/* * CINELERRA * Copyright (C) 2008 Adam Williams * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA * */ #include "awindowgui.h" #include "bchash.h" #include "binfolder.h" #include "cstrdup.h" #include "edl.h" #include "filexml.h" #include "guicast.h" #include "indexable.h" #include "language.h" #include "mainerror.h" #include "mainsession.h" #include "mutex.h" #include "mwindow.h" #include const char *BinFolderEnabled::types[] = { N_("Off"), N_("And"), N_("Or"), N_("And Not"), N_("Or Not"), }; const char *BinFolderTarget::types[] = { N_("Patterns"), N_("Filesize"), N_("Time"), N_("Track type"), N_("Width"), N_("Height"), N_("Framerate"), N_("Samplerate"), N_("Channels"), N_("Duration"), }; const char *BinFolderOp::types[] = { N_("Around"), N_("Eq =="), N_("Ge >="), N_("Gt > "), N_("Ne !="), N_("Le <="), N_("Lt < "), N_("Matches"), }; static const struct { const char *sfx, *sfxs; double radix; } scan_ranges[] = { { N_("min"), N_("mins"), 60, }, { N_("hour"), N_("hours"), 60*60, }, { N_("day"), N_("days"), 24*60*60, }, { N_("week"), N_("weeks"), 24*60*60*7, }, { N_("month"), N_("months"), 24*60*60*31, }, { N_("year"), N_("years"), 24*60*60*365.25, }, }; #define SCAN_RANGE_DAYS 2 #define DBL_INF 9007199254740991. static int scan_inf(const char *cp, char *&bp) { bp = (char *)cp; const char *inf = _("inf"); const int linf = strlen(inf); if( strncasecmp(cp,inf,linf) ) return 0; bp = (char *)(cp + linf); return 1; } static double scan_no(const char *cp, char *&bp) { while( *cp == ' ' ) ++cp; if( scan_inf(cp, bp) ) return DBL_INF; if( *cp == '+' ) return 0; double v = strtod(cp, &bp); switch( *bp ) { case 'T': v *= 1099511627776.; break; case 't': v *= 1e12; break; case 'G': v *= 1073741824.; break; case 'g': v *= 1e9; break; case 'M': v *= 1048576.; break; case 'm': v *= 1e6; break; case 'K': v *= 1024.; break; case 'k': v *= 1e3; break; default: return v; } ++bp; return v; } static void scan_around(const char *cp, char *&bp, double &v, double &a) { v = 0; a = -1; double sv = scan_no(cp, bp); if( bp > cp ) v = sv; if( *bp == '+' ) { double sa = scan_no(cp=bp+1, bp); if( bp > cp ) a = sa; } } static void show_no(double v, char *&cp, char *ep, const char *fmt="%0.0f") { if( v == DBL_INF ) { cp += snprintf(cp, ep-cp, "%s", _("inf")); return; } const char *sfx = 0; static const struct { double radix; const char *sfx; } sfxs[] = { { 1024., "K" }, { 1e3, "k" }, { 1048576., "M" }, { 1e6, "m" }, { 1073741824., "G" }, { 1e9, "g" }, { 1099511627776., "T" }, { 1e12, "t" }, }; for( int i=sizeof(sfxs)/sizeof(sfxs[0]); --i>=0; ) { if( v < sfxs[i].radix ) continue; if( fmod(v, sfxs[i].radix) == 0 ) { v /= sfxs[i].radix; sfx = sfxs[i].sfx; break; } } cp += snprintf(cp, ep-cp, fmt, v); if( sfx ) cp += snprintf(cp, ep-cp, "%s", sfx); } static double scan_duration(const char *cp, char *&bp) { if( scan_inf(cp, bp) ) return DBL_INF; double secs = 0; while( *cp ) { double v = strtod(cp, &bp); if( cp >= bp ) break; int k = sizeof(scan_ranges)/sizeof(scan_ranges[0]); while( --k >= 0 ) { const char *tsfx = _(scan_ranges[k].sfx); int lsfx = strlen(tsfx), msfx = strncasecmp(bp, tsfx, lsfx); const char *tsfxs = _(scan_ranges[k].sfxs); int lsfxs = strlen(tsfxs), msfxs = strncasecmp(bp, tsfxs, lsfxs); int len = !msfx && !msfxs ? (lsfx > lsfxs ? lsfx : lsfxs) : !msfx ? lsfx : !msfxs ? lsfxs : -1; if( len >= 0 ) { secs += v * scan_ranges[k].radix; bp += len; break; } } if( k < 0 ) { int hour = 0, mins = 0; if( *bp == ':' && v == (int)v ) { mins = v; v = strtod(cp=bp+1, &bp); if( *bp == ':' && v == (int)v ) { hour = mins; mins = v; v = strtod(cp=bp+1, &bp); } } secs += hour*3600 + mins*60 + v; } while( *bp && (*bp<'0' || *bp>'9') ) ++bp; cp = bp; } return secs; } static void show_duration(double v, char *&cp, char *ep) { if( v == DBL_INF ) { cp += snprintf(cp, ep-cp, "%s", _("inf")); return; } double secs = v; char *bp = cp; int k = sizeof(scan_ranges)/sizeof(scan_ranges[0]); while( --k >= SCAN_RANGE_DAYS ) { if( secs >= scan_ranges[k].radix ) { int v = secs/scan_ranges[k].radix; secs -= v * scan_ranges[k].radix; cp += snprintf(cp, ep-cp,"%d%s", v, v > 1 ? _(scan_ranges[k].sfxs) : _(scan_ranges[k].sfx)); } } if( secs > 0 ) { if( cp > bp && cp < ep ) *cp++ = ' '; int64_t n = secs; int hour = n/3600, min = (n/60)%60, sec = n%60; if( hour > 0 ) cp += snprintf(cp, ep-cp, "%d:", hour); if( hour > 0 || min > 0 ) cp += snprintf(cp, ep-cp, "%02d:", min); cp += snprintf(cp, ep-cp, n>=10 ? "%02d" : "%d", sec); } } static int64_t scan_date(const char *cp, char *&bp) { double year=0, mon=1, day=1; double hour=0, min=0; bp = (char *)cp; while( *bp == ' ' ) ++bp; if( *bp == '+' ) return 0; double secs = strtod(cp=bp, &bp); if( *bp == '/' && secs == (int)secs ) { year = secs; secs = 0; mon = strtod(cp=bp+1, &bp); if( *bp == '/' && mon == (int)mon ) { day = strtod(cp=bp+1, &bp); while( *bp == ' ' ) ++bp; secs = *bp != '+' ? strtod(cp=bp, &bp) : 0; } } if( *bp == ':' && secs == (int)secs ) { hour = secs; secs = 0; min = strtod(cp=bp+1, &bp); if( *bp == ':' && min == (int)min ) { secs = strtod(cp=bp+1, &bp); } } struct tm ttm; memset(&ttm, 0, sizeof(ttm)); ttm.tm_year = year-1900; ttm.tm_mon = mon-1; ttm.tm_mday = day; ttm.tm_hour = hour; ttm.tm_min = min; ttm.tm_sec = secs; ttm.tm_wday = ttm.tm_yday = 0; ttm.tm_isdst = daylight; /* tzset in main */ time_t t = mktime(&ttm); return (int64_t)t; } static void show_date(time_t t, char *&cp, char *ep) { struct tm tm; localtime_r(&t, &tm); cp += snprintf(cp, ep-cp, "%04d/%02d/%02d %02d:%02d:%02d", tm.tm_year+1900, tm.tm_mon+1, tm.tm_mday, tm.tm_hour, tm.tm_min, tm.tm_sec); } double BinFolder::matches_indexable(Indexable *idxbl) { double result = -1; for( int i=0; iop->test(filter->target, idxbl); switch( filter->enabled->type ) { case FOLDER_ENABLED_OR: { if( result < 0 ) result = ret; break; } case FOLDER_ENABLED_AND: { if( ret < 0 ) result = -1; break; } case FOLDER_ENABLED_OR_NOT: { if( ret < 0 ) result = 1; break; } case FOLDER_ENABLED_AND_NOT: { if( ret >= 0 ) result = -1; break; } } } return result; } BinFolder::BinFolder(int awindow_folder, const char *title) { this->awindow_folder = awindow_folder; char *bp = this->title; int len = sizeof(this->title); while( --len>0 && *title ) *bp++ = *title++; *bp = 0; } BinFolder::BinFolder(BinFolder &that) { copy_from(&that); } void BinFolder::copy_from(BinFolder *that) { strcpy(title, that->title); awindow_folder = that->awindow_folder; filters.copy_from(&that->filters); } BinFolder::~BinFolder() { } void BinFolder::save_xml(FileXML *file) { file->tag.set_title("FOLDER"); file->tag.set_property("TITLE", title); file->tag.set_property("AWINDOW_FOLDER", awindow_folder); file->append_tag(); file->append_newline(); for( int i=0; isave_xml(file); file->tag.set_title("/FOLDER"); file->append_tag(); file->append_newline(); } int BinFolder::load_xml(FileXML *file) { title[0] = 0; file->tag.get_property("TITLE", title); awindow_folder = file->tag.get_property("AWINDOW_FOLDER", -1); filters.remove_all_objects(); int ret = 0; while( !(ret=file->read_tag()) ) { if( file->tag.title_is("/FOLDER") ) break; if( file->tag.title_is("FILTER") ) { BinFolderFilter *filter = new BinFolderFilter(); filter->load_xml(file); filters.append(filter); } } return ret; } void BinFolder::add_patterns(ArrayList *drag_assets) { int n = drag_assets->size(); if( n > 0 ) { int len = 1; for( int i=0; iget(i)->path) + 1; char *pats = new char[len], *bp = pats; const char *cp = drag_assets->get(0)->path; while( *cp ) *bp++ = *cp++; for( int i=1; iget(i)->path; while( *cp ) *bp++ = *cp++; } *bp = 0; // new pattern filter BinFolderFilter *filter = new BinFolderFilter(); filter->update_enabled(FOLDER_ENABLED_OR); filter->update_target(FOLDER_TARGET_PATTERNS); filter->update_op(FOLDER_OP_MATCHES); BinFolderTargetPatterns *patterns = (BinFolderTargetPatterns *)(filter->target); patterns->update(pats); filters.append(filter); } } double BinFolders::matches_indexable(int folder, Indexable *idxbl) { int k = size(); while( --k>=0 && get(k)->awindow_folder!=folder ); return k < 0 ? 0 : get(k)->matches_indexable(idxbl); } void BinFolders::save_xml(FileXML *file) { file->tag.set_title("FOLDERS"); file->append_tag(); file->append_newline(); for( int i=0; isave_xml(file); file->tag.set_title("/FOLDERS"); file->append_tag(); file->append_newline(); } int BinFolders::load_xml(FileXML *file) { clear(); int ret = 0; while( !(ret=file->read_tag()) ) { if( file->tag.title_is("/FOLDERS") ) break; if( file->tag.title_is("FOLDER") ) { BinFolder *folder = new BinFolder(-1, "folder"); folder->load_xml(file); append(folder); } } return ret; } void BinFolders::copy_from(BinFolders *that) { clear(); for( int i=0; isize(); ++i ) append(new BinFolder(*that->get(i))); } BinFolderFilter::BinFolderFilter() { enabled = 0; target = 0; op = 0; value = 0; } BinFolderFilter::~BinFolderFilter() { delete enabled; delete target; delete op; delete value; } void BinFolderFilter::update_enabled(int type) { if( !enabled ) enabled = new BinFolderEnabled(this, type); else enabled->update(type); } void BinFolderFilter::update_target(int type) { if( target ) { if( target->type == type ) return; delete target; target = 0; } switch( type ) { case FOLDER_TARGET_PATTERNS: target = new BinFolderTargetPatterns(this); break; case FOLDER_TARGET_FILE_SIZE: target = new BinFolderTargetFileSize(this); break; case FOLDER_TARGET_MOD_TIME: target = new BinFolderTargetTime(this); break; case FOLDER_TARGET_TRACK_TYPE: target = new BinFolderTargetTrackType(this); break; case FOLDER_TARGET_WIDTH: target = new BinFolderTargetWidth(this); break; case FOLDER_TARGET_HEIGHT: target = new BinFolderTargetHeight(this); break; case FOLDER_TARGET_FRAMERATE: target = new BinFolderTargetFramerate(this); break; case FOLDER_TARGET_SAMPLERATE: target = new BinFolderTargetSamplerate(this); break; case FOLDER_TARGET_CHANNELS: target = new BinFolderTargetChannels(this); break; case FOLDER_TARGET_DURATION: target = new BinFolderTargetDuration(this); break; } } void BinFolderFilter::update_op(int type) { if( op ) { if( op->type == type ) return; delete op; op = 0; } switch( type ) { case FOLDER_OP_AROUND: op = new BinFolderOpAround(this); break; case FOLDER_OP_EQ: op = new BinFolderOpEQ(this); break; case FOLDER_OP_GE: op = new BinFolderOpGE(this); break; case FOLDER_OP_GT: op = new BinFolderOpGT(this); break; case FOLDER_OP_NE: op = new BinFolderOpNE(this); break; case FOLDER_OP_LE: op = new BinFolderOpLE(this); break; case FOLDER_OP_LT: op = new BinFolderOpLT(this); break; case FOLDER_OP_MATCHES: op = new BinFolderOpMatches(this); break; } } void BinFolderFilter::update_value(const char *text) { if( !value ) value = new BinFolderValue(this, text); else value->update(text); } void BinFolderFilter::save_xml(FileXML *file) { file->tag.set_title("FILTER"); file->tag.set_property("ENABLED", enabled->type); file->tag.set_property("OP", op->type); file->tag.set_property("TARGET", target->type); target->save_xml(file); file->append_tag(); if( target->type == FOLDER_TARGET_PATTERNS ) file->append_text(((BinFolderTargetPatterns *)target)->text); file->tag.set_title("/FILTER"); file->append_tag(); file->append_newline(); } int BinFolderFilter::load_xml(FileXML *file) { int enabled_type = file->tag.get_property("ENABLED", FOLDER_ENABLED_AND); int op_type = file->tag.get_property("OP", FOLDER_OP_MATCHES); int target_type = file->tag.get_property("TARGET", FOLDER_TARGET_PATTERNS); char data[0x40000]; file->read_text_until("/FILTER", data, sizeof(data), 0); update_enabled(enabled_type); update_target(target_type); update_op(op_type); target->load_xml(file); if( target->type == FOLDER_TARGET_PATTERNS ) ((BinFolderTargetPatterns *)target)->update(data); return 0; } void BinFolderFilters::copy_from(BinFolderFilters *that) { clear(); for( int i=0; isize(); ++i ) { BinFolderFilter *filter = new BinFolderFilter(); BinFolderFilter *tp = that->get(i); filter->update_enabled(tp->enabled->type); filter->update_target(tp->target->type); filter->update_op(tp->op->type); filter->target->copy_from(tp->target); filter->op->copy_from(tp->op); append(filter); } } double BinFolderOp::around(double v, double a) { if( type != FOLDER_OP_AROUND || a <= 0 ) return v; if( (v=fabs(v)) > a ) return -1; return v / a; } // string theory: Feynman, Einstein and Schrodinger string compare // Feynman: try all possible matches, weight the outcomes // Schrodinger: it may be there several ways at the same time // Einstein: the more matches there are, the heavier it is double BinFolderOp::around(const char *ap, const char *bp) { int64_t v = 0, vmx = 0; int alen = strlen(ap), blen = strlen(bp); if( alen > blen ) { const char *cp = ap; ap = bp; bp = cp; int clen = alen; alen = blen; blen = clen; } // 4 level loop (with strncmp), don't try long strings for( int n=0; ++n<=alen; ) { int64_t nn = n*n; int an = alen-n+1, bn = blen-n+1; for( int i=an; --i>=0; ) { for( int j=bn; --j>=0; ) { if( !strncmp(ap+i, bp+j, n) ) v += nn; } } vmx += an*bn*nn; } return !vmx ? -1 : 1 - v / (double)vmx; } double BinFolderOp::compare(BinFolderTarget *target, Indexable *idxbl) { double v = -1; switch( target->type ) { case FOLDER_TARGET_PATTERNS: { BinFolderTargetPatterns *tgt = (BinFolderTargetPatterns *)target; switch( type ) { case FOLDER_OP_AROUND: { const char *cp = idxbl->path; const char *bp = strrchr(cp, '/'); if( bp ) cp = bp + 1; v = around(cp, tgt->text); break; } case FOLDER_OP_EQ: case FOLDER_OP_GT: case FOLDER_OP_GE: case FOLDER_OP_NE: case FOLDER_OP_LT: case FOLDER_OP_LE: { const char *cp = idxbl->path; const char *bp = strrchr(cp, '/'); if( bp ) cp = bp + 1; v = strcmp(cp, tgt->text); break; } case FOLDER_OP_MATCHES: { v = -1; char *cp = tgt->text; while( v < 0 && *cp ) { char pattern[BCTEXTLEN], *bp = pattern, ch; while( *cp && (ch=*cp++)!='\n' ) *bp++ = ch; *bp = 0; if( bp > pattern && !FileSystem::test_filter(idxbl->path, pattern) ) v = 1; } break; } } break; } case FOLDER_TARGET_FILE_SIZE: { BinFolderTargetFileSize *tgt = (BinFolderTargetFileSize *)target; int64_t file_size = !idxbl->is_asset ? -1 : FileSystem::get_size(idxbl->path); v = around(file_size - tgt->file_size, tgt->around); break; } case FOLDER_TARGET_MOD_TIME: { BinFolderTargetTime *tgt = (BinFolderTargetTime *)target; struct stat st; if( stat(idxbl->path, &st) ) break; v = around(st.st_mtime - tgt->mtime, tgt->around); break; } case FOLDER_TARGET_TRACK_TYPE: { BinFolderTargetTrackType *tgt = (BinFolderTargetTrackType *)target; int want_audio = (tgt->data_types&(1<have_audio(); if( want_audio != has_audio ) break; int want_video = (tgt->data_types&(1<have_video(); if( want_video != has_video ) break; v = 1; break; } case FOLDER_TARGET_WIDTH: { BinFolderTargetWidth *tgt = (BinFolderTargetWidth *)target; int w = idxbl->get_w(); v = around(w - tgt->width, tgt->around); break; } case FOLDER_TARGET_HEIGHT: { BinFolderTargetHeight *tgt = (BinFolderTargetHeight *)target; int h = idxbl->get_h(); v = around(h - tgt->height, tgt->around); break; } case FOLDER_TARGET_FRAMERATE: { BinFolderTargetFramerate *tgt = (BinFolderTargetFramerate *)target; double rate = idxbl->get_frame_rate(); v = around(rate - tgt->framerate, tgt->around); break; } case FOLDER_TARGET_SAMPLERATE: { BinFolderTargetSamplerate *tgt = (BinFolderTargetSamplerate *)target; double rate = idxbl->get_sample_rate(); v = around(rate - tgt->samplerate, tgt->around); break; } case FOLDER_TARGET_CHANNELS: { BinFolderTargetChannels *tgt = (BinFolderTargetChannels *)target; double chs = idxbl->get_audio_channels(); v = around(chs - tgt->channels, tgt->around); break; } case FOLDER_TARGET_DURATION: { BinFolderTargetDuration *tgt = (BinFolderTargetDuration *)target; double len = 0; double video_rate = !idxbl->have_video() ? 0 : idxbl->get_frame_rate(); if( video_rate > 0 ) { double video_length = idxbl->get_video_frames() / video_rate; if( video_length > len ) len = video_length; } double audio_rate = !idxbl->have_audio() ? 0 : idxbl->get_sample_rate(); if( audio_rate > 0 ) { double audio_length = idxbl->get_audio_samples() / audio_rate; if( audio_length > len ) len = audio_length; } v = around(len - tgt->duration, tgt->around); break; } } return v; } BinFolderEnabled::BinFolderEnabled(BinFolderFilter *filter, int type) : BC_ListBoxItem(_(types[type])) { this->filter = filter; this->type = type; } BinFolderEnabled::~BinFolderEnabled() { } void BinFolderEnabled::update(int type) { this->type = type; set_text(_(types[type])); } BinFolderEnabledType::BinFolderEnabledType(int no) : BC_MenuItem(_(BinFolderEnabled::types[no])) { this->no = no; } BinFolderEnabledType::~BinFolderEnabledType() { } int BinFolderEnabledType::handle_event() { BinFolderEnabledPopup *enabled_popup = (BinFolderEnabledPopup *)get_popup_menu(); BinFolderList *folder_list = enabled_popup->folder_list; int i = folder_list->get_selection_number(FOLDER_COLUMN_ENABLE, 0); if( i >= 0 ) { BinFolder *folder = folder_list->folder; BinFolderFilter *filter = folder->filters[i]; filter->update_enabled(no); folder_list->create_list(); } return 1; } BinFolderEnabledPopup::BinFolderEnabledPopup(BinFolderList *folder_list) : BC_PopupMenu(0, 0, 0, "", 0) { this->folder_list = folder_list; enabled = 0; } void BinFolderEnabledPopup::create_objects() { add_item(new BinFolderEnabledType(FOLDER_ENABLED_OFF)); add_item(new BinFolderEnabledType(FOLDER_ENABLED_AND)); add_item(new BinFolderEnabledType(FOLDER_ENABLED_OR)); add_item(new BinFolderEnabledType(FOLDER_ENABLED_AND_NOT)); add_item(new BinFolderEnabledType(FOLDER_ENABLED_OR_NOT)); } void BinFolderEnabledPopup::activate_menu(BC_ListBoxItem *item) { this->enabled = (BinFolderEnabled *)item; BC_PopupMenu::activate_menu(); } BinFolderTarget::BinFolderTarget(BinFolderFilter *filter, int type) : BC_ListBoxItem(_(types[type])) { this->filter = filter; this->type = type; around = -1; } BinFolderTarget::~BinFolderTarget() { } BC_Window *BinFolderTarget::new_gui(ModifyTargetThread *thread) { ModifyTargetGUI *window = new ModifyTargetGUI(thread); window->create_objects(); return window; } BinFolderTargetType::BinFolderTargetType(int no) : BC_MenuItem(_(BinFolderTarget::types[no])) { this->no = no; } BinFolderTargetType::~BinFolderTargetType() { } int BinFolderTargetType::handle_event() { BinFolderTargetPopup *target_popup = (BinFolderTargetPopup *)get_popup_menu(); BinFolderList *folder_list = target_popup->folder_list; int i = folder_list->get_selection_number(FOLDER_COLUMN_TARGET, 0); if( i >= 0 ) { BinFolder *folder = folder_list->folder; BinFolderFilter *filter = folder->filters[i]; filter->update_target(no); folder_list->create_list(); } return 1; } BinFolderTargetPopup::BinFolderTargetPopup(BinFolderList *folder_list) : BC_PopupMenu(0, 0, 0, "", 0) { this->folder_list = folder_list; target = 0; } void BinFolderTargetPopup::create_objects() { add_item(new BinFolderTargetType(FOLDER_TARGET_PATTERNS)); add_item(new BinFolderTargetType(FOLDER_TARGET_FILE_SIZE)); add_item(new BinFolderTargetType(FOLDER_TARGET_MOD_TIME)); add_item(new BinFolderTargetType(FOLDER_TARGET_TRACK_TYPE)); add_item(new BinFolderTargetType(FOLDER_TARGET_WIDTH)); add_item(new BinFolderTargetType(FOLDER_TARGET_HEIGHT)); add_item(new BinFolderTargetType(FOLDER_TARGET_FRAMERATE)); add_item(new BinFolderTargetType(FOLDER_TARGET_SAMPLERATE)); add_item(new BinFolderTargetType(FOLDER_TARGET_CHANNELS)); add_item(new BinFolderTargetType(FOLDER_TARGET_DURATION)); } void BinFolderTargetPopup::activate_menu(BC_ListBoxItem *item) { this->target = (BinFolderTarget *)item; BC_PopupMenu::activate_menu(); } BinFolderTargetPatterns::BinFolderTargetPatterns(BinFolderFilter *filter) : BinFolderTarget(filter, FOLDER_TARGET_PATTERNS) { text = 0; update("*"); } BinFolderTargetPatterns::~BinFolderTargetPatterns() { delete [] text; } void BinFolderTargetPatterns::save_xml(FileXML *file) {} void BinFolderTargetPatterns::load_xml(FileXML *file) {} void BinFolderTargetPatterns::copy_from(BinFolderTarget *that) { BinFolderTargetPatterns *tp = (BinFolderTargetPatterns*)that; update(tp->text); } void BinFolderTargetPatterns::update(const char *text) { delete [] this->text; this->text = cstrdup(text); filter->update_value(text); } BC_Window *BinFolderTargetPatterns::new_gui(ModifyTargetThread *thread) { return new ModifyTargetPatternsGUI(thread); } BinFolderTargetFileSize::BinFolderTargetFileSize(BinFolderFilter *filter) : BinFolderTarget(filter, FOLDER_TARGET_FILE_SIZE) { file_size = 0; update(file_size, -1); } BinFolderTargetFileSize::~BinFolderTargetFileSize() { } void BinFolderTargetFileSize::save_xml(FileXML *file) { file->tag.set_property("FILE_SIZE", file_size); file->tag.set_property("AROUND", around); } void BinFolderTargetFileSize::load_xml(FileXML *file) { int64_t file_size = file->tag.get_property("FILE_SIZE", this->file_size); double around = file->tag.get_property("AROUND", this->around); update(file_size, around); } void BinFolderTargetFileSize::copy_from(BinFolderTarget *that) { BinFolderTargetFileSize *tp = (BinFolderTargetFileSize *)that; update(tp->file_size, tp->around); } void BinFolderTargetFileSize::update(int64_t file_size, double around) { this->file_size = file_size; this->around = around; char txt[BCSTRLEN], *cp = txt, *ep = cp + sizeof(txt)-1; show_no(file_size, cp, ep); if( around >= 0 && filter->op->type == FOLDER_OP_AROUND ) { if( cp < ep ) *cp++ = '+'; show_no(around, cp, ep); } *cp = 0; filter->update_value(txt); } BC_Window *BinFolderTargetFileSize::new_gui(ModifyTargetThread *thread) { return new ModifyTargetFileSizeGUI(thread); } BinFolderTargetTime::BinFolderTargetTime(BinFolderFilter *filter) : BinFolderTarget(filter, FOLDER_TARGET_MOD_TIME) { time_t t; time(&t); mtime = (int64_t)t; update(mtime, -1); } BinFolderTargetTime::~BinFolderTargetTime() { } void BinFolderTargetTime::save_xml(FileXML *file) { file->tag.set_property("MTIME", mtime); file->tag.set_property("AROUND", around); } void BinFolderTargetTime::load_xml(FileXML *file) { int64_t mtime = file->tag.get_property("MTIME", this->mtime); double around = file->tag.get_property("AROUND", this->around); update(mtime, around); } void BinFolderTargetTime::copy_from(BinFolderTarget *that) { BinFolderTargetTime *tp = (BinFolderTargetTime *)that; update(tp->mtime, tp->around); } void BinFolderTargetTime::update(int64_t mtime, double around) { this->mtime = mtime; this->around = around; char txt[BCSTRLEN], *cp = txt, *ep = cp + sizeof(txt)-1; show_date(mtime, cp, ep); if( around >= 0 && filter->op->type == FOLDER_OP_AROUND ) { if( cp < ep ) *cp++ = '+'; show_duration(around, cp, ep); } *cp = 0; filter->update_value(txt); } BC_Window *BinFolderTargetTime::new_gui(ModifyTargetThread *thread) { return new ModifyTargetTimeGUI(thread); } BinFolderTargetTrackType::BinFolderTargetTrackType(BinFolderFilter *filter) : BinFolderTarget(filter, FOLDER_TARGET_TRACK_TYPE) { data_types = (1<tag.set_property("DATA_TYPES", data_types); } void BinFolderTargetTrackType::load_xml(FileXML *file) { int data_types = file->tag.get_property("DATA_TYPES", this->data_types); update(data_types); } void BinFolderTargetTrackType::copy_from(BinFolderTarget *that) { BinFolderTargetTrackType *tp = (BinFolderTargetTrackType *)that; update(tp->data_types); } void BinFolderTargetTrackType::update(int data_types) { this->data_types = data_types; this->around = -1; char txt[BCSTRLEN], *cp = txt, *ep = cp + sizeof(txt)-1; if( data_types & (1< txt && cp < ep ) *cp++ = ' '; cp += snprintf(cp, ep-cp, "%s",_("audio")); } if( data_types & (1< txt && cp < ep ) *cp++ = ' '; cp += snprintf(cp, ep-cp, "%s",_("video")); } *cp = 0; filter->update_value(txt); } BC_Window *BinFolderTargetTrackType::new_gui(ModifyTargetThread *thread) { return new ModifyTargetTrackTypeGUI(thread); } BinFolderTargetWidth::BinFolderTargetWidth(BinFolderFilter *filter) : BinFolderTarget(filter, FOLDER_TARGET_WIDTH) { width = 0; update(width, -1); } BinFolderTargetWidth::~BinFolderTargetWidth() { } void BinFolderTargetWidth::save_xml(FileXML *file) { file->tag.set_property("WIDTH", width); file->tag.set_property("AROUND", around); } void BinFolderTargetWidth::load_xml(FileXML *file) { int width = file->tag.get_property("WIDTH", this->width); double around = file->tag.get_property("AROUND", this->around); update(width, around); } void BinFolderTargetWidth::copy_from(BinFolderTarget *that) { BinFolderTargetWidth *tp = (BinFolderTargetWidth *)that; update(tp->width, tp->around); } void BinFolderTargetWidth::update(int width, double around) { this->width = width; this->around = around; char txt[BCSTRLEN], *cp = txt, *ep = cp + sizeof(txt)-1; show_no(width, cp, ep); if( around >= 0 && filter->op->type == FOLDER_OP_AROUND ) { if( cp < ep ) *cp++ = '+'; show_no(around, cp, ep); } *cp = 0; filter->update_value(txt); } BC_Window *BinFolderTargetWidth::new_gui(ModifyTargetThread *thread) { return new ModifyTargetWidthGUI(thread); } BinFolderTargetHeight::BinFolderTargetHeight(BinFolderFilter *filter) : BinFolderTarget(filter, FOLDER_TARGET_HEIGHT) { height = 0; update(height, -1); } BinFolderTargetHeight::~BinFolderTargetHeight() { } void BinFolderTargetHeight::save_xml(FileXML *file) { file->tag.set_property("HEIGHT", height); file->tag.set_property("AROUND", around); } void BinFolderTargetHeight::load_xml(FileXML *file) { int height = file->tag.get_property("HEIGHT", this->height); double around = file->tag.get_property("AROUND", this->around); update(height, around); } void BinFolderTargetHeight::copy_from(BinFolderTarget *that) { BinFolderTargetHeight *tp = (BinFolderTargetHeight *)that; update(tp->height, tp->around); } void BinFolderTargetHeight::update(int height, double around) { this->height = height; this->around = around; char txt[BCSTRLEN], *cp = txt, *ep = cp + sizeof(txt)-1; show_no(height, cp, ep); if( around >= 0 && filter->op->type == FOLDER_OP_AROUND ) { if( cp < ep ) *cp++ = '+'; show_no(around, cp, ep); } *cp = 0; filter->update_value(txt); } BC_Window *BinFolderTargetHeight::new_gui(ModifyTargetThread *thread) { return new ModifyTargetHeightGUI(thread); } BinFolderTargetFramerate::BinFolderTargetFramerate(BinFolderFilter *filter) : BinFolderTarget(filter, FOLDER_TARGET_FRAMERATE) { framerate = 0; update(framerate, -1); } BinFolderTargetFramerate::~BinFolderTargetFramerate() { } void BinFolderTargetFramerate::save_xml(FileXML *file) { file->tag.set_property("FRAMERATE", framerate); file->tag.set_property("AROUND", around); } void BinFolderTargetFramerate::load_xml(FileXML *file) { double framerate = file->tag.get_property("FRAMERATE", this->framerate); double around = file->tag.get_property("AROUND", this->around); update(framerate, around); } void BinFolderTargetFramerate::copy_from(BinFolderTarget *that) { BinFolderTargetFramerate *tp = (BinFolderTargetFramerate *)that; update(tp->framerate, tp->around); } void BinFolderTargetFramerate::update(double framerate, double around) { this->framerate = framerate; this->around = around; char txt[BCSTRLEN], *cp = txt, *ep = cp + sizeof(txt)-1; show_no(framerate, cp, ep, "%0.3f"); if( around >= 0 && filter->op->type == FOLDER_OP_AROUND ) { if( cp < ep ) *cp++ = '+'; show_no(around, cp, ep, "%0.3f"); } *cp = 0; filter->update_value(txt); } BC_Window *BinFolderTargetFramerate::new_gui(ModifyTargetThread *thread) { return new ModifyTargetFramerateGUI(thread); } BinFolderTargetSamplerate::BinFolderTargetSamplerate(BinFolderFilter *filter) : BinFolderTarget(filter, FOLDER_TARGET_SAMPLERATE) { samplerate = 0; update(samplerate, -1); } BinFolderTargetSamplerate::~BinFolderTargetSamplerate() { } void BinFolderTargetSamplerate::save_xml(FileXML *file) { file->tag.set_property("SAMPLERATE", samplerate); file->tag.set_property("AROUND", around); } void BinFolderTargetSamplerate::load_xml(FileXML *file) { double samplerate = file->tag.get_property("SAMPLERATE", this->samplerate); double around = file->tag.get_property("AROUND", this->around); update(samplerate, around); } void BinFolderTargetSamplerate::copy_from(BinFolderTarget *that) { BinFolderTargetSamplerate *tp = (BinFolderTargetSamplerate *)that; update(tp->samplerate, tp->around); } void BinFolderTargetSamplerate::update(int samplerate, double around) { this->samplerate = samplerate; this->around = around; char txt[BCSTRLEN], *cp = txt, *ep = cp + sizeof(txt)-1; show_no(samplerate, cp, ep); if( around >= 0 && filter->op->type == FOLDER_OP_AROUND ) { if( cp < ep ) *cp++ = '+'; show_no(around, cp, ep); } *cp = 0; filter->update_value(txt); } BC_Window *BinFolderTargetSamplerate::new_gui(ModifyTargetThread *thread) { return new ModifyTargetSamplerateGUI(thread); } BinFolderTargetChannels::BinFolderTargetChannels(BinFolderFilter *filter) : BinFolderTarget(filter, FOLDER_TARGET_CHANNELS) { channels = 0; update(channels, -1); } BinFolderTargetChannels::~BinFolderTargetChannels() { } void BinFolderTargetChannels::save_xml(FileXML *file) { file->tag.set_property("CHANNELS", channels); file->tag.set_property("AROUND", around); } void BinFolderTargetChannels::load_xml(FileXML *file) { int channels = file->tag.get_property("CHANNELS", this->channels); double around = file->tag.get_property("AROUND", this->around); update(channels, around); } void BinFolderTargetChannels::copy_from(BinFolderTarget *that) { BinFolderTargetChannels *tp = (BinFolderTargetChannels *)that; update(tp->channels, tp->around); } void BinFolderTargetChannels::update(int channels, double around) { this->channels = channels; this->around = around; char txt[BCSTRLEN], *cp = txt, *ep = cp + sizeof(txt)-1; show_no(channels, cp, ep); if( around >= 0 && filter->op->type == FOLDER_OP_AROUND ) { if( cp < ep ) *cp++ = '+'; show_no(around, cp, ep); } *cp = 0; filter->update_value(txt); } BC_Window *BinFolderTargetChannels::new_gui(ModifyTargetThread *thread) { return new ModifyTargetChannelsGUI(thread); } BinFolderTargetDuration::BinFolderTargetDuration(BinFolderFilter *filter) : BinFolderTarget(filter, FOLDER_TARGET_DURATION) { duration = 0; update(duration, -1); } BinFolderTargetDuration::~BinFolderTargetDuration() { } void BinFolderTargetDuration::save_xml(FileXML *file) { file->tag.set_property("DURATION", duration); file->tag.set_property("AROUND", around); } void BinFolderTargetDuration::load_xml(FileXML *file) { int64_t duration = file->tag.get_property("DURATION", this->duration); double around = file->tag.get_property("AROUND", this->around); update(duration, around); } void BinFolderTargetDuration::copy_from(BinFolderTarget *that) { BinFolderTargetDuration *tp = (BinFolderTargetDuration *)that; update(tp->duration, tp->around); } void BinFolderTargetDuration::update(int64_t duration, double around) { this->duration = duration; this->around = around; char txt[BCSTRLEN], *cp = txt, *ep = cp + sizeof(txt)-1; show_duration(duration, cp, ep); if( around >= 0 && filter->op->type == FOLDER_OP_AROUND ) { if( cp < ep ) *cp++ = '+'; show_duration(around, cp, ep); } *cp = 0; filter->update_value(txt); } BC_Window *BinFolderTargetDuration::new_gui(ModifyTargetThread *thread) { return new ModifyTargetDurationGUI(thread); } BinFolderOp::BinFolderOp(BinFolderFilter *filter, int type) : BC_ListBoxItem(_(types[type])) { this->filter = filter; this->type = type; } BinFolderOp::~BinFolderOp() { } void BinFolderOp::copy_from(BinFolderOp *that) { type = that->type; } BinFolderOpType::BinFolderOpType(int no) : BC_MenuItem(_(BinFolderOp::types[no])) { this->no = no; } BinFolderOpType::~BinFolderOpType() { } int BinFolderOpType::handle_event() { BinFolderOpPopup *op_popup = (BinFolderOpPopup *)get_popup_menu(); BinFolderList *folder_list = op_popup->folder_list; int i = folder_list->get_selection_number(FOLDER_COLUMN_OP, 0); if( i >= 0 ) { BinFolder *folder = folder_list->folder; BinFolderFilter *filter = folder->filters[i]; filter->update_op(no); folder_list->create_list(); } return 1; } BinFolderOpPopup::BinFolderOpPopup(BinFolderList *folder_list) : BC_PopupMenu(0, 0, 0, "", 0) { this->folder_list = folder_list; op = 0; } void BinFolderOpPopup::create_objects() { add_item(new BinFolderOpType(FOLDER_OP_AROUND)); add_item(new BinFolderOpType(FOLDER_OP_EQ)); add_item(new BinFolderOpType(FOLDER_OP_GE)); add_item(new BinFolderOpType(FOLDER_OP_GT)); add_item(new BinFolderOpType(FOLDER_OP_NE)); add_item(new BinFolderOpType(FOLDER_OP_LE)); add_item(new BinFolderOpType(FOLDER_OP_LT)); add_item(new BinFolderOpType(FOLDER_OP_MATCHES)); } void BinFolderOpPopup::activate_menu(BC_ListBoxItem *item) { this->op = (BinFolderOp *)item; BC_PopupMenu::activate_menu(); } double BinFolderOp::test(BinFolderTarget *target, Indexable *idxbl) { return -1; } double BinFolderOpEQ::test(BinFolderTarget *target, Indexable *idxbl) { double v = compare(target, idxbl); return v == 0 ? 1 : -1; } double BinFolderOpGT::test(BinFolderTarget *target, Indexable *idxbl) { double v = compare(target, idxbl); return v > 0 ? 1 : -1; } double BinFolderOpGE::test(BinFolderTarget *target, Indexable *idxbl) { double v = compare(target, idxbl); return v >= 0 ? 1 : -1; } double BinFolderOpNE::test(BinFolderTarget *target, Indexable *idxbl) { double v = compare(target, idxbl); return v != 0 ? 1 : -1; } double BinFolderOpLT::test(BinFolderTarget *target, Indexable *idxbl) { double v = compare(target, idxbl); return v < 0 ? 1 : -1; } double BinFolderOpLE::test(BinFolderTarget *target, Indexable *idxbl) { double v = compare(target, idxbl); return v <= 0 ? 1 : -1; } double BinFolderOpMatches::test(BinFolderTarget *target, Indexable *idxbl) { double v = compare(target, idxbl); return v; } double BinFolderOpAround::test(BinFolderTarget *target, Indexable *idxbl) { double v = compare(target, idxbl); return v; } BinFolderValue::BinFolderValue(BinFolderFilter *filter, const char *text) : BC_ListBoxItem() { this->filter = filter; update(text); } BinFolderValue::~BinFolderValue() { } void BinFolderValue::update(const char *text) { const char *cp = text; char txt[BCSTRLEN], *tp = txt; for( int i=sizeof(txt); --i>0 && *cp!=0 && *cp!='\n'; ++tp,++cp ) *tp = *cp; *tp = 0; set_text(txt); } BinFolderList::BinFolderList(BinFolder *folder, MWindow *mwindow, ModifyFolderGUI *window, int x, int y, int w, int h) : BC_ListBox(x, y, w, h, LISTBOX_TEXT, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, LISTBOX_SINGLE, ICON_LEFT, 1) { this->folder = folder; this->mwindow = mwindow; this->window = window; dragging_item = 0; set_process_drag(1); enabled_popup = 0; op_popup = 0; target_popup = 0; modify_target = 0; } BinFolderList::~BinFolderList() { save_defaults(mwindow->defaults); delete modify_target; } void BinFolderList::create_objects() { list_titles[FOLDER_COLUMN_ENABLE] = _("Enable"); list_titles[FOLDER_COLUMN_TARGET] = _("Target"); list_titles[FOLDER_COLUMN_OP] = _("Op"); list_titles[FOLDER_COLUMN_VALUE] = _("Value"); list_width[FOLDER_COLUMN_ENABLE] = 80; list_width[FOLDER_COLUMN_TARGET] = 80; list_width[FOLDER_COLUMN_OP] = 50; list_width[FOLDER_COLUMN_VALUE] = 180; load_defaults(mwindow->defaults); create_list(); add_subwindow(enabled_popup = new BinFolderEnabledPopup(this)); enabled_popup->create_objects(); add_subwindow(op_popup = new BinFolderOpPopup(this)); op_popup->create_objects(); add_subwindow(target_popup = new BinFolderTargetPopup(this)); target_popup->create_objects(); modify_target = new ModifyTargetThread(this); } void BinFolderList::create_list() { for( int i=0; ifilters.size(); ++i ) { BinFolderFilter *filter = folder->filters[i]; list_items[FOLDER_COLUMN_ENABLE].append(filter->enabled); list_items[FOLDER_COLUMN_TARGET].append(filter->target); list_items[FOLDER_COLUMN_OP].append(filter->op); list_items[FOLDER_COLUMN_VALUE].append(filter->value); } update(list_items, list_titles, list_width, FOLDER_COLUMNS, get_xposition(), get_yposition(), get_highlighted_item(), 1, 1); } int BinFolderList::handle_event() { return 1; } int BinFolderList::selection_changed() { if( !cursor_above() ) return 0; int no = get_selection_number(0, 0); if( no < 0 ) return 0; BinFolderFilter *filter = folder->filters[no]; if( get_button_down() && get_buttonpress() == 3 ) { int cx = get_cursor_x(), col = -1; for( int i=0; col<0 && i= ofs && cx < ofs+get_column_width(i) ) { col = i; break; } } BC_ListBoxItem *item = col >= 0 ? get_selection(col, 0) : 0; if( item ) { deactivate_selection(); switch( col ) { case FOLDER_COLUMN_ENABLE: enabled_popup->activate_menu(item); break; case FOLDER_COLUMN_TARGET: target_popup->activate_menu(item); break; case FOLDER_COLUMN_OP: op_popup->activate_menu(item); break; case FOLDER_COLUMN_VALUE: { modify_target->close_window(); int cw = filter->target->type == FOLDER_TARGET_PATTERNS ? 400 : 320; int ch = filter->target->type == FOLDER_TARGET_PATTERNS ? 300 : 120; int cx, cy; get_abs_cursor(cx, cy); if( (cx-=cw/2) < 50 ) cx = 50; if( (cy-=ch/2) < 50 ) cy = 50; modify_target->start(filter->target, cx, cy, cw, ch); break; } } } } return 1; } int BinFolderList::column_resize_event() { for( int i = 0; i < FOLDER_COLUMNS; i++ ) { list_width[i] = get_column_width(i); } return 1; } int BinFolderList::drag_start_event() { if( BC_ListBox::drag_start_event() ) { dragging_item = 1; return 1; } return 0; } int BinFolderList::drag_motion_event() { if( BC_ListBox::drag_motion_event() ) { return 1; } return 0; } int BinFolderList::drag_stop_event() { if( dragging_item ) { int src = get_selection_number(0, 0); int dst = get_highlighted_item(); if( src != dst ) { move_filter(src, dst); } BC_ListBox::drag_stop_event(); dragging_item = 0; } return 0; } void BinFolderList::move_filter(int src, int dst) { BinFolderFilters &filters = folder->filters; BinFolderFilter *src_filter = filters[src]; if( dst < 0 ) dst = filters.size()-1; if( dst != src ) { for( int i=src; idst; ) filters[i] = filters[i-1]; filters[dst] = src_filter; } } void BinFolderList::save_defaults(BC_Hash *defaults) { defaults->update("BIN_FOLDER_ENA", list_width[FOLDER_COLUMN_ENABLE]); defaults->update("BIN_FOLDER_TGT", list_width[FOLDER_COLUMN_TARGET]); defaults->update("BIN_FOLDER_OPR", list_width[FOLDER_COLUMN_OP]); defaults->update("BIN_FOLDER_VAL", list_width[FOLDER_COLUMN_VALUE]); } void BinFolderList::load_defaults(BC_Hash *defaults) { list_width[FOLDER_COLUMN_ENABLE] = defaults->get("BIN_FOLDER_ENA", list_width[FOLDER_COLUMN_ENABLE]); list_width[FOLDER_COLUMN_TARGET] = defaults->get("BIN_FOLDER_TGT", list_width[FOLDER_COLUMN_TARGET]); list_width[FOLDER_COLUMN_OP] = defaults->get("BIN_FOLDER_OPR", list_width[FOLDER_COLUMN_OP]); list_width[FOLDER_COLUMN_VALUE] = defaults->get("BIN_FOLDER_VAL", list_width[FOLDER_COLUMN_VALUE]); } BinFolderAddFilter::BinFolderAddFilter(BinFolderList *folder_list, int x, int y) : BC_GenericButton(x, y, _("Add")) { this->folder_list = folder_list; } BinFolderAddFilter::~BinFolderAddFilter() { } int BinFolderAddFilter::handle_event() { folder_list->modify_target->close_window(); // default new filter BinFolderFilter *filter = new BinFolderFilter(); filter->update_enabled(FOLDER_ENABLED_OR); filter->update_target(FOLDER_TARGET_PATTERNS); filter->update_op(FOLDER_OP_MATCHES); BinFolderTargetPatterns *patterns = (BinFolderTargetPatterns *)(filter->target); filter->update_value(patterns->text); folder_list->folder->filters.append(filter); folder_list->create_list(); return 1; } BinFolderDelFilter::BinFolderDelFilter(BinFolderList *folder_list, int x, int y) : BC_GenericButton(x, y, _("Del")) { this->folder_list = folder_list; } BinFolderDelFilter::~BinFolderDelFilter() { } int BinFolderDelFilter::handle_event() { folder_list->modify_target->close_window(); int no = folder_list->get_selection_number(0, 0); if( no >= 0 ) { folder_list->folder->filters.remove_object_number(no); folder_list->create_list(); } return 1; } BinFolderApplyFilter::BinFolderApplyFilter(BinFolderList *folder_list, int x, int y) : BC_GenericButton(x, y, _("Apply")) { this->folder_list = folder_list; } BinFolderApplyFilter::~BinFolderApplyFilter() { } int BinFolderApplyFilter::handle_event() { ModifyFolderThread *thread = folder_list->window->thread; thread->original->copy_from(thread->folder); thread->agui->async_update_assets(); return 1; } NewFolderGUI::NewFolderGUI(NewFolderThread *thread, int x, int y, int w, int h) : BC_Window(_(PROGRAM_NAME ": New folder"), x, y, w, h, -1, -1, 0, 0, 1) { this->thread = thread; } NewFolderGUI::~NewFolderGUI() { } void NewFolderGUI::create_objects() { lock_window("NewFolderGUI::create_objects"); int x = 10, y = 10; BC_Title *title; add_subwindow(title = new BC_Title(x, y, _("Enter the name of the folder:"))); y += title->get_h() + 5; add_subwindow(text_box = new BC_TextBox(x, y, 300, 1, _("Untitled"))); add_subwindow(new BC_OKButton(this)); add_subwindow(new BC_CancelButton(this)); show_window(); unlock_window(); } const char* NewFolderGUI::get_text() { return text_box->get_text(); } NewFolderThread::NewFolderThread(AWindowGUI *agui) : BC_DialogThread() { this->agui = agui; } NewFolderThread::~NewFolderThread() { close_window(); } void NewFolderThread::start(int x, int y, int w, int h) { close_window(); wx = x; wy = y; ww = w; wh = h; Thread::start(); } BC_Window *NewFolderThread::new_gui() { window = new NewFolderGUI(this, wx, wy, ww, wh); window->create_objects(); return window; } void NewFolderThread::handle_done_event(int result) { if( !result ) { const char *text = window->get_text(); agui->mwindow->new_folder(text); } } void NewFolderThread::handle_close_event(int result) { } ModifyFolderGUI::ModifyFolderGUI(ModifyFolderThread *thread, int x, int y, int w, int h) : BC_Window(_(PROGRAM_NAME ": Modify folder"), x, y, w, h, 320, 200, 1, 0, 1) { this->thread = thread; } ModifyFolderGUI::~ModifyFolderGUI() { } int ModifyFolderGUI::receive_custom_xatoms(xatom_event *event) { if( event->message_type == modify_folder_xatom ) { update_filters(); return 1; } return 0; } void ModifyFolderGUI::async_update_filters() { xatom_event event; event.message_type = modify_folder_xatom; send_custom_xatom(&event); } void ModifyFolderGUI::create_objects() { lock_window("ModifyFolderGUI::create_objects"); modify_folder_xatom = create_xatom("CWINDOWGUI_UPDATE_FILTERS"); int x = 10, y = 10; add_tool(new BC_Title(x, y, _("Enter the name of the folder:"))); y += 20; add_subwindow(text_box = new BC_TextBox(x, y, 300, 1, thread->folder->title)); y += 30; int lh = get_h() - y - BC_OKButton::calculate_h() - 30; int lw = get_w() - x - 120; add_subwindow(folder_list = new BinFolderList(thread->folder, thread->agui->mwindow, this, x, y, lw, lh)); folder_list->create_objects(); int x1 = x + folder_list->get_w() + 15, y1 = y; add_subwindow(add_filter = new BinFolderAddFilter(folder_list, x1, y1)); y1 += add_filter->get_h() + 10; add_subwindow(del_filter = new BinFolderDelFilter(folder_list, x1, y1)); y1 += del_filter->get_h() + 10; add_subwindow(apply_filter = new BinFolderApplyFilter(folder_list, x1, y1)); add_subwindow(ok_button = new BC_OKButton(this)); add_subwindow(cancel_button = new BC_CancelButton(this)); show_window(); unlock_window(); } int ModifyFolderGUI::resize_event(int w, int h) { MWindow *mwindow = thread->agui->mwindow; mwindow->session->bwindow_w = w; mwindow->session->bwindow_h = h; int lx = folder_list->get_x(); int ly = folder_list->get_y(); int lh = h - ly - BC_OKButton::calculate_h() - 30; int lw = w - lx - 120; folder_list->reposition_window(lx, ly, lw, lh); int x1 = lx + lw + 15; add_filter->reposition_window(x1, add_filter->get_y()); del_filter->reposition_window(x1, del_filter->get_y()); apply_filter->reposition_window(x1,apply_filter->get_y()); ok_button->resize_event(w, h); cancel_button->resize_event(w, h); return 1; } const char* ModifyFolderGUI::get_text() { return text_box->get_text(); } void ModifyFolderGUI::update_filters() { folder_list->create_list(); } ModifyFolderThread::ModifyFolderThread(AWindowGUI *agui) : BC_DialogThread() { this->agui = agui; original = 0; folder = 0; } ModifyFolderThread::~ModifyFolderThread() { close_window(); delete folder; } void ModifyFolderThread::start(BinFolder *folder, int x, int y, int w, int h) { close_window(); this->original = folder; agui->mwindow->edl->add_user(); this->folder = new BinFolder(*folder); wx = x; wy = y; ww = w; wh = h; Thread::start(); } BC_Window *ModifyFolderThread::new_gui() { window = new ModifyFolderGUI(this, wx, wy, ww, wh); window->create_objects(); return window; } void ModifyFolderThread::handle_done_event(int result) { if( !result ) { const char *title = window->get_text(); if( strcmp(folder->title, title) ) { if( agui->mwindow->edl->get_folder_number(title) >= 0 ) { eprintf("folder already exists: %s", title); result = 1; } else strncpy(folder->title, title,sizeof(folder->title)); } } if( !result ) { original->copy_from(folder); agui->async_update_assets(); } delete folder; folder = 0; original = 0; agui->mwindow->edl->remove_user(); } void ModifyFolderThread::handle_close_event(int result) { } ModifyTargetThread::ModifyTargetThread(BinFolderList *folder_list) : BC_DialogThread() { this->folder_list = folder_list; target = 0; } ModifyTargetThread::~ModifyTargetThread() { close_window(); } void ModifyTargetThread::start(BinFolderTarget *target, int x, int y, int w, int h) { this->target = target; wx = x; wy = y; ww = w; wh = h; Thread::start(); } BC_Window *ModifyTargetThread::new_gui() { window = (ModifyTargetGUI *)target->new_gui(this); window->create_objects(); return window; } void ModifyTargetThread::handle_done_event(int result) { if( !result ) { window->update(); folder_list->window->async_update_filters(); } } void ModifyTargetThread::handle_close_event(int result) { target = 0; } ModifyTargetGUI::ModifyTargetGUI(ModifyTargetThread *thread, int allow_resize) : BC_Window(_(PROGRAM_NAME ": Modify target"), thread->wx, thread->wy, thread->ww, thread->wh, -1, -1, allow_resize, 0, 1) { this->thread = thread; } ModifyTargetGUI::~ModifyTargetGUI() { } void ModifyTargetGUI::create_objects(BC_TextBox *&text_box) { lock_window("ModifyTargetGUI::create_objects"); int x = 10, y = 10; const char *text = thread->target->filter->value->get_text(); add_subwindow(text_box = new BC_TextBox(x, y, get_w()-20, 1, text)); add_subwindow(new BC_OKButton(this)); add_subwindow(new BC_CancelButton(this)); show_window(); unlock_window(); } int ModifyTargetGUI::resize_event(int w, int h) { return BC_WindowBase::resize_event(w, h); } ModifyTargetPatternsGUI::ModifyTargetPatternsGUI(ModifyTargetThread *thread) : ModifyTargetGUI(thread, 1) { this->thread = thread; scroll_text_box = 0; text_rowsz = 0; } ModifyTargetPatternsGUI::~ModifyTargetPatternsGUI() { delete scroll_text_box; } void ModifyTargetPatternsGUI::create_objects() { lock_window("ModifyTargetPatternsGUI::create_objects"); BinFolderTargetPatterns *target = (BinFolderTargetPatterns *)thread->target; int x = 10, y = 10; int text_font = MEDIUMFONT; text_rowsz = get_text_ascent(text_font)+1 + get_text_descent(text_font)+1; int th = get_h() - y - BC_OKButton::calculate_h() - 20; int rows = th / text_rowsz; int text_len = strlen(target->text); if( text_len < BCTEXTLEN ) text_len = BCTEXTLEN; scroll_text_box = new BC_ScrollTextBox(this, x, y, get_w()-20, rows, target->text, 2*text_len); scroll_text_box->create_objects(); add_subwindow(ok_button = new BC_OKButton(this)); add_subwindow(cancel_button = new BC_CancelButton(this)); show_window(); unlock_window(); } int ModifyTargetPatternsGUI::resize_event(int w, int h) { int tx = scroll_text_box->get_x(); int ty = scroll_text_box->get_y(); int th = h - ty - BC_OKButton::calculate_h() - 20; int tw = w - 20; int rows = th / text_rowsz; scroll_text_box->reposition_window(tx, ty, tw, rows); ok_button->resize_event(w, h); cancel_button->resize_event(w, h); return 1; } void ModifyTargetPatternsGUI::update() { BinFolderTargetPatterns *target = (BinFolderTargetPatterns *)thread->target; const char *cp = scroll_text_box->get_text(); target->update(cp); } ModifyTargetFileSizeGUI::ModifyTargetFileSizeGUI(ModifyTargetThread *thread) : ModifyTargetGUI(thread) { } ModifyTargetFileSizeGUI::~ModifyTargetFileSizeGUI() { } void ModifyTargetFileSizeGUI::create_objects() { ModifyTargetGUI::create_objects(text_box); } void ModifyTargetFileSizeGUI::update() { BinFolderTargetFileSize *target = (BinFolderTargetFileSize *)thread->target; double file_size = target->file_size, around = target->around; const char *cp = text_box->get_text(); char *bp = 0; scan_around(cp, bp, file_size, around); target->update(file_size, around); } ModifyTargetTimeGUI::ModifyTargetTimeGUI(ModifyTargetThread *thread) : ModifyTargetGUI(thread) { } ModifyTargetTimeGUI::~ModifyTargetTimeGUI() { } void ModifyTargetTimeGUI::create_objects() { ModifyTargetGUI::create_objects(text_box); } void ModifyTargetTimeGUI::update() { BinFolderTargetTime *target = (BinFolderTargetTime *)thread->target; int64_t mtime = target->mtime; double around = target->around; const char *cp = text_box->get_text(); char *bp = 0; int64_t v = scan_date(cp, bp); if( bp > cp ) { mtime = v; if( *bp == '+' ) { v = scan_duration(cp=bp+1, bp); if( bp > cp ) around = v; } } target->update(mtime, around); } ModifyTargetTrackTypeGUI::ModifyTargetTrackTypeGUI(ModifyTargetThread *thread) : ModifyTargetGUI(thread) { } ModifyTargetTrackTypeGUI::~ModifyTargetTrackTypeGUI() { } void ModifyTargetTrackTypeGUI::create_objects() { ModifyTargetGUI::create_objects(text_box); } void ModifyTargetTrackTypeGUI::update() { BinFolderTargetTrackType *target = (BinFolderTargetTrackType *)thread->target; const char *cp = text_box->get_text(); int data_types = 0; if( bstrcasestr(cp, _("audio")) ) data_types |= (1<update(data_types); } ModifyTargetWidthGUI::ModifyTargetWidthGUI(ModifyTargetThread *thread) : ModifyTargetGUI(thread) { } ModifyTargetWidthGUI::~ModifyTargetWidthGUI() { } void ModifyTargetWidthGUI::create_objects() { ModifyTargetGUI::create_objects(text_box); } void ModifyTargetWidthGUI::update() { BinFolderTargetWidth *target = (BinFolderTargetWidth *)thread->target; double width = target->width, around = target->around; const char *cp = text_box->get_text(); char *bp = 0; scan_around(cp, bp, width, around); target->update(width, around); } ModifyTargetHeightGUI::ModifyTargetHeightGUI(ModifyTargetThread *thread) : ModifyTargetGUI(thread) { } ModifyTargetHeightGUI::~ModifyTargetHeightGUI() { } void ModifyTargetHeightGUI::create_objects() { ModifyTargetGUI::create_objects(text_box); } void ModifyTargetHeightGUI::update() { BinFolderTargetHeight *target = (BinFolderTargetHeight *)thread->target; double height = target->height, around = target->around; const char *cp = text_box->get_text(); char *bp = 0; scan_around(cp, bp, height, around); target->update(height, around); } ModifyTargetFramerateGUI::ModifyTargetFramerateGUI(ModifyTargetThread *thread) : ModifyTargetGUI(thread) { } ModifyTargetFramerateGUI::~ModifyTargetFramerateGUI() { } void ModifyTargetFramerateGUI::create_objects() { ModifyTargetGUI::create_objects(text_box); } void ModifyTargetFramerateGUI::update() { BinFolderTargetFramerate *target = (BinFolderTargetFramerate *)thread->target; double framerate = target->framerate, around = target->around; const char *cp = text_box->get_text(); char *bp = 0; scan_around(cp, bp, framerate, around); target->update(framerate, around); } ModifyTargetSamplerateGUI::ModifyTargetSamplerateGUI(ModifyTargetThread *thread) : ModifyTargetGUI(thread) { } ModifyTargetSamplerateGUI::~ModifyTargetSamplerateGUI() { } void ModifyTargetSamplerateGUI::create_objects() { ModifyTargetGUI::create_objects(text_box); } void ModifyTargetSamplerateGUI::update() { BinFolderTargetSamplerate *target = (BinFolderTargetSamplerate *)thread->target; double samplerate = target->samplerate, around = target->around; const char *cp = text_box->get_text(); char *bp = 0; scan_around(cp, bp, samplerate, around); target->update(samplerate, around); } ModifyTargetChannelsGUI::ModifyTargetChannelsGUI(ModifyTargetThread *thread) : ModifyTargetGUI(thread) { } ModifyTargetChannelsGUI::~ModifyTargetChannelsGUI() { } void ModifyTargetChannelsGUI::create_objects() { ModifyTargetGUI::create_objects(text_box); } void ModifyTargetChannelsGUI::update() { BinFolderTargetChannels *target = (BinFolderTargetChannels *)thread->target; double channels = target->channels, around = target->around; const char *cp = text_box->get_text(); char *bp = 0; scan_around(cp, bp, channels, around); target->update(channels, around); } ModifyTargetDurationGUI::ModifyTargetDurationGUI(ModifyTargetThread *thread) : ModifyTargetGUI(thread) { } ModifyTargetDurationGUI::~ModifyTargetDurationGUI() { } void ModifyTargetDurationGUI::create_objects() { ModifyTargetGUI::create_objects(text_box); } void ModifyTargetDurationGUI::update() { BinFolderTargetDuration *target = (BinFolderTargetDuration *)thread->target; int64_t duration = target->duration, around = target->around; const char *cp = text_box->get_text(); char *bp = 0; int64_t v = scan_duration(cp, bp); if( bp > cp ) { duration = v; if( *bp == '+' ) { v = scan_duration(cp=bp+1, bp); if( bp > cp ) around = v; } } target->update(duration, around); }