// system headers #include #include #include #include // library headers #include #include // local headers #include "includes/appdir.h" #include "includes/CImg.h" #include "includes/elf_file.h" #include "includes/log.h" #include "includes/util.h" #include "includes/subprocess.h" #include "includes/copyright.h" // auto-generated headers #include "includes/excludelist.h" #include "includes/appdir_root_setup.h" using namespace linuxdeploy::core; using namespace linuxdeploy::desktopfile; using namespace linuxdeploy::core::log; using namespace cimg_library; namespace bf = boost::filesystem; namespace { // equivalent to 0644 constexpr bf::perms DEFAULT_PERMS = bf::owner_write | bf::owner_read | bf::group_read | bf::others_read; // equivalent to 0755 constexpr bf::perms EXECUTABLE_PERMS = DEFAULT_PERMS | bf::owner_exe | bf::group_exe | bf::others_exe; class CopyOperation { public: bf::path fromPath; bf::path toPath; bf::perms addedPermissions; }; typedef std::map CopyOperationsMap; /** * Stores copy operations. * This way, the storage logic does not have to be known to the using class. */ class CopyOperationsStorage { private: // using a map to make sure every target path is there only once CopyOperationsMap _storedOperations; public: CopyOperationsStorage() = default; /** * Add copy operation. * @param fromPath path to copy from * @param toPath path to copy to * @param addedPermissions permissions to add to the file's permissions */ void addOperation(const bf::path& fromPath, const bf::path& toPath, const bf::perms addedPermissions) { CopyOperation operation{fromPath, toPath, addedPermissions}; _storedOperations[fromPath] = operation; } /** * Export operations. * @return vector containing all operations (random order). */ std::vector getOperations() { std::vector operations; operations.reserve(_storedOperations.size()); for (const auto& operationsPair : _storedOperations) { operations.emplace_back(operationsPair.second); } return operations; } /** * Clear internal storage. */ void clear() { _storedOperations.clear(); } }; } namespace linuxdeploy { namespace core { namespace appdir { class AppDir::PrivateData { public: bf::path appDirPath; // store deferred operations // these can be executed by calling excuteDeferredOperations CopyOperationsStorage copyOperationsStorage; std::set stripOperations; std::map setElfRPathOperations; // stores all files that have been visited by the deploy functions, e.g., when they're blacklisted, // have been added to the deferred operations already, etc. // lookups in a single container are a lot faster than having to look up in several ones, therefore // the little amount of additional memory is worth it, considering the improved performance std::set visitedFiles; // used to automatically rename resources to improve the UX, e.g. icons std::string appName; // platform dependent implementation of copyright files deployment std::shared_ptr copyrightFilesManager; // decides whether copyright files deployment is performed bool disableCopyrightFilesDeployment = false; public: PrivateData() : copyOperationsStorage(), stripOperations(), setElfRPathOperations(), visitedFiles(), appDirPath() { copyrightFilesManager = copyright::ICopyrightFilesManager::getInstance(); }; public: // calculate library directory name for given ELF file, taking system architecture into account static std::string getLibraryDirName(const bf::path& path) { const auto systemElfClass = elf_file::ElfFile::getSystemElfClass(); const auto elfClass = elf_file::ElfFile(path).getElfClass(); std::string libDirName = "lib"; if (systemElfClass != elfClass) { if (elfClass == ELFCLASS32) libDirName += "32"; else libDirName += "64"; } return libDirName; } // actually copy file // mimics cp command behavior // also adds minimum file permissions (by default adds 0644 to existing permissions) static bool copyFile(const bf::path& from, bf::path to, bf::perms addedPerms, bool overwrite = false) { ldLog() << "Copying file" << from << "to" << to << std::endl; try { if (!to.parent_path().empty() && !bf::is_directory(to.parent_path()) && !bf::create_directories(to.parent_path())) { ldLog() << LD_ERROR << "Failed to create parent directory" << to.parent_path() << "for path" << to << std::endl; return false; } if (*(to.string().end() - 1) == '/' || bf::is_directory(to)) to /= from.filename(); if (!overwrite && bf::exists(to)) { ldLog() << LD_DEBUG << "File exists, skipping:" << to << std::endl; return true; } bf::copy_file(from, to, bf::copy_option::overwrite_if_exists); bf::permissions(to, addedPerms | bf::add_perms); } catch (const bf::filesystem_error& e) { ldLog() << LD_ERROR << "Failed to copy file" << from << "to" << to << LD_NO_SPACE << ":" << e.what() << std::endl; return false; } return true; } // create symlink static bool symlinkFile(const bf::path& target, bf::path symlink, const bool useRelativePath = true) { ldLog() << "Creating symlink for file" << target << "in/as" << symlink << std::endl; if (!useRelativePath) { ldLog() << LD_ERROR << "Not implemented" << std::endl; return false; } bf::path relativeTargetPath; // cannot use ln's --relative option any more since we want to support old distros as well // (looking at you, CentOS 6!) { auto symlinkBase = symlink; if (!bf::is_directory(symlinkBase)) symlinkBase = symlinkBase.parent_path(); relativeTargetPath = bf::relative(target, symlinkBase); } // if a directory is passed as path to create the symlink as/in, we need to complete it with // the filename of the source file to mimic ln's behavior if (bf::is_directory(symlink)) symlink /= target.filename(); // override existing target (similar to ln's -f flag) if (bf::exists(symlink)) bf::remove(symlink); // actually perform symlink creation try { bf::create_symlink(relativeTargetPath, symlink); } catch (const bf::filesystem_error& e) { ldLog() << LD_ERROR << "symlink creation failed:" << e.what() << std::endl; return false; } return true; } bool hasBeenVisitedAlready(const bf::path& path) { return visitedFiles.find(path) != visitedFiles.end(); } // execute deferred copy operations registered with the deploy* functions bool executeDeferredOperations() { bool success = true; const auto copyOperations = copyOperationsStorage.getOperations(); std::for_each(copyOperations.begin(), copyOperations.end(), [&success](const CopyOperation& operation) { if (!copyFile(operation.fromPath, operation.toPath, operation.addedPermissions)) { success = false; } }); copyOperationsStorage.clear(); if (!success) return false; if (getenv("NO_STRIP") != nullptr) { ldLog() << LD_WARNING << "$NO_STRIP environment variable detected, not stripping binaries" << std::endl; stripOperations.clear(); } else { const auto stripPath = getStripPath(); while (!stripOperations.empty()) { const auto& filePath = *(stripOperations.begin()); if (util::stringStartsWith(elf_file::ElfFile(filePath).getRPath(), "$")) { ldLog() << LD_WARNING << "Not calling strip on binary" << filePath << LD_NO_SPACE << ": rpath starts with $" << std::endl; } else { ldLog() << "Calling strip on library" << filePath << std::endl; subprocess::subprocess_env_map_t env; env.insert(std::make_pair(std::string("LC_ALL"), std::string("C"))); subprocess::subprocess proc({stripPath, filePath.string()}, env); const auto result = proc.run(); const auto& err = result.stderr_string(); if (result.exit_code() != 0 && !util::stringContains(err, "Not enough room for program headers")) { ldLog() << LD_ERROR << "Strip call failed:" << err << std::endl; success = false; } } stripOperations.erase(stripOperations.begin()); } } if (!success) return false; while (!setElfRPathOperations.empty()) { const auto& currentEntry = *(setElfRPathOperations.begin()); const auto& filePath = currentEntry.first; const auto& rpath = currentEntry.second; elf_file::ElfFile elfFile(filePath); // no need to set rpath in debug symbols files // also, patchelf crashes on such symbols if (isInDebugSymbolsLocation(filePath) || elfFile.isDebugSymbolsFile()) { ldLog() << LD_WARNING << "Not setting rpath in debug symbols file:" << filePath << std::endl; } else if (!elfFile.isDynamicallyLinked()) { ldLog() << LD_WARNING << "Not setting rpath in statically-linked file: " << filePath << std::endl; } else { ldLog() << "Setting rpath in ELF file" << filePath << "to" << rpath << std::endl; if (!elf_file::ElfFile(filePath).setRPath(rpath)) { ldLog() << LD_ERROR << "Failed to set rpath in ELF file:" << filePath << std::endl; success = false; } } setElfRPathOperations.erase(setElfRPathOperations.begin()); } return true; } // search for copyright file for file and deploy it to AppDir bool deployCopyrightFiles(const bf::path& from) { if (disableCopyrightFilesDeployment) return true; if (copyrightFilesManager == nullptr) return false; auto copyrightFiles = copyrightFilesManager->getCopyrightFilesForPath(from); if (copyrightFiles.empty()) return false; ldLog() << "Deploying copyright files for file" << from << std::endl; for (const auto& file : copyrightFiles) { std::string targetDir = file.string(); targetDir.erase(0, 1); deployFile(file, appDirPath / targetDir, DEFAULT_PERMS); } return true; } // register copy operation that will be executed later // by compiling a list of files to copy instead of just copying everything, one can ensure that // the files are touched once only // returns the full path of the deployment destination (useful if to is a directory bf::path deployFile(const bf::path& from, bf::path to, bf::perms addedPerms, bool verbose = false) { // not sure whether this is 100% bullet proof, but it simulates the cp command behavior if (to.string().back() == '/' || bf::is_directory(to)) { to /= from.filename(); } if (verbose) ldLog() << "Deploying file" << from << "to" << to << std::endl; copyOperationsStorage.addOperation(from, to, addedPerms); // mark file as visited visitedFiles.insert(from); return to; } bool deployElfDependencies(const bf::path& path) { ldLog() << "Deploying dependencies for ELF file" << path << std::endl; try { for (const auto &dependencyPath : elf_file::ElfFile(path).traceDynamicDependencies()) if (!deployLibrary(dependencyPath, false, false)) return false; } catch (const elf_file::DependencyNotFoundError& e) { ldLog() << LD_ERROR << e.what() << std::endl; return false; } return true; } static std::string getStripPath() { // by default, try to use a strip next to the makeappimage binary // if that isn't available, fall back to searching for strip in the PATH std::string stripPath = "strip"; auto binDirPath = bf::path(util::getOwnExecutablePath()).parent_path(); auto localStripPath = binDirPath / "strip"; if (bf::exists(localStripPath)) stripPath = localStripPath.string(); ldLog() << LD_DEBUG << "Using strip:" << stripPath << std::endl; return stripPath; } static std::string calculateRelativeRPath(const bf::path& originDir, const bf::path& dependencyLibrariesDir) { auto relPath = bf::relative(bf::absolute(dependencyLibrariesDir), bf::absolute(originDir)); std::string rpath = "$ORIGIN/" + relPath.string() + ":$ORIGIN"; return rpath; } bool deployLibrary(const bf::path& path, bool forceDeploy = false, bool deployDependencies = true, const bf::path& destination = bf::path()) { if (!forceDeploy && hasBeenVisitedAlready(path)) { ldLog() << LD_DEBUG << "File has been visited already:" << path << std::endl; return true; } if (!bf::exists(path)) { ldLog() << LD_ERROR << "Cannot deploy non-existing library file:" << path << std::endl; return false; } static auto isInExcludelist = [](const bf::path& fileName) { for (const auto& excludePattern : generatedExcludelist) { // simple string match is faster than using fnmatch if (excludePattern == fileName) return true; auto fnmatchResult = fnmatch(excludePattern.c_str(), fileName.string().c_str(), FNM_PATHNAME); switch (fnmatchResult) { case 0: return true; case FNM_NOMATCH: break; default: ldLog() << LD_ERROR << "fnmatch() reported error:" << fnmatchResult << std::endl; return false; } } return false; }; if (!forceDeploy && isInExcludelist(path.filename())) { ldLog() << "Skipping deployment of blacklisted library" << path << std::endl; // mark file as visited visitedFiles.insert(path); return true; } // note for self: make sure to have a trailing slash in libraryDir, otherwise copyFile won't // create a directory bf::path libraryDir = appDirPath / "usr" / (getLibraryDirName(path) + "/"); ldLog() << "Deploying shared library" << path; if (!destination.empty()) ldLog() << " (destination:" << destination << LD_NO_SPACE << ")"; ldLog() << std::endl; auto actualDestination = destination.empty() ? libraryDir : destination; // not sure whether this is 100% bullet proof, but it simulates the cp command behavior if (actualDestination.string().back() == '/' || bf::is_directory(actualDestination)) { actualDestination /= path.filename(); } // in case destinationPath is a directory, deployFile will give us the deployed file's path actualDestination = deployFile(path, actualDestination, DEFAULT_PERMS); deployCopyrightFiles(path); std::string rpath = "$ORIGIN"; if (!destination.empty()) { // destination is the place where to deploy this file // therefore, rpathDestination means std::string rpathOriginDir = destination.string(); if (destination.string().back() == '/') { rpathOriginDir = destination.string(); while (rpathOriginDir.back() == '/') rpathOriginDir.erase(rpathOriginDir.end() - 1, rpathOriginDir.end()); } else { rpathOriginDir = destination.parent_path().string(); } rpath = calculateRelativeRPath(rpathOriginDir, libraryDir); } // no need to set rpath in debug symbols files // also, patchelf crashes on such symbols if (!isInDebugSymbolsLocation(actualDestination)) { setElfRPathOperations[actualDestination] = rpath; } stripOperations.insert(actualDestination); if (!deployDependencies) return true; return deployElfDependencies(path); } bool deployExecutable(const bf::path& path, const boost::filesystem::path& destination) { if (hasBeenVisitedAlready(path)) { ldLog() << LD_DEBUG << "File has been visited already:" << path << std::endl; return true; } ldLog() << "Deploying executable" << path << std::endl; // FIXME: make executables executable auto destinationPath = destination.empty() ? appDirPath / "usr/bin/" : destination; deployFile(path, destinationPath, EXECUTABLE_PERMS); deployCopyrightFiles(path); std::string rpath = "$ORIGIN/../" + getLibraryDirName(path); if (!destination.empty()) { std::string rpathDestination = destination.string(); if (destination.string().back() == '/') { rpathDestination = destination.string(); while (rpathDestination.back() == '/') rpathDestination.erase(rpathDestination.end() - 1, rpathDestination.end()); } else { rpathDestination = destination.parent_path().string(); } auto relPath = bf::relative(bf::absolute(appDirPath) / "usr" / getLibraryDirName(path), bf::absolute(rpathDestination)); rpath = "$ORIGIN/" + relPath.string(); } setElfRPathOperations[destinationPath / path.filename()] = rpath; stripOperations.insert(destinationPath / path.filename()); if (!deployElfDependencies(path)) return false; return true; } bool deployDesktopFile(const DesktopFile& desktopFile) { if (hasBeenVisitedAlready(desktopFile.path())) { ldLog() << LD_DEBUG << "File has been visited already:" << desktopFile.path() << std::endl; return true; } if (!desktopFile.validate()) { ldLog() << LD_ERROR << "Failed to validate desktop file:" << desktopFile.path() << std::endl; } ldLog() << "Deploying desktop file" << desktopFile.path() << std::endl; deployFile(desktopFile.path(), appDirPath / "usr/share/applications/", DEFAULT_PERMS); return true; } bool deployIcon(const bf::path& path, const std::string targetFilename = "") { if (hasBeenVisitedAlready(path)) { ldLog() << LD_DEBUG << "File has been visited already:" << path << std::endl; return true; } ldLog() << "Deploying icon" << path << std::endl; std::string resolution; // if file is a vector image, use "scalable" directory if (util::strLower(path.filename().extension().string()) == ".svg") { resolution = "scalable"; } else { try { CImg image(path.c_str()); auto xRes = image.width(); auto yRes = image.height(); if (xRes != yRes) { ldLog() << LD_WARNING << "x and y resolution of icon are not equal:" << path; } resolution = std::to_string(xRes) + "x" + std::to_string(yRes); // otherwise, test resolution against "known good" values, and reject invalid ones const auto knownResolutions = {8, 16, 20, 22, 24, 28, 32, 36, 42, 48, 64, 72, 96, 128, 160, 192, 256, 384, 480, 512}; // assume invalid bool invalidXRes = true, invalidYRes = true; for (const auto res : knownResolutions) { if (xRes == res) invalidXRes = false; if (yRes == res) invalidYRes = false; } auto printIconHint = [&knownResolutions]() { std::stringstream ss; for (const auto res : knownResolutions) { ss << res << "x" << res; if (res != *(knownResolutions.end() - 1)) ss << ", "; } ldLog() << LD_ERROR << "Valid resolutions for icons are:" << ss.str() << std::endl; }; if (invalidXRes) { ldLog() << LD_ERROR << "Icon" << path << "has invalid x resolution:" << xRes << std::endl; printIconHint(); return false; } if (invalidYRes) { ldLog() << LD_ERROR << "Icon" << path << "has invalid y resolution:" << yRes << std::endl; printIconHint(); return false; } } catch (const CImgException& e) { ldLog() << LD_ERROR << "CImg error: " << e.what() << std::endl; return false; } } auto filename = path.filename().string(); // if the user wants us to automatically rename icon files, we can do so // this is useful when passing multiple icons via -i in different resolutions if (!targetFilename.empty()) { auto newFilename = targetFilename + path.extension().string(); if (newFilename != filename) { ldLog() << LD_WARNING << "Changing name of icon" << path << "to target filename" << newFilename << std::endl; filename = newFilename; } } deployFile(path, appDirPath / "usr/share/icons/hicolor" / resolution / "apps" / filename, DEFAULT_PERMS); deployCopyrightFiles(path); return true; } static bool isInDebugSymbolsLocation(const bf::path& path) { // TODO: check if there's more potential locations for debug symbol files for (const std::string& dbgSymbolsPrefix : {".debug/"}) { if (path.string().substr(0, dbgSymbolsPrefix.size()) == dbgSymbolsPrefix) return true; } return false; } }; AppDir::AppDir(const bf::path& path) { d = std::make_shared(); d->appDirPath = path; } AppDir::AppDir(const std::string& path) : AppDir(bf::path(path)) {} bool AppDir::createBasicStructure() const { std::vector dirPaths = { "usr/bin/", "usr/lib/", "usr/share/applications/", "usr/share/icons/hicolor/", }; for (const std::string& resolution : {"16x16", "32x32", "64x64", "128x128", "256x256", "scalable"}) { auto iconPath = "usr/share/icons/hicolor/" + resolution + "/apps/"; dirPaths.push_back(iconPath); } for (const auto& dirPath : dirPaths) { auto fullDirPath = d->appDirPath / dirPath; ldLog() << "Creating directory" << fullDirPath << std::endl; // skip directory if it exists if (bf::is_directory(fullDirPath)) continue; try { bf::create_directories(fullDirPath); } catch (const bf::filesystem_error&) { ldLog() << LD_ERROR << "Failed to create directory" << fullDirPath; return false; } } return true; } bool AppDir::deployLibrary(const bf::path& path, const bf::path& destination) { return d->deployLibrary(path, false, true, destination); } bool AppDir::forceDeployLibrary(const bf::path& path, const bf::path& destination) { return d->deployLibrary(path, true, true, destination); } bool AppDir::deployExecutable(const bf::path& path, const boost::filesystem::path& destination) { return d->deployExecutable(path, destination); } bool AppDir::deployDesktopFile(const DesktopFile& desktopFile) { return d->deployDesktopFile(desktopFile); } bool AppDir::deployIcon(const bf::path& path) { return d->deployIcon(path); } bool AppDir::deployIcon(const bf::path& path, const std::string& targetFilename) { return d->deployIcon(path, targetFilename); } bool AppDir::executeDeferredOperations() { return d->executeDeferredOperations(); } boost::filesystem::path AppDir::path() const { return d->appDirPath; } static std::vector listFilesInDirectory(const bf::path& path, const bool recursive = true) { std::vector foundPaths; // directory_iterators throw exceptions if the directory doesn't exist if (!bf::is_directory(path)) { ldLog() << LD_DEBUG << "No such directory:" << path << std::endl; return {}; } if (recursive) { for (bf::recursive_directory_iterator i(path); i != bf::recursive_directory_iterator(); ++i) { if (bf::is_regular_file(*i)) { foundPaths.push_back((*i).path()); } } } else { for (bf::directory_iterator i(path); i != bf::directory_iterator(); ++i) { if (bf::is_regular_file(*i)) { foundPaths.push_back((*i).path()); } } } return foundPaths; } std::vector AppDir::deployedIconPaths() const { auto icons = listFilesInDirectory(path() / "usr/share/icons/"); auto pixmaps = listFilesInDirectory(path() / "usr/share/pixmaps/", false); icons.reserve(pixmaps.size()); std::copy(pixmaps.begin(), pixmaps.end(), std::back_inserter(icons)); return icons; } std::vector AppDir::deployedExecutablePaths() const { return listFilesInDirectory(path() / "usr/bin/", false); } std::vector AppDir::deployedDesktopFiles() const { std::vector desktopFiles; auto paths = listFilesInDirectory(path() / "usr/share/applications/", false); paths.erase(std::remove_if(paths.begin(), paths.end(), [](const bf::path& path) { return path.extension() != ".desktop"; }), paths.end()); for (const auto& path : paths) { desktopFiles.emplace_back(path.string()); } return desktopFiles; } bool AppDir::setUpAppDirRoot(const DesktopFile& desktopFile, boost::filesystem::path customAppRunPath) { AppDirRootSetup setup(*this); return setup.run(desktopFile, customAppRunPath); } bf::path AppDir::deployFile(const boost::filesystem::path& from, const boost::filesystem::path& to) { return d->deployFile(from, to, DEFAULT_PERMS, true); } bool AppDir::copyFile(const bf::path& from, const bf::path& to, bool overwrite) const { return d->copyFile(from, to, DEFAULT_PERMS, overwrite); } bool AppDir::createRelativeSymlink(const bf::path& target, const bf::path& symlink) const { return d->symlinkFile(target, symlink, true); } std::vector AppDir::listExecutables() const { std::vector executables; for (const auto& file : listFilesInDirectory(path() / "usr" / "bin", false)) { // make sure it's an ELF file try { elf_file::ElfFile elfFile(file); } catch (const elf_file::ElfFileParseError&) { // FIXME: remove this workaround once the MIME check below works as intended continue; } executables.push_back(file); } return executables; } std::vector AppDir::listSharedLibraries() const { std::vector sharedLibraries; for (const auto& file : listFilesInDirectory(path() / "usr" / "lib", true)) { // exclude debug symbols if (d->isInDebugSymbolsLocation(file)) continue; // make sure it's an ELF file try { elf_file::ElfFile elfFile(file); } catch (const elf_file::ElfFileParseError&) { // FIXME: remove this workaround once the MIME check below works as intended continue; } sharedLibraries.push_back(file); } return sharedLibraries; } bool AppDir::deployDependenciesForExistingFiles() const { for (const auto& executable : listExecutables()) { if (bf::is_symlink(executable)) continue; if (!d->deployElfDependencies(executable)) return false; std::string rpath = "$ORIGIN/../" + PrivateData::getLibraryDirName(executable); d->setElfRPathOperations[executable] = rpath; } for (const auto& sharedLibrary : listSharedLibraries()) { if (bf::is_symlink(sharedLibrary)) continue; if (!d->deployElfDependencies(sharedLibrary)) return false; const auto rpath = elf_file::ElfFile(sharedLibrary).getRPath(); auto rpathList = util::split(rpath, ':'); if (std::find(rpathList.begin(), rpathList.end(), "$ORIGIN") == rpathList.end()) { rpathList.push_back("$ORIGIN"); d->setElfRPathOperations[sharedLibrary] = util::join(rpathList, ":"); } else { d->setElfRPathOperations[sharedLibrary] = rpath; } } // used to bundle dependencies of executables or libraries in the AppDir without moving them // useful e.g., for plugin systems, etc. { constexpr auto VAR_NAME = "ADDITIONAL_BIN_DIRS"; const auto additionalBinDirs = getenv(VAR_NAME); if (additionalBinDirs != nullptr) { ldLog() << LD_DEBUG << "Read value of" << VAR_NAME << LD_NO_SPACE << ":" << additionalBinDirs << std::endl; auto additionalBinaryDirs = util::split(getenv(VAR_NAME)); for (const auto& additionalBinaryDir : additionalBinaryDirs) { ldLog() << "Deploying additional executables in directory:" << additionalBinaryDir << std::endl; if (!bf::is_directory(additionalBinaryDir)) { ldLog() << LD_ERROR << "Could not find additional binary dir, skipping:" << additionalBinaryDir; } for (bf::directory_iterator it(additionalBinaryDir); it != bf::directory_iterator(); ++it) { const auto entry = *it; const auto& path = entry.path(); // can't bundle directories if (!bf::is_regular_file(entry)) { ldLog() << LD_DEBUG << "Skipping non-file directory entry:" << entry.path() << std::endl; continue; } // make sure we have an ELF file try { elf_file::ElfFile(entry.path().string()); } catch (const elf_file::ElfFileParseError& e) { ldLog() << LD_DEBUG << "Skipping non-ELF directory entry:" << entry.path() << std::endl; } ldLog() << "Deploying additional executable:" << entry.path().string() << std::endl; // bundle dependencies if (!d->deployElfDependencies(path)) return false; // set rpath correctly const auto rpathDestination = this->path() / "usr/lib"; const auto rpath = PrivateData::calculateRelativeRPath(additionalBinaryDir, rpathDestination); ldLog() << LD_DEBUG << "Calculated rpath:" << rpath << std::endl; d->setElfRPathOperations[path] = rpath; } } } } return true; } // TODO: quite similar to deployDependenciesForExistingFiles... maybe they should be merged or use each other bool AppDir::deployDependenciesOnlyForElfFile(const boost::filesystem::path& elfFilePath, bool failSilentForNonElfFile) { // preconditions: file must be an ELF one, and file must be contained in the AppDir const auto canonicalElfFilePath = bf::canonical(elfFilePath); // can't bundle directories if (!bf::is_regular_file(canonicalElfFilePath)) { ldLog() << LD_DEBUG << "Skipping non-file directory entry:" << canonicalElfFilePath << std::endl; return false; } // to do a proper prefix check, we need a proper absolute canonical path for the AppDir const auto canonicalAppDirPath = bf::canonical(this->path()); ldLog() << LD_DEBUG << "absolute canonical AppDir path:" << canonicalAppDirPath << std::endl; // a fancy way to check STL strings for prefixes is to "ab"use rfind if (canonicalElfFilePath.string().rfind(canonicalAppDirPath.string()) != 0) { ldLog() << LD_ERROR << "File" << canonicalElfFilePath << "is not contained in AppDir, its dependencies cannot be deployed into the AppDir" << std::endl; return false; } // make sure we have an ELF file try { elf_file::ElfFile(canonicalElfFilePath.string()); } catch (const elf_file::ElfFileParseError& e) { auto level = LD_ERROR; if (failSilentForNonElfFile) { level = LD_WARNING; } ldLog() << level << "Not an ELF file:" << canonicalElfFilePath << std::endl; return failSilentForNonElfFile; } // relative path makes for a nicer and more consistent log ldLog() << "Deploying dependencies for ELF file in AppDir:" << elfFilePath << std::endl; // bundle dependencies if (!d->deployElfDependencies(canonicalElfFilePath)) return false; // set rpath correctly const auto rpathDestination = this->path() / "usr/lib"; ldLog() << LD_DEBUG << "rpath destination:" << rpathDestination << std::endl; const auto rpath = PrivateData::calculateRelativeRPath(elfFilePath.parent_path(), rpathDestination); ldLog() << LD_DEBUG << "Calculated rpath:" << rpath << std::endl; d->setElfRPathOperations[canonicalElfFilePath] = rpath; return true; } void AppDir::setDisableCopyrightFilesDeployment(bool disable) { d->disableCopyrightFilesDeployment = disable; } } } }