/* * CINELERRA * Copyright (C) 2010 Adam Williams * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA * */ #ifndef TRACK_H #define TRACK_H #include #include #include "arraylist.h" #include "asset.inc" #include "autoconf.inc" #include "automation.inc" #include "datatype.h" #include "bchash.inc" #include "edit.inc" #include "edits.inc" #include "edl.inc" #include "filexml.inc" #include "floatautos.inc" #include "guicast.h" #include "indexable.inc" #include "keyframe.inc" #include "linklist.h" #include "module.inc" #include "patch.inc" #include "plugin.inc" #include "pluginset.inc" #include "sharedlocation.inc" #include "theme.inc" #include "intautos.inc" #include "trackcanvas.inc" #include "tracks.inc" #include "transition.inc" // UNITS ARE SAMPLES FOR ALL class Track : public ListItem { public: Track(EDL *edl, Tracks *tracks); Track(); virtual ~Track(); void create_objects(); int get_id(); virtual int load_defaults(BC_Hash *defaults); int load(FileXML *file, int track_offset, uint32_t load_flags); virtual int save_header(FileXML *file) { return 0; }; virtual int save_derived(FileXML *file) { return 0; }; virtual int load_header(FileXML *file, uint32_t load_flags) { return 0; }; virtual int load_derived(FileXML *file, uint32_t load_flags) { return 0; }; void equivalent_output(Track *track, double *result); int get_mixer_id(); virtual void copy_from(Track *track); Track& operator=(Track& track); virtual PluginSet* new_plugins() { return 0; }; // Synchronize playback numbers virtual void synchronize_params(Track *track); // Get number of pixels to display virtual int vertical_span(Theme *theme); int64_t horizontal_span(); void resample(double old_rate, double new_rate); // Speed curve in use int has_speed(); // Get length of track in seconds double get_length(); // Get dimensions of source for convenience functions void get_source_dimensions(double position, int &w, int &h); // Editing void insert_asset(Asset *asset, EDL *nested_edl, double length, double position, int track_number); Plugin* insert_effect(const char *title, SharedLocation *shared_location, KeyFrame *keyframe, PluginSet *plugin_set, double start, double length, int plugin_type); void insert_plugin_set(Track *track, int64_t position, int64_t min_length, int edit_autos); void detach_effect(Plugin *plugin); // Insert a track from another EDL void insert_track(Track *track, double position, int replace_default, int edit_plugins, int edit_autos, // Pad pasted sections to a minimum of this length. double edl_length); void shuffle_edits(double start, double end, int first_track); void reverse_edits(double start, double end, int first_track); void align_edits(double start, double end, ArrayList *times); // Optimize editing void optimize(); int is_muted(int64_t position, int direction); // Test muting status void move_plugins_up(PluginSet *plugin_set); void move_plugins_down(PluginSet *plugin_set); void remove_pluginset(PluginSet *plugin_set); void remove_asset(Indexable *asset); // Used for determining a selection for editing so leave as int. // converts the selection to SAMPLES OR FRAMES and stores in value virtual int64_t to_units(double position, int round); // For drawing virtual double to_doubleunits(double position); virtual double from_units(int64_t position); // Positions are identical for handle modifications virtual int identical(int64_t sample1, int64_t sample2) { return 0; }; // Get the plugin belonging to the set. Plugin* get_current_plugin(double position, int plugin_set, int direction, int convert_units, int use_nudge); Plugin* get_current_transition(double position, int direction, int convert_units, int use_nudge); // detach shared effects referencing module void detach_shared_effects(int module); // Called by playable tracks to test for playable server. // Descends the plugin tree without creating a virtual console. // Used by PlayableTracks::is_playable. int is_synthesis(int64_t position, int direction); // Used by PlayableTracks::is_playable // Returns 1 if the track is in the output boundaries. virtual int is_playable(int64_t position, int direction); // Test direct copy conditions common to all the rendering routines virtual int direct_copy_possible(int64_t start, int direction, int use_nudge); // Used by PlayableTracks::is_playable int plugin_used(int64_t position, int64_t direction); virtual int copy_settings(Track *track); void shift_keyframes(int64_t position, int64_t length); void shift_effects(int64_t position, int64_t length, int edit_autos); void change_plugins(SharedLocation &old_location, SharedLocation &new_location, int do_swap); void change_modules(int old_location, int new_location, int do_swap); int plugin_exists(Plugin *plugin); EDL *edl; Tracks *tracks; Edits *edits; // Plugin set uses key frames for automation ArrayList plugin_set; Automation *automation; // Vertical offset from top of timeline int y_pixel; int expand_view; int draw; // There is some debate on whether to expand gang from faders to // dragging operations. This would allow every edit in a column to get dragged // simultaneously. int gang; char title[BCTEXTLEN]; int play; int record; // Nudge in track units. Positive shifts track earlier in time. This way // the position variables only need to add the nudge. int64_t nudge; // TRACK_AUDIO or TRACK_VIDEO int data_type; int load_automation(FileXML *file); int load_edits(FileXML *file); virtual int change_channels(int oldchannels, int newchannels) { return 0; }; virtual int dump(FILE *fp); // ===================================== editing int copy(double start, double end, FileXML *file, const char *output_path = ""); int copy_assets(double start, double end, ArrayList *asset_list); virtual int copy_derived(int64_t start, int64_t end, FileXML *file) { return 0; }; virtual int paste_derived(int64_t start, int64_t end, int64_t total_length, FileXML *file, int ¤t_channel) { return 0; }; int clear(double start, double end, int edit_edits, int edit_labels, int clear_plugins, int edit_autos, int convert_units, Edits *trim_edits); // Returns the point to restart background rendering at. // -1 means nothing changed. void clear_automation(double selectionstart, double selectionend, int shift_autos /* = 1 */, int default_only /* = 0 */); void set_automation_mode(double selectionstart, double selectionend, int mode); virtual int clear_automation_derived(AutoConf *auto_conf, double selectionstart, double selectionend, int shift_autos = 1) { return 0; }; virtual int clear_derived(double start, double end) { return 0; }; int copy_automation(double selectionstart, double selectionend, FileXML *file, int default_only, int active_only); virtual int copy_automation_derived(AutoConf *auto_conf, double selectionstart, double selectionend, FileXML *file) { return 0; }; int paste_automation(double selectionstart, double total_length, double frame_rate, int64_t sample_rate, FileXML *file, int default_only, int active_only); virtual int paste_automation_derived(double selectionstart, double selectionend, double total_length, FileXML *file, int shift_autos, int ¤t_pan) { return 0; }; int paste_auto_silence(double start, double end); virtual int paste_auto_silence_derived(int64_t start, int64_t end) { return 0; }; int scale_time(float rate_scale, int scale_edits, int scale_autos, int64_t start, int64_t end); virtual int scale_time_derived(float rate_scale, int scale_edits, int scale_autos, int64_t start, int64_t end) { return 0; }; int purge_asset(Asset *asset); int asset_used(Asset *asset); int clear_handle(double start, double end, int clear_labels, int clear_plugins, int edit_autos, double &distance); int paste_silence(double start, double end, int edit_plugins, int edit_autos); virtual int select_translation(int cursor_x, int cursor_y) { return 0; }; // select video coordinates for frame virtual int update_translation(int cursor_x, int cursor_y, int shift_down) { return 0; }; // move video coordinates int select_auto(AutoConf *auto_conf, int cursor_x, int cursor_y); virtual int select_auto_derived(float zoom_units, float view_start, AutoConf *auto_conf, int cursor_x, int cursor_y) { return 0; }; int move_auto(AutoConf *auto_conf, int cursor_x, int cursor_y, int shift_down); virtual int move_auto_derived(float zoom_units, float view_start, AutoConf *auto_conf, int cursor_x, int cursor_y, int shift_down) { return 0; }; int release_auto(); virtual int release_auto_derived() { return 0; }; // Return whether automation would prevent direct frame copies. Not fully implemented. int automation_is_used(int64_t start, int64_t end); virtual int automation_is_used_derived(int64_t start, int64_t end) { return 0; } int popup_transition(int cursor_x, int cursor_y); // Return 1 if the left handle was selected 2 if the right handle was selected 3 if the track isn't recordable int modify_edithandles(double oldposition, double newposition, int currentend, int handle_mode, int edit_labels, int edit_plugins, int edit_autos); int modify_pluginhandles(double oldposition, double newposition, int currentend, int handle_mode, int edit_labels, int edit_autos, Edits *trim_edits); int select_edit(int cursor_x, int cursor_y, double &new_start, double &new_end); virtual int end_translation() { return 0; }; virtual int reset_translation(int64_t start, int64_t end) { return 0; }; int feather_edits(int64_t start, int64_t end, int64_t units); int64_t get_feather(int64_t selectionstart, int64_t selectionend); // Absolute number of this track int number_of(); // get_dimensions is used for getting drawing regions so use floats for partial frames // get the display dimensions in SAMPLES OR FRAMES // virtual int get_dimensions(double &view_start, // double &view_units, // double &zoom_units) { return 0; }; // Longest time from current_position in which nothing changes int64_t edit_change_duration(int64_t input_position, int64_t input_length, int reverse, int test_transitions, int use_nudge); int64_t plugin_change_duration(int64_t input_position, int64_t input_length, int reverse, int use_nudge); // Utility for edit_change_duration. int need_edit(Edit *current, int test_transitions); // If the edit under position is playable. // Used by PlayableTracks::is_playable. int playable_edit(int64_t position, int direction); // ===================================== for handles, titles, etc int64_t old_view_start; int pixel; // pixel position from top of track view // Dimensions of this track if video int track_w, track_h; int mixer_id; private: // Identification of the track int id; }; #endif