/* * CINELERRA * Copyright (C) 2011 Adam Williams * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA * */ #include "bcsignals.h" #include "channeldb.h" #include "channelpicker.h" #include "edl.h" #include "edlsession.h" #include "formattools.h" #include "language.h" #include "mwindow.h" #include "mainsession.h" #include "vdeviceprefs.h" #include "videoconfig.h" #include "videodevice.inc" #include "overlayframe.inc" #include "playbackconfig.h" #include "preferences.h" #include "preferencesthread.h" #include "recordconfig.h" #include "recordprefs.h" #include VDevicePrefs::VDevicePrefs(int x, int y, PreferencesWindow *pwindow, PreferencesDialog *dialog, VideoOutConfig *out_config, VideoInConfig *in_config, int mode) { this->pwindow = pwindow; this->dialog = dialog; this->driver = -1; this->mode = mode; this->out_config = out_config; this->in_config = in_config; this->x = x; this->y = y; menu = 0; reset_objects(); } VDevicePrefs::~VDevicePrefs() { delete_objects(); if(menu) delete menu; int config = -1; switch( pwindow->thread->current_dialog ) { case PreferencesThread::PLAYBACK_A: config = 0; break; case PreferencesThread::PLAYBACK_B: config = 1; break; } if( config >= 0 ) pwindow->mwindow->session->save_x11_host(config, out_config->x11_host); pwindow->mwindow->channeldb_buz->save("channeldb_buz"); } void VDevicePrefs::reset_objects() { device_title = 0; port_title = 0; follow_video_config = 0; dvb_adapter_title = 0; dvb_adapter_device = 0; channel_title = 0; output_title = 0; syt_title = 0; device_text = 0; firewire_port = 0; firewire_channel = 0; firewire_channels = 0; firewire_syt = 0; firewire_path = 0; fields_title = 0; device_fields = 0; buz_swap_channels = 0; channel_picker = 0; } int VDevicePrefs::initialize(int creation) { int *driver = 0; delete_objects(); switch(mode) { case MODEPLAY: driver = &out_config->driver; break; case MODERECORD: driver = &in_config->driver; break; } this->driver = *driver; if(!menu) { dialog->add_subwindow(menu = new VDriverMenu(x, y + 10, this, (mode == MODERECORD), driver)); menu->create_objects(); } switch(this->driver) { case VIDEO4LINUX: create_v4l_objs(); break; case VIDEO4LINUX2: case CAPTURE_JPEG_WEBCAM: case CAPTURE_YUYV_WEBCAM: create_v4l2_objs(); break; case VIDEO4LINUX2JPEG: create_v4l2jpeg_objs(); break; case VIDEO4LINUX2MPEG: create_v4l2mpeg_objs(); break; case SCREENCAPTURE: create_screencap_objs(); break; case CAPTURE_LML: create_lml_objs(); break; case CAPTURE_BUZ: case PLAYBACK_BUZ: create_buz_objs(); break; case PLAYBACK_X11: case PLAYBACK_X11_XV: case PLAYBACK_X11_GL: create_x11_objs(); break; case PLAYBACK_DV1394: case PLAYBACK_FIREWIRE: case PLAYBACK_IEC61883: case CAPTURE_FIREWIRE: case CAPTURE_IEC61883: create_firewire_objs(); break; case CAPTURE_DVB: create_dvb_objs(); break; } // Update driver dependancies in file format if(mode == MODERECORD && dialog && !creation) { RecordPrefs *record_prefs = (RecordPrefs*)dialog; record_prefs->recording_format->update_driver(this->driver); } return 0; } int VDevicePrefs::delete_objects() { delete output_title; delete channel_picker; delete buz_swap_channels; delete device_title; delete device_text; delete dvb_adapter_device; delete follow_video_config; delete dvb_adapter_title; delete port_title; if(firewire_port) delete firewire_port; if(channel_title) delete channel_title; if(firewire_channel) delete firewire_channel; if(firewire_path) delete firewire_path; if(syt_title) delete syt_title; if(firewire_syt) delete firewire_syt; if(fields_title) delete fields_title; if(device_fields) delete device_fields; reset_objects(); driver = -1; return 0; } void VDevicePrefs::create_dvb_objs() { int x1 = x + menu->get_w() + 30; int y1 = y + 10; char *output_char = in_config->dvb_in_adapter; int y2 = y1 - BC_Title::calculate_h(dialog, _("DVB Adapter:"), MEDIUMFONT) - 5; BC_Resources *resources = BC_WindowBase::get_resources(); dvb_adapter_title = new BC_Title(x1, y2, _("DVB Adapter:"), MEDIUMFONT, resources->text_default); dialog->add_subwindow(dvb_adapter_title); dialog->add_subwindow(device_text = new VDeviceTextBox(x1, y1, output_char)); int x2 = x1 + device_text->get_w() + 5; device_title = new BC_Title(x2, y2, _("dev:"), MEDIUMFONT, resources->text_default); dialog->add_subwindow(device_title); int *output_int = &in_config->dvb_in_device; dvb_adapter_device = new VDeviceTumbleBox(this, x2, y1, output_int, 0, 9, 20); dvb_adapter_device->create_objects(); x1 += 64; y1 += device_text->get_h() + 5; follow_video_config = new BC_CheckBox(x1, y1, &in_config->follow_video, _("Follow video config")); dialog->add_subwindow(follow_video_config); } int VDevicePrefs::create_lml_objs() { char *output_char = 0; int x1 = x + menu->get_w() + 5; BC_Resources *resources = BC_WindowBase::get_resources(); switch(mode) { case MODEPLAY: output_char = out_config->lml_out_device; break; case MODERECORD: output_char = in_config->lml_in_device; break; } dialog->add_subwindow(device_title = new BC_Title(x1, y, _("Device path:"), MEDIUMFONT, resources->text_default)); x1 += device_title->get_w() + 10; dialog->add_subwindow(device_text = new VDeviceTextBox(x1, y + 20, output_char)); return 0; } int VDevicePrefs::create_buz_objs() { #ifdef HAVE_VIDEO4LINUX char *output_char = 0; int x1 = x + menu->get_w() + 5; int x2 = x1 + 210; int y1 = y; BC_Resources *resources = BC_WindowBase::get_resources(); switch(mode) { case MODEPLAY: output_char = out_config->buz_out_device; break; case MODERECORD: output_char = in_config->buz_in_device; break; } dialog->add_subwindow(device_title = new BC_Title(x1, y1, _("Device path:"), MEDIUMFONT, resources->text_default)); y1 += 20; dialog->add_subwindow(device_text = new VDeviceTextBox(x1, y1, output_char)); if(driver == PLAYBACK_BUZ) { dialog->add_subwindow(buz_swap_channels = new VDeviceCheckBox(x2, y1, &out_config->buz_swap_fields, _("Swap fields"))); } y1 += 30; if(driver == PLAYBACK_BUZ) { dialog->add_subwindow(output_title = new BC_Title(x1, y1, _("Output channel:"))); y1 += 20; channel_picker = new PrefsChannelPicker(pwindow->mwindow, this, pwindow->mwindow->channeldb_buz, x1, y1); channel_picker->create_objects(); } #endif // HAVE_VIDEO4LINUX return 0; } int VDevicePrefs::create_firewire_objs() { int *output_int = 0; char *output_char = 0; int x1 = x + menu->get_w() + 5; BC_Resources *resources = BC_WindowBase::get_resources(); // Firewire path switch(mode) { case MODEPLAY: if(driver == PLAYBACK_DV1394) output_char = out_config->dv1394_path; else if(driver == PLAYBACK_FIREWIRE) output_char = out_config->firewire_path; break; case MODERECORD: if(driver == CAPTURE_FIREWIRE) output_char = in_config->firewire_path; break; } if(output_char) { dialog->add_subwindow(device_title = new BC_Title(x1, y, _("Device Path:"), MEDIUMFONT, resources->text_default)); dialog->add_subwindow(firewire_path = new VDeviceTextBox(x1, y + 20, output_char)); x1 += firewire_path->get_w() + 5; } // Firewire port switch(mode) { case MODEPLAY: if(driver == PLAYBACK_DV1394) output_int = &out_config->dv1394_port; else output_int = &out_config->firewire_port; break; case MODERECORD: output_int = &in_config->firewire_port; break; } dialog->add_subwindow(port_title = new BC_Title(x1, y, _("Port:"), MEDIUMFONT, resources->text_default)); dialog->add_subwindow(firewire_port = new VDeviceIntBox(x1, y + 20, output_int)); x1 += firewire_port->get_w() + 5; // Firewire channel switch(mode) { case MODEPLAY: if(driver == PLAYBACK_DV1394) output_int = &out_config->dv1394_channel; else output_int = &out_config->firewire_channel; break; case MODERECORD: output_int = &in_config->firewire_channel; break; } dialog->add_subwindow(channel_title = new BC_Title(x1, y, _("Channel:"), MEDIUMFONT, resources->text_default)); dialog->add_subwindow(firewire_channel = new VDeviceIntBox(x1, y + 20, output_int)); x1 += firewire_channel->get_w() + 5; // Firewire syt switch(mode) { case MODEPLAY: if(driver == PLAYBACK_DV1394) output_int = &out_config->dv1394_syt; else if(driver == PLAYBACK_FIREWIRE) output_int = &out_config->firewire_syt; else output_int = 0; break; case MODERECORD: output_int = 0; break; } if(output_int) { dialog->add_subwindow(syt_title = new BC_Title(x1, y, _("Syt Offset:"), MEDIUMFONT, resources->text_default)); dialog->add_subwindow(firewire_syt = new VDeviceIntBox(x1, y + 20, output_int)); } return 0; } int VDevicePrefs::create_v4l_objs() { #ifdef HAVE_VIDEO4LINUX char *output_char; BC_Resources *resources = BC_WindowBase::get_resources(); int x1 = x + menu->get_w() + 5; output_char = pwindow->thread->edl->session->vconfig_in->v4l_in_device; dialog->add_subwindow(device_title = new BC_Title(x1, y, _("Device path:"), MEDIUMFONT, resources->text_default)); dialog->add_subwindow(device_text = new VDeviceTextBox(x1, y + 20, output_char)); #endif // HAVE_VIDEO4LINUX return 0; } int VDevicePrefs::create_v4l2_objs() { char *output_char; BC_Resources *resources = BC_WindowBase::get_resources(); int x1 = x + menu->get_w() + 5; output_char = pwindow->thread->edl->session->vconfig_in->v4l2_in_device; dialog->add_subwindow(device_title = new BC_Title(x1, y, _("Device path:"), MEDIUMFONT, resources->text_default)); dialog->add_subwindow(device_text = new VDeviceTextBox(x1, y + 20, output_char)); return 0; } int VDevicePrefs::create_v4l2jpeg_objs() { BC_Resources *resources = BC_WindowBase::get_resources(); int x1 = x + menu->get_w() + 5; char *output_char = &pwindow->thread->edl->session->vconfig_in->v4l2jpeg_in_device[0]; dialog->add_subwindow(device_title = new BC_Title(x1, y, _("Device path:"), MEDIUMFONT, resources->text_default)); dialog->add_subwindow(device_text = new VDeviceTextBox(x1, y + 20, output_char)); x1 += max(device_title->get_w(),device_text->get_w()) + 5; int *output_int = &pwindow->thread->edl->session->vconfig_in->v4l2jpeg_in_fields; fields_title = new BC_Title(x1, y, _("Fields:"), MEDIUMFONT, resources->text_default); dialog->add_subwindow(fields_title); device_fields = new VDeviceTumbleBox(this, x1, y + 20, output_int, 1, 2, 20); device_fields->create_objects(); return 0; } int VDevicePrefs::create_v4l2mpeg_objs() { char *output_char; BC_Resources *resources = BC_WindowBase::get_resources(); int x1 = x + menu->get_w() + 5; output_char = pwindow->thread->edl->session->vconfig_in->v4l2mpeg_in_device; dialog->add_subwindow(device_title = new BC_Title(x1, y, _("Device path:"), MEDIUMFONT, resources->text_default)); int y1 = y + 20; dialog->add_subwindow(device_text = new VDeviceTextBox(x1, y1, output_char)); x1 += 64; y1 += device_text->get_h() + 5; follow_video_config = new BC_CheckBox(x1, y1, &in_config->follow_video, _("Follow video config")); dialog->add_subwindow(follow_video_config); return 0; } int VDevicePrefs::create_screencap_objs() { char *output_char; BC_Resources *resources = BC_WindowBase::get_resources(); int x1 = x + menu->get_w() + 5; output_char = pwindow->thread->edl->session->vconfig_in->screencapture_display; dialog->add_subwindow(device_title = new BC_Title(x1, y, _("Display:"), MEDIUMFONT, resources->text_default)); dialog->add_subwindow(device_text = new VDeviceTextBox(x1, y + 20, output_char)); return 0; } int VDevicePrefs::create_x11_objs() { char *output_char; BC_Resources *resources = BC_WindowBase::get_resources(); int x1 = x + menu->get_w() + 5; output_char = out_config->x11_host; const char *x11_display; switch( pwindow->thread->current_dialog ) { default: case PreferencesThread::PLAYBACK_A: x11_display = _("Default A Display:"); break; break; case PreferencesThread::PLAYBACK_B: x11_display = _("Default B Display:"); break; break; } dialog->add_subwindow(device_title = new BC_Title(x1, y, x11_display, MEDIUMFONT, resources->text_default)); dialog->add_subwindow(device_text = new VDeviceTextBox(x1, y + 20, output_char)); return 0; } VDriverMenu::VDriverMenu(int x, int y, VDevicePrefs *device_prefs, int do_input, int *output) : BC_PopupMenu(x, y, 200, driver_to_string(*output)) { this->output = output; this->do_input = do_input; this->device_prefs = device_prefs; } VDriverMenu::~VDriverMenu() { } char* VDriverMenu::driver_to_string(int driver) { switch(driver) { case VIDEO4LINUX: sprintf(string, VIDEO4LINUX_TITLE); break; case VIDEO4LINUX2: sprintf(string, VIDEO4LINUX2_TITLE); break; case CAPTURE_JPEG_WEBCAM: sprintf(string, CAPTURE_JPEG_WEBCAM_TITLE); break; case CAPTURE_YUYV_WEBCAM: sprintf(string, CAPTURE_YUYV_WEBCAM_TITLE); break; case VIDEO4LINUX2JPEG: sprintf(string, VIDEO4LINUX2JPEG_TITLE); break; case VIDEO4LINUX2MPEG: sprintf(string, VIDEO4LINUX2MPEG_TITLE); break; case SCREENCAPTURE: sprintf(string, SCREENCAPTURE_TITLE); break; case CAPTURE_BUZ: sprintf(string, CAPTURE_BUZ_TITLE); break; case CAPTURE_LML: sprintf(string, CAPTURE_LML_TITLE); break; #ifdef HAVE_FIREWIRE case CAPTURE_FIREWIRE: sprintf(string, CAPTURE_FIREWIRE_TITLE); break; case CAPTURE_IEC61883: sprintf(string, CAPTURE_IEC61883_TITLE); break; #endif case CAPTURE_DVB: sprintf(string, CAPTURE_DVB_TITLE); break; case PLAYBACK_X11: sprintf(string, PLAYBACK_X11_TITLE); break; case PLAYBACK_X11_XV: sprintf(string, PLAYBACK_X11_XV_TITLE); break; case PLAYBACK_X11_GL: sprintf(string, PLAYBACK_X11_GL_TITLE); break; case PLAYBACK_LML: sprintf(string, PLAYBACK_LML_TITLE); break; case PLAYBACK_BUZ: sprintf(string, PLAYBACK_BUZ_TITLE); break; #ifdef HAVE_FIREWIRE case PLAYBACK_FIREWIRE: sprintf(string, PLAYBACK_FIREWIRE_TITLE); break; case PLAYBACK_DV1394: sprintf(string, PLAYBACK_DV1394_TITLE); break; case PLAYBACK_IEC61883: sprintf(string, PLAYBACK_IEC61883_TITLE); break; #endif default: string[0] = 0; } return string; } void VDriverMenu::create_objects() { if(do_input) { #ifdef HAVE_VIDEO4LINUX add_item(new VDriverItem(this, VIDEO4LINUX_TITLE, VIDEO4LINUX)); #endif #ifdef HAVE_VIDEO4LINUX2 add_item(new VDriverItem(this, VIDEO4LINUX2_TITLE, VIDEO4LINUX2)); add_item(new VDriverItem(this, CAPTURE_JPEG_WEBCAM_TITLE, CAPTURE_JPEG_WEBCAM)); add_item(new VDriverItem(this, CAPTURE_YUYV_WEBCAM_TITLE, CAPTURE_YUYV_WEBCAM)); add_item(new VDriverItem(this, VIDEO4LINUX2JPEG_TITLE, VIDEO4LINUX2JPEG)); add_item(new VDriverItem(this, VIDEO4LINUX2MPEG_TITLE, VIDEO4LINUX2MPEG)); #endif add_item(new VDriverItem(this, SCREENCAPTURE_TITLE, SCREENCAPTURE)); #ifdef HAVE_VIDEO4LINUX add_item(new VDriverItem(this, CAPTURE_BUZ_TITLE, CAPTURE_BUZ)); #endif #ifdef HAVE_FIREWIRE add_item(new VDriverItem(this, CAPTURE_FIREWIRE_TITLE, CAPTURE_FIREWIRE)); add_item(new VDriverItem(this, CAPTURE_IEC61883_TITLE, CAPTURE_IEC61883)); #endif #ifdef HAVE_DVB add_item(new VDriverItem(this, CAPTURE_DVB_TITLE, CAPTURE_DVB)); #endif } else { add_item(new VDriverItem(this, PLAYBACK_X11_TITLE, PLAYBACK_X11)); add_item(new VDriverItem(this, PLAYBACK_X11_XV_TITLE, PLAYBACK_X11_XV)); #ifdef HAVE_GL // Check runtime glx version. pbuffer needs >= 1.3 if(get_opengl_server_version() >= 103) add_item(new VDriverItem(this, PLAYBACK_X11_GL_TITLE, PLAYBACK_X11_GL)); #endif add_item(new VDriverItem(this, PLAYBACK_BUZ_TITLE, PLAYBACK_BUZ)); #ifdef HAVE_FIREWIRE add_item(new VDriverItem(this, PLAYBACK_FIREWIRE_TITLE, PLAYBACK_FIREWIRE)); add_item(new VDriverItem(this, PLAYBACK_DV1394_TITLE, PLAYBACK_DV1394)); add_item(new VDriverItem(this, PLAYBACK_IEC61883_TITLE, PLAYBACK_IEC61883)); #endif } } VDriverItem::VDriverItem(VDriverMenu *popup, const char *text, int driver) : BC_MenuItem(text) { this->popup = popup; this->driver = driver; } VDriverItem::~VDriverItem() { } int VDriverItem::handle_event() { popup->set_text(get_text()); *(popup->output) = driver; popup->device_prefs->initialize(0); popup->device_prefs->pwindow->show_dialog(); return 1; } VDeviceTextBox::VDeviceTextBox(int x, int y, char *output) : BC_TextBox(x, y, 200, 1, output) { this->output = output; } int VDeviceTextBox::handle_event() { // Suggestions calculate_suggestions(0); strcpy(output, get_text()); return 1; } VDeviceTumbleBox::VDeviceTumbleBox(VDevicePrefs *prefs, int x, int y, int *output, int min, int max, int text_w) : BC_TumbleTextBox(prefs->dialog, *output, min, max, x, y, text_w) { this->output = output; } int VDeviceTumbleBox::handle_event() { *output = atol(get_text()); return 1; } VDeviceIntBox::VDeviceIntBox(int x, int y, int *output) : BC_TextBox(x, y, 60, 1, *output) { this->output = output; } int VDeviceIntBox::handle_event() { *output = atol(get_text()); return 1; } VDeviceCheckBox::VDeviceCheckBox(int x, int y, int *output, char *text) : BC_CheckBox(x, y, *output, text) { this->output = output; } int VDeviceCheckBox::handle_event() { *output = get_value(); return 1; } VScalingItem::VScalingItem(VScalingEquation *popup, int interpolation) : BC_MenuItem(popup->interpolation_to_string(interpolation)) { this->popup = popup; this->interpolation = interpolation; } VScalingItem::~VScalingItem() { } int VScalingItem::handle_event() { popup->set_text(get_text()); *(popup->output) = interpolation; return 1; } VScalingEquation::VScalingEquation(int x, int y, int *output) : BC_PopupMenu(x, y, 175, interpolation_to_string(*output)) { this->output = output; } VScalingEquation::~VScalingEquation() { } const char *VScalingEquation::interpolation_to_string(int type) { switch( type ) { case NEAREST_NEIGHBOR: return _("Nearest Neighbor"); case CUBIC_CUBIC: return _("BiCubic / BiCubic"); case CUBIC_LINEAR: return _("BiCubic / BiLinear"); case LINEAR_LINEAR: return _("BiLinear / BiLinear"); case LANCZOS_LANCZOS: return _("Lanczos / Lanczos"); } return _("Unknown"); } void VScalingEquation::create_objects() { add_item(new VScalingItem(this, NEAREST_NEIGHBOR)); add_item(new VScalingItem(this, CUBIC_CUBIC)); add_item(new VScalingItem(this, CUBIC_LINEAR)); add_item(new VScalingItem(this, LINEAR_LINEAR)); add_item(new VScalingItem(this, LANCZOS_LANCZOS)); }