/* * CINELERRA * Copyright (C) 1997-2014 Adam Williams * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA * */ #include "arender.h" #include "asset.h" #include "bcsignals.h" #include "bctimer.h" #include "cache.h" #include "clip.h" #include "condition.h" #include "datatype.h" #include "edl.h" #include "edlsession.h" #include "file.h" #include "framecache.h" #include "mutex.h" #include "mwindow.h" #include "mwindowgui.h" #include "renderengine.h" #include "resourcethread.h" #include "resourcepixmap.h" #include "samples.h" #include "timelinepane.h" #include "trackcanvas.h" #include "transportque.h" #include "vframe.h" #include "vrender.h" #include "wavecache.h" #include ResourceThreadItem::ResourceThreadItem(ResourcePixmap *pixmap, int pane_number, Indexable *indexable, int data_type, int operation_count) { this->pane_number = pane_number; this->data_type = data_type; this->pixmap = pixmap; this->indexable = indexable; // Assets are garbage collected so they don't need to be replicated. this->operation_count = operation_count; indexable->Garbage::add_user(); last = 0; } ResourceThreadItem::~ResourceThreadItem() { indexable->Garbage::remove_user(); } VResourceThreadItem::VResourceThreadItem(ResourcePixmap *pixmap, int pane_number, int picon_x, int picon_y, int picon_w, int picon_h, double frame_rate, int64_t position, int layer, Indexable *indexable, int operation_count) : ResourceThreadItem(pixmap, pane_number, indexable, TRACK_VIDEO, operation_count) { this->picon_x = picon_x; this->picon_y = picon_y; this->picon_w = picon_w; this->picon_h = picon_h; this->frame_rate = frame_rate; this->position = position; this->layer = layer; } VResourceThreadItem::~VResourceThreadItem() { } AResourceThreadItem::AResourceThreadItem(ResourcePixmap *pixmap, int pane_number, Indexable *indexable, int x, int channel, int64_t start, int64_t end, int operation_count) : ResourceThreadItem(pixmap, pane_number, indexable, TRACK_AUDIO, operation_count) { this->x = x; this->channel = channel; this->start = start; this->end = end; } AResourceThreadItem::~AResourceThreadItem() { } ResourceThread::ResourceThread(MWindow *mwindow, MWindowGUI *gui) : Thread(1, 0, 0) { //printf("ResourceThread::ResourceThread %d %p\n", __LINE__, this); this->mwindow = mwindow; this->gui = gui; interrupted = 1; done = 1; temp_picon = 0; temp_picon2 = 0; draw_lock = new Condition(0, "ResourceThread::draw_lock", 0); source_lock = new Condition(1, "ResourceThread::source_lock", 0); item_lock = new Mutex("ResourceThread::item_lock"); audio_buffer = 0; for(int i = 0; i < MAXCHANNELS; i++) temp_buffer[i] = 0; timer = new Timer; prev_x = -1; prev_h = 0; prev_l = 0; operation_count = 0; render_engine = 0; audio_asset = 0; audio_source = 0; video_asset = 0; video_source = 0; } ResourceThread::~ResourceThread() { stop(); delete draw_lock; delete source_lock; delete item_lock; delete temp_picon; delete temp_picon2; delete audio_buffer; for(int i = 0; i < MAXCHANNELS; i++) delete temp_buffer[i]; delete timer; delete render_engine; if( audio_asset ) audio_asset->remove_user(); if( video_asset ) video_asset->remove_user(); } void ResourceThread::create_objects() { done = 0; Thread::start(); } void ResourceThread::add_picon(ResourcePixmap *pixmap, int pane_number, int picon_x, int picon_y, int picon_w, int picon_h, double frame_rate, int64_t position, int layer, Indexable *indexable) { item_lock->lock("ResourceThread::item_lock"); items.append(new VResourceThreadItem(pixmap, pane_number, picon_x, picon_y, picon_w, picon_h, frame_rate, position, layer, indexable, operation_count)); item_lock->unlock(); } void ResourceThread::add_wave(ResourcePixmap *pixmap, int pane_number, Indexable *indexable, int x, int channel, int64_t source_start, int64_t source_end) { item_lock->lock("ResourceThread::item_lock"); items.append(new AResourceThreadItem(pixmap, pane_number, indexable, x, channel, source_start, source_end, operation_count)); item_lock->unlock(); } void ResourceThread::stop_draw(int reset) { if(!interrupted) { interrupted = 1; item_lock->lock("ResourceThread::stop_draw"); //printf("ResourceThread::stop_draw %d %d\n", __LINE__, reset); //BC_Signals::dump_stack(); if(reset) items.remove_all_objects(); operation_count++; item_lock->unlock(); prev_x = -1; prev_h = 0; prev_l = 0; } } void ResourceThread::start_draw() { interrupted = 0; // Tag last audio item to cause refresh. int i = items.total; while( --i>=0 && items[i]->data_type!=TRACK_AUDIO ); if( i >= 0 ) items[i]->last = 1; timer->update(); draw_lock->unlock(); } void ResourceThread::run() { while(!done) { draw_lock->lock("ResourceThread::run"); source_lock->lock("ResourceThread::run"); while(!interrupted) { // Pull off item item_lock->lock("ResourceThread::run"); int total_items = items.size(); ResourceThreadItem *item = 0; if(items.size()) { item = items[0]; items.remove_number(0); } item_lock->unlock(); //printf("ResourceThread::run %d %d\n", __LINE__, items.size()); if(!total_items) break; switch( item->data_type ) { case TRACK_VIDEO: do_video((VResourceThreadItem*)item); break; case TRACK_AUDIO: do_audio((AResourceThreadItem*)item); break; } delete item; } get_audio_source(0); get_video_source(0); mwindow->age_caches(); source_lock->unlock(); } } void ResourceThread::stop() { if( !done ) { done = 1; interrupted = 1; draw_lock->unlock(); } join(); } void ResourceThread::open_render_engine(EDL *nested_edl, int do_audio, int do_video) { if(render_engine && render_engine_id != nested_edl->id) { delete render_engine; render_engine = 0; } if(!render_engine) { TransportCommand command; if(do_audio) command.command = NORMAL_FWD; else command.command = CURRENT_FRAME; command.get_edl()->copy_all(nested_edl); command.change_type = CHANGE_ALL; command.realtime = 0; render_engine = new RenderEngine(0, mwindow->preferences, 0, 0); render_engine_id = nested_edl->id; render_engine->set_vcache(mwindow->video_cache); render_engine->set_acache(mwindow->audio_cache); render_engine->arm_command(&command); } } File *ResourceThread::get_audio_source(Asset *asset) { if( interrupted ) asset = 0; if( audio_asset && audio_asset != asset && (!asset || strcmp(audio_asset->path, asset->path)) ) { mwindow->audio_cache->check_in(audio_asset); audio_source = 0; audio_asset->remove_user(); audio_asset = 0; } if( !audio_asset && asset ) { audio_asset = asset; audio_asset->add_user(); audio_source = mwindow->audio_cache->check_out(asset, mwindow->edl); } return audio_source; } File *ResourceThread::get_video_source(Asset *asset) { if( interrupted ) asset = 0; if( video_asset && video_asset != asset && (!asset || strcmp(video_asset->path, asset->path)) ) { mwindow->video_cache->check_in(video_asset); video_source = 0; video_asset->remove_user(); video_asset = 0; } if( !video_asset && asset ) { video_asset = asset; video_asset->add_user(); video_source = mwindow->video_cache->check_out(asset, mwindow->edl); } return video_source; } void ResourceThread::do_video(VResourceThreadItem *item) { int source_w = 0; int source_h = 0; int source_id = -1; int source_cmodel = -1; if(item->indexable->is_asset) { Asset *asset = (Asset*)item->indexable; source_w = asset->width; source_h = asset->height; source_id = asset->id; source_cmodel = BC_RGB888; } else { EDL *nested_edl = (EDL*)item->indexable; source_w = nested_edl->session->output_w; source_h = nested_edl->session->output_h; source_id = nested_edl->id; source_cmodel = nested_edl->session->color_model; } if(temp_picon && (temp_picon->get_w() != source_w || temp_picon->get_h() != source_h || temp_picon->get_color_model() != source_cmodel)) { delete temp_picon; temp_picon = 0; } if(!temp_picon) { temp_picon = new VFrame(source_w, source_h, source_cmodel, 0); } // Get temporary to copy cached frame to if(temp_picon2 && (temp_picon2->get_w() != item->picon_w || temp_picon2->get_h() != item->picon_h)) { delete temp_picon2; temp_picon2 = 0; } if(!temp_picon2) { temp_picon2 = new VFrame( item->picon_w, item->picon_h, BC_RGB888, 0); } // Search frame cache again. VFrame *picon_frame = 0; int need_conversion = 0; EDL *nested_edl = 0; Asset *asset = 0; picon_frame = mwindow->frame_cache->get_frame_ptr(item->position, item->layer, item->frame_rate, BC_RGB888, item->picon_w, item->picon_h, source_id); //printf("search cache %ld,%d,%f,%dx%d,%d = %p\n", // item->position, item->layer, item->frame_rate, // item->picon_w, item->picon_h, source_id, picon_frame); if( picon_frame ) { temp_picon2->copy_from(picon_frame); // Unlock the get_frame_ptr command mwindow->frame_cache->unlock(); } else if(!item->indexable->is_asset) { nested_edl = (EDL*)item->indexable; open_render_engine(nested_edl, 0, 1); int64_t source_position = (int64_t)(item->position * nested_edl->session->frame_rate / item->frame_rate); if(render_engine->vrender) render_engine->vrender->process_buffer( temp_picon, source_position, 0); need_conversion = 1; } else { asset = (Asset*)item->indexable; File *source = get_video_source(asset); if(!source) return; source->set_layer(item->layer); int64_t normalized_position = (int64_t)(item->position * asset->frame_rate / item->frame_rate); source->set_video_position(normalized_position, 0); source->read_frame(temp_picon); need_conversion = 1; } if(need_conversion) { picon_frame = new VFrame(item->picon_w, item->picon_h, BC_RGB888, 0); BC_CModels::transfer(picon_frame->get_rows(), temp_picon->get_rows(), 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, temp_picon->get_w(), temp_picon->get_h(), 0, 0, picon_frame->get_w(), picon_frame->get_h(), source_cmodel, BC_RGB888, 0, temp_picon->get_bytes_per_line(), picon_frame->get_bytes_per_line()); temp_picon2->copy_from(picon_frame); mwindow->frame_cache->put_frame(picon_frame, item->position, item->layer, mwindow->edl->session->frame_rate, 0, item->indexable); } // Allow escape here if(interrupted) return; // Draw the picon mwindow->gui->lock_window("ResourceThread::do_video"); // It was interrupted while waiting. if(interrupted) { mwindow->gui->unlock_window(); return; } // Test for pixmap existence first if(item->operation_count == operation_count) { ArrayList &resource_pixmaps = gui->resource_pixmaps; int i = resource_pixmaps.total; while( --i >= 0 && resource_pixmaps[i] != item->pixmap ); if( i >= 0 ) { item->pixmap->draw_vframe(temp_picon2, item->picon_x, item->picon_y, item->picon_w, item->picon_h, 0, 0); mwindow->gui->update(0, IGNORE_THREAD, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0); } } mwindow->gui->unlock_window(); } #define BUFFERSIZE 65536 void ResourceThread::do_audio(AResourceThreadItem *item) { // Search again WaveCacheItem *wave_item; double high = 0; double low = 0; const int debug = 0; if(debug) printf("ResourceThread::do_audio %d\n", __LINE__); if((wave_item = mwindow->wave_cache->get_wave(item->indexable->id, item->channel, item->start, item->end))) { high = wave_item->high; low = wave_item->low; mwindow->wave_cache->unlock(); } else { int first_sample = 1; int64_t start = item->start; int64_t end = item->end; if(start == end) end = start + 1; double *buffer_samples = !audio_buffer ? 0 : audio_buffer->get_data(); if(debug) printf("ResourceThread::do_audio %d\n", __LINE__); for(int64_t sample = start; sample < end; sample++) { double value; // Get value from previous buffer if(audio_buffer && item->channel == audio_channel && item->indexable->id == audio_asset_id && sample >= audio_start && sample < audio_start + audio_samples) { ; } else // Load new buffer { if(!audio_buffer) { audio_buffer = new Samples(BUFFERSIZE); buffer_samples = audio_buffer->get_data(); } int64_t total_samples = item->indexable->get_audio_samples(); int fragment = BUFFERSIZE; if(fragment + sample > total_samples) fragment = total_samples - sample; if(!item->indexable->is_asset) { if(debug) printf("ResourceThread::do_audio %d\n", __LINE__); open_render_engine((EDL*)item->indexable, 1, 0); if(debug) printf("ResourceThread::do_audio %d %p\n", __LINE__, render_engine); if(render_engine->arender) { if(debug) printf("ResourceThread::do_audio %d\n", __LINE__); int source_channels = item->indexable->get_audio_channels(); if(debug) printf("ResourceThread::do_audio %d\n", __LINE__); for(int i = 0; i < MAXCHANNELS; i++) { if(i < source_channels && !temp_buffer[i]) { temp_buffer[i] = new Samples(BUFFERSIZE); } else if(i >= source_channels && temp_buffer[i]) { delete temp_buffer[i]; temp_buffer[i] = 0; } } if(debug) printf("ResourceThread::do_audio %d\n", __LINE__); render_engine->arender->process_buffer( temp_buffer, fragment, sample); if(debug) printf("ResourceThread::do_audio %d\n", __LINE__); memcpy(buffer_samples, temp_buffer[item->channel]->get_data(), fragment * sizeof(double)); } else { if(debug) printf("ResourceThread::do_audio %d %d\n", __LINE__, fragment); if(fragment > 0) bzero(buffer_samples, sizeof(double) * fragment); if(debug) printf("ResourceThread::do_audio %d\n", __LINE__); } } else { Asset *asset = (Asset*)item->indexable; File *source = get_audio_source(asset); if(!source) return; source->set_channel(item->channel); source->set_audio_position(sample); source->read_samples(audio_buffer, fragment); } audio_asset_id = item->indexable->id; audio_channel = item->channel; audio_start = sample; audio_samples = fragment; } value = buffer_samples[sample - audio_start]; if(first_sample) { high = low = value; first_sample = 0; } else { if(value > high) high = value; else if(value < low) low = value; } } if(debug) printf("ResourceThread::do_audio %d\n", __LINE__); // If it's a nested EDL, store all the channels mwindow->wave_cache->put_wave(item->indexable, item->channel, item->start, item->end, high, low); if(debug) printf("ResourceThread::do_audio %d\n", __LINE__); } if(debug) printf("ResourceThread::do_audio %d\n", __LINE__); // Allow escape here if(interrupted) return; if(debug) printf("ResourceThread::do_audio %d\n", __LINE__); // Draw the column mwindow->gui->lock_window("ResourceThread::do_audio"); if(interrupted) { mwindow->gui->unlock_window(); return; } if(debug) printf("ResourceThread::do_audio %d\n", __LINE__); if(item->operation_count == operation_count) { // Test for pixmap existence first ArrayList &resource_pixmaps = gui->resource_pixmaps; int i = resource_pixmaps.total; while( --i >= 0 && resource_pixmaps[i] != item->pixmap ); if( i >= 0 ) { if(prev_x == item->x - 1) { high = MAX(high, prev_l); low = MIN(low, prev_h); } prev_x = item->x; prev_h = high; prev_l = low; if(gui->pane[item->pane_number]) item->pixmap->draw_wave( gui->pane[item->pane_number]->canvas, item->x, high, low); if(timer->get_difference() > 250 || item->last) { mwindow->gui->update(0, 3, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0); timer->update(); } } } if(debug) printf("ResourceThread::do_audio %d\n", __LINE__); mwindow->gui->unlock_window(); }