/* * CINELERRA * Copyright (C) 1997-2012 Adam Williams * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA * */ #include "clip.h" #include "cwindow.h" #include "cwindowgui.h" #include "datatype.h" #include "bchash.h" #include "edl.h" #include "edlsession.h" #include "formatpresets.h" #include "language.h" #include "levelwindow.h" #include "levelwindowgui.h" #include "mainerror.h" #include "mainundo.h" #include "mutex.h" #include "mwindow.h" #include "mwindowgui.h" #include "new.h" #include "preferences.h" #include "rotateframe.h" #include "setformat.h" #include "theme.h" #include "vframe.h" #include "vwindow.h" #include "vwindowgui.h" SetFormat::SetFormat(MWindow *mwindow) : BC_MenuItem(_("Format..."), "Shift-F", 'F') { set_shift(1); this->mwindow = mwindow; thread = new SetFormatThread(mwindow); } SetFormat::~SetFormat() { delete thread; } int SetFormat::handle_event() { if(!thread->running()) { thread->start(); } else { // window_lock has to be locked but window can't be locked until after // it is known to exist, so we neglect window_lock for now if(thread->window) { thread->window_lock->lock("SetFormat::handle_event"); thread->window->lock_window("SetFormat::handle_event"); thread->window->raise_window(); thread->window->unlock_window(); thread->window_lock->unlock(); } } return 1; } SetFormatThread::SetFormatThread(MWindow *mwindow) : Thread(1, 0, 0) { this->mwindow = mwindow; window_lock = new Mutex("SetFormatThread::window_lock"); window = 0; } SetFormatThread::~SetFormatThread() { if( running() ) { window->set_done(1); cancel(); join(); } delete window_lock; } void SetFormatThread::run() { orig_dimension[0] = dimension[0] = mwindow->edl->session->output_w; orig_dimension[1] = dimension[1] = mwindow->edl->session->output_h; auto_aspect = mwindow->defaults->get("AUTOASPECT", 0); constrain_ratio = 0; ratio[0] = ratio[1] = 1; new_settings = new EDL; new_settings->create_objects(); new_settings->copy_session(mwindow->edl); // This locks mwindow, so it must be done outside window_lock int x = mwindow->gui->get_abs_cursor_x(1) - mwindow->theme->setformat_w / 2; int y = mwindow->gui->get_abs_cursor_y(1) - mwindow->theme->setformat_h / 2; window_lock->lock("SetFormatThread::run 1"); window = new SetFormatWindow(mwindow, this, x, y); window->create_objects(); window_lock->unlock(); int result = window->run_window(); window_lock->lock("SetFormatThread::run 2"); delete window; window = 0; window_lock->unlock(); if(!result) { apply_changes(); } mwindow->defaults->update("AUTOASPECT", auto_aspect); new_settings->Garbage::remove_user(); } void SetFormatThread::apply_changes() { double new_samplerate = new_settings->session->sample_rate; double old_samplerate = mwindow->edl->session->sample_rate; double new_framerate = new_settings->session->frame_rate; double old_framerate = mwindow->edl->session->frame_rate; int new_channels = new_settings->session->audio_channels; CLAMP(new_channels, 1, MAXCHANNELS); mwindow->undo->update_undo_before(); memcpy(&mwindow->preferences->channel_positions[MAXCHANNELS * (new_channels - 1)], new_settings->session->achannel_positions, sizeof(int) * MAXCHANNELS); mwindow->edl->copy_session(new_settings, 1); mwindow->edl->session->output_w = dimension[0]; mwindow->edl->session->output_h = dimension[1]; mwindow->edl->rechannel(); mwindow->edl->resample(old_samplerate, new_samplerate, TRACK_AUDIO); mwindow->edl->resample(old_framerate, new_framerate, TRACK_VIDEO); mwindow->save_backup(); mwindow->undo->update_undo_after(_("set format"), LOAD_ALL); mwindow->resync_guis(); } void SetFormatThread::update() { window->sample_rate->update(new_settings->session->sample_rate); window->channels->update((int64_t)new_settings->session->audio_channels); window->frame_rate->update((float)new_settings->session->frame_rate); auto_aspect = 0; window->auto_aspect->update(0); constrain_ratio = 0; dimension[0] = new_settings->session->output_w; window->dimension[0]->update((int64_t)dimension[0]); dimension[1] = new_settings->session->output_h; window->dimension[1]->update((int64_t)dimension[1]); ratio[0] = (float)dimension[0] / orig_dimension[0]; window->ratio[0]->update(ratio[0]); ratio[1] = (float)dimension[1] / orig_dimension[1]; window->ratio[1]->update(ratio[1]); window->aspect_w->update(new_settings->session->aspect_w); window->aspect_h->update(new_settings->session->aspect_h); window->canvas->draw(); } void SetFormatThread::update_window() { int i, result, modified_item = 0, dimension_modified = 0, ratio_modified = 0; for(i = 0, result = 0; i < 2 && !result; i++) { if(dimension[i] < 0) { dimension[i] *= -1; result = 1; modified_item = i; dimension_modified = 1; } if(ratio[i] < 0) { ratio[i] *= -1; result = 1; modified_item = i; ratio_modified = 1; } } if(result) { if(dimension_modified) ratio[modified_item] = (float)dimension[modified_item] / orig_dimension[modified_item]; if(ratio_modified && !constrain_ratio) { dimension[modified_item] = (int)(orig_dimension[modified_item] * ratio[modified_item]); window->dimension[modified_item]->update((int64_t)dimension[modified_item]); } for(i = 0; i < 2; i++) { if(dimension_modified || (i != modified_item && ratio_modified)) { if(constrain_ratio) ratio[i] = ratio[modified_item]; window->ratio[i]->update(ratio[i]); } if(ratio_modified || (i != modified_item && dimension_modified)) { if(constrain_ratio) { dimension[i] = (int)(orig_dimension[i] * ratio[modified_item]); window->dimension[i]->update((int64_t)dimension[i]); } } } } update_aspect(); } void SetFormatThread::update_aspect() { if(auto_aspect) { char string[BCTEXTLEN]; MWindow::create_aspect_ratio(new_settings->session->aspect_w, new_settings->session->aspect_h, dimension[0], dimension[1]); sprintf(string, "%.02f", new_settings->session->aspect_w); window->aspect_w->update(string); sprintf(string, "%.02f", new_settings->session->aspect_h); window->aspect_h->update(string); } } SetFormatWindow::SetFormatWindow(MWindow *mwindow, SetFormatThread *thread, int x, int y) : BC_Window(PROGRAM_NAME ": Set Format", x, y, mwindow->theme->setformat_w, mwindow->theme->setformat_h, -1, -1, 0, 0, 1) { this->mwindow = mwindow; this->thread = thread; } void SetFormatWindow::create_objects() { int x = 10, y = mwindow->theme->setformat_y1; BC_Title *title; lock_window("SetFormatWindow::create_objects"); mwindow->theme->draw_setformat_bg(this); presets = new SetFormatPresets(mwindow, this, x, y); presets->create_objects(); x = presets->x; y = presets->y; y = mwindow->theme->setformat_y2; add_subwindow(new BC_Title(mwindow->theme->setformat_x1, y, _("Audio"), LARGEFONT)); y = mwindow->theme->setformat_y3; add_subwindow(new BC_Title(mwindow->theme->setformat_x1, y, _("Samplerate:"))); y += mwindow->theme->setformat_margin; add_subwindow(new BC_Title(mwindow->theme->setformat_x1, y, _("Samplerate:"))); add_subwindow(sample_rate = new SetSampleRateTextBox(thread, mwindow->theme->setformat_x2, y)); add_subwindow(new SampleRatePulldown(mwindow, sample_rate, mwindow->theme->setformat_x2 + sample_rate->get_w(), y)); y += mwindow->theme->setformat_margin; add_subwindow(new BC_Title(mwindow->theme->setformat_x1, y, _("Channels:"))); add_subwindow(channels = new SetChannelsTextBox(thread, mwindow->theme->setformat_x2, y)); add_subwindow(new BC_ITumbler(channels, 1, MAXCHANNELS, mwindow->theme->setformat_x2 + channels->get_w(), y)); y += mwindow->theme->setformat_margin; add_subwindow(new BC_Title(mwindow->theme->setformat_x1, y, _("Channel positions:"))); y += mwindow->theme->setformat_margin; add_subwindow(canvas = new SetChannelsCanvas(mwindow, thread, mwindow->theme->setformat_channels_x, mwindow->theme->setformat_channels_y, mwindow->theme->setformat_channels_w, mwindow->theme->setformat_channels_h)); canvas->draw(); y = mwindow->theme->setformat_y2; add_subwindow(new BC_Title(mwindow->theme->setformat_x3, y, _("Video"), LARGEFONT)); y = mwindow->theme->setformat_y3; add_subwindow(new BC_Title(mwindow->theme->setformat_x3, y, _("Frame rate:"))); add_subwindow(frame_rate = new SetFrameRateTextBox(thread, mwindow->theme->setformat_x4, y)); add_subwindow(new FrameRatePulldown(mwindow, frame_rate, mwindow->theme->setformat_x4 + frame_rate->get_w(), y)); y += mwindow->theme->setformat_margin; add_subwindow(new BC_Title(mwindow->theme->setformat_x3, y, _("Canvas size:"))); y += mwindow->theme->setformat_margin; add_subwindow(title = new BC_Title(mwindow->theme->setformat_x3, y, _("Width:"))); add_subwindow(dimension[0] = new ScaleSizeText(mwindow->theme->setformat_x4, y, thread, &(thread->dimension[0]))); y += mwindow->theme->setformat_margin; add_subwindow(new BC_Title(mwindow->theme->setformat_x3, y, _("Height:"))); add_subwindow(dimension[1] = new ScaleSizeText(mwindow->theme->setformat_x4, y, thread, &(thread->dimension[1]))); x = mwindow->theme->setformat_x4 + dimension[0]->get_w(); FrameSizePulldown *pulldown; add_subwindow(pulldown = new FrameSizePulldown(mwindow->theme, dimension[0], dimension[1], x, y - mwindow->theme->setformat_margin)); add_subwindow(new FormatSwapExtents(mwindow, thread, this, x + pulldown->get_w() + 5, y - mwindow->theme->setformat_margin)); y += mwindow->theme->setformat_margin; add_subwindow(new BC_Title(mwindow->theme->setformat_x3, y, _("W Ratio:"))); add_subwindow(ratio[0] = new ScaleRatioText(mwindow->theme->setformat_x4, y, thread, &(thread->ratio[0]))); y += mwindow->theme->setformat_margin; add_subwindow(new BC_Title(mwindow->theme->setformat_x3, y, _("H Ratio:"))); add_subwindow(ratio[1] = new ScaleRatioText(mwindow->theme->setformat_x4, y, thread, &(thread->ratio[1]))); y += mwindow->theme->setformat_margin; add_subwindow(new BC_Title(mwindow->theme->setformat_x3, y, _("Color model:"))); x = mwindow->theme->setformat_x4; add_subwindow(color_model = new BC_TextBox(x, y, 100, 1, "")); x += color_model->get_w(); add_subwindow(new ColormodelPulldown(mwindow, color_model, &thread->new_settings->session->color_model, x, y)); y += mwindow->theme->setformat_margin; add_subwindow(new BC_Title(mwindow->theme->setformat_x3, y, _("Aspect ratio:"))); y += mwindow->theme->setformat_margin; x = mwindow->theme->setformat_x3; add_subwindow(aspect_w = new ScaleAspectText(x, y, thread, &(thread->new_settings->session->aspect_w))); x += aspect_w->get_w() + 5; add_subwindow(new BC_Title(x, y, _(":"))); x += 10; add_subwindow(aspect_h = new ScaleAspectText(x, y, thread, &(thread->new_settings->session->aspect_h))); x += aspect_h->get_w(); add_subwindow(new AspectPulldown(mwindow, aspect_w, aspect_h, x, y)); x += 30; add_subwindow(auto_aspect = new ScaleAspectAuto(x, y, thread)); BC_OKTextButton *ok; BC_CancelTextButton *cancel; add_subwindow(ok = new BC_OKTextButton(this)); add_subwindow(cancel = new BC_CancelTextButton(this)); add_subwindow(new SetFormatApply((ok->get_x() + cancel->get_x()) / 2, ok->get_y(), thread)); flash(); show_window(); unlock_window(); } const char* SetFormatWindow::get_preset_text() { return ""; } SetFormatPresets::SetFormatPresets(MWindow *mwindow, SetFormatWindow *gui, int x, int y) : FormatPresets(mwindow, 0, gui, x, y) { } SetFormatPresets::~SetFormatPresets() { } int SetFormatPresets::handle_event() { format_gui->thread->update(); return 1; } EDL* SetFormatPresets::get_edl() { return format_gui->thread->new_settings; } SetSampleRateTextBox::SetSampleRateTextBox(SetFormatThread *thread, int x, int y) : BC_TextBox(x, y, 100, 1, (int64_t)thread->new_settings->session->sample_rate) { this->thread = thread; } int SetSampleRateTextBox::handle_event() { thread->new_settings->session->sample_rate = CLIP(atol(get_text()), 1, 1000000); return 1; } SetChannelsTextBox::SetChannelsTextBox(SetFormatThread *thread, int x, int y) : BC_TextBox(x, y, 100, 1, thread->new_settings->session->audio_channels) { this->thread = thread; } int SetChannelsTextBox::handle_event() { int new_channels = CLIP(atoi(get_text()), 1, MAXCHANNELS); thread->new_settings->session->audio_channels = new_channels; if(new_channels > 0) { memcpy(thread->new_settings->session->achannel_positions, &thread->mwindow->preferences->channel_positions[MAXCHANNELS * (new_channels - 1)], sizeof(int) * MAXCHANNELS); } thread->window->canvas->draw(); return 1; } SetChannelsCanvas::SetChannelsCanvas(MWindow *mwindow, SetFormatThread *thread, int x, int y, int w, int h) : BC_SubWindow(x, y, w, h) { this->thread = thread; this->mwindow = mwindow; active_channel = -1; box_r = mwindow->theme->channel_position_data->get_w() / 2; temp_picon = new VFrame(0, -1, mwindow->theme->channel_position_data->get_w(), mwindow->theme->channel_position_data->get_h(), mwindow->theme->channel_position_data->get_color_model(), -1); rotater = new RotateFrame(mwindow->preferences->processors, mwindow->theme->channel_position_data->get_w(), mwindow->theme->channel_position_data->get_h()); } SetChannelsCanvas::~SetChannelsCanvas() { delete temp_picon; delete rotater; } int SetChannelsCanvas::draw(int angle) { set_color(RED); //int real_w = get_w() - box_r * 2; //int real_h = get_h() - box_r * 2; //int real_x = box_r; //int real_y = box_r; draw_top_background(get_top_level(), 0, 0, get_w(), get_h()); // draw_vframe(mwindow->theme->channel_bg_data, 0, 0); int x, y, w, h; char string[32]; set_color(mwindow->theme->channel_position_color); for(int i = 0; i < thread->new_settings->session->audio_channels; i++) { get_dimensions(thread->new_settings->session->achannel_positions[i], x, y, w, h); double rotate_angle = thread->new_settings->session->achannel_positions[i]; rotate_angle = -rotate_angle; while(rotate_angle < 0) rotate_angle += 360; rotater->rotate(temp_picon, mwindow->theme->channel_position_data, rotate_angle, 0); BC_Pixmap temp_pixmap(this, temp_picon, PIXMAP_ALPHA, 0); draw_pixmap(&temp_pixmap, x, y); sprintf(string, "%d", i + 1); draw_text(x + 2, y + box_r * 2 - 2, string); } if(angle > -1) { sprintf(string, _("%d degrees"), angle); draw_text(this->get_w() / 2 - 40, this->get_h() / 2, string); } flash(); return 0; } int SetChannelsCanvas::get_dimensions(int channel_position, int &x, int &y, int &w, int &h) { #define MARGIN 10 int real_w = this->get_w() - box_r * 2 - MARGIN; int real_h = this->get_h() - box_r * 2 - MARGIN; float corrected_position = channel_position; if(corrected_position < 0) corrected_position += 360; Units::polar_to_xy((float)corrected_position, real_w / 2, x, y); x += real_w / 2 + MARGIN / 2; y += real_h / 2 + MARGIN / 2; w = box_r * 2; h = box_r * 2; return 0; } int SetChannelsCanvas::button_press_event() { if(!cursor_inside()) return 0; // get active channel for(int i = 0; i < thread->new_settings->session->audio_channels; i++) { int x, y, w, h; get_dimensions(thread->new_settings->session->achannel_positions[i], x, y, w, h); if(get_cursor_x() > x && get_cursor_y() > y && get_cursor_x() < x + w && get_cursor_y() < y + h) { active_channel = i; degree_offset = (int)Units::xy_to_polar(get_cursor_x() - this->get_w() / 2, get_cursor_y() - this->get_h() / 2); degree_offset += 90; if(degree_offset >= 360) degree_offset -= 360; degree_offset -= thread->new_settings->session->achannel_positions[i]; draw(thread->new_settings->session->achannel_positions[i]); return 1; } } return 0; } int SetChannelsCanvas::button_release_event() { if(active_channel >= 0) { active_channel = -1; draw(-1); return 1; } return 0; } int SetChannelsCanvas::cursor_motion_event() { if(active_channel >= 0) { // get degrees of new channel int new_d; new_d = (int)Units::xy_to_polar(get_cursor_x() - this->get_w() / 2, get_cursor_y() - this->get_h() / 2); new_d += 90; new_d -= degree_offset; while(new_d >= 360) new_d -= 360; while(new_d < 0) new_d += 360; if(thread->new_settings->session->achannel_positions[active_channel] != new_d) { thread->new_settings->session->achannel_positions[active_channel] = new_d; int new_channels = thread->new_settings->session->audio_channels; memcpy(&thread->mwindow->preferences->channel_positions[MAXCHANNELS * (new_channels - 1)], thread->new_settings->session->achannel_positions, sizeof(int) * MAXCHANNELS); draw(thread->new_settings->session->achannel_positions[active_channel]); } return 1; } return 0; } SetFrameRateTextBox::SetFrameRateTextBox(SetFormatThread *thread, int x, int y) : BC_TextBox(x, y, 100, 1, (float)thread->new_settings->session->frame_rate) { this->thread = thread; } int SetFrameRateTextBox::handle_event() { thread->new_settings->session->frame_rate = Units::atoframerate(get_text()); return 1; } // // SetVChannels::SetVChannels(SetFormatThread *thread, int x, int y) // : BC_TextBox(x, y, 100, 1, thread->channels) // { // this->thread = thread; // } // int SetVChannels::handle_event() // { // thread->channels = atol(get_text()); // return 1; // } ScaleSizeText::ScaleSizeText(int x, int y, SetFormatThread *thread, int *output) : BC_TextBox(x, y, 100, 1, *output) { this->thread = thread; this->output = output; } ScaleSizeText::~ScaleSizeText() { } int ScaleSizeText::handle_event() { *output = atol(get_text()); *output /= 2; *output *= 2; if(*output <= 0) *output = 2; if(*output > 10000) *output = 10000; *output *= -1; thread->update_window(); return 1; } ScaleRatioText::ScaleRatioText(int x, int y, SetFormatThread *thread, float *output) : BC_TextBox(x, y, 100, 1, *output) { this->thread = thread; this->output = output; } ScaleRatioText::~ScaleRatioText() { } int ScaleRatioText::handle_event() { *output = atof(get_text()); //if(*output <= 0) *output = 1; if(*output > 10000) *output = 10000; if(*output < -10000) *output = -10000; *output *= -1; thread->update_window(); return 1; } ScaleAspectAuto::ScaleAspectAuto(int x, int y, SetFormatThread *thread) : BC_CheckBox(x, y, thread->auto_aspect, _("Auto")) { this->thread = thread; } ScaleAspectAuto::~ScaleAspectAuto() { } int ScaleAspectAuto::handle_event() { thread->auto_aspect = get_value(); thread->update_aspect(); return 0; } ScaleAspectText::ScaleAspectText(int x, int y, SetFormatThread *thread, float *output) : BC_TextBox(x, y, 70, 1, *output) { this->output = output; this->thread = thread; } ScaleAspectText::~ScaleAspectText() { } int ScaleAspectText::handle_event() { *output = atof(get_text()); return 1; } SetFormatApply::SetFormatApply(int x, int y, SetFormatThread *thread) : BC_GenericButton(x, y, _("Apply")) { this->thread = thread; } int SetFormatApply::handle_event() { thread->apply_changes(); return 1; } FormatSwapExtents::FormatSwapExtents(MWindow *mwindow, SetFormatThread *thread, SetFormatWindow *gui, int x, int y) : BC_Button(x, y, mwindow->theme->get_image_set("swap_extents")) { this->mwindow = mwindow; this->thread = thread; this->gui = gui; set_tooltip("Swap dimensions"); } int FormatSwapExtents::handle_event() { int w = thread->dimension[0]; int h = thread->dimension[1]; thread->dimension[0] = -h; gui->dimension[0]->update((int64_t)h); gui->dimension[1]->update((int64_t)w); thread->update_window(); thread->dimension[1] = -w; thread->update_window(); return 1; }