Because installing software in Linux ranges from difficult to impossible we've split up the distributions into three levels of difficulty:
Development trees: virtually impossible to compile without software development experience but allow you to submit changes to the source code. These are hosted in current state of is the raw development trees. There are scripts in the development trees which automatically package it into source code and binary distributions which users can download and install in less than a month.Source code distribution: very hard to compile from scratch but doable in a single month. It's very hard to submit changes to the source code. These are hosted in
Binary distribution: No thinking involved. These are hosted on
The reason for this system is
#1 The libraries and tools are very esoteric and rapidly evolving. It would be impossible for users to manually search and install every library and tool required to install Broadcast 2000. Instead, as many libraries and tools as possible are statically built into the executables, isolating the user from the bird's nest of standard lib directories and Google searches.Enter the symbolic linking paradigm. The biggest reason users can't understand our development tree structure is that Windows is king and symbolic linking doesn't exist in Windows.#2 The libraries and tools are shared across many applications. Changes to the libraries must be propagated to the applications without involving the hairball of standard lib directories and without cp -rd'ing the libraries after every change.
#3 Some of the applications can't be distributed in the same tarball as the libraries because of patents and licenses.
When you symbolically link something, it appears in the directory just like the original file would, except it's really an illusion. Changes made to the original file appear in every symbolic link to it, as if you changed many copies of the file.
Here's the development tree you need to re-enact on your computer to do development:
./ ./libmpeg3 ./quicktime ./cinelerra ./xmovieThe first step in constructing this development tree is downloading the directories from The following files must be downloaded and decompressed:
Don't expect to compile anything useful out of this. When you compile
this tree you get executables which run where they are for testing
You compile the tree by running configure and make in each of the four directories.
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=.:$LD_LIBRARY_PATHinto your .bashrc, .bash_login, .bash_profile files and log into another Xterm. Now you can cd into a directory and run an executable.
The executables are currently:
./cinelerra/bcast/bcast2000The plugins are currently: