#ifndef __DB_H__ #define __DB_H__ #include #include #include #include #include #define freeStoreIndex indecies[freeStoreIdx] #define addrStoreIndex indecies[addrStoreIdx] #define freeSpaceIndex indecies[freeSpaceIdx] #define addrSpaceIndex indecies[addrSpaceIdx] #define entityIdIndex indecies[entityIdIdx] #define entityNmIndex indecies[entityNmIdx] #define noThrow std::nothrow #define likely(x) (__builtin_constant_p(x) ? !!(x) : __builtin_expect(!!(x), 1)) #define unlikely(x) (__builtin_constant_p(x) ? !!(x) : __builtin_expect(!!(x), 0)) #define lengthof(x) ((int)(sizeof(x)/sizeof(x[0]))) #if 0 inline void *operator new(size_t n) { void *vp = malloc(n); bzero(vp,n); return vp; } inline void operator delete(void *t) { free(t); } inline void operator delete(void *t,size_t n) { free(t); } inline void *operator new[](size_t n) { void *vp = malloc(n); bzero(vp,n); return vp; } inline void operator delete[](void *t) { free(t); } inline void operator delete[](void *t,size_t n) { free(t); } #endif #define ZMEDIA #define ZFUTEX #ifdef ZFUTEX #include #include #include #include #else #include #endif #if 1 //entity definitions #define DbObj(nm) \ class nm##Obj : public Db::Obj { public: #define DbLoc(nm) \ class nm##Loc : public Db::ObjectLoc { public: \ nm##Obj *operator ->() { return (nm##Obj *)addr(); } \ nm##Loc(Db::Entity *ep) : Db::ObjectLoc(ep) {} \ nm##Loc(Db::Entity &e) : Db::ObjectLoc(&e) {} //basic definitions #define basic_def(ty,n) class t_##n { public: ty v; t_##n() {} \ t_##n(const ty &i) : v(i) {} \ t_##n(const t_##n &i) : v(i.v) {} \ t_##n &operator =(const t_##n &i) { v = i.v; return *this; } \ ty &operator =(const ty &i) { return v = i; } \ ty *addr() { return &v; } int size() { return sizeof(v); } \ } v_##n \ //array definitions #define array_def(ty,n,l) class t_##n { public: ty v[l]; t_##n() {} \ t_##n(const t_##n &i) { memcpy(&v,&i.v,sizeof(v)); } \ t_##n(ty *i) { memcpy(&v,i,sizeof(v)); } \ t_##n(ty(*i)[l]) { memcpy(&v,i,sizeof(v)); } \ ty *operator =(const ty *i) { memcpy(&v,i,sizeof(v)); return &v[0]; } \ ty *addr() { return &v[0]; } int size() { return sizeof(v); } \ } v_##n \ // variable array definitions #define varray_def(ty,n) \ class t_##n { public: char *v; int l; t_##n() {} \ t_##n(const char *i, int sz) { v = (char *)i; l = sz; } \ t_##n(const unsigned char *i, int sz) { v = (char *)i; l = sz; } \ ty *addr() { return (ty *)v; } int size() { return l; } \ }; Db::varObj v_##n \ // string array definitions #define sarray_def(ty,n) \ class t_##n { public: char *v; int l; t_##n() {} \ t_##n(const char *i, int sz) { v = (char *)i; l = sz; } \ t_##n(const unsigned char *i, int sz) { v = (char *)i; l = sz; } \ t_##n(const char *i) { t_##n(i,strlen(i)+1); } \ t_##n(const unsigned char *i) { t_##n(i,strlen(v)+1); } \ ty *addr() { return (ty *)v; } int size() { return l; } \ }; Db::varObj v_##n \ //basic type ref #define basic_ref(ty,n) \ ty *_##n() { return (*this)->v_##n.addr(); } \ ty n() { return *_##n(); } \ void n(ty i) { _wr(); *_##n() = i; } \ int size_##n() { return (*this)->v_##n.size(); } \ //array type ref #define array_ref(ty,n,l) \ ty *_##n() { return (*this)->v_##n.addr(); } \ ty (&n())[l] { return *(ty (*)[l])_##n(); } \ void n(const ty *i,int m) { _wr(); if( m > 0 ) memcpy(n(),i,m); } \ void n(const ty *i) { n(i,(*this)->v_##n.size()); } \ int size_##n() { return (*this)->v_##n.size(); } \ //variable array type ref #define varray_ref(ty,n) \ ty *_##n() { return (ty *)addr((*this)->v_##n); } \ ty *_##n(int sz) { size((*this)->v_##n, sz); \ return sz > 0 ? (ty *)addr_wr((*this)->v_##n) : 0; } \ ty (&n())[] { return *(ty (*)[])_##n(); } \ int n(const ty *v, int sz) { ty *vp=_##n(sz); \ if( vp && sz > 0 ) memcpy(vp, v, sz); return 0; } \ int size_##n() { return (*this)->v_##n.size(); } \ //string array type ref #define sarray_ref(ty,n) \ ty *_##n() { return (ty *)addr((*this)->v_##n); } \ ty *_##n(int sz) { size((*this)->v_##n, sz); \ return sz > 0 ? (ty *)addr_wr((*this)->v_##n) : 0; } \ ty (&n())[] { return *(ty (*)[])_##n(); } \ int n(const ty *v, int sz) { ty *vp=_##n(sz); \ if( vp && sz > 0 ) memcpy(vp, v, sz); return 0; } \ int n(const char *v) { return n((ty *)v,strlen(v)+1); } \ int n(const unsigned char *v) { return n((const char *)v); } \ int size_##n() { return (*this)->v_##n.size(); } \ #endif #define DEBUG #define DEBUG_TIMESTAMPS #define DBBUG_ERR 0x00000001 #define DBBUG_FAIL 0x00000002 #define CHK //#define CHK 1 ? 0 : class Db; class Db { public: typedef int pageId; typedef int transId; typedef long ioAddr; private: int root_info_id; int index_info_id; int page_info_id; class RootInfo { public: int root_magic; // info_magic label int root_info_size; // root_info blob size int last_info_size; int entity_max_id; int entity_count; ioAddr root_info_addr; ioAddr last_info_addr; transId transaction_id; // current transaction ioAddr file_size; // current file size pageId freePages; // free page table page list int indeciesUsed; // number of active indecies int pageTableUsed; // number of active pages int init(); } *root_info; int shm_init, no_shm; static void *get_mem8_t(int id); static void *new_mem8_t(int size, int &id); static int del_mem8_t(const void *vp, int id); static void *get_shm8_t(int id); static void *new_shm8_t(int size, int &id); static int del_shm8_t(const void *vp, int id); void *(*get_mem)(int id); void *(*new_mem)(int size, int &id); int (*del_mem)(const void *vp, int id); protected: uint8_t *get_uint8_t(int id, int pg=-1); uint8_t *new_uint8_t(int size, int &id, int pg=-1); int del_uint8_t(const void *vp, int id=-1, int pg=-1); public: typedef int (*CmprFn)(char *,char *); static int cmprFrSt(char *a, char *b); static int cmprAdSt(char *a, char *b); static int cmprFrSp(char *a, char *b); static int cmprAdSp(char *a, char *b); static int cmprOIds(char *a, char *b); static int cmprStr(char *a, char *b); static int cmprKey(char *a, char *b); static int cmprLast(char *a, char *b); static CmprFn cmprFns[]; typedef void (*errCallback)(Db *db, int v); static const pageId NIL=-1, DDONE=-2; enum { errNoCmprFn = 0, errNotFound = -1, errDuplicate = -2, errNoPage = -3, errNoMemory = -4, errIoRead = -5, errIoWrite = -6, errIoSeek = -7, errIoStat = -8, errBadMagic = -9, errCorrupt = -10, errInvalid = -11, errPrevious = -12, errObjEntity = -13, errLimit = -14, errUser = -15, idxId = 0, nmSz = 32, keysz = 256, keyLT=-2, keyLE=-1, keyEQ=0, keyGE=1, keyGT=2, }; class pgRef { public: pageId id; int offset; }; static void zincr(volatile int &v) { /* atomic(++v) */ asm ( " lock incl %1\n" : "+m" (v) :: ); } static void zdecr(volatile int &v) { /* atomic(--v) */ asm ( " lock decl %1\n" : "+m" (v) :: ); } static char tdecr(volatile int &v) { char ret; /* ret = atomic(--loc >= 0 ? 1 : 0) */ asm ( " lock decl %1\n setge %0\n" : "=r" (ret), "+m" (v) :: ); return ret; } static char tincr(volatile int &v) { char ret; /* ret = atomic(++loc > 0 ? 1 : 0) */ asm ( " lock incl %1\n setg %0\n" : "=r" (ret), "+m" (v) :: ); return ret; } static int zcmpxchg(int old, int val, volatile int &v) { int ret = old; asm volatile( " lock\n cmpxchgl %2,%1\n" : "+a" (ret), "+m" (v) : "r" (val) : "memory" ); return ret; } static int zxchg(int val, volatile int &v) { asm volatile( " xchgl %0,%1\n" : "+r" (val), "+m" (v) :: "memory" ); return val; } static int zadd(int n, volatile int &v) { int old, mod, val; do { val = (old=v)+n; mod = zcmpxchg(old,val,v); } while( mod != old ); return val; } static void zmfence() { asm volatile ( " mfence\n" ::: "memory" ); } class zlock_t; class zblock_t; class zrwlock_t; #ifdef ZFUTEX #define ZLOCK_INIT zzlock_t() class zloc_t { protected: volatile int loc; int zfutex(int op, int val, timespec *time=0) { return syscall(SYS_futex,&loc,op,val,time,0,0); } int zyield(); int zgettid(); public: int zwake(int nwakeups); int zwait(int val, timespec *ts=0); int zwait() { return zwait(loc); } zloc_t() : loc(-1) {} ~zloc_t() {} }; class zlock_t : zloc_t { void *owner; void *self() { #ifdef __x86_64__ void *vp; asm ("movq %%fs:%c1,%q0" : "=r" (vp) : "i" (16)); #else void *vp; asm ("mov %%fs:%c1,%q0" : "=r" (vp) : "i" (16)); #endif return vp; } protected: friend class zblock_t; friend class zrwlock_t; int zlock(int v); int zunlock(int nwakeups=1); static int zemsg1(); public: int lock() { int v, ret = unlikely( (v=zcmpxchg(-1,0,loc)) >= 0 ) ? zlock(v) : 0; owner = self(); return ret; } int unlock() { if( unlikely(loc < 0) ) { return zemsg1(); } owner = 0; int v, ret = unlikely( (v=zcmpxchg(0,-1,loc)) != 0 ) ? zunlock() : 0; return ret; } zlock_t() { owner = 0; } ~zlock_t() {} }; class zblock_t : zlock_t { public: void block() { loc = 0; zwait(0); } void unblock() { loc = -1; zwake(INT_MAX); } zblock_t() {} ~zblock_t() {} }; class zrwlock_t : zloc_t { zlock_t lk; void zenter(); void zleave(); public: void enter() { zincr(loc); if( unlikely( lk.loc >= 0 ) ) zenter(); } void leave() { if( unlikely( !tdecr(loc) ) ) zleave(); } void write_enter(); void write_leave(); int locked() { return loc >= 0 ? 0 : lk.loc >= 0 ? 1 : -1; } int blocked() { return lk.loc >= 0 ? 1 : 0; } zrwlock_t() {} ~zrwlock_t() {} }; #else #define ZLOCK_INIT { PTHREAD_MUTEX_INITIALIZER, PTHREAD_COND_INITIALIZER } class zlock_t { protected: pthread_mutex_t zlock; public: void lock() { pthread_mutex_lock(&zlock); } void unlock() { pthread_mutex_unlock(&zlock); } zlock_t() { pthread_mutex_init(&zlock, 0); } ~zlock_t() { pthread_mutex_destroy(&zlock); } }; class zblock_t { pthread_mutex_t zblock; pthread_cond_t cond; public: zblock_t() { pthread_mutex_init(&zblock, 0); pthread_cond_init(&cond, 0); } ~zblock_t() { pthread_mutex_destroy(&zblock); pthread_cond_destroy(&cond); } void block() { pthread_mutex_lock(&zblock); pthread_cond_wait(&cond, &zblock); pthread_mutex_unlock(&zblock); } void unblock() { pthread_cond_broadcast(&cond); } }; class zrwlock_t : zlock_t { volatile int blocking, users; zlock_t lk; pthread_cond_t cond; void wait() { pthread_cond_wait(&cond, &zlock); } void wake() { pthread_cond_signal(&cond); } public: void enter() { lock(); while( blocking ) { unlock(); lk.lock(); lk.unlock(); lock(); } ++users; unlock(); } void leave() { lock(); if( !--users && blocking ) wake(); unlock(); } void write_enter() { lk.lock(); blocking = 1; lock(); while( users ) wait(); unlock(); } void write_leave() { blocking = 0; lk.unlock(); } int count() { return users; } int locked() { return users ? 0 : blocking ? 1 : -1; } int blocked() { return blocking; } zrwlock_t() { pthread_cond_init(&cond, 0); users = 0; blocking = 0; } ~zrwlock_t() { pthread_cond_destroy(&cond); } }; #endif class locked { zlock_t &lk; public: locked(zlock_t &l) : lk(l) { lk.lock(); } ~locked() { lk.unlock(); } }; class read_locked { zrwlock_t &rwlk; public: read_locked(zrwlock_t &l) : rwlk(l) { rwlk.enter(); } ~read_locked() { rwlk.leave(); } }; class write_blocked { zrwlock_t &rwlk; public: write_blocked(zrwlock_t &l) : rwlk(l) { rwlk.write_enter(); } ~write_blocked() { rwlk.write_leave(); } }; private: enum { db_magic_offset=0, db_magic=0x00624474, // tDb idx_magic=0x00786469, // idx info_magic=0x6f666e69, // info root_magic=0x746f6f72, // root page_magic=0x6770, // pg entity_magic = 0x6d65, // em root_info_offset=4, root_info_extra_pages = 2, idxNil=0, idxBin=1, idxStr=2, opDelete=-1, opFind=0, opInsert=1, pg_unknown=0, pg_root_info=1, pg_free=2, pg_entity=0x0100, pg_index=0x1000, max_entity_type = pg_index-pg_entity-1, max_index_type = 0x10000-pg_index-1, min_heap_allocation = 32, freeStoreIdx = 0, addrStoreIdx = 1, freeSpaceIdx = 2, addrSpaceIdx = 3, entityIdIdx = 4, entityNmIdx = 5, usrIdx = 6, fl_wr=1, fl_rd=2, fl_new=4, fl_free=8, defaultNoShm = 1, defaultStoreBlockSize = 8192, defaultPageTableHunkSize = 8192, defaultIndexTableHunkSize = 4096, defaultBinaryBlockSize = 16384, defaultStringBlockSize = 4096, defaultEntityPageSize = 65536, }; int key, fd; int err_no; errCallback err_callback; int my_pid; transId active_transaction; #ifdef DEBUG static int debug; static const char *errMsgs[]; static void dmsg(int msk, const char *msg,...); int _err_(int v,const char *fn,int ln); int _fail_(int v,const char *fn,int ln); #define err_(v) _err_(v,__func__,__LINE__) #define fail_(v) _fail_(v,__func__,__LINE__) #else static void dmsg(int msk, const char *msg,...) {} int _err_(int v) { error(v); return v; } int _fail_(int v) { return v; } #define err_(v) _err_(v) #define fail_(v) _fail_(v) #endif #define Err(v) return err_(v) #define Fail(v) return fail_(v) #define if_ret(fn) do{ int _ret; \ if(unlikely((_ret=(fn))<0)) return _ret; \ }while(0) #define if_err(fn) do{ int _ret; \ if(unlikely((_ret=(fn))<0)) Err(_ret); \ }while(0) #define if_fail(fn) do{ int _ret; \ if(unlikely((_ret=(fn))<0)) Fail(_ret); \ }while(0) class DbInfo { public: int magic; int owner, last_owner; int info_key, info_id; int root_info_id; int index_info_id; int page_info_id; zlock_t infoLk; // lock dbinfo up to here zrwlock_t dbRwLk; // global lock zrwlock_t pgTblLk;// pageTable realloc zlock_t pgAlLk; // new page pagesUsed/pagesAllocated zlock_t pgLdLk; // pageLoad zlock_t blkAlLk; // blockAllocate/Free zlock_t objAlLk; // objectAllocate/Free zrwlock_t rw_locks[max_entity_type]; DbInfo(int pid, int key, int id); } *db_info; int new_info(int key); int get_info(int key); int del_info(); int attach_wr(); int attach_rd(); int attach_rw(int zrw) { return zrw ? attach_wr() : attach_rd(); } void detach_rw(); class Page; class pagePrefix { public: unsigned short magic; unsigned short type; int used; }; Page *get_Page(pageId pid) volatile { return pageTable[pid]; } void set_Page(pageId pid, Page *pp) { pageTable[pid] = pp; } //Page *get_page(pageId pid) { blocked by(pgTblk); return get_Page(pid); } Page *get_page(pageId pid); // locked pageTable access static pageId getPageId(unsigned char *&bp) { int i = sizeof(pageId); pageId id; for( id = *bp++; --i > 0; id |= *bp++ ) id <<= 8; return id; } static void putPageId(unsigned char *&bp, pageId id) { int i = sizeof(pageId) * 8; while( (i -= 8) >= 0 ) *bp++ = id >> i; } static pageId readPageId(char *cp) { unsigned char *bp = (unsigned char *)cp; return getPageId(bp); } static void writePageId(char *cp, pageId id) { unsigned char *bp = (unsigned char *)cp; putPageId(bp,id); } class keyBlock : public pagePrefix { char rightLink[sizeof(pageId)]; public: int right_link() { return readPageId(&rightLink[0]); } void right_link(pageId id) { writePageId(&rightLink[0],id); } }; static int defaultBlockSizes[]; class IndexTypeInfo { public: int magic; int type; /* type of index */ char name[nmSz]; /* index string identifier */ }; class IndexBaseType : public IndexTypeInfo { public: IndexBaseType(int typ); }; class IndexRecdInfo { public: int idx; /* index in db->indecies[] */ int keySz, dataSz; /* sizeof key/data fields in bytes */ pageId rootPageId; /* index root page ID */ pageId rightHandSide; /* the right hand side of the tree for this index */ pageId freeBlocks; /* free index page list */ unsigned int blockSize; /* size of new index blocks */ int pad1; long count; /* index population count */ }; class IndexBaseRecd : public IndexRecdInfo { public: IndexBaseRecd(int typ, int zidx, int ksz, int dsz); }; class IndexBaseStorage; class IndexBaseInfo : public IndexTypeInfo, public IndexRecdInfo { public: operator IndexBaseStorage *() { return (IndexBaseStorage *)this; } }; class IndexBaseStorage : public IndexBaseInfo { public: IndexBaseStorage(int typ, int zidx, int ksz, int dsz); IndexBaseStorage() {} ~IndexBaseStorage() {} }; class IndexBase { IndexBaseStorage *st; friend class Db; Db *db; /* owner db */ pgRef lastAccess, lastFind; /* last operational access/find location */ pgRef lastInsert, lastDelete; /* last operational insert/delete location */ pgRef lastNext; /* last operational next location */ int kdSz; /* keySz + dataSz */ int lastOp; /* last operation, delete=-1/find=0/insert=1 */ int cInsCount; /* number of consecutive insertions */ int cFindCount; /* number of consecutive finds */ int cDelCount; /* number of consecutive deletions */ void init(Db *zdb); virtual int keyMap(pageId s, int(IndexBase::*fn)(pageId id)) = 0; virtual int keyCopy(pageId s, IndexBase *ib) = 0; int blockAllocate(pageId &pid, keyBlock *&bp); int blockAllocate(pageId &pid, keyBlock *&bp, Page *&pp, char *&cp) { pp = 0; cp = 0; if_err( blockAllocate(pid, bp) ); pp = db->get_page(pid); cp = (char *)(bp + 1); return 0; } int blockFree(pageId pid); int blockRelease(pageId pid); int deleteFreeBlocks(); int chkLast(pgRef &last, int &count); void chkLastInsert(); void chkLastDelete(); void chkLastFind(); public: #ifdef DEBUG int _err_(int v,const char *fn,int ln) { return db->_err_(v,fn,ln); } int _fail_(int v,const char *fn,int ln) { return db->_fail_(v,fn,ln); } #else int _err_(int v) { return db->_err_(v); } int _fail_(int v) { return db->_fail_(v); } #endif virtual int Locate(int op,void *key,CmprFn cmpr,void *rtnKey,void *rtnData) = 0; int Locate(int op,void *key,void *rtnKey,void *rtnData) { return Locate(op,key,0,rtnKey,rtnData); } virtual int Find(void *key,void *rtnData) = 0; virtual int Insert(void *key,void *data) = 0; virtual int Delete(void *key) = 0; virtual int First(void *rtnKey,void *rtnData) = 0; virtual int Last(void *rtnKey,void *rtnData) = 0; virtual int Modify(void *key,void *recd) = 0; virtual int Next(pgRef &loc,void *rtnKey,void *rtnData) = 0; int First(pgRef &loc,void *rtnKey,void *rtnData) { if_fail( First(rtnKey, rtnData) ); loc = lastNext; return 0; } int Next(void *rtnKey,void *rtnData) { if( lastNext.id < 0 ) Fail(errInvalid); return Next(lastNext,rtnKey,rtnData); } long Count() { return st->count; } int MakeRoot(); int UnmakeRoot(); int Clear(); int NextLoc(pgRef &loc) { loc = lastNext; return 0; } IndexBase(Db *zdb, int typ, int zidx, int ksz, int dsz); IndexBase(Db *zdb, IndexBaseStorage &d); virtual ~IndexBase(); } **indecies; int indeciesAllocated, indecies_sz; class IndexBinaryStorage; class IndexBinaryInfo { public: operator IndexBinaryStorage *() { return (IndexBinaryStorage *)this; } int cmprId; }; class IndexBinaryStorage : public IndexBinaryInfo { public: IndexBinaryStorage(int cmprId) { this->cmprId = cmprId; } IndexBinaryStorage() {} ~IndexBinaryStorage() {} }; class IndexBinary : public IndexBase { IndexBinaryStorage *bst; friend class Db; CmprFn compare; /* the key compare function type */ int relationship; /* key relation in keyLT..keyGT */ char *key; /* pointer to key argument */ int keyInterior; /* last insert interior/exterior */ int idf; /* interior delete flag */ char *iky, *tky; /* search/promoted temp key storage */ void init(); int keyMap(pageId s, int(IndexBase::*fn)(pageId id)); int keyCopy(pageId s, IndexBase *ib); int keyBlockUnderflow(int &t,keyBlock *lbb,pageId p,keyBlock *pbb,int pi); void makeKey(char *cp,char *key,int l,char *recd,int n); void setLastKey(pageId s,pageId u,int k); int keyLocate(pageId s, CmprFn cmpr); int chkNext(pgRef &loc, char *&kp); int keyNext(pgRef &loc, char *kp); int chkFind(char *key, pgRef *last); int keyFind(pageId s); int chkInsert(void *key,void *data); int keyInsert(pageId s, pageId &t); int keyDelete(int &t,void *kp,pageId s,pageId p,keyBlock *pbb,int pi); int keyFirst(pageId s); int keyLast(pageId s); int Locate(int op,void *key,CmprFn cmpr,void *rtnKey,void *rtnData); int Find(void *key,void *rtnData); int Insert(void *key,void *data); int Delete(void *key); int First(void *rtnKey,void *rtnData); int Last(void *rtnKey,void *rtnData); int Modify(void *key,void *recd); int Next(pgRef &loc,void *rtnKey,void *rtnData); int Next(void *rtnKey,void *rtnData) { return IndexBase::Next(rtnKey,rtnData); } char *ikey() { return iky; } char *tkey() { return tky; } public: IndexBinary(Db *zdb, int zidx, int ksz, int dsz, CmprFn cmpr); IndexBinary(Db *zdb, IndexBaseStorage *b, IndexBinaryStorage *d); IndexBinary(IndexBase *ib, IndexBaseStorage *b, IndexBinaryStorage *d); ~IndexBinary(); }; friend class IndexBinary; class IndexStringStorage; class IndexStringInfo { char dummy; // compiler needs this for some reason public: operator IndexStringStorage *() { return (IndexStringStorage *)this; } }; class IndexStringStorage : public IndexStringInfo { public: IndexStringStorage() {} ~IndexStringStorage() {} }; class IndexString : public IndexBase { IndexStringStorage *sst; friend class Db; static int ustrcmp(unsigned char *a, unsigned char *b) { return strncmp((char *)a,(char *)b,keysz); } static void ustrcpy(unsigned char *a, unsigned char *b) { strncpy((char *)a,(char *)b,keysz); } static void umemmove(unsigned char *&a, unsigned char *b, int n) { memmove(a,b,n); a += n; } static int kpress(unsigned char *kp, unsigned char *lp, unsigned char *cp); int split(int n, int i, pageId s, pageId &l, pageId r); void init(); int keyMap(pageId s, int(IndexBase::*fn)(pageId id)); int keyCopy(pageId s, IndexBase *ib); int chkInsert(void *key,void *data); int keyInsert(pageId &t, pageId s); int keyFirst(pageId s); int keyLast(pageId s); int keyLocate(pageId s,int &t, CmprFn cmpr); int chkFind(char *key, pgRef *last, unsigned char *lkey, unsigned char *lky=0); int keyFind(); int chkNext(pgRef &loc); int keyNext(pgRef &loc); int keyUnderflow(pageId s, pageId &t, int k); int keyOverflow(pageId s, pageId &t, int k, int o); int keyRemap(pageId s, pageId &t, int k, int o); int keyDelete(pageId s, pageId &t); unsigned char lastAccKey[keysz], lastFndKey[keysz]; unsigned char lastInsKey[keysz], lastDelKey[keysz]; unsigned char lastNxtKey[keysz]; unsigned char *tky, *dky; // dataSz+keysz+1 unsigned char *tbfr; // 3*allocated unsigned char key[keysz]; // key in use int idf; /* interior delete flag */ int relationship; /* key relation in keyLT..keyGT */ int Locate(int op,void *key,CmprFn cmpr,void *rtnKey,void *rtnData); int Find(void *key,void *rtnData); int Insert(void *key,void *data); int Delete(void *key); int First(void *rtnKey,void *rtnData); int Last(void *rtnKey,void *rtnData); int Modify(void *key,void *recd); int Next(pgRef &loc,void *rtnKey,void *rtnData); int Next(void *rtnKey,void *rtnData) { return IndexBase::Next(rtnKey,rtnData); } public: IndexString(Db *zdb, int zidx, int dsz); IndexString(Db *zdb, IndexBaseStorage *b, IndexStringStorage *d); IndexString(IndexBase *ib, IndexBaseStorage *b, IndexStringStorage *d); ~IndexString(); }; friend class IndexString; class IndexBinaryData : public IndexBaseInfo, public IndexBinaryInfo {}; class IndexStringData : public IndexBaseInfo, public IndexStringInfo {}; typedef union { IndexBaseInfo base; IndexBinaryData bin; IndexStringData str; } IndexInfo; IndexInfo *index_info; /* image for index storage */ class allocPrefix { public: unsigned short magic; unsigned short type; int size; }; class freeStoreRecord { public: long size; ioAddr io_addr; }; class addrStoreRecord { public: ioAddr io_addr; long size; }; class freeSpaceRecord { public: long size; pageId id; int offset; }; class addrSpaceRecord { public: pageId id; int offset; long size; }; class AllocCache { pgRef loc; int avail; public: int cacheFlush(Db *db); int Get(Db *db,int &size, pgRef &ref); int Load(Db *db, pageId id, int ofs, int sz); void init() { loc.id = NIL; loc.offset = 0; avail = 0; } void init(pageId id, int ofs, int sz) { loc.id = id; loc.offset = ofs; avail = sz; } } alloc_cache; int cacheFlush() { return alloc_cache.cacheFlush(this); } int cache_all_flush(); class PageStorage { public: unsigned int used; unsigned int allocated; unsigned short flags; unsigned short type; int io_allocated; int wr_allocated; int shmid; pageId link; transId trans_id; ioAddr io_addr; ioAddr wr_io_addr; PageStorage(); ~PageStorage() {} int chk_flags(int fl) { return flags & fl; } int set_flags(int fl) { return flags |= fl; } int clr_flags(int fl) { return flags &= ~fl; } } *page_info; class Page { PageStorage *st; pagePrefix *addr; int shm_id; void init(); public: // PageStorage access int iused() { return st->used-sizeof(keyBlock); } void iused(int v) { st->used = v+sizeof(keyBlock); } int iallocated() { return st->allocated-sizeof(keyBlock); } void iallocated(int v) { st->allocated = v+sizeof(keyBlock); } PageStorage *operator ->() { return st; } int release(); Page(PageStorage &d) { st = &d; init(); } ~Page() {} friend class Db; } **pageTable; int pageTableAllocated, page_table_sz; int entityPageSize; int storeBlockSize; int pageTableHunkSize; int indexTableHunkSize; class undoData { public: class cfnData { public: int cmprId; CmprFn compare; } *cfn; int cfnAllocated, cfnUsed; undoData() : cfn(0), cfnAllocated(0), cfnUsed(0) {} ~undoData() { delete [] cfn; cfnAllocated = cfnUsed = 0; } int save(Db *db); int restore(Db *db); } undata; ioAddr file_position; char *bfr, *lmt, *inp; int open_bfr(); int close_bfr(); int flush_bfr(); int write_bfr(char *dp, int sz); public: #ifdef ZMEDIA // count of on bits inline static unsigned int on_bits(unsigned int n) { n = (n & 0x55555555) + ((n >> 1) & 0x55555555); n = (n & 0x33333333) + ((n >> 2) & 0x33333333); n = (n & 0x0f0f0f0f) + ((n >> 4) & 0x0f0f0f0f); n += n >> 8; n += n >> 16; //ok, fldsz > 5 bits return n & 0x1f; } // lowest on bit inline static unsigned int low_bit(unsigned int n) { return n & ~(n-1); } // bit number of lowest on bit inline static unsigned int low_bit_no(unsigned int n) { return on_bits(low_bit(n) - 1); } // highest on bit, and all lower bits set inline static unsigned int high_bit_mask(unsigned int n) { n |= n >> 1; n |= n >> 2; n |= n >> 4; n |= n >> 8; n |= n >> 16; return n; } // highest on bit inline static unsigned int high_bit(unsigned int n) { unsigned m = high_bit_mask(n); return m & ~(m>>1); } // bit number of highest on bit inline static unsigned int high_bit_no(unsigned int n) { return on_bits(high_bit_mask(n)) - 1; } class pack { static inline int cpu_aligned() { unsigned long flags; asm volatile( "pushf\n" "pop %0\n" : "=rm" (flags) ); return (flags>>18) & 1; } static int aligned; int idx; uint8_t *bits; uint64_t vmx; uint64_t clip(int64_t v) { return v<0 ? 0 : (uint64_t)v>vmx ? vmx : v; } public: enum { alignBits = 8, }; static void init(int v=-1) { aligned = v >= 0 ? v : cpu_aligned(); } void put(uint64_t v, int n); void putc(uint64_t v, int n) { put(clip(v), n); } void iput(int v) { put(v, 8*sizeof(int)); } void lput(int64_t v) { put(v, 8*sizeof(int64_t)); } uint64_t get(int n); int iget() { return get(8*sizeof(int)); } int64_t lget() { return get(8*sizeof(int64_t)); } int pos() { return idx; } void seek(int i) { idx = i; } void init(uint8_t *bp) { bits = bp; idx = 0; vmx = 0; } uint8_t *bfr() { return this->bits; } void align() { idx = (idx+alignBits-1) & ~(alignBits-1); } void *addr() { return &bits[idx/8]; } void set_max(uint64_t v) { vmx = v; } pack() : bits(0) { idx = 0; } pack(uint8_t *bp) { init(bp); } ~pack() {} }; class mediaKey { int w, len; int64_t cnt; uint8_t *bp; public: static int64_t bit_size(int len, int w); static int64_t byte_size(int len, int w); static void build(uint8_t *kp, uint8_t *bp, int w, int len) { mediaKey key(kp, bp, w, len); } static int64_t count(void *kp) { mediaKey *mkp = (mediaKey *)kp; return be64toh(mkp->cnt); } static int64_t set_count(void *kp, int64_t v) { mediaKey *mkp = (mediaKey *)kp; return mkp->cnt = htobe64(v); } static int64_t incr_count(void *kp, int64_t dv) { return set_count(kp, count(kp) + dv); } static int64_t count1(uint8_t *kp); mediaKey(uint8_t *kp, uint8_t *bp, int w, int len); ~mediaKey(); }; class mediaLoad { pack pb, pk; int w, len, dsz, psz, spos; int64_t cnt, *dat, **dp; void get_fields(int n, int k); int dsize(int n) { int m = (n+1)/2; return m>1 ? m+dsize(m) : 1; } public: void load(uint8_t *kp); mediaLoad(uint8_t *bp); ~mediaLoad(); }; class mediaCmpr { pack pb, pk; int w, len, dsz, psz, spos; int64_t acnt, bcnt, *adat, *bdat, **adp, **bdp; uint64_t err, lmt; uint64_t sqr(int64_t v) { return v*v; } int dsize(int n) { int m = (n+1)/2; return m>1 ? m+dsize(m) : 1; } uint64_t chk_fields(int m, int k); int cmpr_fields(int m, int k); public: uint64_t chk(uint8_t *kp, uint64_t lmt=~0); int cmpr(uint8_t *kp, uint64_t lmt=~0); mediaCmpr(uint8_t *bp); ~mediaCmpr(); }; #endif class Entity; class ObjectLoc; typedef IndexBase *Index; int new_entity(Entity &entity, const char *nm, int sz); int get_entity(Entity &entity, const char *nm); int del_entity(Entity &entity); class Obj { /* per object storage base class */ public: int id; }; class varObj { public: int len; pgRef loc; int size() { return len; } void init() { len = -1; loc.id = NIL; loc.offset = 0; } void del(Db *db) { len = -1; db->deallocate(loc); } }; typedef varObj Obj::*vRef; class ObjectLoc { public: Entity *entity; pgRef obj; Obj *addr(pgRef &loc) { char *op = 0; return loc.id < 0 || entity->db->addrRead(loc,op) ? 0 : (Obj *)op; } Obj *addr_wr(pgRef &loc) { char *op = 0; return loc.id < 0 || entity->db->addrWrite(loc,op) ? 0 : (Obj *)op; } void _wr() { Page &pg = *entity->db->get_page(obj.id); pg->set_flags(fl_wr); } Obj *addr() { return addr(obj); } Obj *addr_wr() { return addr_wr(obj); } void *addr(varObj &vobj) { return addr(vobj.loc); } void *addr_wr(varObj &vobj) { return addr_wr(vobj.loc); } Obj *operator ->() { return (Obj *)addr(); } ObjectLoc(Entity *ep) : entity(ep) { obj.id = NIL; obj.offset = 0; } ~ObjectLoc() {} virtual int allocate(int sz=0) { return entity->allocate(*this,sz); } virtual int construct() { return entity->construct(*this); } virtual int destruct() { return entity->destruct(*this); } virtual int deallocate() { return entity->deallocate(*this); } virtual int insertCascade() { return 0; } virtual int insertProhibit() { return 0; } virtual int deleteCascade() { return 0; } virtual int deleteProhibit() { return 0; } virtual int modifyCascade() { return 0; } virtual int modifyProhibit() { return 0; } virtual int copy(ObjectLoc &dobj); int id() { ObjectLoc &oloc = *this; return oloc->id; } const int *_id() { ObjectLoc &oloc = *this; return &oloc->id; } int _id_size() { return sizeof(int); } int size(varObj &vobj) { return vobj.len; } int size(varObj &vobj, int sz); Index index(int i) { return entity->index(i); } void v_init(); void v_del(); int FindId(int id) { return index(idxId)->Find(&id,&obj); } int LocateId(int op, int id) { return index(idxId)->Locate(op,&id,0,&obj); } int FirstId() { return index(idxId)->First(0,&obj); } int LastId() { return index(idxId)->Last(0,&obj); } int NextId() { return index(idxId)->Next(0,&obj); } int FirstId(pgRef &loc) { return index(idxId)->First(loc,0,&obj); } int NextId(pgRef &loc) { return index(idxId)->Next(loc,0,&obj); } int NextLocId(pgRef &loc) { return index(idxId)->NextLoc(loc); } static int cmpr_char(const char *ap, int asz, const char *bp, int bsz); static int cmpr_uchar(const unsigned char *ap, int asz, const unsigned char *bp, int bsz); static int cmpr_short(const short *ap, int asz, const short *bp, int bsz); static int cmpr_ushort(const unsigned short *ap, int asz, const unsigned short *bp, int bsz); static int cmpr_int(const int *ap, int asz, const int *bp, int bsz); static int cmpr_uint(const unsigned int *ap, int asz, const unsigned int *bp, int bsz); static int cmpr_long(const long *ap, int asz, const long *bp, int bsz); static int cmpr_ulong(const unsigned long *ap, int asz, const unsigned long *bp, int bsz); static int cmpr_float(const float *ap, int asz, const float *bp, int bsz); static int cmpr_double(const double *ap, int asz, const double *bp, int bsz); #ifdef ZMEDIA static int cmpr_media(const unsigned char *ap, int asz, const unsigned char *bp, int bsz); #endif #ifdef DEBUG int _err_(int v,const char *fn,int ln) { return entity->db->_err_(v,fn,ln); } int _fail_(int v,const char *fn,int ln) { return entity->db->_fail_(v,fn,ln); } #else int _err_(int v) { return entity->db->_err_(v); } int _fail_(int v) { return entity->db->_fail_(v); } #endif int last(int idx,int (ObjectLoc::*ip)()); int last(const char *nm,int (ObjectLoc::*ip)()); unsigned int last(int idx,unsigned int (ObjectLoc::*ip)()); unsigned int last(const char *nm,unsigned int (ObjectLoc::*ip)()); }; class Key { public: ObjectLoc &loc; Index idx; CmprFn cmpr; Key(Index i, ObjectLoc &l, CmprFn c) : loc(l), idx(i), cmpr(c) {} Key(const char *nm, ObjectLoc &l, CmprFn c) : loc(l), cmpr(c) { idx = loc.entity->index(nm); } operator void *() { return (void *)this; } #ifdef DEBUG int _err_(int v,const char *fn,int ln) { return loc._err_(v,fn,ln); } int _fail_(int v,const char *fn,int ln) { return loc._fail_(v,fn,ln); } #else int _err_(int v) { return loc._err_(v); } int _fail_(int v) { return loc._fail_(v); } #endif }; class iKey : public Key { public: iKey(Index i, ObjectLoc &l, CmprFn c) : Key(i,l,c) {} iKey(const char *nm, ObjectLoc &l, CmprFn c) : Key(nm,l,c) {} int NextLoc(pgRef &pos) { return idx->NextLoc(pos); } int Find(); int Locate(int op=keyGE); }; class rKey : public Key { public: rKey(Index i, ObjectLoc &l, CmprFn c) : Key(i,l,c) {} rKey(const char *nm, ObjectLoc &l, CmprFn c) : Key(nm,l,c) {} int NextLoc(pgRef &pos) { return idx->NextLoc(pos); } int First(); int First(pgRef &pos); int Next(); int Next(pgRef &pos); int Last(); int Locate(int op=keyGE); }; private: class EntityObj : public Obj { /* entity storage */ public: char name[nmSz]; /* string identifier */ AllocCache alloc_cache; /* entity allocator cache */ int maxId; /* highest ID value */ int recdSz; /* record size in bytes */ int count; /* number of records */ int nidxs; /* index count */ int indexs[1]; /* id/loc index */ EntityObj(EntityObj &eobj, int eid); }; class EntityLoc : public ObjectLoc { public: EntityObj *operator ->() { return (EntityObj *)addr(); } EntityLoc(Entity *ep) : ObjectLoc(ep) {} ~EntityLoc() {} int cacheFlush() { EntityLoc &eloc = *this; _wr(); return eloc->alloc_cache.cacheFlush(entity->db); } }; class varObjRef; typedef varObjRef *varObjs; class varObjRef { public: varObjs next; vRef ref; varObjRef(varObjs &lp, vRef rp) : next(lp), ref(rp) {} }; public: class Entity { public: Db *const db; EntityLoc ent; varObjs vobjs; zrwlock_t *rw_lock; operator zrwlock_t&() { return *rw_lock; } #ifdef DEBUG int _err_(int v,const char *fn,int ln) { return db->_err_(v,fn,ln); } int _fail_(int v,const char *fn,int ln) { return db->_fail_(v,fn,ln); } #else int _err_(int v) { return db->_err_(v); } int _fail_(int v) { return db->_fail_(v); } #endif Entity(Db *const db) : db(db), ent(this), vobjs(0) {} ~Entity() {} int allocate(ObjectLoc &loc,int sz=0); int construct_(ObjectLoc &loc, int id); int construct(ObjectLoc &loc) { return construct_(loc,ent->maxId); } int destruct_(ObjectLoc &loc, int id); int destruct(ObjectLoc &loc) { return destruct_(loc, loc->id); } int deallocate(ObjectLoc &loc); int get_index(const char *nm, CmprFn cmpr=0); int key_index(const char *nm) { return get_index(nm,Db::cmprKey); } Index index(int i) { return db->indecies[ent->indexs[i]]; } Index index(const char *nm) { int idx = get_index(nm); return idx >= 0 ? index(idx) : 0; } int MaxId() { return ent->maxId; } int Count() { return ent->count; } int add_index(int idx); int add_bindex(const char *nm,int keySz,int dataSz) { int idx = db->new_binary_index(nm,keySz,dataSz); if_err( idx ); if_err( add_index(idx) ); return 0; } int add_kindex(const char *nm) { return add_bindex(nm,0,sizeof(int)); } int add_sindex(const char *nm,int dataSz) { int idx = db->new_string_index(nm,dataSz); if_err( idx ); if_err( add_index(idx) ); return 0; } int del_index_(int idx); int del_index(int idx); int new_entity(const char *nm, int sz) { return db->new_entity(*this,nm,sz); } int get_entity(const char *nm) { return db->get_entity(*this,nm); } int del_entity() { return db->del_entity(*this); } void add_vref(vRef rp) { vobjs = new varObjRef(vobjs,rp); } }; class ObjectList; typedef ObjectList *Objects; static void finit(Objects objects); class ObjectList { public: Objects next; ObjectLoc *obj; ObjectList(Objects op, ObjectLoc &o) : next(op), obj(&o) {} }; private: int new_entity_(Entity &entity, const char *nm, int sz); int findCmprFn(CmprFn fn); int pageLoad(pageId id); int addrRead_(pgRef &loc, char *&vp, int mpsz=0) { Page &pg = *get_page(loc.id); vp = 0; if( unlikely( !pg.addr || pg->chk_flags(fl_rd) ) ) if_err( pageLoad(loc.id) ); vp = (char *)pg.addr+loc.offset+mpsz; return 0; } int addrRead_(pgRef &loc, keyBlock *&vp, int mpsz=0) { return addrRead_(loc,*(char**)&vp, mpsz); } int addrRead_(pgRef &loc, allocPrefix *&vp, int mpsz=0) { return addrRead_(loc,*(char**)&vp, mpsz); } int addrRead_(pgRef &loc, pagePrefix *&vp, int mpsz=0) { return addrRead_(loc,*(char**)&vp, mpsz); } int addrWrite_(pgRef &loc, char *&vp, int mpsz=0) { Page &pg = *get_page(loc.id); vp = 0; if( unlikely( !pg.addr || pg->chk_flags(fl_rd) ) ) if_err( pageLoad(loc.id) ); pg->set_flags(fl_wr); vp = (char *)pg.addr+loc.offset+mpsz; return 0; } int addrWrite_(pgRef &loc, keyBlock *&vp, int mpsz=0) { return addrWrite_(loc,*(char**)&vp, mpsz); } int addrWrite_(pgRef &loc, allocPrefix *&vp, int mpsz=0) { return addrWrite_(loc,*(char**)&vp, mpsz); } int addrWrite_(pgRef &loc, pagePrefix *&vp, int mpsz=0) { return addrWrite_(loc,*(char**)&vp, mpsz); } int addrRead(pgRef &loc, char *&vp) { return addrRead_(loc, vp, sizeof(allocPrefix)); } int addrWrite(pgRef &loc, char *&vp) { return addrWrite_(loc, vp, sizeof(allocPrefix)); } int objectHeapInsert(int sz,int pg,int off); int objectHeapDelete(int sz,int pg,int off); int objectAllocate(int typ, int &size, pgRef &loc,AllocCache &cache); int objectFree(pgRef &loc); int pgRefGet(int &size, pgRef &loc,AllocCache &cache); int pgRefNew(int &size, pgRef &lo,AllocCache &cache); int pgRefAllocate(int &size, pgRef &lo,AllocCache &cache); int storeInsert(long size, ioAddr io_addr); int storeDelete(long size, ioAddr io_addr); int storeGet(int &size, ioAddr &io_addr); int storeNew(int &size, ioAddr &io_addr); int storeAllocate(int &size, ioAddr &io_addr); int storeFree(int size, ioAddr io_addr); int icommit(int force); int iundo(); int iclose(); int ireopen(); int iattach(); int iopen(int undo_save=1); protected: pageId new_page(); void del_page(int id); int alloc_pageTable(int sz); void free_page(int pid); int alloc_indecies(int n); int new_index(); void del_index(int idx); int new_index(IndexBase *&ibp, IndexBaseInfo *b, IndexBinaryInfo *d); int new_index(IndexBase *&ibp, IndexBaseInfo *b, IndexStringInfo *d); int indexRead(pageId pid, int df, keyBlock *&bp) { pgRef pg; pg.id = pid; pg.offset = 0; return !df ? addrRead_(pg,*(char**)&bp) : addrWrite_(pg,*(char**)&bp); } int indexRead(pageId pid,int df,keyBlock *&bp, Page *&pp, char *&cp) { pp = 0; cp = 0; if_err( indexRead(pid, df, bp) ); pp = get_page(pid); cp = (char *)(bp + 1); return 0; } void pageDealloc(Page &pg, int mode=1); int pageRead(Page &pg); int pageWrite(Page &pg); int seek_data(ioAddr io_addr); int size_data(char *dp, int sz); int read_data(char *dp, int sz); int write_data(char *dp, int sz); int write_zeros(ioAddr io_addr); int write_padding(ioAddr io_addr); int readRootInfo(int(Db::*fn)(char *dp,int sz)); int writeRootInfo(int(Db::*fn)(char *dp,int sz)); ioAddr storeBlocks(ioAddr sz) { return (sz+storeBlockSize-1)/storeBlockSize; } ioAddr entityPages(ioAddr sz) { return (sz+entityPageSize-1)/entityPageSize; } int indeciesHunks(int sz) { return (sz+indexTableHunkSize-1)/indexTableHunkSize; } int pageTableHunks(int sz) { return (sz+pageTableHunkSize-1)/pageTableHunkSize; } int pagePrefixHunks(int sz) { return (sz+sizeof(pagePrefix)-1)/sizeof(pagePrefix); } int init_idx(); void init_shm(); void init(); void deinit(); void reset(); int start_transaction(int undo_save=1); void enter() { db_info->dbRwLk.enter(); } void leave() { db_info->dbRwLk.leave(); } void write_enter() { db_info->dbRwLk.write_enter(); } void write_leave() { db_info->dbRwLk.write_leave(); } public: // 1:wr, 0:rd, -1:unlocked int is_locked() { return db_info->dbRwLk.locked(); } int is_blocked() { return db_info->dbRwLk.blocked(); } int make(int zfd); int open(int zfd, int zkey=-1); int close(); int attach(int zrw, int zfd, int zkey); int attach(int zrw=0) { return attach(fd, key, zrw); } int detach(); int copy(Db *db, Objects objs); int new_binary_index(const char *nm, int ksz, int dsz, CmprFn cmpr=0); int new_string_index(const char *nm, int dsz); int get_index(const char *nm, CmprFn cmpr=0); long get_count(int r); int ins (int r, void *key, void *data); int del (int r, void *key); int find (int r, void *key, void *rtnData=0); int locate(int r, int op, void *key, CmprFn cmpr, void *rtnKey, void *rtnData=0); int locate(int r, int op, void *key, void *rtnKey, void *rtnData=0) { return locate(r,op,key,0,rtnKey,rtnData); } int first (int r, void *key, void *rtnData=0); int last (int r, void *key, void *rtnData=0); int next (int r, void *key, void *rtnData=0); int nextloc(int r, pgRef &loc); int allocate(int typ, int size, pgRef &loc, AllocCache &cache); int allocate(int typ, int size, pgRef &loc) { return allocate(typ, size, loc, alloc_cache); } int reallocate(int size, pgRef &loc, AllocCache &cache); int deallocate(pgRef &loc); int commit(int force=0); int flush (); int undo (); int transaction() { return !root_info ? -1 : root_info->transaction_id; } int64_t filesize() { return !root_info ? -1 : root_info->file_size; } int opened() { return fd>=0 ? 1 : 0; } void use_shm(int v) { no_shm = v ? 0 : 1; } int error() { return err_no; } void error(int v); void Error(int v,const char *msg); Db(); ~Db(); #ifdef DEBUG void dmp(); void fdmp(); void admp(); void achk(); void fchk(); void edmp(); void bdmp(); void stats(int chk=1); #endif }; #endif