/* * CINELERRA * Copyright (C) 2008 Adam Williams * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA * */ #ifndef COLORPICKER_H #define COLORPICKER_H #include "bcbutton.h" #include "bcdialog.h" #include "bctextbox.h" #include "bcsubwindow.h" #include "clip.h" #include "condition.inc" #include "guicast.h" #include "mutex.inc" #include "thread.h" #include "vframe.inc" #define PALLETTE_HISTORY_SIZE 16 class ColorWindow; class PaletteWheel; class PaletteWheelValue; class PaletteOutput; class PaletteHue; class PaletteSat; class PaletteVal; class PaletteRed; class PaletteGrn; class PaletteBlu; class PaletteLum; class PaletteCr; class PaletteCb; class PaletteAlpha; class PaletteHSV; class PaletteRGB; class PaletteYUV; class PaletteAPH; class PaletteHexButton; class PaletteHex; class PaletteGrabButton; class PaletteHistory; class ColorThread : public BC_DialogThread { public: ColorThread(int do_alpha = 0, const char *title = 0); ~ColorThread(); void start_window(int output, int alpha, int do_okcancel=0); virtual int handle_new_color(int output, int alpha); void update_gui(int output, int alpha); BC_Window* new_gui(); int output, alpha; int do_alpha, do_okcancel; const char *title; }; class ColorWindow : public BC_Window { public: ColorWindow(ColorThread *thread, int x, int y, int w, int h, const char *title); ~ColorWindow(); void create_objects(); void change_values(); int close_event(); void update_display(); void update_rgb(); void update_hsv(); void update_yuv(); int handle_event(); int button_press_event(); int button_release_event(); struct { float r, g, b; } rgb; struct { float y, u, v; } yuv; struct { float h, s, v; } hsv; float aph; void update_rgb(float r, float g, float b); void update_hsv(float h, float s, float v); void update_yuv(float y, float u, float v); int rgb888(); ColorThread *thread; PaletteWheel *wheel; PaletteWheelValue *wheel_value; PaletteOutput *output; PaletteHue *hue; PaletteSat *sat; PaletteVal *val; PaletteRed *red; PaletteGrn *grn; PaletteBlu *blu; PaletteLum *lum; PaletteCr *c_r; PaletteCb *c_b; PaletteAlpha *alpha; PaletteHSV *hsv_h, *hsv_s, *hsv_v; PaletteRGB *rgb_r, *rgb_g, *rgb_b; PaletteYUV *yuv_y, *yuv_u, *yuv_v; PaletteAPH *aph_a; PaletteHexButton *hex_btn; PaletteHex *hex_box; PaletteGrabButton *grab_btn; PaletteHistory *history; VFrame *value_bitmap; int button_grabbed; int palette_history[PALLETTE_HISTORY_SIZE]; void load_history(); void save_history(); void update_history(int color); void update_history(); }; class PaletteWheel : public BC_SubWindow { public: PaletteWheel(ColorWindow *window, int x, int y); ~PaletteWheel(); int button_press_event(); int cursor_motion_event(); int button_release_event(); void create_objects(); int draw(float hue, float saturation); int get_angle(float x1, float y1, float x2, float y2); float torads(float angle); ColorWindow *window; float oldhue; float oldsaturation; int button_down; }; class PaletteWheelValue : public BC_SubWindow { public: PaletteWheelValue(ColorWindow *window, int x, int y); ~PaletteWheelValue(); void create_objects(); int button_press_event(); int cursor_motion_event(); int button_release_event(); int draw(float hue, float saturation, float value); ColorWindow *window; int button_down; // Gradient VFrame *frame; }; class PaletteOutput : public BC_SubWindow { public: PaletteOutput(ColorWindow *window, int x, int y); ~PaletteOutput(); void create_objects(); int handle_event(); int draw(); ColorWindow *window; }; class PaletteHue : public BC_ISlider { public: PaletteHue(ColorWindow *window, int x, int y); ~PaletteHue(); int handle_event(); ColorWindow *window; }; class PaletteSat : public BC_FSlider { public: PaletteSat(ColorWindow *window, int x, int y); ~PaletteSat(); int handle_event(); ColorWindow *window; }; class PaletteVal : public BC_FSlider { public: PaletteVal(ColorWindow *window, int x, int y); ~PaletteVal(); int handle_event(); ColorWindow *window; }; class PaletteRed : public BC_FSlider { public: PaletteRed(ColorWindow *window, int x, int y); ~PaletteRed(); int handle_event(); ColorWindow *window; }; class PaletteGrn : public BC_FSlider { public: PaletteGrn(ColorWindow *window, int x, int y); ~PaletteGrn(); int handle_event(); ColorWindow *window; }; class PaletteBlu : public BC_FSlider { public: PaletteBlu(ColorWindow *window, int x, int y); ~PaletteBlu(); int handle_event(); ColorWindow *window; }; class PaletteAlpha : public BC_FSlider { public: PaletteAlpha(ColorWindow *window, int x, int y); ~PaletteAlpha(); int handle_event(); ColorWindow *window; }; class PaletteLum : public BC_FSlider { public: PaletteLum(ColorWindow *window, int x, int y); ~PaletteLum(); int handle_event(); ColorWindow *window; }; class PaletteCr : public BC_FSlider { public: PaletteCr(ColorWindow *window, int x, int y); ~PaletteCr(); int handle_event(); ColorWindow *window; }; class PaletteCb : public BC_FSlider { public: PaletteCb(ColorWindow *window, int x, int y); ~PaletteCb(); int handle_event(); ColorWindow *window; }; class PaletteNum : public BC_TumbleTextBox { public: ColorWindow *window; float *output; PaletteNum(ColorWindow *window, int x, int y, float &output, float min, float max); ~PaletteNum(); void update_output() { *output = atof(get_text()); } static int calculate_h() { return BC_Tumbler::calculate_h(); } }; class PaletteRGB : public PaletteNum { public: PaletteRGB(ColorWindow *window, int x, int y, float &output, float min, float max) : PaletteNum(window, x, y, output, min, max) {} int handle_event(); }; class PaletteYUV : public PaletteNum { public: PaletteYUV(ColorWindow *window, int x, int y, float &output, float min, float max) : PaletteNum(window, x, y, output, min, max) {} int handle_event(); }; class PaletteHSV : public PaletteNum { public: PaletteHSV(ColorWindow *window, int x, int y, float &output, float min, float max) : PaletteNum(window, x, y, output, min, max) {} int handle_event(); }; class PaletteAPH : public PaletteNum { public: PaletteAPH(ColorWindow *window, int x, int y, float &output, float min, float max) : PaletteNum(window, x, y, output, min, max) {} int handle_event(); }; class PaletteHexButton : public BC_GenericButton { public: PaletteHexButton(ColorWindow *window, int x, int y); ~PaletteHexButton(); int handle_event(); ColorWindow *window; }; class PaletteHex : public BC_TextBox { public: PaletteHex(ColorWindow *window, int x, int y, const char *hex); ~PaletteHex(); int handle_event(); void update(); ColorWindow *window; }; class PaletteGrabButton : public BC_Button { public: PaletteGrabButton(ColorWindow *window, int x, int y); ~PaletteGrabButton(); int handle_event(); ColorWindow *window; VFrame *vframes[3]; }; class PaletteHistory : public BC_SubWindow { public: PaletteHistory(ColorWindow *window, int x, int y); ~PaletteHistory(); void update(int flush=1); int button_press_event(); int button_release_event(); int cursor_motion_event(); int cursor_enter_event(); int cursor_leave_event(); int repeat_event(int64_t duration); ColorWindow *window; int button_down; }; #endif