/* * CINELERRA * Copyright (C) 2015 Adam Williams * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA * */ #include "assets.h" #include "audiodevice.h" #include "bcsignals.h" #include "cache.h" #include "clip.h" #include "cstrdup.h" #include "edl.h" #include "edlsession.h" #include "errorbox.h" #include "file.h" #include "filesystem.h" #include "formattools.h" #include "language.h" #include "mainerror.h" #include "mainindexes.h" #include "mainprogress.h" #include "mainundo.h" #include "mutex.h" #include "mwindow.h" #include "mwindowgui.h" #include "overlayframe.h" #include "preferences.h" #include "proxy.h" #include "renderengine.h" #include "theme.h" #include "transportque.h" #include "vrender.h" #define WIDTH xS(400) #define HEIGHT yS(330) #define MAX_SCALE 16 ProxyMenuItem::ProxyMenuItem(MWindow *mwindow) : BC_MenuItem(_("Proxy settings..."), _("Alt-r"), 'r') { this->mwindow = mwindow; set_alt(); dialog = 0; } ProxyMenuItem::~ProxyMenuItem() { delete dialog; } void ProxyMenuItem::create_objects() { dialog = new ProxyDialog(mwindow); } int ProxyMenuItem::handle_event() { mwindow->gui->unlock_window(); dialog->start(); mwindow->gui->lock_window("ProxyMenuItem::handle_event"); return 1; } ProxyDialog::ProxyDialog(MWindow *mwindow) { this->mwindow = mwindow; gui = 0; asset = new Asset; // quicker than some, not as good as others asset->format = FILE_FFMPEG; strcpy(asset->fformat, "mpeg"); strcpy(asset->vcodec, "mpeg.mpeg"); asset->ff_video_bitrate = 2000000; asset->video_data = 1; bzero(size_text, sizeof(char*) * MAX_SIZES); bzero(size_factors, sizeof(int) * MAX_SIZES); size_text[0] = cstrdup(_("Original size")); size_factors[0] = 1; total_sizes = 1; } ProxyDialog::~ProxyDialog() { close_window(); for( int i=0; iremove_user(); } BC_Window* ProxyDialog::new_gui() { asset->format = FILE_FFMPEG; asset->load_defaults(mwindow->defaults, "PROXY_", 1, 1, 0, 0, 0); mwindow->gui->lock_window("ProxyDialog::new_gui"); int cx, cy; mwindow->gui->get_abs_cursor(cx, cy); gui = new ProxyWindow(mwindow, this, cx - WIDTH/2, cy - HEIGHT/2); gui->create_objects(); mwindow->gui->unlock_window(); return gui; } void ProxyDialog::scale_to_text(char *string, int scale) { strcpy(string, size_text[0]); for( int i = 0; i < total_sizes; i++ ) { if( scale == size_factors[i] ) { strcpy(string, size_text[i]); break; } } } void ProxyDialog::calculate_sizes() { for( int i=1; iedl->session->color_model) ) { ow /= 2; oh /= 2; } for( int i=2; iedl->session->proxy_auto_scale = auto_scale; mwindow->edl->session->proxy_beep = beep; asset->save_defaults(mwindow->defaults, "PROXY_", 1, 1, 0, 0, 0); result = mwindow->to_proxy(asset, new_scale, use_scaler); if( result >= 0 && beep > 0 && new_scale != 1 ) { if( !result ) { mwindow->beep(4000., 0.5, beep); usleep(250000); mwindow->beep(1000., 0.5, beep); usleep(250000); mwindow->beep(4000., 0.5, beep); } else mwindow->beep(2000., 2.0, beep); } mwindow->edl->session->proxy_disabled_scale = 1; mwindow->gui->lock_window("ProxyDialog::handle_close_event"); mwindow->update_project(LOADMODE_REPLACE); mwindow->gui->unlock_window(); } void ProxyRender::to_proxy_path(char *new_path, Indexable *indexable, int scale) { // path is already a proxy if( strstr(indexable->path, ".proxy") ) return; if( !indexable->is_asset ) { char *ifn = indexable->path, *cp = strrchr(ifn, '/'); if( cp ) ifn = cp+1; char proxy_path[BCTEXTLEN]; File::getenv_path(proxy_path, mwindow->preferences->nested_proxy_path); sprintf(new_path, "%s/%s", proxy_path, ifn); } else strcpy(new_path, indexable->path); char prxy[BCSTRLEN]; int n = sprintf(prxy, ".proxy%d", scale); // insert proxy, path.sfx => path.proxy#-sfx.ext char *ep = new_path + strlen(new_path); char *sfx = strrchr(new_path, '.'); if( sfx ) { char *bp = ep, *cp = (ep += n); while( --bp > sfx ) *--cp = *bp; *--cp = '-'; } else { sfx = ep; ep += n; } for( char *cp=prxy; --n>=0; ++cp ) *sfx++ = *cp; *ep++ = '.'; const char *ext = indexable->get_video_frames() < 0 ? "png" : format_asset->format == FILE_FFMPEG ? format_asset->fformat : File::get_tag(format_asset->format); while( *ext ) *ep++ = *ext++; *ep = 0; //printf("ProxyRender::to_proxy_path %d %s %s\n", __LINE__, new_path), asset->path); } int ProxyRender::from_proxy_path(char *new_path, Indexable *indexable, int scale) { char prxy[BCTEXTLEN]; int n = sprintf(prxy, ".proxy%d", scale); strcpy(new_path, indexable->path); char *ptr = strstr(new_path, prxy); if( !ptr || (ptr[n] != '-' && ptr[n] != '.') ) return 1; // remove proxy, path.proxy#-sfx.ext => path.sfx char *ext = strrchr(ptr, '.'); if( !ext ) ext = ptr + strlen(ptr); char *cp = ptr + n; for( *cp='.'; cpmwindow = mwindow; this->format_asset = format_asset; this->asset_scale = asset_scale; progress = 0; counter_lock = new Mutex("ProxyDialog::counter_lock"); total_rendered = 0; failed = 0; canceled = 0; } ProxyRender::~ProxyRender() { delete progress; delete counter_lock; for( int i=0,n=orig_idxbls.size(); iremove_user(); for( int i=0,n=orig_proxies.size(); iremove_user(); for( int i=0,n=needed_idxbls.size(); iremove_user(); for( int i=0,n=needed_proxies.size(); iremove_user(); } Asset *ProxyRender::add_original(Indexable *idxbl, int new_scale) { if( !idxbl->have_video() ) return 0; // don't proxy proxies if( strstr(idxbl->path,".proxy") ) return 0; char new_path[BCTEXTLEN]; to_proxy_path(new_path, idxbl, new_scale); // don't proxy if not readable, or proxy_path not writable if( idxbl->is_asset && access(idxbl->path, R_OK) ) return 0; int ret = access(new_path, W_OK); if( ret ) { int fd = ::open(new_path,O_WRONLY); if( fd < 0 ) fd = open(new_path,O_WRONLY+O_CREAT,0666); if( fd >= 0 ) { close(fd); ret = 0; } } if( ret ) { eprintf(_("bad proxy path: %s\n"), new_path); return 0; } // add to orig_idxbls & orig_proxies if it isn't already there. int got_it = 0; for( int i = 0; !got_it && ipath, new_path); if( got_it ) return 0; Assets *edl_assets = mwindow->edl->assets; Asset *proxy = edl_assets->get_asset(new_path); if( !proxy ) { proxy = new Asset(new_path); // new compression parameters int64_t video_frames = idxbl->get_video_frames(); if( video_frames < 0 ) { proxy->format = FILE_PNG; proxy->png_use_alpha = 1; proxy->video_length = -1; } else { proxy->copy_format(format_asset, 0); proxy->video_length = video_frames; } proxy->folder_no = AW_PROXY_FOLDER; proxy->audio_data = 0; proxy->video_data = 1; proxy->layers = 1; proxy->width = idxbl->get_w() / new_scale; if( proxy->width & 1 ) ++proxy->width; proxy->actual_width = proxy->width; proxy->height = idxbl->get_h() / new_scale; if( proxy->height & 1 ) ++proxy->height; proxy->actual_height = proxy->height; proxy->frame_rate = idxbl->get_frame_rate(); } orig_proxies.append(proxy); idxbl->add_user(); orig_idxbls.append(idxbl); return proxy; } void ProxyRender::add_needed(Indexable *idxbl, Asset *proxy) { needed_idxbls.append(idxbl); idxbl->add_user(); needed_proxies.append(proxy); proxy->add_user(); } void ProxyRender::update_progress() { counter_lock->lock(); ++total_rendered; counter_lock->unlock(); progress->update(total_rendered); } int ProxyRender::is_canceled() { return progress->is_cancelled(); } int ProxyRender::create_needed_proxies(int new_scale) { if( !needed_proxies.size() ) return 0; total_rendered = 0; failed = 0; canceled = 0; // create proxy assets which don't already exist int64_t total_len = 0; for( int i = 0; i < needed_idxbls.size(); i++ ) { total_len += needed_idxbls[i]->get_video_frames(); } // start progress bar. MWindow is locked inside this progress = mwindow->mainprogress-> start_progress(_("Creating proxy files..."), total_len); ProxyFarm engine(mwindow, this, &needed_idxbls, &needed_proxies); engine.process_packages(); printf("proxy: failed=%d canceled=%d\n", failed, progress->is_cancelled()); // stop progress bar canceled = progress->is_cancelled(); progress->stop_progress(); delete progress; progress = 0; if( failed && !canceled ) { eprintf(_("Error making proxy.")); } return !failed && !canceled ? 0 : 1; } ProxyWindow::ProxyWindow(MWindow *mwindow, ProxyDialog *dialog, int x, int y) : BC_Window(_(PROGRAM_NAME ": Proxy settings"), x, y, WIDTH, HEIGHT, -1, -1, 0, 0, 1) { this->mwindow = mwindow; this->dialog = dialog; format_tools = 0; } ProxyWindow::~ProxyWindow() { lock_window("ProxyWindow::~ProxyWindow"); delete format_tools; unlock_window(); } void ProxyWindow::create_objects() { lock_window("ProxyWindow::create_objects"); int margin = mwindow->theme->widget_border; int lmargin = margin + xS(10); dialog->use_scaler = mwindow->edl->session->proxy_use_scaler; dialog->orig_scale = mwindow->edl->session->proxy_scale; dialog->auto_scale = mwindow->edl->session->proxy_auto_scale; dialog->beep = mwindow->edl->session->proxy_beep; dialog->new_scale = dialog->orig_scale; dialog->orig_w = mwindow->edl->session->output_w; dialog->orig_h = mwindow->edl->session->output_h; if( !dialog->use_scaler ) { dialog->orig_w *= dialog->orig_scale; dialog->orig_h *= dialog->orig_scale; } int x = lmargin; int y = margin+yS(10); add_subwindow(use_scaler = new ProxyUseScaler(this, x, y)); y += use_scaler->get_h() + margin; BC_Title *text; add_subwindow(text = new BC_Title(x, y, _("Scale factor:"))); x += text->get_w() + margin; int popupmenu_w = BC_PopupMenu::calculate_w(get_text_width(MEDIUMFONT, dialog->size_text[0])+xS(15)); add_subwindow(scale_factor = new ProxyMenu(mwindow, this, x, y, popupmenu_w, "")); scale_factor->update_sizes(); x += scale_factor->get_w() + margin; ProxyTumbler *tumbler; add_subwindow(tumbler = new ProxyTumbler(mwindow, this, x, y)); y += tumbler->get_h() + margin; x = lmargin; add_subwindow(text = new BC_Title(x, y, _("New media dimensions: "))); x += text->get_w() + margin; add_subwindow(new_dimensions = new BC_Title(x, y, "")); y += new_dimensions->get_h() + margin; x = lmargin; add_subwindow(text = new BC_Title(x, y, _("Active Scale: "))); x += text->get_w() + margin; add_subwindow(active_scale = new BC_Title(x, y, "")); y += active_scale->get_h() + margin; x = lmargin; y += yS(25); format_tools = new ProxyFormatTools(mwindow, this, dialog->asset); format_tools->create_objects(x, y, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, // skip the path 0, 0); x = lmargin; add_subwindow(auto_scale = new ProxyAutoScale(this, x, y)); y += auto_scale->get_h() + margin; add_subwindow(beep_on_done = new ProxyBeepOnDone(this, x, y)); x += beep_on_done->get_w() + margin + xS(10); add_subwindow(new BC_Title(x, y+yS(10), _("Beep on done volume"))); // y += beep_on_done->get_h() + margin; update(); add_subwindow(new BC_OKButton(this)); add_subwindow(new BC_CancelButton(this)); show_window(1); unlock_window(); } ProxyFormatTools::ProxyFormatTools(MWindow *mwindow, ProxyWindow *pwindow, Asset *asset) : FormatTools(mwindow, pwindow, asset) { this->pwindow = pwindow; } void ProxyFormatTools::update_format() { asset->save_defaults(mwindow->defaults, "PROXY_", 1, 1, 0, 0, 0); FormatTools::update_format(); pwindow->use_scaler->update(); } void ProxyWindow::update() { char string[BCSTRLEN]; int new_w = dialog->orig_w / dialog->new_scale; if( new_w & 1 ) ++new_w; int new_h = dialog->orig_h / dialog->new_scale; if( new_h & 1 ) ++new_h; sprintf(string, "%dx%d", new_w, new_h); new_dimensions->update(string); dialog->scale_to_text(string, dialog->new_scale); scale_factor->set_text(string); use_scaler->update(); auto_scale->update(); int scale = mwindow->edl->session->proxy_scale; if( scale == 1 ) scale = mwindow->edl->session->proxy_disabled_scale; sprintf(string, scale>1 ? "1/%d" : "%d", scale); active_scale->update(string); } ProxyUseScaler::ProxyUseScaler(ProxyWindow *pwindow, int x, int y) : BC_CheckBox(x, y, pwindow->dialog->use_scaler, _("Use scaler (FFMPEG only)")) { this->pwindow = pwindow; } void ProxyUseScaler::update() { ProxyDialog *dialog = pwindow->dialog; if( dialog->asset->format != FILE_FFMPEG ) dialog->use_scaler = 0; BC_CheckBox::update(dialog->use_scaler); int scaler_avail = dialog->asset->format == FILE_FFMPEG ? 1 : 0; if( !scaler_avail && enabled ) disable(); if( scaler_avail && !enabled ) enable(); } int ProxyUseScaler::handle_event() { pwindow->dialog->new_scale = 1; pwindow->dialog->use_scaler = get_value(); pwindow->scale_factor->update_sizes(); pwindow->update(); return 1; } ProxyAutoScale::ProxyAutoScale(ProxyWindow *pwindow, int x, int y) : BC_CheckBox(x, y, pwindow->dialog->auto_scale, _("Auto proxy/scale media loads")) { this->pwindow = pwindow; } void ProxyAutoScale::update() { ProxyDialog *dialog = pwindow->dialog; if( dialog->new_scale == 1 ) dialog->auto_scale = 0; BC_CheckBox::update(dialog->auto_scale); int can_auto_proxy = dialog->new_scale != 1 ? 1 : 0; if( !can_auto_proxy && enabled ) disable(); if( can_auto_proxy && !enabled ) enable(); } int ProxyAutoScale::handle_event() { pwindow->dialog->auto_scale = get_value(); pwindow->update(); return 1; } ProxyBeepOnDone::ProxyBeepOnDone(ProxyWindow *pwindow, int x, int y) : BC_FPot(x, y, pwindow->dialog->beep*100.f, 0.f, 100.f) { this->pwindow = pwindow; } int ProxyBeepOnDone::handle_event() { pwindow->dialog->beep = get_value()/100.f; pwindow->update(); return 1; } ProxyMenu::ProxyMenu(MWindow *mwindow, ProxyWindow *pwindow, int x, int y, int w, const char *text) : BC_PopupMenu(x, y, w, text, 1) { this->mwindow = mwindow; this->pwindow = pwindow; } void ProxyMenu::update_sizes() { while( total_items() > 0 ) del_item(0); ProxyDialog *dialog = pwindow->dialog; dialog->calculate_sizes(); for( int i=0; i < dialog->total_sizes; i++ ) add_item(new BC_MenuItem(dialog->size_text[i])); } int ProxyMenu::handle_event() { ProxyDialog *dialog = pwindow->dialog; for( int i = 0; i < dialog->total_sizes; i++ ) { if( !strcmp(get_text(), pwindow->dialog->size_text[i]) ) { dialog->new_scale = pwindow->dialog->size_factors[i]; pwindow->update(); break; } } return 1; } ProxyTumbler::ProxyTumbler(MWindow *mwindow, ProxyWindow *pwindow, int x, int y) : BC_Tumbler(x, y, 0) { this->mwindow = mwindow; this->pwindow = pwindow; } int ProxyTumbler::handle_up_event() { if( pwindow->dialog->new_scale > 1 ) { int i; for( i = 0; i < pwindow->dialog->total_sizes; i++ ) { if( pwindow->dialog->new_scale == pwindow->dialog->size_factors[i] ) { i--; pwindow->dialog->new_scale = pwindow->dialog->size_factors[i]; pwindow->update(); return 1; } } } return 0; } int ProxyTumbler::handle_down_event() { int i; for( i = 0; i < pwindow->dialog->total_sizes - 1; i++ ) { if( pwindow->dialog->new_scale == pwindow->dialog->size_factors[i] ) { i++; pwindow->dialog->new_scale = pwindow->dialog->size_factors[i]; pwindow->update(); return 1; } } return 0; } ProxyPackage::ProxyPackage() : LoadPackage() { } ProxyClient::ProxyClient(MWindow *mwindow, ProxyRender *proxy_render, ProxyFarm *server) : LoadClient(server) { this->mwindow = mwindow; this->proxy_render = proxy_render; render_engine = 0; video_cache = 0; src_file = 0; } ProxyClient::~ProxyClient() { delete render_engine; delete video_cache; delete src_file; } void ProxyClient::process_package(LoadPackage *ptr) { if( proxy_render->failed ) return; if( proxy_render->is_canceled() ) return; EDL *edl = mwindow->edl; Preferences *preferences = mwindow->preferences; ProxyPackage *package = (ProxyPackage*)ptr; Indexable *orig = package->orig_idxbl; Asset *proxy = package->proxy_asset; //printf("%s %s\n", orig->path, proxy->path); VRender *vrender = 0; int jobs = proxy_render->needed_proxies.size(); int processors = preferences->project_smp / jobs + 1, result = 0; // each cpu should process at least about 1 MB, or it thrashes int size = edl->session->output_w * edl->session->output_h * 4; int cpus = size / 0x100000 + 1; if( processors > cpus ) processors = cpus; if( orig->is_asset ) { src_file = new File; src_file->set_processors(processors); src_file->set_preload(edl->session->playback_preload); src_file->set_subtitle(edl->session->decode_subtitles ? edl->session->subtitle_number : -1); src_file->set_interpolate_raw(edl->session->interpolate_raw); src_file->set_white_balance_raw(edl->session->white_balance_raw); if( src_file->open_file(preferences, (Asset*)orig, 1, 0) != FILE_OK ) result = 1; } else { TransportCommand command; command.command = CURRENT_FRAME; command.get_edl()->copy_all((EDL *)orig); command.change_type = CHANGE_ALL; command.realtime = 0; render_engine = new RenderEngine(0, preferences, 0, 0); render_engine->set_vcache(video_cache = new CICache(preferences)); render_engine->arm_command(&command); if( !(vrender = render_engine->vrender) ) result = 1; } if( result ) { // go to the next asset if the reader fails // proxy_render->failed = 1; return; } File dst_file; dst_file.set_processors(processors); result = dst_file.open_file(preferences, proxy, 0, 1); if( result ) { proxy_render->failed = 1; ::remove(proxy->path); return; } dst_file.start_video_thread(1, edl->session->color_model, processors > 1 ? 2 : 1, 0); int src_w = orig->get_w(), src_h = orig->get_h(); VFrame src_frame(src_w,src_h, edl->session->color_model); OverlayFrame scaler(processors); int64_t video_length = orig->get_video_frames(); if( video_length < 0 ) video_length = 1; for( int64_t i=0; ifailed && !proxy_render->is_canceled(); ++i ) { if( orig->is_asset ) { src_file->set_video_position(i, 0); result = src_file->read_frame(&src_frame); } else result = vrender->process_buffer(&src_frame, i, 0); //printf("result=%d\n", result); if( result ) { // go to the next asset if the reader fails // proxy_render->failed = 1; break; } // have to write after getting the video buffer or it locks up VFrame ***dst_frames = dst_file.get_video_buffer(); VFrame *dst_frame = dst_frames[0][0]; int dst_w = dst_frame->get_w(), dst_h = dst_frame->get_h(); scaler.overlay(dst_frame, &src_frame, 0,0, src_w,src_h, 0,0, dst_w,dst_h, 1.0, TRANSFER_REPLACE, NEAREST_NEIGHBOR); result = dst_file.write_video_buffer(1); if( result ) { // only fail if the writer fails proxy_render->failed = 1; break; } proxy_render->update_progress(); } if( !proxy_render->failed && !proxy_render->is_canceled() ) { Asset *asset = edl->assets->update(proxy); asset->proxy_scale = proxy_render->asset_scale; int scale = asset->proxy_scale; if( !scale ) scale = 1; asset->width = asset->actual_width * scale; asset->height = asset->actual_height * scale; mwindow->mainindexes->add_indexable(asset); mwindow->mainindexes->start_build(); } else ::remove(proxy->path); } ProxyFarm::ProxyFarm(MWindow *mwindow, ProxyRender *proxy_render, ArrayList *orig_idxbls, ArrayList *proxy_assets) : LoadServer(MIN(mwindow->preferences->processors, proxy_assets->size()), proxy_assets->size()) { this->mwindow = mwindow; this->proxy_render = proxy_render; this->orig_idxbls = orig_idxbls; this->proxy_assets = proxy_assets; } void ProxyFarm::init_packages() { for( int i = 0; i < get_total_packages(); i++ ) { ProxyPackage *package = (ProxyPackage*)get_package(i); package->proxy_asset = proxy_assets->get(i); package->orig_idxbl = orig_idxbls->get(i); } } LoadClient* ProxyFarm::new_client() { return new ProxyClient(mwindow, proxy_render, this); } LoadPackage* ProxyFarm::new_package() { return new ProxyPackage; }