\chapter{Shortcuts}% \label{cha:shortcuts} In \CGGI{} a lot of shortcuts are defined for various operations. Although it is quite possible to do everything with the mouse, the extensive use of shortcuts can make the editing process much more convenient and efficient. However, with so large a variety of shortcuts it is not uncommon that some of them may interfere with assignments of the same shortcuts in the user's desktop environment, keyboard language switcher, etc. For example in KDE, the Alt-Tab and Shift-Alt-Tab shortcuts are commonly assigned to switch between different desktop applications, and if so, these keystrokes would not be available to \CGGI{}. Another example, in Arch linux KDE: the combination Alt+LMB does not translate the mask, but the entire Compositor window. To translate the mask we must use Ctrl+Alt+LMB. When having problems with some shortcut in \CGGI{}, it is recommended first to examine which set of shortcuts is assigned to the desktop environment and, if necessary, resolve the conflict. A special X11 application \texttt{xev} (or \texttt{xorg-xev}) can also help to test the keystrokes functionality (see \texttt{man xev}). Otherwise, \CGGI{} is completely desktop-neutral and has no requirements of some special window manager's support. Here the shortcuts are listed organized by window and type. Some specific alternatives are listed in~\ref{ssub:key_alternatives} in the "Key Alternatives" paragraph. Any reference to Alt or Ctrl always refers to the left one on the keyboard. \section{Main window }% \label{sec:main_window} The Main window (also called the program window) consists of pulldown menus, buttons and keys. \subsection*{Main menu pulldowns}% Without numbering. \label{sub:main_menu_pulldowns} \renewcommand{\arraystretch}{1.15}% Increase line spacing slightly. \begin{longtable}[h]{>{\bfseries}p{0.15\textwidth-2\tabcolsep}p{0.25\textwidth-2\tabcolsep}p{0.2\textwidth-2\tabcolsep}p{0.4\textwidth-2\tabcolsep}} \toprule \multicolumn{4}{c}% {\textcolor{CinRed}{\textbf{Main window menu pulldowns}}} \\ Identifier & \textbf{Items} & \textbf{Shortcuts} & \textbf{Description}\\ \midrule \endhead \textcolor{CinBlueText}{File} & New & n & Create new project. \\ & Load files\dots & o & Load file(s). \\ & -- load tool & Ctrl-a & Selects all files. \\ & -- load tool & Ctrl-z & Deselects any highlighted files. \\ & Save & s & Save project. \\ & Save & Ctrl-s & Save project. \\ & Save As\dots & Shift-S & Save a project for easy moving. \\ & Export Project & Alt-s & Save a project for easy moving. \\ & Record\dots & r & Open record window. \\ & Scan\dots & Ctrl-Alt-s & Open dvb scan window. \\ & SubTitle\dots & Alt-y & Open subtitle script window. \\ & Render\dots & Shift-R & Open render window. \\ & Export EDL\dots & Shift-E & Open export EDL window. \\ & Batch Render\dots & Shift-B & Open batch render window. \\ & BD Render\dots & Ctrl-Shift-D & Open create bluray disk window. \\ & DVD Render\dots & Alt-D & Open create dvd disk window. \\ & Quit & q & Quit the program. \\ & Dump EDL & & Write current EDL to stdout. \\ & Dump Plugins & & Write defined Plugins to stdout. \\ & Load Backup & & Load auto-backup file “backup.xml". \\ & Save Backup & b & Save auto-backup file “backup.xml". \\ \midrule \textcolor{CinBlueText}{Edit} & Undo clear & z & Undo from history previous operation. \\ & Undo clear & Ctrl-z & Undo from history previous opration. \\ & Redo & Shift-Z & Redo from history next opration. \\ & Cut & x & Copy selection to cut buffer and delete. \\ & Split & x & Split edit into 2 sections at hairline cursor. \\ & Paste & v & Insert selection from cut buffer. \\ & Clear & Del & Delete selection. \\ & Paste Silence & Shift-Space & Paste empty edit at selection or frame if none. \\ & Mute Selection & m & Replace selection with empty edit. \\ & Trim Selection & & Replace track with selection. \\ & Select All & a & Toggle select all/none. \\ & Shuffle Edits & & Randomly reorder track edits. \\ & Reverse Edits & & Reverse track edits. \\ & Edit Length\dots & & Change selected track given duration. \\ & Align Edits & & Change selected corresp.\ track edits to start/end same. \\ & Trans. Length\dots & & Change selected track transitions to given duration. \\ & Detach trans. & & Remove selected track transitions. \\ & Clear labels & & Delete selected timeline label markers. \\ & Cut ads & & Remove selected region, add to commercial trking db. \\ & paste subttl & y & Replace selected subtitle edit text w/ subtitle script text. \\ \midrule \textcolor{CinBlueText}{Keyframes} & Cut Keyframes & Shift-X & Copy selected keyframes to cut buffer and delete. \\ & Copy Keyframes & Shift-C & Copy selected keyframes to cut buffer. \\ & Paste Keyframes & Shift-V & Paste keyframes in cut buffer. \\ & Clear Keyframes & Shift-Del & Delete selected keyframes. \\ & Change to linear & & Change keyframe auto curves to piecewise linear. \\ & Change to smooth & & Change selected keyframes auto curves to bezier. \\ & Create curve type & & Set new keyframe type: smooth,linear,tangent,disjoint. \\ & Copy default key & Alt-c & Copy default keyframe to clipboard. \\ & Paste default key & Alt-v & Paste clipboard keyframe into default keyframe. \\ \midrule \textcolor{CinBlueText}{Audio} & Add track & t & Append new empty audio track. \\ & Default Trans. & u & Insert default audio transition at selected edit boundary. \\ & Map $1:1$ & & Setup audio mixing output = input. \\ & Map $5.1:2$ & & Setup audio mixing stereo = $5.1$. \\ & Attach Trans. & & Open audio transition select for insert at edit boundary. \\ & Attach Effect\dots & & Open audio selection menu for insert at edit boundary. \\ & Render Effect\dots & & Open audio render select to render from select as pcm. \\ \midrule \textcolor{CinBlueText}{Video} & Add track & Shift-T & Append new empty video track. \\ & Default Trans. & Shift-U & Insert default video transition at selected edit boundary. \\ & Attach Trans. & & Open video transition select for insert at edit boundary. \\ & Attach Effect\dots & & Open video effect selection for insert at edit boundary. \\ & Render Effect\dots & & Open video render select to render from select as pcm. \\ \midrule \textcolor{CinBlueText}{Tracks} & Move tracks up & Shift-Up & Swap tracks up. \\ & Move trks down & Shift-Down & Swap tracks down. \\ & Roll tracks up & Ctrl-Shift-Up & Circulate tracks up. \\ & Roll trks down & Ctrl-Shift-Down & Circulate tracks down. \\ & Delete tracks & & Delete all tracks. \\ & Delete last track & Ctrl-d & Delete last track. \\ & Delete first track & Shift-D & Delete first track. \\ & Concatenate trks & & Concatenate tracks together. \\ & Append to Proj. & Shift-N & Add set of tracks. \\ & add Subttl & Shift-Y & Add subtitle track. \\ \midrule \textcolor{CinBlueText}{Settings} & Format\dots & Shift-F & Open render format setup menu. \\ & Preferences\dots & Shift-P & Open preferences setup menu. \\ & Proxy Settings & Alt-r & Bring up Proxy settings window. \\ & Transcode & Alt-e & Bring up the Transcode menu. \\ & Align cursor\dots & Ctrl-a & Align cursor on frames. \\ & -- Edit labels & & Toggle labels follow edits. \\ & -- Edit effects & & Toggle plugins follow edits. \\ & -- Keyfrs fol.\ edits & & Toggle keyframes follow edits. \\ & -- Typeless keyfrs & & Toggle typeless keyframes mode. \\ & Save settings now & Ctrl-Shift-S & Save \CGG{}\_rc. \\ & Loop Playback & Shift-L & Set loop playback region to selection/all. \\ & Set bkg render & Shift-G & Toggle background rendering. \\ \midrule \textcolor{CinBlueText}{View} & -- Show assets & 0 & Toggle show asset data. \\ & -- Show titles & 1 & Toggle show asset title. \\ & -- Show trans. & 2 & Toggle show transition effects. \\ & -- Fade & 3 & Toggle show fade auto curves. \\ & -- Mute & 4 & Toggle show mute auto curves. \\ & -- Overlay Mode & 5 & Toggle show mode auto curves. \\ & -- Pan & 6 & Toggle show pan auto curves. \\ & -- Plugin Autos & 7 & Toggle show plugin keyframes. \\ & -- Mask & 8 & Toggle show mask auto keyframes. \\ & -- Speed & 9 & Toggle show speed auto curves. \\ & -- Camera X & Ctrl-Shift-X & Toggle show camera X auto curves. \\ & -- Camera Y & Ctrl-Shift-Y & Toggle show camera Y auto curves. \\ & -- Camera Z & Ctrl-Shift-Z & Toggle show camera Z auto curves. \\ & -- Projector X & Alt-Shift-X & Toggle show projector X auto curves. \\ & -- Projector Y & Alt-Shift-Y & Toggle show projector Y auto curves. \\ & -- Projector Z & Alt-Shift-Z & Toggle show projector Z auto curves. \\ \midrule \textcolor{CinBlueText}{Window} & -- Show Viewer & & Toggle show view window. \\ & -- Show Resrs. & & Toggle show resources window. \\ & -- Show Compos. & & Toggle show compositor window. \\ & -- Show Overlays & & Toggle show auto overlay window. \\ & -- Show Levels & & Toggle show audio levels window. \\ & -- Split X pane & Ctrl-1 & Toggle $\frac{1}{2}$ horiz track timeline window panes. \\ & -- Split Y pane & Ctrl-2 & Toggle $\frac{1}{2}$ vert track timeline window panes. \\ & Mixer Viewer & Shift-M & Bring up a Mixer Viewer window. \\ & Tile mixers & Alt-t & Tile mixer windows to original position/size. \\ & Default Positions & Ctrl-p & Reset window positions/size to defaults. \\ & Tile Left & & Set window positions/sizes to tile left screen. \\ & Tile Right & & Set window positions/size to tile right screen. \\ \midrule \textcolor{CinBlueText}{\_.\_} & shell cmds & Top rt. Corner & Run scripts (setup in interface preferences). \\ \bottomrule \end{longtable} % \newpage \subsection*{Main menu buttons}% \label{sub:main_menu_buttons} \begin{longtable}[h]{>{\bfseries}p{0.15\textwidth-2\tabcolsep}p{0.25\textwidth-2\tabcolsep}p{0.2\textwidth-2\tabcolsep}p{0.4\textwidth-2\tabcolsep}} \toprule \multicolumn{4}{c}% {\textcolor{CinRed}{\textbf{Main window menu buttons}}} \\ Identifier & \textbf{Items} & \textbf{Shortcuts} & \textbf{Description}\\ \midrule \endhead \textcolor{CinBlueText}{Transport} & Rewind & home & Jump to beginning. \\ & Fast reverse & KP + / Alt-p & Double speed reverse play. \\ & Normal reverse & KP 6 / Alt-o & Normal speed reverse play. \\ & Frame reverse & KP 4 / Alt-u & Render previous frame. \\ & Stop & KP 0 / Alt-m & Stop playback. \\ & Frame forward & KP 1 / Alt-j & Render next frame. \\ & Normal forward & KP 3 / Alt-l & Normal speed forward play. \\ & Fast forward & KP Enter/A-; & Double speed forward play. \\ & Jump to end & end & Jump to end. \\ & (No button) & KP 5 / Alt-i & Slow speed reverse play. \\ & (No button) & KP 2 / Alt-k & Slow speed forward play. \\ & (No button) & Shift-KP 1 & Render next frame and audio. \\ & (No button) & Shift-KP 2 & Slow speed forward play without audio. \\ & (No button) & Shift-KP 3 & Normal speed forward play without audio. \\ & (No button) & Shift-KP 4 & Render previous frame and audio. \\ & (No button) & Shift-KP 5 & Slow speed reverse play without audio. \\ & (No button) & Shift-KP 6 & Normal speed reverse play without audio. \\ & & Ctrl-KP\# & If [ ] set, “KP 2,3,5,6,+,enter” between in/out. \\ & & +Shift w/Alt & Shift with Alt+x above, adds/removes audio. \\ & & +Shift w/Ctrl & Loops play, all or between In/Out. \\ \midrule \textcolor{CinBlueText}{Edit Modes} & Auto Gen. Keys & j & Generate keyframes while tweeking. \\ & Lock Labels & & Lock labels from moving. \\ \midrule \textcolor{CinBlueText}{Edit Operations} & In point & '[' or ‘<’ & Toggle In point timeline marker. \\ & Out point & ']' or ‘>’ & Toggle Out point timeline marker. \\ & & Ctrl-t & Clear both In and Out pointers. \\ & To clip & i & Copy selection and create clip. \\ & Split & x & Split edit into 2 sections at hairline cursor. \\ & Cut & x & Copy selection to cut buffer and delete. \\ & Copy & c & Copy selection to cut buffer. \\ & Paste & v & Insert selection from cut buffer. \\ & Toggle label & l & Toggle label at current position. \\ & Previous label & Ctrl $\leftarrow$ & Move to label before cursor. \\ & Next label & Ctrl $\rightarrow$ & Move to label after cursor. \\ & Next label select & Ctrl-Shift $\rightarrow$ & Select from cursor to next label. \\ & Prev label select & Ctrl-Shift $\leftarrow$ & Select from cursor to previous label. \\ & Next keyframe & k & Move to next keyframe. \\ & Previous keyframe & Ctrl-k & Move to previous keyframe. \\ & Next keyframe select & Shift-K & Select from cursor to next keyframe. \\ & Previous keyfr select & Ctrl-Shift-K & Select from cursor to previous keyframe. \\ & Next auto& Alt-a & Move to next auto. \\ & Previous auto & Ctrl-Alt-a & Move to previous auto\\ & Next auto select & Alt-Shift-A & Select from cursor to next auto. \\ & Previous auto select & Ctrl-Alt-Shift-A & Select from cursor to previous auto. \\ & Previous edit & Alt $\leftarrow$ & Move to previous edit. \\ & Next edit & Alt $\rightarrow$ & Move to next edit. \\ & Cut left label & Ctl-alt-shift-'<' & Cut from insert pointer to previous label. \\ & Cut right label & Ctl-alt-shift -'>' & Cut from insert pointer to next label. \\ & Cut previous edit & Ctrl-alt- ',' & Cut from insert pointer to previous edit. \\ & Cut next edit & Ctrl-alt- '.' & Cut from insert pointer to next edit. \\ & Fit & f & Fit time displayed to selection. \\ & Auto Fit & Alt-f & Fit the max/min range of all automation types. \\ & Auto Fit & Ctrl-alt-f & Fit the max/min range of current automation types. \\ & Undo & z & Undo from history previous operation. \\ & Redo & Shift-Z & Redo from history next operation. \\ & Manual Goto & g & Jump to time selected by popup. \\ \midrule \textcolor{CinBlueText}{Drag/Drop Edits} & Clear Select & Ctrl-Shift-A & Deselect all selected edits. \\ & Select Edits & Ctrl-Alt-a & Add highlight to selected edits. \\ & LMB & Alt + Drag & Drag select. \\ & LMB & Ctrl+Alt + Drag & Drag deselect. \\ & Copy & Ctrl-c & Copy selected edits into copy buffer. \\ & Cut & Ctrl-x & Delete selected edits/put in buffer/collapse. \\ & Mute & Ctrl-m & Delete selected edits/put in buffer/insert space. \\ & Mute & Backspace & Delete selected edits/put in buffer/insert space. \\ & Copy Pack & Ctrl-Shift-C & Copy selected edits and pack together. \\ & Cut Pack & Ctrl-Alt-z & Delete selected edits/put in buffer/collapse. \\ & Mute Pack & Ctrl-Shift-M & Delete selected edits/put in buffer/insert space. \\ & Paste & Ctrl-v & Paste (splice) buffer at insertion point or reticle. \\ & Overwrite & Ctrl-b & Paste (overwrite) buffer at insertion pt/reticle. \\ & & Ctrl / LMB & Toggles selected of group/edit. \\ & & LMB & If “Clear before toggle”, only select this edit/group. \\ & & LMB & If not “Clear before toggle”, toggle edit/group. \\ & & Double click & Only select this edit/group. \\ & & Double click-Ctrl & Selects column and highlights. \\ & LMB & Shift & Group/ungroup selected edits/group. \\ & LMB & Ctrl + Drag & Column drag. \\ & LMB & Drag & Clip drag. \\ & LMB & Drag & Drag unselected edit under cursor. \\ \midrule \textcolor{CinBlueText}{FFMpeg probes early/late} & FFMPEG early & Top rt. Corner & Run ffmpeg open probes first / last. \\ \bottomrule \end{longtable} \subsection*{Main menu Keys}% \label{sub:main_menu_keys} \begin{longtable}[h]{>{\bfseries}p{0.15\textwidth-2\tabcolsep}p{0.25\textwidth-2\tabcolsep}p{0.2\textwidth-2\tabcolsep}p{0.4\textwidth-2\tabcolsep}} \toprule \multicolumn{4}{c}% {\textcolor{CinRed}{\textbf{Main window menu keys}}} \\ Identifier & \textbf{Key} & \textbf{Qualifier} & \textbf{Description}\\ \midrule \endhead \textcolor{CinBlueText}{Key} & e & & Toggle editing mode: from cut\&paste or drag\&drop. \\ & 1 through 9 & & Toggle auto mode settings as in main menu shortcuts. \\ & 1 through 8 & Alt & Select asset pgm $1-8$; reset format (remove other trks). \\ & $\leftarrow$ (left arrow) & & Scroll window timeline display left (not insertion pt). \\ & $\leftarrow$ (left arrow) & Ctrl & Move cursor to label left of cursor (main shortcuts). \\ & $\leftarrow$ (left arrow) & Alt & Move cursor to edit boundary left of cursor position. \\ & $\leftarrow$ (left arrow) & Shift-ctrl & Move cursor to label left of cursor, expand selection. \\ & $\leftarrow$ (left arrow) & Shift-alt & Move cursor to edit boundary left of cursor\&expand. \\ & $\rightarrow$ (right arrow) & & Scroll window timeline display right (not insertion pt). \\ & $\rightarrow$ (right arrow) & Ctrl & Move cursor to label right of cursor (main shortcuts). \\ & $\rightarrow$ (right arrow) & Alt & Move cursor to edit boundary right of cursor position. \\ & $\rightarrow$ (right arrow) & Shift-ctrl & Move cursor to label right of cursor, expand selection. \\ & $\rightarrow$ (right arrow) & Shift-alt & Move cursor to edit boundary right of cursor\&expand. \\ & , (comma) & & Scroll window timeline display left (not insertion pt). \\ & , (comma) & Ctrl & Move cursor to label left of cursor (main shortcuts). \\ & , (comma) & Alt & Decrease auto curve limits (zoombar selected curve). \\ & .\ (period) & & Scroll window timeline display right (not insertion pt). \\ & .\ (period) & Ctrl & Move cursor to label right of cursor (main shortcuts). \\ & .\ (period) & Alt & Move cursor to edit boundary right of cursor position. \\ & $\uparrow$ (up arrow) & & Increase timeline duration (zoom out timeline). \\ & $\uparrow$ (up arrow) & Ctrl & Increase audio sample waveform scale. \\ & $\uparrow$ (up arrow) & Alt & Increase auto curve limits (zoombar selected curve). \\ & $\uparrow$ (up arrow) & Ctrl-alt & Increase all auto curve limits. \\ & $\uparrow$ (up arrow) & Shift & Move all tracks up by 1. \\ & $\downarrow$ (down arrow) & & Decrease timeline duration (zoom in timeline). \\ & $\downarrow$ (down arrow) & Ctrl & Decrease audio sample waveform scale. \\ & $\downarrow$ (down arrow) & Alt & Decrease auto curve limits (zoombar selected curve). \\ & $\downarrow$ (down arrow) & Ctrl-alt & Decrease all auto curve limits. \\ & $\downarrow$ (down arrow) & Shift & Move all tracks down by 1. \\ & PGUP (page up) & & Scroll current track vertical window pane up. \\ & Mouse wheel & UP & Scroll current track vertical window pane up. \\ & PGUP (page up) & Ctrl & Increase track scale geometry (zoom in track data). \\ & PGDN (page down) & & Scroll current track vertical window pane down. \\ & Mouse wheel & Down & Scroll current track vertical window pane down. \\ & PGDN (page down) & Ctrl & Decrease track scale geometry (zoom out track data). \\ & Home & & Move insertion point to beginning of timeline. \\ & End & & Move insertion point to end of timeline. \\ & Mouse wheel & Shift + up & Zoom out view without resizing the window. \\ & Mouse wheel & Shift + down & Zoom in view without resizing the window. \\ & Mouse wheel & Ctrl + up & Move left on the timeline without resize. \\ & Mouse wheel & Ctrl + down & Move right on the timeline without resize. \\ & & Ctrl + down & Move right on the timeline without resize. \\ & & Shift+click & Over edit causes highlight section to extend to cursor. \\ & & Shift+click & Over boundary of effect, trims only that effect. \\ & & Shift+click & Over Hard Edge of Blade Cut, toggles marker. \\ & & Shift+click & Between labels, highlights selection. \\ & & Shift+click & Over Automation Range values, changes value. \\ & Toggle single trk & Tab & Toggle single track arming status. \\ & Toggle other trks & Shift-tab & Toggle all of the other tracks arming status. \\ & & Double click & On plugin title bar, selects that area. \\ & & Double click & On an edit, selects that area. \\ & & Double click & On subtitle track, displays text in Line text. \\ & & Double click & On fade/speed, synch video/audio ganged. \\ & & Shift & While dragging auto, turns of gang. \\ & & Double MMB & On auto or keyframe, select that position. \\ & U & & Paste the last Video transition. \\ & u & & Paste the last Audio transition. \\ & r & Ctrl & Proxy quick switch. \\ & F1 & Shift & Toggle on/off all XYZ of camera. \\ & F2 & Shift & Toggle on/off all XYZ of projector. \\ & F1 & Ctrl+Shift & Use window layout \#1. \\ & F2 & Ctrl+Shift & Use window layout \#2. \\ & F3 & Ctrl+Shift & Use window layout \#3. \\ & F4 & Ctrl+Shift & Use window layout \#4. \\ \midrule \textcolor{CinBlueText}{Timebar} & LMB & Ctrl & Changes to the next time format. \\ & MMB & Ctrl & Change to the previous time format. \\ & LMB & & Moves cursor position on the timeline. \\ & Click label & Hold LMB & Drag label to elsewhere. \\ & Click In/Out & Hold LMB & Drag In/Out pointer elsewhere. \\ \midrule \textcolor{CinBlueText}{Patchbay} & Shift/Move & Hold LMB & On Fade slider bar, sets gain to $100\%$ or $0db$. \\ \bottomrule \end{longtable} \section{Compositor window}% \label{sec:compositor_window_shortcuts} \subsection*{Compositor buttons}% \label{ssec:compositor_buttons} \begin{longtable}[h]{>{\bfseries}p{0.15\textwidth-2\tabcolsep}p{0.25\textwidth-2\tabcolsep}p{0.2\textwidth-2\tabcolsep}p{0.4\textwidth-2\tabcolsep}} \toprule \multicolumn{4}{c}% {\textcolor{CinRed}{\textbf{Compositor window buttons}}} \\ Identifier & \textbf{Items} & \textbf{Shortcuts} & \textbf{Description}\\ \midrule \endhead \textcolor{CinBlueText}{Tools} & Protect video & F1 & Disable changes to the compositor output. \\ & Zoom view & F2 & Zoom in view without resizing the window. \\ & Edit mask & F3 & Brings up the mask editing tool. \\ & + Edit mask & Shift-drag pt. & Hold down shift+left mouse to drag a point. \\ & + Edit mask & Ctrl-drag pt. & Hold down Ctrl+left mouse to move control pointers. \\ & + Edit mask & Alt-drag mask & Hold down Alt+left mouse to translate mask. \\ & + Edit point & Shift-set pivot & Hold down Shift+middle mouse to set Pivot point. \\ & + Rotate mask & Wheel-rotate & Wheel middle mouse to rotate around Pivot. \\ & + Scale mask & Shift+Wheel & Hold down Shift+Wheel mouse to scale around pivot. \\ & + Rotate/Scale & Ctrl+Wheel & Hold down Ctrl+Wheel to rotate/scale around pointer\\ & + Delete mask & Shift + Del & Hold down Shift + click Delete button to delete mask. \\ & Ruler & F4 & Brings up the ruler for usage. \\ & + ruler hotkey & Ctrl & Lock ruler to nearest 45 degree angle. \\ & + ruler hotkey & Alt & Translate the ruler. \\ & Adjust camera & F5 & Brings up the camera editing tool. \\ & Adjust projector & F6 & Brings up the projector editing tool. \\ & Crop layer/outpt & F7 & Crop a layer or output. \\ & + crop tool & Click-drag & In video, starts a new rectangle. \\ & + crop tool & Click-drag & Over rectangle to reposition. \\ & + crop tool & Alt-click & In cropping rectangle to translate. \\ & Get color & F8 & Detects color at current spot \& stores temporary. \\ & Show tool info & F9 & Works with editing/cropping buttons. \\ & Show safe regs. & F10 & Draws safe regions in the video output. \\ & & p & Turn on/off Click to Play. \\ & & Shift+w/Ctrl & With transport btn.\ loops play; all or with [\;]. \\ \midrule \textcolor{CinBlueText}{Transport} & (plus 3 below) & & Same as in Main window. \\ \midrule \textcolor{CinBlueText}{Edit} & (plus 3 below) & & Same as in Main window. \\ \bottomrule \end{longtable} \subsection*{Compositor keys }% \label{ssec:compositor_keys} \begin{longtable}[h]{>{\bfseries}p{0.15\textwidth-2\tabcolsep}p{0.25\textwidth-2\tabcolsep}p{0.2\textwidth-2\tabcolsep}p{0.4\textwidth-2\tabcolsep}} \toprule \multicolumn{4}{c}% {\textcolor{CinRed}{\textbf{Compositor window keys}}} \\ Identifier & \textbf{Key} & \textbf{Qualifier} & \textbf{Description}\\ \midrule \endhead \textcolor{CinBlueText}{Keypresses} & Mid.\ click+drag & & Pans the view/moves the image. \\ & Middle mouse & Shift & Returns to Auto zoom. \\ & RMB & & Brings up zoom\%/auto;reset cam/proj;hide ctrls. \\ & LMB Zoom & & Zooms in. \\ & Mouse wheel up & & Zooms in. \\ & LMB Zoom & Ctrl & Zooms out. \\ & Mouse wheel dn & & Zooms out. \\ & LMB Zoom & Shift-alt & Zooms out. \\ & '+' or ‘=’ & & Zooms in video output. \\ & '-' & & Zooms out video output. \\ & f & & Toggle on/off fullscreen. \\ & F11 & & Reset camera. \\ & F12 & & Reset projector. \\ & LMB & Shift & Camera enabled - vertical motion zooms in/out\\ & LMB & Shift & Projector enabled - vertical motion zooms in/out\\ & F1 & Ctrl+Shift & Use window layout \#1. \\ & F2 & Ctrl+Shift & Use window layout \#2. \\ & F3 & Ctrl+Shift & Use window layout \#3. \\ & F4 & Ctrl+Shift & Use window layout \#4. \\ & Click label & Hold LMB & Drag label to elsewhere. \\ & Click In/Out & Hold LMB & Drag In/Out elsewhere. \\ \midrule \textcolor{CinBlueText}{Timebar} & LMB & Ctrl & Changes to the next time format. \\ & MMB & Ctrl & Change to the previous time format. \\ & LMB & & Moves cursor position on the timeline. \\ & Click label & Hold LMB & Drag label to elsewhere. \\ & & Hold LMB & Drag In/Out pointer elsewhere. \\ & & Hold LMB & Preview region drag on blue-colored bar. \\ \midrule \textcolor{CinBlueText}{Transport} & & LMB & Only Protect enabled, start/stop forward play. \\ \midrule \textcolor{CinBlueText}{Edit} & & MMB & Only Protect enabled, start/stop play reverse. \\ & & Middlewheel & Only Protect enabled, plays forw/rev 1 frame. \\ & & p & Turns on/off Click to Play button. \\ \bottomrule \end{longtable} \section{Viewer window }% \label{sec:viewer_window_shortcuts} \subsection*{Viewer buttons }% \label{ssec:viewer_buttons} \begin{longtable}[h]{>{\bfseries}p{0.15\textwidth-2\tabcolsep}p{0.25\textwidth-2\tabcolsep}p{0.2\textwidth-2\tabcolsep}p{0.4\textwidth-2\tabcolsep}} \toprule \multicolumn{4}{c}% {\textcolor{CinRed}{\textbf{Viewer window buttons}}} \\ Identifier & \textbf{Items} & \textbf{Shortcuts} & \textbf{Description}\\ \midrule \endhead \textcolor{CinBlueText}{Transport} & Rewind & home & Jump to beginning. \\ & Fast reverse & `KP +' /Alt-p & Toggle double speed reverse play. \\ & Normal reverse & `KP 6' / Alt-o & Toggle normal speed reverse play. \\ & Frame reverse & `KP 4' / Alt-u & Render previous frame. \\ & Stop & `KP 0' / Alt-m & Stop playback. \\ & Frame forward & `KP 1' / Alt-j & Render next frame. \\ & Normal forward & `KP 3' / Alt-l & Toggle normal speed forward play. \\ & Fast forward & `KP Enter'/A-; & Toggle double speed forward play. \\ & Jump to end & end & Jump to end. \\ & (No button) & `KP 5' / Alt-i & Toggle slow speed reverse play. \\ & (No button) & `KP 2' / Alt-k & Toggle slow speed forward play. \\ & & `KP\#-Shift' & Shift added to KP \#, adds or subtracts audio. \\ & & `Ctrl-KP\#' & If [ ] set, “KP2,3,5,6,+,enter” play between ptrs.. \\ & & + Shift w/Alt & Shift with Alt+x above, adds/remove audio. \\ & & + Shift w/Ctrl & Loops play; all or between In/Out. \\ & & Left click & Start or stop play forward. \\ & & Middle click & Start or stop play reverse. \\ & & Middle wheel & Play forward or reverse 1 frame. \\ & & p & Turns on/off Click to Play button. \\ \midrule \textcolor{CinBlueText}{Edit} & In point & `[' or ‘<’ & Toggle In point timeline marker\\ & Out point & `]' or ‘>’ & Toggle Out point timeline marker. \\ & & Ctrl-t & Clear both In and Out pointers. \\ & Splice & v & Create splice. \\ & Overwrite & b & Overwrite. \\ & To clip & i & Copy selection and create clip. \\ & Copy & c & Copy selection to cut buffer. \\ & Splice & `v' + Shift & Create splice of the entire clip. \\ & Overwrite & `b' + Shift & Overwrite using the entire clip. \\ & To clip & `i' + Shift & Copy all and create clip. \\ & Copy & `c' + Shift & Copy entire clip to cut buffer. \\ & Show meters & & Toggle show meters. \\ & Toggle label & l & Toggle label at current position. \\ & Previous label & `Ctrl $\leftarrow$' & Move to label before cursor. \\ & Next label & `Ctrl $\rightarrow$' & Move to label after cursor. \\ & Manual Goto & g & Jump to time selected by popup. \\ \midrule \textcolor{CinBlueText}{Mixer} & & Double click & On mixer window, pastes into timeline\\ \bottomrule \end{longtable} \subsection*{Viewer Keys }% \label{ssec:viewer_keys} \begin{longtable}[h]{>{\bfseries}p{0.15\textwidth-2\tabcolsep}p{0.25\textwidth-2\tabcolsep}p{0.2\textwidth-2\tabcolsep}p{0.4\textwidth-2\tabcolsep}} \toprule \multicolumn{4}{c}% {\textcolor{CinRed}{\textbf{Viewer window keys}}} \\ Identifier & \textbf{Key} & \textbf{Qualifier} & \textbf{Description}\\ \midrule \endhead \textcolor{CinBlueText}{Keypresses} & Right click & & Brings up fullscreen/zoom/close menu. \\ & F1 & Ctrl+Shift & Use window layout \#1. \\ & F2 & Ctrl+Shift & Use window layout \#2. \\ & F3 & Ctrl+Shift & Use window layout \#3. \\ & F4 & Ctrl+Shift & Use window layout \#4. \\ \midrule \textcolor{CinBlueText}{Timebar} & LMB & & Moves cursor position on the timeline. \\ & Double click & & If between labels, selects that section. \\ & Click label & Hold LMB & Drag label to elsewhere. \\ & Click In/Out & Hold LMB & Drag In/Out pointer elsewhere. \\ & Fat arrow end & Hold LMB & Preview region drag on blue-colored bar. \\ \bottomrule \end{longtable} \section{Resources window Keys }% \label{sec:resources_window_keys} \begin{longtable}[h]{>{\bfseries}p{0.15\textwidth-2\tabcolsep}p{0.25\textwidth-2\tabcolsep}p{0.2\textwidth-2\tabcolsep}p{0.4\textwidth-2\tabcolsep}} \toprule \multicolumn{4}{c}% {\textcolor{CinRed}{\textbf{Resources window keys}}} \\ Identifier & \textbf{Key} & \textbf{Qualifier} & \textbf{Description}\\ \midrule \endhead \textcolor{CinBlueText}{Keypresses} & Drag Mouse & Shift & Hold down Shift and drag to move text icon. \\ & & Double click & Draw vicons off- loads media in Viewer. \\ & & Single click & Draw vicons on- bigger thumbnail plays or stops. \\ & & Middle click & Draw on -- brings up Inter-View modeling. \\ & & Wheel move & Draw on – increase/decrease preview size. \\ & & Mouse over & Draw on – instantly brings up thumbnail. \\ & v & & Switch to next Display option. \\ & i & & Switch on/off info for effects. \\ & o & & Opens Load files\dots menu. \\ & - load tool & Ctrl-a & Selects all files. \\ & - load tool & Ctrl-z & Deselects any highlighted files. \\ & DEL key & & Resources/Media, deletes highlighted from project. \\ & DEL key & Shift & Resources/Media, deletes highlighted from disk + OK. \\ & DEL key & Ctrl+Shift & Resources/plugin, deletes highlighted from disk + OK. \\ & F1 & Ctrl+Shift & Use window layout \#1. \\ & F2 & Ctrl+Shift & Use window layout \#2. \\ & F3 & Ctrl+Shift & Use window layout \#3. \\ & F4 & Ctrl+Shift & Use window layout \#4. \\ \bottomrule \end{longtable} \section{Other windows }% \label{sec:other_windows} \subsection*{Other Buttons }% \label{ssec:other_buttons} \begin{longtable}[h]{>{\bfseries}p{0.15\textwidth-2\tabcolsep}p{0.25\textwidth-2\tabcolsep}p{0.2\textwidth-2\tabcolsep}p{0.4\textwidth-2\tabcolsep}} \toprule \multicolumn{4}{c}% {\textcolor{CinRed}{\textbf{Buttons in other windows}}} \\ Identifier & \textbf{Items} & \textbf{Shortcuts} & \textbf{Description}\\ \midrule \endhead \textcolor{CinBlueText}{An Event} & & Double click & On mixer window, pastes into timeline. \\ \midrule \textcolor{CinBlueText}{Record} & Start/pause & space bar & Start and pause recording of current batch. \\ & Label & l & Toggle label at current position. \\ & & Double click & On channel in window, pops edit ch window. \\ \midrule \textcolor{CinBlueText}{Channels} & Select & & Select a channel. \\ & Add\dots & & Add another channel. \\ & Edit\dots & & Edit the wording associated with the channel. \\ & Move up & & Move the channel up in the selection. \\ & Move down & & Move the channel down in the selection. \\ & Sort & & Sort all of the channels numerically. \\ & Scan & & Scan the available channels. \\ & Delete & & Delete the selected channel. \\ & Picture\dots & & Select the device picture. \\ & & Double click & In Find window, cursor moves to hilite program. \\ & & Double click & On batchbay line, selects and loads ch info. \\ \midrule \textcolor{CinBlueText}{Remote} & MENU & & Toggle remote control state (grabs/ungrabs keys). \\ & KPTV & & Open or close the record window. \\ & KPBOOK & & Start/stop dvb channel scan. \\ & KPHAND & & Quit \CGG{} program. \\ \midrule \textcolor{CinBlueText}{Commercial} & & Shift-A & Edit commercial\\ \bottomrule \end{longtable} \subsection*{Other Keys }% \label{ssec:other_keys} \begin{longtable}[h]{>{\bfseries}p{0.15\textwidth-2\tabcolsep}p{0.25\textwidth-2\tabcolsep}p{0.2\textwidth-2\tabcolsep}p{0.4\textwidth-2\tabcolsep}} \toprule \multicolumn{4}{c}% {\textcolor{CinRed}{\textbf{Keys in other windows}}} \\ Identifier & \textbf{Key} & \textbf{Qualifier} & \textbf{Description}\\ \midrule \endhead \textcolor{CinBlueText}{Most windows} & ESC & & Cancels operation if no one grabs first. \\ & ENTER & & Cancels operation if no one grabs first. \\ \midrule \textcolor{CinBlueText}{Overlays} & LMB & Shift & Turns off all else, or reverts to previous state. \\ \midrule \textcolor{CinBlueText}{Textboxes} & Tab & & Move cursor to the next textbox. \\ & Tab & Shift & Move cursor to the previous textbox. \\ & Esc & & Cancels any active suggestions. \\ & Left arrow & with ibeam & Backs up 1 character. \\ & Left arrow & Ctrl & Backs up to beginning of word/next word. \\ & Left arrow & Shift & Selects/Deselects previous character highlight. \\ & Left arrow & Ctrl-Shift & Selects/Deselects previous word highlight. \\ & Right arrow & with ibeam & Moves forward 1 character. \\ & Right arrow & Ctrl & Moves to beginning of next word. \\ & Right arrow & Shift & Adds selection highlight to the next character. \\ & Right arrow & Ctrl-Shift & Expands highlight to the next word. \\ & Up arrow & & Move up to next line, same position. \\ & Down arrow & & Move down to next line, same position. \\ & Up arrow & Shift & Selects/Deselects up to the previous line X-coord. \\ & Down arrow & Shift & Select/Deselect down 1 line from the X-coord. \\ & PGUP (page up) & & Goes to the beginning of the page. \\ & Pgdn (page down) & & Goes to the end of the page. \\ & PGUP (page up) & Shift & Highlights selection above Ibeam to page start. \\ & Pgdn (page down) & Shift & Highlights selection below Ibeam to page end. \\ & End & & Cancels selection and goes to end of line. \\ & End & Shift & Selects to end of line. \\ & Home & & Goes to the beginning of the line. \\ & Home & Shift & Highlights from ibeam to beginning of line. \\ & Backspace & & Deletes the character in back of the ibeam. \\ & Delete & & Deletes the next character. \\ & Ctrl-c & (also+’Shift’) & Copies selection to the 2nd cut buffer. \\ & Ctrl-v & (also+’Shift’) & Pastes selection from the 2nd cut buffer. \\ & Ctrl-x & (also+’Shift’) & Copies selection to 2nd cut buffer and delete. \\ & & Double click & On word in textbox, highlites that word. \\ & & Double click & On highlighted Probe order, enables/disables. \\ & & Triple click & In subtitle script text, loads line into line text. \\ \midrule \textcolor{CinBlueText}{Unicode} & Ctrl-U & Shift & Go into Unicode enter mode. \\ & Enter & & Fires the Unicode. \\ & Esc & & Cancels Unicode state. \\ & Backspace & & Deletes previous character. \\ & A-F, 0-9 & & Enters the hex code. \\ \bottomrule \end{longtable}