/* * CINELERRA * Copyright (C) 2008 Adam Williams * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA * */ #include "deleteallindexes.h" #include "edl.h" #include "edlsession.h" #include "file.h" #include "filesystem.h" #include "language.h" #include "mwindow.h" #include "preferences.h" #include "preferencesthread.h" #include "probeprefs.h" #include "interfaceprefs.h" #include "shbtnprefs.h" #include "theme.h" #define MOVE_RIPPLE_TITLE N_("All Edits (ripple)") #define MOVE_ROLL_TITLE N_("One Edit (roll)") #define MOVE_SLIP_TITLE N_("Src Only (slip)") #define MOVE_SLIDE_TITLE N_("Move Edit (slide)") #define MOVE_EDGE_TITLE N_("Drag Edge (edge)") #define MOVE_EDITS_DISABLED_TITLE N_("No effect") InterfacePrefs::InterfacePrefs(MWindow *mwindow, PreferencesWindow *pwindow) : PreferencesDialog(mwindow, pwindow) { min_db = 0; max_db = 0; shbtn_dialog = 0; file_probe_dialog = 0; // *** CONTEXT_HELP *** context_help_set_keyword("Interface"); } InterfacePrefs::~InterfacePrefs() { delete min_db; delete max_db; delete shbtn_dialog; delete file_probe_dialog; } void InterfacePrefs::create_objects() { int xs4 = xS(4), xs5 = xS(5), xs10 = xS(10), xs30 = xS(30); int ys5 = yS(5), ys10 = yS(10), ys30 = yS(30), ys35 = yS(35); BC_Resources *resources = BC_WindowBase::get_resources(); int margin = mwindow->theme->widget_border; char string[BCTEXTLEN]; int x0 = mwindow->theme->preferencesoptions_x; int y0 = mwindow->theme->preferencesoptions_y; int x = x0, y = y0; BC_Title *title; add_subwindow(title = new BC_Title(x, y, _("Editing:"), LARGEFONT, resources->text_default)); title->context_help_set_keyword("Editing section"); y += ys35; int x2 = get_w()/2, y2 = y; x = x2; add_subwindow(title = new BC_Title(x, y, _("Keyframe reticle:"))); title->context_help_set_keyword("Using Autos"); y += title->get_h() + ys5; keyframe_reticle = new KeyframeReticle(pwindow, this, x, y, &pwindow->thread->preferences->keyframe_reticle); add_subwindow(keyframe_reticle); keyframe_reticle->create_objects(); keyframe_reticle->context_help_set_keyword("Using Autos"); y += ys30; add_subwindow(title = new BC_Title(x, y, _("Snapshot path:"))); title->context_help_set_keyword("Snapshot \\/ Grabshot"); y += title->get_h() + ys5; add_subwindow(snapshot_path = new SnapshotPathText(pwindow, this, x, y, get_w()-x-xs30)); snapshot_path->context_help_set_keyword("Snapshot \\/ Grabshot"); x = x0; y = y2; add_subwindow(title = new BC_Title(x, y, _("Clicking on edit boundaries does what:"))); title->context_help_set_keyword("Using the Drag Handle with Trim"); y += title->get_h() + ys10; add_subwindow(title = new BC_Title(x, y, _("LMB Bt.1:"))); title->context_help_set_keyword("Using the Drag Handle with Trim"); int x1 = x + xS(100); ViewBehaviourText *text; add_subwindow(text = new ViewBehaviourText(x1, y - ys5, behavior_to_text(pwindow->thread->edl->session->edit_handle_mode[0]), pwindow, &(pwindow->thread->edl->session->edit_handle_mode[0]))); text->create_objects(); text->context_help_set_keyword("Using the Drag Handle with Trim"); y += ys30; add_subwindow(title = new BC_Title(x, y, _("MMB BT.2:"))); title->context_help_set_keyword("Using the Drag Handle with Trim"); add_subwindow(text = new ViewBehaviourText(x1, y - ys5, behavior_to_text(pwindow->thread->edl->session->edit_handle_mode[1]), pwindow, &(pwindow->thread->edl->session->edit_handle_mode[1]))); text->create_objects(); text->context_help_set_keyword("Using the Drag Handle with Trim"); y += ys30; add_subwindow(title = new BC_Title(x, y, _("RMB Bt.3:"))); title->context_help_set_keyword("Using the Drag Handle with Trim"); add_subwindow(text = new ViewBehaviourText(x1, y - ys5, behavior_to_text(pwindow->thread->edl->session->edit_handle_mode[2]), pwindow, &(pwindow->thread->edl->session->edit_handle_mode[2]))); text->create_objects(); text->context_help_set_keyword("Using the Drag Handle with Trim"); y += text->get_h() + ys30; x = x0; add_subwindow(new BC_Bar(xs5, y, get_w() - xs10)); y += ys5; add_subwindow(title = new BC_Title(x, y, _("Operation:"), LARGEFONT, resources->text_default)); title->context_help_set_keyword("Operation section"); int y1 = y; y += yS(15); AndroidRemote *android_remote = new AndroidRemote(pwindow, x2, y); add_subwindow(android_remote); android_remote->context_help_set_keyword("Android Remote Control"); y += android_remote->get_h() + ys10; int x3 = x2; add_subwindow(title = new BC_Title(x3, y, _("Port:"))); title->context_help_set_keyword("Android Remote Control"); x3 += title->get_w() + margin; AndroidPort *android_port = new AndroidPort(pwindow, x3, y); add_subwindow(android_port); android_port->context_help_set_keyword("Android Remote Control"); x3 += android_port->get_w() + 2*margin; add_subwindow(title = new BC_Title(x3, y, _("PIN:"))); title->context_help_set_keyword("Android Remote Control"); x3 += title->get_w() + margin; AndroidPIN *android_pin = new AndroidPIN(pwindow, x3, y); add_subwindow(android_pin); android_pin->context_help_set_keyword("Android Remote Control"); y += android_port->get_h() + 3*margin; ShBtnPrefs *shbtn_prefs = new ShBtnPrefs(pwindow, this, x2, y); add_subwindow(shbtn_prefs); shbtn_prefs->context_help_set_keyword("Menu Bar Shell Commands"); x3 = x2 + shbtn_prefs->get_w() + 2*margin; add_subwindow(reload_plugins = new PrefsReloadPlugins(pwindow, this, x3, y)); reload_plugins->context_help_set_keyword("Operation section"); y += reload_plugins->get_h() + 3*margin; add_subwindow(title = new BC_Title(x2, y, _("Nested Proxy Path:"))); title->context_help_set_keyword("Proxy"); y += title->get_h() + ys10; PrefsNestedProxyPath *nested_proxy_path = new PrefsNestedProxyPath(pwindow, this, x2, y, get_w()-x2-xs30); add_subwindow(nested_proxy_path); nested_proxy_path->context_help_set_keyword("Proxy"); y += xs30; add_subwindow(title = new BC_Title(x2, y, _("Default LV2_PATH:"))); title->context_help_set_keyword("Audio LV2 \\/ Calf Plugins"); y += title->get_h() + ys10; PrefsLV2PathText *lv2_path_text = new PrefsLV2PathText(pwindow, this, x2, y, get_w()-x2-xs30); add_subwindow(lv2_path_text); lv2_path_text->context_help_set_keyword("Audio LV2 \\/ Calf Plugins"); y += xs30; y2 = y; x = x0; y = y1 + ys35; add_subwindow(file_probes = new PrefsFileProbes(pwindow, this, x, y)); file_probes->context_help_set_keyword("Probe Order when Loading Media"); y += ys30; PrefsTrapSigSEGV *trap_segv = new PrefsTrapSigSEGV(this, x, y); add_subwindow(trap_segv); trap_segv->context_help_set_keyword("Operation section"); x1 = x + trap_segv->get_w() + xs10; add_subwindow(title = new BC_Title(x1, y, _("(must be root)"), MEDIUMFONT, RED)); title->context_help_set_keyword("Operation section"); y += ys30; PrefsTrapSigINTR *trap_intr = new PrefsTrapSigINTR(this, x, y); add_subwindow(trap_intr); trap_intr->context_help_set_keyword("Operation section"); add_subwindow(title = new BC_Title(x1, y, _("(must be root)"), MEDIUMFONT, RED)); title->context_help_set_keyword("Operation section"); y += ys30; yuv420p_dvdlace = new PrefsYUV420P_DVDlace(pwindow, this, x, y); add_subwindow(yuv420p_dvdlace); yuv420p_dvdlace->context_help_set_keyword("Dvd Interlaced Chroma"); y += ys30; add_subwindow(title = new BC_Title(x1=x, y + ys5, _("Min DB for meter:"))); title->context_help_set_keyword("Sound Level Meters Window"); x1 += title->get_w() + xs4; sprintf(string, "%d", pwindow->thread->edl->session->min_meter_db); add_subwindow(min_db = new MeterMinDB(pwindow, string, x1, y)); min_db->context_help_set_keyword("Sound Level Meters Window"); x1 += min_db->get_w() + xs4; add_subwindow(title = new BC_Title(x1, y + ys5, _("Max:"))); title->context_help_set_keyword("Sound Level Meters Window"); x1 += title->get_w() + xs4; sprintf(string, "%d", pwindow->thread->edl->session->max_meter_db); add_subwindow(max_db = new MeterMaxDB(pwindow, string, x1, y)); max_db->context_help_set_keyword("Sound Level Meters Window"); y += ys30; StillImageUseDuration *use_stduration = new StillImageUseDuration(pwindow, pwindow->thread->edl->session->si_useduration, x, y); add_subwindow(use_stduration); use_stduration->context_help_set_keyword("Working with Still Images"); x1 = x + use_stduration->get_w() + xs10; StillImageDuration *stduration = new StillImageDuration(pwindow, x1, y); add_subwindow(stduration); stduration->context_help_set_keyword("Working with Still Images"); x1 += stduration->get_w() + xs10; add_subwindow(title = new BC_Title(x1, y, _("Seconds"))); title->context_help_set_keyword("Working with Still Images"); y += ys30; PrefsAutostartLV2UI *autostart_lv2ui = new PrefsAutostartLV2UI(x, y,pwindow); add_subwindow(autostart_lv2ui); autostart_lv2ui->context_help_set_keyword("Audio LV2 \\/ Calf Plugins"); y += autostart_lv2ui->get_h() + ys10; if( y2 > y ) y = y2; x = x0; add_subwindow(new BC_Bar(xs5, y, get_w() - xs10)); y += ys5; add_subwindow(title = new BC_Title(x, y, _("Index files:"), LARGEFONT, resources->text_default)); title->context_help_set_keyword("Index Files section"); y += ys30; add_subwindow(title = new BC_Title(x, y + ys5, _("Index files go here:"), MEDIUMFONT, resources->text_default)); title->context_help_set_keyword("Index Files section"); x1 = x + xS(230); add_subwindow(ipathtext = new IndexPathText(x1, y, pwindow, pwindow->thread->preferences->index_directory)); ipathtext->context_help_set_keyword("Index Files section"); x1 += ipathtext->get_w(); add_subwindow(ipath = new BrowseButton(mwindow->theme, this, ipathtext, x1, y, pwindow->thread->preferences->index_directory, _("Index Path"), _("Select the directory for index files"), 1)); ipath->context_help_set_keyword("Index Files section"); y += ys30; add_subwindow(title = new BC_Title(x, y + ys5, _("Size of index file in KB:"), MEDIUMFONT, resources->text_default)); title->context_help_set_keyword("Index Files section"); sprintf(string, "%jd", pwindow->thread->preferences->index_size/1024); add_subwindow(isize = new IndexSize(x + xS(230), y, pwindow, string)); isize->context_help_set_keyword("Index Files section"); add_subwindow(new ScanCommercials(pwindow, xS(400),y)); y += ys30; add_subwindow(title = new BC_Title(x, y + ys5, _("Number of index files to keep:"), MEDIUMFONT, resources->text_default)); title->context_help_set_keyword("Index Files section"); sprintf(string, "%ld", (long)pwindow->thread->preferences->index_count); add_subwindow(icount = new IndexCount(x + xS(230), y, pwindow, string)); icount->context_help_set_keyword("Index Files section"); add_subwindow(del_indexes = new DeleteAllIndexes(mwindow, pwindow, xS(400), y, _("Delete existing indexes"), "[*.idx][*.toc][*.mkr]")); del_indexes->context_help_set_keyword("Index Files section"); y += ys30; add_subwindow(ffmpeg_marker_files = new IndexFFMPEGMarkerFiles(this, x, y)); ffmpeg_marker_files->context_help_set_keyword("Index Files section"); add_subwindow(del_clipngs = new DeleteAllIndexes(mwindow, pwindow, xS(400), y, _("Delete clip thumbnails"), "clip_*.png")); del_clipngs->context_help_set_keyword("Index Files section"); } const char* InterfacePrefs::behavior_to_text(int mode) { switch( mode ) { case MOVE_RIPPLE: return _(MOVE_RIPPLE_TITLE); case MOVE_ROLL: return _(MOVE_ROLL_TITLE); case MOVE_SLIP: return _(MOVE_SLIP_TITLE); case MOVE_SLIDE: return _(MOVE_SLIDE_TITLE); case MOVE_EDGE: return _(MOVE_EDGE_TITLE); case MOVE_EDITS_DISABLED: return _(MOVE_EDITS_DISABLED_TITLE); } return ""; } IndexPathText::IndexPathText(int x, int y, PreferencesWindow *pwindow, char *text) : BC_TextBox(x, y, xS(240), 1, text) { this->pwindow = pwindow; } IndexPathText::~IndexPathText() {} int IndexPathText::handle_event() { strcpy(pwindow->thread->preferences->index_directory, get_text()); return 1; } IndexSize::IndexSize(int x, int y, PreferencesWindow *pwindow, char *text) : BC_TextBox(x, y, xS(100), 1, text) { this->pwindow = pwindow; } int IndexSize::handle_event() { long result; result = atol(get_text()) * 1024; if( result < 65536 ) result = 65536; //if(result < 500000) result = 500000; pwindow->thread->preferences->index_size = result; return 0; } IndexCount::IndexCount(int x, int y, PreferencesWindow *pwindow, char *text) : BC_TextBox(x, y, 100, 1, text) { this->pwindow = pwindow; } int IndexCount::handle_event() { long result; result = atol(get_text()); if(result < 1) result = 1; pwindow->thread->preferences->index_count = result; return 0; } IndexFFMPEGMarkerFiles::IndexFFMPEGMarkerFiles(InterfacePrefs *iface_prefs, int x, int y) : BC_CheckBox(x, y, iface_prefs->pwindow->thread->preferences->ffmpeg_marker_indexes, _("build ffmpeg marker indexes")) { this->iface_prefs = iface_prefs; } IndexFFMPEGMarkerFiles::~IndexFFMPEGMarkerFiles() { } int IndexFFMPEGMarkerFiles::handle_event() { iface_prefs->pwindow->thread->preferences->ffmpeg_marker_indexes = get_value(); return 1; } ViewBehaviourText::ViewBehaviourText(int x, int y, const char *text, PreferencesWindow *pwindow, int *output) : BC_PopupMenu(x, y, xS(250), text) { this->output = output; } ViewBehaviourText::~ViewBehaviourText() { } int ViewBehaviourText::handle_event() { return 0; } void ViewBehaviourText::create_objects() { for( int mode=0; mode<=EDIT_HANDLE_MODES; ++mode ) add_item(new ViewBehaviourItem(this, InterfacePrefs::behavior_to_text(mode), mode)); } ViewBehaviourItem::ViewBehaviourItem(ViewBehaviourText *popup, const char *text, int behaviour) : BC_MenuItem(text) { this->popup = popup; this->behaviour = behaviour; } ViewBehaviourItem::~ViewBehaviourItem() { } int ViewBehaviourItem::handle_event() { popup->set_text(get_text()); *(popup->output) = behaviour; return 1; } MeterMinDB::MeterMinDB(PreferencesWindow *pwindow, char *text, int x, int y) : BC_TextBox(x, y, xS(50), 1, text) { this->pwindow = pwindow; } int MeterMinDB::handle_event() { pwindow->thread->redraw_meters = 1; pwindow->thread->edl->session->min_meter_db = atol(get_text()); return 0; } MeterMaxDB::MeterMaxDB(PreferencesWindow *pwindow, char *text, int x, int y) : BC_TextBox(x, y, xS(50), 1, text) { this->pwindow = pwindow; } int MeterMaxDB::handle_event() { pwindow->thread->redraw_meters = 1; pwindow->thread->edl->session->max_meter_db = atol(get_text()); return 0; } ScanCommercials::ScanCommercials(PreferencesWindow *pwindow, int x, int y) : BC_CheckBox(x, y, pwindow->thread->preferences->scan_commercials, _("Scan for commercials during toc build")) { this->pwindow = pwindow; // *** CONTEXT_HELP *** context_help_set_keyword("The commercial DB"); } int ScanCommercials::handle_event() { pwindow->thread->preferences->scan_commercials = get_value(); return 1; } AndroidRemote::AndroidRemote(PreferencesWindow *pwindow, int x, int y) : BC_CheckBox(x, y, pwindow->thread->preferences->android_remote, _("Android Remote Control")) { this->pwindow = pwindow; } int AndroidRemote::handle_event() { pwindow->thread->preferences->android_remote = get_value(); return 1; } AndroidPIN::AndroidPIN(PreferencesWindow *pwindow, int x, int y) : BC_TextBox(x, y, xS(180), 1, pwindow->thread->preferences->android_pin) { this->pwindow = pwindow; } int AndroidPIN::handle_event() { char *txt = pwindow->thread->preferences->android_pin; int len = sizeof(pwindow->thread->preferences->android_pin); strncpy(txt, get_text(), len); return 1; } AndroidPort::AndroidPort(PreferencesWindow *pwindow, int x, int y) : BC_TextBox(x, y, xS(72), 1, pwindow->thread->preferences->android_port) { this->pwindow = pwindow; } int AndroidPort::handle_event() { unsigned short port = atoi(get_text()); if( port < 1024 ) port = 1024; pwindow->thread->preferences->android_port = port; char str[BCSTRLEN]; sprintf(str,"%u",port); update(str); return 1; } int InterfacePrefs::start_shbtn_dialog() { if( !shbtn_dialog ) shbtn_dialog = new ShBtnEditDialog(pwindow); shbtn_dialog->start(); return 1; } ShBtnPrefs::ShBtnPrefs(PreferencesWindow *pwindow, InterfacePrefs *iface_prefs, int x, int y) : BC_GenericButton(x, y, _("Shell Commands")) { this->pwindow = pwindow; this->iface_prefs = iface_prefs; set_tooltip(_("Main Menu Shell Commands")); } int ShBtnPrefs::handle_event() { return iface_prefs->start_shbtn_dialog(); } StillImageUseDuration::StillImageUseDuration(PreferencesWindow *pwindow, int value, int x, int y) : BC_CheckBox(x, y, value, _("Import images with a duration of")) { this->pwindow = pwindow; } int StillImageUseDuration::handle_event() { pwindow->thread->edl->session->si_useduration = get_value(); return 1; } StillImageDuration::StillImageDuration(PreferencesWindow *pwindow, int x, int y) : BC_TextBox(x, y, xS(70), 1, pwindow->thread->edl->session->si_duration) { this->pwindow = pwindow; } int StillImageDuration::handle_event() { pwindow->thread->edl->session->si_duration = atof(get_text()); return 1; } HairlineItem::HairlineItem(KeyframeReticle *popup, int hairline) : BC_MenuItem(popup->hairline_to_string(hairline)) { this->popup = popup; this->hairline = hairline; } HairlineItem::~HairlineItem() { } int HairlineItem::handle_event() { popup->pwindow->thread->redraw_overlays = 1; popup->set_text(get_text()); *(popup->output) = hairline; return 1; } KeyframeReticle::KeyframeReticle(PreferencesWindow *pwindow, InterfacePrefs *iface_prefs, int x, int y, int *output) : BC_PopupMenu(x, y, xS(220), hairline_to_string(*output)) { this->pwindow = pwindow; this->iface_prefs = iface_prefs; this->output = output; } KeyframeReticle::~KeyframeReticle() { } const char *KeyframeReticle::hairline_to_string(int type) { switch( type ) { case HAIRLINE_NEVER: return _("Never"); case HAIRLINE_DRAGGING: return _("Dragging"); case HAIRLINE_ALWAYS: return _("Always"); } return _("Unknown"); } void KeyframeReticle::create_objects() { add_item(new HairlineItem(this, HAIRLINE_NEVER)); add_item(new HairlineItem(this, HAIRLINE_DRAGGING)); add_item(new HairlineItem(this, HAIRLINE_ALWAYS)); } PrefsTrapSigSEGV::PrefsTrapSigSEGV(InterfacePrefs *subwindow, int x, int y) : BC_CheckBox(x, y, subwindow->pwindow->thread->preferences->trap_sigsegv, _("trap sigSEGV")) { this->subwindow = subwindow; } PrefsTrapSigSEGV::~PrefsTrapSigSEGV() { } int PrefsTrapSigSEGV::handle_event() { subwindow->pwindow->thread->preferences->trap_sigsegv = get_value(); return 1; } PrefsTrapSigINTR::PrefsTrapSigINTR(InterfacePrefs *subwindow, int x, int y) : BC_CheckBox(x, y, subwindow->pwindow->thread->preferences->trap_sigintr, _("trap sigINT")) { this->subwindow = subwindow; } PrefsTrapSigINTR::~PrefsTrapSigINTR() { } int PrefsTrapSigINTR::handle_event() { subwindow->pwindow->thread->preferences->trap_sigintr = get_value(); return 1; } void InterfacePrefs::start_probe_dialog() { if( !file_probe_dialog ) file_probe_dialog = new FileProbeDialog(pwindow); file_probe_dialog->start(); } PrefsFileProbes::PrefsFileProbes(PreferencesWindow *pwindow, InterfacePrefs *subwindow, int x, int y) : BC_GenericButton(x, y, _("Probe Order")) { this->pwindow = pwindow; this->subwindow = subwindow; set_tooltip(_("File Open Probe Ordering")); } int PrefsFileProbes::handle_event() { subwindow->start_probe_dialog(); return 1; } PrefsYUV420P_DVDlace::PrefsYUV420P_DVDlace(PreferencesWindow *pwindow, InterfacePrefs *subwindow, int x, int y) : BC_CheckBox(x, y, pwindow->thread->preferences->dvd_yuv420p_interlace, _("Use yuv420p dvd interlace format")) { this->pwindow = pwindow; this->subwindow = subwindow; } int PrefsYUV420P_DVDlace::handle_event() { pwindow->thread->preferences->dvd_yuv420p_interlace = get_value(); return 1; } SnapshotPathText::SnapshotPathText(PreferencesWindow *pwindow, InterfacePrefs *subwindow, int x, int y, int w) : BC_TextBox(x, y, w, 1, pwindow->thread->preferences->snapshot_path) { this->pwindow = pwindow; this->subwindow = subwindow; } SnapshotPathText::~SnapshotPathText() { } int SnapshotPathText::handle_event() { strcpy(pwindow->thread->preferences->snapshot_path, get_text()); return 1; } PrefsAutostartLV2UI::PrefsAutostartLV2UI(int x, int y, PreferencesWindow *pwindow) : BC_CheckBox(x, y, pwindow->thread->preferences->autostart_lv2ui, _("Auto start lv2 gui")) { this->pwindow = pwindow; } int PrefsAutostartLV2UI::handle_event() { pwindow->thread->preferences->autostart_lv2ui = get_value(); return 1; } PrefsReloadPlugins::PrefsReloadPlugins(PreferencesWindow *pwindow, InterfacePrefs *iface_prefs, int x, int y) : BC_GenericButton(x, y, _("Reload plugin index")) { this->pwindow = pwindow; this->iface_prefs = iface_prefs; } int PrefsReloadPlugins::handle_event() { pwindow->thread->reload_plugins = 1; text_color(get_resources()->button_highlighted); draw_face(1); return 1; } PrefsLV2PathText::PrefsLV2PathText(PreferencesWindow *pwindow, InterfacePrefs *subwindow, int x, int y, int w) : BC_TextBox(x, y, w, 1, pwindow->thread->preferences->lv2_path) { this->pwindow = pwindow; this->subwindow = subwindow; } PrefsLV2PathText::~PrefsLV2PathText() { } int PrefsLV2PathText::handle_event() { strcpy(pwindow->thread->preferences->lv2_path, get_text()); return 1; } PrefsNestedProxyPath::PrefsNestedProxyPath(PreferencesWindow *pwindow, InterfacePrefs *subwindow, int x, int y, int w) : BC_TextBox(x, y, w, 1, pwindow->thread->preferences->nested_proxy_path) { this->pwindow = pwindow; this->subwindow = subwindow; } PrefsNestedProxyPath::~PrefsNestedProxyPath() { } int PrefsNestedProxyPath::handle_event() { strcpy(pwindow->thread->preferences->nested_proxy_path, get_text()); return 1; }