/* * CINELERRA * Copyright (C) 2008 Adam Williams * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA * */ #include "bcresources.h" #include "bctheme.h" #include "bcwindowbase.h" #include "clip.h" #include "language.h" #include "vframe.h" #include #include #include BC_Theme::BC_Theme() { last_image = 0; images_dirty = 0; } BC_Theme::~BC_Theme() { image_sets.remove_all_objects(); images.remove_all_objects(); } void BC_Theme::dump() { printf("BC_Theme::dump 1 image_sets=%d images=%d\n", image_sets.size(), images.size()); for( int i=0; iname, item->data); } } BC_Resources* BC_Theme::get_resources() { return BC_WindowBase::get_resources(); } // These create single images for storage in the image_sets table. VFrame* BC_Theme::new_image(const char *title, const char *path) { VFrame *existing_image = title[0] ? get_image(title, 0) : 0; if( existing_image ) return existing_image; BC_ThemeSet *result = new BC_ThemeSet(1, 0, title); result->data[0] = new VFramePng(get_image_data(path)); image_sets.append(result); return result->data[0]; } VFrame* BC_Theme::new_image(const char *path) { return new_image("", path); } // These create image sets which are stored in the image_sets table. VFrame** BC_Theme::new_image_set(const char *title, int total, va_list *args) { if( !total ) { printf("BC_Theme::new_image_set %d %s zero number of images\n", __LINE__, title); } VFrame **existing_image_set = title[0] ? get_image_set(title, 0) : 0; if( existing_image_set ) return existing_image_set; BC_ThemeSet *result = new BC_ThemeSet(total, 1, title); image_sets.append(result); for( int i=0; idata[i] = new_image(path); } return result->data; } VFrame** BC_Theme::new_image_set_images(const char *title, int total, ...) { va_list list; va_start(list, total); BC_ThemeSet *existing_image_set = title[0] ? get_image_set_object(title) : 0; if( existing_image_set ) { image_sets.remove_object(existing_image_set); } BC_ThemeSet *result = new BC_ThemeSet(total, 0, title); image_sets.append(result); for( int i=0; idata[i] = va_arg(list, VFrame*); } va_end(list); return result->data; } VFrame** BC_Theme::new_image_set(const char *title, int total, ...) { va_list list; va_start(list, total); VFrame **result = new_image_set(title, total, &list); va_end(list); return result; } VFrame** BC_Theme::new_image_set(int total, ...) { va_list list; va_start(list, total); VFrame **result = new_image_set("", total, &list); va_end(list); return result; } BC_ThemeSet* BC_Theme::get_image_set_object(const char *title) { // compare title[0],title[1] for faster prefix test const unsigned char *bp = (const unsigned char*)title; unsigned short tval = bp[0]; if( tval ) tval |= (bp[1] << 8); for( int i=0; ititle; bp = (const unsigned char *) tp; unsigned short val = bp[0]; if( val ) val |= (bp[1] << 8); if( val != tval ) continue; if( !strcmp(tp, title) ) return image_sets[i]; } return 0; } VFrame* BC_Theme::get_image(const char *title, int use_default) { BC_ThemeSet* tsp = get_image_set_object(title); if( tsp ) return tsp->data[0]; // Return the first image it can find. This should always work. if( use_default ) { printf("BC_Theme::get_image: image \"%s\" not found.\n", title); if( image_sets.size() ) return image_sets[0]->data[0]; } // Give up and go to a movie. return 0; } VFrame** BC_Theme::get_image_set(const char *title, int use_default) { BC_ThemeSet* tsp = get_image_set_object(title); if( tsp ) return tsp->data; // Get the image set with the largest number of images. if( use_default ) { printf("BC_Theme::get_image_set: image set \"%s\" not found.\n", title); int max_total = 0; int max_number = -1; for( int i=0; itotal > max_total ) { max_total = image_sets[i]->total; max_number = i; } } if( max_number >= 0 ) return image_sets[max_number]->data; } // Give up and go to a movie return 0; } VFrame** BC_Theme::new_button(const char *overlay_path, const char *up_path, const char *hi_path, const char *dn_path, const char *title) { VFramePng default_data(get_image_data(overlay_path)); BC_ThemeSet *result = new BC_ThemeSet(3, 1, title ? title : ""); if( title ) image_sets.append(result); result->data[0] = new_image(up_path); result->data[1] = new_image(hi_path); result->data[2] = new_image(dn_path); for( int i=0; i<3; ++i ) { overlay(result->data[i], &default_data, -1, -1, (i == 2)); } return result->data; } VFrame** BC_Theme::new_button4(const char *overlay_path, const char *up_path, const char *hi_path, const char *dn_path, const char *disabled_path, const char *title) { VFramePng default_data(get_image_data(overlay_path)); BC_ThemeSet *result = new BC_ThemeSet(4, 1, title ? title : ""); if( title ) image_sets.append(result); result->data[0] = new_image(up_path); result->data[1] = new_image(hi_path); result->data[2] = new_image(dn_path); result->data[3] = new_image(disabled_path); for( int i=0; i<4; ++i ) { overlay(result->data[i], &default_data, -1, -1, (i == 2)); } return result->data; } VFrame** BC_Theme::new_button(const char *overlay_path, VFrame *up, VFrame *hi, VFrame *dn, const char *title) { VFramePng default_data(get_image_data(overlay_path)); BC_ThemeSet *result = new BC_ThemeSet(3, 0, title ? title : ""); if( title ) image_sets.append(result); result->data[0] = new VFrame(*up); result->data[1] = new VFrame(*hi); result->data[2] = new VFrame(*dn); for( int i=0; i<3; ++i ) overlay(result->data[i], &default_data, -1, -1, (i == 2)); return result->data; } VFrame** BC_Theme::new_toggle(const char *overlay_path, const char *up_path, const char *hi_path, const char *checked_path, const char *dn_path, const char *checkedhi_path, const char *title) { VFramePng default_data(get_image_data(overlay_path)); BC_ThemeSet *result = new BC_ThemeSet(5, 1, title ? title : ""); if( title ) image_sets.append(result); result->data[0] = new_image(up_path); result->data[1] = new_image(hi_path); result->data[2] = new_image(checked_path); result->data[3] = new_image(dn_path); result->data[4] = new_image(checkedhi_path); for( int i=0; i<5; ++i ) overlay(result->data[i], &default_data, -1, -1, (i == 3)); return result->data; } VFrame** BC_Theme::new_toggle(const char *overlay_path, VFrame *up, VFrame *hi, VFrame *checked, VFrame *dn, VFrame *checkedhi, const char *title) { VFramePng default_data(get_image_data(overlay_path)); BC_ThemeSet *result = new BC_ThemeSet(5, 0, title ? title : ""); if( title ) image_sets.append(result); result->data[0] = new VFrame(*up); result->data[1] = new VFrame(*hi); result->data[2] = new VFrame(*checked); result->data[3] = new VFrame(*dn); result->data[4] = new VFrame(*checkedhi); for( int i=0; i<5; ++i ) overlay(result->data[i], &default_data, -1, -1, (i == 3)); return result->data; } void BC_Theme::overlay(VFrame *dst, VFrame *src, int in_x1, int in_x2, int shift) { int w; int h; unsigned char **in_rows; unsigned char **out_rows; if( in_x1 < 0 ) { w = MIN(src->get_w(), dst->get_w()); h = MIN(dst->get_h(), src->get_h()); in_x1 = 0; in_x2 = w; } else { w = in_x2 - in_x1; h = MIN(dst->get_h(), src->get_h()); } in_rows = src->get_rows(); out_rows = dst->get_rows(); switch( src->get_color_model() ) { case BC_RGBA8888: switch( dst->get_color_model() ) { case BC_RGBA8888: for( int i=shift; i dp ) break; unsigned ofs = 0; for( int i=sizeof(unsigned); --i>=0; ofs|=cp[i] ) ofs <<= 8; images.append(new image_item(nm, dp+ofs)); cp += sizeof(unsigned); } images_dirty = 1; } int BC_Theme::images_cmpr(const void *ap, const void *bp) { image_item *a = *(image_item**)ap, *b = *(image_item**)bp; return strcasecmp(a->name, b->name); } unsigned char* BC_Theme::get_image_data(const char *name, int log_errs) { if( images_dirty ) { images_dirty = 0; qsort(&images[0], images.size(), sizeof(images[0]), images_cmpr); last_image = 0; } // Image is the same as the last one if( last_image && !strcasecmp(last_image->name, name) ) return last_image->data; // Search for image anew. int l = -1, r = images.size(); int m = 0, n = -1; while( r-l > 1 ) { m = (l + r) / 2; image_item *item = images[m]; if( !(n=strcasecmp(name, item->name)) ) { item->used = 1; last_image = item; return item->data; } if( n > 0 ) l = m; else r = m; } if( log_errs ) fprintf(stderr, _("Theme::get_image: %s not found.\n"), name); return 0; } void BC_Theme::check_used() { // Can't use because some images are gotten the old fashioned way. return; int got_it = 0; for( int i=0; iused ) { if( !got_it ) printf(_("BC_Theme::check_used: Images aren't used.\n")); printf("%s ", images[i]->name); got_it = 1; } } if( got_it ) printf("\n"); } BC_ThemeSet::BC_ThemeSet(int total, int is_reference, const char *title) { this->total = total; this->title = new char[strlen(title) + 1]; strcpy(this->title, title); this->is_reference = is_reference; data = new VFrame*[total]; } BC_ThemeSet::~BC_ThemeSet() { if( data ) { if( !is_reference ) { for( int i = 0; i < total; i++ ) delete data[i]; } delete [] data; } delete [] title; }