#include #include #include #include #include #include #include "asset.h" #include "batch.h" #include "bchash.h" #include "bclistbox.h" #include "channel.h" #include "channeldb.h" #include "filesystem.h" #include "mwindow.h" #include "record.h" #include "recordbatches.h" #include "timeentry.h" const char * RecordBatches:: batch_titles[] = { N_("On"), N_("Path"), N_("News"), N_("Start time"), N_("Duration"), N_("Source"), N_("Mode") }; const int RecordBatches:: default_columnwidth[] = { 30, 200, 100, 100, 100, 100, 70 }; void RecordBatches:: load_defaults(ChannelDB * channeldb, Record * record) { char string[BCTEXTLEN]; BC_Hash *defaults = mwindow->defaults; defaults->get("RECORD_DEFAULT_DIRECTORY", default_directory); early_margin = defaults->get("RECORD_EARLY_MARGIN", early_margin); late_margin = defaults->get("RECORD_LATE_MARGIN", late_margin); for(int i = 0; i < BATCH_COLUMNS; i++) { sprintf(string, "BATCH_COLUMNWIDTH_%d", i); column_widths[i] = defaults->get(string, default_columnwidth[i]); } int total_batches = defaults->get("TOTAL_BATCHES", 1); if(total_batches < 1) total_batches = 1; for(int i = 0; i < total_batches; ++i) { Batch *batch = new Batch(mwindow, record); batch->create_objects(); batches.append(batch); Asset *asset = batch->asset; sprintf(string, "RECORD_PATH_%d", i); defaults->get(string, asset->path); sprintf(string, "RECORD_CHANNEL_%d", i); int chan_no = channeldb->number_of(batch->channel); chan_no = defaults->get(string, chan_no); batch->channel = channeldb->get(chan_no); sprintf(string, "RECORD_STARTDAY_%d", i); batch->start_day = defaults->get(string, batch->start_day); sprintf(string, "RECORD_STARTTIME_%d", i); batch->start_time = defaults->get(string, batch->start_time); sprintf(string, "RECORD_DURATION_%d", i); batch->duration = defaults->get(string, batch->duration); sprintf(string, "RECORD_MODE_%d", i); batch->record_mode = defaults->get(string, batch->record_mode); sprintf(string, "BATCH_ENABLED_%d", i); batch->enabled = defaults->get(string, batch->enabled); batch->update_times(); } current_item = editing_item = 0; } void RecordBatches:: save_defaults(ChannelDB * channeldb) { char string[BCTEXTLEN]; BC_Hash *defaults = mwindow->defaults; defaults->update("RECORD_DEFAULT_DIRECTORY", default_directory); defaults->update("RECORD_EARLY_MARGIN", early_margin); defaults->update("RECORD_LATE_MARGIN", late_margin); for(int i = 0; i < BATCH_COLUMNS; i++) { sprintf(string, "BATCH_COLUMNWIDTH_%d", i); defaults->update(string, column_widths[i]); } defaults->update("TOTAL_BATCHES", batches.total); for(int i = 0; i < batches.total; ++i) { Batch *batch = batches.values[i]; Asset *asset = batch->asset; sprintf(string, "RECORD_PATH_%d", i); defaults->update(string, asset->path); sprintf(string, "RECORD_CHANNEL_%d", i); int chan_no = channeldb->number_of(batch->channel); defaults->update(string, chan_no); sprintf(string, "RECORD_STARTDAY_%d", i); defaults->update(string, batch->start_day); sprintf(string, "RECORD_STARTTIME_%d", i); defaults->update(string, batch->start_time); sprintf(string, "RECORD_DURATION_%d", i); defaults->update(string, batch->duration); sprintf(string, "RECORD_MODE_%d", i); defaults->update(string, batch->record_mode); sprintf(string, "BATCH_ENABLED_%d", i); defaults->update(string, batch->enabled); } } void RecordBatches:: save_default_channel(ChannelDB * channeldb) { BC_Hash *defaults = mwindow->defaults; Batch *batch = get_editing_batch(); if( !batch ) return; int chan_no = channeldb->number_of(batch->channel); if( chan_no < 0 ) return; defaults->update("RECORD_CURRENT_CHANNEL", chan_no); } RecordBatches:: RecordBatches(MWindow * mwindow) { this->mwindow = mwindow; editing_item = current_item = -1; batch_active = 0; early_margin = late_margin = 0.; default_directory[0] = 0; } RecordBatches:: ~RecordBatches() { } void RecordBatches:: remove(Batch *batch) { batches.remove(batch); int total_batches = total(); if( current_item == editing_item ) { if(current_item >= total_batches) current_item = total_batches - 1; editing_item = current_item; } else { if(current_item > editing_item) --current_item; if( editing_item >= total_batches ) editing_item = total_batches - 1; } } void RecordBatches:: clear() { batches.remove_all_objects(); for(int j = 0; j < BATCH_COLUMNS; j++) { data[j].remove_all_objects(); } current_item = editing_item = -1; } RecordBatchesGUI:: RecordBatchesGUI(RecordBatches &batches, int x, int y, int w, int h) : BC_ListBox(x, y, w, h, LISTBOX_TEXT, // Display text list or icons batches.data, // Each column has an ArrayList of BC_ListBoxItems. batches.batch_titles, // Titles for columns. Set to 0 for no titles batches.column_widths, // width of each column BATCH_COLUMNS, // Total columns. 0, // Pixel of top of window. 0, // If this listbox is a popup window LISTBOX_SINGLE, // Select one item or multiple items ICON_LEFT, // Position of icon relative to text of each item 1), // Allow dragging batches(batches) { dragging_item = 0; } // Do nothing for double clicks to protect active batch int RecordBatchesGUI:: handle_event() { return 1; } int RecordBatchesGUI:: update(int highlighted_item, int recalc_positions) { return BC_ListBox::update(batches.data, batches.batch_titles, batches.column_widths, BATCH_COLUMNS, get_xposition(), get_yposition(), highlighted_item, recalc_positions); } int RecordBatchesGUI:: column_resize_event() { for(int i = 0; i < BATCH_COLUMNS; i++) { batches.column_widths[i] = get_column_width(i); } return 1; } int RecordBatchesGUI:: drag_start_event() { if(!BC_ListBox::drag_start_event()) return 0; dragging_item = 1; return 1; } int RecordBatchesGUI:: drag_motion_event() { if(!BC_ListBox::drag_motion_event()) return 0; return 1; } int RecordBatchesGUI:: selection_changed() { int n = get_selection_number(0, 0); if(n >= 0) { set_editing_batch(n); if(get_cursor_x() < batches.column_widths[0]) { Batch *batch = batches[n]; batch->enabled = !batch->enabled; update_batches(n); } } return 1; } int RecordBatchesGUI:: drag_stop_event() { if(dragging_item) { int total_batches = batches.total(); int src_item = editing_batch(); Batch *src_batch = batches[src_item]; int dst_item = get_highlighted_item(); if(dst_item < 0) dst_item = total_batches; if(dst_item > src_item) --dst_item; for(int i = src_item; i < total_batches - 1; i++) batches[i] = batches[i + 1]; for(int i = total_batches - 1; i > dst_item; --i) batches[i] = batches[i - 1]; batches[dst_item] = src_batch; BC_ListBox::drag_stop_event(); dragging_item = 0; set_editing_batch(dst_item); update_batches(dst_item); } return 0; } void RecordBatchesGUI:: update_batch_news(int item) { Batch *batch = batches[item]; batch->calculate_news(); batches.data[2].values[item]->set_text(batch->news); update(); flush(); } void RecordBatchesGUI:: update_batches(int selection_item) { time_t t; time(&t); char string[BCTEXTLEN], string2[BCTEXTLEN]; for(int j = 0; j < BATCH_COLUMNS; j++) { batches.data[j].remove_all_objects(); } int total_batches = batches.total(); for(int i = 0; i < total_batches; i++) { Batch *batch = batches[i]; batch->update_times(); batch->calculate_news(); int color = LTGREEN; if( i != batches.current_item ) { if( batch->time_start < t ) color = RED; else if( i > 0 && batches[i-1]->time_end > batch->time_start ) color = RED; else if( batch->time_start - t > 2*24*3600 ) color = YELLOW; } else color = LTYELLOW; batches.data[0].append( new BC_ListBoxItem((char *)(batch->enabled ? "X" : " "), color)); batches.data[1].append( new BC_ListBoxItem(batch->asset->path, color)); batches.data[2].append( new BC_ListBoxItem(batch->news, RED)); Units::totext(string2, batch->start_time, TIME_HMS3); sprintf(string, "%s %s", TimeEntry::day_table[batch->start_day], string2); batches.data[3].append( new BC_ListBoxItem(string, color)); Units::totext(string, batch->duration, TIME_HMS3); batches.data[4].append( new BC_ListBoxItem(string, color)); sprintf(string, "%s", batch->channel ? batch->channel->title : "None"); batches.data[5].append( new BC_ListBoxItem(string, color)); sprintf(string, "%s", Batch::mode_to_text(batch->record_mode)); batches.data[6].append( new BC_ListBoxItem(string, color)); if(i == selection_item) { for(int j = 0; j < BATCH_COLUMNS; j++) { batches.data[j].values[i]->set_selected(1); } } } update(batches.editing_item, 1); flush(); } void RecordBatchesGUI:: set_row_color(int row, int color) { for(int i = 0; i < BATCH_COLUMNS; i++) { BC_ListBoxItem *batch = batches.data[i].values[row]; batch->set_color(color); } } RecordBatchesGUI::Dir:: Dir(RecordBatches &batches, const char *dir, int x, int y) : BC_TextBox(x, y, 200, 1, dir), batches(batches), directory(batches.default_directory) { strncpy(directory, dir, sizeof(directory)); dir_entries = new ArrayList; entries_dir[0] = 0; load_dirs(dir); } RecordBatchesGUI::Dir:: ~Dir() { dir_entries->remove_all_objects(); delete dir_entries; } int RecordBatchesGUI::Dir:: handle_event() { strncpy(directory, get_text(),sizeof(directory)); char *bp, *cp, *dp = &directory[0]; if( *dp ) { if( dp[0] != '~' || dp[1] != 0 ) { for( cp=dp; *cp; ++cp ) { if( *cp != '/' ) continue; for( bp=cp; *bp=='/'; ++bp ); if( *bp ) dp = cp; } if( *--cp != '/' ) return 1; while( cp>dp && *cp=='/' ) *cp-- = 0; } load_dirs(directory); calculate_suggestions(dir_entries); } return 1; } void RecordBatchesGUI::Dir:: load_dirs(const char *dir) { if( !strncmp(dir, entries_dir, sizeof(entries_dir)) ) return; strncpy(entries_dir, dir, sizeof(entries_dir)); dir_entries->remove_all_objects(); FileSystem fs; fs.update(dir); int total_files = fs.total_files(); for(int i = 0; i < total_files; i++) { if( !fs.get_entry(i)->get_is_dir() ) continue; const char *name = fs.get_entry(i)->get_name(); dir_entries->append(new BC_ListBoxItem(name)); } } RecordBatchesGUI::Path:: Path(RecordBatches &batches, int x, int y) : BC_TextBox(x, y, 200, 1, batches.get_editing_batch()->asset->path), batches(batches) { file_entries = new ArrayList; FileSystem fs; char string[BCTEXTLEN]; // Load current directory fs.update(getcwd(string, BCTEXTLEN)); int total_files = fs.total_files(); for(int i = 0; i < total_files; i++) { const char *name = fs.get_entry(i)->get_name(); file_entries->append(new BC_ListBoxItem(name)); } } RecordBatchesGUI::Path:: ~Path() { file_entries->remove_all_objects(); delete file_entries; } int RecordBatchesGUI::Path:: handle_event() { calculate_suggestions(file_entries); Batch *batch = batches.gui->get_editing_batch(); strcpy(batch->asset->path, get_text()); batches.gui->update_batches(); return 1; } RecordBatchesGUI::StartTime:: StartTime(BC_Window *win, RecordBatches &batches, int x, int y, int w) : TimeEntry(win, x, y, &batches.get_editing_batch()->start_day, &batches.get_editing_batch()->start_time, TIME_HMS3, w), batches(batches) { } int RecordBatchesGUI::StartTime:: handle_event() { batches.gui->update_batches(); return 1; } RecordBatchesGUI::Duration:: Duration(BC_Window *win, RecordBatches &batches, int x, int y, int w) : TimeEntry(win, x, y, 0, &batches.get_editing_batch()->duration, TIME_HMS2, w), batches(batches) { } int RecordBatchesGUI::Duration:: handle_event() { batches.gui->update_batches(); return 1; } RecordBatchesGUI::Source:: Source(BC_Window *win, RecordBatches &batches, int x, int y) : BC_PopupTextBox(win, &sources, batches.get_editing_batch()->get_source_text(), x, y, 200, 200), batches(batches) { } int RecordBatchesGUI::Source:: handle_event() { batches.gui->update_batches(); return 1; } RecordBatchesGUI::News:: News(RecordBatches &batches, int x, int y) : BC_TextBox(x, y, 200, 1, batches.get_editing_batch()->news), batches(batches) { } int RecordBatchesGUI::News:: handle_event() { return 1; } RecordBatchesGUI::NewBatch:: NewBatch(RecordBatches &batches, int x, int y) : BC_GenericButton(x, y, _("New")), batches(batches) { set_tooltip(_("Create new clip.")); } int RecordBatchesGUI::NewBatch:: handle_event() { int new_item = batches.total()-1; batches.editing_item = new_item; batches.gui->update_batches(new_item); return 1; } RecordBatchesGUI::DeleteBatch:: DeleteBatch(RecordBatches &batches, int x, int y) : BC_GenericButton(x, y, _("Delete")), batches(batches) { set_tooltip(_("Delete clip.")); } int RecordBatchesGUI::DeleteBatch:: handle_event() { batches.gui->update_batches(); return 1; } RecordBatchesGUI::StartBatches:: StartBatches(RecordBatches &batches, int x, int y) : BC_GenericButton(x, y, _("Start")), batches(batches) { set_tooltip(_("Start batch recording\nfrom the current position.")); } int RecordBatchesGUI::StartBatches:: handle_event() { batches.batch_active = 1; return 1; } RecordBatchesGUI::StopBatches:: StopBatches(RecordBatches &batches, int x, int y) : BC_GenericButton(x, y, _("Stop")), batches(batches) { } int RecordBatchesGUI::StopBatches:: handle_event() { batches.batch_active = 0; return 1; } RecordBatchesGUI::ActivateBatch:: ActivateBatch(RecordBatches &batches, int x, int y) : BC_GenericButton(x, y, _("Activate")), batches(batches) { set_tooltip(_("Make the highlighted\nclip active.")); } int RecordBatchesGUI::ActivateBatch:: handle_event() { return 1; } RecordBatchesGUI::ClearBatch:: ClearBatch(RecordBatches &batches, int x, int y) : BC_GenericButton(x, y, _("Clear")), batches(batches) { set_tooltip(_("Delete all clips.")); } int RecordBatchesGUI::ClearBatch:: handle_event() { batches.gui->update_batches(); return 1; }