/* * CINELERRA * Copyright (C) 2008 Adam Williams * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA * */ #include "clip.h" #include "language.h" #include "loadmode.h" #include "mwindow.h" #include "theme.h" #define LOADMODE_LOAD_TEXT _("Load strategy:") #define LOADMODE_EDL_TEXT _("EDL strategy:") // Must match macros static const char *mode_images[] = { "loadmode_none", "loadmode_new", "loadmode_newcat", "loadmode_newtracks", "loadmode_cat", "loadmode_paste", "loadmode_resource", "loadmode_edl_clip", "loadmode_edl_nested", "loadmode_edl_fileref", }; static const char *mode_text[] = { N_("Insert nothing"), N_("Replace current project"), N_("Replace current project and concatenate tracks"), N_("Append in new tracks"), N_("Concatenate to existing tracks"), N_("Paste over selection/at insertion point"), N_("Create new resources only"), N_("EDL as Clip"), N_("EDL as Nested"), N_("EDL as Reference"), }; LoadModeItem::LoadModeItem(const char *text, int value) : BC_ListBoxItem(text) { this->value = value; } LoadModeToggle::LoadModeToggle(int x, int y, LoadMode *window, int id, int *output, const char *images, const char *tooltip) : BC_Toggle(x, y, window->mwindow->theme->get_image_set(images), *output) { this->window = window; this->id = id; this->output = output; set_tooltip(tooltip); } int LoadModeToggle::handle_event() { *output = id; window->update(); return 1; } LoadMode::LoadMode(MWindow *mwindow, BC_WindowBase *window, int x, int y, int *load_mode, int *edl_mode, int use_nothing, int line_wrap) { this->mwindow = mwindow; this->window = window; this->x = x; this->y = y; this->load_mode = load_mode; this->edl_mode = edl_mode; this->use_nothing = use_nothing; this->line_wrap = line_wrap; for( int i=0; ivalue == mode ) return load_modes[i]->get_text(); } return _("Unknown"); } void LoadMode::load_mode_geometry(BC_WindowBase *gui, Theme *theme, int use_nothing, int use_nested, int line_wrap, int *pw, int *ph) { int pad = 5; const char *load_text = LOADMODE_LOAD_TEXT; int mw = BC_Title::calculate_w(gui, load_text); int mh = BC_Title::calculate_h(gui, load_text); int ix = mw + 2*pad, iy = 0, x1 = ix; int ww = theme->loadmode_w + 24; if( mw < ww ) mw = ww; for( int i=0; iget_image_set(mode_images[i]), 0, &text_line, &w, &h, &toggle_x, &toggle_y, &text_x, &text_y, &text_w, &text_h, 0, MEDIUMFONT); if( line_wrap && ix+w > ww ) { ix = x1; iy += h+pad; } if( (ix+=w) > mw ) mw = ix; if( (h+=iy) > mh ) mh = h; ix += pad; } ix = 0; iy = mh+pad; mh = iy + BC_TextBox::calculate_h(gui, MEDIUMFONT, 1, 1); if( pw ) *pw = mw; if( ph ) *ph = mh; } int LoadMode::calculate_w(BC_WindowBase *gui, Theme *theme, int use_nothing, int use_nested, int line_wrap) { int result = 0; load_mode_geometry(gui, theme, use_nothing, use_nested, line_wrap, &result, 0); return result; } int LoadMode::calculate_h(BC_WindowBase *gui, Theme *theme, int use_nothing, int use_nested, int line_wrap) { int result = 0; load_mode_geometry(gui, theme, use_nothing, use_nested, line_wrap, 0, &result); return result; } void LoadMode::create_objects() { int pad = 5; load_title = new BC_Title(x, y, LOADMODE_LOAD_TEXT); window->add_subwindow(load_title); int mw = load_title->get_w(), mh = load_title->get_h(); int ix = mw + 2*pad, iy = 0, x1 = ix; int ww = mwindow->theme->loadmode_w + 24; if( mw < ww ) mw = ww; for( int i=0; iadd_subwindow(edl_title); ix += bmax(load_title->get_w(), edl_title->get_w()) + 2*pad; break; } load_modes.append(new LoadModeItem(_(mode_text[i]), i)); int text_line, w, h, toggle_x, toggle_y; int text_x, text_y, text_w, text_h; BC_Toggle::calculate_extents(window, mwindow->theme->get_image_set(mode_images[i]), 0, &text_line, &w, &h, &toggle_x, &toggle_y, &text_x, &text_y, &text_w, &text_h, 0, MEDIUMFONT); if( line_wrap && ix+w > ww ) { ix = x1; iy += h+pad; } mode[i] = new LoadModeToggle(x+ix, y+iy, this, i, mode_set, mode_images[i], _(mode_text[i])); window->add_subwindow(mode[i]); if( (ix+=w) > mw ) mw = ix; if( (h+=iy) > mh ) mh = h; ix += pad; } ix = xS(25); iy = mh+pad; const char *mode_text = mode_to_text(*load_mode); textbox = new BC_TextBox(x+ix, y+iy, mwindow->theme->loadmode_w-2*ix, 1, mode_text); window->add_subwindow(textbox); ix += textbox->get_w(); listbox = new LoadModeListBox(window, this, x+ix, y+iy); window->add_subwindow(listbox); mh = iy + textbox->get_h(); update(); } int LoadMode::reposition_window(int x, int y) { this->x = x; this->y = y; load_title->reposition_window(x, y); int mw = load_title->get_w(), mh = load_title->get_h(); int pad = xS(5); int ix = mw + 2*pad, iy = 0, x1 = ix; int ww = mwindow->theme->loadmode_w + xS(24); if( mw < ww ) mw = ww; for( int i=0; ireposition_window(x+ix, y+iy); ix += bmax(load_title->get_w(), edl_title->get_w()) + 2*pad; break; } int text_line, w, h, toggle_x, toggle_y; int text_x, text_y, text_w, text_h; BC_Toggle::calculate_extents(window, mwindow->theme->get_image_set(mode_images[i]), 0, &text_line, &w, &h, &toggle_x, &toggle_y, &text_x, &text_y, &text_w, &text_h, 0, MEDIUMFONT); if( line_wrap && ix+w > ww ) { ix = x1; iy += h+pad; } mode[i]->reposition_window(x+ix, y+iy); if( (ix+=w) > mw ) mw = ix; if( (h+=iy) > mh ) mh = h; ix += pad; } ix = xS(25); iy = mh+pad; textbox->reposition_window(x+ix, y+iy); ix += textbox->get_w(); listbox->reposition_window(x+ix, y+iy); return 0; } int LoadMode::get_h() { int result = 0; load_mode_geometry(window, mwindow->theme, use_nothing, edl_mode!=0, line_wrap, 0, &result); return result; } int LoadMode::get_x() { return x; } int LoadMode::get_y() { return y; } void LoadMode::update() { for( int i=0; iset_value(v); } for( int k=0; kvalue, v = 0; if( *load_mode == i ) v = 1; if( edl_mode && *edl_mode == i ) v = 1; load_modes[k]->set_selected(v); } textbox->update(mode_to_text(*load_mode)); } int LoadMode::set_line_wrap(int v) { int ret = line_wrap; line_wrap = v; return ret; } LoadModeListBox::LoadModeListBox(BC_WindowBase *window, LoadMode *loadmode, int x, int y) : BC_ListBox(x, y, loadmode->mwindow->theme->loadmode_w, yS(150), LISTBOX_TEXT, (ArrayList*)&loadmode->load_modes, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1) { this->window = window; this->loadmode = loadmode; } LoadModeListBox::~LoadModeListBox() { } int LoadModeListBox::handle_event() { LoadModeItem *item = (LoadModeItem *)get_selection(0, 0); if( !item ) return 1; int mode = item->value; if( mode < LOADMODE_EDL_CLIP ) *loadmode->load_mode = mode; else if( loadmode->edl_mode ) *loadmode->edl_mode = mode; loadmode->update(); return 1; }