/* * CINELERRA * Copyright (C) 1997-2014 Adam Williams * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA * */ // Originally developed by Heroine Virtual Ltd. // Support for multiple encodings, outline (stroke) by // Andraz Tori // Additional support for UTF-8 by // Paolo Rampino aka Akirad #include "bcsignals.h" #include "clip.h" #include "bccmodels.h" #include "filexml.h" #include "filesystem.h" #include "transportque.inc" #include "ft2build.h" #include FT_GLYPH_H #include FT_BBOX_H #include FT_OUTLINE_H #include FT_STROKER_H #include "language.h" #include "mwindow.inc" #include "cicolors.h" #include "title.h" #include "titlewindow.h" #include "transportque.inc" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #define ZERO (1.0 / 64.0) REGISTER_PLUGIN(TitleMain) #ifdef X_HAVE_UTF8_STRING #define DEFAULT_ENCODING "UTF-8" #else #define DEFAULT_ENCODING "ISO8859-1" #endif #define DEFAULT_TIMECODEFORMAT TIME_HMS static YUV yuv; TitleConfig::TitleConfig() { style = 0; color = BLACK; alpha = 0xff; outline_alpha = 0xff; size = 24; motion_strategy = NO_MOTION; loop = 0; line_pitch = 0; hjustification = JUSTIFY_CENTER; vjustification = JUSTIFY_MID; fade_in = 0.0; fade_out = 0.0; x = 0.0; y = 0.0; dropshadow = 2; sprintf(font, "fixed"); sprintf(encoding, DEFAULT_ENCODING); timecode_format = DEFAULT_TIMECODEFORMAT; pixels_per_second = 1.0; timecode = 0; stroke_width = 1.0; wtext[0] = 0; wlen = 0; color_stroke = 0xff0000; outline_color = WHITE; outline_size = 0; window_w = 640; window_h = 480; next_keyframe_position = 0; prev_keyframe_position = 0; } TitleConfig::~TitleConfig() { } // Does not test equivalency but determines if redrawing text is necessary. int TitleConfig::equivalent(TitleConfig &that) { return dropshadow == that.dropshadow && style == that.style && size == that.size && color == that.color && color_stroke == that.color_stroke && stroke_width == that.stroke_width && outline_color == that.outline_color && alpha == that.alpha && outline_alpha == that.outline_alpha && timecode == that.timecode && timecode_format == that.timecode_format && line_pitch == that.line_pitch && outline_size == that.outline_size && hjustification == that.hjustification && vjustification == that.vjustification && EQUIV(pixels_per_second, that.pixels_per_second) && !strcasecmp(font, that.font) && !strcasecmp(encoding, that.encoding) && wlen == that.wlen && !memcmp(wtext, that.wtext, wlen * sizeof(wchar_t)); } void TitleConfig::copy_from(TitleConfig &that) { strcpy(font, that.font); style = that.style; size = that.size; color = that.color; color_stroke = that.color_stroke; stroke_width = that.stroke_width; outline_color = that.outline_color; alpha = that.alpha; outline_alpha = that.outline_alpha; pixels_per_second = that.pixels_per_second; motion_strategy = that.motion_strategy; loop = that.loop; line_pitch = that.line_pitch; hjustification = that.hjustification; vjustification = that.vjustification; fade_in = that.fade_in; fade_out = that.fade_out; x = that.x; y = that.y; dropshadow = that.dropshadow; timecode = that.timecode; timecode_format = that.timecode_format; outline_size = that.outline_size; strcpy(encoding, that.encoding); memcpy(wtext, that.wtext, that.wlen * sizeof(wchar_t)); wlen = that.wlen; window_w = that.window_w; window_h = that.window_h; limits(); } void TitleConfig::interpolate(TitleConfig &prev, TitleConfig &next, int64_t prev_frame, int64_t next_frame, int64_t current_frame) { strcpy(font, prev.font); strcpy(encoding, prev.encoding); style = prev.style; size = prev.size; color = prev.color; color_stroke = prev.color_stroke; stroke_width = prev.stroke_width; outline_color = prev.outline_color; alpha = prev.alpha; outline_alpha = prev.outline_alpha; motion_strategy = prev.motion_strategy; loop = prev.loop; line_pitch = prev.line_pitch; hjustification = prev.hjustification; vjustification = prev.vjustification; fade_in = prev.fade_in; fade_out = prev.fade_out; outline_size = prev.outline_size; pixels_per_second = prev.pixels_per_second; memcpy(wtext, prev.wtext, prev.wlen * sizeof(wchar_t)); wlen = prev.wlen; wtext[wlen] = 0; double next_scale = (double)(current_frame - prev_frame) / (next_frame - prev_frame); double prev_scale = (double)(next_frame - current_frame) / (next_frame - prev_frame); this->x = prev.x * prev_scale + next.x * next_scale; this->y = prev.y * prev_scale + next.y * next_scale; // this->x = prev.x; // this->y = prev.y; timecode = prev.timecode; timecode_format = prev.timecode_format; this->dropshadow = prev.dropshadow * prev_scale + next.dropshadow * next_scale; // this->dropshadow = prev.dropshadow; } void TitleConfig::limits() { if(window_w < 100) window_w = 100; if(window_h < 100) window_h = 100; } void TitleConfig::to_wtext(const char *from_enc, const char *text, int tlen) { wlen = BC_Resources::encode(from_enc, BC_Resources::wide_encoding, (char*)text,tlen, (char *)wtext,sizeof(wtext)) / sizeof(wchar_t); while( wlen > 0 && !wtext[wlen-1] ) --wlen; } TitleGlyph::TitleGlyph() { char_code = 0; data = 0; data_stroke = 0; freetype_index = 0; width = 0; height = 0; pitch = 0; left = 0; top = 0; bottom = 0; right = 0; advance_x = 0; } TitleGlyph::~TitleGlyph() { //printf("TitleGlyph::~TitleGlyph 1\n"); if(data) delete data; if(data_stroke) delete data_stroke; } GlyphPackage::GlyphPackage() : LoadPackage() { glyph = 0; } GlyphUnit::GlyphUnit(TitleMain *plugin, GlyphEngine *server) : LoadClient(server) { this->plugin = plugin; current_font = 0; freetype_library = 0; freetype_face = 0; } GlyphUnit::~GlyphUnit() { if(freetype_library) FT_Done_FreeType(freetype_library); } void GlyphUnit::process_package(LoadPackage *package) { GlyphPackage *pkg = (GlyphPackage*)package; TitleGlyph *glyph = pkg->glyph; int result = 0; char new_path[BCTEXTLEN]; current_font = plugin->get_font(); if(plugin->load_freetype_face(freetype_library, freetype_face, current_font->path)) { printf(_("GlyphUnit::process_package FT_New_Face failed.\n")); result = 1; } if(!result) { int gindex = FT_Get_Char_Index(freetype_face, glyph->char_code); //printf("GlyphUnit::process_package 1 %c\n", glyph->char_code); // Char not found if(gindex == 0) { BC_Resources *resources = BC_WindowBase::get_resources(); // Search replacement font if(resources->find_font_by_char(glyph->char_code, new_path, freetype_face)) { plugin->load_freetype_face(freetype_library, freetype_face, new_path); gindex = FT_Get_Char_Index(freetype_face, glyph->char_code); } } FT_Set_Pixel_Sizes(freetype_face, plugin->config.size, 0); if (gindex == 0) { // carrige return if (glyph->char_code != 10) printf(_("GlyphUnit::process_package FT_Load_Char failed - char: %li.\n"), glyph->char_code); // Prevent a crash here glyph->width = 8; glyph->height = 8; glyph->pitch = 8; glyph->advance_x = 8; glyph->left = 9; glyph->top = 9; glyph->right = 0; glyph->bottom = 0; glyph->freetype_index = 0; glyph->data = new VFrame(glyph->width, glyph->height, BC_A8, glyph->pitch); glyph->data->clear_frame(); glyph->data_stroke = 0; // create outline glyph if (plugin->config.stroke_width >= ZERO && (plugin->config.style & BC_FONT_OUTLINE)) { glyph->data_stroke = new VFrame(glyph->width, glyph->height, BC_A8, glyph->pitch); glyph->data_stroke->clear_frame(); } } // char found and no outline desired else if (plugin->config.stroke_width < ZERO || !(plugin->config.style & BC_FONT_OUTLINE)) { FT_Glyph glyph_image; FT_BBox bbox; FT_Bitmap bm; FT_Load_Glyph(freetype_face, gindex, FT_LOAD_DEFAULT); FT_Get_Glyph(freetype_face->glyph, &glyph_image); FT_Outline_Get_BBox(&((FT_OutlineGlyph) glyph_image)->outline, &bbox); // printf("Stroke: Xmin: %ld, Xmax: %ld, Ymin: %ld, yMax: %ld\n", // bbox.xMin,bbox.xMax, bbox.yMin, bbox.yMax); glyph->width = bm.width = ((bbox.xMax - bbox.xMin + 63) >> 6); glyph->height = bm.rows = ((bbox.yMax - bbox.yMin + 63) >> 6); glyph->pitch = bm.pitch = bm.width; bm.pixel_mode = FT_PIXEL_MODE_GRAY; bm.num_grays = 256; glyph->left = (bbox.xMin + 31) >> 6; glyph->top = (bbox.yMax + 31) >> 6; glyph->right = (bbox.xMax + 31) >> 6; glyph->bottom = (bbox.yMin + 31) >> 6; glyph->freetype_index = gindex; glyph->advance_x = ((freetype_face->glyph->advance.x + 31) >> 6); //printf("GlyphUnit::process_package 1 width=%d height=%d pitch=%d left=%d top=%d advance_x=%d freetype_index=%d\n", //glyph->width, glyph->height, glyph->pitch, glyph->left, glyph->top, glyph->advance_x, glyph->freetype_index); glyph->data = new VFrame(glyph->width, glyph->height, BC_A8, glyph->pitch); glyph->data->clear_frame(); bm.buffer = glyph->data->get_data(); FT_Outline_Translate(&((FT_OutlineGlyph) glyph_image)->outline, - bbox.xMin, - bbox.yMin); FT_Outline_Get_Bitmap( freetype_library, &((FT_OutlineGlyph) glyph_image)->outline, &bm); FT_Done_Glyph(glyph_image); } else { // Outline desired and glyph found FT_Glyph glyph_image; FT_Stroker stroker; FT_Outline outline; FT_Bitmap bm; FT_BBox bbox; FT_UInt npoints, ncontours; FT_Load_Glyph(freetype_face, gindex, FT_LOAD_DEFAULT); FT_Get_Glyph(freetype_face->glyph, &glyph_image); // check if the outline is ok (non-empty); FT_Outline_Get_BBox(&((FT_OutlineGlyph) glyph_image)->outline, &bbox); if( bbox.xMin == 0 && bbox.xMax == 0 && bbox.yMin == 0 && bbox.yMax == 0 ) { FT_Done_Glyph(glyph_image); glyph->width = 0; glyph->height = 0; glyph->left = 0; glyph->top = 0; glyph->right = 0; glyph->bottom = 0; glyph->pitch = 0; glyph->data = new VFrame(glyph->width, glyph->height, BC_A8, glyph->pitch); glyph->data_stroke = new VFrame(glyph->width, glyph->height, BC_A8, glyph->pitch); glyph->advance_x =((int)(freetype_face->glyph->advance.x + plugin->config.stroke_width * 64)) >> 6; return; } #if FREETYPE_MAJOR > 2 || (FREETYPE_MAJOR == 2 && FREETYPE_MINOR >= 2) FT_Stroker_New(freetype_library, &stroker); #else FT_Stroker_New(((FT_LibraryRec *)freetype_library)->memory, &stroker); #endif FT_Stroker_Set(stroker, (int)(plugin->config.stroke_width * 64), FT_STROKER_LINECAP_ROUND, FT_STROKER_LINEJOIN_ROUND, 0); FT_Stroker_ParseOutline(stroker, &((FT_OutlineGlyph) glyph_image)->outline,1); FT_Stroker_GetCounts(stroker,&npoints, &ncontours); if (npoints ==0 && ncontours == 0) { // this never happens, but FreeType has a bug regarding Linotype's Palatino font FT_Stroker_Done(stroker); FT_Done_Glyph(glyph_image); glyph->width = 0; glyph->height = 0; glyph->left = 0; glyph->top = 0; glyph->right = 0; glyph->bottom = 0; glyph->pitch = 0; glyph->data = new VFrame(glyph->width, glyph->height, BC_A8, glyph->pitch); glyph->data_stroke = new VFrame(glyph->width, glyph->height, BC_A8, glyph->pitch); glyph->advance_x =((int)(freetype_face->glyph->advance.x + plugin->config.stroke_width * 64)) >> 6; return; }; FT_Outline_New(freetype_library, npoints, ncontours, &outline); outline.n_points=0; outline.n_contours=0; FT_Stroker_Export (stroker, &outline); FT_Outline_Get_BBox(&outline, &bbox); FT_Outline_Translate(&outline, - bbox.xMin, - bbox.yMin); FT_Outline_Translate(&((FT_OutlineGlyph) glyph_image)->outline, - bbox.xMin, - bbox.yMin + (int)(plugin->config.stroke_width*32)); // printf("Stroke: Xmin: %ld, Xmax: %ld, Ymin: %ld, yMax: %ld\n" // "Fill Xmin: %ld, Xmax: %ld, Ymin: %ld, yMax: %ld\n", // bbox.xMin,bbox.xMax, bbox.yMin, bbox.yMax, // bbox_fill.xMin,bbox_fill.xMax, bbox_fill.yMin, bbox_fill.yMax); glyph->width = bm.width = ((bbox.xMax - bbox.xMin) >> 6)+1; glyph->height = bm.rows = ((bbox.yMax - bbox.yMin) >> 6) +1; glyph->pitch = bm.pitch = bm.width; bm.pixel_mode = FT_PIXEL_MODE_GRAY; bm.num_grays = 256; glyph->left = (bbox.xMin + 31) >> 6; glyph->top = (bbox.yMax + 31) >> 6; glyph->right = (bbox.xMax + 31) >> 6; glyph->bottom = (bbox.yMin + 31) >> 6; glyph->freetype_index = gindex; int real_advance = ((int)ceil((float)freetype_face->glyph->advance.x + plugin->config.stroke_width * 64) >> 6); glyph->advance_x = glyph->width + glyph->left; if (real_advance > glyph->advance_x) glyph->advance_x = real_advance; //printf("GlyphUnit::process_package 1 width=%d height=%d " // "pitch=%d left=%d top=%d advance_x=%d freetype_index=%d\n", // glyph->width, glyph->height, glyph->pitch, glyph->left, // glyph->top, glyph->advance_x, glyph->freetype_index); //printf("GlyphUnit::process_package 1\n"); glyph->data = new VFrame(glyph->width, glyph->height, BC_A8, glyph->pitch); glyph->data->clear_frame(); glyph->data_stroke = new VFrame(glyph->width, glyph->height, BC_A8, glyph->pitch); glyph->data_stroke->clear_frame(); // for debugging memset( glyph->data_stroke->get_data(), 60, glyph->pitch * glyph->height); bm.buffer=glyph->data->get_data(); FT_Outline_Get_Bitmap( freetype_library, &((FT_OutlineGlyph) glyph_image)->outline, &bm); bm.buffer=glyph->data_stroke->get_data(); FT_Outline_Get_Bitmap( freetype_library, &outline, &bm); FT_Outline_Done(freetype_library,&outline); FT_Stroker_Done(stroker); FT_Done_Glyph(glyph_image); //printf("GlyphUnit::process_package 2\n"); } } } GlyphEngine::GlyphEngine(TitleMain *plugin, int cpus) : LoadServer(cpus, cpus) { this->plugin = plugin; } void GlyphEngine::init_packages() { int current_package = 0; for(int i = 0; i < plugin->glyphs.total; i++) { if(!plugin->glyphs.values[i]->data) { GlyphPackage *pkg = (GlyphPackage*)get_package(current_package++); pkg->glyph = plugin->glyphs.values[i]; } } } LoadClient* GlyphEngine::new_client() { return new GlyphUnit(plugin, this); } LoadPackage* GlyphEngine::new_package() { return new GlyphPackage; } // Copy a single character to the text mask TitlePackage::TitlePackage() : LoadPackage() { x = y = 0; char_code = 0; } TitleUnit::TitleUnit(TitleMain *plugin, TitleEngine *server) : LoadClient(server) { this->plugin = plugin; this->engine = server; } void TitleUnit::draw_glyph(VFrame *output, VFrame *data, TitleGlyph *glyph, int x, int y) { int glyph_w = data->get_w(), glyph_h = data->get_h(); int output_w = output->get_w(), output_h = output->get_h(); unsigned char **in_rows = data->get_rows(); unsigned char **out_rows = output->get_rows(); int baseline = plugin->get_char_height(); if( engine->do_dropshadow ) { x += plugin->config.dropshadow; y += plugin->config.dropshadow; } else if( plugin->config.dropshadow < 0 ) { x -= plugin->config.dropshadow; y -= plugin->config.dropshadow; } int x_in = 0, y_in = 0; int x_out = x + glyph->left; if( x_out < 0 ) { x_in = -x_out; x_out = 0; } if( x_out+glyph_w > output_w ) glyph_w = output_w-x_out; if( x_in >= glyph_w || x_out >= output_w ) return; int y_out = y + baseline - glyph->top; if( y_out < 0 ) { y_in = -y_out; y_out = 0; } if( y_out+glyph_h > output_h ) glyph_h = output_h-y_out; if( y_in >= glyph_h || y_out >= output_h ) return; if(engine->do_dropshadow) { while( y_in < glyph_h && y_out < output_h ) { unsigned char *in_row = in_rows[y_in]; unsigned char *out_row = out_rows[y_out]; for( int xin=x_in,xout=x_out*4+3; xinget_color_components(&r, &g, &b, &a, 0); //int outline = plugin->config.outline_size; //if(outline) a = 0xff; while( y_in < glyph_h && y_out < output_h ) { unsigned char *in_row = in_rows[y_in]; unsigned char *out_row = out_rows[y_out]; for( int xin=x_in,xout=x_out*4+0; xinchar_code == 0 || pkg->char_code == '\n') return; TitleGlyph *glyph = plugin->get_glyph(pkg->char_code); if( !glyph ) return; draw_glyph(plugin->text_mask, glyph->data, glyph, pkg->x, pkg->y); if(plugin->config.stroke_width >= ZERO && (plugin->config.style & BC_FONT_OUTLINE)) draw_glyph(plugin->text_mask_stroke, glyph->data_stroke, glyph, pkg->x, pkg->y); } TitleEngine::TitleEngine(TitleMain *plugin, int cpus) : LoadServer(cpus, cpus) { this->plugin = plugin; } void TitleEngine::init_packages() { int current_package = 0; int dx = plugin->config.outline_size - plugin->extent.x1; int dy = plugin->config.outline_size - plugin->extent.y1; for(int i = plugin->visible_char1; i < plugin->visible_char2; i++) { TitlePackage *pkg = (TitlePackage*)get_package(current_package++); char_pos_t *pos = plugin->char_pos + i; pkg->x = pos->x + dx; pkg->y = pos->y + dy; pkg->char_code = plugin->config.wtext[i]; //printf("draw '%c' at %d,%d\n",(int)pkg->char_code, pkg->x, pkg->y); } } LoadClient* TitleEngine::new_client() { return new TitleUnit(plugin, this); } LoadPackage* TitleEngine::new_package() { return new TitlePackage; } void TitleTranslateUnit::translation_array_f(transfer_table_f* &table, float out_x1, float out_x2, float in_x1, float in_x2, int in_total, int out_total, int &out_x1_int, int &out_x2_int) { int out_w_int; //float offset = out_x1 - in_x1; out_x1_int = (int)out_x1; out_x2_int = MIN((int)ceil(out_x2), out_total); out_w_int = out_x2_int - out_x1_int; table = new transfer_table_f[out_w_int]; bzero(table, sizeof(transfer_table_f) * out_w_int); float in_x = in_x1; for(int out_x = out_x1_int; out_x < out_x2_int; out_x++) { transfer_table_f *entry = &table[out_x - out_x1_int]; entry->in_x1 = (int)in_x; entry->in_x2 = (int)in_x + 1; // Get fraction of output pixel to fill entry->output_fraction = 1; if(out_x1 > out_x) { entry->output_fraction -= out_x1 - out_x; } if(out_x2 < out_x + 1) { entry->output_fraction = (out_x2 - out_x); } // Advance in_x until out_x_fraction is filled float out_x_fraction = entry->output_fraction; float in_x_fraction = floor(in_x + 1) - in_x; if(out_x_fraction <= in_x_fraction) { entry->in_fraction1 = out_x_fraction; entry->in_fraction2 = 0.0; in_x += out_x_fraction; } else { entry->in_fraction1 = in_x_fraction; in_x += out_x_fraction; entry->in_fraction2 = in_x - floor(in_x); } // Clip in_x and zero out fraction. This doesn't work for YUV. if(entry->in_x2 >= in_total) { entry->in_x2 = in_total - 1; entry->in_fraction2 = 0.0; } if(entry->in_x1 >= in_total) { entry->in_x1 = in_total - 1; entry->in_fraction1 = 0.0; } } } // Copy a single character to the text mask TitleOutlinePackage::TitleOutlinePackage() : LoadPackage() { } TitleOutlineUnit::TitleOutlineUnit(TitleMain *plugin, TitleOutlineEngine *server) : LoadClient(server) { this->plugin = plugin; this->engine = server; } void TitleOutlineUnit::process_package(LoadPackage *package) { TitleOutlinePackage *pkg = (TitleOutlinePackage*)package; int r, g, b, outline_a; plugin->get_color_components(&r, &g, &b, &outline_a, 1); unsigned char **outline_rows = plugin->outline_mask->get_rows(); unsigned char **text_rows = plugin->text_mask->get_rows(); int mask_w1 = plugin->text_mask->get_w()-1; int mask_h1 = plugin->text_mask->get_h()-1; int ofs = plugin->config.outline_size; if(engine->pass == 0) { // get max alpha under outline size macropixel for(int y = pkg->y1; y < pkg->y2; y++) { unsigned char *out_row = outline_rows[y]; int y1 = y - ofs, y2 = y + ofs; CLAMP(y1, 0, mask_h1); CLAMP(y2, 0, mask_h1); for(int x = 0; x < plugin->text_mask->get_w(); x++) { int x1 = x - ofs, x2 = x + ofs; CLAMP(x1, 0, mask_w1); CLAMP(x2, 0, mask_w1); int max_a = 0; for(int yy = y1; yy <= y2; yy++) { unsigned char *text_row = text_rows[yy]; for(int xx = x1; xx <= x2; ++xx) { unsigned char *pixel = text_row + xx*4; if(pixel[3] > max_a) max_a = pixel[3]; } } unsigned char *out = out_row + x*4; out[0] = r; out[1] = g; out[2] = b; out[3] = (max_a * outline_a) / 0xff; } } return; } else { // Overlay text mask on top of outline mask int ofs = BC_CModels::is_yuv(plugin->output->get_color_model()) ? 0x80 : 0; for(int y = pkg->y1; y < pkg->y2; y++) { unsigned char *outline_row = outline_rows[y]; unsigned char *text_row = text_rows[y]; for(int x = 0; x < plugin->text_mask->get_w(); x++) { unsigned char *out = text_row + x * 4; unsigned char *inp = outline_row + x * 4; int out_a = out[3], in_a = inp[3]; int transparency = in_a * (0xff - out_a) / 0xff; out[0] = (out[0] * out_a + inp[0] * transparency) / 0xff; out[1] = ((out[1]-ofs) * out_a + (inp[1]-ofs) * transparency) / 0xff + ofs; out[2] = ((out[2]-ofs) * out_a + (inp[2]-ofs) * transparency) / 0xff + ofs; out[3] = in_a + out_a - in_a*out_a / 0xff; } } } } TitleOutlineEngine::TitleOutlineEngine(TitleMain *plugin, int cpus) : LoadServer(cpus, cpus) { this->plugin = plugin; } void TitleOutlineEngine::init_packages() { int mask_h = plugin->text_mask->get_h(); if( !mask_h ) return; int py1 = 0, py2 = 0; int pkgs = get_total_packages(); for( int i=0; iy1 = py1; pkg->y2 = py2; } } void TitleOutlineEngine::do_outline() { pass = 0; process_packages(); pass = 1; process_packages(); } LoadClient* TitleOutlineEngine::new_client() { return new TitleOutlineUnit(plugin, this); } LoadPackage* TitleOutlineEngine::new_package() { return new TitleOutlinePackage; } TitleTranslatePackage::TitleTranslatePackage() : LoadPackage() { y1 = y2 = 0; } TitleTranslateUnit::TitleTranslateUnit(TitleMain *plugin, TitleTranslate *server) : LoadClient(server) { this->plugin = plugin; } void TitleTranslate::run_packages() { output_w = plugin->output->get_w(); output_h = plugin->output->get_h(); float x1 = plugin->text_x1 + plugin->extent.x1; float x2 = plugin->text_x1 + plugin->extent.x2; if (x2 <= 0 || x1 >= x2 || x1 >= output_w) return; float y1 = plugin->text_y1 + plugin->extent.y1; float y2 = plugin->text_y1 + plugin->extent.y2; if (y2 <= 0 || y1 >= y2 || y1 >= output_h) return; process_packages(); } #define TRANSLATE(type, max, components, ofs) \ { \ unsigned char **in_rows = plugin->text_mask->get_rows(); \ type **out_rows = (type**)plugin->output->get_rows(); \ \ for(int i = pkg->y1; i < pkg->y2; i++) \ { \ if(i + server->out_y1_int >= 0 && \ i + server->out_y1_int < server->output_h) \ { \ int in_y1, in_y2; \ float y_fraction1, y_fraction2; \ in_y1 = server->y_table[i].in_x1; \ in_y2 = server->y_table[i].in_x2; \ y_fraction1 = server->y_table[i].in_fraction1; \ y_fraction2 = server->y_table[i].in_fraction2; \ unsigned char *in_row1 = in_rows[in_y1]; \ unsigned char *in_row2 = in_rows[in_y2]; \ type *out_row = out_rows[i + server->out_y1_int]; \ \ for(int j = server->out_x1_int; j < server->out_x2_int; j++) \ { \ if(j >= 0 && j < server->output_w) \ { \ int in_x1; \ int in_x2; \ float x_fraction1; \ float x_fraction2; \ in_x1 = \ server->x_table[j - server->out_x1_int].in_x1; \ in_x2 = \ server->x_table[j - server->out_x1_int].in_x2; \ x_fraction1 = \ server->x_table[j - server->out_x1_int].in_fraction1; \ x_fraction2 = \ server->x_table[j - server->out_x1_int].in_fraction2; \ \ float fraction1 = x_fraction1 * y_fraction1 / (256.f-max); \ float fraction2 = x_fraction2 * y_fraction1 / (256.f-max); \ float fraction3 = x_fraction1 * y_fraction2 / (256.f-max); \ float fraction4 = x_fraction2 * y_fraction2 / (256.f-max); \ type input_r = (type)(in_row1[in_x1 * 4 + 0] * fraction1 + \ in_row1[in_x2 * 4 + 0] * fraction2 + \ in_row2[in_x1 * 4 + 0] * fraction3 + \ in_row2[in_x2 * 4 + 0] * fraction4); \ type input_g = (type)(in_row1[in_x1 * 4 + 1] * fraction1 + \ in_row1[in_x2 * 4 + 1] * fraction2 + \ in_row2[in_x1 * 4 + 1] * fraction3 + \ in_row2[in_x2 * 4 + 1] * fraction4); \ type input_b = (type)(in_row1[in_x1 * 4 + 2] * fraction1 + \ in_row1[in_x2 * 4 + 2] * fraction2 + \ in_row2[in_x1 * 4 + 2] * fraction3 + \ in_row2[in_x2 * 4 + 2] * fraction4); \ type input_a = (type)(in_row1[in_x1 * 4 + 3] * fraction1 + \ in_row1[in_x2 * 4 + 3] * fraction2 + \ in_row2[in_x1 * 4 + 3] * fraction3 + \ in_row2[in_x2 * 4 + 3] * fraction4); \ /* Plugin alpha is actually 0 - 0x100 */ \ input_a = input_a * plugin->alpha / 0x100; \ type transparency; \ \ \ if(components == 4) \ { \ transparency = out_row[j * components + 3] * (max - input_a) / max; \ out_row[j * components + 0] = \ (input_r * input_a + out_row[j * components + 0] * transparency) / max; \ out_row[j * components + 1] = \ ((input_g-ofs) * input_a + (out_row[j * components + 1]-ofs) * transparency) / max + ofs; \ out_row[j * components + 2] = \ ((input_b-ofs) * input_a + (out_row[j * components + 2]-ofs) * transparency) / max + ofs; \ out_row[j * components + 3] = \ MAX(input_a, out_row[j * components + 3]); \ } \ else \ { \ transparency = max - input_a; \ out_row[j * components + 0] = \ (input_r * input_a + out_row[j * components + 0] * transparency) / max; \ out_row[j * components + 1] = \ ((input_g-ofs) * input_a + (out_row[j * components + 1]-ofs) * transparency) / max + ofs; \ out_row[j * components + 2] = \ ((input_b-ofs) * input_a + (out_row[j * components + 2]-ofs) * transparency) / max + ofs; \ } \ } \ } \ } \ } \ } #define TRANSLATEA(type, max, components, r, g, b) \ { \ unsigned char **in_rows = plugin->text_mask->get_rows(); \ type **out_rows = (type**)plugin->output->get_rows(); \ \ for(int i = pkg->y1; i < pkg->y2; i++) \ { \ if(i + server->out_y1_int >= 0 && \ i + server->out_y1_int < server->output_h) \ { \ unsigned char *in_row = in_rows[i]; \ type *out_row = out_rows[i + server->out_y1_int]; \ \ for(int j = server->out_x1; j < server->out_x2_int; j++) \ { \ if(j >= 0 && \ j < server->output_w) \ { \ int input = (int)(in_row[j - server->out_x1]); \ \ input *= plugin->alpha; \ /* Alpha is 0 - 256 */ \ input >>= 8; \ \ int anti_input = 0xff - input; \ if(components == 4) \ { \ out_row[j * components + 0] = \ (r * input + out_row[j * components + 0] * anti_input) / 0xff; \ out_row[j * components + 1] = \ (g * input + out_row[j * components + 1] * anti_input) / 0xff; \ out_row[j * components + 2] = \ (b * input + out_row[j * components + 2] * anti_input) / 0xff; \ if(max == 0xffff) \ out_row[j * components + 3] = \ MAX((input << 8) | input, out_row[j * components + 3]); \ else \ out_row[j * components + 3] = \ MAX(input, out_row[j * components + 3]); \ } \ else \ { \ out_row[j * components + 0] = \ (r * input + out_row[j * components + 0] * anti_input) / 0xff; \ out_row[j * components + 1] = \ (g * input + out_row[j * components + 1] * anti_input) / 0xff; \ out_row[j * components + 2] = \ (b * input + out_row[j * components + 2] * anti_input) / 0xff; \ } \ } \ } \ } \ } \ } void TitleTranslateUnit::process_package(LoadPackage *package) { TitleTranslatePackage *pkg = (TitleTranslatePackage*)package; TitleTranslate *server = (TitleTranslate*)this->server; switch(plugin->output->get_color_model()) { case BC_RGB888: TRANSLATE(unsigned char, 0xff, 3, 0); break; case BC_RGB_FLOAT: TRANSLATE(float, 1.0, 3, 0); break; case BC_YUV888: TRANSLATE(unsigned char, 0xff, 3, 0x80); break; case BC_RGBA_FLOAT: TRANSLATE(float, 1.0, 4, 0); break; case BC_RGBA8888: TRANSLATE(unsigned char, 0xff, 4, 0); break; case BC_YUVA8888: TRANSLATE(unsigned char, 0xff, 4, 0x80); break; } //printf("TitleTranslateUnit::process_package 5\n"); } TitleTranslate::TitleTranslate(TitleMain *plugin, int cpus) : LoadServer(cpus, cpus) { this->plugin = plugin; x_table = 0; y_table = 0; out_x1 = out_x2 = 0; out_y1 = out_y2 = 0; out_x1_int = out_x2_int = 0; out_y1_int = out_y2_int = 0; output_w = output_h = 0; } TitleTranslate::~TitleTranslate() { delete [] x_table; delete [] y_table; } void TitleTranslate::init_packages() { // Generate scaling tables delete [] x_table; x_table = 0; delete [] y_table; y_table = 0; output_w = plugin->output->get_w(); output_h = plugin->output->get_h(); float x1 = plugin->text_x1 + plugin->extent.x1; float x2 = plugin->text_x1 + plugin->extent.x2; TitleTranslateUnit::translation_array_f(x_table, x1, x2, 0, plugin->mask_w, plugin->mask_w, output_w, out_x1_int, out_x2_int); float y1 = plugin->text_y1 + plugin->extent.y1; float y2 = plugin->text_y1 + plugin->extent.y2; TitleTranslateUnit::translation_array_f(y_table, y1, y2, 0, plugin->mask_h, plugin->mask_h, output_h, out_y1_int, out_y2_int); //printf("TitleTranslate::init_packages 1\n"); out_x1 = out_x1_int; out_x2 = out_x2_int; out_y1 = out_y1_int; out_y2 = out_y2_int; int out_h = out_y2 - out_y1; int py1 = 0, py2 = 0; int pkgs = get_total_packages(); for( int i=0; iy1 = py1; pkg->y2 = py2; } //printf("TitleTranslate::init_packages 2\n"); } LoadClient* TitleTranslate::new_client() { return new TitleTranslateUnit(plugin, this); } LoadPackage* TitleTranslate::new_package() { return new TitleTranslatePackage; } TitleMain::TitleMain(PluginServer *server) : PluginVClient(server) { text_mask = 0; outline_mask = 0; text_mask_stroke = 0; glyph_engine = 0; title_engine = 0; freetype_face = 0; freetype_library = 0; char_pos = 0; row_geom = 0; row_geom_size = 0; translate = 0; outline_engine = 0; visible_row1 = 0; visible_row2 = 0; visible_char1 = 0; visible_char2 = 0; text_y1 = text_y2 = text_x1 = 0; alpha = 0x100; text_rows = 0; text_w = 0; text_h = 0; input = 0; output = 0; cpus = PluginClient::smp + 1; if( cpus > 8 ) cpus = 8; need_reconfigure = 1; } TitleMain::~TitleMain() { delete text_mask; delete outline_mask; delete text_mask_stroke; delete [] char_pos; delete [] row_geom; clear_glyphs(); delete glyph_engine; delete title_engine; if( freetype_face ) FT_Done_Face(freetype_face); if( freetype_library ) FT_Done_FreeType(freetype_library); delete translate; delete outline_engine; } const char* TitleMain::plugin_title() { return _("Title"); } int TitleMain::is_realtime() { return 1; } int TitleMain::is_synthesis() { return 1; } NEW_WINDOW_MACRO(TitleMain, TitleWindow); void TitleMain::build_previews(TitleWindow *gui) { ArrayList*fonts = gui->get_resources()->fontlist; for(int font_number = 0; font_number < fonts->size(); font_number++) { BC_FontEntry *font_entry = fonts->get(font_number); // already have examples if(font_entry->image) return; } // create example bitmaps FT_Library freetype_library = 0; // Freetype library FT_Face freetype_face = 0; const char *test_string = "Aa"; char new_path[BCTEXTLEN]; int text_height = gui->get_text_height(LARGEFONT); int text_color = BC_WindowBase::get_resources()->default_text_color; int r = (text_color >> 16) & 0xff; int g = (text_color >> 8) & 0xff; int b = text_color & 0xff; // dimensions for each line int height[fonts->size()]; int ascent[fonts->size()]; // pass 1 gets the extents for all the fonts // pass 2 draws the image int total_w = 0; int total_h = 0; for(int pass = 0; pass < 2; pass++) { //printf("TitleMain::build_previews %d %d %d\n", //__LINE__, //text_height, //total_h); for(int font_number = 0; font_number < fonts->size(); font_number++) { BC_FontEntry *font_entry = fonts->get(font_number); // test if font of same name has been processed int skip = 0; for(int i = 0; i < font_number; i++) { if(!strcasecmp(fonts->get(i)->displayname, font_entry->displayname)) { if(pass == 1) { font_entry->image = fonts->get(i)->image; } skip = 1; break; } } if(skip) continue; int current_x = 0; int current_w = 0; int current_ascent = 0; int current_h = 0; if(pass == 1) { font_entry->image = new VFrame; font_entry->image->set_use_shm(0); font_entry->image->reallocate(0, -1, 0, 0, 0, total_w, total_h, BC_RGBA8888, -1); font_entry->image->clear_frame(); } current_x = 0; current_w = 0; int len = strlen(test_string); for(int j = 0; j < len; j++) { FT_ULong c = test_string[j]; check_char_code_path(freetype_library, font_entry->path, c, (char *)new_path); if( !load_freetype_face(freetype_library, freetype_face, new_path)) { FT_Set_Pixel_Sizes(freetype_face, text_height, 0); if(!FT_Load_Char(freetype_face, c, FT_LOAD_RENDER)) { if(pass == 0) { current_w = current_x + freetype_face->glyph->bitmap.width; if((int)freetype_face->glyph->bitmap_top > current_ascent) current_ascent = freetype_face->glyph->bitmap_top; if((int)freetype_face->glyph->bitmap.rows > total_h) total_h = freetype_face->glyph->bitmap.rows; if((int)freetype_face->glyph->bitmap.rows > current_h) current_h = freetype_face->glyph->bitmap.rows; } else { // copy 1 row at a time // center vertically int out_y = (total_h - height[font_number]) / 2 + ascent[font_number] - freetype_face->glyph->bitmap_top; for(int in_y = 0; in_y < (int)freetype_face->glyph->bitmap.rows && out_y < total_h; in_y++, out_y++) { unsigned char *out_row = font_entry->image->get_rows()[out_y] + current_x * 4; unsigned char *in_row = freetype_face->glyph->bitmap.buffer + freetype_face->glyph->bitmap.pitch * in_y; for(int out_x = 0; out_x < (int)freetype_face->glyph->bitmap.width && out_x < total_w; out_x++) { *out_row = (*in_row * r + (0xff - *in_row) * *out_row) / 0xff; ++out_row; *out_row = (*in_row * g + (0xff - *in_row) * *out_row) / 0xff; ++out_row; *out_row = (*in_row * b + (0xff - *in_row) * *out_row) / 0xff; ++out_row; *out_row = MAX(*in_row, *out_row); ++out_row; in_row++; } } } current_x += freetype_face->glyph->advance.x >> 6; } } } height[font_number] = current_h; ascent[font_number] = current_ascent; if(pass == 0 && current_w > total_w) total_w = current_w; } } if(freetype_library) FT_Done_FreeType(freetype_library); } //This checks if char_code is on the selected font, else it changes font to the first compatible //Akirad int TitleMain::check_char_code_path(FT_Library &freetype_library, char *path_old, FT_ULong &char_code, char *path_new) { FT_Face temp_freetype_face; FcPattern *pat; FcFontSet *fs; FcObjectSet *os; FcChar8 *file, *format; FcConfig *config; int i; FcInit(); config = FcConfigGetCurrent(); FcConfigSetRescanInterval(config, 0); pat = FcPatternCreate(); os = FcObjectSetBuild ( FC_FILE, FC_FONTFORMAT, (char *) 0); fs = FcFontList(config, pat, os); FcPattern *font; int notfindit = 1; char tmpstring[BCTEXTLEN]; int limit_to_truetype = 0; //if you want to limit search to truetype put 1 if(!freetype_library) FT_Init_FreeType(&freetype_library); if(!FT_New_Face(freetype_library, path_old, 0, &temp_freetype_face)) { FT_Set_Pixel_Sizes(temp_freetype_face, 128, 0); int gindex = FT_Get_Char_Index(temp_freetype_face, char_code); if( gindex != 0 && char_code == 10 ) { strcpy(path_new, path_old); notfindit = 0; } } if(notfindit) { for (i=0; fs && i < fs->nfont; i++) { font = fs->fonts[i]; FcPatternGetString(font, FC_FONTFORMAT, 0, &format); if((!strcmp((char *)format, "TrueType")) || limit_to_truetype) { if(FcPatternGetString(font, FC_FILE, 0, &file) == FcResultMatch) { sprintf(tmpstring, "%s", file); if(!FT_New_Face(freetype_library, tmpstring, 0, &temp_freetype_face)) { FT_Set_Pixel_Sizes(temp_freetype_face, 128, 0); int gindex = FT_Get_Char_Index(temp_freetype_face, char_code); if( gindex != 0 && char_code == 10 ) { sprintf(path_new, "%s", tmpstring); notfindit = 0; goto done; } } } } } } done: if(fs) FcFontSetDestroy(fs); if(temp_freetype_face) FT_Done_Face(temp_freetype_face); temp_freetype_face = 0; if(notfindit) { strcpy(path_new, path_old); return 1; } return 0; } int TitleMain::load_freetype_face(FT_Library &freetype_library, FT_Face &freetype_face, const char *path) { //printf("TitleMain::load_freetype_face 1\n"); if(!freetype_library) FT_Init_FreeType(&freetype_library); if(freetype_face) FT_Done_Face(freetype_face); freetype_face = 0; //printf("TitleMain::load_freetype_face 2\n"); // Use freetype's internal function for loading font if(FT_New_Face(freetype_library, path, 0, &freetype_face)) { fprintf(stderr, _("TitleMain::load_freetype_face %s failed.\n"), path); freetype_face = 0; freetype_library = 0; return 1; } return 0; } BC_FontEntry* TitleMain::get_font() { int style = 0; int mask; style |= (config.style & BC_FONT_ITALIC) ? FL_SLANT_ITALIC : FL_SLANT_ROMAN; style |= (config.style & BC_FONT_BOLD) ? FL_WEIGHT_BOLD : FL_WEIGHT_NORMAL; mask = FL_WEIGHT_MASK | FL_SLANT_MASK; BC_Resources *resources = BC_WindowBase::get_resources(); return resources->find_fontentry(config.font, style, mask); } int TitleMain::get_char_height() { // this is baseline to the baseline distance int result = config.size; if((config.style & BC_FONT_OUTLINE)) result += (int)ceil(config.stroke_width * 2); return result; } TitleGlyph *TitleMain::get_glyph(FT_ULong char_code) { for(int i = 0; i < glyphs.size(); i++) { if(glyphs.get(i)->char_code == char_code) return glyphs.get(i); } return 0; } int TitleMain::get_char_width(FT_ULong char_code) { if(char_code == '\n') return 0; TitleGlyph *glyph = get_glyph(char_code); return !glyph ? 0 : glyph->width; } int TitleMain::get_char_advance(FT_ULong current, FT_ULong next) { FT_Vector kerning; if(current == '\n') return 0; TitleGlyph *current_glyph = get_glyph(current); int result = !current_glyph ? 0 : current_glyph->advance_x; TitleGlyph *next_glyph = !next ? 0 : get_glyph(next); if(next_glyph) FT_Get_Kerning(freetype_face, current_glyph->freetype_index, next_glyph->freetype_index, ft_kerning_default, &kerning); else kerning.x = 0; return result + (kerning.x >> 6); } void TitleMain::load_glyphs() { // Build table of all glyphs needed int total_packages = 0; for(int i = 0; i < config.wlen; i++) { int exists = 0; FT_ULong char_code = config.wtext[i]; for(int j = 0; j < glyphs.total; j++) { if(glyphs.values[j]->char_code == char_code) { exists = 1; break; } } if(!exists && char_code != 0) { total_packages++; TitleGlyph *glyph = new TitleGlyph; glyphs.append(glyph); glyph->char_code = char_code; } } if(!glyph_engine) glyph_engine = new GlyphEngine(this, cpus); glyph_engine->set_package_count(total_packages); glyph_engine->process_packages(); } void TitleMain::get_total_extents() { // Determine extents of total text int wlen = config.wlen; char_pos = new char_pos_t[wlen+1]; int pitch = config.line_pitch; int font_h = get_char_height(); int row = 0; int row_w = 0, row_h = 0; int max_char_w = 0, max_char_h = 0; text_h = text_w = 0; // unjustified positions, initial bbox for(int i = 0; i < wlen; i++) { char_pos[i].x = row_w; char_pos[i].y = text_h; char_pos[i].row = row; wchar_t wchar = config.wtext[i]; if( wchar == '\n' ) { text_h += pitch ? pitch : row_h > font_h ? row_h : font_h; if(row_w > text_w) text_w = row_w; row_w = row_h = 0; ++row; continue; } TitleGlyph *glyph = get_glyph(wchar); int char_w = i+1>=wlen ? glyph->width : get_char_advance(wchar, config.wtext[i+1]); char_pos[i].w = char_w; row_w += char_w; if( char_w > max_char_w ) max_char_w = char_w; int char_h = glyph->top - glyph->bottom; if( char_h > max_char_h ) max_char_h = char_h; if( char_h > row_h ) row_h = char_h; //printf("charcode '%c' %d,%d glyph bbox %d,%d %d,%d\n", // (int)wchar, char_pos[i].x, char_pos[i].y, // glyph->left, glyph->top, glyph->right, glyph->bottom); } if( wlen > 0 && config.wtext[wlen-1] != '\n' ) { text_h += pitch ? pitch : row_h > font_h ? row_h : font_h; if(row_w > text_w) text_w = row_w; ++row; } char_pos[wlen].x = row_w; char_pos[wlen].y = text_h; char_pos[wlen].row = row; char_pos[wlen].w = 0; text_rows = row; // justify positions int row_start = 0, pos = 0; switch(config.hjustification) { case JUSTIFY_MID: while( row_start < wlen ) { while( posx0 = geom->y0 = 0; geom->x1 = geom->y1 = 0; geom->x2 = geom->y2 = 0; // x0,y0 row origin in without kern // x1,y1 - x2,y2 left baseline relative bbox with kerns for(int i = 0; i < wlen; i++) { int x = char_pos[i].x; int y = char_pos[i].y; wchar_t wchar = config.wtext[i]; if( wchar == '\n' ) { glyph = 0; ++geom; geom->x0 = geom->y0 = 0; geom->x1 = geom->y1 = 0; geom->x2 = geom->y2 = 0; continue; } TitleGlyph *gp = get_glyph(wchar); if( !gp ) continue; if( !glyph ) { geom->x0 = x; geom->y0 = y; int dx = x-geom->x0, dy = y-geom->y0 + config.size; geom->x1 = dx + gp->left; geom->y1 = dy - gp->top; geom->x2 = dx + gp->right; geom->y2 = dy - gp->bottom; } glyph = gp; int dx = x-geom->x0, dy = y-geom->y0 + config.size; int dx1 = dx + glyph->left; int dx2 = dx + glyph->right; if( dx1 < geom->x1 ) geom->x1 = dx1; if( dx2 > geom->x2 ) geom->x2 = dx2; int dy1 = dy - glyph->top; int dy2 = dy - glyph->bottom; if( dy1 < geom->y1 ) geom->y1 = dy1; if( dy2 > geom->y2 ) geom->y2 = dy2; //printf("charcode '%c' %d,%d row bbox %d,%d %d,%d %d,%d\n", // (int)wchar, x,y, geom->x0,geom->y0, geom->x1,geom->y1, geom->x2,geom->y2); } if( wlen > 0 && config.wtext[wlen-1] != '\n' ) { ++geom; geom->x0 = 0; geom->y0 = text_h; geom->x1 = geom->y1 = 0; geom->x2 = geom->y2 = 0; } } int TitleMain::draw_mask() { int old_visible_row1 = visible_row1; int old_visible_row2 = visible_row2; // Determine y of visible text if(config.motion_strategy == BOTTOM_TO_TOP) { // printf("TitleMain::draw_mask 1 %d %lld %lld %lld\n", // config.motion_strategy, // get_source_position(), // get_source_start(), // config.prev_keyframe_position); float magnitude = config.pixels_per_second * (get_source_position() - config.prev_keyframe_position) / PluginVClient::project_frame_rate; if(config.loop) { int loop_size = text_h + input->get_h(); magnitude -= (int)(magnitude / loop_size) * loop_size; } text_y1 = config.y + input->get_h() - magnitude; } else if(config.motion_strategy == TOP_TO_BOTTOM) { float magnitude = config.pixels_per_second * (get_source_position() - config.prev_keyframe_position) / PluginVClient::project_frame_rate; if(config.loop) { int loop_size = text_h + input->get_h(); magnitude -= (int)(magnitude / loop_size) * loop_size; } text_y1 = config.y + magnitude; text_y1 -= text_h; } else if(config.vjustification == JUSTIFY_TOP) { text_y1 = config.y; } else if(config.vjustification == JUSTIFY_MID) { text_y1 = config.y + input->get_h() / 2 - text_h / 2; } else if(config.vjustification == JUSTIFY_BOTTOM) { text_y1 = config.y + input->get_h() - text_h; } text_y2 = text_y1 + text_h + 0.5; // Determine x of visible text if(config.motion_strategy == RIGHT_TO_LEFT) { float magnitude = config.pixels_per_second * (get_source_position() - config.prev_keyframe_position) / PluginVClient::project_frame_rate; if(config.loop) { int loop_size = text_w + input->get_w(); magnitude -= (int)(magnitude / loop_size) * loop_size; } text_x1 = config.x + (float)input->get_w() - magnitude; } else if(config.motion_strategy == LEFT_TO_RIGHT) { float magnitude = config.pixels_per_second * (get_source_position() - config.prev_keyframe_position) / PluginVClient::project_frame_rate; if(config.loop) { int loop_size = text_w + input->get_w(); magnitude -= (int)(magnitude / loop_size) * loop_size; } text_x1 = config.x + -(float)text_w + magnitude; } else if(config.hjustification == JUSTIFY_LEFT) { text_x1 = config.x; } else if(config.hjustification == JUSTIFY_MID) { text_x1 = config.x + input->get_w() / 2 - text_w / 2; } else if(config.hjustification == JUSTIFY_RIGHT) { text_x1 = config.x + input->get_w() - text_w; } text_x2 = text_x1 + text_w; // bottom of this row is visible visible_row1 = 0; RowGeom *geom = 0; while( visible_row1 < text_rows ) { geom = &row_geom[visible_row1]; int y0 = text_y1 + geom->bottom(); if( y0 > 0 ) break; ++visible_row1; } // top of next row is not visible visible_row2 = visible_row1; while( visible_row2 < text_rows ) { geom = &row_geom[visible_row2]; int y0 = text_y1 + geom->top(); if( y0 >= input->get_h() ) break; ++visible_row2; } if( visible_row1 == visible_row2 ) return 1; //printf("visible rows %d to %d\n", visible_row1, visible_row2); // Only use visible rows, get bbox including kerns // text origin, no kerning geom = &row_geom[visible_row1]; extent.x0 = geom->x0; extent.y0 = geom->y0; extent.x1 = geom->left(); extent.y1 = geom->top(); extent.x2 = geom->right(); extent.y2 = geom->bottom(); for( int i=visible_row1; ileft()) < extent.x1 ) extent.x1 = v; if( (v=geom->top()) < extent.y1 ) extent.y1 = v; if( (v=geom->right()) > extent.x2 ) extent.x2 = v; if( (v=geom->bottom()) > extent.y2 ) extent.y2 = v; } //printf("exts x0,y0=%d,%d x1,y1=%d,%d x2,y2=%d,%d text %f,%f %dx%d\n", // extent.x0,extent.y0, extent.x1,extent.y1, extent.x2,extent.y2, // text_x1,text_y1, text_w,text_h); // Only draw visible chars visible_char1 = visible_char2 = -1; int wlen = config.wlen; for(int i = 0; i < wlen; i++) { char_pos_t *pos = char_pos + i; if( pos->row < visible_row1 ) continue; if( pos->row >= visible_row2 ) continue; if(visible_char1 < 0) visible_char1 = i; visible_char2 = i; } visible_char2++; extent.x1 -= config.outline_size*2; extent.y1 -= config.outline_size*2; extent.x2 += abs(config.dropshadow) + config.outline_size*2; extent.y2 += abs(config.dropshadow) + config.outline_size*2; // Determine mask geometry mask_w = extent.x2 - extent.x1; if( mask_w <= 0 ) return 1; mask_h = extent.y2 - extent.y1; if( mask_h <= 0 ) return 1; //printf("TitleMain::draw_mask %d-%d frame %dx%d\n", // visible_row1, visible_row2, mask_w,mask_h) int need_redraw = 0; if(text_mask && (text_mask->get_w() != mask_w || text_mask->get_h() != mask_h)) { delete text_mask; text_mask = 0; delete text_mask_stroke; text_mask_stroke = 0; } if(!text_mask) { // Always use 8 bit because the glyphs are 8 bit // Need to set YUV to get clear_frame to set the right chroma. int output_model = get_output()->get_color_model(); int color_model = BC_CModels::is_yuv(output_model) ? BC_YUVA8888 : BC_RGBA8888; text_mask = new VFrame; text_mask->set_use_shm(0); text_mask->reallocate(0, -1, 0, 0, 0, mask_w, mask_h, color_model, -1); float drop = abs(config.dropshadow); int drop_w = mask_w + drop; int drop_h = mask_h + drop; text_mask_stroke = new VFrame; text_mask_stroke->set_use_shm(0); text_mask_stroke->reallocate(0, -1, 0, 0, 0, drop_w, drop_h, color_model, -1); need_redraw = 1; } // Draw on text mask if it has changed if( need_redraw || old_visible_row1 != visible_row1 || old_visible_row2 != visible_row2 ) { //printf("redraw %d to %d %d,%d %d,%d - %d,%d\n", visible_char1,visible_char2, // extent.x0, extent.y0, extent.x1,extent.y1, extent.x2,extent.y2); text_mask->clear_frame(); text_mask_stroke->clear_frame(); #if 0 unsigned char *data = text_mask->get_data(); // draw bbox on text_mask for( int x=0; xdo_dropshadow = 1; title_engine->set_package_count(visible_char2 - visible_char1); title_engine->process_packages(); } // Then draw foreground title_engine->do_dropshadow = 0; title_engine->set_package_count(visible_char2 - visible_char1); title_engine->process_packages(); // Convert to text outlines if(config.outline_size > 0) { if(outline_mask && (text_mask->get_w() != outline_mask->get_w() || text_mask->get_h() != outline_mask->get_h())) { delete outline_mask; outline_mask = 0; } if(!outline_mask) { outline_mask = new VFrame; outline_mask->set_use_shm(0); outline_mask->reallocate(0, -1, 0, 0, 0, text_mask->get_w(), text_mask->get_h(), text_mask->get_color_model(), -1); } if(!outline_engine) outline_engine = new TitleOutlineEngine(this, cpus); outline_engine->do_outline(); } } return 0; } void TitleMain::overlay_mask() { //printf("TitleMain::overlay_mask 1\n"); alpha = 0x100; if(!EQUIV(config.fade_in, 0)) { int fade_len = lroundf(config.fade_in * PluginVClient::project_frame_rate); int fade_position = get_source_position() - config.prev_keyframe_position; if(fade_position >= 0 && fade_position < fade_len) { alpha = lroundf(256.0f * fade_position / fade_len); } } if(!EQUIV(config.fade_out, 0)) { int fade_len = lroundf(config.fade_out * PluginVClient::project_frame_rate); int fade_position = config.next_keyframe_position - get_source_position(); if(fade_position >= 0 && fade_position < fade_len) { alpha = lroundf(256.0f * fade_position / fade_len); } } if(!translate) translate = new TitleTranslate(this, cpus); if(config.dropshadow) { text_x1 += config.dropshadow; if(text_x1 < input->get_w() && text_x1 + text_w > 0) { // Do 2 passes if dropshadow. int temp_color = config.color; config.color = 0x0; translate->run_packages(); config.color = temp_color; } text_x1 -= config.dropshadow; } //printf("TitleMain::overlay_mask 1\n"); if(text_x1 < input->get_w() && text_x1 + text_w > 0) { translate->run_packages(); if (config.stroke_width >= ZERO && (config.style & BC_FONT_OUTLINE)) { int temp_color = config.color; VFrame *tmp_text_mask = this->text_mask; config.color = config.color_stroke; this->text_mask = this->text_mask_stroke; translate->run_packages(); config.color = temp_color; this->text_mask = tmp_text_mask; } } //printf("TitleMain::overlay_mask 200\n"); } void TitleMain::get_color_components(int *r, int *g, int *b, int *a, int is_outline) { int color = is_outline ? config.outline_color : config.color; unsigned char r_in = color >> 16; unsigned char g_in = color >> 8; unsigned char b_in = color; *a = is_outline ? config.outline_alpha : config.alpha; switch(output->get_color_model()) { case BC_YUV888: yuv.rgb_to_yuv_8(r_in, g_in, b_in, *r, *g, *b); break; case BC_YUVA8888: yuv.rgb_to_yuv_8(r_in, g_in, b_in, *r, *g, *b); break; default: *r = r_in; *g = g_in; *b = b_in; break; } } void TitleMain::clear_glyphs() { //printf("TitleMain::clear_glyphs 1\n"); glyphs.remove_all_objects(); } const char* TitleMain::motion_to_text(int motion) { switch(motion) { case NO_MOTION: return _("No motion"); break; case BOTTOM_TO_TOP: return _("Bottom to top"); break; case TOP_TO_BOTTOM: return _("Top to bottom"); break; case RIGHT_TO_LEFT: return _("Right to left"); break; case LEFT_TO_RIGHT: return _("Left to right"); break; } return ""; } int TitleMain::text_to_motion(const char *text) { for(int i = 0; i < TOTAL_PATHS; i++) { if(!strcasecmp(motion_to_text(i), text)) return i; } return 0; } void TitleMain::reset_render() { delete text_mask; text_mask = 0; delete glyph_engine; glyph_engine = 0; delete [] char_pos; char_pos = 0; delete text_mask_stroke; text_mask_stroke = 0; delete [] row_geom; row_geom = 0; row_geom_size = 0; visible_row1 = 0; visible_row2 = 0; visible_char1 = 0; visible_char2 = 0; text_rows = 0; clear_glyphs(); if(freetype_face) { FT_Done_Face(freetype_face); freetype_face = 0; } } int TitleMain::init_freetype() { if(!freetype_library) FT_Init_FreeType(&freetype_library); if(!freetype_face) { BC_FontEntry *font = get_font(); if(load_freetype_face(freetype_library, freetype_face, font->path)) { printf("TitleMain::process_realtime %s: FT_New_Face failed.\n", font->displayname); return 1; } FT_Set_Pixel_Sizes(freetype_face, config.size, 0); } return 0; } int TitleMain::process_realtime(VFrame *input_ptr, VFrame *output_ptr) { int result = 0; input = input_ptr; output = output_ptr; need_reconfigure |= load_configuration(); // Check boundaries if(config.size <= 0 || config.size >= 2048) config.size = 72; if(config.stroke_width < 0 || config.stroke_width >= 512) config.stroke_width = 0.0; if(!config.wlen) return 0; if(!strlen(config.encoding)) strcpy(config.encoding, DEFAULT_ENCODING); // Always synthesize text and redraw it for timecode if(config.timecode) { int64_t rendered_frame = get_source_position(); if (get_direction() == PLAY_REVERSE) rendered_frame -= 1; char text[BCTEXTLEN]; Units::totext(text, (double)rendered_frame / PluginVClient::project_frame_rate, config.timecode_format, PluginVClient::get_project_samplerate(), PluginVClient::get_project_framerate(), 16); config.to_wtext(config.encoding, text, strlen(text)+1); need_reconfigure = 1; } // printf("TitleMain::process_realtime %d need_reconfigure=%d\n", // __LINE__, // need_reconfigure); // Handle reconfiguration if(need_reconfigure) { reset_render(); result = init_freetype(); if(!result) { //PRINT_TRACE load_glyphs(); get_total_extents(); need_reconfigure = 0; } } if(!result) { //PRINT_TRACE // Determine region of text visible on the output and draw mask result = draw_mask(); } // Overlay mask on output if(!result) { //PRINT_TRACE overlay_mask(); } return 0; } void TitleMain::update_gui() { if(thread) { int reconfigure = load_configuration(); if(reconfigure) { TitleWindow *window = (TitleWindow*)thread->window; window->lock_window("TitleMain::update_gui"); window->update(); window->unlock_window(); window->color_thread->update_gui(config.color, 0); window->unlock_window(); } } } int TitleMain::load_configuration() { KeyFrame *prev_keyframe, *next_keyframe; prev_keyframe = get_prev_keyframe(get_source_position()); next_keyframe = get_next_keyframe(get_source_position()); TitleConfig old_config, prev_config, next_config; old_config.copy_from(config); read_data(prev_keyframe); prev_config.copy_from(config); read_data(next_keyframe); next_config.copy_from(config); config.prev_keyframe_position = prev_keyframe->position; config.next_keyframe_position = next_keyframe->position; // if no previous keyframe exists, it should be start of the plugin, not start of the track if(config.next_keyframe_position == config.prev_keyframe_position) config.next_keyframe_position = get_source_start() + get_total_len(); if (config.prev_keyframe_position == 0) config.prev_keyframe_position = get_source_start(); // printf("TitleMain::load_configuration 10 %d %d\n", // config.prev_keyframe_position, // config.next_keyframe_position); config.interpolate(prev_config, next_config, (next_keyframe->position == prev_keyframe->position) ? get_source_position() : prev_keyframe->position, (next_keyframe->position == prev_keyframe->position) ? get_source_position() + 1 : next_keyframe->position, get_source_position()); if(!config.equivalent(old_config)) return 1; return 0; } void TitleMain::save_data(KeyFrame *keyframe) { FileXML output; output.set_shared_output(keyframe->get_data(), MESSAGESIZE); output.tag.set_title("TITLE"); output.tag.set_property("FONT", config.font); output.tag.set_property("ENCODING", config.encoding); output.tag.set_property("STYLE", (int64_t)config.style); output.tag.set_property("SIZE", config.size); output.tag.set_property("COLOR", config.color); output.tag.set_property("COLOR_STROKE", config.color_stroke); output.tag.set_property("STROKE_WIDTH", config.stroke_width); output.tag.set_property("OUTLINE_COLOR", config.outline_color); output.tag.set_property("ALPHA", config.alpha); output.tag.set_property("OUTLINE_ALPHA", config.outline_alpha); output.tag.set_property("MOTION_STRATEGY", config.motion_strategy); output.tag.set_property("LOOP", config.loop); output.tag.set_property("LINE_PITCH", config.line_pitch); output.tag.set_property("PIXELS_PER_SECOND", config.pixels_per_second); output.tag.set_property("HJUSTIFICATION", config.hjustification); output.tag.set_property("VJUSTIFICATION", config.vjustification); output.tag.set_property("FADE_IN", config.fade_in); output.tag.set_property("FADE_OUT", config.fade_out); output.tag.set_property("TITLE_X", config.x); output.tag.set_property("TITLE_Y", config.y); output.tag.set_property("DROPSHADOW", config.dropshadow); output.tag.set_property("OUTLINE_SIZE", config.outline_size); output.tag.set_property("TIMECODE", config.timecode); output.tag.set_property("TIMECODEFORMAT", config.timecode_format); output.tag.set_property("WINDOW_W", config.window_w); output.tag.set_property("WINDOW_H", config.window_h); output.append_tag(); output.append_newline(); char text[BCTEXTLEN]; int text_len = BC_Resources::encode( BC_Resources::wide_encoding, DEFAULT_ENCODING, (char*)config.wtext, config.wlen*sizeof(wchar_t), text, sizeof(text)); output.append_text(text, text_len); output.tag.set_title("/TITLE"); output.append_tag(); output.append_newline(); output.terminate_string(); //printf("TitleMain::save_data 1\n%s\n", output.string); //printf("TitleMain::save_data 2\n%s\n", config.text); } void TitleMain::read_data(KeyFrame *keyframe) { FileXML input; input.set_shared_input(keyframe->get_data(), strlen(keyframe->get_data())); int result = 0; config.prev_keyframe_position = keyframe->position; while(!result) { result = input.read_tag(); if( result ) break; if(input.tag.title_is("TITLE")) { input.tag.get_property("FONT", config.font); input.tag.get_property("ENCODING", config.encoding); config.style = input.tag.get_property("STYLE", (int64_t)config.style); config.size = input.tag.get_property("SIZE", config.size); config.color = input.tag.get_property("COLOR", config.color); config.color_stroke = input.tag.get_property("COLOR_STROKE", config.color_stroke); config.stroke_width = input.tag.get_property("STROKE_WIDTH", config.stroke_width); config.outline_color = input.tag.get_property("OUTLINE_COLOR", config.outline_color); config.alpha = input.tag.get_property("ALPHA", config.alpha); config.outline_alpha = input.tag.get_property("OUTLINE_ALPHA", config.outline_alpha); config.motion_strategy = input.tag.get_property("MOTION_STRATEGY", config.motion_strategy); config.loop = input.tag.get_property("LOOP", config.loop); config.line_pitch = input.tag.get_property("LINE_PITCH", config.line_pitch); config.pixels_per_second = input.tag.get_property("PIXELS_PER_SECOND", config.pixels_per_second); config.hjustification = input.tag.get_property("HJUSTIFICATION", config.hjustification); config.vjustification = input.tag.get_property("VJUSTIFICATION", config.vjustification); config.fade_in = input.tag.get_property("FADE_IN", config.fade_in); config.fade_out = input.tag.get_property("FADE_OUT", config.fade_out); config.x = input.tag.get_property("TITLE_X", config.x); config.y = input.tag.get_property("TITLE_Y", config.y); config.dropshadow = input.tag.get_property("DROPSHADOW", config.dropshadow); config.outline_size = input.tag.get_property("OUTLINE_SIZE", config.outline_size); config.timecode = input.tag.get_property("TIMECODE", config.timecode); input.tag.get_property("TIMECODEFORMAT", config.timecode_format); config.window_w = input.tag.get_property("WINDOW_W", config.window_w); config.window_h = input.tag.get_property("WINDOW_H", config.window_h); const char *text = input.read_text(); config.to_wtext(config.encoding, text, strlen(text)+1); } else if(input.tag.title_is("/TITLE")) { result = 1; } } }