/* * CINELERRA * Copyright (C) 2020 William Morrow * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published * by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 * USA */ #include #include #include #include #include "bctrace.h" #ifdef BOOBY #include #define BT_BUF_SIZE 100 // booby trap (backtrace) void booby() { printf("BOOBY!\n"); void *buffer[BT_BUF_SIZE]; int nptrs = backtrace(buffer, BT_BUF_SIZE); char **trace = backtrace_symbols(buffer, nptrs); if( !trace ) return; for( int i=0; i= TOTAL_TRACES ) { it = (execution_item *)execution_table.first; execution_table.remove_pointer(it); } else it = new execution_item(); it->set(text); execution_table.append(it); execution_table.unlock(); } void BC_Trace::new_trace(const char *file, const char *function, int line) { char string[BCTEXTLEN]; snprintf(string, BCTEXTLEN, "%s: %s: %d", file, function, line); new_trace(string); } void BC_Trace::delete_traces() { if(!global_trace) return; execution_table.lock(); execution_table.clear(); execution_table.unlock(); } void BC_Trace::enable_locks() { lock_table.lock(); trace_locks = 1; lock_table.unlock(); } void BC_Trace::disable_locks() { lock_table.lock(); trace_locks = 0; while( lock_table.last ) { lock_item *p = (lock_item*)lock_table.last; lock_table.remove_pointer(p); p->info->trace = 0; lock_free.append(p); } lock_free.clear(); lock_table.unlock(); } // no canceling with lock held void BC_Trace::lock_locks(const char *s) { lock_table.lock(); last_lock_thread = pthread_self(); last_lock_title = s; last_lock_location = 0; } void BC_Trace::unlock_locks() { lock_table.unlock(); } #define TOTAL_LOCKS 256 int BC_Trace::set_lock(const char *title, const char *loc, trace_info *info) { if( !global_trace || !trace_locks ) return 0; lock_table.lock(); last_lock_thread = pthread_self(); last_lock_title = title; last_lock_location = loc; lock_item *it; if( (it=(lock_item*)lock_free.first) != 0 ) lock_free.remove_pointer(it); else if( lock_table.size >= TOTAL_LOCKS ) { it = (lock_item*)lock_table.first; lock_table.remove_pointer(it); } else it = new lock_item(); it->set(info, title, loc); lock_table.append(it); info->trace = (void *)it; lock_table.unlock(); return it->id; } void BC_Trace::set_lock2(int table_id, trace_info *info) { if( !global_trace || !trace_locks ) return; lock_table.lock(); lock_item *p = (lock_item *)info->trace; if( !p || p->id != table_id ) { p = (lock_item*)lock_table.last; while( p && p->id != table_id ) p = (lock_item*)p->previous; } if( p ) { info->trace = (void *)p; p->is_owner = 1; p->tid = pthread_self(); } lock_table.unlock(); } void BC_Trace::unset_lock2(int table_id, trace_info *info) { if( !global_trace || !trace_locks ) return; lock_table.lock(); lock_item *p = (lock_item *)info->trace; if( !p || p->id != table_id ) { p = (lock_item*)lock_table.last; while( p && p->id != table_id ) p = (lock_item*)p->previous; } if( p ) { if( p->list == &lock_table ) { lock_table.remove_pointer(p); info->trace = 0; lock_free.append(p); } else printf("unset_lock2: free lock_item in lock_table %p\n", p); } lock_table.unlock(); } void BC_Trace::unset_lock(trace_info *info) { if( !global_trace || !trace_locks ) return; lock_table.lock(); lock_item *p = (lock_item *)info->trace; if( !p || p->info!=info || !p->is_owner ) { p = (lock_item*)lock_table.last; while( p && ( p->info!=info || !p->is_owner ) ) p = (lock_item*)p->previous; } info->trace = 0; if( p ) { if( p->list == &lock_table ) { lock_table.remove_pointer(p); info->trace = 0; lock_free.append(p); } else printf("unset_lock: free lock_item in lock_table %p\n", p); } lock_table.unlock(); } void BC_Trace::unset_all_locks(trace_info *info) { if( !global_trace || !trace_locks ) return; lock_table.lock(); info->trace = 0; lock_item *p = (lock_item*)lock_table.first; while( p ) { lock_item *lp = p; p = (lock_item*)p->next; if( lp->info != info ) continue; lock_table.remove_pointer(lp); lock_free.append(lp); } lock_table.unlock(); } void BC_Trace::clear_locks_tid(pthread_t tid) { if( !global_trace || !trace_locks ) return; lock_table.lock(); lock_item *p = (lock_item*)lock_table.first; while( p ) { lock_item *lp = p; p = (lock_item*)p->next; if( lp->tid != tid ) continue; lock_table.remove_pointer(lp); lp->info->trace = 0; lock_free.append(lp); } lock_table.unlock(); } void BC_Trace::enable_memory() { trace_memory = 1; } void BC_Trace::disable_memory() { trace_memory = 0; } void BC_Trace::set_buffer(int size, void *ptr, const char* loc) { if(!global_trace) return; if(!trace_memory) return; memory_table.lock(); //printf("BC_Trace::set_buffer %p %s\n", ptr, loc); memory_table.append(new memory_item(size, ptr, loc)); memory_table.unlock(); } int BC_Trace::unset_buffer(void *ptr) { if(!global_trace) return 0; if(!trace_memory) return 0; memory_table.lock(); memory_item *p = (memory_item*)memory_table.first; for( ; p!=0 && p->ptr!=ptr; p=(memory_item*)p->next ); if( p ) delete p; memory_table.unlock(); return !p ? 1 : 0; } #ifdef TRACE_MEMORY void* operator new(size_t size) { void *result = malloc(size); BUFFER(size, result, "new"); return result; } void* operator new[](size_t size) { void *result = malloc(size); BUFFER(size, result, "new []"); return result; } void operator delete(void *ptr) { UNBUFFER(ptr); free(ptr); } void operator delete[](void *ptr) { UNBUFFER(ptr); free(ptr); } #endif void BC_Trace::dump_traces(FILE *fp) { // Dump trace table for( trace_item *tp=execution_table.first; tp!=0; tp=tp->next ) { execution_item *p=(execution_item*)tp; fprintf(fp," %s\n", (char*)p->value); } } void trace_info::set_owner() { owner = (unsigned long)pthread_self(); } void trace_info::unset_owner() { owner = 0; } void BC_Trace::dump_locks(FILE *fp) { // Dump lock table #ifdef TRACE_LOCKS fprintf(fp,"signal_entry: lock table size=%d\n", lock_table.size); for( trace_item *tp=lock_table.first; tp!=0; tp=tp->next ) { lock_item *p=(lock_item*)tp; fprintf(fp," %p %s, %s %p%s", p->info, p->title, p->loc, (void*)p->tid, p->is_owner ? " *" : ""); if( p->info->owner && p->info->owner != (unsigned long)p->tid ) fprintf(fp," %p", (void*)p->info->owner); fprintf(fp,"\n"); } int64_t lock_total = lock_table.total(); int64_t free_total = lock_free.total(); printf("lock_items: %jd\n", lock_total); printf("lock_frees: %jd\n", free_total); int64_t missed_locks = lock_table.size - (lock_total + free_total); if( missed_locks ) printf("miss locks: %jd\n", missed_locks); #endif } void BC_Trace::dump_buffers(FILE *fp) { #ifdef TRACE_MEMORY memory_table.lock(); // Dump buffer table fprintf(fp,"BC_Trace::dump_buffers: buffer table size=%d\n", memory_table.size); for( trace_item *tp=memory_table.first; tp!=0; tp=tp->next ) { memory_item *p=(memory_item*)tp; fprintf(fp," %d %p %s\n", p->size, p->ptr, p->loc); } memory_table.unlock(); #endif } void BC_Trace::delete_temps() { file_table.lock(); if( file_table.size ) printf("BC_Trace::delete_temps: deleting %d temp files\n", file_table.size); while( file_table.first ) { file_item *p = (file_item*)file_table.first; printf(" %s\n", p->value); ::remove(p->value); delete p; } file_table.unlock(); } void BC_Trace::reset_locks() { lock_table.unlock(); } void BC_Trace::set_temp(char *string) { file_table.lock(); file_item *it = new file_item(); it->set(string); file_table.append(it); file_table.unlock(); } void BC_Trace::unset_temp(char *string) { file_table.lock(); file_item *p = (file_item *)file_table.last; for( ; p!=0 && strcmp(p->value,string); p=(file_item*)p->previous ); if( p ) delete p; file_table.unlock(); } #ifdef TRACE_THREADS TheLock TheLocker::the_lock; TheList TheList::the_list; int lock_item::table_id = 0; void TheList::dbg_add(pthread_t tid, pthread_t owner, const char *nm) { TheLocker the_locker; int i = the_list.size(); while( --i >= 0 && !(the_list[i]->tid == tid && the_list[i]->owner == owner) ); if( i >= 0 ) { printf("dbg_add, dup %016lx %s %s\n", (unsigned long)tid, nm, the_list[i]->name); return; } the_list.append(new TheDbg(tid, owner, nm)); } void TheList::dbg_del(pthread_t tid) { TheLocker the_locker; int i = the_list.size(); while( --i >= 0 && the_list[i]->tid != tid ); if( i < 0 ) { printf("dbg_del, mis %016lx\n",(unsigned long)tid); return; } the_list.remove_object_number(i); } void TheList::dump_threads(FILE *fp) { int i = the_list.size(); while( --i >= 0 ) { fprintf(fp, "thread 0x%012lx, owner 0x%012lx, %s\n", (unsigned long)the_list[i]->tid, (unsigned long)the_list[i]->owner, the_list[i]->name); } } #else #define dbg_add(t, o, nm) do {} while(0) #define dbg_del(t) do {} while(0) void TheList::dump_threads(FILE *fp) { } #endif void BC_Trace::dump_threads(FILE *fp) { TheList::dump_threads(fp); } void BC_Trace::dump_shm_stat(const char *fn, FILE *fp) { char path[BCTEXTLEN]; sprintf(path, "/proc/sys/kernel/%s",fn); FILE *sfp = fopen(path,"r"); if( !sfp ) return; uint64_t v = 0; fscanf(sfp, "%ju", &v); fclose(sfp); fprintf(fp, "%s = %ju\n", fn, v); } void BC_Trace::dump_shm_stats(FILE *fp) { dump_shm_stat("shmall", fp); dump_shm_stat("shmmax", fp); dump_shm_stat("shmmni", fp); FILE *sfp = fopen("/proc/sysvipc/shm","r"); if( !sfp ) return; char line[BCTEXTLEN]; int pid = getpid(); if( !fgets(line,sizeof(line), sfp) ) return; int64_t used = 0, other = 0; int n_used = 0, n_other = 0; while( fgets(line,sizeof(line), sfp) ) { int key, shmid, perms, cpid, lpid, uid, gid, cuid, cgid; int64_t size, nattch, atime, dtime, ctime, rss, swap; if( sscanf(line, "%d %d %o %ju %u %u %ju %u %u %u %u %ju %ju %ju %ju %ju", &key, &shmid, &perms, &size, &cpid, &lpid, &nattch, &uid, &gid, &cuid, &cgid, &atime, &dtime, &ctime, &rss, &swap) != 16 ) break; if( cpid == pid ) { used += size; ++n_used; } else { other += size; ++n_other; } } fclose(sfp); fprintf(fp, "shmused = %jd (%d items)\n", used, n_used); fprintf(fp, "shmother = %jd (%d items)\n", other, n_other); }