#include "libzmpeg3.h" #ifdef USE_FUTEX typedef zmpeg3_t::zloc_t zzloc_t; int zzloc_t:: zyield() { return syscall(SYS_sched_yield); } int zzloc_t:: zgettid() { return syscall(SYS_gettid); } int zzloc_t:: zwake(int nwakeups) { int ret; while( (ret=zfutex(FUTEX_WAKE, nwakeups)) < 0 ); return ret; } int zzloc_t:: zwait(int val) { return zfutex(FUTEX_WAIT, val); } int zzlock_t:: zemsg1() { fprintf(stderr,"unlocking and not locked\n"); return -1; } int zzlock_t:: zlock(int v) { if( v || zxchg(1,loc) >= 0 ) do { zwait(1); } while ( zxchg(1,loc) >= 0 ); return 1; } int zzlock_t:: zunlock(int nwakeups) { loc = -1; return zwake(1); } void zzrwlock_t:: zenter() { zdecr(loc); lk.lock(); zincr(loc); lk.unlock(); } void zzrwlock_t:: zleave() { if( lk.loc >= 0 ) zwake(1); } void zzrwlock_t:: zwrite_enter(int r) { lk.lock(); if( r < 0 ) zdecr(loc); int v; while( (v=loc) >= 0 ) zwait(v); } void zzrwlock_t:: zwrite_leave(int r) { if( r < 0 ) zincr(loc); lk.unlock(); } #else void zzrwlock_t:: enter() { lock(); while( blocking ) { unlock(); lk.lock(); lk.unlock(); lock(); } ++users; unlock(); } void zzrwlock_t:: leave() { lock(); if( !--users && blocking ) wake(); unlock(); } void zzrwlock_t:: zwrite_enter(int r) { lk.lock(); blocking = pthread_self(); lock(); if( r < 0 ) --users; while( users ) { unlock(); wait(); lock(); } unlock(); } void zzrwlock_t:: zwrite_leave(int r) { if( r < 0 ) ++users; blocking = 0; lk.unlock(); } #endif zbuffer_t:: buffer_t(zmpeg3_t *zsrc, int access) { src = zsrc; access_type = access; alloc = !(access_type & io_SEQUENTIAL) ? IO_SIZE : SEQ_IO_SIZE; reader_done = -1; writer_done = -1; ref_count = 1; fd = -1; reset(); owner = pthread_self(); } zbuffer_t:: ~buffer_t() { if( (access_type & io_THREADED) ) stop_reader(); if( data ) delete [] data; } void zbuffer_t:: unblock() { io_lock.unlock(); io_block.unblock(); ::sched_yield(); io_lock.lock(); } void zbuffer_t:: block() { io_block.block(); } void zbuffer_t:: reader() { pthread_setcancelstate(PTHREAD_CANCEL_ENABLE,0); pthread_setcanceltype(PTHREAD_CANCEL_ASYNCHRONOUS,0); lock(); while( !reader_done ) { if( do_restart ) { do_restart = 0; restart(0); restarted = 1; } if( size+MAX_IO_SIZE > alloc ) size = alloc - MAX_IO_SIZE; unlock(); int64_t count = read_in(zmpeg3_t::MAX_IO_SIZE); lock(); if( count > 0 ) { file_pos += count; fin = in; if( (size+=count) > alloc ) size = alloc; if( src->recd_fd >= 0 && the_writer ) write_lock.unblock(); } unblock(); } unlock(); reader_done = -1; } void *zbuffer_t:: reader(void *the_buffer) { buffer_t *b = (buffer_t *)the_buffer; b->reader(); return 0; } void zbuffer_t:: writer() { const int mx_blksz = 0x100000; while( !writer_done ) { write_record(mx_blksz,0xfff); if( file_pos - write_pos < mx_blksz ) write_lock.block(); else sched_yield(); } write_record(INT_MAX, 0); writer_done = -1; } void *zbuffer_t:: writer(void *the_buffer) { buffer_t *b = (buffer_t *)the_buffer; b->writer(); return 0; } int zbuffer_t:: open_file(char *path) { //zmsgs("1 %s\n", path); if( !open_count ) { if( (access_type & io_THREADED) ) access_type |= io_SINGLE_ACCESS + io_SEQUENTIAL; if( !(access_type & io_UNBUFFERED) ) { if( fp == 0 ) { if( !(fp=::fopen(path, "rb")) ) { perrs("%s",path); return 1; } } } else { if( fd < 0 ) { int mode = (access_type & io_NONBLOCK) ? O_RDONLY+O_NONBLOCK : O_RDONLY; if( (fd=::open(path, mode)) < 0 ) { perrs("%s",path); return 1; } } } if( (access_type & io_THREADED) ) start_reader(); else restart(); } ++open_count; return 0; } void zbuffer_t:: reset() { in = fin = out = size = 0; file_pos = out_pos = file_nudge = 0; } void zbuffer_t:: restart(int lk) { if( lk ) lock(); reset(); if( !(access_type & io_SEQUENTIAL) ) { if( !(access_type & io_UNBUFFERED) ) { if( ::fseek(fp,0,SEEK_SET) < 0 ) perrs("fseek "_LD, file_pos); } else { if( ::lseek(fd,0,SEEK_SET) < 0 ) perrs("lseek "_LD, file_pos); } } if( lk ) unlock(); } void zbuffer_t:: start_reader() { restart(); reader_done = 0; pthread_create(&the_reader,0,reader,this); } void zbuffer_t:: stop_reader() { if( reader_done || !the_reader ) return; reader_done = 1; io_block.unblock(); int tmo = 10; while( reader_done >= 0 && --tmo >= 0 ) usleep(100000); if( tmo < 0 ) pthread_cancel(the_reader); the_reader = 0; stop_record(); } int zbuffer_t:: start_record() { writer_done = 0; pthread_create(&the_writer,0,writer,this); return 0; } int zbuffer_t:: stop_record() { if( writer_done || !the_writer ) return 1; writer_done = 1; write_lock.unblock(); pthread_join(the_writer,0); int tmo = 10; while( writer_done >= 0 && --tmo >= 0 ) usleep(100000); if( tmo < 0 ) pthread_cancel(the_writer); the_writer = 0; return 0; } int zbuffer_t:: write_align(int sz) { int isz = 2*src->packet_size; if( sz > isz ) isz = sz; uint8_t *pat = 0; int psz = 0; if( src->is_program_stream() ) { static uint8_t pack_start[4] = { 0x00, 0x00, 0x01, 0xba }; pat = pack_start; psz = sizeof(pack_start); } else if( src->is_transport_stream() ) { static uint8_t sync_start[1] = { 0x47 }; pat = sync_start; psz = sizeof(sync_start); } if( isz > out_pos ) isz = out_pos; int64_t bsz = file_pos - out_pos; int i = bsz>alloc ? 0 : alloc-bsz; if( isz > i ) isz = i; i = out - isz; if( i < 0 ) i += alloc; uint8_t *bfr = &data[i]; uint8_t *lmt = &data[alloc]; int64_t len = isz + bsz; i = 0; if( pat ) { while( --len >= 0 ) { if( *bfr++ != pat[i] ) { i = 0; } else if( ++i >= psz ) break; if( bfr >= lmt ) bfr = &data[0]; } } if( len < 0 ) return 1; len += psz; if( (bfr-=psz) < &data[0] ) bfr += alloc; wout = bfr - data; write_pos = file_pos - len; return 0; } // write blocks of (mask+1) bytes of data at data+wout, update wout // only write full blocks, fragments cause disk thrashing void zbuffer_t:: write_record(int sz, int mask) { int isz = file_pos - write_pos; if( isz > sz ) isz = sz; if( !(isz &= ~mask) ) return; //zmsgs(" isz=%d, file_pos=%ld, write_pos=%ld\n", isz, file_pos, write_pos); write_pos += isz; int len = isz; int n = alloc - wout; if( n > len ) n = len; if( n > 0 ) { src->write_record(&data[wout],n); len -= n; } if( len > 0 ) src->write_record(&data[0],wout=len); else wout += n; } void zbuffer_t:: close_file() { if( open_count > 0 && --open_count == 0 ) { if( (access_type & io_THREADED) ) stop_reader(); if( !src || !src->iopened ) { if( !(access_type & io_UNBUFFERED) ) { if( fp != 0 ) { fclose(fp); fp = 0; } } else { if( fd >= 0 ) { close(fd); fd = -1; } } } } } /* sole user of in ptr (except restart) */ int64_t zbuffer_t:: read_in(int64_t len) { int64_t count = 0; while( count < len ) { int xfr = len - count; int avl = alloc - in; if( avl < xfr ) xfr = avl; if( access_type & io_UNBUFFERED ) { if( access_type & io_NONBLOCK ) { avl = -1; for( int i=10; avl<0 && --i>=0; ) { // 10 retries, 2 seconds struct timeval tv; tv.tv_sec = 0; tv.tv_usec = 200000; fd_set rd_fd; FD_ZERO(&rd_fd); FD_SET(fd, &rd_fd); int ret = select(fd+1, &rd_fd, 0, 0, &tv); if( !ret ) continue; if( ret < 0 ) break; if( !FD_ISSET(fd, &rd_fd) ) continue; if( (ret=::read(fd, &data[in], xfr)) > 0 ) avl = ret; } } else avl = ::read(fd, &data[in], xfr); } else { avl = ::fread(&data[in], 1, xfr, fp); if( !avl && ferror(fp) ) avl = -1; } if( avl < 0 ) { if( errno == EOVERFLOW ) { zerr("Overflow\n"); continue; } ++errs; if( !(access_type & io_ERRFAIL) ) { if( errs < IO_ERR_LIMIT && xfr > ERR_PACKET_SIZE ) xfr = ERR_PACKET_SIZE; memset(&data[in],0,xfr); if( !(access_type & io_THREADED) ) { int64_t pos = file_pos + count + xfr; if( (access_type & io_UNBUFFERED) ) { if( ::lseek(fd,pos,SEEK_SET) < 0 ) perrs("lseek pos "_LX,pos); } else { if( ::fseek(fp,pos,SEEK_SET) < 0 ) perrs("fseek pos "_LX,pos); } } avl = xfr; } else { perrs("read pos "_LX,file_pos + count); avl = 0; } } else errs = 0; if( avl == 0 ) break; if( paused ) continue; count += avl; in += avl; if( (avl=in-alloc) >= 0 ) in = avl; } return count; } int zbuffer_t:: wait_in(int64_t pos) { int result = 0; if( (access_type & io_THREADED) && !restarted ) { while( !reader_done && !restarted && file_pos <= pos ) { io_lock.unlock(); io_block.block(); io_lock.lock(); } } if( reader_done || restarted ) result = 1; restarted = 0; return result; } int zbuffer_t:: seek_in(int64_t pos) { int result = 0; if( file_pos != pos ) { if( !(access_type & io_SEQUENTIAL) ) { result = (access_type & io_UNBUFFERED) ? (lseek64(fd, pos, SEEK_SET) >= 0 ? 0 : 1) : (fseeko(fp, pos, SEEK_SET) == 0 ? 0 : 1) ; } else if( pos != 0 ) { if( (access_type & io_THREADED) ) src->restart(); zerrs("seek on sequential from " _LD " to " _LD "\n", file_pos, pos); result = 1; } else { restart(0); result = 1; } } return result; } int zbuffer_t:: read_fin(int64_t len) { int64_t count = read_in(len); /* must already be locked */ fin = in; file_pos += count; if( (size+=count) > alloc ) size = alloc; return len && count ? 0 : 1; } int zbuffer_t:: seek_to(int64_t pos, int64_t len) { //zmsgs(" pos=%ld, len=%ld\n", pos, len); int result = seek_in(pos); if( !result ) { file_pos = out_pos = pos; in = size = 0; result = read_fin(len); } return result; } int zbuffer_t:: read_to(int64_t pos) { //zmsgs(" pos=%ld\n", pos); int result = 0; int64_t len = pos - file_pos; if( len < 0 ) { zerrs("reversed seq read ("_LD" < "_LD")\n", pos, file_pos); result = 1; } else result = read_fin(len); return result; } int zbuffer_t:: sync(int64_t pos) { int result = 1; pos += file_nudge; int64_t start_pos = file_pos - size; if( pos < start_pos ) { /* before buffer */ if( (access_type & io_THREADED) ) { if( pos ) { zerrs("threaded sync before buffer "_LD" < "_LD"\n", pos, start_pos); int64_t mid_pos = start_pos + size/2; file_nudge += mid_pos - pos; pos = mid_pos; } else { restart(0); /* allow fake seek to start */ result = -1; } } else result = -1; } else result = pos < file_pos ? 0 : /* in buffer */ (access_type & io_THREADED) ? wait_in(pos) : -1; /* after buffer */ if( result < 0 ) { /* out of buffer */ //zmsgs("out of buffer pos=%ld, start_pos=%ld, file_pos=%ld, out_pos=%ld\n", // pos, start_pos, file_pos, out_pos); int64_t seek_pos = pos - alloc/2; int64_t end_pos = seek_pos + alloc; if( seek_pos < 0 ) seek_pos = 0; result = (access_type & io_SEQUENTIAL) || (seek_pos < file_pos && end_pos >= file_pos) ? read_to(end_pos) : seek_to(seek_pos, alloc); } if( !result ) { int64_t offset = file_pos - pos; if( offset >= 0 && offset <= size ) { if( (offset=fin-offset) < 0 ) offset += alloc; out = offset; out_pos = pos; } else result = 1; } return result; } int zbuffer_t:: read_out(uint8_t *bfr,int len) { int count = 0; while( count < len ) { int avail = file_pos - out_pos; if( avail <= 0 ) break; int fragment_size = alloc - out; if( fragment_size > avail ) fragment_size = avail; avail = len - count; if( fragment_size > avail ) fragment_size = avail; memcpy(bfr, &data[out], fragment_size); bfr += fragment_size; out += fragment_size; if( out >= alloc ) out = 0; out_pos += fragment_size; count += fragment_size; } return count; } static int fd_name(int fd,char *nm,int sz) { char pfn[PATH_MAX]; snprintf(&pfn[0],sizeof(pfn),"/proc/self/fd/%d",fd); return readlink(&pfn[0],nm,sz); } zfs_t:: fs_t(zmpeg3_t *zsrc, const char *fpath, int access) { src = zsrc; strcpy(path, fpath); buffer = new buffer_t(src, access); if( (access & io_SINGLE_ACCESS) ) open_file(); } zfs_t:: fs_t(zmpeg3_t *zsrc, int fd, int access) { src = zsrc; access |= io_UNBUFFERED; access |= io_SINGLE_ACCESS; if( (access & io_THREADED) ) access |= io_SEQUENTIAL; buffer = new buffer_t(src, access); if( !fd_name(fd,&path[0],sizeof(path)) ) css.get_keys(&path[0]); is_open = 1; buffer->fd = fd; buffer->open_count = 1; get_total_bytes(); if( (buffer->access_type & io_THREADED) ) buffer->start_reader(); } zfs_t:: fs_t(zmpeg3_t *zsrc, FILE *fp, int access) { src = zsrc; access &= ~io_UNBUFFERED; access |= io_SINGLE_ACCESS; if( (access & io_THREADED) ) access |= io_SEQUENTIAL; buffer = new buffer_t(src, access); int fd = fileno(fp); if( !fd_name(fd,&path[0],sizeof(path)) ) css.get_keys(&path[0]); is_open = 1; buffer->fp = fp; buffer->open_count = 1; get_total_bytes(); if( (buffer->access_type & io_THREADED) ) buffer->start_reader(); } zfs_t:: ~fs_t() { close_file(); close_buffer(); } zfs_t:: fs_t(zfs_t &fs) { src = fs.src; strcpy(path, fs.path); total_bytes = fs.total_bytes; css = fs.css; if( !fs.buffer ) return; int access = fs.buffer->access_type; if( (access & io_SINGLE_ACCESS) ) { buffer = fs.buffer; ++buffer->ref_count; is_open = fs.is_open; if( is_open ) ++buffer->open_count; } else buffer = new buffer_t(src, access); } uint8_t zfs_t:: next_char() { enter(); uint32_t ret = buffer->next_byte(); leave(); return ret; } uint8_t zfs_t:: read_char() { enter(); uint32_t result = buffer->get_byte(); ++current_byte; leave(); return result; } uint32_t zfs_t:: read_uint16() { uint32_t a, b; enter(); if( current_byte+2 < buffer->file_tell() ) { b = buffer->get_byte(); a = buffer->get_byte(); current_byte += 2; } else { b = buffer->get_byte(); chk_next(); a = buffer->get_byte(); ++current_byte; } leave(); uint32_t result = (b << 8) | (a); return result; } uint32_t zfs_t:: read_uint24() { uint32_t a, b, c; enter(); if( current_byte+3 < buffer->file_tell() ) { c = buffer->get_byte(); b = buffer->get_byte(); a = buffer->get_byte(); current_byte += 3; } else { c = buffer->get_byte(); chk_next(); b = buffer->get_byte(); chk_next(); a = buffer->get_byte(); ++current_byte; } leave(); uint32_t result = (c << 16) | (b << 8) | (a); return result; } uint32_t zfs_t:: read_uint32() { uint32_t a, b, c, d; enter(); if( current_byte+4 < buffer->file_tell() ) { d = buffer->get_byte(); c = buffer->get_byte(); b = buffer->get_byte(); a = buffer->get_byte(); current_byte += 4; } else { d = buffer->get_byte(); chk_next(); c = buffer->get_byte(); chk_next(); b = buffer->get_byte(); chk_next(); a = buffer->get_byte(); ++current_byte; } leave(); uint32_t result = (d << 24) | (c << 16) | (b << 8) | (a); return result; } uint64_t zfs_t:: read_uint64() { uint32_t a, b, c, d; uint64_t result; enter(); if( current_byte+8 < buffer->file_tell() ) { d = buffer->get_byte(); c = buffer->get_byte(); b = buffer->get_byte(); a = buffer->get_byte(); result = (d << 24) | (c << 16) | (b << 8) | (a); d = buffer->get_byte(); c = buffer->get_byte(); b = buffer->get_byte(); a = buffer->get_byte(); current_byte += 8; } else { d = buffer->get_byte(); chk_next(); c = buffer->get_byte(); chk_next(); b = buffer->get_byte(); chk_next(); a = buffer->get_byte(); chk_next(); result = (d << 24) | (c << 16) | (b << 8) | (a); d = buffer->get_byte(); chk_next(); c = buffer->get_byte(); chk_next(); b = buffer->get_byte(); chk_next(); a = buffer->get_byte(); ++current_byte; } result = (result <<32 ) | (d << 24) | (c << 16) | (b << 8) | (a); leave(); return result; } int64_t zfs_t:: get_total_bytes() { total_bytes = (buffer->access_type & io_SEQUENTIAL) ? INT64_MAX : path_total_bytes(path); return total_bytes; } int zfs_t:: open_file() { /* Need to perform authentication before reading a single byte. */ //zmsgs("1 %s\n", path); if( !is_open ) { css.get_keys(path); if( buffer->open_file(path) ) return 1; if( !get_total_bytes() ) { buffer->close_file(); return 1; } current_byte = 0; is_open = 1; } return 0; } void zfs_t:: close_file() { if( is_open ) { if( buffer ) buffer->close_file(); is_open = 0; } } int zfs_t:: read_data(uint8_t *bfr, int64_t len) { int64_t n, count = 0; //zmsgs("1 %d\n", len); int result = enter(); if( !result ) do { n = buffer->read_out(&bfr[count],len-count); current_byte += n; count += n; } while( n > 0 && count < len && !(result=sync()) ); leave(); //zmsgs("100 %d %d\n", result, count); return (result && count < len) ? 1 : 0; } int zfs_t:: seek(int64_t byte) { //zmsgs("1 " _LD "\n", byte); current_byte = byte; int result = (current_byte < 0) || (current_byte > total_bytes); return result; } int zfs_t:: seek_relative(int64_t bytes) { //zmsgs("1 " _LD "\n", bytes); current_byte += bytes; int result = (current_byte < 0) || (current_byte > total_bytes); return result; } void zfs_t::restart() { if( !buffer ) return; if( !(buffer->access_type & io_SINGLE_ACCESS) ) return; if( (buffer->access_type & io_THREADED) ) buffer->do_restart = 1; else buffer->restart(); } int zfs_t:: pause_reader(int v) { if( !buffer ) return 1; buffer->paused = v; return 0; } int zfs_t:: start_record(int bsz) { if( !buffer ) return -1; buffer->write_align(bsz); return buffer->start_record(); } int zfs_t:: stop_record() { return buffer ? buffer->stop_record() : -1; } void zfs_t:: close_buffer() { if( !buffer || --buffer->ref_count > 0 ) return; delete buffer; buffer = 0; }