#include "bcsignals.h" #include "edl.h" #include "timelinepane.h" #include "localsession.h" #include "maincursor.h" #include "mtimebar.h" #include "mwindow.h" #include "mwindowgui.h" #include "patchbay.h" #include "samplescroll.h" #include "theme.h" #include "track.h" #include "tracks.h" #include "trackcanvas.h" #include "trackscroll.h" // coordinates are relative to the main window TimelinePane::TimelinePane(MWindow *mwindow, int number, int x, int y, int w, int h) { // printf("TimelinePane::TimelinePane %d number=%d %d %d %d %d\n", // __LINE__, // number, // x, // y, // w, // h); this->mwindow = mwindow; this->number = number; this->x = x; this->y = y; this->w = w; this->h = h; patchbay = 0; timebar = 0; samplescroll = 0; trackscroll = 0; cursor = 0; } TimelinePane::~TimelinePane() { delete canvas; delete cursor; delete patchbay; delete timebar; delete samplescroll; delete trackscroll; } void TimelinePane::create_objects() { this->gui = mwindow->gui; mwindow->theme->get_pane_sizes(gui, &view_x, &view_y, &view_w, &view_h, number, x, y, w, h); cursor = new MainCursor(mwindow, this); cursor->create_objects(); // printf("TimelinePane::create_objects %d number=%d x=%d y=%d w=%d h=%d view_x=%d view_w=%d\n", // __LINE__, // number, // x, // y, // w, // h, // view_x, // view_w); gui->add_subwindow(canvas = new TrackCanvas(mwindow, this, view_x, view_y, view_w, view_h)); canvas->create_objects(); if(number == TOP_LEFT_PANE || number == BOTTOM_LEFT_PANE) { int patchbay_y = y; int patchbay_h = h; if(number == TOP_LEFT_PANE) { patchbay_y += mwindow->theme->mtimebar_h; patchbay_h -= mwindow->theme->mtimebar_h; } gui->add_subwindow(patchbay = new PatchBay(mwindow, this, x, patchbay_y, mwindow->theme->patchbay_w, patchbay_h)); patchbay->create_objects(); } if(number == TOP_LEFT_PANE || number == TOP_RIGHT_PANE) { int timebar_w = view_w; // Overlap right scrollbar if(gui->total_panes() == 1 || number == TOP_RIGHT_PANE) timebar_w += BC_ScrollBar::get_span(SCROLL_VERT); gui->add_subwindow(timebar = new MTimeBar(mwindow, this, view_x, y, timebar_w, mwindow->theme->mtimebar_h)); timebar->create_objects(); } create_sample_scroll(view_x, view_y, view_w, view_h); create_track_scroll(view_x, view_y, view_w, view_h); } void TimelinePane::resize_event(int x, int y, int w, int h) { this->x = x; this->y = y; this->w = w; this->h = h; mwindow->theme->get_pane_sizes( gui, &view_x, &view_y, &view_w, &view_h, number, x, y, w, h); // printf("TimelinePane::resize_event %d number=%d x=%d y=%d w=%d h=%d view_x=%d view_y=%d view_w=%d view_h=%d\n", // __LINE__, // number, // x, // y, // w, // h, // view_x, // view_y, // view_w, // view_h); if(timebar) { int timebar_w = view_w; // Overlap right scrollbar if(gui->total_panes() == 1 || (gui->total_panes() == 2 && (number == TOP_LEFT_PANE || number == BOTTOM_LEFT_PANE)) || number == TOP_RIGHT_PANE || number == BOTTOM_RIGHT_PANE) timebar_w += BC_ScrollBar::get_span(SCROLL_VERT); timebar->resize_event(view_x, y, timebar_w, mwindow->theme->mtimebar_h); } if(patchbay) { int patchbay_y = y; int patchbay_h = h; if(number == TOP_LEFT_PANE) { patchbay_y += mwindow->theme->mtimebar_h; patchbay_h -= mwindow->theme->mtimebar_h; } else { } patchbay->resize_event(x, patchbay_y, mwindow->theme->patchbay_w, patchbay_h); } if(samplescroll) { if(gui->pane[TOP_LEFT_PANE] && gui->pane[BOTTOM_LEFT_PANE] && (number == TOP_LEFT_PANE || number == TOP_RIGHT_PANE)) { delete samplescroll; samplescroll = 0; } else { samplescroll->resize_event(view_x, view_y + view_h, view_w); samplescroll->set_position(); } } else create_sample_scroll(view_x, view_y, view_w, view_h); if(trackscroll) { if(gui->pane[TOP_LEFT_PANE] && gui->pane[TOP_RIGHT_PANE] && (number == TOP_LEFT_PANE || number == BOTTOM_LEFT_PANE)) { delete trackscroll; trackscroll = 0; } else { trackscroll->resize_event(view_x + view_w, view_y, view_h); trackscroll->set_position(); } } else create_track_scroll(view_x, view_y, view_w, view_h); canvas->reposition_window(view_x, view_y, view_w, view_h); canvas->resize_event(); } void TimelinePane::create_sample_scroll(int view_x, int view_y, int view_w, int view_h) { //printf("TimelinePane::create_sample_scroll %d %d\n", __LINE__, number); if(number == BOTTOM_LEFT_PANE || number == BOTTOM_RIGHT_PANE || (gui->total_panes() == 2 && gui->pane[TOP_LEFT_PANE] && gui->pane[TOP_RIGHT_PANE]) || gui->total_panes() == 1) { //printf("TimelinePane::create_sample_scroll %d %d %d\n", __LINE__, y, h); gui->add_subwindow(samplescroll = new SampleScroll(mwindow, this, view_x, y + h - BC_ScrollBar::get_span(SCROLL_VERT), view_w)); samplescroll->set_position(); } } void TimelinePane::create_track_scroll(int view_x, int view_y, int view_w, int view_h) { if(number == TOP_RIGHT_PANE || number == BOTTOM_RIGHT_PANE || gui->vertical_panes() || gui->total_panes() == 1) { gui->add_subwindow(trackscroll = new TrackScroll(mwindow, this, view_x + view_w, view_y, view_h)); trackscroll->set_position(); } } void TimelinePane::update(int scrollbars, int do_canvas, int timebar, int patchbay) { if(timebar && this->timebar) this->timebar->update(0); if(patchbay && this->patchbay) this->patchbay->update(); if(scrollbars) { if(samplescroll && this->samplescroll) samplescroll->set_position(); if(trackscroll && this->trackscroll) trackscroll->set_position(); } if(do_canvas) { this->canvas->draw(do_canvas, 1); this->cursor->show(); this->canvas->flash(0); // Activate causes the menubar to deactivate. Don't want this for // picon thread. // if(do_canvas != IGNORE_THREAD) this->canvas->activate(); } } void TimelinePane::activate() { canvas->activate(); gui->focused_pane = number; } Track *TimelinePane::is_over_patchbay() { if( !patchbay ) return 0; int cursor_x = gui->get_relative_cursor_x() - x; if( cursor_x < 0 || cursor_x >= w ) return 0; int cursor_y = gui->get_relative_cursor_y() - y; if( cursor_y < 0 || cursor_y >= h ) return 0; int no = number; TrackScroll *trackscroll = gui->pane[no]->trackscroll; if( !trackscroll ) trackscroll = gui->pane[++no]->trackscroll; // left panes have patchbays, right panes have trackscroll int pane_y = cursor_y + trackscroll->get_position(); for( Track *track=mwindow->edl->tracks->first; track; track=track->next ) { int track_y = track->y_pixel; if( pane_y < track_y ) continue; track_y += track->vertical_span(mwindow->theme); if( pane_y < track_y ) return track; } return 0; }