// local headers #include "includes/util.h" #include "includes/log.h" #include "includes/appdir_root_setup.h" namespace bf = boost::filesystem; namespace linuxdeploy { using namespace desktopfile; namespace core { using namespace appdir; using namespace log; class AppDirRootSetup::Private { public: static constexpr auto APPRUN_HOOKS_DIRNAME = "apprun-hooks"; public: const AppDir& appDir; public: explicit Private(const AppDir& appDir) : appDir(appDir) {} public: static void makeFileExecutable(const bf::path& path) { bf::permissions(path, bf::perms::owner_all | bf::perms::group_read | bf::perms::others_read | bf::perms::group_exe | bf::perms::others_exe ); } public: bool deployDesktopFileAndIcon(const DesktopFile& desktopFile) const { ldLog() << "Deploying desktop file to AppDir root:" << desktopFile.path() << std::endl; // copy desktop file to root directory if (!appDir.createRelativeSymlink(desktopFile.path(), appDir.path())) { ldLog() << LD_ERROR << "Failed to create link to desktop file in AppDir root:" << desktopFile.path() << std::endl; return false; } // look for suitable icon DesktopFileEntry iconEntry; if (!desktopFile.getEntry("Desktop Entry", "Icon", iconEntry)) { ldLog() << LD_ERROR << "Icon entry missing in desktop file:" << desktopFile.path() << std::endl; return false; } bool iconDeployed = false; const auto foundIconPaths = appDir.deployedIconPaths(); if (foundIconPaths.empty()) { ldLog() << LD_ERROR << "Could not find icon executable for Icon entry:" << iconEntry.value() << std::endl; return false; } for (const auto& iconPath : foundIconPaths) { ldLog() << LD_DEBUG << "Icon found:" << iconPath << std::endl; const bool matchesFilenameWithExtension = iconPath.filename() == iconEntry.value(); if (iconPath.stem() == iconEntry.value() || matchesFilenameWithExtension) { if (matchesFilenameWithExtension) { ldLog() << LD_WARNING << "Icon= entry filename contains extension" << std::endl; } ldLog() << "Deploying icon to AppDir root:" << iconPath << std::endl; if (!appDir.createRelativeSymlink(iconPath, appDir.path())) { ldLog() << LD_ERROR << "Failed to create symlink for icon in AppDir root:" << iconPath << std::endl; return false; } iconDeployed = true; break; } } if (!iconDeployed) { ldLog() << LD_ERROR << "Could not find suitable icon for Icon entry:" << iconEntry.value() << std::endl; return false; } return true; } bool deployCustomAppRunFile(const bf::path& customAppRunPath) const { // copy custom AppRun executable ldLog() << "Deploying custom AppRun:" << customAppRunPath << std::endl; const auto appRunPath = appDir.path() / "AppRun"; if (!appDir.copyFile(customAppRunPath, appRunPath)) return false; ldLog() << "Making AppRun file executable: " << appRunPath << std::endl; makeFileExecutable(appRunPath); return true; } bool deployStandardAppRunFromDesktopFile(const DesktopFile& desktopFile, const bf::path& customAppRunPath) const { // check if there is a custom AppRun already // in that case, skip deployment of symlink if (bf::exists(appDir.path() / "AppRun")) { ldLog() << LD_WARNING << "Existing AppRun detected, skipping deployment of symlink" << std::endl; } else { // look for suitable binary to create AppRun symlink DesktopFileEntry executableEntry; if (!desktopFile.getEntry("Desktop Entry", "Exec", executableEntry)) { ldLog() << LD_ERROR << "Exec entry missing in desktop file:" << desktopFile.path() << std::endl; return false; } auto executableName = util::split(executableEntry.value())[0]; const auto foundExecutablePaths = appDir.deployedExecutablePaths(); if (foundExecutablePaths.empty()) { ldLog() << LD_ERROR << "Could not find suitable executable for Exec entry:" << executableName << std::endl; return false; } bool deployedExecutable = false; for (const auto& executablePath : foundExecutablePaths) { ldLog() << LD_DEBUG << "Executable found:" << executablePath << std::endl; if (executablePath.filename() == executableName) { ldLog() << "Deploying AppRun symlink for executable in AppDir root:" << executablePath << std::endl; if (!appDir.createRelativeSymlink(executablePath, appDir.path() / "AppRun")) { ldLog() << LD_ERROR << "Failed to create AppRun symlink for executable in AppDir root:" << executablePath << std::endl; return false; } deployedExecutable = true; break; } } if (!deployedExecutable) { ldLog() << LD_ERROR << "Could not deploy symlink for executable: could not find suitable executable for Exec entry:" << executableName << std::endl; return false; } } return true; } bool deployAppRunWrapperIfNecessary() const { const bf::path appRunPath(appDir.path() / "AppRun"); const bf::path wrappedAppRunPath(appRunPath.string() + ".wrapped"); const bf::path appRunHooksPath(appDir.path() / APPRUN_HOOKS_DIRNAME); // first, we check whether there's that special directory containing hooks if (!bf::is_directory(appRunHooksPath)) { ldLog() << LD_DEBUG << "Could not find apprun-hooks dir, no need to deploy the AppRun wrapper" << std::endl; return true; } // if there's no files in there we don't have to do anything bf::directory_iterator firstRegularFile = std::find_if( bf::directory_iterator(appRunHooksPath), bf::directory_iterator{}, [](const bf::path& p) { return bf::is_regular_file(p); } ); if (firstRegularFile == bf::directory_iterator{}) { ldLog() << LD_WARNING << "Found an empty apprun-hooks directory, assuming there is no need to deploy the AppRun wrapper" << std::endl; return true; } // any file within that directory is considered to be a script // we can't perform any validity checks, that would be way too much complexity and even tools which // claim they can, like e.g., shellcheck, aren't perfect, they only aid in avoiding bugs but cannot // prevent them completely // let's put together the wrapper script's contents std::ostringstream oss; oss << "#! /usr/bin/env bash" << std::endl << std::endl << "# autogenerated by makeappimage" << std::endl << std::endl << "# make sure errors in sourced scripts will cause this script to stop" << std::endl << "set -e" << std::endl << std::endl << "this_dir=\"$(readlink -f \"$(dirname \"$0\")\")\"" << std::endl << std::endl; std::for_each(bf::directory_iterator(appRunHooksPath), bf::directory_iterator{}, [&oss](const bf::path& p) { if (!bf::is_regular_file(p)) return; oss << "source \"$this_dir\"/" << APPRUN_HOOKS_DIRNAME << "/" << p.filename() << std::endl; }); oss << std::endl << "exec \"$this_dir\"/AppRun.wrapped \"$@\"" << std::endl; // first we need to make sure we're not running this more than once // this might cause more harm than good // we require the user to clean up the mess at first // FIXME: try to find a way how to rewrap AppRun on subsequent runs or, even better, become idempotent if (bf::exists(wrappedAppRunPath)) { ldLog() << LD_WARNING << "Already found wrapped AppRun, using existing file/symlink" << std::endl; } else { // backup original AppRun bf::rename(appRunPath, wrappedAppRunPath); } // in case the above check triggered a warning, it's possible that there is another AppRun in the AppDir // this one has to be cleaned up in that case if (bf::exists(appRunPath)) { ldLog() << LD_WARNING << "Found an AppRun file/symlink, possibly due to re-run of makeappimage, " "overwriting" << std::endl; bf::remove(appRunPath); } // install new script std::ofstream ofs(appRunPath.string()); ofs << oss.str(); // make sure data is written to disk ofs.flush(); ofs.close(); // make new file executable makeFileExecutable(appRunPath); // we're done! return true; } }; AppDirRootSetup::AppDirRootSetup(const AppDir& appDir) : d(new Private(appDir)) {} bool AppDirRootSetup::run(const DesktopFile& desktopFile, const bf::path& customAppRunPath) const { // first step that is always required is to deploy the desktop file and the corresponding icon if (!d->deployDesktopFileAndIcon(desktopFile)) { ldLog() << LD_DEBUG << "deployDesktopFileAndIcon returned false" << std::endl; return false; } // the algorithm depends on whether the user wishes to deploy their own AppRun file // in case they do, the algorithm shall deploy that file // otherwise, the standard algorithm shall be run which takes information from the desktop file to // deploy a symlink pointing to the AppImage's main binary // this allows power users to define their own AppImage initialization steps or run different binaries // based on parameters etc. if (!customAppRunPath.empty()) { if (!d->deployCustomAppRunFile(customAppRunPath)) { ldLog() << LD_DEBUG << "deployCustomAppRunFile returned false" << std::endl; return false; } } else { if (!d->deployStandardAppRunFromDesktopFile(desktopFile, customAppRunPath)) { ldLog() << LD_DEBUG << "deployStandardAppRunFromDesktopFile returned false" << std::endl; return false; } } // TODO: This code below can probably go, no plugin support anymore. // plugins might need to run some initializing code to make certain features work // these involve setting environment variables because libraries or frameworks don't support any other // way of pointing them to resources inside the AppDir instead of looking into config files in locations // inside the AppImage, etc. // the makeappimage plugin specification states that if plugins put files into a specified directory in // the AppImage, linuxdeploy will make sure they're run before running the regular AppRun if (!d->deployAppRunWrapperIfNecessary()) { ldLog() << LD_DEBUG << "deployAppRunWrapperIfNecessary returned false" << std::endl; return false; } return true; } } }