#include "../libzmpeg3.h" zsubtitle_t:: subtitle_t() { //zmsgs("subtitle=%p\n",this); } // closed caption or display zsubtitle_t:: subtitle_t(int nid, int ww, int hh) { //zmsgs("subtitle=%p %dx%d\n", this, ww, hh); id = nid; done = -1; active = -1; draw = -1; set_image_size(ww, hh); } zsubtitle_t:: ~subtitle_t() { //zmsgs("subtitle=%p/%d subtitle->data=%p %d %d\n", // this, id, data, data_allocated, data_used); delete [] data; delete [] image_y; delete [] image_u; delete [] image_v; delete [] image_a; } void zsubtitle_t:: set_image_size(int isz) { //zmsgs("subtitle=%p/%d\n", this, isz); sz = isz; /* Allocate image buffers */ delete [] image_y; delete [] image_u; delete [] image_v; delete [] image_a; image_y = znew(uint8_t,isz); image_u = znew(uint8_t,isz); image_v = znew(uint8_t,isz); image_a = znew(uint8_t,isz); } void zsubtitle_t:: set_image_size(int ww, int hh) { w = ww; h = hh; int isz = ww*hh + ww; if( isz > sz ) set_image_size(isz); } /* Returns 1 if failure */ /* is_8bit mode has not been tested (no test media) */ int zsubtitle_t:: decompress_subtitle(zmpeg3_t *zsrc) { //int got_alpha = 0; int is_8bit = 0; uint8_t *yuv_palette = 0; uint8_t *yuv_alpha = 0; int ofsz = 16; bits_t st(zsrc,0); st.use_ptr(data); uint8_t *end = data + data_used; if( st.eos(end,16) ) return 1; int pkt_sz = st.get_bits(16); if( pkt_sz == 0 ) ofsz = 32; int field_offset[3]; field_offset[0] = 0; // begining of even field field_offset[1] = 0; // end of even field, begining odd field if( st.eos(end,ofsz) ) return 1; /* end of odd field, beginning of ctl seq */ field_offset[2] = st.get_bits(ofsz); //zmsgs("%d 0x%02x%02x data_used=%d data_size=%d\n", // __LINE__, data[0],data[1],data_used,field_offset[2]); if( data + field_offset[2] > end ) return 1; palette[0] = 0x00; palette[1] = 0x01; palette[2] = 0x02; palette[3] = 0x03; alpha[0] = 0xff; alpha[1] = 0xff; alpha[2] = 0xff; alpha[3] = 0xff; int ww = 0, hh = 0; x1 = 0; x2 = 0; y1 = 0; y2 = 0; force = 0; start_time = stop_time = 0; /* Advance to control sequences */ uint8_t *ptr = data + field_offset[2]; uint8_t *last_control_start = 0; uint8_t *next_control_start = ptr; while( last_control_start != next_control_start ) { st.use_ptr(next_control_start); if( st.eos(end,16) ) break; /* date */ int date = st.get_bits(16) * 10; /* Offset of next control sequence */ if( st.eos(end,ofsz) ) break; int next = st.get_bits(ofsz); last_control_start = next_control_start; next_control_start = data + next; if( next_control_start > end ) return 1; int done = 0; while( !done && !st.eos(end,8) ) { int type = st.get_bits(8); switch( type ) { case 0x00: force = 1; break; case 0x01: start_time = date; //zmsgs("start_time %d\n", start_time); break; case 0x02: stop_time = date; //zmsgs("stop_time %d\n", stop_time); break; case 0x83: if( st.eos(end,768*8) ) return 1; yuv_palette = st.input_ptr; st.input_ptr += 768; break; case 0x03: /* Entry in palette of each color */ if( st.eos(end,16) ) return 1; for( int i=4; --i>=0; ) palette[i] = st.get_bits(4); //zmsgs("palette %d %d %d %d\n", palette[0], palette[1], palette[2], palette[3]); break; case 0x84: if( st.eos(end,256*8) ) return 1; yuv_alpha = st.input_ptr; st.input_ptr += 256; break; case 0x04: /* Alpha corresponding to each color */ if( st.eos(end,16) ) return 1; for( int i=4; --i>=0; ) alpha[i] = st.get_bits(4)*255 / 15; //got_alpha = 1; //zmsgs("alphas %d %d %d %d\n", alpha[0], alpha[1], alpha[2], alpha[3]); #if 0 alpha[3] = 0xff; alpha[2] = 0x80; alpha[1] = 0x40; alpha[0] = 0x00; #endif break; case 0x85: is_8bit = 1; // fall thru case 0x05: /* Extent of image on screen */ if( st.eos(end,48) ) return 1; x1 = st.get_bits(12) & 0x7ff; x2 = st.get_bits(12) + 1; y1 = st.get_bits(12) & 0x7ff; y2 = st.get_bits(12) + 1; ww = x2 - x1; hh = y2 - y1; //zmsgs("20 x1=%d x2=%d y1=%d y2=%d, %dx%d\n", // x1, x2, y1, y2, ww, hh); ww = clip(ww, 1, 2048); hh = clip(hh, 1, 2048); x1 = clip(x1, 0, 2048); x2 = clip(x2, 0, 2048); y1 = clip(y1, 0, 2048); y2 = clip(y2, 0, 2048); break; case 0x86: if( st.eos(end,64) ) return 1; field_offset[0] = st.get_bits(32); field_offset[1] = st.get_bits(32); //zmsgs("offsets even=0x%x odd=0x%x\n", field_offset[0], field_offset[1]); break; case 0x06: /* offsets of even and odd field in compressed data */ if( st.eos(end,32) ) return 1; field_offset[0] = st.get_bits(16); field_offset[1] = st.get_bits(16); //zmsgs("offsets even=0x%x odd=0x%x\n", field_offset[0], field_offset[1]); break; case 0xff: done = 1; break; default: //zmsgs("unknown type %02x\n", type); return 1; } } } if( ww <= 0 || hh <= 0 || !field_offset[0] ) return 1; if( is_8bit && !yuv_palette ) return 1; set_image_size(ww, hh); /* Decode image */ int x = 0, y = 0; int field = 0; while( field < 2 ) { y = field; ptr = data + field_offset[field++]; end = data + field_offset[field]; st.use_ptr(ptr); x = 0; while( !st.eos(end) ) { int len, y_color, u_color, v_color, a_color; if( !is_8bit ) { if( st.eos(end,4) ) break; uint32_t zcode = st.get_bits(4); if( zcode < 0x4 ) { if( st.eos(end,4) ) break; zcode = (zcode << 4) | st.get_bits(4); if( zcode < 0x10 ) { if( st.eos(end,4) ) break; zcode = (zcode << 4) | st.get_bits(4); if( zcode < 0x40 ) { if( st.eos(end,4) ) break; zcode = (zcode << 4) | st.get_bits(4); if( zcode < 0x4 ) /* carriage return */ zcode |= (w - x) << 2; } } } int color = (zcode & 0x3); len = zcode >> 2; int n = w - x; if( n < len ) len = n; int k = 4*palette[color]; y_color = zsrc->palette[k+0]; u_color = zsrc->palette[k+1]; v_color = zsrc->palette[k+2]; a_color = alpha[color]; } else { if( st.eos(end,1) ) break; int has_run = st.get_bits(1); if( st.eos(end,1) ) break; int sz = st.get_bits(1) ? 8 : 2; if( st.eos(end,sz) ) break; int color = st.get_bits(sz); if( has_run ) { if( st.eos(end,1) ) break; if( st.get_bits(1) ) { if( st.eos(end,7) ) break; int n = st.get_bits(7); len = n == 0 ? w - x : n + 9; } else { if( st.eos(end,3) ) break; len = st.get_bits(3) + 2; } } else len = 1; int k = 3*color; y_color = yuv_palette[k+0]; u_color = yuv_palette[k+1]; v_color = yuv_palette[k+2]; a_color = yuv_alpha ? yuv_alpha[color] : 0xff; } //zmsgs("%d, 0x%02x 0x%02x 0x%02x %02x\n",len,y_color,u_color,v_color,a_color); int ofs = y * w + x; memset(image_y+ofs,y_color,len); memset(image_u+ofs,u_color,len); memset(image_v+ofs,v_color,len); memset(image_a+ofs,a_color,len); if( (x+=len) >= w ) { st.next_byte_align(); if( (y+=2) >= h ) break; x = 0; } } } #if 0 /* this code computes a threshold (pass 0), * and forces pixels below the threshold (pass 1) * to black and the pixels above to white, as 2x2 yuv macropixels */ // Normalize image colors float min_h = 360; float max_h = 0; float threshold = 0; #define HISTOGRAM_SIZE 1000 // Decompression coefficients straight out of jpeglib #define V_TO_R 1.40200 #define V_TO_G -0.71414 #define U_TO_G -0.34414 #define U_TO_B 1.77200 uint8_t histogram[HISTOGRAM_SIZE]; bzero(histogram, HISTOGRAM_SIZE); for( int pass=0; pass<2; ++pass ) { for( y=0; y g) ? r : g) > b ? ((r > g) ? r : g) : b; v = max; delta = max - min; if( max != 0 && delta != 0 ) { s = delta / max; /* s */ if( r == max ) h = (g - b) / delta; /* between yellow & magenta */ else if( g == max ) h = 2 + (b - r) / delta; /* between cyan & yellow */ else h = 4 + (r - g) / delta; /* between magenta & cyan */ h *= 60; /* degrees */ if( h < 0 ) h += 360; } else { /* r = g = b = 0; */ /* s = 0, v is undefined */ s = 0; h = -1; } /* int magnitude = (int)(*y_color * *y_color + */ /* *u_color * *u_color + */ /* *v_color * *v_color); */ /* Multiply alpha */ h = (h * *a_color) / 0xff; if( pass == 0 ) { ++histogram[(int)h]; if( h < min_h ) min_h = h; if( h > max_h ) max_h = h; } else { // Set new color in a 2x2 pixel block if( h > threshold ) { *y_color = 0xff; } else { *y_color = 0; } *u_color = 0x80; *v_color = 0x80; *a_color = 0xff; } } } } if( pass == 0 ) { /* int hist_total = 0; */ /* for( i=0; i hist_total/3 ) { */ /* threshold = i; */ /* break; */ /* } */ /* } */ threshold = (min_h + max_h) / 2; // threshold = 324; //zmsgs("min_h=%f max_h=%f threshold=%f\n", min_h, max_h, threshold); } } /* end b/w threshold code */ #endif //zmsgs("coords: %d,%d - %d,%d size: %d,%d start_time=%d end_time=%d\n", // x1, y1, x2, y2, w, h, start_time, stop_time); return 0; } void zvideo_t:: overlay_subtitle(zsubtitle_t *subtitle) { uint8_t *img_y = subtitle->image_y; uint8_t *img_u = subtitle->image_u; uint8_t *img_v = subtitle->image_v; uint8_t *img_a = subtitle->image_a; if( !img_y || !img_u || !img_v || !img_a ) return; int iofs = 0; int x1 = subtitle->x1; if( x1 < 0 ) { iofs += -x1; x1 = 0; } int x2 = subtitle->x2; if( x2 > coded_picture_width ) x2 = coded_picture_width; int y1 = subtitle->y1; if( y1 < 0 ) { iofs += -y1*subtitle->w; y1 = 0; } int y2 = subtitle->y2; if( y2 > coded_picture_height ) y2 = coded_picture_height; for( int y=y1; yw; uint8_t *input_y = img_y + ofs; uint8_t *input_u = img_u + ofs; uint8_t *input_v = img_v + ofs; uint8_t *input_a = img_a + ofs; for( int x=x1; xid,strk,i,subtitle->start_frametime,subtitle->stop_frametime, // subtitle->active,subtitle->draw,frame_now); double framerate = video->frame_rate; if( !framerate ) framerate = 30000./1001; if( !active ) { active = 1; if( decompress_subtitle(video->src) ) return -1; int start_frms = framerate * start_time/1000.; int stop_frms = framerate * stop_time/1000.; start_frame = video->framenum + start_frms; stop_frame = video->framenum + stop_frms; frame_time = video->frame_time; } int life_time = video->frame_time - frame_time; if( life_time > 20*framerate ) return -1; // doesn't live forever if( draw < 0 ) return 0; // never draw if( draw || force > 0 ) return 1; // always draw if( video->seek_time > 2 ) { /* at least 2 consecutive frames shown since last seek */ int hold_frames = framerate * SUBTITLE_HOLD_TIME; int early_frame = start_frame-hold_frames; if( video->framenum < early_frame ) return -1; // way too early int late_frame = stop_frame+hold_frames; if( video->framenum > late_frame ) return -1; // way too late } if( video->framenum < start_frame ) return 0; // too early if( video->framenum < stop_frame ) return 1; // not too late return 0; } void zvideo_t:: decode_subtitle() { if( !output_src[0] ) return; int copied = 0; for( int strk=0; strksubtitle_tracks(); ++strk ) { strack_t *strack = src->strack[strk]; if( !strack ) continue; if( strack->video && strack->video != this ) continue; strack->rwlock.enter(); int i = 0; while( i < strack->total_subtitles ) { subtitle_t *subtitle = strack->subtitles[i]; int ret = -1; if( strack->id == subtitle_track || subtitle->force ) { if( (ret=subtitle->decode(this)) > 0 ) { if( !copied ) { copied = 1; new_output(); } overlay_subtitle(subtitle); } } if( ret < 0 ) { strack->del_subtitle(subtitle, -1); if( subtitle->force < 0 ) delete subtitle; continue; } ++i; } strack->rwlock.leave(); } } int zmpeg3_t:: display_subtitle(int stream, int sid, int id, uint8_t *yp, uint8_t *up, uint8_t *vp, uint8_t *ap, int x, int y, int w, int h, double start_msecs, double stop_msecs) { int ret = 1; if( stream >= 0 && stream < total_vtracks ) { vtrack_t *vtrk = vtrack[stream]; video_t *video = vtrk->video; strack_t *strack = create_strack(sid, video); strack->rwlock.write_enter(); subtitle_t *subtitle = 0; for( int i=strack->total_subtitles; --i>=0 && !subtitle; ) { subtitle_t *sp = strack->subtitles[i]; if( sp->id == id ) subtitle = sp; } if( !subtitle ) { subtitle = new subtitle_t(id, w, h); if( strack->append_subtitle(subtitle,0) ) { delete subtitle; subtitle = 0; } } else subtitle->set_image_size(w, h); if( subtitle ) { subtitle->x1 = x; subtitle->x2 = x + w; subtitle->y1 = y; subtitle->y2 = y + h; int sz = w * h; if( yp ) memcpy(subtitle->image_y, yp, sz); else memset(subtitle->image_y, 0xff, sz); if( up ) memcpy(subtitle->image_u, up, sz); else memset(subtitle->image_u, 0x80, sz); if( vp ) memcpy(subtitle->image_v, vp, sz); else memset(subtitle->image_v, 0x80, sz); if( ap ) memcpy(subtitle->image_a, ap, sz); else memset(subtitle->image_a, 0xff, sz); subtitle->start_time = start_msecs; subtitle->stop_time = stop_msecs; double framerate = vtrk->frame_rate; if( !framerate ) framerate = 30000./1001; int start_frms = framerate * start_msecs/1000.; int stop_frms = framerate * stop_msecs/1000.; subtitle->start_frame = video->framenum + start_frms; if( stop_msecs ) { subtitle->stop_frame = video->framenum + stop_frms; subtitle->frame_time = video->frame_time; } else // lives forever subtitle->frame_time = subtitle->stop_frame = INT_MAX; subtitle->force = -1; subtitle->draw = 0; ret = 0; } strack->rwlock.write_leave(); } return ret; } int zmpeg3_t:: delete_subtitle(int stream, int sid, int id) { int result = 1; if( stream >= 0 && stream < total_vtracks ) { vtrack_t *vtrk = vtrack[stream]; video_t *vid = vtrk->video; strack_t *strack = get_strack_id(sid, vid); if( strack != 0 ) { strack->rwlock.write_enter(); for( int i=strack->total_subtitles; --i>=0; ) { subtitle_t *sp = strack->subtitles[i]; if( sp->id == id ) { strack->del_subtitle(i); if( sp->force < 0 ) delete sp; result = 0; break; } } strack->rwlock.write_leave(); } } return result; }