/* * CINELERRA * Copyright (C) 1997-2014 Adam Williams * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA * */ #include "bcsignals.h" #include "clip.h" #include "cplayback.h" #include "cursors.h" #include "cwindow.h" #include "edl.h" #include "edlsession.h" #include "filexml.h" #include "fonts.h" #include "labels.h" #include "labeledit.h" #include "localsession.h" #include "maincursor.h" #include "mainundo.h" #include "mbuttons.h" #include "mwindow.h" #include "mwindowgui.h" #include "patchbay.h" #include "preferences.h" #include "recordlabel.h" #include "localsession.h" #include "mainsession.h" #include "theme.h" #include "timebar.h" #include "timelinepane.h" #include "trackcanvas.h" #include "tracks.h" #include "transportque.h" #include "units.h" #include "vframe.h" #include "vwindow.h" #include "vwindowgui.h" #include "zoombar.h" LabelGUI::LabelGUI(MWindow *mwindow, TimeBar *timebar, int64_t pixel, int y, double position, VFrame **data) : BC_Toggle(translate_pixel(mwindow, pixel), y, data ? data : mwindow->theme->label_toggle, 0) { this->mwindow = mwindow; this->timebar = timebar; this->gui = 0; this->pixel = pixel; this->position = position; this->label = 0; } LabelGUI::~LabelGUI() { } int LabelGUI::get_y(MWindow *mwindow, TimeBar *timebar) { return timebar->get_h() - mwindow->theme->label_toggle[0]->get_h(); } int LabelGUI::translate_pixel(MWindow *mwindow, int pixel) { int result = pixel - mwindow->theme->label_toggle[0]->get_w() / 2; return result; } void LabelGUI::reposition(int flush) { reposition_window(translate_pixel(mwindow, pixel), BC_Toggle::get_y()); } int LabelGUI::button_press_event() { int result = 0; if( this->is_event_win() && get_buttonpress() == 3 ) { if( label ) { int cur_x, cur_y; get_abs_cursor(cur_x, cur_y, 0); timebar->label_edit->start(label, cur_x, cur_y); } result = 1; } else { result = BC_Toggle::button_press_event(); } if( label ) set_tooltip(this->label->textstr); return result; } int LabelGUI::handle_event() { timebar->select_label(position); return 1; } InPointGUI::InPointGUI(MWindow *mwindow, TimeBar *timebar, int64_t pixel, double position) : LabelGUI(mwindow, timebar, pixel, get_y(mwindow, timebar), position, mwindow->theme->in_point) { //printf("InPointGUI::InPointGUI %d %d\n", pixel, get_y(mwindow, timebar)); } InPointGUI::~InPointGUI() { } int InPointGUI::get_y(MWindow *mwindow, TimeBar *timebar) { int result; result = timebar->get_h() - mwindow->theme->in_point[0]->get_h(); return result; } OutPointGUI::OutPointGUI(MWindow *mwindow, TimeBar *timebar, int64_t pixel, double position) : LabelGUI(mwindow, timebar, pixel, get_y(mwindow, timebar), position, mwindow->theme->out_point) { //printf("OutPointGUI::OutPointGUI %d %d\n", pixel, get_y(mwindow, timebar)); } OutPointGUI::~OutPointGUI() { } int OutPointGUI::get_y(MWindow *mwindow, TimeBar *timebar) { return timebar->get_h() - mwindow->theme->out_point[0]->get_h(); } PresentationGUI::PresentationGUI(MWindow *mwindow, TimeBar *timebar, int64_t pixel, double position) : LabelGUI(mwindow, timebar, pixel, get_y(mwindow, timebar), position) { } PresentationGUI::~PresentationGUI() { } TimeBar::TimeBar(MWindow *mwindow, BC_WindowBase *gui, int x, int y, int w, int h) : BC_SubWindow(x, y, w, h) { //printf("TimeBar::TimeBar %d %d %d %d\n", x, y, w, h); this->gui = gui; this->mwindow = mwindow; label_edit = new LabelEdit(mwindow, mwindow->awindow, 0); pane = 0; highlighted = 0; } TimeBar::~TimeBar() { delete in_point; delete out_point; delete label_edit; labels.remove_all_objects(); presentations.remove_all_objects(); } void TimeBar::create_objects() { in_point = 0; out_point = 0; //printf("TimeBar::create_objects %d\n", __LINE__); current_operation = TIMEBAR_NONE; set_cursor(UPRIGHT_ARROW_CURSOR, 0, 0); update(0); } int64_t TimeBar::position_to_pixel(double position) { get_edl_length(); return (int64_t)(position / time_per_pixel); } double TimeBar::pixel_to_position(int pixel) { if( pane ) { pixel += mwindow->edl->local_session->view_start[pane->number]; } return (double)pixel * mwindow->edl->local_session->zoom_sample / mwindow->edl->session->sample_rate; } void TimeBar::update_labels() { int output = 0; EDL *edl = get_edl(); if( edl ) { for( Label *current=edl->labels->first; current; current=NEXT ) { int64_t pixel = position_to_pixel(current->position); if( pixel >= 0 && pixel < get_w() ) { // Create new label if( output >= labels.total ) { LabelGUI *new_label; add_subwindow(new_label = new LabelGUI(mwindow, this, pixel, LabelGUI::get_y(mwindow, this), current->position)); new_label->set_cursor(INHERIT_CURSOR, 0, 0); new_label->set_tooltip(current->textstr); new_label->label = current; labels.append(new_label); } else // Reposition old label { LabelGUI *gui = labels.values[output]; if( gui->pixel != pixel ) { gui->pixel = pixel; gui->reposition(0); } else { gui->draw_face(1,0); } labels.values[output]->position = current->position; labels.values[output]->set_tooltip(current->textstr); labels.values[output]->label = current; } if( edl->local_session->get_selectionstart(1) <= current->position && edl->local_session->get_selectionend(1) >= current->position ) labels.values[output]->update(1); else if( labels.values[output]->get_value() ) labels.values[output]->update(0); output++; } } } // Delete excess labels while(labels.total > output) { labels.remove_object(); } // Get the labels to show show_window(0); } void TimeBar::update_highlights() { for( int i = 0; i < labels.total; i++ ) { LabelGUI *label = labels.values[i]; if( mwindow->edl->equivalent(label->position, mwindow->edl->local_session->get_selectionstart(1)) || mwindow->edl->equivalent(label->position, mwindow->edl->local_session->get_selectionend(1)) ) { if( !label->get_value() ) label->update(1); } else if( label->get_value() ) label->update(0); } if( mwindow->edl->equivalent(mwindow->edl->local_session->get_inpoint(), mwindow->edl->local_session->get_selectionstart(1)) || mwindow->edl->equivalent(mwindow->edl->local_session->get_inpoint(), mwindow->edl->local_session->get_selectionend(1)) ) { if( in_point ) in_point->update(1); } else if( in_point ) in_point->update(0); if( mwindow->edl->equivalent(mwindow->edl->local_session->get_outpoint(), mwindow->edl->local_session->get_selectionstart(1)) || mwindow->edl->equivalent(mwindow->edl->local_session->get_outpoint(), mwindow->edl->local_session->get_selectionend(1)) ) { if( out_point ) out_point->update(1); } else if( out_point ) out_point->update(0); } void TimeBar::update_points() { EDL *edl = get_edl(); int64_t pixel = !edl ? 0 : position_to_pixel(edl->local_session->get_inpoint()); if( in_point ) { if( edl && edl->local_session->inpoint_valid() && pixel >= 0 && pixel < get_w() ) { if( !EQUIV(edl->local_session->get_inpoint(), in_point->position) || in_point->pixel != pixel ) { in_point->pixel = pixel; in_point->position = edl->local_session->get_inpoint(); in_point->reposition(0); } else { in_point->draw_face(1, 0); } } else { delete in_point; in_point = 0; } } else if( edl && edl->local_session->inpoint_valid() && pixel >= 0 && pixel < get_w() ) { add_subwindow(in_point = new InPointGUI(mwindow, this, pixel, edl->local_session->get_inpoint())); in_point->set_cursor(ARROW_CURSOR, 0, 0); } pixel = !edl ? 0 : position_to_pixel(edl->local_session->get_outpoint()); if( out_point ) { if( edl && edl->local_session->outpoint_valid() && pixel >= 0 && pixel < get_w()) { if( !EQUIV(edl->local_session->get_outpoint(), out_point->position) || out_point->pixel != pixel ) { out_point->pixel = pixel; out_point->position = edl->local_session->get_outpoint(); out_point->reposition(0); } else { out_point->draw_face(1, 0); } } else { delete out_point; out_point = 0; } } else if( edl && edl->local_session->outpoint_valid() && pixel >= 0 && pixel < get_w() ) { add_subwindow(out_point = new OutPointGUI(mwindow, this, pixel, edl->local_session->get_outpoint())); out_point->set_cursor(ARROW_CURSOR, 0, 0); } // flush(); } void TimeBar::update_clock(double position) { } void TimeBar::update(int flush) { draw_time(); // Need to redo these when range is drawn to get the background updated. update_labels(); update_points(); EDL *edl = get_edl(); int64_t pixel = -1; int x = get_relative_cursor_x(); // Draw highlight position if( edl && (highlighted || current_operation == TIMEBAR_DRAG) && x >= 0 && x < get_w() ) { //printf("TimeBar::update %d %d\n", __LINE__, x); double position = pixel_to_position(x); position = get_edl()->align_to_frame(position, 0); pixel = position_to_pixel(position); update_clock(position); } if( pixel < 0 ) { double position = test_highlight(); if( position >= 0 ) pixel = position_to_pixel(position); } if( pixel >= 0 && pixel < get_w() ) { set_color(mwindow->theme->timebar_cursor_color); set_line_dashes(1); //printf("TimeBar::update %d pane=%d pixel=%jd\n", __LINE__, pane->number, pixel); draw_line(pixel, 0, pixel, get_h()); set_line_dashes(0); } if( edl ) { double playback_start = edl->local_session->playback_start; if( playback_start >= 0 ) { int64_t pixel = position_to_pixel(playback_start); set_color(mwindow->theme->timebar_cursor_color ^ 0x0000ff); draw_line(pixel, 0, pixel, get_h()); double playback_end = edl->local_session->playback_end; if( playback_end > playback_start ) { pixel = position_to_pixel(playback_end); set_color(mwindow->theme->timebar_cursor_color ^ 0x00ff00); draw_line(pixel, 0, pixel, get_h()); } } double position = edl->local_session->get_selectionstart(1); int64_t pixel = position_to_pixel(position); // Draw insertion point position. int color = mwindow->theme->timebar_cursor_color; if( mwindow->preferences->forward_render_displacement ) color ^= 0x00ffff; set_color(color); draw_line(pixel, 0, pixel, get_h()); } update_highlights(); // Get the labels to show show_window(0); flash(flush); //printf("TimeBar::update %d this=%p %d\n", __LINE__, this, current_operation); } int TimeBar::delete_project() { // labels->delete_all(); return 0; } int TimeBar::save(FileXML *xml) { // labels->save(xml); return 0; } void TimeBar::draw_time() { } EDL* TimeBar::get_edl() { return mwindow->edl; } void TimeBar::draw_range() { //printf("TimeBar::draw_range %d %p\n", __LINE__, get_edl()); if( has_preview() && get_edl() ) { int x1, x2; get_preview_pixels(x1, x2); //printf("TimeBar::draw_range %f %d %d\n", edl_length, x1, x2); draw_3segmenth(0, 0, x1, mwindow->theme->timebar_view_data); draw_top_background(get_parent(), x1, 0, x2 - x1, get_h()); draw_3segmenth(x2, 0, get_w() - x2, mwindow->theme->timebar_view_data); set_color(BLACK); draw_line(x1, 0, x1, get_h()); draw_line(x2, 0, x2, get_h()); EDL *edl = get_edl(); if( edl ) { int64_t pixel = position_to_pixel( edl->local_session->get_selectionstart(1)); // Draw insertion point position if this timebar belongs to a window which // has something other than the master EDL. set_color(mwindow->theme->timebar_cursor_color); draw_line(pixel, 0, pixel, get_h()); } } else draw_top_background(get_parent(), 0, 0, get_w(), get_h()); } void TimeBar::select_label(double position) { } int TimeBar::draw() { return 0; } double TimeBar::get_edl_length() { edl_length = get_edl() ? get_edl()->tracks->total_length() : 0; int w1 = get_w()-1; time_per_pixel = !EQUIV(edl_length, 0) ? edl_length/w1 : w1; return edl_length; } int TimeBar::get_preview_pixels(int &x1, int &x2) { x1 = 0; x2 = get_w(); get_edl_length(); EDL *edl = get_edl(); if( edl && !EQUIV(edl_length, 0) ) { double preview_start = edl->local_session->preview_start; double preview_end = edl->local_session->preview_end; if( preview_end < 0 || preview_end > edl_length ) preview_end = edl_length; if( preview_end >= preview_start ) { x1 = (int)(preview_start / time_per_pixel); x2 = (int)(preview_end / time_per_pixel); } } return 0; } int TimeBar::test_preview(int buttonpress) { int result = 0; if( get_edl() && cursor_inside() && buttonpress >= 0 ) { int x1, x2, x = get_relative_cursor_x(); get_preview_pixels(x1, x2); //printf("TimeBar::test_preview %d %d %d\n", x1, x2, x); // Inside left handle if( x >= x1 - HANDLE_W && x < x1 + HANDLE_W && // Ignore left handle if both handles are up against the left side x2 > HANDLE_W ) { if( buttonpress ) { current_operation = TIMEBAR_DRAG_LEFT; start_position = get_edl()->local_session->preview_start; start_cursor_x = x; } else if( get_cursor() != LEFT_CURSOR ) set_cursor(LEFT_CURSOR, 0, 1); result = 1; } // Inside right handle else if( x >= x2 - HANDLE_W && x < x2 + HANDLE_W && // Ignore right handle if both handles are up against the right side x1 < get_w() - HANDLE_W ) { if( buttonpress ) { current_operation = TIMEBAR_DRAG_RIGHT; start_position = get_edl()->local_session->preview_end; if( start_position < 0 || start_position > edl_length ) start_position = edl_length; start_cursor_x = x; } else if( get_cursor() != RIGHT_CURSOR ) set_cursor(RIGHT_CURSOR, 0, 1); result = 1; } // Inside preview else if( get_button_down() && get_buttonpress() == 3 && x >= x1 && x < x2 ) { if( buttonpress ) { current_operation = TIMEBAR_DRAG_CENTER; starting_start_position = get_edl()->local_session->preview_start; starting_end_position = get_edl()->local_session->preview_end; if( starting_end_position < 0 || starting_end_position > edl_length ) starting_end_position = edl_length; start_cursor_x = x; } if( get_cursor() != HSEPARATE_CURSOR ) set_cursor(HSEPARATE_CURSOR, 0, 1); result = 1; } } if( !result && get_cursor() != ARROW_CURSOR ) set_cursor(ARROW_CURSOR, 0, 1); return result; } int TimeBar::move_preview(int &redraw) { int result = 0, x = get_relative_cursor_x(); switch( current_operation ) { case TIMEBAR_DRAG_LEFT: { get_edl()->local_session->preview_start = start_position + time_per_pixel * (x - start_cursor_x); double preview_end = get_edl()->local_session->preview_end; if( preview_end < 0 || preview_end > edl_length ) preview_end = get_edl()->local_session->preview_end = edl_length; CLAMP(get_edl()->local_session->preview_start, 0, preview_end); result = 1; break; } case TIMEBAR_DRAG_RIGHT: { double preview_end = get_edl()->local_session->preview_end = start_position + time_per_pixel * (x - start_cursor_x); double preview_start = get_edl()->local_session->preview_start; if( preview_end >= edl_length && !preview_start ) { get_edl()->local_session->preview_end = -1; if( preview_start > preview_end ) preview_start = get_edl()->local_session->preview_start = preview_end; } else CLAMP(get_edl()->local_session->preview_end, preview_start, edl_length); result = 1; break; } case TIMEBAR_DRAG_CENTER: { double dt = time_per_pixel * (x - start_cursor_x); get_edl()->local_session->preview_start = starting_start_position + dt; get_edl()->local_session->preview_end = starting_end_position + dt; if( get_edl()->local_session->preview_start < 0 ) { get_edl()->local_session->preview_end -= get_edl()->local_session->preview_start; get_edl()->local_session->preview_start = 0; } else if( get_edl()->local_session->preview_end > edl_length ) { get_edl()->local_session->preview_start -= get_edl()->local_session->preview_end - edl_length; get_edl()->local_session->preview_end = edl_length; } result = 1; break; } } //printf("TimeBar::move_preview %d %d\n", __LINE__, current_operation); if( result ) { update_preview(); redraw = 1; } //printf("TimeBar::move_preview %d %d\n", __LINE__, current_operation); return result; } void TimeBar::update_preview() { } int TimeBar::samplemovement() { return 0; } void TimeBar::stop_playback() { } int TimeBar::button_press_event() { int result = 0; if( is_event_win() && cursor_above() ) { if( has_preview() && get_buttonpress() == 3 ) { result = test_preview(1); } // Change time format else if( ctrl_down() ) { if( get_buttonpress() == 1 ) mwindow->next_time_format(); else if( get_buttonpress() == 2 ) mwindow->prev_time_format(); result = 1; } else if( get_buttonpress() == 1 ) { stop_playback(); // Select region between two labels if( get_double_click() ) { int x = get_relative_cursor_x(); double position = pixel_to_position(x); // Test labels select_region(position); } else { // Reposition highlight cursor update_cursor(); current_operation = TIMEBAR_DRAG; activate_timeline(); } result = 1; } } return result; } void TimeBar::activate_timeline() { mwindow->gui->activate_timeline(); } int TimeBar::cursor_motion_event() { int result = 0; int redraw = 0; //printf("TimeBar::cursor_motion_event %d %p %d\n", __LINE__, this, current_operation); switch( current_operation ) { case TIMEBAR_DRAG: { update_cursor(); handle_mwindow_drag(); result = 1; //printf("TimeBar::cursor_motion_event %d %d\n", __LINE__, current_operation); break; } case TIMEBAR_DRAG_LEFT: case TIMEBAR_DRAG_RIGHT: case TIMEBAR_DRAG_CENTER: if( has_preview() ) result = move_preview(redraw); break; default: if( cursor_above() ) { highlighted = 1; redraw = 1; } //printf("TimeBar::cursor_motion_event 20\n"); if( has_preview() ) result = test_preview(0); //printf("TimeBar::cursor_motion_event 30\n"); break; } //printf("TimeBar::cursor_motion_event %d %d\n", __LINE__, current_operation); if( redraw ) { update(1); } //printf("TimeBar::cursor_motion_event %d %p %d\n", __LINE__, this, current_operation); return result; } int TimeBar::cursor_leave_event() { if( highlighted ) { highlighted = 0; update(1); } return 0; } int TimeBar::button_release_event() { //printf("TimeBar::button_release_event %d %d\n", __LINE__, current_operation); int result = 0; int need_redraw = 0; switch( current_operation ) { case TIMEBAR_DRAG: mwindow->gui->get_focused_pane()->canvas->stop_dragscroll(); current_operation = TIMEBAR_NONE; need_redraw = 1; result = 1; break; default: if( current_operation != TIMEBAR_NONE ) { current_operation = TIMEBAR_NONE; result = 1; } break; } if( (!cursor_above() && highlighted) || need_redraw ) { highlighted = 0; update(1); } return result; } // Update the selection cursor during a dragging operation void TimeBar::update_cursor() { } void TimeBar::handle_mwindow_drag() { } int TimeBar::select_region(double position) { Label *start = 0, *end = 0, *current; for( current = mwindow->edl->labels->first; current; current = NEXT ) { if( current->position > position ) { end = current; break; } } for( current = mwindow->edl->labels->last ; current; current = PREVIOUS ) { if( current->position <= position ) { start = current; break; } } // Select region if( end != start ) { if( !start ) mwindow->edl->local_session->set_selectionstart(0); else mwindow->edl->local_session->set_selectionstart(start->position); if( !end ) mwindow->edl->local_session->set_selectionend(mwindow->edl->tracks->total_length()); else mwindow->edl->local_session->set_selectionend(end->position); } else if( end || start ) { mwindow->edl->local_session->set_selectionstart(start->position); mwindow->edl->local_session->set_selectionend(start->position); } // Que the CWindow mwindow->cwindow->update(1, 0, 0); mwindow->gui->hide_cursor(0); mwindow->gui->draw_cursor(1); mwindow->gui->flash_canvas(0); mwindow->gui->activate_timeline(); mwindow->gui->zoombar->update(); update_highlights(); return 0; } int TimeBar::delete_arrows() { return 0; } double TimeBar::test_highlight() { return -1; }