/* * CINELERRA * Copyright (C) 2008 Adam Williams * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA * */ #include "asset.h" #include "batch.h" #include "bcsignals.h" #include "browsebutton.h" #include "channel.h" #include "channelpicker.h" #include "clip.h" #include "condition.h" #include "bchash.h" #include "edl.h" #include "edlsession.h" #include "file.h" #include "filesystem.h" #include "keys.h" #include "language.h" #include "loadmode.h" #include "meterpanel.h" #include "mutex.h" #include "mwindow.h" #include "mwindowgui.h" #include "preferences.h" #include "question.h" #include "recconfirmdelete.h" #include "recordgui.h" #include "record.h" #include "recordlabel.h" #include "recordmonitor.h" #include "recordtransport.h" #include "recordvideo.h" #include "mainsession.h" #include "theme.h" #include "units.h" #include "videodevice.h" #include RecordGUI::RecordGUI(MWindow *mwindow, Record *record) : BC_Window(_(PROGRAM_NAME ": Recording"), mwindow->session->rwindow_x, mwindow->session->rwindow_y, mwindow->session->rwindow_w, mwindow->session->rwindow_h, 10, 10, 1, 0, 1) { this->mwindow = mwindow; this->record = record; current_operation = 0; position_title = 0; prev_label_title = 0; frames_behind = 0; frames_dropped = 0; framerate = 0; samples_clipped = 0; cron_status = 0; batch_bay = 0; batch_path = 0; status_thread = 0; batch_start = 0; batch_duration = 0; record_transport = 0; batch_browse = 0; batch_source = 0; batch_mode = 0; new_batch = 0; delete_batch = 0; start_batches = 0; stop_batches = 0; activate_batch = 0; label_button = 0; drop_frames = 0; fill_frames = 0; monitor_video = 0; monitor_audio = 0; meter_audio = 0; batch_flash = 0; startover_thread = 0; interrupt_thread = 0; load_mode = 0; flash_color = 0; loop_hr = 0; loop_min = 0; loop_sec = 0; reset = 0; monitor_video_window = 0; dc_offset_button = 0; for( int i=0; idefault_asset; lock_window("RecordGUI::create_objects"); status_thread = new RecordStatusThread(mwindow, this); status_thread->start(); set_icon(mwindow->theme->get_image("record_icon")); mwindow->theme->get_recordgui_sizes(this, get_w(), get_h()); //printf("RecordGUI::create_objects 1\n"); mwindow->theme->draw_rwindow_bg(this); int x = 10; int y = 10; int x1 = 0; BC_Title *title; int pad = max(BC_TextBox::calculate_h(this, MEDIUMFONT, 1, 1), BC_Title::calculate_h(this, "X")) + 5; int button_y = 0; // Current batch add_subwindow(title = new BC_Title(x, y, _("Path:"))); x1 = max(title->get_w(), x1); y += pad; add_subwindow(title = new BC_Title(x, y, _("Start time:"))); x1 = max(title->get_w(), x1); y += pad; add_subwindow(title = new BC_Title(x, y, _("Duration time:"))); x1 = max(title->get_w(), x1); y += pad; add_subwindow(title = new BC_Title(x, y, _("Source:"))); x1 = max(title->get_w(), x1); y += pad; add_subwindow(title = new BC_Title(x, y, _("Mode:"))); x1 = max(title->get_w(), x1); y += pad; add_subwindow(title = new BC_Title(x, y, _("Transport:"))); x1 = max(title->get_w(), x1); y += pad; button_y = max(y, button_y); int x2 = 0; y = 10; x = x1 + 20; add_subwindow(batch_path = new RecordPath(this, x, y)); add_subwindow(batch_browse = new BrowseButton(mwindow, this, batch_path, batch_path->get_x() + batch_path->get_w(), y, asset->path, _(PROGRAM_NAME ": Record path"), _("Select a file to record to:"), 0)); x2 = max(x2, batch_path->get_w() + batch_browse->get_w()); y += pad; batch_start = new RecordStart(this, x, y); batch_start->create_objects(); x2 = max(x2, batch_start->get_w()); y += pad; batch_duration = new RecordDuration(this, x, y); batch_duration->create_objects(); x2 = max(x2, batch_duration->get_w()); y += pad; batch_source = new RecordSource(this, x, y); batch_source->create_objects(); x2 = max(x2, batch_source->get_w()); y += pad; batch_mode = new RecordGUIModeMenu(this, x, y, 200, ""); batch_mode->create_objects(); x2 = max(x2, batch_mode->get_w()); y += pad; record_transport = new RecordTransport(mwindow, record, this, x, y); record_transport->create_objects(); x2 = max(x2, record_transport->get_w()); // Compression settings x = x2 + x1 + 30; y = 10; int x3 = 0; pad = BC_Title::calculate_h(this, "X") + 5; add_subwindow(title = new BC_Title(x, y, _("Format:"))); x3 = max(title->get_w(), x3); y += pad; if(asset->audio_data) { add_subwindow(title = new BC_Title(x, y, _("Audio compression:"))); x3 = max(title->get_w(), x3); y += pad; add_subwindow(title = new BC_Title(x, y, _("Samplerate:"))); x3 = max(title->get_w(), x3); y += pad; add_subwindow(title = new BC_Title(x, y, _("Clipped samples:"))); x3 = max(title->get_w(), x3); y += pad; } if(asset->video_data) { add_subwindow(title = new BC_Title(x, y, _("Video compression:"))); x3 = max(title->get_w(), x3); y += pad; add_subwindow(title = new BC_Title(x, y, _("Framerate:"))); x3 = max(title->get_w(), x3); y += pad; add_subwindow(title = new BC_Title(x, y, _("Frames dropped:"))); x3 = max(title->get_w(), x3); y += pad; add_subwindow(title = new BC_Title(x, y, _("Frames behind:"))); x3 = max(title->get_w(), x3); y += pad; } add_subwindow(title = new BC_Title(x, y, _("Position:"))); x3 = max(title->get_w(), x3); y += pad; add_subwindow(title = new BC_Title(x, y, _("Prev label:"))); x3 = max(title->get_w(), x3); y += pad; button_y = max(y, button_y); y = 10; x = x3 + x2 + x1 + 40; add_subwindow(new BC_Title(x, y, File::formattostr(mwindow->plugindb, asset->format), MEDIUMFONT, mwindow->theme->recordgui_fixed_color)); y += pad; if(asset->audio_data) { add_subwindow(new BC_Title(x, y, File::bitstostr(asset->bits), MEDIUMFONT, mwindow->theme->recordgui_fixed_color)); y += pad; sprintf(string, "%d", asset->sample_rate); add_subwindow(new BC_Title(x, y, string, MEDIUMFONT, mwindow->theme->recordgui_fixed_color)); y += pad; add_subwindow(samples_clipped = new BC_Title(x, y, "0", MEDIUMFONT, mwindow->theme->recordgui_variable_color)); y += pad; } if(asset->video_data) { add_subwindow(new BC_Title(x, y, asset->format == FILE_MPEG ? _("File Capture") : File::compressiontostr(asset->vcodec), MEDIUMFONT, mwindow->theme->recordgui_fixed_color)); y += pad; sprintf(string, "%0.2f", asset->frame_rate); add_subwindow(framerate = new BC_Title(x, y, string, MEDIUMFONT, mwindow->theme->recordgui_fixed_color)); y += pad; add_subwindow(frames_dropped = new BC_Title(x, y, "0", MEDIUMFONT, mwindow->theme->recordgui_variable_color)); y += pad; add_subwindow(frames_behind = new BC_Title(x, y, "0", MEDIUMFONT, mwindow->theme->recordgui_variable_color)); y += pad; } add_subwindow(position_title = new BC_Title(x, y, "", MEDIUMFONT, mwindow->theme->recordgui_variable_color)); y += pad; add_subwindow(prev_label_title = new BC_Title(x, y, _("None"), MEDIUMFONT, mwindow->theme->recordgui_variable_color)); y += pad + 10; button_y = max(y, button_y); // Buttons x = 10; y = button_y; add_subwindow(title = new BC_Title(x,y, _("Batches:"))); int y_max = y + title->get_h(); x1 = x; x += title->get_w() + 5; add_subwindow(activate_batch = new RecordGUIActivateBatch(this, x, y)); x += activate_batch->get_w(); y_max = max(y_max, y + activate_batch->get_h()); add_subwindow(start_batches = new RecordGUIStartBatches(this, x, y)); y_max = max(y_max, y + start_batches->get_h()); x2 = x; x += start_batches->get_w(); add_subwindow(new_batch = new RecordGUINewBatch(this, x, y)); y_max = max(y_max, y + new_batch->get_h()); x3 = x; x += new_batch->get_w(); int x4 = x; add_subwindow(label_button = new RecordGUILabel(this, x, y)); y_max = max(y_max, y + label_button->get_h()); int y1 = y_max, y2 = y1 + 5; add_subwindow(title = new BC_Title(x1,y2, _("Cron:"))); y_max = max(y_max, y2 + title->get_h()); x1 += title->get_w() + 5; add_subwindow(cron_status = new BC_Title(x1,y2, _("Idle"), MEDIUMFONT, mwindow->theme->recordgui_variable_color)); y_max = max(y_max, y2 + cron_status->get_h()); add_subwindow(stop_batches = new RecordGUIStopBatches(this, x2, y1)); y_max = max(y_max, y1 + stop_batches->get_h()); add_subwindow(delete_batch = new RecordGUIDeleteBatch(this, x3, y1)); y_max = max(y_max, y1 + delete_batch->get_h()); add_subwindow(clrlbls_button = new RecordGUIClearLabels(this, x4, y1)); y_max = max(y_max, y1 + clrlbls_button->get_h()); x = x1 = 10; y = y_max + pad; y1 = y + pad + 5; fill_frames = 0; monitor_video = 0; monitor_audio = 0; meter_audio = 0; if(asset->video_data) { add_subwindow(drop_frames = new RecordGUIDropFrames(this, x, y)); add_subwindow(fill_frames = new RecordGUIFillFrames(this, x, y1)); x += drop_frames->get_w() + 5; x1 = x; add_subwindow(monitor_video = new RecordGUIMonitorVideo(this, x, y)); x += monitor_video->get_w() + 5; } if(asset->audio_data) { add_subwindow(monitor_audio = new RecordGUIMonitorAudio(this, x, y)); x += monitor_audio->get_w() + 5; add_subwindow(meter_audio = new RecordGUIAudioMeters(this, x, y)); x += meter_audio->get_w() + 5; } add_subwindow(power_off = new RecordGUIPowerOff(this, x1, y1)); x1 += power_off->get_w() + 10; add_subwindow(commercial_check = new RecordGUICommCheck(this, x1, y1)); // Batches x = 10; y += 5; if( fill_frames ) y = y1 + fill_frames->get_h(); else if( monitor_audio ) y += monitor_audio->get_h(); int bottom_margin = max(BC_OKButton::calculate_h(), LoadMode::calculate_h(this, mwindow->theme)) + 5; add_subwindow(batch_bay = new RecordGUIBatches(this, x, y, get_w() - 20, get_h() - y - bottom_margin - 10)); y += batch_bay->get_h() + 5; record->record_batches.gui = batch_bay; batch_bay->update_batches(-1); // Controls int loadmode_w = LoadMode::calculate_w(this, mwindow->theme, 1, 0); load_mode = new LoadMode(mwindow, this, get_w() / 2 - loadmode_w / 2, y, &record->load_mode, 1, 0); load_mode->create_objects(); y += load_mode->get_h() + 5; add_subwindow(new RecordGUIOK(this)); interrupt_thread = new EndRecordThread(this); // add_subwindow(new RecordGUISave(record, this)); add_subwindow(new RecordGUICancel(this)); startover_thread = new RecordStartoverThread(this); enable_batch_buttons(); if( batch_mode->value == RECORD_TIMED ) batch_duration->enable(); else batch_duration->disable(); unlock_window(); } void RecordGUI::update_batches() { lock_window("void RecordGUI::Update_batches"); batch_bay->update_batches(); unlock_window(); } Batch *RecordGUI::get_current_batch() { return record->get_editing_batch(); } Batch *RecordGUI::get_editing_batch() { return record->get_editing_batch(); } void RecordGUI::update_batch_sources() { //printf("RecordGUI::update_batch_sources 1\n"); ChannelPicker *channel_picker = record->record_monitor->window->channel_picker; if(channel_picker) batch_source->update_list(&channel_picker->channel_listitems); //printf("RecordGUI::update_batch_sources 2\n"); } int RecordGUI::translation_event() { mwindow->session->rwindow_x = get_x(); mwindow->session->rwindow_y = get_y(); return 0; } int RecordGUI::resize_event(int w, int h) { // Recompute batch list based on previous extents int bottom_margin = mwindow->session->rwindow_h - batch_bay->get_y() - batch_bay->get_h(); int mode_margin = mwindow->session->rwindow_h - load_mode->get_y(); mwindow->session->rwindow_x = get_x(); mwindow->session->rwindow_y = get_y(); mwindow->session->rwindow_w = w; mwindow->session->rwindow_h = h; mwindow->theme->get_recordgui_sizes(this, w, h); mwindow->theme->draw_rwindow_bg(this); int new_h = mwindow->session->rwindow_h - bottom_margin - batch_bay->get_y(); if(new_h < 10) new_h = 10; batch_bay->reposition_window(batch_bay->get_x(), batch_bay->get_y(), mwindow->session->rwindow_w - 20, mwindow->session->rwindow_h - bottom_margin - batch_bay->get_y()); load_mode->reposition_window(mwindow->session->rwindow_w / 2 - mwindow->theme->loadmode_w / 2, mwindow->session->rwindow_h - mode_margin); flash(); return 1; } void RecordGUI::update_batch_tools() { lock_window("RecordGUI::update_batch_tools"); //printf("RecordGUI::update_batch_tools 1\n"); Batch *batch = get_editing_batch(); batch_path->update(batch->asset->path); // File is open in editing batch // if(current_batch() == editing_batch() && record->file) // batch_path->disable(); // else // batch_path->enable(); batch_start->update(&batch->start_day, &batch->start_time); batch_duration->update(0, &batch->duration); batch_source->update(batch->get_source_text()); batch_mode->update(batch->record_mode); if( batch_mode->value == RECORD_TIMED ) batch_duration->enable(); else batch_duration->disable(); flush(); unlock_window(); } void RecordGUI::enable_batch_buttons() { lock_window("RecordGUI::enable_batch_buttons"); new_batch->enable(); delete_batch->enable(); start_batches->enable(); stop_batches->disable(); activate_batch->enable(); unlock_window(); } void RecordGUI::disable_batch_buttons() { lock_window("RecordGUI::disable_batch_buttons"); new_batch->disable(); delete_batch->disable(); start_batches->disable(); stop_batches->enable(); activate_batch->disable(); unlock_window(); } RecordGUIBatches::RecordGUIBatches(RecordGUI *gui, int x, int y, int w, int h) : RecordBatchesGUI(gui->record->record_batches, x, y, w, h) { this->gui = gui; } // Do nothing for double clicks to protect active batch int RecordGUIBatches::handle_event() { return 1; } int RecordGUIBatches::selection_changed() { RecordBatchesGUI::selection_changed(); gui->update_batch_tools(); return 1; } RecordGUISave::RecordGUISave(RecordGUI *gui) : BC_Button(10, gui->get_h() - BC_WindowBase::get_resources()->ok_images[0]->get_h() - 10, BC_WindowBase::get_resources()->ok_images) { set_tooltip(_("Save the recording and quit.")); this->gui = gui; } int RecordGUISave::handle_event() { gui->set_done(0); return 1; } int RecordGUISave::keypress_event() { // if(get_keypress() == RETURN) // { // handle_event(); // return 1; // } return 0; } RecordGUICancel::RecordGUICancel(RecordGUI *gui) : BC_CancelButton(gui) { set_tooltip(_("Quit without pasting into project.")); this->gui = gui; } int RecordGUICancel::handle_event() { gui->interrupt_thread->start(0); return 1; } int RecordGUICancel::keypress_event() { if(get_keypress() == ESC) { handle_event(); return 1; } return 0; } RecordGUIOK::RecordGUIOK(RecordGUI *gui) : BC_OKButton(gui) { set_tooltip(_("Quit and paste into project.")); this->gui = gui; } int RecordGUIOK::handle_event() { gui->interrupt_thread->start(1); return 1; } RecordGUIStartOver::RecordGUIStartOver(RecordGUI *gui, int x, int y) : BC_GenericButton(x, y, _("Start Over")) { set_tooltip(_("Rewind the current file and erase.")); this->gui = gui; } RecordGUIStartOver::~RecordGUIStartOver() { } int RecordGUIStartOver::handle_event() { if(!gui->startover_thread->running()) gui->startover_thread->start(); return 1; } RecordGUIDropFrames::RecordGUIDropFrames(RecordGUI *gui, int x, int y) : BC_CheckBox(x, y, gui->record->drop_overrun_frames, _("drop overrun frames")) { this->set_underline(0); this->gui = gui; set_tooltip(_("Drop input frames when behind.")); } int RecordGUIDropFrames::handle_event() { gui->record->drop_overrun_frames = get_value(); return 1; } int RecordGUIDropFrames::keypress_event() { if(get_keypress() == 'd') { set_value(get_value() ? 0 : 1); handle_event(); return 1; } return 0; } RecordGUIFillFrames::RecordGUIFillFrames(RecordGUI *gui, int x, int y) : BC_CheckBox(x, y, gui->record->fill_underrun_frames, _("fill underrun frames")) { this->set_underline(0); this->gui = gui; set_tooltip(_("Write extra frames when behind.")); } int RecordGUIFillFrames::handle_event() { gui->record->fill_underrun_frames = get_value(); return 1; } int RecordGUIFillFrames::keypress_event() { if(get_keypress() == 'f') { set_value(get_value() ? 0 : 1); handle_event(); return 1; } return 0; } RecordGUIPowerOff::RecordGUIPowerOff(RecordGUI *gui, int x, int y) : BC_CheckBox(x, y, gui->record->power_off, _("poweroff when done")) { this->set_underline(0); this->gui = gui; set_tooltip(_("poweroff system when batch record done.")); } int RecordGUIPowerOff::handle_event() { gui->record->power_off = get_value(); return 1; } int RecordGUIPowerOff::keypress_event() { if(get_keypress() == 'p') { set_value(get_value() ? 0 : 1); handle_event(); return 1; } return 0; } RecordGUICommCheck::RecordGUICommCheck(RecordGUI *gui, int x, int y) : BC_CheckBox(x, y, gui->record->commercial_check, _("check for ads")) { this->set_underline(0); this->gui = gui; set_tooltip(_("check for commercials.")); } int RecordGUICommCheck::handle_event() { gui->record->update_skimming(get_value()); return 1; } int RecordGUICommCheck::keypress_event() { if(get_keypress() == 'c') { set_value(get_value() ? 0 : 1); gui->record->update_skimming(get_value()); handle_event(); return 1; } return 0; } RecordGUIMonitorVideo::RecordGUIMonitorVideo(RecordGUI *gui, int x, int y) : BC_CheckBox(x, y, gui->record->monitor_video, _("Monitor video")) { this->set_underline(8); this->gui = gui; } int RecordGUIMonitorVideo::handle_event() { // Video capture constitutively, just like audio, but only flash on screen if 1 int mode = get_value(); Record *record = gui->record; record->set_video_monitoring(mode); if(record->monitor_video) { unlock_window(); BC_Window *window = record->record_monitor->window; window->lock_window("RecordGUIMonitorVideo::handle_event"); window->show_window(); window->raise_window(); window->flush(); window->unlock_window(); lock_window("RecordGUIMonitorVideo::handle_event"); record->video_window_open = 1; } return 1; } int RecordGUIMonitorVideo::keypress_event() { if(get_keypress() == 'v') { set_value(get_value() ? 0 : 1); handle_event(); return 1; } return 0; } RecordGUIMonitorAudio::RecordGUIMonitorAudio(RecordGUI *gui, int x, int y) : BC_CheckBox(x, y, gui->record->monitor_audio, _("Monitor audio")) { this->set_underline(8); this->gui = gui; } int RecordGUIMonitorAudio::handle_event() { int mode = get_value(); Record *record = gui->record; record->set_audio_monitoring(mode); if(record->monitor_audio) { unlock_window(); BC_Window *window = record->record_monitor->window; window->lock_window("RecordGUIMonitorAudio::handle_event"); window->show_window(); window->raise_window(); window->flush(); window->unlock_window(); lock_window("RecordGUIMonitorAudio::handle_event"); record->video_window_open = 1; } return 1; } int RecordGUIMonitorAudio::keypress_event() { if(get_keypress() == 'a') { set_value(get_value() ? 0 : 1); handle_event(); return 1; } return 0; } RecordGUIAudioMeters::RecordGUIAudioMeters(RecordGUI *gui, int x, int y) : BC_CheckBox(x, y, gui->record->metering_audio, _("Audio meters")) { this->set_underline(6); this->gui = gui; } int RecordGUIAudioMeters::handle_event() { int mode = get_value(); Record *record = gui->record; record->set_audio_metering(mode); if(record->metering_audio) { unlock_window(); BC_Window *window = record->record_monitor->window; window->lock_window("RecordGUIAudioMeters::handle_event"); window->show_window(); window->raise_window(); window->flush(); window->unlock_window(); lock_window("RecordGUIAudioMeters::handle_event"); record->video_window_open = 1; } return 1; } int RecordGUIAudioMeters::keypress_event() { if(get_keypress() == 'm') { set_value(get_value() ? 0 : 1); handle_event(); return 1; } return 0; } RecordPath::RecordPath(RecordGUI *gui, int x, int y) : RecordBatchesGUI::Path(gui->record->record_batches, x, y) { this->gui = gui; } int RecordPath::handle_event() { return RecordBatchesGUI::Path::handle_event(); } RecordStart::RecordStart(RecordGUI *gui, int x, int y) : RecordBatchesGUI::StartTime(gui, gui->record->record_batches, x, y) { this->gui = gui; } int RecordStart::handle_event() { return RecordBatchesGUI::StartTime::handle_event(); } RecordDuration::RecordDuration(RecordGUI *gui, int x, int y) : RecordBatchesGUI::Duration(gui, gui->record->record_batches, x, y) { this->gui = gui; } int RecordDuration::handle_event() { return RecordBatchesGUI::Duration::handle_event(); } RecordSource::RecordSource(RecordGUI *gui, int x, int y) : RecordBatchesGUI::Source(gui, gui->record->record_batches, x, y) { this->gui = gui; } int RecordSource::handle_event() { gui->record->set_batch_channel_no(get_number()); return RecordBatchesGUI::Source::handle_event(); } RecordNews::RecordNews(RecordGUI *gui, int x, int y) : RecordBatchesGUI::News(gui->record->record_batches, x, y) { this->gui = gui; } int RecordNews::handle_event() { return RecordBatchesGUI::News::handle_event(); } RecordGUINewBatch::RecordGUINewBatch(RecordGUI *gui, int x, int y) : RecordBatchesGUI::NewBatch(gui->record->record_batches, x, y) { this->gui = gui; set_tooltip(_("Create new clip.")); } int RecordGUINewBatch::handle_event() { gui->record->new_batch(); return RecordBatchesGUI::NewBatch::handle_event(); } RecordGUIDeleteBatch::RecordGUIDeleteBatch(RecordGUI *gui, int x, int y) : RecordBatchesGUI::DeleteBatch(gui->record->record_batches, x, y) { this->gui = gui; set_tooltip(_("Delete clip.")); } int RecordGUIDeleteBatch::handle_event() { gui->record->delete_batch(); return RecordBatchesGUI::DeleteBatch::handle_event(); } RecordGUIStartBatches::RecordGUIStartBatches(RecordGUI *gui, int x, int y) : RecordBatchesGUI::StartBatches(gui->record->record_batches, x, y) { this->gui = gui; set_tooltip(_("Start batch recording\nfrom the current position.")); } int RecordGUIStartBatches::handle_event() { Record *record = gui->record; record->start_cron_thread(); return RecordBatchesGUI::StartBatches::handle_event(); } RecordGUIStopBatches::RecordGUIStopBatches(RecordGUI *gui, int x, int y) : RecordBatchesGUI::StopBatches(gui->record->record_batches, x, y) { this->gui = gui; } int RecordGUIStopBatches::handle_event() { Record *record = gui->record; unlock_window(); record->stop_cron_thread(_("Stopped")); lock_window(); return RecordBatchesGUI::StopBatches::handle_event(); } RecordGUIActivateBatch::RecordGUIActivateBatch(RecordGUI *gui, int x, int y) : RecordBatchesGUI::ActivateBatch(gui->record->record_batches, x, y) { this->gui = gui; set_tooltip(_("Make the highlighted\nclip active.")); } int RecordGUIActivateBatch::handle_event() { gui->record->activate_batch(gui->record->editing_batch()); gui->update_cron_status(_("Idle")); return RecordBatchesGUI::ActivateBatch::handle_event(); } RecordGUILabel::RecordGUILabel(RecordGUI *gui, int x, int y) : BC_GenericButton(x, y, _("Label")) { this->gui = gui; set_underline(0); } RecordGUILabel::~RecordGUILabel() { } int RecordGUILabel::handle_event() { gui->record->toggle_label(); return 1; } int RecordGUILabel::keypress_event() { if(get_keypress() == 'l') { handle_event(); return 1; } return 0; } RecordGUIClearLabels::RecordGUIClearLabels(RecordGUI *gui, int x, int y) : BC_GenericButton(x, y, _("ClrLbls")) { this->gui = gui; } RecordGUIClearLabels::~RecordGUIClearLabels() { } int RecordGUIClearLabels::handle_event() { gui->record->clear_labels(); return 1; } EndRecordThread::EndRecordThread(RecordGUI *gui) : Thread(1, 0, 0) { this->gui = gui; is_ok = 0; } EndRecordThread::~EndRecordThread() { if(Thread::running()) { window->lock_window("EndRecordThread::~EndRecordThread"); window->set_done(1); window->unlock_window(); Thread::join(); } } void EndRecordThread::start(int is_ok) { this->is_ok = is_ok; if( gui->record->writing_file ) { if(!running()) Thread::start(); } else { gui->set_done(!is_ok); } } void EndRecordThread::run() { window = new QuestionWindow(gui->record->mwindow); window->create_objects(_("Interrupt recording in progress?"), 0); int result = window->run_window(); delete window; if(result == 2) gui->set_done(!is_ok); } RecordStartoverThread::RecordStartoverThread(RecordGUI *gui) : Thread(1, 0, 0) { this->gui = gui; } RecordStartoverThread::~RecordStartoverThread() { if(Thread::running()) { window->lock_window("RecordStartoverThread::~RecordStartoverThread"); window->set_done(1); window->unlock_window(); Thread::join(); } } void RecordStartoverThread::run() { Record *record = gui->record; window = new QuestionWindow(record->mwindow); window->create_objects(_("Rewind batch and overwrite?"), 0); int result = window->run_window(); if(result == 2) record->start_over(); delete window; } int RecordGUI::set_translation(int x, int y, float z) { record->video_x = x; record->video_y = y; record->video_zoom = z; return 0; } void RecordGUI::reset_video() { total_dropped_frames = 0; status_thread->reset_video(); update_framerate(record->default_asset->frame_rate); } void RecordGUI::update_dropped_frames(long value) { status_thread->update_dropped_frames(value); } void RecordGUI::update_frames_behind(long value) { status_thread->update_frames_behind(value); } void RecordGUI::update_position(double value) { status_thread->update_position(value); } void RecordGUI::update_framerate(double value) { status_thread->update_framerate(value); } void RecordGUI::update_video(int dropped, int behind) { total_dropped_frames += dropped; update_dropped_frames(total_dropped_frames); update_frames_behind(behind); status_thread->update_position(record->current_display_position()); } void RecordGUI::reset_audio() { // gui->lock_window("RecordAudio::run 2"); // reset meter total_clipped_samples = 0; status_thread->reset_audio(); AudioDevice *adevice = record->adevice; RecordMonitorGUI *window = record->record_monitor->window; window->lock_window("RecordAudio::run 2"); MeterPanel *meters = window->meters; if( meters ) { int dmix = adevice && (adevice->get_idmix() || adevice->get_odmix()); meters->init_meters(dmix); } window->unlock_window(); // gui->unlock_window(); } void RecordGUI::update_clipped_samples(long value) { status_thread->update_clipped_samples(value); } void RecordGUI::update_audio(int channels, double *max, int *over) { // Get clipping status int clipped = 0; for( int ch=0; chmetering_audio ) { RecordMonitorGUI *window = record->record_monitor->window; window->lock_window("RecordAudio::run 1"); MeterPanel *meters = window->meters; int nmeters = meters->meters.total; for( int ch=0; chmeters.values[ch]->update(vmax, vover); } window->unlock_window(); } // update position, if no video if( !record->default_asset->video_data ) update_position(record->current_display_position()); } int RecordGUI::keypress_event() { return record_transport->keypress_event(); } void RecordGUI::update_labels(double new_position) { RecordLabel *prev, *next; for(prev = record->get_current_batch()->labels->last; prev; prev = prev->previous) { if(prev->position <= new_position) break; } for(next = record->get_current_batch()->labels->first; next; next = next->next) { if(next->position > new_position) break; } if(prev) update_title(prev_label_title, prev->position); else update_title(prev_label_title, -1); // if(next) // update_title(next_label_title, (double)next->position / record->default_asset->sample_rate); // else // update_title(next_label_title, -1); } int RecordGUI::update_prev_label(long new_position) { update_title(prev_label_title, new_position); return 0; } // int RecordGUI::update_next_label(long new_position) // { // update_title(next_label_title, new_position); // } // int RecordGUI::update_title(BC_Title *title, double position) { static char string[256]; if(position >= 0) { Units::totext(string, position, mwindow->edl->session->time_format, record->default_asset->sample_rate, record->default_asset->frame_rate, mwindow->edl->session->frames_per_foot); } else { sprintf(string, "-"); } lock_window("RecordGUI::update_title"); title->update(string); unlock_window(); return 0; } void RecordGUI::update_cron_status(const char *status) { lock_window("RecordGUI::update_cron_status"); cron_status->update(status); unlock_window(); } void RecordGUI::update_power_off(int value) { lock_window("RecordGUI::update_power_off"); power_off->update(value); unlock_window(); } // ===================================== GUI // ================================================== modes RecordGUIModeTextBox::RecordGUIModeTextBox(RecordGUIModeMenu *mode_menu, int x, int y, int w,const char *text) : BC_TextBox(x, y, w, 1, text) { this->mode_menu = mode_menu; } RecordGUIModeTextBox::~RecordGUIModeTextBox() { } int RecordGUIModeTextBox::handle_event() { return 0; } RecordGUIModeListBox::RecordGUIModeListBox(RecordGUIModeMenu *mode_menu) : BC_ListBox(mode_menu->textbox->get_x() + mode_menu->textbox->get_w(), mode_menu->textbox->get_y(), 100, 50, LISTBOX_TEXT, &mode_menu->modes, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1) { this->mode_menu = mode_menu; } RecordGUIModeListBox::~RecordGUIModeListBox() { } int RecordGUIModeListBox::handle_event() { return mode_menu->handle_event(); } RecordGUIModeMenu::RecordGUIModeMenu(RecordGUI *record_gui, int x, int y, int w,const char *text) { this->record_gui = record_gui; textbox = new RecordGUIModeTextBox(this,x, y, w, ""); record_gui->add_subwindow(textbox); listbox = new RecordGUIModeListBox(this); record_gui->add_subwindow(listbox); } RecordGUIModeMenu::~RecordGUIModeMenu() { for( int i=0; iupdate(modes.values[value]->get_text()); } int RecordGUIModeMenu::handle_event() { value = listbox->get_selection_number(0, 0); textbox->update(modes.values[value]->get_text()); textbox->handle_event(); record_gui->record->set_record_mode(value); if( value == RECORD_TIMED ) record_gui->batch_duration->enable(); else record_gui->batch_duration->disable(); return 0; } void RecordGUIModeMenu::update(int value) { this->value = value; textbox->update(modes.values[value]->get_text()); } int RecordGUIModeMenu::get_w() { return textbox->get_w() + listbox->get_w(); } int RecordGUIModeMenu::get_h() { return MAX(textbox->get_h(), listbox->get_h()); } RecordStatusThread::RecordStatusThread(MWindow *mwindow, RecordGUI *gui) : Thread(1, 0, 0) { this->mwindow = mwindow; this->gui = gui; input_lock = new Condition(0, "RecordStatusThread::input_lock"); reset_video(); reset_audio(); done = 0; } RecordStatusThread::~RecordStatusThread() { if(Thread::running()) { done = 1; input_lock->unlock(); Thread::join(); } } void RecordStatusThread::reset_video() { new_dropped_frames = 0; displayed_dropped_frames = -1; new_frames_behind = 0; displayed_frames_behind = -1; new_position = 0; displayed_framerate = -1.; new_framerate = 0.; } void RecordStatusThread::reset_audio() { new_clipped_samples = 0; displayed_clipped_samples = -1; } void RecordStatusThread::update_frames_behind(long value) { if( value != displayed_frames_behind ) { new_frames_behind = value; input_lock->unlock(); } } void RecordStatusThread::update_dropped_frames(long value) { if( value != displayed_dropped_frames ) { new_dropped_frames = value; input_lock->unlock(); } } void RecordStatusThread::update_clipped_samples(long value) { if( value != displayed_clipped_samples ) { new_clipped_samples = value; input_lock->unlock(); } } void RecordStatusThread::update_position(double value) { this->new_position = value; input_lock->unlock(); } void RecordStatusThread::update_framerate(double value) { if( value != displayed_framerate ) { new_framerate = value; input_lock->unlock(); } } template void RecordStatusThread:: update_status_string(const char *fmt, T &new_value, T &displayed_value, BC_Title *widgit) { if( new_value >= 0 ) { if( displayed_value != new_value ) { displayed_value = new_value; if( widgit ) { char string[64]; sprintf(string, fmt, displayed_value); gui->lock_window("RecordStatusThread::run 1"); widgit->update(string); gui->unlock_window(); } } new_value = -1; } } void RecordStatusThread::run() { while(!done) { input_lock->lock("RecordStatusThread::run"); if(done) break; gui->record->window_lock->lock("RecordStatusThread::run"); update_status_string("%d", new_dropped_frames, displayed_dropped_frames, gui->frames_dropped); update_status_string("%d", new_frames_behind, displayed_frames_behind, gui->frames_behind); update_status_string("%d", new_clipped_samples, displayed_clipped_samples, gui->samples_clipped); update_status_string("%0.2f", new_framerate, displayed_framerate, gui->framerate); if( new_position >= 0 ) { gui->update_title(gui->position_title, new_position); gui->update_labels(new_position); new_position = -1; } gui->record->window_lock->unlock(); } } void RecordGUI::start_flash_batch() { if( batch_flash ) return; batch_flash = new RecordGUIFlash(this); } void RecordGUI::stop_flash_batch() { if( !batch_flash ) return; delete batch_flash; batch_flash = 0; } void RecordGUI::flash_batch() { lock_window("void RecordGUI::flash_batch"); int cur_batch = record->current_batch(); if( cur_batch >= 0 && cur_batch < batch_bay->count()) { flash_color = flash_color == GREEN ? RED : GREEN; //printf("RecordGUI::flash_batch %x\n", flash_color); batch_bay->set_row_color(cur_batch, flash_color); batch_bay->update_batch_news(cur_batch); } unlock_window(); } RecordGUIFlash:: RecordGUIFlash(RecordGUI *record_gui) : Thread(1, 0, 0) { this->record_gui = record_gui; flash_lock = new Condition(0,"RecordGUIFlash::flash_lock"); done = 0; Thread::start(); } RecordGUIFlash:: ~RecordGUIFlash() { if( Thread::running() ) { done = 1; flash_lock->unlock(); Thread::cancel(); Thread::join(); } delete flash_lock; } void RecordGUIFlash::run() { while( !done ) { record_gui->flash_batch(); enable_cancel(); Timer::delay(500); disable_cancel(); } } RecordGUIDCOffset::RecordGUIDCOffset(MWindow *mwindow, int y) : BC_Button(230, y, mwindow->theme->calibrate_data) { } RecordGUIDCOffset::~RecordGUIDCOffset() {} int RecordGUIDCOffset::handle_event() { return 1; } int RecordGUIDCOffset::keypress_event() { return 0; } RecordGUIDCOffsetText::RecordGUIDCOffsetText(char *text, int y, int number) : BC_TextBox(30, y+1, 67, 1, text, 0) { this->number = number; } RecordGUIDCOffsetText::~RecordGUIDCOffsetText() { } int RecordGUIDCOffsetText::handle_event() { return 1; } RecordGUIReset::RecordGUIReset(MWindow *mwindow, RecordGUI *gui, int y) : BC_Button(400, y, mwindow->theme->over_button) { this->gui = gui; } RecordGUIReset::~RecordGUIReset() { } int RecordGUIReset::handle_event() { return 1; } RecordGUIResetTranslation::RecordGUIResetTranslation(MWindow *mwindow, RecordGUI *gui, int y) : BC_Button(250, y, mwindow->theme->reset_data) { this->gui = gui; } RecordGUIResetTranslation::~RecordGUIResetTranslation() { } int RecordGUIResetTranslation::handle_event() { gui->set_translation(0, 0, 1); return 1; }