#include #include #include #include #include #include #include #define MX_STR 8192 // test csv ./a.out csv < data.csv // test po ./a.out po < data.po // get strings ./a.out key < xgettext.po // gen xlation ./a.out xlat < xgettext.po xlat.csv // gen xlation ./a.out xlat < xgettext.po text,xlat ... // gen xupdate ./a.out xlat < xgettext.po xlat.csv newer.csv ... newest.csv unsigned int wnext(uint8_t *&bp) { unsigned int ch = *bp++; if( ch >= 0x80 ) { static const unsigned char byts[] = { 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 3, 3, 4, 5, }; int i = ch - 0xc0; int n = i<0 ? 0 : byts[i/4]; for( i=n; --i>=0 && *bp>=0x80; ch+=*bp++ ) ch <<= 6; static const unsigned int ofs[6] = { 0x00000000U, 0x00003080U, 0x000E2080U, 0x03C82080U, 0xFA082080U, 0x82082080U }; ch = i<0 ? ch-ofs[n] : '?'; } return ch; } int wnext(uint8_t *&bp, unsigned int ch) { if( ch < 0x00000080 ) { *bp++ = ch; return 1; } int n = ch < 0x00000800 ? 2 : ch < 0x00010000 ? 3 : ch < 0x00200000 ? 4 : ch < 0x04000000 ? 5 : 6; int m = (0xff00 >> n), i = n-1; *bp++ = (ch>>(6*i)) | m; while( --i >= 0 ) *bp++ = ((ch>>(6*i)) & 0x3f) | 0x80; return n; } using namespace std; //csv = comma seperated value file #define SEP ',' static bool is_sep(int ch) { return ch == SEP; } static bool is_opnr(int ch) { if( ch == '\"' ) return true; if( ch == 0xab ) return true; if( ch == 0xbb ) return true; if( ch == 0x300c ) return true; if( ch == 0x300d ) return true; return 0; } // converts libreoffice csv to string (with quotes attached) // quote marks only static void xlat1(uint8_t *&in, uint8_t *out) { uint8_t *ibp = in, *obp = out; unsigned ch; if( (ch=wnext(in)) == '\"' ) { bool is_nested = in[0] == '\"' && in[1] == '\"'; while( (ch=wnext(in)) != 0 ) { if( ch == '\"' ) { uint8_t *bp = in; unsigned nch = wnext(in); if( nch != '\"' ) { in = bp; break; } } wnext(out, ch); } if( is_nested && ch == '"' ) { while( out > obp && *(out-1) == ' ' ) --out; } } if( ch != '"' ) { in = ibp; out = obp; while( (ch=wnext(in)) && !is_sep(ch) ) wnext(out,ch); } *out = 0; } static inline unsigned gch(uint8_t *&in) { unsigned ch = wnext(in); if( ch == '\\' ) { switch( (ch=*in++) ) { case 'a': ch = '\a'; break; case 'b': ch = '\b'; break; case 'f': ch = '\f'; break; case 'n': ch = '\n'; break; case 'r': ch = '\r'; break; case 't': ch = '\t'; break; case 'v': ch = '\v'; break; } } return ch; } // converts string (with opn/cls attached) to c string static void xlat2(uint8_t *in, uint8_t *out) { uint8_t *obp = out; unsigned lch = 0, ch = gch(in); if( ch ) { if( !is_opnr(ch) ) wnext(out, ch); while( (ch=gch(in)) != 0 ) { lch = ch; obp = out; wnext(out, ch); } if( lch && is_opnr(lch) ) out = obp; } *out = 0; } // converts c++ string to c string text static void xlat3(const char *cp, uint8_t *out) { wnext(out, '\"'); unsigned ch; uint8_t *bp = (uint8_t*)cp; while( (ch=wnext(bp)) != 0 ) { switch( ch ) { case '"': ch = '\"'; break; case '\a': ch = 'a'; break; case '\b': ch = 'b'; break; case '\f': ch = 'f'; break; case '\n': ch = 'n'; break; case '\r': ch = 'r'; break; case '\t': ch = 't'; break; case '\v': ch = 'v'; break; default: wnext(out,ch); continue; } wnext(out,'\\'); wnext(out, ch); if( ch == 'n' && *bp ) { wnext(out, '\"'); wnext(out, '\n'); wnext(out, '\"'); } } wnext(out, '\"'); wnext(out, 0); } // converts c++ string to csv string text static void xlat4(const char *cp, uint8_t *out) { wnext(out, '\"'); unsigned ch; uint8_t *bp = (uint8_t*)cp; while( (ch=wnext(bp)) != 0 ) { switch( ch ) { case '\a': ch = 'a'; break; case '\b': ch = 'b'; break; case '\f': ch = 'f'; break; case '\n': ch = 'n'; break; case '\r': ch = 'r'; break; case '\t': ch = 't'; break; case '\v': ch = 'v'; break; case '\"': wnext(out,ch); // fall thru default: wnext(out,ch); continue; } wnext(out,'\\'); wnext(out,ch); } wnext(out, '\"'); wnext(out, 0); } // parses input to c++ string static string xlat(uint8_t *&in) { uint8_t bfr[MX_STR]; bfr[0] = 0; xlat1(in, bfr); uint8_t str[MX_STR]; str[0] = 0; xlat2(bfr, str); return string((const char*)str); } class tstring : public string { public: bool ok; tstring(const char *sp, bool k) { string::assign(sp); ok = k; } }; typedef map Trans; static Trans trans; static inline bool prefix_is(uint8_t *bp, const char *cp) { return !strncmp((const char *)bp, cp, strlen(cp)); } static inline uint8_t *bgets(uint8_t *bp, int len, FILE *fp) { uint8_t *ret = (uint8_t*)fgets((char*)bp, len, fp); if( ret ) { int len = strlen((char *)bp); if( len > 0 && bp[len-1] == '\n' ) bp[len-1] = 0; } return ret; } static inline int bputs(uint8_t *bp, FILE *fp) { if( !fp ) return 0; fputs((const char*)bp, fp); fputc('\n',fp); return 1; } static inline int bput(uint8_t *bp, FILE *fp) { if( !fp ) return 0; fputs((const char*)bp, fp); return 1; } static bool goog = false; static bool nocmts = false; static inline bool is_nlin(unsigned ch, uint8_t *bp) { return ch == ' ' && bp[0] == '\\' && bp[1] == ' ' && ( bp[2] == 'n' || bp[2] == 'N' ); } static inline bool is_ccln(unsigned ch, uint8_t *bp) { return ch == ' ' && bp[0] == ':' && bp[1] == ':' && bp[2] == ' '; } static inline bool is_quot(unsigned ch, uint8_t *bp) { return ch == ' ' && bp[0] == '\\' && bp[1] == ' ' && bp[2] == '"'; } static inline bool is_colon(unsigned ch) { return ch == 0xff1a; } static inline bool is_per(unsigned ch) { if( ch == '%' ) return true; if( ch == 0xff05 ) return true; return false; } static unsigned fmt_flds = 0; enum { fmt_flg=1, fmt_wid=2, fmt_prc=4, fmt_len=8, fmt_cnv=16, }; static int is_flags(uint8_t *fp) { if( (fmt_flds & fmt_flg) != 0 ) return 0; if( !strchr("#0-+ I", *fp) ) return 0; fmt_flds |= fmt_flg; return 1; } static int is_width(uint8_t *fp) { if( (fmt_flds & fmt_wid) != 0 ) return 0; if( *fp != '*' && *fp < '0' && *fp > '9' ) return 0; fmt_flds |= fmt_wid; uint8_t *bp = fp; bool argno = *fp++ == '*'; while( *fp >= '0' && *fp <= '9' ) ++fp; if( argno && *fp++ != '$' ) return 1; return fp - bp; } static int is_prec(uint8_t *fp) { if( (fmt_flds & fmt_prc) != 0 ) return 0; if( *fp != '.' ) return 0; fmt_flds |= fmt_prc; if( *fp != '*' && *fp < '0' && *fp > '9' ) return 0; uint8_t *bp = fp; bool argno = *fp++ == '*'; while( *fp >= '0' && *fp <= '9' ) ++fp; if( argno && *fp++ != '$' ) return 1; return fp - bp; } static int is_len(uint8_t *fp) { if( (fmt_flds & fmt_len) != 0 ) return 0; if( !strchr("hlLqjzt", *fp) ) return 0; fmt_flds |= fmt_len; if( fp[0] == 'h' && fp[1] == 'h' ) return 2; if( fp[0] == 'l' && fp[1] == 'l' ) return 2; return 1; } static int is_conv(uint8_t *fp) { if( !strchr("diouxXeEfFgGaAscCSpnm", *fp) ) return 0; return 1; } static inline int fmt_spec(uint8_t *fp) { if( !*fp ) return 0; if( is_per(*fp) ) return 1; fmt_flds = 0; uint8_t *bp = fp; while( !is_conv(fp) ) { int len; if( !(len=is_flags(fp)) && !(len=is_width(fp)) && !(len=is_prec(fp)) && !(len=is_len(fp)) ) return 0; fp += len; } return fp - bp + 1; } static bool chkfmt(int no, uint8_t *ap, uint8_t *bp, uint8_t *cp) { bool ret = true; uint8_t *asp = ap, *bsp = bp; int n = 0; uint8_t *bep = bp; unsigned bpr = 0, bch = wnext(bp); for( ; bch!=0; bch=wnext(bp) ) { if( goog && is_opnr(bch) ) ++n; bep = bp; bpr = bch; } // trim solitary opnrs on ends b if( goog && ( n != 1 || !is_opnr(bpr) ) ) bep = bp; bp = bsp; bch = wnext(bp); if( goog && ( n == 1 && is_opnr(bch) ) ) bch = wnext(bp); unsigned apr = 0, ach = wnext(ap); apr = bpr = 0; while( ach != 0 && bch != 0 ) { // move to % on a while( ach != 0 && !is_per(ach) ) { apr = ach; ach = wnext(ap); } // move to % on b while( bch != 0 && !is_per(bch) ) { if( goog ) { // google xlat recoginizers if( is_nlin(bch, bp) ) { bch = '\n'; bp += 3; } else if( is_ccln(bch, bp) ) { wnext(cp, bch=':'); bp += 3; } else if( is_quot(bch, bp) ) { bch = '\"'; bp += 3; } else if( is_colon(bch) ) { bch = ':'; } } wnext(cp,bch); bpr = bch; bch = bp >= bep ? 0 : wnext(bp); } if( !ach || !bch ) break; // if % on a and % on b and is fmt_spec if( is_per(ach) && is_per(bch) && (n=fmt_spec(ap)) > 0 ) { if( apr && apr != bpr ) wnext(cp,apr); wnext(cp,ach); apr = ach; ach = wnext(ap); // copy format data from a while( ach != 0 && --n >= 0 ) { wnext(cp, ach); apr = ach; ach = wnext(ap); } bpr = bch; bch = bp >= bep ? 0 : wnext(bp); if( apr == '%' && bch == '%' ) { // copy %% format data from b bpr = bch; bch = bp >= bep ? 0 : wnext(bp); } else { // skip format data from b (ignore case) while( bch != 0 && ((bpr ^ apr) & ~('a'-'A')) ) { bpr = bch; bch = bp >= bep ? 0 : wnext(bp); } // hit eol and didn't find end of spec on b if( !bch && ((bpr ^ apr) & ~('a'-'A')) != 0 ) { fprintf(stderr, "line %d: missed spec: %s\n", no, (char*)asp); ret = false; } } } else { fprintf(stderr, "line %d: missed fmt: %s\n", no, (char*)asp); wnext(cp, bch); apr = ach; ach = wnext(ap); bpr = bch; bch = bp >= bep ? 0 : wnext(bp); ret = false; } } while( bch != 0 ) { wnext(cp, bch); bpr = bch; bch = bp >= bep ? 0 : wnext(bp); } if( apr == '\n' && bpr != '\n' ) wnext(cp,'\n'); wnext(cp, 0); return ret; } void load(FILE *afp, FILE *bfp) { int no = 0; int ins = 0, rep = 0; uint8_t inp[MX_STR]; while( bgets(inp, sizeof(inp), afp) ) { ++no; uint8_t *bp = inp; string key = xlat(bp); if( bfp ) { if( !bgets(inp, sizeof(inp), bfp) ) { fprintf(stderr,"xlat file ended early\n"); exit(1); } bp = inp; } else if( !is_sep(*bp++) ) { fprintf(stderr, "missing sep at line %d: %s", no, inp); exit(1); } string txt = xlat(bp); const char *val = (const char *)bp; uint8_t str[MX_STR]; bool ok = chkfmt(no, (uint8_t*)key.c_str(), (uint8_t*)txt.c_str(), str); val = (const char*)str; Trans::iterator it = trans.lower_bound(key); if( it == trans.end() || it->first.compare(key) ) { trans.insert(it, Trans::value_type(key, tstring(val, ok))); ++ins; } else { it->second.assign(val); it->second.ok = ok; ++rep; } } fprintf(stderr,"*** ins %d, rep %d\n", ins, rep); } void scan_po(FILE *ifp, FILE *ofp) { int no = 0; uint8_t ibfr[MX_STR], tbfr[MX_STR]; while( bgets(ibfr, sizeof(ibfr), ifp) ) { if( !prefix_is(ibfr, "msgid ") ) { if( nocmts && ibfr[0] == '#' ) continue; bputs(ibfr, ofp); ++no; continue; } uint8_t str[MX_STR]; xlat2(&ibfr[6], str); string key((const char*)str); if( !bgets(tbfr, sizeof(tbfr), ifp) ) { fprintf(stderr, "file truncated line %d: %s", no, ibfr); exit(1); } bputs(ibfr, ofp); ++no; while( tbfr[0] == '"' ) { bputs(tbfr, ofp); ++no; xlat2(&tbfr[0], str); key.append((const char*)str); if( !bgets(tbfr, sizeof(tbfr), ifp) ) { fprintf(stderr, "file truncated line %d: %s", no, ibfr); exit(1); } } if( !prefix_is(tbfr, "msgstr ") ) { fprintf(stderr, "file truncated line %d: %s", no, ibfr); exit(1); } if( !ofp ) { if( !key.size() ) continue; xlat3(key.c_str(), str); printf("%s\n", (char *)str); continue; } Trans::iterator it = trans.lower_bound(key); if( it == trans.end() || it->first.compare(key) ) { fprintf(stderr, "no trans line %d: %s\n", no, ibfr); xlat3(key.c_str(), &tbfr[7]); bputs(tbfr, ofp); ++no; bputs((uint8_t*)"#msgstr \"\"", ofp); ++no; } else if( !it->second.ok ) { fprintf(stderr, "bad fmt line %d: %s\n", no, ibfr); xlat3(it->first.c_str(), &tbfr[7]); bputs(tbfr, ofp); ++no; xlat3(it->second.c_str(), str); bput((uint8_t*)"#msgstr ", ofp); bputs(str, ofp); ++no; } else { xlat3(it->second.c_str(), &tbfr[7]); bputs(tbfr, ofp); ++no; } } if( ifp != stdin ) fclose(ifp); } void list_po(FILE *ifp, FILE *ofp, int xeqx = 0, int nnul = 0) { int no = 0; int dup = 0, nul = 0; uint8_t ibfr[MX_STR], tbfr[MX_STR]; while( bgets(ibfr, sizeof(ibfr), ifp) ) { ++no; if( !prefix_is(ibfr, "msgid ") ) continue; uint8_t str[MX_STR]; xlat2(&ibfr[6], str); string key((const char*)str); if( !bgets(tbfr, sizeof(tbfr), ifp) ) { fprintf(stderr, "file truncated line %d: %s", no, ibfr); exit(1); } ++no; while( tbfr[0] == '"' ) { xlat2(&tbfr[0], str); key.append((const char*)str); if( !bgets(tbfr, sizeof(tbfr), ifp) ) { fprintf(stderr, "file truncated line %d: %s", no, ibfr); exit(1); } ++no; } if( !prefix_is(tbfr, "msgstr ") ) { fprintf(stderr, "file truncated line %d: %s", no, ibfr); exit(1); } xlat2(&tbfr[7], str); string txt((const char*)str); while( bgets(tbfr, sizeof(tbfr), ifp) && tbfr[0] == '"' ) { xlat2(&tbfr[0], str); txt.append((const char*)str); ++no; } if( nnul && !txt.size() ) { ++nul; continue; } if( xeqx && !key.compare(txt) ) { ++dup; continue; } xlat4(key.c_str(), str); fprintf(ofp, "%s,", (char *)str); xlat4(txt.c_str(), str); fprintf(ofp, "%s\n", (char *)str); } fprintf(stderr, "*** dup %d, nul %d\n", dup, nul); } static void usage(const char *av0) { printf("test csv %s csv < data.csv\n",av0); printf("list po %s po < data.po\n",av0); printf("list po %s nodups < data.po\n",av0); printf("get strings %s key < xgettext.po\n",av0); printf("gen xlation %s xlat xgettext.po xlat.csv\n",av0); printf("gen xlation %s xlat - text,xlat ... < xgettext.po\n",av0); exit(1); } int main(int ac, char **av) { if( ac == 1 ) usage(av[0]); // if to rework google xlat output if( getenv("GOOG") ) goog = true; if( getenv("NOCMTS") ) nocmts = true; if( !strcmp(av[1],"csv") ) { // test csv load(stdin, 0); for( Trans::iterator it = trans.begin(); it!=trans.end(); ++it ) { uint8_t str[MX_STR]; xlat3(it->second.c_str(), str); printf("key = \"%s\", val = %s\n", it->first.c_str(), (char *)str); } return 0; } if( !strcmp(av[1],"nodups") ) { // test po list_po(stdin, stdout, 1, 1); return 0; } if( !strcmp(av[1],"po") ) { // test po list_po(stdin, stdout); return 0; } if( !strcmp(av[1],"key") ) { scan_po(stdin, 0); return 0; } if( ac < 3 ) usage(av[0]); FILE *ifp = !strcmp(av[2],"-") ? stdin : fopen(av[2], "r"); if( !ifp ) { perror(av[2]); exit(1); } // if( ac < 4 ) usage(av[0]); if( strcmp(av[1],"xlat") ) { fprintf(stderr,"unkn cmd: %s\n", av[1]); return 1; } for( int i=3; i or , while( k<(int)sizeof(fn) && fn[k]!=0 && fn[k]!=',' ) ++k; if( k<(int)sizeof(fn) && fn[k]==',' ) { fn[k++] = 0; bfp = fopen(&fn[k], "r"); if( !bfp ) { perror(&fn[k]); exit(1); } } FILE *afp = fopen(&fn[0], "r"); if( !afp ) { perror(&fn[0]); exit(1); } load(afp, bfp); fclose(afp); if( bfp ) fclose(bfp); } scan_po(ifp, stdout); return 0; }