#include #include #include #include #include #include #include const double nudge = 3.5; const double ahead = .5; #ifdef __cplusplus #include "libzmpeg3.h" #else #include "../libmpeg3/libmpeg3.h" #define zmpeg3_t mpeg3_t #endif zmpeg3_t *ysrc; /* alpha currently is broken in gdk */ /* would render faster if alpha worked correctly */ #define RGBA FALSE #if RGBA #define BPP 4 #ifdef __cplusplus #define COLOR_MODEL zmpeg3_t::cmdl_RGBA8888 #else #define COLOR_MODEL MPEG3_RGBA8888 #endif #else #define BPP 3 #ifdef __cplusplus #define COLOR_MODEL zmpeg3_t::cmdl_RGB888 #else #define COLOR_MODEL MPEG3_RGB888 #endif #endif //#define AUDIO #define VIDEO //#define LAST8M static int verbose = 0; /* c++ `pkg-config --cflags --libs gtk+-2.0` y.C ./x86_64/libzmpeg3.a -lpthread -lasound -lm -lX11 */ #ifdef AUDIO snd_pcm_t *zpcm = 0; snd_pcm_uframes_t zpcm_ufrm_size = 0; snd_pcm_sframes_t zpcm_sbfr_size = 0; snd_pcm_sframes_t zpcm_sper_size = 0; snd_pcm_sframes_t zpcm_total_samples = 0; double zpcm_play_time = 0.; pthread_mutex_t zpcm_lock; unsigned int zpcm_rate = 0; static const char *zpcm_device = "plughw:0,0"; static unsigned int zpcm_bfr_time_us = 500000; static unsigned int zpcm_per_time_us = 200000; static snd_pcm_channel_area_t *zpcm_areas = 0; static int zpcm_channels = 0; static short **zpcm_buffers = 0; static short *zpcm_samples = 0; void alsa_close() { #ifdef __cplusplus if( zpcm_buffers != 0 ) { delete [] zpcm_buffers; zpcm_buffers = 0; } if( zpcm_areas != 0 ) { delete [] zpcm_areas; zpcm_areas = 0; } if( zpcm_samples != 0 ) { delete [] zpcm_samples; zpcm_samples = 0; } #else if( zpcm_buffers != 0 ) { free(zpcm_buffers); zpcm_buffers = 0; } if( zpcm_areas != 0 ) { free(zpcm_areas); zpcm_areas = 0; } if( zpcm_samples != 0 ) { free(zpcm_samples); zpcm_samples = 0; } #endif if( zpcm != 0 ) { snd_pcm_close(zpcm); zpcm = 0; } pthread_mutex_destroy(&zpcm_lock); } void alsa_open(int chs,int rate) { int ich, bits, byts, dir, ret; pthread_mutex_init(&zpcm_lock,0); snd_pcm_format_t fmt = SND_PCM_FORMAT_S16; snd_pcm_hw_params_t *phw; snd_pcm_sw_params_t *psw; snd_pcm_hw_params_alloca(&phw); snd_pcm_sw_params_alloca(&psw); zpcm = 0; zpcm_total_samples = 0; zpcm_play_time = 0.; ret = snd_pcm_open(&zpcm, zpcm_device, SND_PCM_STREAM_PLAYBACK, 0 /* + SND_PCM_NONBLOCK */); if( ret >= 0 ) ret = snd_pcm_hw_params_any(zpcm, phw); if( ret >= 0 ) ret = snd_pcm_hw_params_set_rate_resample(zpcm, phw, 1); if( ret >= 0 ) ret = snd_pcm_hw_params_set_access(zpcm, phw, SND_PCM_ACCESS_RW_NONINTERLEAVED); if( ret >= 0 ) ret = snd_pcm_hw_params_set_format(zpcm, phw, fmt); if( ret >= 0 ) { zpcm_channels = chs; ret = snd_pcm_hw_params_set_channels(zpcm, phw, chs); } if( ret >= 0 ) { zpcm_rate = rate; ret = snd_pcm_hw_params_set_rate_near(zpcm, phw, &zpcm_rate, 0); if( (int)zpcm_rate != rate ) printf("nearest audio_rate for %d is %u\n",rate,zpcm_rate); } if( ret >= 0 ) ret = snd_pcm_hw_params_set_buffer_time_near(zpcm, phw, &zpcm_bfr_time_us, &dir); if( ret >= 0 ) ret = snd_pcm_hw_params_get_buffer_size(phw, &zpcm_ufrm_size); if( ret >= 0 ) { zpcm_sbfr_size = zpcm_ufrm_size; ret = snd_pcm_hw_params_set_period_time_near(zpcm, phw, &zpcm_per_time_us, &dir); } if( ret >= 0 ) ret = snd_pcm_hw_params_get_period_size(phw, &zpcm_ufrm_size, &dir); if( ret >= 0 ) { zpcm_sper_size = zpcm_ufrm_size; ret = snd_pcm_hw_params(zpcm, phw); } if( ret >= 0 ) ret = snd_pcm_sw_params_current(zpcm, psw); if( ret >= 0 ) ret = snd_pcm_sw_params_set_start_threshold(zpcm, psw, (zpcm_sbfr_size / zpcm_sper_size) * zpcm_sper_size); if( ret >= 0 ) ret = snd_pcm_sw_params_set_avail_min(zpcm, psw, zpcm_sper_size); if( ret >= 0 ) ret = snd_pcm_sw_params(zpcm, psw); /* snd_pcm_dump(zpcm, stdout); */ if( ret >= 0 ) { #ifdef __cplusplus zpcm_areas = new snd_pcm_channel_area_t[chs]; byts = snd_pcm_format_physical_width(fmt) / 8; zpcm_samples = new short[zpcm_sper_size * chs * byts/2]; zpcm_buffers = new short *[chs]; #else zpcm_areas = calloc(chs, sizeof(snd_pcm_channel_area_t)); bits = snd_pcm_format_physical_width(fmt); byts = bits / 8; zpcm_samples = malloc(zpcm_sper_size * chs * byts); zpcm_buffers = malloc(chs * sizeof(short*)); #endif if( zpcm_samples ) { for( ich = 0; ich < chs; ++ich ) { zpcm_areas[ich].addr = zpcm_samples; zpcm_areas[ich].first = ich * zpcm_sper_size * bits; zpcm_areas[ich].step = bits; zpcm_buffers[ich] = zpcm_samples + ich*zpcm_sper_size; } } else { fprintf(stderr,"alsa sample buffer allocation failure.\n"); ret = -999; } } if( ret < 0 ) { if( ret > -999 ) printf("audio error: %s\n", snd_strerror(ret)); alsa_close(); } } short *alsa_bfr(int ch) { return zpcm_buffers[ch]; } int alsa_bfrsz() { return zpcm_sper_size; } int alsa_recovery(int ret) { printf("alsa recovery\n"); switch( ret ) { case -ESTRPIPE: /* wait until the suspend flag is released, then fall through */ while( (ret=snd_pcm_resume(zpcm)) == -EAGAIN ) usleep(100000); case -EPIPE: ret = snd_pcm_prepare(zpcm); if( ret < 0 ) printf("underrun, prepare failed: %s\n", snd_strerror(ret)); break; default: printf("unhandled error: %s\n",snd_strerror(ret)); break; } return ret; } int alsa_write(int length) { struct timeval tv; int i, ret, count, retry; snd_pcm_sframes_t sample_delay; double play_time, time; #ifdef __cplusplus short *bfrs[zpcm_channels]; #else short **bfrs = alloca(zpcm_channels*sizeof(short *)); #endif retry = 3; ret = count = 0; for( i=0; i zpcm_total_samples ) sample_delay = zpcm_total_samples; gettimeofday(&tv,NULL); time = tv.tv_sec + tv.tv_usec/1000000.0; play_time = (zpcm_total_samples - sample_delay) / (double)zpcm_rate; zpcm_play_time = time - play_time; pthread_mutex_unlock(&zpcm_lock); return ret < 0 ? ret : 0; } double alsa_time() { double time, play_time; struct timeval tv; pthread_mutex_lock(&zpcm_lock); gettimeofday(&tv,NULL); time = tv.tv_sec + tv.tv_usec/1000000.0; play_time = time - zpcm_play_time; pthread_mutex_unlock(&zpcm_lock); return play_time; } #else double alsa_time() { double time, play_time; struct timeval tv; gettimeofday(&tv,NULL); time = tv.tv_sec + tv.tv_usec/1000000.0; return time; } #endif int done = 0; void sigint(int n) { done = 1; } void dst_exit(GtkWidget *widget, gpointer data) { exit(0); } double tstart; double the_time() { double time; struct timeval tv; gettimeofday(&tv,NULL); time = tv.tv_sec + tv.tv_usec/1000000.0; if( tstart < 0. ) tstart = time; return time - tstart; } void mpeg3_stats(zmpeg3_t *zsrc) { int astream, vstream; int has_audio, total_astreams, audio_channels, sample_rate; int has_video, total_vstreams, width, height, colormodel; long audio_samples, video_frames; float frame_rate; has_audio = mpeg3_has_audio(zsrc); printf(" has_audio = %d\n", has_audio); total_astreams = mpeg3_total_astreams(zsrc); printf(" total_astreams = %d\n", total_astreams); for( astream=0; astreammem, GDK_COLORSPACE_RGB,RGBA,8,owidth,oheight,owidth*BPP,NULL,NULL); cap0 = gdk_pixbuf_get_pixels(pbuf0); image = gtk_image_new_from_pixbuf(pbuf0); /* double buffered */ img1 = gdk_image_new(GDK_IMAGE_SHARED, visual, owidth, oheight); pbuf1 = gdk_pixbuf_new_from_data((const guchar *)img1->mem, GDK_COLORSPACE_RGB,RGBA,8,owidth,oheight,owidth*BPP,NULL,NULL); cap1 = gdk_pixbuf_get_pixels(pbuf1); panel_hbox = gtk_hbox_new(FALSE,0); gtk_container_add(GTK_CONTAINER(window), panel_hbox); /* pack image into panel */ gtk_box_pack_start(GTK_BOX(panel_hbox), image, TRUE, TRUE, 0); #ifdef __cplusplus row0 = new unsigned char *[oheight]; row1 = new unsigned char *[oheight]; int cmdl = COLOR_MODEL; #else row0 = malloc(oheight*sizeof(unsigned char *)); row1 = malloc(oheight*sizeof(unsigned char *)); int cmdl = COLOR_MODEL; #endif for( row=0; row= frame_delay ) { int nframes = (long)ceil(-delay/frame_rate); if( nframes > 2 ) nframes = 2; mpeg3_drop_frames(zsrc,nframes,0); dropped += nframes; } } if( delay > 0 ) usleep((int)(delay*1000000.0)); ret = mpeg3_read_frame(zsrc, rows, 0, 0, width, height, owidth, oheight, cmdl, 0); //printf("%d %ld\n",frame,zsrc->vtrack[0]->demuxer->titles[0]->fs->current_byte); if( verbose ) printf("read_video(stream=%d, frame=%d) = %d\n", 0, frame, ret); //if( frame > 500 && frame < 800 ) { // mpeg3_previous_frame(zsrc,0); // mpeg3_previous_frame(zsrc,0); //} GdkGC *blk = image->style->black_gc; gdk_draw_rgb_image(image->window,blk, 0,0,owidth,oheight, GDK_RGB_DITHER_NONE,cap,owidth*BPP); gdk_flush(); #if 0 #if 0 { static FILE *fp = 0; int sz = owidth*oheight*BPP; if( fp == 0 ) fp = fopen("/tmp/dat.raw","w"); fwrite(cap,1,sz,fp); } #else { static FILE *fp = 0; int z, sz = owidth*oheight*BPP; uint8_t zbfr[sz]; if( fp == 0 ) fp = fopen("/tmp/dat.raw","r"); fread(zbfr,1,sz,fp); for( z=0; z 250 ) exit(0); #endif *(unsigned long *)&cap ^= ((unsigned long)cap0 ^ (unsigned long)cap1); *(unsigned long *)&rows ^= ((unsigned long)row0 ^ (unsigned long)row1); //printf(" %d/%d %f %f %f\n",frame,dropped,(frame+dropped)/frame_rate, // video_time(zsrc,0),mpeg3_get_video_time(zsrc,0)); ++frame; more_data |= !mpeg3_end_of_video(zsrc,0); } else gtk_main_iteration(); } return (void*)0; } #endif #ifdef AUDIO double astart; double audio_time(zmpeg3_t *zsrc, int stream) { #ifdef __cplusplus double anow = mpeg3_get_audio_time(zsrc,stream); #else double anow = mpeg3_get_time(zsrc); #endif if( astart < 0. ) astart = anow; return anow - astart; } pthread_t the_audio; void *audio_thread(void *the_zsrc) { double delay; int audio_channels, sample_rate, more_data; zmpeg3_t *zsrc = (zmpeg3_t *)the_zsrc; int stream = 0; audio_channels = mpeg3_audio_channels(zsrc, stream); sample_rate = mpeg3_sample_rate(zsrc, stream); alsa_open(audio_channels,sample_rate); astart = -1.; more_data = 1; while( done == 0 && more_data ) { more_data = 0; int ich; int n = alsa_bfrsz(); for( ich=0; ich 0. ) { usleep((int)(delay*1000000.0/2.)); } more_data |= !mpeg3_end_of_audio(zsrc,0); } alsa_close(); return (void*)0; } #endif int main(int ac, char **av) { int ret; struct stat st_buf; long pos; setbuf(stdout,NULL); tstart = -1.; #ifdef VIDEO gtk_set_locale(); gtk_init(&ac, &av); #endif //zmpeg3_t* zsrc = mpeg3_open("/tmp/dat",&ret); //zmpeg3_t* zsrc = mpeg3_zopen(0,"/tmp/dat",&ret,ZIO_UNBUFFERED+ZIO_SINGLE_ACCESS+ZIO_SEQUENTIAL); //zmpeg3_t* zsrc = mpeg3_open("/tmp/dat.toc",&ret); //zmpeg3_t* zsrc = mpeg3_open("/root/LimeWire/Shared/Britney Spears - Pepsi Commercial with Bob Dole.mpeg",&ret); //zmpeg3_t* zsrc = mpeg3_open("/tmp/dat.mp3",&ret); //zmpeg3_t* zsrc = mpeg3_open("/dvd/VIDEO_TS/VTS_01_0.IFO",&ret); //zmpeg3_t* zsrc = mpeg3_open("/home/dat2.vts",&ret); //zmpeg3_t* zsrc = mpeg3_open("/dvd/BDMV/STREAM/00000.m2ts",&ret); //zmpeg3_t* zsrc = mpeg3_open("/root/xcolorbars1.mpg",&ret); zmpeg3_t* zsrc = mpeg3_open(av[1],&ret); ysrc = zsrc; printf(" ret = %d\n",ret); if( ret != 0 ) exit(1); mpeg3_stats(zsrc); #ifdef AUDIO #ifdef __cplusplus zmpeg3_t* zsrc1 = zsrc; #else zmpeg3_t* zsrc1 = mpeg3_open_copy(zsrc->fs->path, zsrc, &ret); #endif #endif mpeg3_set_cpus(zsrc,3); pos = 0; #ifdef LAST8M if( stat(zsrc->fs->path, &st_buf) >= 0 ) { if( (pos = (st_buf.st_size & ~0x7ffl) - 0x800000l) < 0 ) pos = 0; } #endif mpeg3_seek_byte(zsrc, pos); mpeg3_show_subtitle(zsrc, 0); signal(SIGINT,sigint); #ifdef AUDIO pthread_create(&the_audio, NULL, audio_thread, (void*)zsrc1); #endif #ifdef VIDEO pthread_create(&the_video, NULL, video_thread, (void*)zsrc); #endif #ifdef VIDEO pthread_join(the_video,NULL); #endif #ifdef AUDIO pthread_join(the_audio,NULL); #endif mpeg3_close(zsrc); return 0; }