/* * CINELERRA * Copyright (C) 1997-2012 Adam Williams * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA * */ #include "bcdisplayinfo.h" #include "clip.h" #include "dragcheckbox.h" #include "language.h" #include "findobj.h" #include "findobjwindow.h" #include "plugin.h" #include "pluginserver.h" #include "theme.h" #include "track.h" FindObjWindow::FindObjWindow(FindObjMain *plugin) : PluginClientWindow(plugin, 340, 660, 340, 660, 0) { this->plugin = plugin; } FindObjWindow::~FindObjWindow() { } void FindObjWindow::create_objects() { int x = 10, y = 10, x1 = x, x2 = get_w()/2; plugin->load_configuration(); BC_Title *title; add_subwindow(title = new BC_Title(x1, y, _("Algorithm:"))); add_subwindow(algorithm = new FindObjAlgorithm(plugin, this, x1 + title->get_w() + 10, y)); algorithm->create_objects(); y += algorithm->get_h() + plugin->get_theme()->widget_border; add_subwindow(use_flann = new FindObjUseFlann(plugin, this, x, y)); y += use_flann->get_h() + plugin->get_theme()->widget_border + 20; int x0 = x + 200; add_subwindow(title = new BC_Title(x, y, _("Output/scene layer:"))); scene_layer = new FindObjLayer(plugin, this, x0, y, &plugin->config.scene_layer); scene_layer->create_objects(); y += scene_layer->get_h() + plugin->get_theme()->widget_border; add_subwindow(title = new BC_Title(x, y, _("Object layer:"))); object_layer = new FindObjLayer(plugin, this, x0, y, &plugin->config.object_layer); object_layer->create_objects(); y += object_layer->get_h() + plugin->get_theme()->widget_border; add_subwindow(title = new BC_Title(x, y, _("Replacement object layer:"))); replace_layer = new FindObjLayer(plugin, this, x0, y, &plugin->config.replace_layer); replace_layer->create_objects(); y += replace_layer->get_h() + plugin->get_theme()->widget_border + 10; add_subwindow(title = new BC_Title(x+15, y, _("Units: 0 to 100 percent"))); y += title->get_h(); int y1 = y; add_subwindow(title = new BC_Title(x1, y + 10, _("Scene X:"))); Track *track = plugin->server->plugin->track; int trk_w = track->track_w, trk_h = track->track_h; float drag_w = trk_w * plugin->config.scene_w / 100.; float drag_h = trk_h * plugin->config.scene_h / 100.; float ctr_x = trk_w * plugin->config.scene_x / 100.; float ctr_y = trk_h * plugin->config.scene_y / 100.; float drag_x = ctr_x - drag_w/2, drag_y = ctr_y - drag_h/2; drag_scene = new FindObjDragScene(plugin, this, x1+title->get_w()+10, y+5, drag_x, drag_y, drag_w, drag_h); add_subwindow(drag_scene); drag_scene->create_objects(); y += title->get_h() + 15; add_subwindow(scene_x = new FindObjScanFloat(plugin, this, x1, y, &plugin->config.scene_x)); add_subwindow(scene_x_text = new FindObjScanFloatText(plugin, this, x1 + scene_x->get_w() + 10, y + 10, &plugin->config.scene_x)); scene_x->center_text = scene_x_text; scene_x_text->center = scene_x; y += 40; add_subwindow(title = new BC_Title(x1, y + 10, _("Scene Y:"))); y += title->get_h() + 15; add_subwindow(scene_y = new FindObjScanFloat(plugin, this, x1, y, &plugin->config.scene_y)); add_subwindow(scene_y_text = new FindObjScanFloatText(plugin, this, x1 + scene_y->get_w() + 10, y + 10, &plugin->config.scene_y)); scene_y->center_text = scene_y_text; scene_y_text->center = scene_y; y += 40; add_subwindow(new BC_Title(x1, y + 10, _("Scene W:"))); y += title->get_h() + 15; add_subwindow(scene_w = new FindObjScanFloat(plugin, this, x1, y, &plugin->config.scene_w)); add_subwindow(scene_w_text = new FindObjScanFloatText(plugin, this, x1 + scene_w->get_w() + 10, y + 10, &plugin->config.scene_w)); scene_w->center_text = scene_w_text; scene_w_text->center = scene_w; y += 40; add_subwindow(title = new BC_Title(x1, y + 10, _("Scene H:"))); y += title->get_h() + 15; add_subwindow(scene_h = new FindObjScanFloat(plugin, this, x1, y, &plugin->config.scene_h)); add_subwindow(scene_h_text = new FindObjScanFloatText(plugin, this, x1 + scene_h->get_w() + 10, y + 10, &plugin->config.scene_h)); scene_h->center_text = scene_h_text; scene_h_text->center = scene_h; y = y1; add_subwindow(title = new BC_Title(x2, y + 10, _("Object X:"))); drag_w = trk_w * plugin->config.object_w / 100.; drag_h = trk_h * plugin->config.object_h / 100.; ctr_x = trk_w * plugin->config.object_x / 100., ctr_y = trk_h * plugin->config.object_y / 100.; drag_x = ctr_x - drag_w/2; drag_y = ctr_y - drag_h/2; drag_object = new FindObjDragObject(plugin, this, x2+title->get_w()+10, y+5, drag_x, drag_y, drag_w, drag_h); add_subwindow(drag_object); drag_object->create_objects(); y += title->get_h() + 15; add_subwindow(object_x = new FindObjScanFloat(plugin, this, x2, y, &plugin->config.object_x)); add_subwindow(object_x_text = new FindObjScanFloatText(plugin, this, x2 + object_x->get_w() + 10, y + 10, &plugin->config.object_x)); object_x->center_text = object_x_text; object_x_text->center = object_x; y += 40; add_subwindow(title = new BC_Title(x2, y + 10, _("Object Y:"))); y += title->get_h() + 15; add_subwindow(object_y = new FindObjScanFloat(plugin, this, x2, y, &plugin->config.object_y)); add_subwindow(object_y_text = new FindObjScanFloatText(plugin, this, x2 + object_y->get_w() + 10, y + 10, &plugin->config.object_y)); object_y->center_text = object_y_text; object_y_text->center = object_y; y += 40; add_subwindow(new BC_Title(x2, y + 10, _("Object W:"))); y += title->get_h() + 15; add_subwindow(object_w = new FindObjScanFloat(plugin, this, x2, y, &plugin->config.object_w)); add_subwindow(object_w_text = new FindObjScanFloatText(plugin, this, x2 + object_w->get_w() + 10, y + 10, &plugin->config.object_w)); object_w->center_text = object_w_text; object_w_text->center = object_w; y += 40; add_subwindow(title = new BC_Title(x2, y + 10, _("Object H:"))); y += title->get_h() + 15; add_subwindow(object_h = new FindObjScanFloat(plugin, this, x2, y, &plugin->config.object_h)); add_subwindow(object_h_text = new FindObjScanFloatText(plugin, this, x2 + object_h->get_w() + 10, y + 10, &plugin->config.object_h)); object_h->center_text = object_h_text; object_h_text->center = object_h; y += 40 + 15; add_subwindow(draw_keypoints = new FindObjDrawKeypoints(plugin, this, x, y)); y += draw_keypoints->get_h() + plugin->get_theme()->widget_border; add_subwindow(replace_object = new FindObjReplace(plugin, this, x, y)); y += replace_object->get_h() + plugin->get_theme()->widget_border; add_subwindow(draw_scene_border = new FindObjDrawSceneBorder(plugin, this, x, y)); y += draw_scene_border->get_h() + plugin->get_theme()->widget_border; add_subwindow(draw_object_border = new FindObjDrawObjectBorder(plugin, this, x, y)); y += draw_object_border->get_h() + plugin->get_theme()->widget_border; add_subwindow(title = new BC_Title(x, y + 10, _("Object blend amount:"))); add_subwindow(blend = new FindObjBlend(plugin, x + title->get_w() + plugin->get_theme()->widget_border, y, &plugin->config.blend)); y += blend->get_h(); show_window(1); } void FindObjWindow::update_drag() { Track *track = drag_scene->get_drag_track(); int trk_w = track->track_w, trk_h = track->track_h; drag_scene->drag_w = trk_w * plugin->config.scene_w/100.; drag_scene->drag_h = trk_h * plugin->config.scene_h/100.; drag_scene->drag_x = trk_w * plugin->config.scene_x/100. - drag_scene->drag_w/2; drag_scene->drag_y = trk_h * plugin->config.scene_y/100. - drag_scene->drag_h/2; track = drag_object->get_drag_track(); trk_w = track->track_w, trk_h = track->track_h; drag_object->drag_w = trk_w * plugin->config.object_w/100.; drag_object->drag_h = trk_h * plugin->config.object_h/100.; drag_object->drag_x = trk_w * plugin->config.object_x/100. - drag_object->drag_w/2; drag_object->drag_y = trk_h * plugin->config.object_y/100. - drag_object->drag_h/2; plugin->send_configure_change(); } FindObjScanFloat::FindObjScanFloat(FindObjMain *plugin, FindObjWindow *gui, int x, int y, float *value) : BC_FPot(x, y, *value, (float)0, (float)100) { this->plugin = plugin; this->gui = gui; this->value = value; this->center_text = 0; set_precision(0.1); } int FindObjScanFloat::handle_event() { *value = get_value(); center_text->update(*value); gui->update_drag(); return 1; } void FindObjScanFloat::update(float v) { BC_FPot::update(*value = v); center_text->update(v); plugin->send_configure_change(); } FindObjScanFloatText::FindObjScanFloatText(FindObjMain *plugin, FindObjWindow *gui, int x, int y, float *value) : BC_TextBox(x, y, 75, 1, *value) { this->plugin = plugin; this->gui = gui; this->value = value; this->center = 0; set_precision(1); } int FindObjScanFloatText::handle_event() { *value = atof(get_text()); center->update(*value); gui->update_drag(); return 1; } FindObjDrawSceneBorder::FindObjDrawSceneBorder(FindObjMain *plugin, FindObjWindow *gui, int x, int y) : BC_CheckBox(x, y, plugin->config.draw_scene_border, _("Draw scene border")) { this->gui = gui; this->plugin = plugin; } int FindObjDrawSceneBorder::handle_event() { plugin->config.draw_scene_border = get_value(); plugin->send_configure_change(); return 1; } FindObjDrawObjectBorder::FindObjDrawObjectBorder(FindObjMain *plugin, FindObjWindow *gui, int x, int y) : BC_CheckBox(x, y, plugin->config.draw_object_border, _("Draw object border")) { this->gui = gui; this->plugin = plugin; } FindObjDrawKeypoints::FindObjDrawKeypoints(FindObjMain *plugin, FindObjWindow *gui, int x, int y) : BC_CheckBox(x, y, plugin->config.draw_keypoints, _("Draw keypoints")) { this->gui = gui; this->plugin = plugin; } int FindObjDrawKeypoints::handle_event() { plugin->config.draw_keypoints = get_value(); plugin->send_configure_change(); return 1; } FindObjReplace::FindObjReplace(FindObjMain *plugin, FindObjWindow *gui, int x, int y) : BC_CheckBox(x, y, plugin->config.replace_object, _("Replace object")) { this->gui = gui; this->plugin = plugin; } int FindObjReplace::handle_event() { plugin->config.replace_object = get_value(); plugin->send_configure_change(); return 1; } int FindObjDrawObjectBorder::handle_event() { plugin->config.draw_object_border = get_value(); plugin->send_configure_change(); return 1; } FindObjDragScene::FindObjDragScene(FindObjMain *plugin, FindObjWindow *gui, int x, int y, float drag_x, float drag_y, float drag_w, float drag_h) : DragCheckBox(plugin->server->mwindow, x, y, _("Drag"), &plugin->config.drag_scene, drag_x, drag_y, drag_w, drag_h) { this->plugin = plugin; this->gui = gui; } FindObjDragScene::~FindObjDragScene() { } int FindObjDragScene::handle_event() { int ret = DragCheckBox::handle_event(); plugin->send_configure_change(); return ret; } Track *FindObjDragScene::get_drag_track() { return plugin->server->plugin->track; } int64_t FindObjDragScene::get_drag_position() { return plugin->get_source_position(); } void FindObjDragScene::update_gui() { Track *track = get_drag_track(); int trk_w = track->track_w, trk_h = track->track_h; float ctr_x = drag_x + drag_w/2, ctr_y = drag_y + drag_h/2; printf("scene=%f,%f wxh=%fx%f ctr=%f,%f\n",drag_x,drag_y,drag_w,drag_h, ctr_x,ctr_y); gui->scene_x->update( plugin->config.scene_x = 100. * ctr_x / trk_w ); gui->scene_y->update( plugin->config.scene_y = 100. * ctr_y / trk_h ); gui->scene_w->update( plugin->config.scene_w = 100. * drag_w / trk_w ); gui->scene_h->update( plugin->config.scene_h = 100. * drag_h / trk_h ); plugin->send_configure_change(); } FindObjDragObject::FindObjDragObject(FindObjMain *plugin, FindObjWindow *gui, int x, int y, float drag_x, float drag_y, float drag_w, float drag_h) : DragCheckBox(plugin->server->mwindow, x, y, _("Drag"), &plugin->config.drag_object, drag_x, drag_y, drag_w, drag_h) { this->plugin = plugin; this->gui = gui; } FindObjDragObject::~FindObjDragObject() { } int FindObjDragObject::handle_event() { int ret = DragCheckBox::handle_event(); plugin->send_configure_change(); return ret; } Track *FindObjDragObject::get_drag_track() { return plugin->server->plugin->track; } int64_t FindObjDragObject::get_drag_position() { return plugin->get_source_position(); } void FindObjDragObject::update_gui() { Track *track = get_drag_track(); int trk_w = track->track_w, trk_h = track->track_h; float ctr_x = drag_x + drag_w/2, ctr_y = drag_y + drag_h/2; printf("object %f,%f %fx%f ctr %f,%f\n", drag_x,drag_y,drag_w,drag_h,ctr_x,ctr_y); gui->object_x->update( plugin->config.object_x = 100. * ctr_x / trk_w ); gui->object_y->update( plugin->config.object_y = 100. * ctr_y / trk_h ); gui->object_w->update( plugin->config.object_w = 100. * drag_w / trk_w ); gui->object_h->update( plugin->config.object_h = 100. * drag_h / trk_h ); plugin->send_configure_change(); } FindObjAlgorithm::FindObjAlgorithm(FindObjMain *plugin, FindObjWindow *gui, int x, int y) : BC_PopupMenu(x, y, calculate_w(gui), to_text(plugin->config.algorithm)) { this->plugin = plugin; this->gui = gui; } int FindObjAlgorithm::handle_event() { plugin->config.algorithm = from_text(get_text()); plugin->send_configure_change(); return 1; } void FindObjAlgorithm::create_objects() { add_item(new BC_MenuItem(to_text(NO_ALGORITHM))); #ifdef _SIFT add_item(new BC_MenuItem(to_text(ALGORITHM_SIFT))); #endif #ifdef _SURF add_item(new BC_MenuItem(to_text(ALGORITHM_SURF))); #endif #ifdef _ORB add_item(new BC_MenuItem(to_text(ALGORITHM_ORB))); #endif #ifdef _AKAZE add_item(new BC_MenuItem(to_text(ALGORITHM_AKAZE))); #endif #ifdef _BRISK add_item(new BC_MenuItem(to_text(ALGORITHM_BRISK))); #endif } int FindObjAlgorithm::from_text(char *text) { #ifdef _SIFT if(!strcmp(text, _("SIFT"))) return ALGORITHM_SIFT; #endif #ifdef _SURF if(!strcmp(text, _("SURF"))) return ALGORITHM_SURF; #endif #ifdef _ORB if(!strcmp(text, _("ORB"))) return ALGORITHM_ORB; #endif #ifdef _AKAZE if(!strcmp(text, _("AKAZE"))) return ALGORITHM_AKAZE; #endif #ifdef _BRISK if(!strcmp(text, _("BRISK"))) return ALGORITHM_BRISK; #endif return NO_ALGORITHM; } char* FindObjAlgorithm::to_text(int mode) { switch( mode ) { #ifdef _SIFT case ALGORITHM_SIFT: return _("SIFT"); #endif #ifdef _SURF case ALGORITHM_SURF: return _("SURF"); #endif #ifdef _ORB case ALGORITHM_ORB: return _("ORB"); #endif #ifdef _AKAZE case ALGORITHM_AKAZE: return _("AKAZE"); #endif #ifdef _BRISK case ALGORITHM_BRISK: return _("BRISK"); #endif } return _("Don't Calculate"); } int FindObjAlgorithm::calculate_w(FindObjWindow *gui) { int result = 0; result = MAX(result, gui->get_text_width(MEDIUMFONT, to_text(NO_ALGORITHM))); #ifdef _SIFT result = MAX(result, gui->get_text_width(MEDIUMFONT, to_text(ALGORITHM_SIFT))); #endif #ifdef _SURF result = MAX(result, gui->get_text_width(MEDIUMFONT, to_text(ALGORITHM_SURF))); #endif #ifdef _ORB result = MAX(result, gui->get_text_width(MEDIUMFONT, to_text(ALGORITHM_ORB))); #endif #ifdef _AKAZE result = MAX(result, gui->get_text_width(MEDIUMFONT, to_text(ALGORITHM_AKAZE))); #endif #ifdef _BRISK result = MAX(result, gui->get_text_width(MEDIUMFONT, to_text(ALGORITHM_BRISK))); #endif return result + 50; } FindObjUseFlann::FindObjUseFlann(FindObjMain *plugin, FindObjWindow *gui, int x, int y) : BC_CheckBox(x, y, plugin->config.use_flann, _("Use FLANN")) { this->gui = gui; this->plugin = plugin; } int FindObjUseFlann::handle_event() { plugin->config.use_flann = get_value(); plugin->send_configure_change(); return 1; } FindObjLayer::FindObjLayer(FindObjMain *plugin, FindObjWindow *gui, int x, int y, int *value) : BC_TumbleTextBox(gui, *value, MIN_LAYER, MAX_LAYER, x, y, calculate_w(gui)) { this->plugin = plugin; this->gui = gui; this->value = value; } int FindObjLayer::handle_event() { *value = atoi(get_text()); plugin->send_configure_change(); return 1; } int FindObjLayer::calculate_w(FindObjWindow *gui) { int result = 0; result = gui->get_text_width(MEDIUMFONT, "000"); return result + 50; } FindObjBlend::FindObjBlend(FindObjMain *plugin, int x, int y, int *value) : BC_IPot(x, y, (int64_t)*value, (int64_t)MIN_BLEND, (int64_t)MAX_BLEND) { this->plugin = plugin; this->value = value; } int FindObjBlend::handle_event() { *value = (int)get_value(); plugin->send_configure_change(); return 1; }