\chapter{Auxiliary Programs}% \label{cha:Auxiliary_Programs} \section{Using Ydiff to check results} \label{sec:Ydiff to check results} Delivered with Infinity Cinelerra and in the Cinelerra path, there is a file \ {}``ydiff.C''. \ This program compares the output from 2 files to see the differences . \ Do: cd cin\_path and key in ``make ydiff''. \medskip You can now use this to check the quality differences of various outputs. \ For example, in this same directory key in: \hspace{2em}./ydiff /tmp/yourfile.mp4 /tmp/yourfile.mp4 \medskip Since you are comparing a file to itself, you will see a clean looking white window in the left-hand corner and columns 2,3,4 will be all zeros. \ Run this same command with a 3rd spacing parameter of {}-1 as shown below, and you will see artifacts of comparing 2 files starting in a different position. \medskip \hspace{2em}./ydiff /tmp/yourfile.mp4 /tmp/yourfile.mp4 -1 \medskip Now render yourfile using different quality levels and run ydiff to compare the 2 results. \ You will see only noise difference which accounts for the quality level. \ Columns 2,3,4 might no longer be exactly zero but will represent only noise differences. \ The ydiff output is debug data with lines that show frame size in bytes, sum of error, and sum of absolute value of error. \ The frames size is sort of useless, the sum of error shows frame gray point drift and the abs error is the total linear color error between the images. \ At the very end is the total gray point drift and total absolute error on the last line. { % uses braces to localize caption alignment changes. \begin{figure} \captionsetup{justification=raggedright,singlelinecheck=false} \includegraphics[width=0.4\linewidth]{ydiff_same.png} \caption{Exact match} \vspace{-9cm} \hspace{0.4\linewidth} \captionsetup{justification=raggedleft,singlelinecheck=false} \includegraphics[width=0.4\linewidth]{ydiff_change.png} \caption{{\textquotedbl}giraffe{\textquotedbl} artifacts on 2 files spaced differently} \end{figure} } \clearpage \section{Image Sequence Creation} \label{sec:Image Sequence Creation} Example script to create a jpeglist sequence file is next: \medskip \begin{lstlisting}[numbers=none] #!/bin/bash out="$1" dir=`dirname "$out"` shift geom=`jpegtopnm "$1" | head -2 | tail -1` w=`(set - $geom; echo $1)` h=`(set - $geom; echo $2)` exec > $out echo "JPEGLIST" echo "# First line is always JPEGLIST" echo "# Frame rate:" echo "29.970030" echo "# Width:" echo "$w" echo "# Height:" echo "$h" echo "# List of image files follows" while [ $# -gt 0 ]; do if [ x`dirname "$1"` = x"$dir" ]; then f=./`basename "$1"`; else f="$1"; fi echo "$f" shift done \end{lstlisting} \medskip Example usage of this script follows: \medskip \ \ \ \ \ jpeglist.sh outfile infiles*.jpg \medskip \section{Webm / Vp9 Usage and Example File (credit Frederic Roenitz)} \label{sec:Webm / Vp9 Usage and Example File} There are some common VP9 rendering options files that support creation of video for YouTube, Dailymotion, and other online video services. \ Webm / VP9 \ is a media file format which is free to use under the BSD license and is open-source; thus there are no licensing issues to be concerned about. \ The Webm container is based on Matroska for video and Opus for audio. \medskip Youtube easy startup steps are documented in the Appendix (\ref{sec:youtube_with_cinelerra}). \ These same steps have been verified to work for creating Dailymotion videos -- however, the created files must be renamed before uploading to change the youtube extension to webm instead for Dailymotion. {}- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - \medskip Below is one of the VP9 rendering options file with documentation for specifics: \medskip webm libvpx-vp9 \medskip \# 20171114-2203 \# from https://developers.google.com/media/vp9/settings/vod/ \# 1280x720 (24, 25 or 30 frames per second) \# \# \# Bitrate (bit rate) \# \# VP9 supports several different bitrate modes: \# mode \# Constant Quantizer (Q) \ \ Allows you to specify a fixed quantizer value; bitrate will vary \# Constrained Quality (CQ) Allows you to set a maximum quality level. Quality may vary within bitrate parameters \# Variable Bitrate (VBR) \ \ Balances quality and bitrate over time within constraints on bitrate \# Constant Bitrate (CBR) \ \ Attempts to keep the bitrate fairly constant while quality varies \# \# CQ mode is recommended for file-based video (as opposed to live \# streaming). The following FFMpeg command-line parameters are used \# for CQ mode: \# \# FFMpeg \# -b:v {\textless}arg{\textgreater} \ \ \ \ \ Sets target bitrate (e.g. 500k) \# -minrate {\textless}arg{\textgreater} Sets minimum bitrate. \# -maxrate {\textless}arg{\textgreater} Sets maximum bitrate. \# -crf {\textless}arg{\textgreater} Sets maximum quality level. Valid values are 0-63, lower numbers are higher quality. \# \# Note: Bitrate is specified in kbps, or kilobits per second. In video \# compression a kilobit is generally assumed to be 1000 bits (not \# 1024). \# \# Note: Other codecs in FFMpeg accept the -crf parameter but may \# interpret the value differently. If you are using -crf with other \# codecs you will likely use different values for VP9. bitrate=1024k minrate=512k maxrate=1485k crf=32 \medskip \# Tiling splits the video into rectangular regions, which allows \# multi-threading for encoding and decoding. The number of tiles is \# always a power of two. 0=1 tile, 1=2, 2=4, 3=8, 4=16, 5=32. tile-columns=2 \medskip \# modified from https://trac.ffmpeg.org/wiki/EncodingForStreamingSites \# To use a 2 second GOP (Group of Pictures), simply multiply your output \# frame rate * 2. For example, if your input is -framerate 30, then use \# -g 60. g=240 \medskip \# number of threads to use during encoding. threads=8 \medskip \# May be set to good, best, or realtime quality=good \medskip \# This parameter has different meanings depending upon whether quality \# is set to good or realtime. Speed settings 0-4 apply for VoD in good \# and best, with 0 being the highest quality and 4 being the \# lowest. Realtime valid values are 5-8; lower numbers mean higher \# quality \medskip speed=4 \section{Details about .bcast5 Files} \label{sec:Details about .bcast5 Files} \medskip The following extensions of files in Cinelerra's .bcast5 directory are explained below. % Labeling requires a parameter with the longest word of the labels. \begin{labeling}{ladspa\_plugins{\dots}} \item [.dat] represent saved ``data'' for perpertual sessions and color palettes; maybe others \item [.idx] original ``index'' files that were created for loaded video to speed up seeking \item [.mkr] ffmpeg specific ``marker'' index file that is created for each video to aid seeks \item [.rc] rc stands for ``run commands'' so basically represents a script \item [.toc] toc is ``table of contents'' file for MPEG video files (a type of index) \item [Cinelerra\_plugins] a list of the currently loaded plugins available in your Cinelerra session \item [Cinelerra\_rc] the user's preferences and settings are saved in this file to be used on startup \item [ladspa\_plugins{\dots}] list of currently loaded ladspa plugins for each version of Cinelerra being used \item [layout\#...\_rc] user-defined window layout setup with the layout name as part of the file name \item [.xml] used for various backups or for the current settings of plugins that you have used \item [.png] thumbnails of files in Resources so they do not have to be created over and over \end{labeling}