/* * CINELERRA * Copyright (C) 2008 Adam Williams * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA * */ #include "asset.h" #include "assets.h" #include "awindow.h" #include "awindowgui.h" #include "edit.h" #include "editpopup.h" #include "cache.h" #include "edl.h" #include "edlsession.h" #include "file.h" #include "language.h" #include "localsession.h" #include "mainerror.h" #include "mainsession.h" #include "mwindow.h" #include "mwindowgui.h" #include "plugindialog.h" #include "preferences.h" #include "renderengine.h" #include "resizetrackthread.h" #include "track.h" #include "tracks.h" #include "trackcanvas.h" #include "transportque.h" #include "vframe.h" #include "vrender.h" #include EditPopup::EditPopup(MWindow *mwindow, MWindowGUI *gui) : BC_PopupMenu(0, 0, 0, "", 0) { this->mwindow = mwindow; this->gui = gui; } EditPopup::~EditPopup() { } void EditPopup::create_objects() { add_item(new EditAttachEffect(mwindow, this)); add_item(new EditMoveTrackUp(mwindow, this)); add_item(new EditMoveTrackDown(mwindow, this)); add_item(new EditPopupDeleteTrack(mwindow, this)); add_item(new EditPopupAddTrack(mwindow, this)); // add_item(new EditPopupTitle(mwindow, this)); EditSnapshot *edit_snapshot; SnapshotSubMenu *snapshot_submenu; add_item(edit_snapshot = new EditSnapshot(mwindow, this)); edit_snapshot->add_submenu(snapshot_submenu = new SnapshotSubMenu(edit_snapshot)); snapshot_submenu->add_submenuitem(new SnapshotMenuItem(snapshot_submenu, _("png"), SNAPSHOT_PNG)); snapshot_submenu->add_submenuitem(new SnapshotMenuItem(snapshot_submenu, _("jpeg"), SNAPSHOT_JPEG)); snapshot_submenu->add_submenuitem(new SnapshotMenuItem(snapshot_submenu, _("tiff"), SNAPSHOT_TIFF)); resize_option = 0; matchsize_option = 0; } int EditPopup::update(Track *track, Edit *edit) { this->edit = edit; this->track = track; if(track->data_type == TRACK_VIDEO && !resize_option) { add_item(resize_option = new EditPopupResize(mwindow, this)); add_item(matchsize_option = new EditPopupMatchSize(mwindow, this)); } else if(track->data_type == TRACK_AUDIO && resize_option) { del_item(resize_option); resize_option = 0; del_item(matchsize_option); matchsize_option = 0; } return 0; } EditAttachEffect::EditAttachEffect(MWindow *mwindow, EditPopup *popup) : BC_MenuItem(_("Attach effect...")) { this->mwindow = mwindow; this->popup = popup; dialog_thread = new PluginDialogThread(mwindow); } EditAttachEffect::~EditAttachEffect() { delete dialog_thread; } int EditAttachEffect::handle_event() { dialog_thread->start_window(popup->track, 0, _(PROGRAM_NAME ": Attach Effect"), 0, popup->track->data_type); return 1; } EditMoveTrackUp::EditMoveTrackUp(MWindow *mwindow, EditPopup *popup) : BC_MenuItem(_("Move up")) { this->mwindow = mwindow; this->popup = popup; } EditMoveTrackUp::~EditMoveTrackUp() { } int EditMoveTrackUp::handle_event() { mwindow->move_track_up(popup->track); return 1; } EditMoveTrackDown::EditMoveTrackDown(MWindow *mwindow, EditPopup *popup) : BC_MenuItem(_("Move down")) { this->mwindow = mwindow; this->popup = popup; } EditMoveTrackDown::~EditMoveTrackDown() { } int EditMoveTrackDown::handle_event() { mwindow->move_track_down(popup->track); return 1; } EditPopupResize::EditPopupResize(MWindow *mwindow, EditPopup *popup) : BC_MenuItem(_("Resize track...")) { this->mwindow = mwindow; this->popup = popup; dialog_thread = new ResizeTrackThread(mwindow); } EditPopupResize::~EditPopupResize() { delete dialog_thread; } int EditPopupResize::handle_event() { dialog_thread->start_window(popup->track); return 1; } EditPopupMatchSize::EditPopupMatchSize(MWindow *mwindow, EditPopup *popup) : BC_MenuItem(_("Match output size")) { this->mwindow = mwindow; this->popup = popup; } EditPopupMatchSize::~EditPopupMatchSize() { } int EditPopupMatchSize::handle_event() { mwindow->match_output_size(popup->track); return 1; } EditPopupDeleteTrack::EditPopupDeleteTrack(MWindow *mwindow, EditPopup *popup) : BC_MenuItem(_("Delete track")) { this->mwindow = mwindow; this->popup = popup; } int EditPopupDeleteTrack::handle_event() { mwindow->delete_track(popup->track); return 1; } EditPopupAddTrack::EditPopupAddTrack(MWindow *mwindow, EditPopup *popup) : BC_MenuItem(_("Add track")) { this->mwindow = mwindow; this->popup = popup; } int EditPopupAddTrack::handle_event() { switch( popup->track->data_type ) { case TRACK_AUDIO: mwindow->add_audio_track_entry(1, popup->track); break; case TRACK_VIDEO: mwindow->add_video_track_entry(popup->track); break; case TRACK_SUBTITLE: mwindow->add_subttl_track_entry(popup->track); break; } return 1; } EditPopupTitle::EditPopupTitle(MWindow *mwindow, EditPopup *popup) : BC_MenuItem(_("User title...")) { this->mwindow = mwindow; this->popup = popup; window = 0; } EditPopupTitle::~EditPopupTitle() { delete popup; } int EditPopupTitle::handle_event() { int result; Track *trc = mwindow->session->track_highlighted; if (trc && trc->record) { Edit *edt = mwindow->session->edit_highlighted; if(!edt) return 1; window = new EditPopupTitleWindow (mwindow, popup); window->create_objects(); result = window->run_window(); if(!result && edt) { strcpy(edt->user_title, window->title_text->get_text()); } delete window; window = 0; } return 1; } EditPopupTitleWindow::EditPopupTitleWindow (MWindow *mwindow, EditPopup *popup) : BC_Window (_(PROGRAM_NAME ": Set edit title"), mwindow->gui->get_abs_cursor_x(0) - 400 / 2, mwindow->gui->get_abs_cursor_y(0) - 500 / 2, 300, 100, 300, 100, 0, 0, 1) { this->mwindow = mwindow; this->popup = popup; this->edt = this->mwindow->session->edit_highlighted; if(this->edt) { strcpy(new_text, this->edt->user_title); } } EditPopupTitleWindow::~EditPopupTitleWindow() { } int EditPopupTitleWindow::close_event() { set_done(1); return 1; } void EditPopupTitleWindow::create_objects() { int x = 5; int y = 10; add_subwindow (new BC_Title (x, y, _("User title"))); add_subwindow (title_text = new EditPopupTitleText (this, mwindow, x, y + 20)); add_tool(new BC_OKButton(this)); add_tool(new BC_CancelButton(this)); show_window(); flush(); } EditPopupTitleText::EditPopupTitleText (EditPopupTitleWindow *window, MWindow *mwindow, int x, int y) : BC_TextBox(x, y, 250, 1, (char*)(window->edt ? window->edt->user_title : "")) { this->window = window; this->mwindow = mwindow; } EditPopupTitleText::~EditPopupTitleText() { } int EditPopupTitleText::handle_event() { return 1; } EditSnapshot::EditSnapshot(MWindow *mwindow, EditPopup *popup) : BC_MenuItem(_("Snapshot...")) { this->mwindow = mwindow; this->popup = popup; } EditSnapshot::~EditSnapshot() { } SnapshotSubMenu::SnapshotSubMenu(EditSnapshot *edit_snapshot) { this->edit_snapshot = edit_snapshot; } SnapshotSubMenu::~SnapshotSubMenu() { } SnapshotMenuItem::SnapshotMenuItem(SnapshotSubMenu *submenu, const char *text, int mode) : BC_MenuItem(text) { this->submenu = submenu; this->mode = mode; } SnapshotMenuItem::~SnapshotMenuItem() { } int SnapshotMenuItem::handle_event() { MWindow *mwindow = submenu->edit_snapshot->mwindow; EDL *edl = mwindow->edl; if( !edl->have_video() ) return 1; Preferences *preferences = mwindow->preferences; char filename[BCTEXTLEN]; static const char *exts[] = { "png", "jpg", "tif" }; time_t tt; time(&tt); struct tm tm; localtime_r(&tt,&tm); sprintf(filename,"%s/snap_%04d%02d%02d-%02d%02d%02d.%s", preferences->snapshot_path, 1900+tm.tm_year,tm.tm_mon,tm.tm_mday, tm.tm_hour,tm.tm_min,tm.tm_sec, exts[mode]); int fw = edl->get_w(), fh = edl->get_h(); int fcolor_model = edl->session->color_model; Asset *asset = new Asset(filename); switch( mode ) { case SNAPSHOT_PNG: asset->format = FILE_PNG; asset->png_use_alpha = 1; break; case SNAPSHOT_JPEG: asset->format = FILE_JPEG; asset->jpeg_quality = 90; break; case SNAPSHOT_TIFF: asset->format = FILE_TIFF; asset->tiff_cmodel = 0; asset->tiff_compression = 0; break; } asset->width = fw; asset->height = fh; asset->audio_data = 0; asset->video_data = 1; asset->video_length = 1; asset->layers = 1; File file; int processors = preferences->project_smp + 1; if( processors > 8 ) processors = 8; file.set_processors(processors); int ret = file.open_file(preferences, asset, 0, 1); if( !ret ) { file.start_video_thread(1, fcolor_model, processors > 1 ? 2 : 1, 0); VFrame ***frames = file.get_video_buffer(); VFrame *frame = frames[0][0]; TransportCommand command; //command.command = audio_tracks ? NORMAL_FWD : CURRENT_FRAME; command.command = CURRENT_FRAME; command.get_edl()->copy_all(edl); command.change_type = CHANGE_ALL; command.realtime = 0; RenderEngine render_engine(0, preferences, 0, 0); CICache video_cache(preferences); render_engine.set_vcache(&video_cache); render_engine.arm_command(&command); double position = edl->local_session->get_selectionstart(1); int64_t source_position = (int64_t)(position * edl->get_frame_rate()); int ret = render_engine.vrender->process_buffer(frame, source_position, 0); if( !ret ) ret = file.write_video_buffer(1); file.close_file(); } if( !ret ) { asset->awindow_folder = AW_MEDIA_FOLDER; mwindow->edl->assets->append(asset); mwindow->awindow->gui->async_update_assets(); } else { eprintf("snapshot render failed"); asset->remove_user(); } return 1; }