#include "affine.h" #include "bchash.h" #include "clip.h" #include "filexml.h" #include "fourier.h" #include "keyframe.h" #include "language.h" #include "mainerror.h" #include "motion51.h" #include "motionwindow51.h" #include "mutex.h" #include "transportque.inc" #include #include #include static const double passing = 0.92; static bool passible(double v) { return v > passing; } REGISTER_PLUGIN(Motion51Main) void Motion51Config::init() { sample_steps = 1024; sample_r = 50.f; block_x = block_y = 50.f; block_w = block_h = 50.f; horiz_limit = vert_limit = twist_limit = 50.f; shake_fade = twist_fade = 3.f; draw_vectors = 1; strcpy(tracking_file, TRACKING_FILE); tracking = 0; } Motion51Config::Motion51Config() { init(); } int Motion51Config::equivalent(Motion51Config &that) { return horiz_limit == that.horiz_limit && vert_limit == that.vert_limit && twist_limit == that.twist_limit && shake_fade == that.shake_fade && twist_fade == that.twist_fade && sample_r == that.sample_r && sample_steps == that.sample_steps && draw_vectors == that.draw_vectors && EQUIV(block_x, that.block_x) && EQUIV(block_y, that.block_y) && block_w == that.block_w && block_h == that.block_h && !strcmp(tracking_file, that.tracking_file) && tracking == that.tracking; } void Motion51Config::copy_from(Motion51Config &that) { horiz_limit = that.horiz_limit; vert_limit = that.vert_limit; twist_limit = that.twist_limit; shake_fade = that.shake_fade; twist_fade = that.twist_fade; sample_r = that.sample_r; sample_steps = that.sample_steps; draw_vectors = that.draw_vectors; block_x = that.block_x; block_y = that.block_y; block_w = that.block_w; block_h = that.block_h; strcpy(tracking_file, that.tracking_file); tracking = that.tracking; } void Motion51Config::interpolate(Motion51Config &prev, Motion51Config &next, int64_t prev_frame, int64_t next_frame, int64_t current_frame) { copy_from(prev); } Motion51Main::Motion51Main(PluginServer *server) : PluginVClient(server) { out_frame = 0; out_position = -1; ref_frame = 0; ref_position = -1; tmp_frame = 0; affine = 0; motion_scan = 0; cache_file[0] = 0; cache_fp = active_fp = 0; cache_line[0] = 0; cache_key = active_key = -1; tracking_position = -1; out_w = out_h = out_r = 0; rx = ry = rw = rh = rr = 0; current_dx = current_dy = 0; x_steps = y_steps = 16; r_steps = 4; cir_sz = 0; cir_r = 0; xpts = ypts = 0; total_dx = total_dy = 0; total_angle = 0; } Motion51Main::~Motion51Main() { update_cache_file(); delete out_frame; delete ref_frame; delete tmp_frame; delete affine; delete motion_scan; delete [] xpts; delete [] ypts; } const char* Motion51Main::plugin_title() { return _("Motion51"); } int Motion51Main::is_realtime() { return 1; } int Motion51Main::is_multichannel() { return 1; } NEW_WINDOW_MACRO(Motion51Main, Motion51Window) LOAD_CONFIGURATION_MACRO(Motion51Main, Motion51Config) void Motion51Main::update_gui() { if( !thread ) return; if( !load_configuration() ) return; thread->window->lock_window("Motion51Main::update_gui"); Motion51Window *window = (Motion51Window*)thread->window; window->update_gui(); thread->window->unlock_window(); } void Motion51Main::save_data(KeyFrame *keyframe) { FileXML output; // cause data to be stored directly in text output.set_shared_output(keyframe->get_data(), MESSAGESIZE); output.tag.set_title("MOTION51"); output.tag.set_property("HORIZ_LIMIT", config.horiz_limit); output.tag.set_property("VERT_LIMIT", config.vert_limit); output.tag.set_property("TWIST_LIMIT", config.twist_limit); output.tag.set_property("SHAKE_FADE", config.shake_fade); output.tag.set_property("TWIST_FADE", config.twist_fade); output.tag.set_property("SAMPLE_R", config.sample_r); output.tag.set_property("SAMPLE_STEPS", config.sample_steps); output.tag.set_property("DRAW_VECTORS", config.draw_vectors); output.tag.set_property("BLOCK_W", config.block_w); output.tag.set_property("BLOCK_H", config.block_h); output.tag.set_property("BLOCK_X", config.block_x); output.tag.set_property("BLOCK_Y", config.block_y); output.tag.set_property("TRACKING_FILE", config.tracking_file); output.tag.set_property("TRACKING", config.tracking); output.append_tag(); output.tag.set_title("/MOTION51"); output.append_tag(); output.terminate_string(); } void Motion51Main::read_data(KeyFrame *keyframe) { FileXML input; input.set_shared_input(keyframe->get_data(), strlen(keyframe->get_data())); int result = 0; while( !(result = input.read_tag()) ) { if( input.tag.title_is("MOTION51") ) { config.horiz_limit = input.tag.get_property("HORIZ_LIMIT", config.horiz_limit); config.vert_limit = input.tag.get_property("VERT_LIMIT", config.vert_limit); config.twist_limit = input.tag.get_property("TWIST_LIMIT", config.twist_limit); config.shake_fade = input.tag.get_property("SHAKE_FADE", config.shake_fade); config.twist_fade = input.tag.get_property("TWIST_FADE", config.twist_fade); config.sample_r = input.tag.get_property("SAMPLE_R", config.sample_r); config.sample_steps = input.tag.get_property("SAMPLE_STEPS", config.sample_steps); config.draw_vectors = input.tag.get_property("DRAW_VECTORS", config.draw_vectors); config.block_w = input.tag.get_property("BLOCK_W", config.block_w); config.block_h = input.tag.get_property("BLOCK_H", config.block_h); config.block_x = input.tag.get_property("BLOCK_X", config.block_x); config.block_y = input.tag.get_property("BLOCK_Y", config.block_y); input.tag.get_property("TRACKING_FILE", config.tracking_file); config.tracking = input.tag.get_property("TRACKING", config.tracking); } } } #if 0 static void snap(const char *fn, VFrame *img, float x, float y, float r) { VFrame vfrm(img->get_w(),img->get_h(),img->get_color_model()); vfrm.copy_from(img); vfrm.draw_smooth(x-r,y, x-r,y+r, x,y+r); vfrm.draw_smooth(x,y+r, x+r,y+r, x+r,y); vfrm.draw_smooth(x+r,y, x+r,y-r, x,y-r); vfrm.draw_smooth(x,y-r, x-r,y-r, x-r,y); vfrm.write_png(fn); } #endif #if 0 // nearest sample static void nearest_uint8(double *pix[3], double rx, double ry, uint8_t **rows, int psz, int iw1, int ih1) { int ix = (int)rx, iy = (int)ry; bclamp(ix, 0, iw1); bclamp(iy, 0, ih1); uint8_t *cp = (uint8_t*)(rows[iy] + psz * ix); for( int i=0; i<3; ++pix[i], ++cp, ++i ) *pix[i] = *cp; } static void nearest_float(double *pix[3], double rx, double ry, uint8_t **rows, int psz, int iw1, int ih1) { int ix = (int)rx, iy = (int)ry; bclamp(ix, 0, iw1); bclamp(iy, 0, ih1); float *fp = (float*)(rows[iy] + psz * ix); for( int i=0; i<3; ++pix[i], ++fp, ++i ) *pix[i] = *fp; } #endif // corner interpolation sample static void corner_uint8(double *pix[3], double rx, double ry, uint8_t **rows, int psz, int iw1, int ih1) { bclamp(rx, 0, iw1); bclamp(ry, 0, ih1); int iy = (int)ry; double yf1 = ry - iy, yf0 = 1.0 - yf1; uint8_t *row0 = rows[iy]; if( iy < ih1 ) ++iy; uint8_t *row1 = rows[iy]; int ix = (int)rx; double xf1 = rx - ix, xf0 = 1.0 - xf1; int i0 = psz * ix; if( ix < iw1 ) ++ix; int i1 = psz * ix; uint8_t *cp00 = (uint8_t*)&row0[i0], *cp01 = (uint8_t*)&row0[i1]; uint8_t *cp10 = (uint8_t*)&row1[i0], *cp11 = (uint8_t*)&row1[i1]; double a00 = xf0 * yf0, a01 = xf1 * yf0; double a10 = xf0 * yf1, a11 = xf1 * yf1; for( int i=0; i<3; ++pix[i], ++cp00, ++cp01, ++cp10, ++cp11, ++i ) *pix[i] = *cp00*a00 + *cp01*a01 + *cp10*a10 + *cp11*a11; } static void corner_float(double *pix[3], double rx, double ry, uint8_t **rows, int psz, int iw1, int ih1) { bclamp(rx, 0, iw1); bclamp(ry, 0, ih1); int iy = (int)ry; double yf1 = ry - iy, yf0 = 1.0 - yf1; uint8_t *row0 = rows[iy]; if( iy < ih1 ) ++iy; uint8_t *row1 = rows[iy]; int ix = (int)rx; double xf1 = rx - ix, xf0 = 1.0 - xf1; int i0 = psz * ix; if( ix < iw1 ) ++ix; int i1 = psz * ix; float *fp00 = (float*)&row0[i0], *fp01 = (float*)&row0[i1]; float *fp10 = (float*)&row1[i0], *fp11 = (float*)&row1[i1]; double a00 = xf0 * yf0, a01 = xf1 * yf0; double a10 = xf0 * yf1, a11 = xf1 * yf1; for( int i=0; i<3; ++pix[i], ++fp00, ++fp01, ++fp10, ++fp11, ++i ) *pix[i] = *fp00*a00 + *fp01*a01 + *fp10*a10 + *fp11*a11; } static inline double cor(int n, double *ap, double *bp) { double s = 0; while( --n >= 0 ) s += *ap++ * *bp++; return s; } static inline double sqr(double v) { return v*v; } static inline void cj_product(int n, int sf, double *rp, double *ip, double *arp, double *aip, double *brp, double *bip) { int m = !sf ? n-1 : n/2, i = 0; while( i <= m ) { double ar = arp[i], ai = aip[i]; double br = brp[i], bi = -bip[i]; rp[i] = ar*br - ai*bi; // complex a*ib' ip[i] = ar*bi + ai*br; ++i; } if( !sf ) return; while( --m > 0 ) { rp[i] = rp[m]; ip[i] = -ip[m]; ++i; } } typedef struct { double x, y, d; } coord_t; static int coord_cmpr(const void *ap, const void *bp) { coord_t *a = (coord_t *)ap, *b = (coord_t *)bp; return a->d == b->d ? 0 : a->d < b->d ? -1 : 1; } int64_t Motion51Main::get_ref_position() { int64_t position = out_position - 1; if( position < 0 || position != ref_position ) { // clip to edit boundaries int64_t pos = get_source_start(); if( position < pos ) position = pos; else if( position >= (pos += get_total_len()) ) position = pos-1; // clip to keyframe boundaries KeyFrame *next_keyframe = get_next_keyframe(out_position, 1); int64_t keyframe_end = next_keyframe->position; if( (pos=next_keyframe->position) > 0 && position > keyframe_end ) position = keyframe_end; KeyFrame *prev_keyframe = get_prev_keyframe(out_position, 1); int64_t keyframe_start = prev_keyframe->position; if( keyframe_start > 0 && position < keyframe_start ) position = keyframe_start; } return position; } void Motion51Main::set_tracking_path() { const char *sp = TRACKING_FILE; char *cp = config.tracking_file, *ep = cp+sizeof(config.tracking_file)-1; while( cp < ep && *sp != 0 ) *cp++ = *sp++; if( cp < ep && (sp=get_source_path()) ) { *cp++ = '-'; const char *bp = strrchr(sp,'/'); if( bp ) sp = bp+1; while( cp < ep && *sp != 0 ) { *cp++ = (*sp>='a' && *sp<='z') || (*sp>='A' && *sp<='Z') || (*sp>='0' && *sp<='9') ? *sp : '_'; ++sp; } } *cp = 0; } void Motion51Main::update_tracking_cache() { if( (!config.tracking && cache_fp) || (config.tracking && !cache_fp) || (active_fp && active_key > get_source_position()) ) update_cache_file(); } int Motion51Main::load_tracking_cache(int64_t position) { if( !config.tracking ) return 1; if( get_cache_line(position) ) return 1; if( sscanf(cache_line, "%jd %f %f %f", &position, &dx, &dy, &dt) != 4 ) return 1; return 0; } void Motion51Main::save_tracking_cache(int64_t position) { if( !config.tracking ) return; char line[BCSTRLEN]; snprintf(line, sizeof(line), "%jd %f %f %f\n", position, dx, dy, dt); put_cache_line(line); } void Motion51Main::match(VFrame *ref, VFrame *cur) { if( !motion_scan ) { int cpus = get_project_smp()+1; motion_scan = new Motion51Scan(this, cpus, x_steps, y_steps); } motion_scan->scan(ref, cur, config.sample_steps); if( passible(motion_scan->cor_value) ) { dx = motion_scan->dx_result - rx; dy = motion_scan->dy_result - ry; dt = motion_scan->dt_result * 180./M_PI; } else { total_dx = total_dy = total_angle = 0; dx = dy = dt = 0; } } int Motion51Main::transform_target(int use_opengl) { if( dx || dy || dt ) { int cpus = get_project_smp()+1; if( !affine ) affine = new AffineEngine(cpus, cpus); affine->set_in_pivot(rx, ry); affine->set_out_pivot(rx-dx, ry-dy); if( use_opengl ) return run_opengl(); new_temp(out_frame, out)->copy_from(out); out->clear_frame(); affine->rotate(out, out_frame, dt); //printf("transform_target at %jd: rotate(%f, %f, %f)\n", out_position, dx, dy, dt); } return 0; } int Motion51Main::handle_opengl() { #ifdef HAVE_GL affine->set_opengl(1); affine->rotate(out, out, dt); out->screen_to_ram(); affine->set_opengl(0); #endif return 0; } int Motion51Main::process_buffer(VFrame **frame, int64_t position, double frame_rate) { int need_reconfigure = load_configuration(); int target_layer = 0; int reference_layer = PluginClient::total_in_buffers-1; VFrame *ref_layer = frame[reference_layer]; out = frame[target_layer]; out_position = position; if( !out_position ) total_dx = total_dy = total_angle = 0; get_pixel = BC_CModels::is_float(out->get_color_model()) ? &corner_float : &corner_uint8; int use_opengl = get_use_opengl(); read_frame(out, target_layer, out_position, frame_rate, use_opengl); out_w = out->get_w(); out_h = out->get_h(); out_r = 0.5 * (out_w < out_h ? out_w : out_h); rw = out_w * config.block_w/100.; rh = out_h * config.block_h/100.; rx = out_w * config.block_x/100.; ry = out_h * config.block_y/100.; rr = out_r * config.sample_r/100.; reset_sample(config.sample_steps, rr); dx = 0; dy = 0; dt = 0; update_tracking_cache(); if( load_tracking_cache(out_position) ) { int64_t ref_pos = get_ref_position(); if( !ref_frame || ref_pos != ref_position || need_reconfigure ) { new_temp(ref_frame, ref_layer); read_frame(ref_frame, reference_layer, ref_pos, frame_rate, 0); total_dx = total_dy = 0; total_angle = 0; ref_position = ref_pos; } VFrame *cur_frame = out; if( reference_layer != target_layer ) { new_temp(tmp_frame, ref_layer); read_frame(tmp_frame, reference_layer, out_position, frame_rate, 0); cur_frame = tmp_frame; } match(ref_frame, cur_frame); save_tracking_cache(out_position); } current_dx = dx; current_dy = dy; double sf = 1. - config.shake_fade/100.; dx += total_dx * sf; dy += total_dy * sf; double rf = 1. - config.twist_fade/100.; dt += total_angle * rf; if( dt < -180. ) dt += 360.; else if( dt > 180. ) dt -= 360.; float tot_dx = out_w * config.horiz_limit/100.; bclamp(dx, -tot_dx, tot_dx); float tot_dy = out_h * config.vert_limit/100.; bclamp(dy, -tot_dy, tot_dy); float tot_dt = 180. * config.twist_limit/100.; bclamp(dt, -tot_dt, +tot_dt); total_dx = dx; total_dy = dy; total_angle = dt; if( ref_frame && reference_layer == target_layer && ref_position+1 == out_position && ref_frame->get_w() == out->get_w() && ref_frame->get_h() == out->get_h() && ref_frame->get_color_model() == out->get_color_model() ) { ref_frame->copy_from(out); ref_position = out_position; } transform_target(use_opengl); if( config.draw_vectors ) draw_vectors(out); return 0; } VFrame* Motion51Main::new_temp(VFrame *&tmp, VFrame *ref) { if( tmp && (tmp->get_w() != ref->get_w() || tmp->get_h() != ref->get_h() || tmp->get_color_model() != ref->get_color_model()) ) { delete tmp; tmp = 0; } if( !tmp ) tmp = new VFrame(0, -1, ref->get_w(), ref->get_h(), ref->get_color_model(), -1); return tmp; } void Motion51Main::reset_sample(int sz, double r) { if( cir_sz == sz && cir_r == r ) return; if( cir_sz != sz ) { cir_sz = sz; delete xpts; xpts = new double[cir_sz]; delete ypts; ypts = new double[cir_sz]; } cir_r = r; int n = cir_sz / r_steps; double dt = (2*M_PI)/n; double dr = r / r_steps; for( int it=0; itget_w(), iw1 = iw-1; int ih = img->get_h(), ih1 = ih-1; uint8_t **rows = img->get_rows(); int psz = BC_CModels::calculate_pixelsize(img->get_color_model()); double *xp = xpts, *yp = ypts; for( int i=cir_sz; --i>=0; ++xp,++yp ) { double px = x + *xp, py = y + *yp; get_pixel(pix, px, py, rows, psz, iw1, ih1); } } void Motion51Main::centroid(double *pix[3], double *ctr_v, double *ctr_x, double *ctr_y) { for( int i=0; i<3; ++i ) ctr_v[i] = ctr_x[i] = ctr_y[i] = 0; double *xp = xpts, *yp = ypts; for( int k=cir_sz; --k>=0; ++xp,++yp ) { double x = rx + *xp, y = ry + *yp; for( int i=0; i<3; ++pix[i],++i ) { double v = *pix[i]; ctr_v[i] += v; ctr_x[i] += v * x; ctr_y[i] += v * y; } } for( int i=0; i<3; ++i ) { if( !ctr_v[i] ) continue; ctr_x[i] /= ctr_v[i]; ctr_y[i] /= ctr_v[i]; ctr_v[i] /= cir_sz; } } void Motion51Main::draw_vectors(VFrame *img) { img->draw_arrow(rx, ry, rx+current_dx, ry+current_dy); // img->draw_smooth(rx-rr,ry, rx-rr,ry+rr, rx,ry+rr); // img->draw_smooth(rx,ry+rr, rx+rr,ry+rr, rx+rr,ry); // img->draw_smooth(rx+rr,ry, rx+rr,ry-rr, rx,ry-rr); // img->draw_smooth(rx,ry-rr, rx-rr,ry-rr, rx-rr,ry); float rx1 = rx - 0.5*rw; float ry1 = ry - 0.5*rh; float rx2 = rx1 + rw; float ry2 = ry1 + rh; img->draw_line(rx1, ry1, rx2, ry1); img->draw_line(rx2, ry1, rx2, ry2); img->draw_line(rx2, ry2, rx1, ry2); img->draw_line(rx1, ry2, rx1, ry1); float sx1 = rx1 - rr, sy1 = ry1 - rr; float sx2 = rx2 + rr, sy2 = ry2 + rr; img->draw_smooth(sx1, ry1, sx1, sy1, rx1, sy1); img->draw_line(rx1, sy1, rx2, sy1); img->draw_smooth(rx2, sy1, sx2, sy1, sx2, ry1); img->draw_line(sx2, ry1, sx2, ry2); img->draw_smooth(sx2, ry2, sx2, sy2, rx2, sy2); img->draw_line(rx2, sy2, rx1, sy2); img->draw_smooth(rx1, sy2, sx1, sy2, sx1, ry2); img->draw_line(sx1, ry2, sx1, ry1); double *xp = xpts, *yp = ypts; for( int i=cir_sz; --i>=0; ++xp, ++yp ) img->draw_pixel(rx+*xp, ry+*yp); } int Motion51Main::open_cache_file() { if( cache_fp ) return 0; if( !cache_file[0] ) return 1; if( !(cache_fp = fopen(cache_file, "r")) ) return 1; // match timestamp, asset path char line[BCTEXTLEN], *cp = line, *ep = cp+sizeof(line); if( fgets(line,sizeof(line),cache_fp) ) { int64_t tm = strtoul(cp,&cp,0); // time 0 matches everything if( !tm ) return 0; const char *sp = get_source_path(); if( !sp ) return 0; if( cp < ep && *cp == ' ' ) ++cp; int n = strlen(cp); if( n > 0 && cp[n-1] == '\n' ) cp[n-1] = 0; struct stat st; if( !strcmp(cp, sp) && !stat(cp,&st) && st.st_mtime == tm ) return 0; } fclose(cache_fp); cache_fp = 0; return 1; } void Motion51Main::close_cache_file() { if( !cache_fp ) return; fclose(cache_fp); cache_fp = 0; cache_key = -1; tracking_position = -1; } int Motion51Main::load_cache_line() { cache_key = -1; if( open_cache_file() ) return 1; if( !fgets(cache_line, sizeof(cache_line), cache_fp) ) return 1; cache_key = strtol(cache_line, 0, 0); return 0; } int Motion51Main::get_cache_line(int64_t key) { if( cache_key == key ) return 0; if( open_cache_file() ) return 1; if( cache_key >= 0 && key > cache_key ) { if( load_cache_line() ) return 1; if( cache_key == key ) return 0; if( cache_key > key ) return 1; } // binary search file fseek(cache_fp, 0, SEEK_END); int64_t l = -1, r = ftell(cache_fp); while( (r - l) > 1 ) { int64_t m = (l + r) / 2; fseek(cache_fp, m, SEEK_SET); // skip to start of next line if( !fgets(cache_line, sizeof(cache_line), cache_fp) ) return -1; if( !load_cache_line() ) { if( cache_key == key ) return 0; if( cache_key < key ) { l = m; continue; } } r = m; } return 1; } int Motion51Main::locate_cache_line(int64_t key) { int ret = 1; if( key < 0 || !(ret=get_cache_line(key)) || ( cache_key >= 0 && cache_key < key ) ) ret = load_cache_line(); return ret; } int Motion51Main::put_cache_line(const char *line) { int64_t key = strtol(line, 0, 0); if( key == active_key ) return 1; if( !active_fp ) { close_cache_file(); snprintf(cache_file, sizeof(cache_file), "%s.bak", config.tracking_file); ::rename(config.tracking_file, cache_file); if( !(active_fp = fopen(config.tracking_file, "w")) ) { perror(config.tracking_file); fprintf(stderr, "err writing key %jd\n", key); return -1; } const char *sp = get_source_path(); int64_t tm = 0; if( sp ) { struct stat st; if( !stat(sp,&st) ) tm = st.st_mtime; } fprintf(active_fp, "%jd %s\n",tm, sp); active_key = -1; } if( active_key < key ) { locate_cache_line(active_key); while( cache_key >= 0 && key >= cache_key ) { if( key > cache_key ) fputs(cache_line, active_fp); load_cache_line(); } } active_key = key; fputs(line, active_fp); fflush(active_fp); return 0; } void Motion51Main::update_cache_file() { if( active_fp ) { locate_cache_line(active_key); while( cache_key >= 0 ) { fputs(cache_line, active_fp); load_cache_line(); } close_cache_file(); ::remove(cache_file); fclose(active_fp); active_fp = 0; active_key = -1; } else close_cache_file(); strcpy(cache_file, config.tracking_file); } Motion51Scan::Motion51Scan(Motion51Main *plugin, int n_thds, int x_steps, int y_steps) : LoadServer(n_thds, x_steps*y_steps) { this->plugin = plugin; this->x_steps = x_steps; this->y_steps = y_steps; this->fft = new FFT; this->result_lock = new Mutex("Motion51Scan::result_lock"); cur = ref = 0; bx = by = br = bw = bh = 0; rpix_sz = 0; for( int i=0; i<3; ++i ) { rpix[i] = 0; rpwr[i] = 0; rctr_v[i] = rctr_x[i] = rctr_y[i] = 0; ref_real[i] = ref_imag[i] = 0; } cor_value = value = 0; dx_result = dy_result = 0; dt_result = 0; } Motion51Scan::~Motion51Scan() { for( int i=0; i<3; ++i ) { delete [] rpix[i]; delete [] ref_real[i]; delete [] ref_imag[i]; } delete fft; delete result_lock; } // sum absolute diff of ref at (rx,ry) - (cur(cx,cy) rotated ct) // downsampled using corner_sample to x_steps, y_steps double Motion51Scan::compare(double cx, double cy, double ct) { int iw = ref->get_w(), iw1 = iw-1; int ih = ref->get_h(), ih1 = ih-1; int xsz = x_steps;// iw; int ysz = y_steps;// ih; int psz = BC_CModels::calculate_pixelsize(cur->get_color_model()); uint8_t **ref_rows = ref->get_rows(); uint8_t **cur_rows = cur->get_rows(); double cos_ct = cos(ct), sin_ct = sin(ct); double rx = plugin->rx, ry = plugin->ry; double sx = (double)iw/xsz, sy = (double)ih/ysz; double cpix[3][xsz], rpix[3][xsz]; double v = 0; for( int iy=0; iyget_pixel(ref_pix, x, y, ref_rows, psz, iw1, ih1); double tx = x-rx, ty = y-ry; double xt = cos_ct*tx - sin_ct*ty + cx; double yt = cos_ct*ty + sin_ct*tx + cy; plugin->get_pixel(cur_pix, xt, yt, cur_rows, psz, iw1, ih1); } for( int i=0; i<3; ++i ) { double *rp = rpix[i], *cp = cpix[i]; for( int k=x_steps; --k>=0; ++rp,++cp ) v += fabs(*rp - *cp); } } double mx = BC_CModels::calculate_max(ref->get_color_model()); v = 1.-v/(3*mx * x_steps*y_steps); return v; } void Motion51Scan::scan(VFrame *ref, VFrame *cur, int sz) { this->ref = ref; this->cur = cur; if( this->rpix_sz != sz ) { this->rpix_sz = sz; for( int i=0; i<3; ++i ) { delete [] rpix[i]; rpix[i] = new double[sz]; delete [] ref_real[i]; ref_real[i] = new double[sz]; delete [] ref_imag[i]; ref_imag[i] = new double[sz]; } } bw = plugin->rw; bh = plugin->rh; bx = plugin->rx; by = plugin->ry; br = plugin->rr; double *ref_pix[3] = { rpix[0], rpix[1], rpix[2] }; plugin->get_samples(ref, ref_pix, bx, by); double *pix[3] = { rpix[0], rpix[1], rpix[2] }; plugin->centroid(&pix[0], &rctr_v[0], &rctr_x[0], &rctr_y[0]); for( int i=0; i<3; ++i ) { fft->do_fft(sz, 0, rpix[i], 0, ref_real[i], ref_imag[i]); rpwr[i] = cor(sz, rpix[i], rpix[i]); } double scan_limit = 0.25; // quarter pixel resolution //printf("frame: %jd\n", plugin->get_source_position()); while( bw/x_steps > scan_limit || bh/y_steps > scan_limit ) { dx_result = dy_result = dt_result = 0; cor_value = value = 0; //printf(" bx,by %6.2f,%-6.2f bw,bh %6.2f,%-6.2f ",bx,by, bw,bh); process_packages(); bx = dx_result; by = dy_result; //printf(" r = %f(%f), %6.2f,%-6.2f\n",value,dt_result*180/M_PI,bx,by); bw *= 0.5; bh *= 0.5; } } void Motion51Scan::init_packages() { // sort in increasing distance from current displacement double tx = plugin->rx + plugin->total_dx; double ty = plugin->ry + plugin->total_dy; int npkgs = get_total_packages(); coord_t coords[npkgs]; int i = 0; double x0 = bx - bw/2, y0 = by - bh/2; for( int iy=0; iyx = x; cp->y = y; cp->d = d; } } qsort(&coords,npkgs,sizeof(coords[0]),coord_cmpr); for( i=0; ix = cp->x; pkg->y = cp->y; } } Motion51ScanUnit::Motion51ScanUnit(Motion51Scan *server, Motion51Main *plugin) : LoadClient(server) { this->server = server; this->plugin = plugin; fft = new FFT; } Motion51ScanUnit::~Motion51ScanUnit() { delete fft; } void Motion51ScanUnit::process_package(LoadPackage *package) { Motion51ScanPackage *pkg = (Motion51ScanPackage *)package; int sz = server->rpix_sz; double cur_real[3][sz], cur_imag[3][sz]; double cpwr[3], cpix[3][sz], *cur_pix[3] = { cpix[0], cpix[1], cpix[2] }; plugin->get_samples(server->cur, cur_pix, pkg->x, pkg->y); double *pix[3] = { cpix[0], cpix[1], cpix[2] }; double cctr_v[3], cctr_x[3], cctr_y[3]; plugin->centroid(&pix[0], &cctr_v[0], &cctr_x[0], &cctr_y[0]); double mx = BC_CModels::calculate_max(server->ref->get_color_model()); for( int i=0; i<3; ++i ) { double v = 1. - fabs(server->rctr_v[i]-cctr_v[i]) / mx; if( !passible(v) ) return; double *rctr_x = server->rctr_x, *rctr_y = server->rctr_y; double d = sqrt(sqr(rctr_x[i]-cctr_x[i]) + sqr(rctr_y[i]-cctr_y[i])); v = 1 - d / plugin->cir_r; if( !passible(v) ) return; } for( int i=0; i<3; ++i ) { double cs = cor(sz, cpix[i], cpix[i]); double rs = server->rpwr[i]; double ss = rs + cs; if( ss == 0 ) ss = 1; double v = 1. - fabs(rs - cs) / ss; if( ! passible(v) ) return; cpwr[i] = 1. / ss; } double cor_real[3][sz], cor_imag[3][sz]; for( int i=0; i<3; ++i ) { fft->do_fft(sz, 0, cpix[i], 0, cur_real[i], cur_imag[i]); cj_product(sz, 0, cur_real[i], cur_imag[i], server->ref_real[i], server->ref_imag[i], cur_real[i], cur_imag[i]); fft->do_fft(sz, 1, cur_real[i], cur_imag[i], cor_real[i], cor_imag[i]); } double sv = 0; int st = 0; for( int t=0; t= v ) continue; sv = v; st = t; } if( server->cor_value > sv ) return; server->cor_value = sv; if( st > sz/2 ) st -= sz; int steps = plugin->r_steps; double tt = steps*(2*M_PI); double th = st*tt/sz, dt = th; double value = 0; double dth = (2*M_PI)/sz; for( int i=-steps; i<=steps; ++i ) { double t = th + i*dth; double v = server->compare(pkg->x, pkg->y, -t); if( value >= v ) continue; value = v; dt = t; } //static int dbg = 0; //if( dbg ) //printf(" %d. %.3f,%.3f %f = %f / %f + %f\n", // package_number,pkg->x,pkg->y,dt*180./M_PI,value,sv); server->result_lock->lock("Motion51Scan::process_package"); if( value > server->value ) { server->value = value; server->dt_result = dt; server->dx_result = pkg->x; server->dy_result = pkg->y; } server->result_lock->unlock(); }