(string, "Amplitude: %.3f (%.6g)", level, scale); amplitude_title->update(string); } if( y >= 0 ) { int hh = canvas->get_h()/2; int gain_pixel = hh - y; if( gain_pixel < 0 ) gain_pixel = 0; if( gain_pixel > hh ) gain_pixel = hh; gain = (double)gain_pixel / hh; } if( plugin->config.gain != gain ) { gain_title->update(plugin->config.gain = gain); need_config_update = 1; } if( offset > 0 && plugin->config.offset != offset ) { offset_title->update(plugin->config.offset = offset); need_config_update = 1; } if( need_config_update ) plugin->send_configure_change(); if( do_overlay & 1 ) canvas->draw_overlay(); if( do_overlay ) canvas->flash(); } void EchoCancelWindow::update_gui() { level->update(plugin->config.level); char string[BCTEXTLEN]; sprintf(string, "%d", plugin->config.window_size); window_size->set_text(string); mode->set_text(EchoCancelMode::to_text(plugin->config.mode)); history->update(plugin->config.history_size); normalize->set_value(plugin->config.normalize); gain_title->update(plugin->config.gain); offset_title->update(plugin->config.offset); } EchoCancel::EchoCancel(PluginServer *server) : PluginAClient(server) { reset(); timer = new Timer; w = 640; h = 480; } EchoCancel::~EchoCancel() { delete fft; delete audio_buffer; delete data; delete_buffers(); frame_buffer.remove_all_objects(); frame_history.remove_all_objects(); delete timer; } void EchoCancel::reset() { thread = 0; window_size = 0; half_window = 0; interrupted = 0; fft = 0; audio_buffer = 0; data = 0; cor = 0; aud_real = 0; aud_imag = 0; env_real = 0; env_imag = 0; envelope = 0; env_data = 0; time_frame = 0; memset(&header, 0, sizeof(header)); } void DataBuffer:: set_buffer(int ofs, int len) { int needed = ofs + len; if( needed > allocated ) { DataHeader *new_header = new_data_header(needed); if( data_header ) { int old_size = sizeof(DataHeader) + allocated*sizeof(float); memcpy(new_header, data_header, old_size); delete [] (char *)data_header; } else memset(new_header, 0, sizeof(*new_header)); data_header = new_header; allocated = needed; } sample_data = &data_header->samples[ofs]; data_len = len; } void AudioBuffer:: set_buffer(int ofs, int len) { int needed = ofs + len; if( needed > allocated ) { Samples *new_samples = new Samples(needed); if( samples ) { double *old_data = samples->get_data(); double *new_data = new_samples->get_data(); memcpy(new_data, old_data, allocated*sizeof(old_data[0])); delete samples; } samples = new_samples; allocated = needed; } sample_data = samples->get_data() + ofs; data_len = len; } void AudioBuffer:: append(double *bfr, int len) { set_buffer(buffer_size(), len); memcpy(get_data(), bfr, len*sizeof(sample_data[0])); data_len = len; } void AudioBuffer:: remove(int len) { double *data = samples->get_data(); int move_len = buffer_size() - len; memmove(data, data+len, move_len*sizeof(double)); if( move_len < data_len ) { sample_data = data; data_len = move_len; } else sample_data -= len; } const char* EchoCancel::plugin_title() { return _("EchoCancel"); } int EchoCancel::is_realtime() { return 1; } static inline double sqr(double v) { return v*v; } static inline void cx_product(int n, int sf, double *rp, double *ip, double *arp, double *aip, double *brp, double *bip) { int m = !sf ? n : n/2, i = 0; while( i <= m ) { double ar = arp[i], ai = aip[i]; double br = brp[i], bi = bip[i]; rp[i] = ar*br - ai*bi; // complex a*ib ip[i] = ar*bi + ai*br; ++i; } if( !sf ) return; while( --m > 0 ) { rp[i] = rp[m]; ip[i] = -ip[m]; ++i; } } static inline void cj_product(int n, int sf, double *rp, double *ip, double *arp, double *aip, double *brp, double *bip) { int m = !sf ? n : n/2, i = 0; while( i <= m ) { double ar = arp[i], ai = aip[i]; double br = brp[i], bi = -bip[i]; rp[i] = ar*br - ai*bi; // complex a*ib' ip[i] = ar*bi + ai*br; ++i; } if( !sf ) return; while( --m > 0 ) { rp[i] = rp[m]; ip[i] = -ip[m]; ++i; } } static inline void log_power(int n, int sf, double *rp, double *arp, double *aip) { int m = !sf ? n : n/2, i = 0; while( i <= m ) { double sr = arp[i], si = aip[i]; double ss = sqr(sr) + sqr(si); rp[i] = ss > 1e-20 ? log(ss) : -46; ++i; } if( !sf ) return; while( --m > 0 ) { rp[i] = rp[m]; ++i; } } /* Adapted from Marple: Digital Spectral Analysis with Applications * Solves linear simultaneous equations by the Levinson algorithm. * TX = Z * Input: * T[m,m] a nonsymmetric Toeplitz matrix, * tc[0..m-1] left column, tr[0..m-1] top row * Z[m] known right-hand-side column, * Output: * X[m] solution vector * Returns: 1 if singular, 0 on success */ static inline int toeplitz(int m, double *tc, double *tr, double *z, double *x) { double a[m], b[m], p = tc[0]; if( p != tr[0] || fabs(p) < 1e-20 ) return 1; x[0] = z[0] / p; for( int k0=0,k=1; k0; ++i,--j ) { sc = a[i]; sr = b[j]; a[i] += ac * sr; b[j] += br * sc; } double xk = x[k]; for( int i=0,j=k; j>0; ++i,--j ) x[i] += xk * b[j]; } return 0; } void EchoCancel::cepstrum(double *audio) { //dfile_dump(TMPDIR "audio",audio,window_size); fft->do_fft(window_size, 0, audio, 0, aud_real, aud_imag); //dfile_dump(TMPDIR "aud_real",aud_real,window_size); //dfile_dump(TMPDIR "aud_imag",aud_imag,window_size); // half zero, half window of audio int k = 0; for( ; kdo_fft(window_size, 0, cor, 0, env_real, env_imag); //dfile_dump(TMPDIR "env_real",env_real,window_size); //dfile_dump(TMPDIR "env_imag",env_imag,window_size); cj_product(window_size, 1, env_real, env_imag, env_real, env_imag, aud_real, aud_imag); //dfile_dump(TMPDIR "prd_real",env_real,window_size); //dfile_dump(TMPDIR "prd_imag",env_imag,window_size); log_power(window_size, 1, aud_real, env_real, env_imag); // a = zeros, last half audio buffer, b = audio buffer // COR = fft(a)*conj(fft(b)), cor = IFFT(COR) // cepstrum = IFFT(log(mag(COR)**2)) double *cept_real = aud_real, *cept_imag = aud_imag; // do in place fft->do_fft(window_size, 1, aud_real, 0, cept_real, cept_imag); fft->do_fft(window_size, 1, env_real, env_imag, cor, aud_imag); //dfile_dump(TMPDIR "cor",cor,half_window); int damp = config.damp; // apply dampening if( ++time_frames < damp ) damp = time_frames; float wt = 1./damp, wt1 = 1. - wt; float *dp = data->get_buffer(); for( int i=0; i0; ) power += 2*cor[i]; power += cor[0]; int damp = config.damp; // apply dampening if( ++time_frames < damp ) damp = time_frames; float wt = 1./damp, wt1 = 1. - wt; for( int i=0; i= 0 ) { int x = cutoff; double *sp = dp+x, *mp = sp, *xp = sp; double sx = 0; // first bsz band for( int i=bsz; --i>=0; ) sx += *xp++; double mx = sx; while( xp < ep ) { sx += *xp++ - *sp++; if( sx > mx ) { mx = sx; mp = sp; } } x = mp - dp; double echo_signal = 0, *cp = cor+x; for( int i=0; i 2 ) ret = 1; // too wacky } if( ret ) { // misbehaved, use single pulse in band center //printf("** "); memset(gain, 0, bsz*sizeof(gain[0])); gain[bsz2] = echo_signal / power; } //double g=0; for( int i=0; i half_window ) n = half_window - j; for( int i=n; --i>=0; ++j ) dp[j] = 0; } } //printf(" ==\n"); } void EchoCancel::create_envelope(int sample_rate) { memset(envelope,0,half_window*sizeof(envelope[0])); int offset = config.offset; if( offset < 0 || offset >= half_window ) return; double gain = config.gain; if( gain < 0 || gain >= 1 ) return; envelope[offset] = gain; } int EchoCancel::cancel_echo(double *bp, int size) { int n = half_window + size; if( n < window_size ) n = window_size; if( audio_buffer->buffer_size() < n ) return 1; int k = 0; // a = audio data, t = env data: convolution = ifft(fft(a)*conj(fft(t))), // but ifft(fft(a)*conj(fft(t)))==ifft(fft(a)*fft([t[0]]+t[:0:-1])) // removing conj reverses t, as echos are from the past if( config.mode == CANCEL_MAN ) create_envelope(sample_rate); for( int i=0; ido_fft(window_size, 0, env_data, 0, env_real, env_imag); n = half_window + size; if( n < window_size ) n = window_size; double *ap = audio_buffer->get_buffer(-n); fft->do_fft(window_size, 0, ap, 0, aud_real, aud_imag); cx_product(window_size, 1, aud_real, aud_imag, aud_real, aud_imag, env_real, env_imag); fft->do_fft(window_size, 1, aud_real, aud_imag); n = size; if( n > half_window ) n = half_window; double *sp = &aud_real[window_size - n]; for( int i=n; --i>=0; ++bp,++sp ) *bp -= *sp; return 0; } void EchoCancel::delete_buffers() { delete [] cor; cor = 0; delete [] aud_real; aud_real = 0; delete [] aud_imag; aud_imag = 0; delete [] envelope; envelope = 0; delete [] env_real; env_real = 0; delete [] env_imag; env_real = 0; delete [] env_data; env_data = 0; delete [] time_frame; time_frame = 0; } void EchoCancel::alloc_buffers(int fft_sz) { window_size = fft_sz; half_window = window_size / 2; cor = new double[window_size]; aud_real = new double[window_size]; aud_imag = new double[window_size]; envelope = new double[half_window]; env_real = new double[window_size]; env_imag = new double[window_size]; env_data = new double[window_size]; time_frame = new float[half_window]; } int EchoCancel::process_buffer(int64_t size, Samples *buffer, int64_t start_position, int sample_rate) { // Pass through read_samples(buffer, 0, sample_rate, start_position, size); // Reset audio buffer load_configuration(); int fft_sz = config.window_size; if( !fft_sz ) fft_sz = 1<buffer_size() - window_size; if( past_audio > 0 ) audio_buffer->remove(past_audio); audio_buffer->append(buffer->get_data(), size); // process half_windows double *bp = buffer->get_data(); int total_windows = 0, audio_size = audio_buffer->buffer_size(); while( audio_size >= window_size ) { int sample_offset = half_window * total_windows++; data->set_buffer(sample_offset, half_window); double *audio = audio_buffer->get_buffer(-audio_size); cepstrum(audio); if( config.mode == CANCEL_ON ) calculate_envelope(sample_rate, config.peaks, 7); if( config.mode != CANCEL_OFF && size > 0 ) cancel_echo(bp, size); bp += half_window; size -= half_window; audio_size -= half_window; } DataHeader *data_header = data->get_header(); data_header->window_size = window_size; data_header->interrupted = interrupted; data_header->sample_rate = sample_rate; data_header->total_windows = total_windows; data_header->level = DB::fromdb(config.level); // Linear output level send_render_gui(data_header, data_header->size()); interrupted = 0; return 0; } void EchoCancel::render_stop() { interrupted = 1; if( audio_buffer ) audio_buffer->set_buffer(0, 0); if( data ) { delete data; data = 0; } } NEW_WINDOW_MACRO(EchoCancel, EchoCancelWindow) void EchoCancelCanvas:: draw_frame(float *data, int len, int hh) { int w = get_w(), h = get_h(); float y = data[0]; int h1 = h-1; int y1 = hh - hh*y; for(int x1=0,x2=1; x2get_window(); window->lock_window("EchoCancel::update_gui"); if( load_configuration() ) window->update_gui(); // Shift frames into history int new_frames = 0; while( frame_buffer.size() > 0 ) { while( frame_history.size() >= config.history_size ) frame_history.remove_object_number(0); frame_history.append(frame_buffer[0]); frame_buffer.remove_number(0); ++new_frames; } if( new_frames > 0 ) { int last_frame = frame_history.size()-1; // Draw frames from history EchoCancelCanvas *canvas = (EchoCancelCanvas*)window->canvas; canvas->clear_box(0, 0, canvas->get_w(), canvas->get_h()); canvas->set_line_width(1); for( int frame=0; frameset_color(luma*0x010101); EchoCancelFrame *frm = frame_history[frame]; canvas->draw_frame(frm->samples(), frm->size(), h/2); } canvas->set_line_width(2); canvas->set_color(WHITE); EchoCancelFrame *frm = frame_history[last_frame]; canvas->draw_frame(frm->samples(), frm->size(), h/2); canvas->set_color(RED); canvas->draw_line(frm->cut_offset,0, frm->cut_offset,10); // Recompute probe level int do_overlay = canvas->is_dragging() ? 1 : 0; window->calculate_frequency(window->probe_x, window->probe_y, do_overlay); canvas->flash(); } window->unlock_window(); } void EchoCancel::render_gui(void *data, int size) { if( !thread ) return; DataHeader *data_header = (DataHeader *)data; memcpy(&header, data_header, sizeof(header)); if( window_size != data_header->window_size ) { window_size = data_header->window_size; half_window = window_size / 2; frame_buffer.remove_all_objects(); frame_history.remove_all_objects(); } if( data_header->interrupted ) interrupted = 1; EchoCancelWindow *window = (EchoCancelWindow *)thread->get_window(); int pixels = window->canvas->get_w(); float window_scale = (double)half_window / (pixels * config.xzoom); int nwin = data_header->total_windows; int iwin = nwin - config.history_size; if( iwin < 0 ) iwin = 0; for( ; iwin < nwin; ++iwin ) { float *samples = data_header->samples + half_window*iwin; EchoCancelFrame *frm = new EchoCancelFrame(pixels); float *frm_data = frm->samples(); double cut_period = (double)data_header->sample_rate / config.cutoff; frm->cut_offset = cut_period / window_scale; for(int i = 0; i < pixels; i++) { float start = i*window_scale, stop = start+window_scale; int istart = (int)start, istop = (int)stop; float fstart = start-istart, fstop = stop-istop; fstart = istart == istop ? -fstart : 1 - fstart; float sum = samples[istart++] * fstart; while( istart < istop ) sum += samples[istart++]; if( fstop > 1e-10 ) sum += samples[istop] * fstop; frm_data[i] = sum/window_scale; } // Normalize float scale = data_header->level; if( config.normalize ) { float max = 0; for( int i=frm->cut_offset; i max ) max = dat; } scale = max > 1e-10 ? scale / max : 1; } if( scale != 1 ) frm->rescale(scale); while( frame_buffer.size() >= config.history_size ) frame_buffer.remove_object_number(0); frame_buffer.append(frm); } timer->update(); } int EchoCancel::load_configuration() { KeyFrame *prev_keyframe = get_prev_keyframe(get_source_position()); EchoCancelConfig old_config; old_config.copy_from(config); read_data(prev_keyframe); return !old_config.equivalent(config) ? 1 : 0; } void EchoCancel::read_data(KeyFrame *keyframe) { int result; FileXML input; input.set_shared_input(keyframe->get_data(), strlen(keyframe->get_data())); while(!(result = input.read_tag()) ) { if( !input.tag.title_is("ECHOCANCEL")) continue; config.level = input.tag.get_property("LEVEL", config.level); config.normalize = input.tag.get_property("NORMALIZE", config.normalize); config.window_size = input.tag.get_property("WINDOW_SIZE", config.window_size); config.xzoom = input.tag.get_property("XZOOM", config.xzoom); config.peaks = input.tag.get_property("PEAKS", config.peaks); config.mode = input.tag.get_property("MODE", config.mode); config.damp = input.tag.get_property("DAMP", config.damp); config.history_size = input.tag.get_property("HISTORY_SIZE", config.history_size); config.gain = input.tag.get_property("GAIN", config.gain); config.offset = input.tag.get_property("OFFSET", config.offset); if( !is_defaults() ) continue; w = input.tag.get_property("W", w); h = input.tag.get_property("H", h); } } void EchoCancel::save_data(KeyFrame *keyframe) { FileXML output; output.set_shared_output(keyframe->get_data(), MESSAGESIZE); output.tag.set_title("ECHOCANCEL"); output.tag.set_property("LEVEL", config.level); output.tag.set_property("NORMALIZE", config.normalize); output.tag.set_property("WINDOW_SIZE", config.window_size); output.tag.set_property("MODE", config.mode); output.tag.set_property("XZOOM", config.xzoom); output.tag.set_property("PEAKS", config.peaks); output.tag.set_property("DAMP", config.damp); output.tag.set_property("HISTORY_SIZE", config.history_size); output.tag.set_property("GAIN", config.gain); output.tag.set_property("OFFSET", config.offset); output.tag.set_property("W", w); output.tag.set_property("H", h); output.append_tag(); output.append_newline(); output.terminate_string(); }