#include "libzmpeg3.h" #define PUT_INT32(x) do { \ uint32_t be = htobe32(x); \ fwrite((uint8_t*)&be,1,sizeof(be),toc_fp); \ } while(0) #define PUT_INT64(x) do { \ uint64_t be = htobe64(x); \ fwrite((uint8_t*)&be,1,sizeof(be),toc_fp); \ } while(0) //#define DATA_DUMP #ifdef DATA_DUMP #include static FILE **video_fp = 0; static FILE **audio_fp = 0; #endif static inline void read_data(uint8_t *bfr, int &pos, uint8_t *out, int len) { memcpy(out, bfr + pos, len); pos += len; } /* Concatenate title and toc directory if title is not absolute and */ /* toc path has a directory section. */ static inline void concat_path(char *full_path, char *toc_path, char *path) { if( path[0] != '/' ) { char *ptr = strrchr(toc_path, '/'); if( ptr ) { strcpy(full_path, toc_path); strcpy(&full_path[ptr - toc_path + 1], path); } } else strcpy(full_path, path); } int zmpeg3_t:: read_toc(int *atracks_return, int *vtracks_return, const char *title_path) { int i, j; int64_t current_byte = 0; int debug = 0; /* Fix title paths for Cinelerra VFS */ int vfs_len = strlen(ZRENDERFARM_FS_PREFIX); int is_vfs = !strncmp(fs->path,ZRENDERFARM_FS_PREFIX, vfs_len) ? 1 : 0; fs->seek(0); /* Test version */ fs->read_uint32(); uint32_t toc_version = fs->read_uint32(); if( toc_version != TOC_VERSION ) { zerrs("invalid TOC version %08x (should be %08x)\n", toc_version, TOC_VERSION); return ERR_INVALID_TOC_VERSION; } /* File type */ while( !fs->eof() ) { /* Get section type */ int section_type = fs->read_uint32(); //zmsgs("section_type=%d position=%jx\n", section_type, fs->tell()); switch( section_type ) { case toc_FILE_TYPE_PROGRAM: file_type = FT_PROGRAM_STREAM; break; case toc_FILE_TYPE_TRANSPORT: file_type = FT_TRANSPORT_STREAM; break; case toc_FILE_TYPE_AUDIO: file_type = FT_AUDIO_STREAM; break; case toc_FILE_TYPE_VIDEO: file_type = FT_VIDEO_STREAM; break; case toc_FILE_INFO: { char string[STRLEN]; char string2[STRLEN]; fs->read_data((uint8_t*)&string[0],STRLEN); if( title_path ) strcpy(string2, title_path); else concat_path(string2, fs->path, string); source_date = fs->read_uint64(); int64_t current_date = calculate_source_date(string2); //zmsgs("zsrc=%s source_date=%jd current_date=%jd\n", // string2, source_date, current_date); if( current_date != source_date ) { zerrs("date mismatch %jx (should be %jx)\n", current_date, source_date); return ERR_TOC_DATE_MISMATCH; } break; } case toc_STREAM_AUDIO: { int n = fs->read_uint32(); demuxer->astream_table[n] = fs->read_uint32(); break; } case toc_STREAM_VIDEO: { int n = fs->read_uint32(); demuxer->vstream_table[n] = fs->read_uint32(); break; } case toc_ATRACK_COUNT: { int atracks = fs->read_uint32(); *atracks_return = atracks; channel_counts = znew(int,atracks); nudging = znew(int,atracks); sample_offsets = znew(int64_t*,atracks); total_sample_offsets = znew(int,atracks); audio_eof = znew(int64_t,atracks); total_samples = znew(int64_t,atracks); indexes = znew(index_t*,atracks); total_indexes = atracks; for( i=0; i < atracks; ++i ) { audio_eof[i] = fs->read_uint64(); channel_counts[i] = fs->read_uint32(); nudging[i] = fs->read_uint32(); total_sample_offsets[i] = fs->read_uint32(); total_samples[i] = fs->read_uint64(); if(total_samples[i] < 1) total_samples[i] = 1; sample_offsets[i] = znew(int64_t,total_sample_offsets[i]); for( j=0; j < total_sample_offsets[i]; ++j ) { sample_offsets[i][j] = fs->read_uint64(); } index_t *index = indexes[i] = new index_t(); index->index_size = fs->read_uint32(); index->index_zoom = fs->read_uint32(); //zmsgs("%d %d %d\n", i, index->index_size, index->index_zoom); int channels = index->index_channels = channel_counts[i]; if( channels ) { index->index_data = znew(float*,channels); for( j=0; j < channels; ++j ) { index->index_data[j] = znew(float,index->index_size*2); fs->read_data((uint8_t*)index->index_data[j], sizeof(float) * index->index_size * 2); } } } break; } case toc_VTRACK_COUNT: { int vtracks = fs->read_uint32(); *vtracks_return = vtracks; frame_offsets = znew(int64_t*,vtracks); total_frame_offsets = znew(int,vtracks); keyframe_numbers = znew(int*,vtracks); total_keyframe_numbers = znew(int,vtracks); video_eof = znew(int64_t,vtracks); for( i=0; i < vtracks; ++i ) { video_eof[i] = fs->read_uint64(); total_frame_offsets[i] = fs->read_uint32(); frame_offsets[i] = new int64_t[total_frame_offsets[i]]; if( debug ) zmsgs("62 %d %jx %jx\n", total_frame_offsets[i], fs->tell(), fs->ztotal_bytes()); for( j=0; j < total_frame_offsets[i]; ++j ) { frame_offsets[i][j] = fs->read_uint64(); //zmsgs("frame %llx\n", frame_offsets[i][j]); } if(debug) zmsg("64\n"); total_keyframe_numbers[i] = fs->read_uint32(); keyframe_numbers[i] = new int[total_keyframe_numbers[i]]; for( j=0; j < total_keyframe_numbers[i]; ++j ) { keyframe_numbers[i][j] = fs->read_uint32(); } } break; } case toc_STRACK_COUNT: { total_stracks = fs->read_uint32(); for( i=0; i < total_stracks; ++i ) { int id = fs->read_uint32(); strack_t *strk = new strack_t(id); strack[i] = strk; strk->total_offsets = fs->read_uint32(); strk->offsets = znew(int64_t,strk->total_offsets); strk->allocated_offsets = strk->total_offsets; for( j=0; j < strk->total_offsets; ++j ) { strk->offsets[j] = fs->read_uint64(); } } break; } case toc_TITLE_PATH: { if(debug) zmsg("11\n"); char string[STRLEN]; fs->read_data((uint8_t*)string, STRLEN); /* Detect Blu-Ray */ if( debug ) printf("11 position=%jx\n", fs->tell()); char *ext = strrchr(string, '.'); if( ext ) { if( !strncasecmp(ext, ".m2ts", 5) || !strncasecmp(ext, ".mts", 4) ) file_type |= FT_BD_FILE; } if(debug) printf("12\n"); // if title_path concatenate dirname title_path and basename path if( title_path ) { char string2[STRLEN], *bp = string2, *cp = string2; for( const char *tp=title_path; (*cp++=*tp) != 0; ++tp ) if( *tp == '/' ) bp = cp; for( char *sp=cp=string; *sp != 0; ++sp ) if( *sp == '/' ) cp = sp+1; while( (*bp++=*cp++)!=0 ); strcpy(string, string2); } // Test title availability if( access(string,R_OK) ) { /* Concatenate title and toc directory if title is not absolute and */ /* toc path has a directory section. */ if( (!is_vfs && string[0] != '/') || (is_vfs && string[vfs_len] != '/') ) { /* Get toc filename without path */ char *ptr = strrchr(fs->path, '/'); if( ptr ) { char string2[STRLEN]; /* Stack filename on toc path */ strcpy(string2, fs->path); if( !is_vfs ) strcpy(&string2[ptr - fs->path + 1], string); else strcpy(&string2[ptr - fs->path + 1], string + vfs_len); if( access(string2,R_OK) ) { zerrs("failed to open %s or %s\n", string, string2); return 1; } strcpy(string, string2); } else { zerrs("failed to open %s\n", string); return 1; } } else { zerrs("failed to open %s\n", string); return 1; } } if(debug) zmsg("30\n"); demuxer_t::title_t *title = new demuxer_t::title_t(this, string); demuxer->titles[demuxer->total_titles++] = title; title->total_bytes = fs->read_uint64(); title->start_byte = current_byte; title->end_byte = title->start_byte + title->total_bytes; current_byte = title->end_byte; /* Cells */ title->cell_table_allocation = fs->read_uint32(); title->cell_table_size = title->cell_table_allocation; //zmsgs("40 %llx %d\n", title->total_bytes, title->cell_table_size); title->cell_table = new demuxer_t::title_t::cell_t[title->cell_table_size]; for( i=0; i < title->cell_table_size; ++i ) { demuxer_t::title_t::cell_t *cell = &title->cell_table[i]; cell->title_start = fs->read_uint64(); cell->title_end = fs->read_uint64(); cell->program_start = fs->read_uint64(); cell->program_end = fs->read_uint64(); union { double d; uint64_t u; } cell_time; cell_time.u = fs->read_uint64(); cell->cell_time = cell_time.d; cell->cell_no = fs->read_uint32(); cell->discontinuity = fs->read_uint32(); //zmsgs("50 %jx-%jx %jx-%jx %d %d\n", // cell->title_start, cell->title_end, cell->program_start, // cell->program_end, cell->cell_no, cell->discontinuity); } break; } case toc_IFO_PALETTE: for(i = 0; i < 16; i++) { int k = i*4; palette[k + 0] = fs->read_char(); palette[k + 1] = fs->read_char(); palette[k + 2] = fs->read_char(); palette[k + 3] = fs->read_char(); //zmsgs("color %02d: 0x%02x 0x%02x 0x%02x 0x%02x\n", // i, palette[k+0], palette[k+1], palette[k+2], palette[k+3]); } have_palette = 1; break; case toc_IFO_PLAYINFO: { int ncells = fs->read_uint32(); icell_table_t *cells = new icell_table_t(); if( playinfo ) delete playinfo; playinfo = cells; while( --ncells >= 0 ) { icell_t *cell = cells->append_cell(); cell->start_byte = fs->read_uint64(); cell->end_byte = fs->read_uint64(); cell->vob_id = fs->read_uint32(); cell->cell_id = fs->read_uint32(); cell->inlv = fs->read_uint32(); cell->discon = fs->read_uint32(); } break; } case toc_SRC_PROGRAM: { vts_title = fs->read_uint32(); total_vts_titles = fs->read_uint32(); int inlv = fs->read_uint32(); angle = inlv / 10; interleave = inlv % 10; total_interleaves = fs->read_uint32(); break; } } } if(debug) zmsg("90\n"); demuxer->open_title(0); if(debug) zmsg("100\n"); return 0; } zmpeg3_t* zmpeg3_t:: start_toc(const char *path, const char *toc_path, int program, int64_t *total_bytes) { if( total_bytes ) *total_bytes = 0; zmpeg3_t *zsrc = new zmpeg3_t(path); zsrc->toc_fp = fopen(toc_path, "w"); if(!zsrc->toc_fp) { perrs("%s",toc_path); delete zsrc; return 0; } zsrc->set_vts_title(program / 100); zsrc->set_angle((program / 10) % 10); zsrc->set_interleave(program % 10); zsrc->last_cell_no = 0; if( !total_bytes ) { zsrc->fs->sequential(); zsrc->file_type = FT_TRANSPORT_STREAM; zsrc->packet_size = zsrc->calculate_packet_size(); } /* Authenticate encryption before reading a single byte */ /* and Determine file type */ int toc_atracks = 0, toc_vtracks = 0; if( zsrc->fs->open_file() || (!zsrc->file_type && zsrc->get_file_type(&toc_atracks, &toc_vtracks, 0) ) ) { fclose(zsrc->toc_fp); zsrc->toc_fp = 0; delete zsrc; return 0; } demuxer_t *demux = zsrc->demuxer; /* Create title without scanning for tracks */ if( !demux->total_titles ) { demuxer_t::title_t *title = new demuxer_t::title_t(zsrc); demux->titles[0] = title; demux->total_titles = 1; demux->open_title(0); title->total_bytes = title->fs->ztotal_bytes(); title->start_byte = 0; title->end_byte = title->total_bytes; title->new_cell(title->end_byte); } /* mpeg3demux_seek_byte(zsrc->demuxer, 0x1734e4800LL); */ demux->seek_byte(0); demux->read_all = -1; int64_t bytes = demux->movie_size(); if( total_bytes ) *total_bytes = bytes; //*total_bytes = 500000000; zsrc->allocate_slice_decoders(); return zsrc; } void zmpeg3_t:: divide_index(int track_number) { if( total_indexes <= track_number ) return; index_t *idx = indexes[track_number]; idx->index_size /= 2; idx->index_zoom *= 2; for( int i=0; i < idx->index_channels; ++i ) { float *current_channel = idx->index_data[i]; float *out = current_channel; float *in = current_channel; for( int j=0; j < idx->index_size; ++j ) { float max = ZMAX(in[0], in[2]); float min = ZMIN(in[1], in[3]); *out++ = max; *out++ = min; in += 4; } } } int zmpeg3_t:: update_index(int track_number, int flush) { int i, j, k, n; int result = 0; atrack_t *atrk = atrack[track_number]; if( track_number >= total_indexes ) { /* Create index table */ int new_allocation = track_number + 1; index_t **new_indexes = new index_t*[new_allocation]; for( i=0; iaudio; //zmsgs("%d atrk->audio->output_size=%d\n", __LINE__, aud->output_size); while( ( flush && aud->output_size) || (!flush && aud->output_size > AUDIO_CHUNKSIZE) ) { int fragment = AUDIO_CHUNKSIZE; if( aud->output_size < fragment ) fragment = aud->output_size; int index_fragments = fragment / idx->index_zoom; if( flush ) ++index_fragments; int new_index_samples = index_fragments + idx->index_size; /* Update number of channels */ if( idx->index_allocated && idx->index_channels < atrk->channels ) { float **new_index_data = znew(float*,atrk->channels); for( i=0; i < idx->index_channels; ++i ) new_index_data[i] = idx->index_data[i]; for( i=idx->index_channels; i < atrk->channels; ++i ) new_index_data[i] = znew(float,idx->index_allocated*2); idx->index_channels = atrk->channels; delete [] idx->index_data; idx->index_data = new_index_data; } /* Allocate index buffer */ if( new_index_samples > idx->index_allocated ) { /* Double current number of samples */ idx->index_allocated = new_index_samples * 2; if( !idx->index_data ) { idx->index_data = znew(float*,atrk->channels); } /* Allocate new size in high and low pairs */ k = idx->index_allocated * sizeof(float*) * 2; for( i=0; i < atrk->channels; ++i ) { float *old_data = idx->index_data[i]; float *new_data = new float[k]; n = idx->index_size*2; for( j=0; jindex_data[i]; idx->index_data[i] = new_data; } idx->index_channels = atrk->channels; } /* Calculate new index chunk */ for( i=0; ichannels; ++i ) { float *in_channel = i < aud->output_channels ? aud->output[i] : 0; float *out_channel = idx->index_data[i] + idx->index_size*2; /* Calculate index frames */ for( j=0; j < index_fragments; ++j ) { float min = 0; float max = 0; int remaining_fragment = fragment - j*idx->index_zoom; int len = remaining_fragment < idx->index_zoom ? remaining_fragment : idx->index_zoom; if( in_channel && len > 0 ) { min = max = *in_channel++; for( k=1; k < len; ++k ) { if( *in_channel > max ) max = *in_channel; else if( *in_channel < min ) min = *in_channel; ++in_channel; } } *out_channel++ = max; *out_channel++ = min; } } idx->index_size = new_index_samples; /* Shift audio buffer */ aud->shift_audio(fragment); /* Create new toc entry */ atrk->append_samples(atrk->prev_offset); atrk->current_position += fragment; result = 1; } /* Divide index by 2 and increase zoom */ k = idx->index_size * atrk->channels * sizeof(float) * 2; if( k > index_bytes && !(idx->index_size % 2) ) divide_index(track_number); return result; } int zatrack_t:: handle_audio_data(int track_number) { zmpeg3_t *zsrc = audio->src; /* Decode samples */ while( !audio->decode_audio(0, atyp_NONE, 0, AUDIO_HISTORY) ) { /* add downsampled samples to the index buffer and create toc entry. */ if( !zsrc->update_index(track_number, 0) ) break; prev_offset = curr_offset; } return 0; } int zatrack_t:: handle_audio(int track_number) { #ifdef DATA_DUMP if( !audio_fp ) { audio_fp = new FILE*[65536]; memset(audio_fp,0,65536*sizeof(FILE*)); } if( !audio_fp[pid] ) { char fn[512]; sprintf(fn,"/tmp/dat/a%04x.mpg",pid); audio_fp[pid] = fopen(fn,"w"); } if( audio_fp[pid] ) { zmpeg3_t *zsrc = audio->src; demuxer_t *demux = zsrc->demuxer; if( demux->zaudio.size ) fwrite(demux->zaudio.buffer, demux->zaudio.size, 1, audio_fp[pid]); else if( demux->zdata.size ) fwrite(demux->zdata.buffer, demux->zdata.size, 1, audio_fp[pid]); } #endif int result = 0; if( format != afmt_IGNORE ) { zmpeg3_t *zsrc = audio->src; demuxer_t *demux = zsrc->demuxer; /* Assume last packet of stream */ audio_eof = demux->tell_byte(); /* Append demuxed data to track buffer */ if( demux->zaudio.size ) demuxer->append_data(demux->zaudio.buffer,demux->zaudio.size); else if( demux->zdata.size ) demuxer->append_data(demux->zdata.buffer,demux->zdata.size); if( demux->pes_audio_pid == pid && demux->pes_audio_time >= 0 ) { demuxer->pes_audio_time = demux->pes_audio_time; demux->pes_audio_time = -1.; } if( !sample_rate ) { /* check for audio starting past first cell */ if( zsrc->pts_padding > 0 && zsrc->cell_time >= 0. ) { audio_time = zsrc->cell_time; pts_position = 0; if( pts_starttime < 0. ) { pts_offset = zsrc->cell_time; pts_starttime = 0.; } } } //zmsgs("%d pid=%p zaudio.size=%d zdata.size=%d\n", __LINE__, // demux->pid, demux->zaudio.size, demux->zdata.size); #if 0 if( pid == 0x1100 ) { static FILE *test = 0; if( !test ) test = fopen("/hmov/test.ac3", "w"); fwrite(demux->zaudio.buffer, demux->zaudio.size, 1, test); } #endif result = handle_audio_data(track_number); demuxer->shift_data(); } return result; } int zvtrack_t:: handle_video_data(int track_number, int prev_data_size) { zmpeg3_t *zsrc = video->src; /* Scan for a start code a certain number of bytes from the end of the */ /* buffer. Then scan the header using the video decoder to get the */ /* repeat count. */ while( demuxer->zdata.length() >= VIDEO_STREAM_SIZE ) { if( !demuxer->last_code ) { if( video->thumb && video->pict_type == video_t::pic_type_I ) { if( tcode >= SLICE_MIN_START && tcode <= SLICE_MAX_START ) { // start a new slice slice = video->get_slice_buffer(); //int vtrk, sbfr = slice - &video->slice_buffers[0]; //for( vtrk=0; vtrktotal_vtracks && video!=zsrc->vtrack[vtrk]->video; ++vtrk ); //printf("get_slice_buffer %p vtrk=%d, sbfr=%d\n",slice,vtrk,sbfr); sbp = slice->data; for( int i=32; i>0; ) *sbp++ = (tcode>>(i-=8)); sb_size = slice->buffer_allocation-4-4; tcode = ~0; } } if( !slice ) { for(;;) { if( (uint8_t)tcode != 0 ) { tcode = (tcode<<8) | demuxer->read_char(); tcode = (tcode<<8) | demuxer->read_char(); } tcode = (tcode<<8) | demuxer->read_char(); if( (tcode&0xffffff) == PACKET_START_CODE_PREFIX ) break; if( demuxer->zdata.length() < VIDEO_STREAM_SIZE ) return 0; } tcode = (tcode<<8) | demuxer->read_char(); } else { for(;;) { if( sb_size <= 0 ) { sbp = slice->expand_buffer(sbp - slice->data); sb_size = slice->buffer_size; } if( (uint8_t)tcode != 0 ) { sb_size -= 3; tcode = (tcode<<8) | (*sbp++ = demuxer->read_char()); tcode = (tcode<<8) | (*sbp++ = demuxer->read_char()); } else --sb_size; tcode = (tcode<<8) | (*sbp++ = demuxer->read_char()); if( (tcode&0xffffff) == PACKET_START_CODE_PREFIX ) break; if( demuxer->zdata.length() < VIDEO_STREAM_SIZE ) return 0; } tcode = (tcode<<8) | (*sbp++ = demuxer->read_char()); // finish slice slice->buffer_size = sbp - slice->data; *--sbp = 0; sbp = 0; //#define MULTI_THREADED #ifdef MULTI_THREADED // this is actually slower than single threaded zsrc->decode_slice(slice); #else slice_decoder_t *decoder = &zsrc->slice_decoders[0]; decoder->slice_buffer = slice; decoder->video = video; decoder->decode_slice(); video->put_slice_buffer(slice); #endif slice = 0; } //zmsgs("trk=%d, pos=0x%04x,size=0x%04x,length=0x%04x, cur_pos 0x%012lx/0x%012lx, tcode=0x%08x\n", // track_number, demuxer->zdata.position, demuxer->zdata.size, demuxer->zdata.length(), // prev_offset, curr_offset, tcode); switch( tcode ) { case GOP_START_CODE: case PICTURE_START_CODE: if( !video->found_seqhdr ) continue; /* else fall through */ case SEQUENCE_START_CODE: /* save start of packet, data before prev_data_size from prev_offset */ if( prev_frame_offset == -1 ) prev_frame_offset = demuxer->zdata.position < prev_data_size ? prev_offset : curr_offset; video->vstream->reset(tcode); break; default: continue; } /* Wait for decoders to finish */ if( video->slice_active_locked ) { video->slice_active.lock(); video->slice_active.unlock(); } if( total_frame_offsets-1 > video->framenum ) { video->framenum = total_frame_offsets-1; update_video_time(); if( video->framenum >= 0 ) { int64_t last_frame_offset = frame_offsets[video->framenum]; while( video->video_pts_padding() ) { append_frame(last_frame_offset, 0); video->framenum = total_frame_offsets-1; } } if( video->video_pts_skipping() ) continue; update_frame_pts(); } /* if last frame was P-Frame after I-Frame show thumbnail */ if( video->thumb && video->decoder_initted ) { switch( video->pict_type ) { case video_t::pic_type_P: if( !video->ithumb ) break; video->ithumb = 0; zsrc->thumbnail_fn(zsrc->thumbnail_priv, track_number); break; case video_t::pic_type_I: video->ithumb = 1; break; } } } /* Use video decoder to get repeat count and field type. */ /* Should never hit EOF in here. This rereads up to the current ptr */ /* since zdata.position isn't updated by handle_video. */ /* if get_header fails, try this offset again with more data */ int data_position = demuxer->zdata.position; int have_seqhdr = video->found_seqhdr; int32_t repeat_data = video->repeat_data; if( video->get_header() ) { if( video->found_seqhdr ) { /* try again with more data */ demuxer->last_code = tcode; demuxer->zdata.position = data_position; } video->found_seqhdr = have_seqhdr; video->repeat_data = repeat_data; break; } if( !video->decoder_initted ) { video->init_decoder(); width = video->horizontal_size; height = video->vertical_size; frame_rate = video->frame_rate; } /* check for video starting past first cell */ if( !have_seqhdr && zsrc->pts_padding > 0 && video_time < 0 && zsrc->cell_time >= 0. ) { video_time = zsrc->cell_time; pts_position = 0; if( pts_starttime < 0. ) { pts_offset = zsrc->cell_time; pts_starttime = 0.; } } video->secondfield = 0; if( video->pict_struct != video_t::pics_FRAME_PICTURE ) { if( video->got_top || video->got_bottom ) video->secondfield = 1; } int field = video->secondfield ? 2 : 1; if( video->pict_struct == video_t::pics_TOP_FIELD ) video->got_top = field; else if( video->pict_struct == video_t::pics_BOTTOM_FIELD ) video->got_bottom = field; if( video->pict_struct == video_t::pics_FRAME_PICTURE || video->secondfield || !video->pict_struct ) { //zmsgs("video pid %02x framenum %d video_time %12.5f %c 0x%012lx rep %d\n", // pid, video->framenum, get_video_time(), "XIPBD"[video->pict_type], // prev_frame_offset, video->repeat_fields-2); if( video->pict_type == video_t::pic_type_I ) got_keyframe = 1; append_frame(prev_frame_offset, got_keyframe); /* Add entry for every repeat count. */ video->current_field += 2; while( video->repeat_fields-video->current_field >= 2 ) { append_frame(prev_frame_offset, 0); video->current_field += 2; } if( (video->repeat_fields-=video->current_field) < 0 ) video->repeat_fields = 0; /* Shift out data from before frame */ prev_frame_offset = -1; got_keyframe = 0; } else { // This was a TOP/BOTTOM FIELD and was not secondfield // Shift out data from this field if( video->pict_type == video_t::pic_type_I ) got_keyframe = 1; video->current_field += 2; } tcode = video->vstream->show_bits(32); if( !video->repeat_fields ) video->current_field = 0; demuxer->last_code = 0; } return 0; } int zvtrack_t:: handle_video(int track_number) { zmpeg3_t *zsrc = video->src; demuxer_t *demux = zsrc->demuxer; /* Assume last packet of stream */ video_eof = demux->tell_byte(); int prev_data_size = demuxer->zdata.size; //zmsgs("%d %d %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x\n", // demux->zvideo.size, demux->zdata.size, // demux->zvideo.buffer[0], demux->zvideo.buffer[1], // demux->zvideo.buffer[2], demux->zvideo.buffer[3], // demux->zvideo.buffer[4], demux->zvideo.buffer[5], // demux->zvideo.buffer[6], demux->zvideo.buffer[7]); #ifdef DATA_DUMP if( !video_fp ) { video_fp = new FILE*[65536]; memset(video_fp,0,65536*sizeof(FILE*)); } if( !video_fp[pid] ) { char fn[512]; sprintf(fn,"/tmp/dat/v%04x.mpg",pid); video_fp[pid] = fopen(fn,"w"); } if( video_fp[pid] ) { if( demux->zvideo.size ) fwrite(demux->zvideo.buffer, demux->zvideo.size, 1, video_fp[pid]); else if( demux->zdata.size ) fwrite(demux->zdata.buffer, demux->zdata.size, 1, video_fp[pid]); } #endif /* Append demuxed data to track buffer */ if( demux->zvideo.size ) demuxer->append_data(demux->zvideo.buffer, demux->zvideo.size); else if( demux->zdata.size ) demuxer->append_data(demux->zdata.buffer, demux->zdata.size); if( demux->pes_video_pid == pid && demux->pes_video_time >= 0 ) { demuxer->pes_video_time = demux->pes_video_time; demux->pes_video_time = -1.; } #if 0 if( !test_file ) test_file = fopen("/tmp/test.m2v", "w"); if( demuxer->zdata.position > 0 ) fwrite(demuxer->zdata.buffer, demuxer->zdata.position, 1, test_file); #endif handle_video_data(track_number, prev_data_size); demuxer->shift_data(); return 0; } void zmpeg3_t:: handle_subtitle() { for( int i=0; itotal_subtitles ) { subtitle_t *subtitle = strk->subtitles[0]; strk->append_subtitle_offset(subtitle->offset); strk->del_subtitle(subtitle); } } } void zmpeg3_t:: handle_cell(int cell_no) { int idx; cell_time = -1.; //zmsgs("cell %d\n", cell_no); for( idx=0; idxvideo; if( !vid ) continue; double pts = vtrk->get_video_time(); //zmsgs(" vtrack %d = %f\n", idx, pts); if( cell_time < pts ) cell_time = pts; } for( idx=0; idxaudio; if( !aud ) continue; double pts = atrk->get_audio_time(); //zmsgs(" atrack %d = %f\n", idx, pts); if( cell_time < pts ) cell_time = pts; } zcell_t *cell = 0; if( !demuxer->get_cell(cell_no, cell) ) cell->cell_time = cell_time; if( pts_padding <= 0 ) return; int discon = cell ? cell->discontinuity : 0; //zmsgs("cell %d cell_time=%f pos=%jx discon %d\n", // cell_no, cell_time, !cell? -1 : cell->program_start, discon); if( !discon ) return; for( idx=0; idxvideo; if( !vid ) continue; if( !vtrk->total_frame_offsets ) continue; vtrk->video_time = cell_time; vid->framenum = vtrk->pts_position = vtrk->total_frame_offsets-1; if( vid->framenum >= 0 ) { int64_t prev_frame_offset = vtrk->frame_offsets[vid->framenum]; while( vid->video_pts_padding() ) { vtrk->append_frame(prev_frame_offset, 0); vid->framenum = vtrk->total_frame_offsets-1; } } if( discon ) { vtrk->reset_pts(); vtrk->pts_offset = cell_time; if( discon < 0 ) vtrk->pts_starttime = 0.; } } for( idx=0; idxaudio; if( !aud ) continue; atrk->audio_time = cell_time; atrk->pts_position = aud->audio_position(); while( aud->audio_pts_padding() ) { if( update_index(idx, 0) ) atrk->prev_offset = atrk->curr_offset; } if( discon ) { atrk->reset_pts(); atrk->pts_offset = cell_time; if( discon < 0 ) atrk->pts_starttime = 0.; } } } int zmpeg3_t:: handle_nudging() { int i, n, atrk, vtrk; int ret = 0; for( i=0; inudge = 0; int total_channels = dvb.channel_count(); #if 1 // lines up first apts/vpts for( n=0; npts_origin > vpts ) vpts = vtrack[vtrk]->pts_origin; } dvb.total_astreams(n, astreams); for( i=0; ipts_origin; if( apts >= 0. && vpts >= 0. ) { atrack[atrk]->nudge = (long)((vpts - apts) * samplerate); ++ret; } } } #else // lines up nearest apts/vpts class elem_t { public: elem_t *next; int vtrk, atrk; double apts, vpts, pts_nudge; uint64_t apos, vpos, pts_dist; elem_t(elem_t *p, int vtrk, int atrk) : next(p), vtrk(vtrk), atrk(atrk) { apos = vpos = 0; apts = vpts = 0.; pts_dist = ~0; pts_nudge = 0; } } *ep, *elems = 0; // collect all vtrk[0]-atrk[i] associations for( n=0; n= total_vtracks ) continue; dvb.total_astreams(n, astreams); for( i=0; i= total_atracks ) continue; elems = new elem_t(elems, vtrk, atrk); } } demuxer->pes_audio_time = -1.; demuxer->pes_video_time = -1.; demuxer->seek_byte(START_BYTE); // probe for atrk/vtrk pts nearest to each other in file while( !demuxer->titles[0]->fs->eof() ) { int64_t pos = demuxer->absolute_position(); if( pos > START_BYTE + MAX_TS_PROBE ) break; if( demuxer->read_next_packet() ) break; ep = 0; if( demuxer->pes_audio_time >= 0 ) { for( ep=elems; ep && atrack[ep->atrk]->pid!=demuxer->pid; ep=ep->next ); if( ep ) { ep->apos = pos; ep->apts = demuxer->pes_audio_time; } demuxer->pes_audio_time = -1.; } if( demuxer->pes_video_time >= 0 ) { for( ep=elems; ep && vtrack[ep->vtrk]->pid!=demuxer->pid; ep=ep->next ); if( ep ) { ep->vpos = pos; ep->vpts = demuxer->pes_video_time; } demuxer->pes_video_time = -1.; } if( !ep || !ep->apos || !ep->vpos ) continue; int64_t dist = ep->apos - ep->vpos; if( dist < 0 ) dist = -dist; if( (uint64_t)dist < ep->pts_dist ) { ep->pts_dist = dist; ep->pts_nudge = ep->vpts - ep->apts; } } // nudge audio to align timestamps while( elems ) { ep = elems; elems = elems->next; //zmsgs("v/atrk %d/%d, dist %jd\n", ep->vtrk, ep->atrk, ep->pts_dist); //zmsgs(" v/apts %f/%f, nudge %f\n", ep->vpts, ep->apts, ep->pts_nudge); //zmsgs(" v/aorg %f/%f, nudge %f\n", // vtrack[ep->vtrk]->pts_origin, atrack[ep->atrk]->pts_origin, // vtrack[ep->vtrk]->pts_origin-atrack[ep->atrk]->pts_origin); double samplerate = sample_rate(ep->atrk); if( samplerate < 0. ) samplerate = 0.; if( ep->apts >= 0. && ep->vpts >= 0. ) { atrack[ep->atrk]->nudge = (long)(ep->pts_nudge * samplerate); ++ret; } delete ep; } #endif return ret; } int zmpeg3_t:: do_toc(int64_t *bytes_processed) { /* Starting byte before our packet read */ int64_t start_byte = demuxer->tell_byte(); //zmsgs("%d offset=%llx file_type=%x\n", __LINE__, // start_byte, file_type); int result = demuxer->seek_phys(); if( !result ) { int cell_no = demuxer->current_cell_no(); if( last_cell_no != cell_no ) handle_cell(last_cell_no=cell_no); result = demuxer->read_next_packet(); } //zmsgs("%d %d %llx\n", __LINE__, result, demuxer->tell_byte()); /* if(start_byte > 0x1b0000 && start_byte < 0x1c0000) */ //zmsgs("1 start_byte=%llx custum_id=%x got_audio=%d got_video=%d" // " zaudio.size=%d zvideo.size=%d zdata.size=%d\n", start_byte, // demuxer->custom_id, demuxer->got_audio, demuxer->got_video, // demuxer->zaudio.size, demuxer->zvideo.size, demuxer->zdata.size); if( !result ) { int idx = 0; /* Find current PID in tracks. */ /* Got subtitle */ if( demuxer->got_subtitle ) handle_subtitle(); if( is_transport_stream() ) dvb.atsc_tables(demuxer, demuxer->custom_id); /* In a transport stream the audio or video is determined by the PID. */ /* In other streams the data type is determined by stream ID. */ if( demuxer->got_audio >= 0 || is_transport_stream() || is_audio_stream() ) { int audio_pid = demuxer->got_audio; atrack_t *atrk = 0; for( idx=0; idx < total_atracks; ++idx ) { if( atrack[idx]->pid == audio_pid ) { /* Update an audio track */ atrk = atrack[idx]; break; } } if( !atrk ) { if( is_audio_stream() || (audio_pid >= 0 && demuxer->astream_table[audio_pid]) ) { int format = demuxer->astream_table[audio_pid]; atrk = new_atrack_t(audio_pid, format, demuxer, total_atracks); if( atrk ) { atrack[idx=total_atracks++] = atrk; atrk->prev_offset = start_byte; } } } if( atrk ) { atrk->curr_offset = start_byte; atrk->handle_audio(idx); } } if( demuxer->got_video >= 0 || is_transport_stream() || is_video_stream() ) { int video_pid = demuxer->got_video; vtrack_t *vtrk = 0; for( idx=0; idx < total_vtracks; ++idx ) { if( vtrack[idx]->pid == video_pid ) { /* Update a video track */ vtrk = vtrack[idx]; break; } } if( !vtrk ) { if( is_video_stream() || (video_pid >= 0 && demuxer->vstream_table[video_pid]) ) { vtrk = new_vtrack_t(video_pid, demuxer, total_vtracks); /* Make the first offset correspond to the */ /* start of the first packet. */ if( vtrk ) { vtrack[total_vtracks++] = vtrk; vtrk->tcode = ~0; vtrk->prev_frame_offset = -1; vtrk->curr_offset = start_byte; if( thumbnail_fn ) vtrk->video->thumb = vtrk->video->skim = 1; } } } if( vtrk ) { vtrk->prev_offset = vtrk->curr_offset; vtrk->curr_offset = start_byte; vtrk->handle_video(idx); } } } /* Make user value independant of data type in packet */ *bytes_processed = demuxer->tell_byte(); //zmsgs("1000 %jx\n", *bytes_processed); return 0; } void zmpeg3_t:: stop_toc() { delete_slice_decoders(); if( !is_ifo_file() ) { int64_t total_bytes = demuxer->tell_byte(); demuxer->end_title(total_bytes); } /* Create final chunk for audio tracks to count the last samples. */ int i, j, k; atrack_t *atrk; index_t *idx; /* Flush audio indexes */ for( i=0; i < total_atracks; ++i ) update_index(i, 1); for( i=0; i < total_atracks; ++i ) { atrk = atrack[i]; atrk->append_samples(atrk->curr_offset); } /* Make all indexes the same scale */ int max_scale = 1; for( i=0; i < total_atracks; ++i ) { atrk = atrack[i]; idx = indexes[i]; if( idx->index_data && idx->index_zoom > max_scale ) max_scale = idx->index_zoom; } for( i=0; i < total_atracks; ++i ) { atrk = atrack[i]; idx = indexes[i]; if( idx->index_data && idx->index_zoom < max_scale ) { while( idx->index_zoom < max_scale ) divide_index(i); } } /* delete vtracks with no frames */ for( i=0; i < total_vtracks; ) { if( !vtrack[i]->total_frame_offsets ) { demuxer->vstream_table[vtrack[i]->pid] = 0; delete vtrack[i]; --total_vtracks; for( j=i; j < total_vtracks; ++j ) vtrack[j] = vtrack[j+1]; continue; } ++i; } for( i=0; i < MAX_STREAMZ; ++i ) { if( demuxer->vstream_table[i] ) { for( j=total_vtracks; --j>=0; ) if( vtrack[j]->pid == i ) break; if( j < 0 ) demuxer->vstream_table[i] = 0; } } /* delete atracks with no samples */ for( i=0; i < total_atracks; ) { if( !atrack[i]->total_sample_offsets || atrack[i]->format == afmt_IGNORE ) { demuxer->astream_table[atrack[i]->pid] = 0; delete atrack[i]; delete indexes[i]; --total_atracks; --total_indexes; for( j=i; j < total_atracks; ++j ) { indexes[j] = indexes[j+1]; atrack[j] = atrack[j+1]; } continue; } ++i; } for( i=0; i < MAX_STREAMZ; ++i ) { if( demuxer->astream_table[i] ) { for( j=total_atracks; --j>=0; ) if( atrack[j]->pid == i ) break; if( j < 0 ) demuxer->astream_table[i] = 0; } } /* Sort tracks by PID */ int done = 0; while( !done ) { done = 1; for( i=1; i < total_atracks; ++i ) { atrack_t *atrk0 = atrack[i - 0]; atrack_t *atrk1 = atrack[i - 1]; if( atrk1->pid > atrk0->pid ) { atrack[i - 1] = atrk0; atrack[i - 0] = atrk1; index_t *idx0 = indexes[i - 0]; index_t *idx1 = indexes[i - 1]; indexes[i - 1] = idx0; indexes[i - 0] = idx1; done = 0; } } } for( i=0; i < total_atracks; ++i ) atrack[i]->number = i; done = 0; while( !done ) { done = 1; for( i=1; i < total_vtracks; ++i ) { vtrack_t *vtrk0 = vtrack[i - 0]; vtrack_t *vtrk1 = vtrack[i - 1]; if( vtrk1->pid > vtrk0->pid ) { vtrack[i - 1] = vtrk0; vtrack[i - 0] = vtrk1; done = 0; } } } for( i=0; i < total_vtracks; ++i ) vtrack[i]->number = i; if( is_transport_stream() ) handle_nudging(); demuxer->read_all = 0; /* Output toc to file */ /* Write file type */ fputc('T', toc_fp); fputc('O', toc_fp); fputc('C', toc_fp); fputc(' ', toc_fp); /* Write version */ PUT_INT32(TOC_VERSION); /* Write program */ PUT_INT32(toc_SRC_PROGRAM); PUT_INT32(vts_title); PUT_INT32(total_vts_titles); PUT_INT32(angle*10 + interleave); PUT_INT32(total_interleaves); /* Write stream type */ if( is_program_stream() ) PUT_INT32(toc_FILE_TYPE_PROGRAM); else if( is_transport_stream() ) PUT_INT32(toc_FILE_TYPE_TRANSPORT); else if( is_audio_stream() ) PUT_INT32(toc_FILE_TYPE_AUDIO); else if( is_video_stream() ) PUT_INT32(toc_FILE_TYPE_VIDEO); /* Store file information */ PUT_INT32(toc_FILE_INFO); char *path = fs->path; fprintf(toc_fp, "%s", path); for( j=strlen(path); j < STRLEN; ++j ) fputc(0, toc_fp); source_date = calculate_source_date(path); PUT_INT64(source_date); /* Write stream ID's */ /* Only program and transport streams have these */ for( i=0; i < MAX_STREAMZ; ++i ) { if( demuxer->astream_table[i] ) { PUT_INT32(toc_STREAM_AUDIO); PUT_INT32(i); PUT_INT32(demuxer->astream_table[i]); } if( demuxer->vstream_table[i] ) { PUT_INT32(toc_STREAM_VIDEO); PUT_INT32(i); PUT_INT32(demuxer->vstream_table[i]); } } /* Write titles */ for( i=0; i < demuxer->total_titles; ++i ) { demuxer_t::title_t *title = demuxer->titles[i]; /* Path */ PUT_INT32(toc_TITLE_PATH); path = !is_program_stream() ? path : title->fs->path; fprintf(toc_fp, "%s", path); for( j=strlen(path); j < STRLEN; ++j ) fputc(0, toc_fp); /* Total bytes */ PUT_INT64(title->total_bytes); /* Total cells in title */ PUT_INT32(demuxer->titles[i]->cell_table_size); for( j=0; j < title->cell_table_size; ++j ) { demuxer_t::title_t::cell_t *cell = &title->cell_table[j]; //zmsgs("%x: %llx-%llx %llx-%llx %d %d %d\n", // ftell(toc_fp), cell->title_start, cell->title_end, // cell->program_start, cell->program_end, cell->cell_no, // cell->program, cell->discontinuity); PUT_INT64(cell->title_start); PUT_INT64(cell->title_end); PUT_INT64(cell->program_start); PUT_INT64(cell->program_end); union { double d; uint64_t u; } cell_time; cell_time.d = cell->cell_time; PUT_INT64(cell_time.u); PUT_INT32(cell->cell_no); PUT_INT32(cell->discontinuity); } } PUT_INT32(toc_ATRACK_COUNT); PUT_INT32(total_atracks); /* Audio streams */ for( j=0; j < total_atracks; ++j ) { atrack_t *atrk = atrack[j]; PUT_INT64(atrk->audio_eof); PUT_INT32(atrk->channels); PUT_INT32(atrk->nudge); PUT_INT32(atrk->total_sample_offsets); /* Total samples */ PUT_INT64(atrk->current_position); /* Sample offsets */ for( i=0; i < atrk->total_sample_offsets; ++i ) PUT_INT64(atrk->sample_offsets[i]); /* Index */ index_t *idx = indexes[j]; if( idx->index_data ) { PUT_INT32(idx->index_size); PUT_INT32(idx->index_zoom); for( k=0; k < atrk->channels; ++k ) { fwrite(idx->index_data[k], 2*sizeof(float), idx->index_size, toc_fp); } } else { PUT_INT32(0); PUT_INT32(1); } } PUT_INT32(toc_VTRACK_COUNT); PUT_INT32(total_vtracks); /* Video streams */ for( j=0; j < total_vtracks; ++j ) { vtrack_t *vtrk = vtrack[j]; PUT_INT64(vtrk->video_eof); PUT_INT32(vtrk->total_frame_offsets); for( i=0; i < vtrk->total_frame_offsets; ++i ) PUT_INT64(vtrk->frame_offsets[i]); PUT_INT32(vtrk->total_keyframe_numbers); for( i=0; i < vtrk->total_keyframe_numbers; ++i ) PUT_INT32(vtrk->keyframe_numbers[i]); } PUT_INT32(toc_STRACK_COUNT); PUT_INT32(total_stracks); /* Subtitle tracks */ for( i=0; i < total_stracks; ++i ) { strack_t *strk = strack[i]; PUT_INT32(strk->id); PUT_INT32(strk->total_offsets); for(j = 0; j < strk->total_offsets; j++) PUT_INT64(strk->offsets[j]); } PUT_INT32(toc_IFO_PALETTE); for( i=0; i < 16*4; ++i ) fputc(palette[i], toc_fp); if( playinfo ) { PUT_INT32(toc_IFO_PLAYINFO); PUT_INT32(playinfo->total_cells); icell_t *cell = &playinfo->cells[0]; for( i=playinfo->total_cells; --i>=0; ++cell ) { PUT_INT64(cell->start_byte); PUT_INT64(cell->end_byte); PUT_INT32(cell->vob_id); PUT_INT32(cell->cell_id); PUT_INT32(cell->inlv); PUT_INT32(cell->discon); } } fs->close_file(); fclose(toc_fp); delete this; } int zmpeg3_t:: show_toc(int flags) { int i, j, k; int64_t current_byte = 0; fs->seek(0); fs->read_uint32(); uint32_t toc_version = fs->read_uint32(); if( toc_version != TOC_VERSION ) { zmsgs("invalid TOC version %08x (should be %08x)\n", toc_version, TOC_VERSION); return ERR_INVALID_TOC_VERSION; } while( !fs->eof() ) { /* Get section type */ int section_type = fs->read_uint32(); switch( section_type ) { case toc_FILE_TYPE_PROGRAM: zmsg("is_program_stream\n"); break; case toc_FILE_TYPE_TRANSPORT: zmsg("is_transport_stream\n"); break; case toc_FILE_TYPE_AUDIO: zmsg("is_audio_stream\n"); break; case toc_FILE_TYPE_VIDEO: zmsg("is_video_stream\n"); break; case toc_FILE_INFO: { char string[STRLEN]; char string2[STRLEN]; fs->read_data((uint8_t*)&string[0],STRLEN); concat_path(string2, fs->path, string); int64_t sdate = fs->read_uint64(); zmsgs("zsrc=%s source_date=%jd\n", string2, sdate); break; } case toc_STREAM_AUDIO: { static const char *afmts[] = { "unknown", "mpeg", "ac3", "pcm", "aac", "jesus", }; int n = fs->read_uint32(); int fmt = fs->read_uint32(); if( fmt < 0 || fmt >= lengthof(afmts) ) fmt = 0; zmsgs(" audio stream 0x%04x is %s\n", n, afmts[fmt]); break; } case toc_STREAM_VIDEO: { int n = fs->read_uint32(); fs->read_uint32(); zmsgs(" video stream 0x%04x\n", n); break; } case toc_ATRACK_COUNT: { zmsg("\n"); int atracks = fs->read_uint32(); zmsgs("audio tracks = %d\n", atracks); for( i=0; i < atracks; ++i ) { int64_t eof = fs->read_uint64(); int channels = fs->read_uint32(); int nudge = fs->read_uint32(); int total_sample_offsets = fs->read_uint32(); int64_t total_samples = fs->read_uint64(); zmsgs(" audio %d, eof=0x%012jx ch=%d, offsets=%d samples=%jd nudge=%d\n", i, eof, channels, total_sample_offsets, total_samples, nudge); if( flags & show_toc_SAMPLE_OFFSETS ) { for( j=0; j < total_sample_offsets; ) { if( !(j&7) ) zmsgs(" %8d: ",j*AUDIO_CHUNKSIZE); printf(" %08jx", fs->read_uint64()); if( !(++j&7) ) printf("\n"); } if( (j&7) ) printf("\n"); } else fs->seek_relative(sizeof(int64_t) * total_sample_offsets); int index_size = fs->read_uint32(); int index_zoom = fs->read_uint32(); zmsgs(" index_size=%d index_zoom=%d\n", index_size, index_zoom); for( j=0; j < channels; ++j ) { if( flags & show_toc_AUDIO_INDEX ) { zmsgs("audio track %d, channel %d\n",i,j); for( k=0; kread_uint32()); max.i = bswap_32(fs->read_uint32()); if( !(k&3) ) zmsgs(" %08x: ",k*index_zoom); printf(" %5.3f/%-5.3f",min.f,max.f); if( !(++k&3) ) printf("\n"); } if( (k&3) ) printf("\n"); } else fs->seek_relative(sizeof(float) * index_size * 2); } } break; } case toc_VTRACK_COUNT: { zmsg("\n"); int vtracks = fs->read_uint32(); zmsgs("video tracks = %d\n", vtracks); for( i=0; i < vtracks; ++i ) { int64_t eof = fs->read_uint64(); int total_frame_offsets = fs->read_uint32(); if( flags & show_toc_FRAME_OFFSETS ) { int64_t *frame_offsets = new int64_t[total_frame_offsets]; for( k=0; kread_uint64(); } int total_keyframes = fs->read_uint32(); zmsgs(" video %d, eof=0x%012jx offsets=%d keyframes=%d\n", i, eof, total_frame_offsets, total_keyframes); int *keyframe_numbers = new int[total_keyframes]; for( j=0; jread_uint32(); } for( j=k=0; k= keyframe_numbers[j] ) { printf(" *"); ++j; } else printf(" "); printf("%08jx",frame_offsets[k]); if( !(++k&7) ) printf("\n"); } if( (k&7) ) printf("\n"); delete [] keyframe_numbers; delete [] frame_offsets; } else { fs->seek_relative(sizeof(int64_t) * total_frame_offsets); int total_keyframes = fs->read_uint32(); zmsgs(" video %d, eof=0x%012jx offsets=%d keyframes=%d\n", i, eof, total_frame_offsets, total_keyframes); fs->seek_relative(sizeof(int) * total_keyframes); } } break; } case toc_STRACK_COUNT: { total_stracks = fs->read_uint32(); for( i=0; i < total_stracks; ++i ) { int id = fs->read_uint32(); int total_offsets = fs->read_uint32(); for( j=0; j < total_offsets; ++j ) { fs->read_uint64(); } zmsgs(" subtitle %d, id=0x%04x offsets=%d\n", i, id, total_offsets); } break; } case toc_TITLE_PATH: { char string[STRLEN]; fs->read_data((uint8_t*)string, STRLEN); int64_t total_bytes = fs->read_uint64(); int64_t start_byte = current_byte; int64_t end_byte = start_byte + total_bytes; current_byte = end_byte; zmsgs("title %s,\n", &string[0]); zmsgs(" bytes=0x%012jx, start=0x%012jx, end=0x%012jx\n", total_bytes, start_byte, end_byte); int cell_table_size = fs->read_uint32(); for( i=0; i < cell_table_size; ++i ) { int64_t title_start = fs->read_uint64(); int64_t title_end = fs->read_uint64(); int64_t program_start = fs->read_uint64(); int64_t program_end = fs->read_uint64(); union { double d; uint64_t u; } cell_time; cell_time.u = fs->read_uint64(); int cell_no = fs->read_uint32(); int discontinuity = fs->read_uint32(); zmsgs(" cell[%2d], title 0x%012jx-0x%012jx, cell_no %2d, cell_time %5.3f\n", i, title_start, title_end, cell_no, cell_time.d); zmsgs(" discon %d program 0x%012jx-0x%012jx\n", discontinuity, program_start, program_end); } break; } case toc_IFO_PALETTE: zmsg("\n"); zmsg("palette\n"); for( i=0; i<16/4; ++i ) { uint32_t rgb0 = fs->read_uint32(); uint32_t rgb1 = fs->read_uint32(); uint32_t rgb2 = fs->read_uint32(); uint32_t rgb3 = fs->read_uint32(); zmsgs(" 0x%08x 0x%08x 0x%08x 0x%08x\n", rgb0, rgb1, rgb2, rgb3); } break; case toc_IFO_PLAYINFO: { zmsg("\n"); int ncells = fs->read_uint32(); zmsgs("playcells %d\n", ncells); for( i=0; iread_uint64(); int64_t end_byte = fs->read_uint64(); int vob_id = fs->read_uint32(); int cell_id = fs->read_uint32(); int inlv = fs->read_uint32(); int discon = fs->read_uint32(); zmsgs(" cell[%2d], start=0x%012jx, end=0x%012jx discon %d\n", i, start_byte, end_byte, discon); zmsgs(" vob_id %d, cell_id %d, inlv %d\n", vob_id, cell_id, inlv); } break; } case toc_SRC_PROGRAM: { int vtitl = fs->read_uint32(); int vtotl = fs->read_uint32(); int inlv = fs->read_uint32(); int tinlv = fs->read_uint32(); zmsgs("vts_title %d\n",vtitl); zmsgs("total_vts_title %d\n",vtotl); zmsgs("interleave/angle %d/%d\n",inlv%10,inlv/10); zmsgs("total_interleaves %d\n",tinlv); break; } } } return 0; }