#include "libzmpeg3.h" // dvd sector size #if defined(__x86_64__) #define DVD_VIDEO_LB_LEN 2048L #else #define DVD_VIDEO_LB_LEN 2048LL #endif int zifo_t:: ifo_read(long pos, long count, uint8_t *data) { int64_t ret = 0; int retry = 5; while( retry > 0 ) { ret = lseek(fd, pos, SEEK_SET); if( ret >= 0 ) break; perr("ifo_seek"); sleep(1); --retry; } while( retry > 0 ) { ret = read(fd, data, count); if( ret > 0 ) break; if( ret == 0 ) { zerr("unable to read ifo\n"); return -1; } if( errno != EAGAIN ) { perr("read error"); return -1; } sleep(1); --retry; } if( retry <= 0 ) { perr("timeout"); return -1; } return ret; } int zifo_t:: get_table(int64_t offset, unsigned long tbl_id) { int64_t len = 0; if( !offset ) return -1; uint8_t *zdata = new uint8_t[DVD_VIDEO_LB_LEN]; uint64_t ipos = pos + offset*DVD_VIDEO_LB_LEN; int ret = ifo_read(ipos, DVD_VIDEO_LB_LEN, zdata); if( ret < 0 ) return -1; switch( tbl_id ) { case id_TITLE_VOBU_ADDR_MAP: case id_MENU_VOBU_ADDR_MAP: len = get4bytes(zdata) + 1; break; default: len = hdr_length(zdata); } int ilen = len - DVD_VIDEO_LB_LEN; if( ilen > 0 ) { uint8_t *new_zdata = new uint8_t[len]; memcpy(new_zdata,zdata,DVD_VIDEO_LB_LEN); memset(new_zdata+DVD_VIDEO_LB_LEN,0,len-DVD_VIDEO_LB_LEN); delete zdata; zdata = new_zdata; ipos += DVD_VIDEO_LB_LEN; ret = ifo_read(ipos, ilen, zdata+DVD_VIDEO_LB_LEN); if( ret < 0 ) return -1; } data[tbl_id] = zdata; if( tbl_id == id_TMT ) { uint32_t *ptr = (uint32_t*)zdata; len /= sizeof(*ptr); for( int i=0; i < len; ++i ) ptr[i] = bswap_32(ptr[i]); } return 0; } zifo_t:: ifo_t(int zfd, long zpos) { pos = zpos; fd = zfd; char *cp = getenv("IFO_STREAM_PROBE"); if( cp ) empirical = atoi(cp); } zifo_t:: ~ifo_t() { if( data[id_MAT] ) delete data[id_MAT]; if( data[id_PTT] ) delete data[id_PTT]; if( data[id_TITLE_PGCI] ) delete data[id_TITLE_PGCI]; if( data[id_MENU_PGCI] ) delete data[id_MENU_PGCI]; if( data[id_TMT] ) delete data[id_TMT]; if( data[id_MENU_CELL_ADDR] ) delete data[id_MENU_CELL_ADDR]; if( data[id_MENU_VOBU_ADDR_MAP] ) delete data[id_MENU_VOBU_ADDR_MAP]; if( data[id_TITLE_CELL_ADDR] ) delete data[id_TITLE_CELL_ADDR]; if( data[id_TITLE_VOBU_ADDR_MAP] ) delete data[id_TITLE_VOBU_ADDR_MAP]; } int zifo_t:: init_tables() { num_menu_vobs = vtsm_vobs(); vob_start = vtstt_vobs(); //zmsgs("num of vobs: %x vob_start %x\n", num_menu_vobs, vob_start); if( !type_vts() ) { if( get_table(vts_ptt_srpt(), id_PTT) < 0 || get_table(vts_pgcit(), id_TITLE_PGCI) < 0 || // get_table(vtsm_pgci_ut(), id_MENU_PGCI) < 0 || // get_table(vts_tmapt(), id_TMT) < 0 || // get_table(vtsm_c_adt(), id_MENU_CELL_ADDR) < 0 || // get_table(vtsm_vobu_admap(), id_MENU_VOBU_ADDR_MAP) < 0 || get_table(vts_c_adt(), id_TITLE_CELL_ADDR) < 0 || get_table(vts_vobu_admap(), id_TITLE_VOBU_ADDR_MAP) < 0 ) return -1; } else if( !type_vmg() ) { if( get_table(tt_srpt(), id_TSP) < 0 || get_table(vmgm_pgci_ut(), id_MENU_PGCI) < 0 || get_table(vts_atrt(), id_TMT) < 0 || get_table(vmgm_c_adt(), id_TITLE_CELL_ADDR) < 0 || get_table(vmgm_vobu_admap(), id_TITLE_VOBU_ADDR_MAP) < 0 ) return -1; } return 0; } int zifo_t:: read_mat() { data[id_MAT] = new uint8_t[DVD_VIDEO_LB_LEN]; memset(data[id_MAT],0,DVD_VIDEO_LB_LEN); return ifo_read(pos, DVD_VIDEO_LB_LEN, data[id_MAT]) < 0 ? -1 : 0; } zifo_t* zmpeg3_t:: ifo_open(int fd, long pos) { ifo_t *ifo = new ifo_t(fd,pos); if( ifo->read_mat() || ifo->init_tables() ) { delete ifo; ifo = NULL; } return ifo; } int zifo_t:: ifo_close() { delete this; return 0; } void zifo_t:: get_palette(zmpeg3_t *zsrc) { if( !zsrc->have_palette ) { /* subtitle color palette */ int ofs = 0; uint8_t *ptr = palette(); for( int i=0; i<16; ++i ) { int y = (int)ptr[ofs+1]; int u = (int)ptr[ofs+2]; int v = (int)ptr[ofs+3]; int k = i*4; zsrc->palette[k+0] = y; zsrc->palette[k+1] = u; zsrc->palette[k+2] = v; //zmsgs("color %02d: 0x%02x 0x%02x 0x%02x\n", i, y, u, v); ofs += 4; } zsrc->have_palette = 1; } } void zifo_t:: get_playlist(zmpeg3_t *zsrc) { DIR *dirstream; char directory[STRLEN]; char filename[STRLEN]; char full_path[STRLEN]; char title_path[STRLEN]; char vob_prefix[STRLEN]; struct dirent *new_filename; demuxer_t *demux = zsrc->demuxer; /* Get titles matching ifo file */ complete_path(full_path, zsrc->fs->path); get_directory(directory, full_path); get_filename(filename, full_path); strncpy(vob_prefix, filename, 6); dirstream = opendir(directory); while( (new_filename=readdir(dirstream)) != 0 ) { if( !strncasecmp(new_filename->d_name, vob_prefix, 6) ) { char *ptr = strrchr(new_filename->d_name, '.'); if( ptr && !strncasecmp(ptr, ".vob", 4) ) { /* Got a title */ if( atol(&new_filename->d_name[7]) > 0 ) { joinpath(title_path, directory, new_filename->d_name); demuxer_t::title_t *title = new demuxer_t::title_t(zsrc, title_path); demux->titles[demux->total_titles++] = title; //zmsgs("title_path=%s\n", title_path); } } } } closedir(dirstream); int done = 0; while( !done ) { done = 1; for( int i=1; itotal_titles; ++i ) { char *i0 = demux->titles[i-0]->fs->path; char *i1 = demux->titles[i-1]->fs->path; if( strcmp(i1, i0) > 0 ) { ztitle_t *title = demux->titles[i-0]; demux->titles[i-0] = demux->titles[i-1]; demux->titles[i-1] = title; done = 0; } } } int64_t total_bytes = 0; for( int i=0; itotal_titles; ++i ) { ztitle_t *title = demux->titles[i-0]; title->total_bytes = path_total_bytes(title->fs->path); title->start_byte = total_bytes; title->end_byte = total_bytes + title->total_bytes; total_bytes += title->total_bytes; } } /* major kludge, but some dvds have very damaged data */ #define TEST_START 0x1000000 #define TEST_LEN 0x1000000 void zifo_t:: get_header(zdemuxer_t *demux) { int i; /* Video header */ demux->vstream_table[0] = 1; demux->open_title(0); if( empirical ) { demux->seek_byte(TEST_START); demux->read_all = 1; int result = 0; while( !result && !demux->eof() && demux->tell_byte() < TEST_START+TEST_LEN ) { result = demux->read_next_packet(); } demux->seek_byte(0); demux->read_all = 0; } else { /* Audio header */ if( !type_vts() ) { int atracks = nr_of_vts_audio_streams(); if( atracks > 0 ) { for( i=0; iastream_table[i+0x80] ) demux->astream_table[i+0x80] = audio_mode; } } } else if( !type_vmg() ) { int atracks = nr_of_vmgm_audio_streams(); if( atracks > 1 ) zerr("too many atracks for vmgm header\n"); if( atracks > 0 ) { uint8_t *audio_attr = vmgm_audio_attr(); int audio_mode = afmt_IGNORE; switch( aud_audio_format(audio_attr) ) { case 0: audio_mode = afmt_AC3; break; case 1: audio_mode = afmt_MPEG; break; case 2: audio_mode = afmt_MPEG; break; case 3: audio_mode = afmt_PCM; break; } if( !demux->astream_table[0x80] ) demux->astream_table[0x80] = audio_mode; } } /* subtitle header */ if( !type_vts() ) { int stracks = nr_of_vts_subp_streams(); if( stracks > 0 ) { for( i=0; isstream_table[i] = 1; } } else if( !type_vmg() ) { int stracks = nr_of_vmgm_subp_streams(); if( stracks > 1 ) zerr("too many stracks for vmgm header\n"); if( stracks > 0 ) { demux->sstream_table[0] = 1; } } } } zicell_t* zicell_table_t:: append_cell() { if( !cells || total_cells >= cells_allocated ) { int new_allocation = ZMAX(cells_allocated*2, 64); icell_t *new_cells = new icell_t[new_allocation]; for( int i=0; iplayinfo ) delete zsrc->playinfo; zsrc->playinfo = pcells; int total_pcells = nr_of_cells(); int cur_angle = -1; double cur_time = 0.; //zmsgs("total_pcells %d\n", total_pcells); for( int pcell_no=0; pcell_no> 6; #if 0 zmsgs(" cell: %d\n" " blk_ty %u, seemless %u, interlv %u, discon %u, angle %u @secs %f\n" " mode %u, restrict %u, still %u, cmd_nr %u, ptime %02u:%02u:%02u.%02u %5.5s\n" " 1st sect "_LX", end sect "_LX", start sect "_LX", last sect "_LX"\n", pcell_no+1, cell_block_type(), cell_seamless_play(), cell_interleaved(), cell_stc_discontinuity(), cell_seamless_angle(), cur_time, cell_playback_mode(), cell_restricted(), cell_still_time(), cell_cmd_nr(), phr, pmn, psc, pfm, &"0.0 25.00 29.97"[5*prt], cell_first_sector()*DVD_VIDEO_LB_LEN, cell_first_ilvu_end_sector()*DVD_VIDEO_LB_LEN, cell_last_vobu_start_sector()*DVD_VIDEO_LB_LEN, cell_last_sector()*DVD_VIDEO_LB_LEN); #endif icell_t *pcell = pcells->append_cell(); pcell->start_byte = cell_first_sector()*DVD_VIDEO_LB_LEN; pcell->end_byte = (cell_last_sector()+1)*DVD_VIDEO_LB_LEN; pcell->discon = cell_stc_discontinuity(); pcell->inlv = cell_interleaved(); if( cell_block_type() == BTY_ANGLE ) { switch( cell_block_mode() ) { case BMD_FIRST_CELL: cur_angle=0; break; case BMD_IN_BLOCK: case BMD_LAST_CELL: ++cur_angle; break; } } else cur_angle = -1; pcell->angle = cur_angle; if( !pcell->inlv || cur_angle == 0 ) cur_time += phr*3600 + pmn*60 + psc + pfm/(prt==1 ? 25.0 : 29.97); use_position(pcell_no); pcell->vob_id = vob_id_nr(); pcell->cell_id = cell_id_nr(); //zmsgs(" %3d vob/cell %d/%d start: "_LX" end: "_LX" discon %d inlv/ang %d/%d\n", // pcell_no+1, pcell->vob_id, pcell->cell_id, // pcell->start_byte, pcell->end_byte, pcell->discon, pcell->inlv,pcell->angle); } } void zifo_t:: icell_addresses(zicell_table_t *icell_addrs) { int i, j; //zmsg("icell_addresses\n"); int length = cadr_length(); //zmsgs("icells length %d\n",length); for( i=0; iappend_cell(); cell->start_byte = cadr_start_sector() * DVD_VIDEO_LB_LEN; cell->end_byte = (cadr_last_sector()+1) * DVD_VIDEO_LB_LEN; cell->vob_id = cadr_vob_id(); cell->cell_id = cadr_cell_id(); cell->discon = i; cell->inlv = 0; cell->angle = 0; //zmsgs("cell %d, vob_id %u, cell_id %u, start %lu/%lx, last %lu/%lx\n", // i, cell->vob_id, cell->cell_id, cell->start_byte, cell->start_byte, // cell->end_byte, cell->end_byte); } int total_icells = icell_addrs->total_cells; icell_t *icells[total_icells]; for( i=total_icells; --i>=0; ) icells[i] = &icell_addrs->cells[i]; // Sort addresses by addr/vob_id/cell_id instead of vob id int done = 0; while( !done ) { done = 1; for( i=1; istart_byte > icell0->start_byte || (icell1->start_byte == icell0->start_byte && (icell1->vob_id > icell0->vob_id || (icell1->vob_id == icell0->vob_id && icell1->cell_id > icell0->cell_id))) ) { icells[i-0] = icell1; icells[i-1] = icell0; done = 0; } } } #if 0 int cur_vobid = 0x10000; /* label interleave */ for( i=total_icells; --i>=0; ) { icell_t *icell = icells[i]; int cur_inlv = icell->vob_id - cur_vobid; /* Reduce current vobid */ if( cur_inlv < 0 ) { cur_vobid = icell->vob_id; cur_inlv = 0; } icell->inlv = cur_inlv; if( max_inlv < cur_inlv ) max_inlv = cur_inlv; if( cur_inlv > 0 ) { int cell_id = icell->cell_id; /* Get the last interleave by brute force */ for( j=i+1; jcell_id; ++j ) { int inlv = icells[j]->vob_id - cur_vobid; if( inlv > cur_inlv ) continue; icells[j]->inlv = inlv; } } else if( cur_inlv == 0 ) { int64_t start_byte = icells[i]->start_byte; for( j=i+1; jstart_byte; ++j ) icells[j]->inlv = j-i; } } /* convert int labels to bit vector */ i = 0; while( i < total_icells ) { j = i; int64_t start_byte = icells[j]->start_byte; uint32_t inlv = 1 << icells[j]->inlv; while( ++jstart_byte ) inlv |= 1 << icells[j]->inlv; while( i < j ) icells[i++]->inlv = inlv; } #else int istart = -1, istop = -1; // Assign interleave: // there are 2 cases, // interleave is known, using vob_id offset, // interleave is unknown, cell may be in any program // unsorted vob_ids: 1111122233 // sorted vob_ids: 1112121233 // equal start_byte: ***xxxx*** // interleave: xx010101xx i = 0; while( i < total_icells ) { istart = i; int cur_vob_id = icells[istart]->vob_id; while( ++i < total_icells ) { if( icells[i]->vob_id > cur_vob_id ) { if( icells[i]->start_byte == icell_addrs->cells[i].start_byte ) break; cur_vob_id = icells[i]->vob_id; } } istop = i; if( istop == istart+1 ) { icells[istart]->inlv = ~0; continue; } int min_vob_id = icells[istart]->vob_id; int cur_inlv = cur_vob_id - min_vob_id; if( cur_inlv > max_inlv ) max_inlv = cur_inlv; int inlv = 0; j = istart; while( j < istop ) { int64_t start_byte = icells[j]->start_byte; if( j+1 < istop && icells[j+1]->start_byte == start_byte ) { inlv = -1; while( j < istop && icells[j]->start_byte == start_byte ) icells[j++]->inlv = ~0; } else { int k = icells[j]->vob_id - min_vob_id; if( inlv >= 0 && k != inlv ) zerrs("bolixed: j %d, inlv %d, k %d\n", j, inlv, k); icells[j++]->inlv = 1 << k; inlv = k; if( ++inlv > cur_inlv ) inlv = 0; } } if( inlv > 0 ) { zerrs("bungled: istart %d, istop %d, cur_inlv %d\n", istart, istop, cur_inlv); } } #endif #if 0 zmsgs("sorted labeled icells %d\n",total_icells); for( i=0; ivob_id, cell->cell_id, cell->start_byte, cell->end_byte, cell->inlv); } #endif } static int pcmpr(const void *ap, const void *bp) { zicell_t *a = *(zicell_t**)ap, *b = *(zicell_t**)bp; int v = a->vob_id - b->vob_id; if( !v ) v = a->cell_id - b->cell_id; return v; } void zifo_t:: icell_map(zmpeg3_t *zsrc, icell_table_t *icell_addrs) { int inlv = zsrc->interleave; int angle = zsrc->angle; demuxer_t *demuxer = zsrc->demuxer; int64_t program_start = 0; int discon = 0; int total_icells = icell_addrs->total_cells; icell_t *icells = &icell_addrs->cells[0]; int total_pcells = zsrc->playinfo->total_cells; icell_t *pcells[total_pcells]; for( int i=0; iplayinfo->cells[i]; qsort(pcells, total_pcells, sizeof(pcells[0]), pcmpr); for( int i=0; iplayinfo->cells; if( pcell->angle >= 0 && pcell->angle != angle ) continue; int icell_no, pgm = pcell->angle >= 0 ? angle : inlv; icell_t *cell = 0; for( icell_no=0; icell_noinlv && !cell->has_inlv(pgm) ) continue; if( cell->vob_id != pcell->vob_id ) continue; if( cell->cell_id == pcell->cell_id ) break; } if( !cell || icell_no >= total_icells ) { zerrs("vob/cell %d/%d missed in icells\n", pcell->vob_id, pcell->cell_id); continue; } if( current_vob_id != cell->vob_id ) { current_vob_id = cell->vob_id; // -1 resets pts to 0, 1 is just discontinuity // discon = cell->cell_id == 1 ? -1 : 1; discon = 1; } else if( pcell->discon ) discon = 1; while( icell_no < total_icells ) { cell = &icells[icell_no++]; if( pcell->inlv && !cell->has_inlv(pgm) ) continue; if( cell->vob_id != pcell->vob_id ) break; if( cell->cell_id != pcell->cell_id ) break; if( cell->start_byte >= pcell->end_byte ) continue; if( cell->end_byte <= pcell->start_byte ) continue; int64_t start_byte = cell->start_byte; if( start_byte < pcell->start_byte ) start_byte = pcell->start_byte; int64_t end_byte = cell->end_byte; if( end_byte > pcell->end_byte ) end_byte = pcell->end_byte; int64_t length = end_byte - start_byte; while( length > 0 ) { /* Cell may be split by a title so handle in fragments. */ int title_no; for( title_no=0; title_nototal_titles; ++title_no ) if( demuxer->titles[title_no]->end_byte > start_byte ) break; if( title_no >= demuxer->total_titles ) { zerrs("cell map past titles "_LX"\n", start_byte); break; } ztitle_t *title = demuxer->titles[title_no]; int64_t cell_size = length; /* Clamp length to current title */ if( start_byte+length > title->end_byte ) cell_size = title->end_byte - start_byte; int64_t title_start = start_byte - title->start_byte; int64_t title_end = title_start + cell_size; int64_t program_end = program_start + cell_size; //zmsgs(" %d/%d. title/cell: %d/%-2d, vob/cell: %2d/%-2d, title 0x%012lx-0x%012lx, " // " program 0x%012lx-0x%012lx discon %d\n", // pcell_no+1, icell_no, title_no, title->cell_table_size, cell->vob_id, cell->cell_id, // title_start, title_end, program_start, program_end, discon); title->new_cell(pcell_no, title_start, title_end, program_start, program_end, discon); discon = 0; start_byte += cell_size; program_start += cell_size; length -= cell_size; } current_byte = end_byte; } } } void zifo_t:: get_ititle(zmpeg3_t *zsrc, int chapter) { int title = zsrc->vts_title; use_ptt_info(title); int program_chain = ptt_pgcn(chapter); use_program_chain(program_chain-1); } /* Read the title information from an ifo */ int zmpeg3_t:: read_ifo() { ifo_t *ifo; icell_table_t icell_addrs; int result = 0; int fd = fs->get_fd(); if( (ifo = ifo_open(fd, 0)) == 0 ) { zerr("Error opening ifo.\n"); result = 1; } if( !result ) { ifo->get_playlist(this); if( !demuxer->total_titles ) { zerr("Error no titles in ifo.\n"); result = 1; } } if( !result ) { total_vts_titles = ifo->nr_of_titles(); if( vts_title >= total_vts_titles ) { zerrs("Error only %d titles in ifo, req %d\n", total_vts_titles, vts_title); result = 1; } } if( !result ) { ifo->get_header(demuxer); ifo->get_ititle(this); ifo->get_palette(this); ifo->icell_addresses(&icell_addrs); total_interleaves = ifo->max_inlv + 1; if( interleave >= total_interleaves ) { zerrs("Error only %d interleaves in ifo, req %d\n", total_interleaves, interleave); result = 1; } } if( !result ) { ifo->get_playinfo(this, &icell_addrs); ifo->icell_map(this, &icell_addrs); } if( ifo ) ifo->ifo_close(); return result; } /* This is not useful, since title is based on the vgm tt_srpt table */ /* and that table is not normally read. written for testing purposes. */ /* the orignal plan was to be able to put keyframe markers at chapters */ int64_t zifo_t::ifo_chapter_cell_time(zmpeg3_t *zsrc, int chapter) { double result = -1; int title = zsrc->vts_title; if( chapter >= 0 && chapter < (int)nr_of_chapters(title) ) { get_ititle(zsrc, chapter); int pgn = ptt_pgn(chapter); uint8_t *pmap = pgc_program_map(); int cell_id = pmap[pgn-1] - 1; int n = zsrc->playinfo->total_cells; int i = 0; while( i < n ) { if( zsrc->playinfo->cells[i].cell_id == cell_id ) break; ++i; } if( i < n ) { use_playback(i); result = cell_first_sector() * DVD_VIDEO_LB_LEN; } } return result; } /* check playcells */ int zifo_t:: chk(int vts_title, int chapter, int inlv, int angle, icell_table_t *icell_addrs, int §ors, int &pcells, int &max_angle) { if( type_vts() ) return -1; if( vts_title >= (int)nr_of_titles() ) return -1; if( chapter >= (int)nr_of_chapters(vts_title) ) return 0; use_ptt_info(vts_title); int program_chain = ptt_pgcn(chapter); use_program_chain(program_chain-1); int total_pcells = nr_of_cells(); if( total_pcells <= 0 ) return 0; int pgn = ptt_pgn(chapter); uint8_t *pmap = pgc_program_map(); int pcell_no = pmap[pgn-1] - 1; use_playback(pcell_no); uint32_t current_sector = cell_first_sector(); int count = 0; int total_icells = icell_addrs->total_cells; icell_t *icells = &icell_addrs->cells[0]; int last_vob_id = 0; int last_cell_id = 0; max_angle = -1; int cur_angle = -1; for( int pcell_no=0; pcell_no max_angle ) max_angle = cur_angle; if( cur_angle != angle ) continue; pgm = cur_angle; } else cur_angle = -1; // vob/cell/interleave must be in map icell_t *cell = 0; int icell_no; for( icell_no=0; icell_nohas_inlv(pgm) ) continue; if( cell->vob_id != vob_id ) continue; if( cell->cell_id == cell_id ) break; } if( !cell || icell_no >= total_icells ) return 0; // check sectors, must be increasing uint32_t first_sector = cell_first_sector(); if( first_sector && current_sector > first_sector ) return 0; uint32_t last_sector1 = cell_last_sector()+1; count += last_sector1 - first_sector; current_sector = last_sector1; // pcell must overlap cell if( first_sector*DVD_VIDEO_LB_LEN >= cell->end_byte ) return 0; if( cell->start_byte >= last_sector1*DVD_VIDEO_LB_LEN ) return 0; } sectors = count; pcells = total_pcells; return 1; }