/* * CINELERRA * Copyright (C) 2008 Adam Williams * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA * */ #include "bcpixmap.h" #include "bcresources.h" #include "bcslider.h" #include "colors.h" #include "fonts.h" #include "keys.h" #include "units.h" #include "vframe.h" #include #include BC_Slider::BC_Slider(int x, int y, int pixels, int pointer_motion_range, VFrame **images, int show_number, int vertical, int use_caption) : BC_SubWindow(x, y, 0, 0, -1) { this->images = images; this->show_number = show_number; this->vertical = vertical; this->pointer_motion_range = pointer_motion_range; this->pixels = pixels; this->button_pixel = button_pixel; this->use_caption = use_caption; status = SLIDER_UP; pixmaps = new BC_Pixmap*[SLIDER_IMAGES]; for(int i = 0; i < SLIDER_IMAGES; i++) { pixmaps[i] = 0; } button_down = 0; enabled = 1; active = 0; } BC_Slider::~BC_Slider() { for(int i = 0; i < SLIDER_IMAGES; i++) { if(pixmaps[i]) delete pixmaps[i]; } if(pixmaps) delete [] pixmaps; } int BC_Slider::initialize() { if(!images) { this->images = vertical ? BC_WindowBase::get_resources()->vertical_slider_data : BC_WindowBase::get_resources()->horizontal_slider_data; } set_images(images); if(vertical) { w = images[SLIDER_BG_UP]->get_w(); h = pixels; } else { w = pixels; h = images[SLIDER_BG_UP]->get_h(); } text_height = get_text_height(SMALLFONT); button_pixel = value_to_pixel(); BC_SubWindow::initialize(); draw_face(0); show_window(0); return 0; } int BC_Slider::get_span(int vertical) { if(vertical) { return BC_WindowBase::get_resources()->vertical_slider_data[0]->get_w(); } else { return BC_WindowBase::get_resources()->horizontal_slider_data[0]->get_h(); } } int BC_Slider::draw_face(int flush) { // Clear background draw_top_background(parent_window, 0, 0, get_w(), get_h()); if(vertical) { draw_3segmentv(0, 0, get_h(), pixmaps[SLIDER_IMAGES / 2 + status]); draw_pixmap(pixmaps[status], 0, button_pixel); if(use_caption) { set_color(RED); set_font(SMALLFONT); draw_text(0, h, get_caption()); } } else { //int y = get_h() / 2 - pixmaps[SLIDER_IMAGES / 2 + status]->get_h() / 2; draw_3segmenth(0, 0, get_w(), pixmaps[SLIDER_IMAGES / 2 + status]); draw_pixmap(pixmaps[status], button_pixel, 0); if(use_caption) { set_color(RED); set_font(SMALLFONT); draw_text(0, h, get_caption()); } } flash(flush); return 0; } int BC_Slider::set_images(VFrame **images) { for(int i = 0; i < SLIDER_IMAGES; i++) { if(pixmaps[i]) delete pixmaps[i]; pixmaps[i] = new BC_Pixmap(parent_window, images[i], PIXMAP_ALPHA); } return 0; } int BC_Slider::get_button_pixels() { return vertical ? pixmaps[SLIDER_UP]->get_h() : pixmaps[SLIDER_UP]->get_w(); } void BC_Slider::show_value_tooltip() { //printf("BC_Slider::show_value_tooltip %s\n", get_caption()); set_tooltip(get_caption()); keypress_tooltip_timer = 2000; show_tooltip(50); } int BC_Slider::repeat_event(int64_t duration) { if(duration == top_level->get_resources()->tooltip_delay) { if(tooltip_on) { if(keypress_tooltip_timer > 0) { keypress_tooltip_timer -= get_resources()->tooltip_delay; } else if(status != SLIDER_HI && status != SLIDER_DN) { hide_tooltip(); } } else if(status == SLIDER_HI && tooltip_text) { if(!tooltip_text[0] || isdigit(tooltip_text[0])) { set_tooltip(get_caption()); show_tooltip(50); } else { //printf("BC_Slider::repeat_event 1 %s\n", tooltip_text); set_tooltip(get_caption()); show_tooltip(); } return 1; } } return 0; } int BC_Slider::keypress_event() { int result = 0; if(!active || !enabled) return 0; if(ctrl_down() || shift_down()) return 0; switch(get_keypress()) { case UP: increase_value_big(); result = 1; break; case DOWN: decrease_value_big(); result = 1; break; case LEFT: decrease_value(); result = 1; break; case RIGHT: increase_value(); result = 1; break; } if(result) { handle_event(); show_value_tooltip(); draw_face(1); } return result; } int BC_Slider::cursor_enter_event() { //printf("BC_Slider::cursor_enter_event 1\n"); if(top_level->event_win == win && status == SLIDER_UP) { status = SLIDER_HI; draw_face(1); } //printf("BC_Slider::cursor_enter_event 2\n"); return 0; } int BC_Slider::cursor_leave_event() { if(status == SLIDER_HI) { status = SLIDER_UP; draw_face(1); hide_tooltip(); } return 0; } int BC_Slider::deactivate() { active = 0; return 0; } int BC_Slider::activate() { top_level->active_subwindow = this; active = 1; return 0; } void BC_Slider::enable() { enabled = 1; draw_face(1); } void BC_Slider::disable() { enabled = 0; draw_face(1); } int BC_Slider::button_press_event() { int result = 0; if(is_event_win() && enabled) { if(!tooltip_on) top_level->hide_tooltip(); if(status == SLIDER_HI) { if(get_buttonpress() == 4) { increase_value(); handle_event(); show_value_tooltip(); draw_face(1); } else if(get_buttonpress() == 5) { decrease_value(); handle_event(); show_value_tooltip(); draw_face(1); } else if(get_buttonpress() == 1) { button_down = 1; status = SLIDER_DN; draw_face(1); init_selection(top_level->cursor_x, top_level->cursor_y); top_level->deactivate(); activate(); show_value_tooltip(); } result = 1; } } return result; } int BC_Slider::button_release_event() { if(button_down) { button_down = 0; if(cursor_inside()) status = SLIDER_HI; else { status = SLIDER_UP; top_level->hide_tooltip(); } draw_face(1); return 1; } return 0; } int BC_Slider::cursor_motion_event() { if(button_down) { int old_pixel = button_pixel; int result = update_selection(top_level->cursor_x, top_level->cursor_y); if(button_pixel != old_pixel) draw_face(1); if(result) { handle_event(); set_tooltip(get_caption()); } return 1; } return 0; } int BC_Slider::reposition_window(int x, int y, int w, int h) { BC_SubWindow::reposition_window(x, y, w, h); button_pixel = value_to_pixel(); draw_face(0); return 0; } int BC_Slider::get_pointer_motion_range() { return pointer_motion_range; } void BC_Slider::set_pointer_motion_range(int value) { pointer_motion_range = value; } BC_ISlider::BC_ISlider(int x, int y, int vertical, int pixels, int pointer_motion_range, int64_t minvalue, int64_t maxvalue, int64_t value, int use_caption, VFrame **data, int *output) : BC_Slider(x, y, pixels, pointer_motion_range, data, 1, vertical, use_caption) { this->minvalue = minvalue; this->maxvalue = maxvalue; this->value = value; this->output = output; } int BC_ISlider::value_to_pixel() { if(maxvalue == minvalue) return 0; else { if(vertical) return (int)((1.0 - (double)(value - minvalue) / (maxvalue - minvalue)) * (get_h() - get_button_pixels())); else return (int)((double)(value - minvalue) / (maxvalue - minvalue) * (get_w() - get_button_pixels())); } } int BC_ISlider::update(int64_t value) { if(this->value != value) { this->value = value; int old_pixel = button_pixel; button_pixel = value_to_pixel(); if(button_pixel != old_pixel) draw_face(1); } return 0; } int BC_ISlider::update(int pointer_motion_range, int64_t value, int64_t minvalue, int64_t maxvalue) { this->minvalue = minvalue; this->maxvalue = maxvalue; this->value = value; this->pointer_motion_range = pointer_motion_range; int old_pixel = button_pixel; button_pixel = value_to_pixel(); if(button_pixel != old_pixel) draw_face(1); return 0; } int64_t BC_ISlider::get_value() { return value; } int64_t BC_ISlider::get_length() { return maxvalue - minvalue; } char* BC_ISlider::get_caption() { sprintf(caption, "%jd", value); return caption; } int BC_ISlider::increase_value() { value++; if(value > maxvalue) value = maxvalue; button_pixel = value_to_pixel(); return 0; } int BC_ISlider::decrease_value() { value--; if(value < minvalue) value = minvalue; button_pixel = value_to_pixel(); return 0; } int BC_ISlider::increase_value_big() { value+=10; if(value > maxvalue) value = maxvalue; button_pixel = value_to_pixel(); return 0; } int BC_ISlider::decrease_value_big() { value-=10; if(value < minvalue) value = minvalue; button_pixel = value_to_pixel(); return 0; } int BC_ISlider::init_selection(int cursor_x, int cursor_y) { if(vertical) { min_pixel = -(int)((1.0 - (double)(value - minvalue) / (maxvalue - minvalue)) * pointer_motion_range); min_pixel += cursor_y; } else { min_pixel = -(int)((double)(value - minvalue) / (maxvalue - minvalue) * pointer_motion_range); min_pixel += cursor_x; } max_pixel = min_pixel + pointer_motion_range; return 0; } int BC_ISlider::update_selection(int cursor_x, int cursor_y) { int64_t old_value = value; if(vertical) { value = (int64_t)((1.0 - (double)(cursor_y - min_pixel) / pointer_motion_range) * (maxvalue - minvalue) + minvalue); } else { value = (int64_t)((double)(cursor_x - min_pixel) / pointer_motion_range * (maxvalue - minvalue) + minvalue); } if(value > maxvalue) value = maxvalue; if(value < minvalue) value = minvalue; button_pixel = value_to_pixel(); if(old_value != value) { return 1; } return 0; } int BC_ISlider::handle_event() { if(output) *output = get_value(); return 1; } BC_FSlider::BC_FSlider(int x, int y, int vertical, int pixels, int pointer_motion_range, float minvalue, float maxvalue, float value, int use_caption, VFrame **data) : BC_Slider(x, y, pixels, pointer_motion_range, data, 1, vertical, use_caption) { this->minvalue = minvalue; this->maxvalue = maxvalue; this->value = value; this->precision = 0.1; this->small_change = 0.1; this->big_change = 1.0; } int BC_FSlider::value_to_pixel() { //printf("BC_FSlider::value_to_pixel %f %f\n", maxvalue, minvalue); if(maxvalue == minvalue) return 0; { if(vertical) return (int)((1.0 - (double)(value - minvalue) / (maxvalue - minvalue)) * (get_h() - get_button_pixels())); else return (int)((double)(value - minvalue) / (maxvalue - minvalue) * (get_w() - get_button_pixels())); } } int BC_FSlider::update(float value) { if(this->value != value) { this->value = value; int old_pixel = button_pixel; button_pixel = value_to_pixel(); //printf("BC_FSlider::update 1 %f %d\n", value, button_pixel); if(button_pixel != old_pixel) draw_face(1); } return 0; } int BC_FSlider::update(int pointer_motion_range, float value, float minvalue, float maxvalue) { this->minvalue = minvalue; this->maxvalue = maxvalue; this->value = value; this->pointer_motion_range = pointer_motion_range; int old_pixel = button_pixel; button_pixel = value_to_pixel(); if(button_pixel != old_pixel) draw_face(1); return 0; } float BC_FSlider::get_value() { return value; } float BC_FSlider::get_length() { return maxvalue - minvalue; } char* BC_FSlider::get_caption() { sprintf(caption, "%.02f", value); return caption; } int BC_FSlider::increase_value() { value += small_change; if(value > maxvalue) value = maxvalue; button_pixel = value_to_pixel(); return 0; } int BC_FSlider::decrease_value() { value -= small_change; if(value < minvalue) value = minvalue; button_pixel = value_to_pixel(); return 0; } int BC_FSlider::increase_value_big() { value += big_change; if(value > maxvalue) value = maxvalue; button_pixel = value_to_pixel(); return 0; } int BC_FSlider::decrease_value_big() { value -= big_change; if(value < minvalue) value = minvalue; button_pixel = value_to_pixel(); return 0; } int BC_FSlider::init_selection(int cursor_x, int cursor_y) { if(vertical) { min_pixel = -(int)((1.0 - (double)(value - minvalue) / (maxvalue - minvalue)) * pointer_motion_range); min_pixel += cursor_y; } else { min_pixel = -(int)((double)(value - minvalue) / (maxvalue - minvalue) * pointer_motion_range); min_pixel += cursor_x; } max_pixel = min_pixel + pointer_motion_range; return 0; } int BC_FSlider::update_selection(int cursor_x, int cursor_y) { float old_value = value; if(vertical) { value = ((1.0 - (double)(cursor_y - min_pixel) / pointer_motion_range) * (maxvalue - minvalue) + minvalue); } else { value = ((double)(cursor_x - min_pixel) / pointer_motion_range * (maxvalue - minvalue) + minvalue); } value = Units::quantize(value, precision); if(value > maxvalue) value = maxvalue; if(value < minvalue) value = minvalue; button_pixel = value_to_pixel(); // printf("BC_FSlider::update_selection 1 %d %d %d %d %f %f\n", // pointer_motion_range, // min_pixel, // max_pixel, // cursor_x, // precision, // value); if(old_value != value) { return 1; } return 0; } void BC_FSlider::set_precision(float value) { this->precision = value; } void BC_FSlider::set_pagination(float small_change, float big_change) { this->small_change = small_change; this->big_change = big_change; } BC_PercentageSlider::BC_PercentageSlider(int x, int y, int vertical, int pixels, int pointer_motion_range, float minvalue, float maxvalue, float value, int use_caption, VFrame **data) : BC_FSlider(x, y, vertical, pixels, pointer_motion_range, minvalue, maxvalue, value, use_caption, data) { } char* BC_PercentageSlider::get_caption() { sprintf(caption, "%.0f%%", floor((value - minvalue) / (maxvalue - minvalue) * 100)); return caption; }