/* * CINELERRA * Copyright (C) 2017 Adam Williams * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA * */ #include "affine.h" #include "bcdisplayinfo.h" #include "bchash.h" #include "bcsignals.h" #include "clip.h" #include "filexml.h" #include "language.h" #include "spherecam.h" #include "theme.h" #include // largely based on equations from http://paulbourke.net/dome/fish2/ REGISTER_PLUGIN(SphereCamMain) SphereCamConfig::SphereCamConfig() { feather = 0; for( int i = 0; i < EYES; i++ ) { enabled[i] = 1; fov[i] = 180; radius[i] = 100.0; center_y[i] = 50.0; rotate_y[i] = 50.0; rotate_z[i] = 0; } center_x[0] = 25.0; center_x[1] = 75.0; rotate_x[0] = 50.0; rotate_x[1] = 100.0; draw_guides = 1; mode = SphereCamConfig::DO_NOTHING; } int SphereCamConfig::equivalent(SphereCamConfig &that) { for( int i = 0; i < EYES; i++ ) { if( enabled[i] != that.enabled[i] || !EQUIV(fov[i], that.fov[i]) || !EQUIV(radius[i], that.radius[i]) || !EQUIV(center_x[i], that.center_x[i]) || !EQUIV(center_y[i], that.center_y[i]) || !EQUIV(rotate_x[i], that.rotate_x[i]) || !EQUIV(rotate_y[i], that.rotate_y[i]) || !EQUIV(rotate_z[i], that.rotate_z[i]) ) { return 0; } } if( feather != that.feather || mode != that.mode || draw_guides != that.draw_guides ) { return 0; } return 1; } void SphereCamConfig::copy_from(SphereCamConfig &that) { *this = that; } void SphereCamConfig::interpolate(SphereCamConfig &prev, SphereCamConfig &next, int64_t prev_frame, int64_t next_frame, int64_t current_frame) { double next_scale = (double)(current_frame - prev_frame) / (next_frame - prev_frame); double prev_scale = (double)(next_frame - current_frame) / (next_frame - prev_frame); for( int i = 0; i < EYES; i++ ) { enabled[i] = prev.enabled[i]; fov[i] = prev.fov[i] * prev_scale + next.fov[i] * next_scale; radius[i] = prev.radius[i] * prev_scale + next.radius[i] * next_scale; center_x[i] = prev.center_x[i] * prev_scale + next.center_x[i] * next_scale; center_y[i] = prev.center_y[i] * prev_scale + next.center_y[i] * next_scale; rotate_x[i] = prev.rotate_x[i] * prev_scale + next.rotate_x[i] * next_scale; rotate_y[i] = prev.rotate_y[i] * prev_scale + next.rotate_y[i] * next_scale; rotate_z[i] = prev.rotate_z[i] * prev_scale + next.rotate_z[i] * next_scale; } feather = prev.feather * prev_scale + next.feather * next_scale; draw_guides = prev.draw_guides; mode = prev.mode; boundaries(); } void SphereCamConfig::boundaries() { for( int i = 0; i < EYES; i++ ) { CLAMP(fov[i], 1.0, 359.0); CLAMP(radius[i], 1.0, 150.0); CLAMP(center_x[i], 0.0, 100.0); CLAMP(center_y[i], 0.0, 100.0); CLAMP(rotate_x[i], 0.0, 100.0); CLAMP(rotate_y[i], 0.0, 100.0); CLAMP(rotate_z[i], -180.0, 180.0); } CLAMP(feather, 0, 50); } SphereCamSlider::SphereCamSlider(SphereCamMain *client, SphereCamGUI *gui, SphereCamText *text, float *output, int x, int y, float min, float max) : BC_FSlider(x, y, 0, gui->get_w() / 2 - client->get_theme()->widget_border * 3 - 100, gui->get_w() / 2 - client->get_theme()->widget_border * 3 - 100, min, max, *output) { this->gui = gui; this->client = client; this->output = output; this->text = text; set_precision(0.01); } int SphereCamSlider::handle_event() { *output = get_value(); text->update(*output); client->send_configure_change(); return 1; } SphereCamText::SphereCamText(SphereCamMain *client, SphereCamGUI *gui, SphereCamSlider *slider, float *output, int x, int y) : BC_TextBox(x, y, 100, 1, *output) { this->gui = gui; this->client = client; this->output = output; this->slider = slider; } int SphereCamText::handle_event() { *output = atof(get_text()); slider->update(*output); client->send_configure_change(); return 1; } SphereCamToggle::SphereCamToggle(SphereCamMain *client, int *output, int x, int y, const char *text) : BC_CheckBox(x, y, *output, text) { this->output = output; this->client = client; } int SphereCamToggle::handle_event() { *output = get_value(); client->send_configure_change(); return 1; } SphereCamMode::SphereCamMode(SphereCamMain *plugin, SphereCamGUI *gui, int x, int y) : BC_PopupMenu(x, y, calculate_w(gui), "", 1) { this->plugin = plugin; this->gui = gui; } int SphereCamMode::handle_event() { plugin->config.mode = from_text(get_text()); plugin->send_configure_change(); return 1; } void SphereCamMode::create_objects() { add_item(new BC_MenuItem(to_text(SphereCamConfig::DO_NOTHING))); add_item(new BC_MenuItem(to_text(SphereCamConfig::EQUIRECT))); add_item(new BC_MenuItem(to_text(SphereCamConfig::ALIGN))); update(plugin->config.mode); } void SphereCamMode::update(int mode) { char string[BCTEXTLEN]; sprintf(string, "%s", to_text(mode)); set_text(string); } int SphereCamMode::calculate_w(SphereCamGUI *gui) { int result = 0; result = MAX(result, gui->get_text_width(MEDIUMFONT, to_text(SphereCamConfig::EQUIRECT))); result = MAX(result, gui->get_text_width(MEDIUMFONT, to_text(SphereCamConfig::DO_NOTHING))); result = MAX(result, gui->get_text_width(MEDIUMFONT, to_text(SphereCamConfig::ALIGN))); return result + 50; } int SphereCamMode::from_text(char *text) { for( int i = 0; i < 3; i++ ) { if( !strcmp(text, to_text(i)) ) { return i; } } return SphereCamConfig::EQUIRECT; } const char* SphereCamMode::to_text(int mode) { switch( mode ) { case SphereCamConfig::DO_NOTHING: return "Do nothing"; break; case SphereCamConfig::EQUIRECT: return "Equirectangular"; break; case SphereCamConfig::ALIGN: return "Align only"; break; } return "Equirectangular"; } SphereCamGUI::SphereCamGUI(SphereCamMain *client) : PluginClientWindow(client, 640, 600, 640, 600, 0) { this->client = client; } SphereCamGUI::~SphereCamGUI() { } void SphereCamGUI::create_objects() { int margin = client->get_theme()->widget_border; int margin2 = margin; int y = margin; int x[EYES]; x[0] = margin; x[1] = get_w() / 2 + margin / 2; BC_Title *title; for( int i = 0; i < EYES; i++ ) { int x3 = x[i]; y = margin; add_tool(title = new BC_Title(x[i], y, i == 0 ? _("Left Eye") : _("Right Eye"), LARGEFONT)); y += title->get_h() + margin2; add_tool(enabled[i] = new SphereCamToggle(client, &client->config.enabled[i], x3, y, _("Enabled"))); y += enabled[i]->get_h() + margin2; add_tool(title = new BC_Title(x3, y, _("FOV:"))); y += title->get_h() + margin2; add_tool(fov_slider[i] = new SphereCamSlider(client, this, 0, &client->config.fov[i], x3, y, 1, 359)); fov_slider[i]->set_precision(0.1); x3 += fov_slider[i]->get_w() + margin; add_tool(fov_text[i] = new SphereCamText(client, this, fov_slider[i], &client->config.fov[i], x3, y)); fov_slider[i]->text = fov_text[i]; y += fov_text[i]->get_h() + margin2; x3 = x[i]; add_tool(title = new BC_Title(x3, y, _("Radius:"))); y += title->get_h() + margin2; add_tool(radius_slider[i] = new SphereCamSlider(client, this, 0, &client->config.radius[i], x3, y, 1, 150)); radius_slider[i]->set_precision(0.1); x3 += radius_slider[i]->get_w() + margin; add_tool(radius_text[i] = new SphereCamText(client, this, radius_slider[i], &client->config.radius[i], x3, y)); radius_slider[i]->text = radius_text[i]; y += radius_text[i]->get_h() + margin2; x3 = x[i]; add_tool(title = new BC_Title(x3, y, _("Input X:"))); y += title->get_h() + margin2; add_tool(centerx_slider[i] = new SphereCamSlider(client, this, 0, &client->config.center_x[i], x3, y, 0, 100)); centerx_slider[i]->set_precision(0.1); x3 += centerx_slider[i]->get_w() + margin; add_tool(centerx_text[i] = new SphereCamText(client, this, centerx_slider[i], &client->config.center_x[i], x3, y)); centerx_slider[i]->text = centerx_text[i]; y += centerx_text[i]->get_h() + margin2; x3 = x[i]; add_tool(title = new BC_Title(x3, y, _("Input Y:"))); y += title->get_h() + margin2; add_tool(centery_slider[i] = new SphereCamSlider(client, this, 0, &client->config.center_y[i], x3, y, 0, 100)); centery_slider[i]->set_precision(0.1); x3 += centery_slider[i]->get_w() + margin; add_tool(centery_text[i] = new SphereCamText(client, this, centery_slider[i], &client->config.center_y[i], x3, y)); centery_slider[i]->text = centery_text[i]; y += centery_text[i]->get_h() + margin2; x3 = x[i]; add_tool(title = new BC_Title(x3, y, _("Output X:"))); y += title->get_h() + margin2; add_tool(rotatex_slider[i] = new SphereCamSlider(client, this, 0, &client->config.rotate_x[i], x3, y, 0, 100)); rotatex_slider[i]->set_precision(0.1); x3 += rotatex_slider[i]->get_w() + margin; add_tool(rotatex_text[i] = new SphereCamText(client, this, rotatex_slider[i], &client->config.rotate_x[i], x3, y)); rotatex_slider[i]->text = rotatex_text[i]; y += rotatex_text[i]->get_h() + margin2; x3 = x[i]; add_tool(title = new BC_Title(x3, y, _("Output Y:"))); y += title->get_h() + margin2; add_tool(rotatey_slider[i] = new SphereCamSlider(client, this, 0, &client->config.rotate_y[i], x3, y, 0, 100)); rotatey_slider[i]->set_precision(0.1); x3 += rotatey_slider[i]->get_w() + margin; add_tool(rotatey_text[i] = new SphereCamText(client, this, rotatey_slider[i], &client->config.rotate_y[i], x3, y)); rotatey_slider[i]->text = rotatey_text[i]; y += rotatey_text[i]->get_h() + margin2; x3 = x[i]; add_tool(title = new BC_Title(x3, y, _("Rotate:"))); y += title->get_h() + margin2; add_tool(rotatez_slider[i] = new SphereCamSlider(client, this, 0, &client->config.rotate_z[i], x3, y, -180, 180)); rotatez_slider[i]->set_precision(0.1); x3 += rotatez_slider[i]->get_w() + margin; add_tool(rotatez_text[i] = new SphereCamText(client, this, rotatez_slider[i], &client->config.rotate_z[i], x3, y)); rotatez_slider[i]->text = rotatez_text[i]; y += rotatez_text[i]->get_h() + margin2; } int x3 = x[0]; add_tool(title = new BC_Title(x3, y, _("Feather:"))); y += title->get_h() + margin2; add_tool(feather_slider = new SphereCamSlider(client, this, 0, &client->config.feather, x3, y, 0, 100)); feather_slider->set_precision(0.1); x3 += feather_slider->get_w() + margin; add_tool(feather_text = new SphereCamText(client, this, feather_slider, &client->config.feather, x3, y)); feather_slider->text = feather_text; y += feather_text->get_h() + margin2; //printf("SphereCamGUI::create_objects %d %f\n", __LINE__, client->config.distance); x3 = x[0]; add_tool(draw_guides = new SphereCamToggle(client, &client->config.draw_guides, x3, y, _("Draw guides"))); y += draw_guides->get_h() + margin2; add_tool(title = new BC_Title(x3, y, _("Mode:"))); add_tool(mode = new SphereCamMode(client, this, x3 + title->get_w() + margin, y)); mode->create_objects(); y += mode->get_h() + margin2; show_window(); flush(); } SphereCamMain::SphereCamMain(PluginServer *server) : PluginVClient(server) { engine = 0; affine = 0; } SphereCamMain::~SphereCamMain() { delete engine; delete affine; } NEW_WINDOW_MACRO(SphereCamMain, SphereCamGUI) LOAD_CONFIGURATION_MACRO(SphereCamMain, SphereCamConfig) int SphereCamMain::is_realtime() { return 1; } const char* SphereCamMain::plugin_title() { return N_("Sphere Cam"); } void SphereCamMain::update_gui() { if( !thread ) return; if( !load_configuration() ) return; ((SphereCamGUI*)thread->window)->lock_window("SphereCamMain::update_gui"); SphereCamGUI *window = (SphereCamGUI*)thread->window; for( int i = 0; i < EYES; i++ ) { window->enabled[i]->update(config.enabled[i]); window->fov_slider[i]->update(config.fov[i]); window->fov_text[i]->update(config.fov[i]); window->radius_slider[i]->update(config.radius[i]); window->radius_text[i]->update(config.radius[i]); window->centerx_slider[i]->update(config.center_x[i]); window->centerx_text[i]->update(config.center_x[i]); window->centery_slider[i]->update(config.center_y[i]); window->centery_text[i]->update(config.center_y[i]); window->rotatex_slider[i]->update(config.rotate_x[i]); window->rotatex_text[i]->update(config.rotate_x[i]); window->rotatey_slider[i]->update(config.rotate_y[i]); window->rotatey_text[i]->update(config.rotate_y[i]); window->rotatez_slider[i]->update(config.rotate_z[i]); window->rotatez_text[i]->update(config.rotate_z[i]); } window->feather_slider->update(config.feather); window->feather_text->update(config.feather); window->mode->update(config.mode); window->draw_guides->update(config.draw_guides); window->unlock_window(); } void SphereCamMain::save_data(KeyFrame *keyframe) { FileXML output; char string[BCTEXTLEN]; // cause data to be stored directly in text output.set_shared_output(keyframe->get_data(), MESSAGESIZE); output.tag.set_title("SPHERECAM"); for( int i = 0; i < EYES; i++ ) { sprintf(string, "ENABLED_%d", i); output.tag.set_property(string, config.enabled[i]); sprintf(string, "FOV_%d", i); output.tag.set_property(string, config.fov[i]); sprintf(string, "RADIUS_%d", i); output.tag.set_property(string, config.radius[i]); sprintf(string, "CENTER_X_%d", i); output.tag.set_property(string, config.center_x[i]); sprintf(string, "CENTER_Y_%d", i); output.tag.set_property(string, config.center_y[i]); sprintf(string, "ROTATE_X_%d", i); output.tag.set_property(string, config.rotate_x[i]); sprintf(string, "ROTATE_Y_%d", i); output.tag.set_property(string, config.rotate_y[i]); sprintf(string, "ROTATE_Z_%d", i); output.tag.set_property(string, config.rotate_z[i]); } output.tag.set_property("FEATHER", config.feather); output.tag.set_property("DRAW_GUIDES", config.draw_guides); output.tag.set_property("MODE", config.mode); output.append_tag(); output.terminate_string(); } void SphereCamMain::read_data(KeyFrame *keyframe) { FileXML input; char string[BCTEXTLEN]; input.set_shared_input(keyframe->get_data(), strlen(keyframe->get_data())); int result = 0; while(!result) { result = input.read_tag(); if( !result ) { if( input.tag.title_is("SPHERECAM") ) { for( int i = 0; i < EYES; i++ ) { sprintf(string, "ENABLED_%d", i); config.enabled[i] = input.tag.get_property(string, config.enabled[i]); sprintf(string, "FOV_%d", i); config.fov[i] = input.tag.get_property(string, config.fov[i]); sprintf(string, "RADIUS_%d", i); config.radius[i] = input.tag.get_property(string, config.radius[i]); sprintf(string, "CENTER_X_%d", i); config.center_x[i] = input.tag.get_property(string, config.center_x[i]); sprintf(string, "CENTER_Y_%d", i); config.center_y[i] = input.tag.get_property(string, config.center_y[i]); sprintf(string, "ROTATE_X_%d", i); config.rotate_x[i] = input.tag.get_property(string, config.rotate_x[i]); sprintf(string, "ROTATE_Y_%d", i); config.rotate_y[i] = input.tag.get_property(string, config.rotate_y[i]); sprintf(string, "ROTATE_Z_%d", i); config.rotate_z[i] = input.tag.get_property(string, config.rotate_z[i]); } config.feather = input.tag.get_property("FEATHER", config.feather); config.draw_guides = input.tag.get_property("DRAW_GUIDES", config.draw_guides); config.mode = input.tag.get_property("MODE", config.mode); } } } } int SphereCamMain::process_buffer(VFrame *frame, int64_t start_position, double frame_rate) { load_configuration(); VFrame *input = new_temp(frame->get_w(), frame->get_h(), frame->get_color_model()); read_frame(input, 0, start_position, frame_rate, 0); // use opengl // find_lenses(); calculate_extents(); if( config.mode == SphereCamConfig::DO_NOTHING ) { get_output()->copy_from(input); } else { get_output()->clear_frame(); if( !engine ) engine = new SphereCamEngine(this); engine->process_packages(); } if( config.draw_guides ) { // input regions // printf("SphereCamMain::process_buffer %d %d %d\n", __LINE__, out_x1[0], out_x4[0]); for( int eye = 0; eye < EYES; eye++ ) { if( config.enabled[eye] ) { // input regions get_output()->draw_oval(input_x[eye] - radius[eye], input_y[eye] - radius[eye], input_x[eye] + radius[eye], input_y[eye] + radius[eye]); // output regions. If they overlap, don't xor out the line if( eye == 0 || (out_x1[eye] != out_x1[0] && out_x1[eye] != out_x4[0]) ) { get_output()->draw_line(out_x1[eye], 0, out_x1[eye], h); } if( eye == 0 || (out_x4[eye] != out_x4[0] && out_x4[eye] != out_x1[0]) ) { get_output()->draw_line(out_x4[eye], 0, out_x4[eye], h); } if( feather != 0 && eye == 1 ) { // crosshatch feather of right eye only, since only the right eye feathers int feather_gap = h / 20; for( int j = 0; j < h + feather; j += feather_gap ) { draw_feather(out_x1[eye], out_x1[eye] + feather, eye, j); draw_feather(out_x4[eye] - feather, out_x4[eye], eye, j); } } } } } return 0; } void SphereCamMain::draw_feather(int left, int right, int eye, int y) { int slope = 1; if( eye == 1 ) { slope = -1; } // wrap if( left < 0 ) { int left2 = w + left; get_output()->draw_line(left2, y, left2 + right - left, y + feather * slope); } if( right > w ) { int right2 = right - w; get_output()->draw_line(0, y, right2, y + feather * slope); } // proper get_output()->draw_line(left, y, right, y + feather * slope); } // void SphereCamMain::find_lenses() // { // } void SphereCamMain::calculate_extents() { w = get_output()->get_w(); h = get_output()->get_h(); feather = (int)(config.feather * w / 100); for( int i = 0; i < EYES; i++ ) { // input regions input_x[i] = (int)(config.center_x[i] * w / 100); input_y[i] = (int)(config.center_y[i] * h / 100); radius[i] = (int)(h / 2 * config.radius[i] / 100); // output regions output_x[i] = (int)(config.rotate_x[i] * w / 100); output_y[i] = (int)(config.rotate_y[i] * h / 100); // Assume each lens fills 1/2 the width out_x1[i] = output_x[i] - w / 4 - feather / 2; out_x2[i] = output_x[i]; out_x3[i] = output_x[i]; out_x4[i] = output_x[i] + w / 4 + feather / 2; } // If the output isn't 50% apart, we have to expand the left eye to fill the feathering region //printf("SphereCamMain::calculate_extents %d %f\n", __LINE__, config.rotate_x[0] - config.rotate_x[1]); float x_separation = config.rotate_x[0] - config.rotate_x[1]; if( !EQUIV(fabs(x_separation), 50) ) { if( x_separation < -50 ) { out_x4[0] += (-49.5 - x_separation) * w / 100; } else if( x_separation < 0 ) { out_x1[0] -= (x_separation + 50) * w / 100; } else if( x_separation < 50 ) { out_x4[0] += (50.5 - x_separation) * w / 100; } else { out_x1[0] -= (x_separation - 49.5) * w / 100; } } // wrap around for( int i = 0; i < EYES; i++ ) { if( out_x1[i] < 0 ) { out_x1[i] = w + out_x1[i]; out_x2[i] = w; out_x3[i] = 0; } if( out_x4[i] > w ) { out_x2[i] = w; out_x3[i] = 0; out_x4[i] -= w; } // printf("SphereCamMain::calculate_extents %d i=%d x=%d y=%d radius=%d\n", // __LINE__, // i, // center_x[i], // center_y[i], // radius[i]); } } SphereCamPackage::SphereCamPackage() : LoadPackage() {} SphereCamUnit::SphereCamUnit(SphereCamEngine *engine, SphereCamMain *plugin) : LoadClient(engine) { this->plugin = plugin; } SphereCamUnit::~SphereCamUnit() { } // interpolate & accumulate a pixel in the output #define BLEND_PIXEL(type, components) \ if( x_in < 0.0 || x_in >= w - 1 || \ y_in < 0.0 || y_in >= h - 1 ) { \ out_row += components; \ } \ else { \ float y1_fraction = y_in - floor(y_in); \ float y2_fraction = 1.0 - y1_fraction; \ float x1_fraction = x_in - floor(x_in); \ float x2_fraction = 1.0 - x1_fraction; \ type *in_pixel1 = in_rows[(int)y_in] + (int)x_in * components; \ type *in_pixel2 = in_rows[(int)y_in + 1] + (int)x_in * components; \ for( int i = 0; i < components; i++ ) { \ float value = in_pixel1[i] * x2_fraction * y2_fraction + \ in_pixel2[i] * x2_fraction * y1_fraction + \ in_pixel1[i + components] * x1_fraction * y2_fraction + \ in_pixel2[i + components] * x1_fraction * y1_fraction; \ value = *out_row * inv_a + value * a; \ *out_row++ = (type)value; \ } \ } // nearest neighbor & accumulate a pixel in the output #define BLEND_NEAREST(type, components) \ if( x_in < 0.0 || x_in >= w - 1 || \ y_in < 0.0 || y_in >= h - 1 ) { \ out_row += components; \ } \ else { \ type *in_pixel = in_rows[(int)y_in] + (int)x_in * components; \ for( int i = 0; i < components; i++ ) { \ float value = in_pixel[i]; \ value = *out_row * inv_a + value * a; \ *out_row++ = (type)value; \ } \ } #define COLORSPACE_SWITCH(function) \ switch( plugin->get_input()->get_color_model() ) { \ case BC_RGB888: function(unsigned char, 3, 0x0); break; \ case BC_RGBA8888: function(unsigned char, 4, 0x0); break; \ case BC_RGB_FLOAT: function(float, 3, 0.0); break; \ case BC_RGBA_FLOAT: function(float, 4, 0.0); break; \ case BC_YUV888: function(unsigned char, 3, 0x80); break; \ case BC_YUVA8888: function(unsigned char, 4, 0x80); break; \ } void SphereCamUnit::process_equirect(SphereCamPackage *pkg) { VFrame *input = plugin->get_temp(); VFrame *output = plugin->get_output(); // overlay a single eye #define PROCESS_EQUIRECT(type, components, chroma) \ { \ type **in_rows = (type**)input->get_rows(); \ type **out_rows = (type**)output->get_rows(); \ \ for( int out_y = row1; out_y < row2; out_y++ ) { \ type *out_row = out_rows[out_y]; \ /* polar angle - -M_PI/2 to M_PI/2 */ \ float y_diff = out_y - output_y; \ float phi = M_PI / 2 * (y_diff / radius); \ \ for( int out_x = 0; out_x < w; out_x++ ) { \ /* alpha */ \ float a = alpha[out_x]; \ float inv_a = 1.0f - a; \ if( a > 0 ) { \ /* polar angle */ \ float x_diff = out_x - output_x; \ /* -M_PI/2 to M_PI/2 */ \ float theta = M_PI / 2 * (x_diff / radius); \ /* vector in 3D space */ \ float vect_x = cos(phi) * sin(theta); \ float vect_y = cos(phi) * cos(theta); \ float vect_z = sin(phi); \ /* fisheye angle & radius */ \ float theta2 = atan2(vect_z, vect_x) - rotate_z; \ float phi2 = atan2(hypot(vect_x, vect_z), vect_y); \ float r = radius * 2 * phi2 / fov; \ /* pixel in fisheye space */ \ float x_in = input_x + r * cos(theta2); \ float y_in = input_y + r * sin(theta2); \ \ BLEND_PIXEL(type, components) \ } \ else { \ out_row += components; \ } \ } \ } \ } int row1 = pkg->row1; int row2 = pkg->row2; for( int eye = 0; eye < EYES; eye++ ) { if( plugin->config.enabled[eye] ) { int w = plugin->w; int h = plugin->h; float fov = plugin->config.fov[eye] * M_PI * 2 / 360; // float radius = plugin->radius[eye]; float radius = h / 2; float input_x = plugin->input_x[eye]; float input_y = plugin->input_y[eye]; float output_x = plugin->output_x[eye]; float output_y = plugin->output_y[eye]; float rotate_z = plugin->config.rotate_z[eye] * M_PI * 2 / 360; int feather = plugin->feather; int out_x1 = plugin->out_x1[eye]; int out_x2 = plugin->out_x2[eye]; int out_x3 = plugin->out_x3[eye]; int out_x4 = plugin->out_x4[eye]; // compute the alpha for every X float alpha[w]; for( int i = 0; i < w; i++ ) { alpha[i] = 0; } for( int i = out_x1; i < out_x2; i++ ) { alpha[i] = 1.0f; } for( int i = out_x3; i < out_x4; i++ ) { alpha[i] = 1.0f; } if( eye == 1 ) { for( int i = out_x1; i < out_x1 + feather; i++ ) { float value = (float)(i - out_x1) / feather; if( i >= w ) { alpha[i - w] = value; } else { alpha[i] = value; } } for( int i = out_x4 - feather; i < out_x4; i++ ) { float value = (float)(out_x4 - i) / feather; if( i < 0 ) { alpha[w + i] = value; } else { alpha[i] = value; } } } //printf("SphereCamUnit::process_equirect %d rotate_x=%f rotate_y=%f rotate_z=%f\n", // __LINE__, rotate_x, rotate_y, rotate_z); COLORSPACE_SWITCH(PROCESS_EQUIRECT) } } } void SphereCamUnit::process_align(SphereCamPackage *pkg) { VFrame *input = plugin->get_temp(); VFrame *output = plugin->get_output(); // overlay a single eye #define PROCESS_ALIGN(type, components, chroma) \ { \ type **in_rows = (type**)input->get_rows(); \ type **out_rows = (type**)output->get_rows(); \ \ for( int out_y = row1; out_y < row2; out_y++ ) { \ type *out_row = out_rows[out_y]; \ /* polar angle */ \ /* -M_PI/2 to M_PI/2 */ \ float y_diff = out_y - output_y; \ float phi = M_PI / 2 * (y_diff / radius); \ \ for( int out_x = 0; out_x < w; out_x++ ) { \ /* alpha */ \ float a = alpha[out_x]; \ float inv_a = 1.0f - a; \ if( a > 0 ) { \ /* polar angle */ \ float x_diff = out_x - output_x; \ /* -M_PI/2 to M_PI/2 */ \ float theta = M_PI / 2 * (x_diff / radius); \ /* vector in 3D space */ \ float vect_x = cos(phi) * sin(theta); \ float vect_y = cos(phi) * cos(theta); \ float vect_z = sin(phi); \ /* fisheye angle & radius */ \ float theta2 = atan2(vect_z, vect_x) - rotate_z; \ float phi2 = atan2(hypot(vect_x, vect_z), vect_y); \ float r = radius * 2 * phi2 / fov; \ /* pixel in fisheye space */ \ float x_in = input_x + r * cos(theta2); \ float y_in = input_y + r * sin(theta2); \ \ BLEND_NEAREST(type, components) \ } \ else { \ out_row += components; \ } \ } \ } \ } int row1 = pkg->row1; int row2 = pkg->row2; for( int eye = 0; eye < EYES; eye++ ) { if( plugin->config.enabled[eye] ) { int w = plugin->w; int h = plugin->h; float fov = plugin->config.fov[eye] * M_PI * 2 / 360; // float radius = plugin->radius[eye]; float radius = h / 2; float input_x = plugin->input_x[eye]; float input_y = plugin->input_y[eye]; float output_x = plugin->output_x[eye]; float output_y = plugin->output_y[eye]; float rotate_z = plugin->config.rotate_z[eye] * M_PI * 2 / 360; int out_x1 = plugin->out_x1[eye]; int out_x2 = plugin->out_x2[eye]; int out_x3 = plugin->out_x3[eye]; int out_x4 = plugin->out_x4[eye]; // left eye is opaque. right eye overlaps // compute the alpha for every X float alpha[w]; for( int i = 0; i < w; i++ ) alpha[i] = 0; float v = eye == 0 || !plugin->config.enabled[0] ? 1.0f : 0.5f; for( int i = out_x1; i < out_x2; i++ ) alpha[i] = v; for( int i = out_x3; i < out_x4; i++ ) alpha[i] = v; COLORSPACE_SWITCH(PROCESS_ALIGN) } } } void SphereCamUnit::process_package(LoadPackage *package) { SphereCamPackage *pkg = (SphereCamPackage*)package; switch( plugin->config.mode ) { case SphereCamConfig::EQUIRECT: process_equirect(pkg); break; case SphereCamConfig::ALIGN: process_align(pkg); break; } } SphereCamEngine::SphereCamEngine(SphereCamMain *plugin) : LoadServer(plugin->PluginClient::smp + 1, plugin->PluginClient::smp + 1) // : LoadServer(1, 1) { this->plugin = plugin; } SphereCamEngine::~SphereCamEngine() { } void SphereCamEngine::init_packages() { for( int i = 0; i < LoadServer::get_total_packages(); i++ ) { SphereCamPackage *package = (SphereCamPackage*)LoadServer::get_package(i); package->row1 = plugin->get_input()->get_h() * i / LoadServer::get_total_packages(); package->row2 = plugin->get_input()->get_h() * (i + 1) / LoadServer::get_total_packages(); } } LoadClient* SphereCamEngine::new_client() { return new SphereCamUnit(this, plugin); } LoadPackage* SphereCamEngine::new_package() { return new SphereCamPackage; }