/* * CINELERRA * Copyright (C) 2008 Adam Williams * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA * */ #include "automation.inc" #include "clip.h" #include "edl.h" #include "edlsession.h" #include "filexml.h" #include "floatauto.h" #include "floatautos.h" #include "track.h" #include "localsession.h" #include "transportque.inc" FloatAutos::FloatAutos(EDL *edl, Track *track, float default_) : Autos(edl, track) { this->default_ = default_; type = AUTOMATION_TYPE_FLOAT; } FloatAutos::~FloatAutos() { } void FloatAutos::set_automation_mode(int64_t start, int64_t end, int mode) { FloatAuto *current = (FloatAuto*)first; while(current) { // Is current auto in range? if(current->position >= start && current->position < end) { current->change_curve_mode((FloatAuto::t_mode)mode); } current = (FloatAuto*)NEXT; } } void FloatAutos::draw_joining_line(BC_SubWindow *canvas, int vertical, int center_pixel, int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2) { if(vertical) canvas->draw_line(center_pixel - y1, x1, center_pixel - y2, x2); else canvas->draw_line(x1, center_pixel + y1, x2, center_pixel + y2); } Auto* FloatAutos::new_auto() { FloatAuto *result = new FloatAuto(edl, this); result->set_value(default_); return result; } int FloatAutos::get_testy(float slope, int cursor_x, int ax, int ay) { return (int)(slope * (cursor_x - ax)) + ay; } int FloatAutos::automation_is_constant(int64_t start, int64_t length, int direction, double &constant) { int total_autos = total(); int64_t end; if(direction == PLAY_FORWARD) { end = start + length; } else { end = start + 1; start -= length; } // No keyframes on track if(total_autos == 0) { constant = ((FloatAuto*)default_auto)->get_value(); return 1; } else // Only one keyframe on track. if(total_autos == 1) { constant = ((FloatAuto*)first)->get_value(); return 1; } else // Last keyframe is before region if(last->position <= start) { constant = ((FloatAuto*)last)->get_value(); return 1; } else // First keyframe is after region if(first->position > end) { constant = ((FloatAuto*)first)->get_value(); return 1; } // Scan sequentially int64_t prev_position = -1; for(Auto *current = first; current; current = NEXT) { int test_current_next = 0; int test_previous_current = 0; FloatAuto *float_current = (FloatAuto*)current; // keyframes before and after region but not in region if(prev_position >= 0 && prev_position < start && current->position >= end) { // Get value now in case change doesn't occur constant = float_current->get_value(); test_previous_current = 1; } prev_position = current->position; // Keyframe occurs in the region if(!test_previous_current && current->position < end && current->position >= start) { // Get value now in case change doesn't occur constant = float_current->get_value(); // Keyframe has neighbor if(current->previous) { test_previous_current = 1; } if(current->next) { test_current_next = 1; } } if(test_current_next) { //printf("FloatAutos::automation_is_constant 1 %d\n", start); FloatAuto *float_next = (FloatAuto*)current->next; // Change occurs between keyframes if( !EQUIV(float_current->get_value(), float_next->get_value()) || !EQUIV(float_current->get_control_out_value(), 0) || !EQUIV(float_next->get_control_in_value(), 0)) { return 0; } } if(test_previous_current) { FloatAuto *float_previous = (FloatAuto*)current->previous; // Change occurs between keyframes if(!EQUIV(float_current->get_value(), float_previous->get_value()) || !EQUIV(float_current->get_control_in_value(), 0) || !EQUIV(float_previous->get_control_out_value(), 0)) { // printf("FloatAutos::automation_is_constant %d %d %d %f %f %f %f\n", // start, // float_previous->position, // float_current->position, // float_previous->get_value(), // float_current->get_value(), // float_previous->get_control_out_value(), // float_current->get_control_in_value()); return 0; } } } // Got nothing that changes in the region. return 1; } double FloatAutos::get_automation_constant(int64_t start, int64_t end) { Auto *current_auto, *before = 0, *after = 0; // quickly get autos just outside range get_neighbors(start, end, &before, &after); // no auto before range so use first if(before) current_auto = before; else current_auto = first; // no autos at all so use default value if(!current_auto) current_auto = default_auto; return ((FloatAuto*)current_auto)->get_value(); } float FloatAutos::get_value(int64_t position, int direction, FloatAuto* &previous, FloatAuto* &next) { // Calculate bezier equation at position previous = (FloatAuto*)get_prev_auto(position, direction, (Auto* &)previous, 0); next = (FloatAuto*)get_next_auto(position, direction, (Auto* &)next, 0); // Constant if(!next && !previous) return ((FloatAuto*)default_auto)->get_value(); if(!previous) return next->get_value(); if(!next) return previous->get_value(); if(next == previous) return previous->get_value(); if(direction == PLAY_FORWARD) { if(EQUIV(previous->get_value(), next->get_value())) { if( (previous->curve_mode == FloatAuto::LINEAR && next->curve_mode == FloatAuto::LINEAR) || (EQUIV(previous->get_control_out_value(), 0) && EQUIV(next->get_control_in_value(), 0))) { return previous->get_value(); } } } else if(direction == PLAY_REVERSE) { if(EQUIV(previous->get_value(), next->get_value())) { if( (previous->curve_mode == FloatAuto::LINEAR && next->curve_mode == FloatAuto::LINEAR) || (EQUIV(previous->get_control_in_value(), 0) && EQUIV(next->get_control_out_value(), 0))) { return previous->get_value(); } } } // at this point: previous and next not NULL, positions differ, value not constant. return calculate_bezier(previous, next, position); } float FloatAutos::calculate_bezier(FloatAuto *previous, FloatAuto *next, int64_t position) { if(next->position - previous->position == 0) return previous->get_value(); float y0 = previous->get_value(); float y3 = next->get_value(); // control points float y1 = previous->get_value() + previous->get_control_out_value(); float y2 = next->get_value() + next->get_control_in_value(); float t = (float)(position - previous->position) / (next->position - previous->position); float tpow2 = t * t; float tpow3 = t * t * t; float invt = 1 - t; float invtpow2 = invt * invt; float invtpow3 = invt * invt * invt; float result = ( invtpow3 * y0 + 3 * t * invtpow2 * y1 + 3 * tpow2 * invt * y2 + tpow3 * y3); //printf("FloatAutos::get_value(t=%5.3f)->%6.2f (prev,pos,next)=(%d,%d,%d)\n", t, result, previous->position, position, next->position); return result; } float FloatAutos::calculate_bezier_derivation(FloatAuto *previous, FloatAuto *next, int64_t position) // calculate the slope of the interpolating bezier function at given position. // computed slope is based on the actual position scale (in frames or samples) { float scale = next->position - previous->position; if( scale == 0 ) { if( !previous->get_control_out_position() ) return 0; return previous->get_control_out_value() / previous->get_control_out_position(); } float y0 = previous->get_value(); float y3 = next->get_value(); // control points float y1 = previous->get_value() + previous->get_control_out_value(); float y2 = next->get_value() + next->get_control_in_value(); // normalized scale float t = (float)(position - previous->position) / scale; float tpow2 = t * t; float invt = 1 - t; float invtpow2 = invt * invt; float slope = 3 * ( - invtpow2 * y0 - invt * ( 2*t - invt ) * y1 + t * ( 2*invt - t ) * y2 + tpow2 * y3 ); return slope / scale; } void FloatAutos::get_extents(float *min, float *max, int *coords_undefined, int64_t unit_start, int64_t unit_end) { if(!edl) { printf("FloatAutos::get_extents edl == NULL\n"); return; } if(!track) { printf("FloatAutos::get_extents track == NULL\n"); return; } // Use default auto if(!first) { FloatAuto *current = (FloatAuto*)default_auto; if(*coords_undefined) { *min = *max = current->get_value(); *coords_undefined = 0; } *min = MIN(current->get_value(), *min); *max = MAX(current->get_value(), *max); } // Test all handles for(FloatAuto *current = (FloatAuto*)first; current; current = (FloatAuto*)NEXT) { if(current->position >= unit_start && current->position < unit_end) { if(*coords_undefined) { *min = *max = current->get_value(); *coords_undefined = 0; } *min = MIN(current->get_value(), *min); *min = MIN(current->get_value() + current->get_control_in_value(), *min); *min = MIN(current->get_value() + current->get_control_out_value(), *min); *max = MAX(current->get_value(), *max); *max = MAX(current->get_value() + current->get_control_in_value(), *max); *max = MAX(current->get_value() + current->get_control_out_value(), *max); } } // Test joining regions FloatAuto *prev = 0; FloatAuto *next = 0; int64_t unit_step = edl->local_session->zoom_sample; if(track->data_type == TRACK_VIDEO) unit_step = (int64_t)(unit_step * edl->session->frame_rate / edl->session->sample_rate); unit_step = MAX(unit_step, 1); for(int64_t position = unit_start; position < unit_end; position += unit_step) { float value = get_value(position,PLAY_FORWARD,prev,next); if(*coords_undefined) { *min = *max = value; *coords_undefined = 0; } else { *min = MIN(value, *min); *max = MAX(value, *max); } } } void FloatAutos::dump() { printf(" FloatAutos::dump %p\n", this); printf(" Default: position %jd value=%f\n", default_auto->position, ((FloatAuto*)default_auto)->get_value()); for(Auto* current = first; current; current = NEXT) { printf(" position %jd value=%7.3f invalue=%7.3f outvalue=%7.3f %s\n", current->position, ((FloatAuto*)current)->get_value(), ((FloatAuto*)current)->get_control_in_value(), ((FloatAuto*)current)->get_control_out_value(), FloatAuto::curve_name(((FloatAuto*)current)->curve_mode)); } } double FloatAutos::automation_integral(int64_t start, int64_t length, int direction) { if( direction == PLAY_REVERSE ) start -= length; if( start < 0 ) { length += start; start = 0; } int64_t end = start + length; double value = 0, track_length = track->get_length(); int64_t pos = start, len = track->to_units(track_length,0); if( end > len ) end = len; while( pos < end ) { int64_t prev_pos = 0, next_pos = len; FloatAuto *prev = 0, *next = 0; prev = (FloatAuto*)get_prev_auto(pos, direction, (Auto* &)prev, 0); if( prev ) prev_pos = prev->position; next = (FloatAuto*)get_next_auto(pos, direction, (Auto* &)next, 0); if( next ) next_pos = next->position; if( !prev && !next ) prev = next = (FloatAuto*)default_auto; else if( !prev ) prev = next; else if( !next ) next = prev; double dt = next_pos - prev_pos; double t0 = (pos - prev_pos) / dt; if( (pos = next_pos) > end ) pos = end; double t1 = (pos - prev_pos) / dt; double y0 = prev->get_value(), y1 = y0 + prev->get_control_out_value(); double y3 = next->get_value(), y2 = y3 + next->get_control_in_value(); if( y0 != y1 || y1 != y2 || y2 != y3 ) { // bezier definite integral t0..t1 double f4 = -y0/4 + 3*y1/4 - 3*y2/4 + y3/4; double f3 = y0 - 2*y1 + y2; double f2 = -3*y0/2 + 3*y1/2; double f1 = y0, t = t0; double t2 = t*t, t3 = t2*t, t4 = t3*t; t0 = t4*f4 + t3*f3 + t2*f2 + t*f1; t = t1; t2 = t*t; t3 = t2*t; t4 = t3*t; t1 = t4*f4 + t3*f3 + t2*f2 + t*f1; } else { t0 *= y0; t1 *= y0; } value += dt * (t1 - t0); } return value + 1e-6; }