\chapter{DVD and Bluray Creation}% \label{cha:dvd_bluray_creation} \index{DVD} \index{BluRay} This section describes how to create a blu-ray DVD, or \textcolor{red}{BD} referring to a \textcolor{red}{B}lu-ray \textcolor{red}{D}VD, and a regular DVD, or \textcolor{red}{SD} referring to a \textcolor{red}{S}tandard \textcolor{red}{D}VD. The DVDs (plural usage of DVD means either BD or SD) created are unencrypted, unlike commercially available movie DVDs. This \CGG{} version conceivably can create different variations of DVD/Blu-ray media but for the casual user the most standard usages are readily usable and will be described here. Some preliminary information follows. For NTSC, SD media is almost always $720\times480$ interlaced (the format in the United States, US). For PAL, SD media is almost always $720\times576$ interlaced (Europe, EU, and most of the world). An SD can conceivably be created with a lower resolution – for example $352\times240$ MPEG-1 -- but it is not useful. Aspect ratio for either NTSC or PAL can be $4:3$ or $16:9$. Frames per seconds is usually $29.97$ for NTSC and $25$ fps for PAL. The standard SD dvd generally uses the MPEG-2 program stream with a filename extension of \texttt{m2v}. BD blu-ray media is not normally interlaced, but you can leave it interlaced. Blu-ray uses the MPEG transport stream which contains 1 or more program streams with a default filename extension of \texttt{m2ts}. Requirements for creating DVDs is the hardware device to write the media on and, obviously, the blank media for either BD or SD. When generating SD media, you will have to install \textit{dvdauthor} and for BD media, install \textit{udftools} if they are not on your system. Also, keep in mind that to mount filesystems for creating files and to burn DVDs, you will have to be root since you have to have privileges, unless special permissions have been provided for a non-root user. It is also highly recommended to run the \CGG{} startup from a terminal window, instead of the icon, in order to see informative messages of how to actually write the output (at prompt: keyin \texttt{bd\_(or dvd\_)} \item Load your media, format if needed, note device name to substitute for \textit{} or \textit{} \begin{itemize} \item If rewritable blu-ray, use \\ \texttt{dd if=./bd.udfs of=/dev/ bs=2048000} \\ Note: unwritten media must be quickly formatted one time using: \\ \texttt{dvd+rw-format /dev/bd} \item If write-once blu-ray, use \\ \texttt{growisofs -dvd-compat -Z /dev/=./bd.udfs} \item If any DVD media, use \\ \texttt{growisofs -dvd-compat -Z /dev/ -dvd-video ./iso} \end{itemize} \end{enumerate} Any problems encountered will require that you read more information in this section to include specific details, helpful hints, and problem resolution. \paragraph{Details and specific explanations} to create blu-ray or regular DVD are provided here. It is very advantageous to startup \CGG{} from the command line prompt instead of the icon. Also, please be root or your hard work will be lost when the automount is issued and fails for bluray udfs mounting. The general design of the DVD/blu-ray generation operations is to first render media using batch rendering and then terminate \CGG{} to start a script which creates the target device filesystem data. These scripts are the \texttt{dvd.sh} and \texttt{bd.sh} scripts written into the target directory. For DVD, the general plan is to write a directory \texttt{/iso} with the dvd filesystem via \textit{dvdauthor} and then generate an iso9660 filesystem and write it to a dvd via \textit{growisofs}. For blu-ray, the filesystem generation is slightly harder. First, it creates an empty filesystem image \texttt{/bd.udfs} using \textit{mkudffs} which makes a big hole for the filesystem data. The hole is made just a little bigger than the data written by \textit{bdwrite} so that you don't have to write an entire $25GB$ or $50GB$ disc even if no data exists. The actual calculation for the mkudffs size is yourfile.m2ts size-in-bytes/2048 + 4096. This empty filesystem is loopback mounted to make it writable, and the linux kernel manages the filesystem image. The bdwrite program applies the blu-ray structure to the UDF filesystem by creating the needed BDMV blu-ray filesystem, which the kernel stores onto the image file \texttt{bd.udfs}. When udfs is unmounted, the kernel finalizes the disk image on bd.udfs. The bd.udfs image can be written directly to a blu-ray disk via \textit{dd} or \textit{growisofs}. NOTE of IMPORTANCE: there is a serious situation with the interaction between the Operating System (OS) and bdwrite when creating blu-ray, that requires automount to be turned off. The blu-ray automatic script unmounts the blu-ray/UDF filesystem but the system has not finalized the directories so the OS creates a new loop file device and the data is loaded and cached for use by the new loop but it is stale. Consequences is that not all of the data is written where it should be. The solution is for the OS not to mount this second mount so we have to make sure it doesn't. There are 2 methods to fix this. The first and easiest is by using the following command to disable automount: \begin{lstlisting}[style=sh] gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.media-handling automount false \end{lstlisting} This can be reversed when you have completed the blu-ray generation via: \begin{lstlisting}[style=sh] gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.media-handling automount true \end{lstlisting} A different and more complicated method you can use to turn off automount is to download and install the \textit{dconf-editor}. Automount is a system parameter and only needs to be done once unless you do not want automounts to always be disabled. \begin{enumerate} \item run: \textit{dconf-editor} \item select: \texttt{org $\rightarrow$ gnome $\rightarrow$ desktop $\rightarrow$ applications $\rightarrow$ media-handling} \item uncheck: \textit{automount} \item close \textit{dconf-editor} window \end{enumerate} Immediately below are the detailed steps with explanations for creating SD or BD media. \textit{Step 1}: Construct a session with the desired presentation: \begin{itemize} \item Format frame rates choices are $29.97$ or $25$ for SD, based on the user's timezone, with NTSC 29.97/US or PAL 25 /EU. For BD, the media input will be analyzed to automatically pick the default format or if unknown, the user's timezone will be used to default to $1920/29.97i$ for US or $1920/25i$ for EU. Be sure to set the rendering parameters in the \texttt{settings $\rightarrow$ format} menu. \item Choose audio stereo or 5.1, again depending on your media. \item Target Geometry will be $720\times480$ (US) or $720\times576$ (EU) for SD. \end{itemize} \textit{Step 2}: From the main window, select \texttt{file $\rightarrow$ BD Render} or select \texttt{file $\rightarrow$ DVD Render} (figure~\ref{fig:bluray_dvd}). Then: \begin{figure}[htpb] \centering \begin{minipage}[h]{0.49\linewidth} \center{\includegraphics[width=0.99\linewidth]{bluray01.png}} \\ BluRay (scale pulldown) \end{minipage} \begin{minipage}[h]{0.49\linewidth} \center{\includegraphics[width=0.99\linewidth]{dvd01.png}} \\ DVD (format pulldown) \end{minipage} \caption{BD Render and DVD Render} \label{fig:bluray_dvd} \end{figure} (Note: both the BD and the DVD windows above, show insufficient space, \textit{disk space:} in red) \begin{itemize} \item Select desired features, check/un-check as appropriate. \item Click OK check button. It is very important to realize that when you check OK, the EDL will be saved and that will be used for batch job rendering. If you bring up the Batch Render and then change some parameters, they will not take effect UNLESS you remember to either check \textit{Save to EDL Path} or \textit{Use Current EDL} in the Batch Render window. You will get a reminder automatically if \textit{warn if jobs/session mismatched} is checked. \end{itemize} Explanation of the choice boxes as seen in figure~\ref{fig:bluray_dvd} for both SD and BD menus is given below. Many of them are plugins which allow you to further manipulate the settings for best results. They are just suggestions set by the program automatically based on your input media, and can be reset to suit your needs. These are listed in the next 4 points. \begin{enumerate} \item If the media does not match the DVD target geometry, and the scale plugin is not already in use, then the \textit{scale} plugin is applied with scaling set to fit the media dimensions to the DVD format target geometry. \item If the video height is at least twice the DVD height and the input media is interlaced, then the \textit{deinterlace} plugin is applied with odd line sampling. \item \textit{Audio 5.1} will automatically be set to the wide-audio if you have 6 tracks of audio. \item To allow video data to be accessible and overlay properly, the track buffers are \textit{resized} to the largest track frame size in use (\textit{Resize Tracks}). The theory behind this is to make sure to have enough memory to cover the entire presentation for transcoding. \end{enumerate} \noindent All of the current choice boxes are further defined immediately following. \begin{description} \item[Deinterlace] remove the interlace. Interlacing is a video scanning system in which alternating lines are transmitted so that half a picture is displayed each time the scanning beam moves down the screen. You lose a lot and the quality is bad when you view interlacing on a progressive TV. You might not really want to use deinterlace, because if you deinterlace non-interlaced media, it will look awful. \item[Scale] alter the spatial mapping of an image to increase or reduce the size; modifies the picture. When some programs scale from $4:3$ to $16:9$ they will automatically cut off the appropriate section of the image for you. It is necessary to keep in mind, that \textit{square pixels} is the true end goal of scaling, not the aspect ratio which could result in squished or stretched output. More information about scaling will be provided on a subsequent page with usage of the \textit{Scale Ratio} plugin. \item[Profile] for bluray only, use the default bluray.m2ts or choose bluray\_lpcm.m2ts for linear pulse code modulation for digitally encoding uncompressed audio information. \item[use tsmuxer] for bluray only, to use tsMuxer as a transport stream muxer for remuxing/muxing elementary streams, check this box. Usage of tsmuxer requires that your computer have the tsmuxer software installed along with any of its prerequisites. The default is do not use tsmuxer. \item[Histogram] remaps the color space. The color space ranges from $0-255$ for 8-bit color values. You can use this tool to remap the color space to use the entire space or for stretching the contrast. Also, it lets you perform global color-correction on the image. You can use this to correct for color screens that are \textit{too blue}, or for color Televisions that produce \textit{brownish} output, or whatever. In addition to color-correction, you can use the RGB modification tool to add color to images that didn't have color to begin with. For instance, you can \textit{pseudo-color} greyscale media. \item[Inverse Telecine] the reverse of $3:2$ pulldown where frames, which were duplicated to create 60-fields/second video from 24-frames/second film, are removed. MPEG-2 video encoders usually apply an inverse Telecine process to convert 60-fields/second video into 24-frames/second encoded video. The encoder adds information enabling the decoder to recreate the 60-fields/second display rate. \textit{Telecine}, i.e. $3:2$ pulldown, is used to transfer film to video. That's where the $3:2$ ratio comes in. To ensure that there will consistently be 60 frames per second, the first frame is displayed on the TV screen 3 times and the second frame is displayed 2 times. The following frame is repeated 3 times, the next one 2 times, etc. throughout the film. For inverse telecine, you show 2 of the film frames for 3 of output frames. Only check \textit{Inverse Telecine} if you have film or something that is $24fps$ and want to project to $30fps$ (most likely this will never be necessary). \item[Audio 5.1] 6 channel surround sound. For most home systems, uses five full bandwidth channels and one low-frequency effects channel. Could automatically get set as explained previously. \item[Aspect Ratio] aspect ratio may be automatically set to $4:3$ or $16:9$. Aspect ratio would better be defined as the size of the display, monitor, or TV which will be used to view the output. If you measure your old TV, which supposedly is $4:3$ and your latest digital TV, which is supposedly $16:9$, you will see that those ratios aren't always correct anyway. Then measure your laptop monitor, your desktop monitor, and your neighbor's, and lo and behold, the ratios don't fit either of the purported \textit{standard} aspect ratio. Maintaining square pixels via scaling is more important in the long run. \item[Use FFMPEG] this is user's choice; it is recommended and faster but more difficult to modify due to numerous options. For blu-ray, ffmpeg must be used and is not an available option. \item[Resize Tracks] change track width and height as explained previously. The size is adjusted to the largest frame size needed. \item[Chapters at Labels] for DVDs without this checked, chapter markers are automatically inserted every 5 minutes. The chapter labels can then be \textit{skipped to} when playing the DVD. If instead, you want to put labels in at opportune times, you will have to run dvdauthor outside of \CGG{} and mark the chapter labels yourself by hand. In that case, you should check the box \textit{Chapters at Labels} so that the automatic 5-minute labels are not created. This checkbox is not currently available for blu-ray, but you can easily create chapters on blu-ray by adding '-c timeinterval in ticks' as the first argument to bdwrite in the bd.sh job generated by “BD Render” and then executing that job manually. On 1 test computer 100 ticks equalled 20 seconds. When "use tsmuxer" option is included, there is by default a chapter every 5 minutes. This can be customized by modifying the bd.meta file associated with your current job, changing the '--auto-chapters=5' to your choice in minutes instead of 5, and then rerunning the pertinent lines seen in your window. \end{description} \begin{figure}[htpb] \centering \includegraphics[width=1.0\linewidth]{dvd02.png} \caption{check Deinterlace; Histogram and Resize Tracks} \label{fig:dvd02} \end{figure} Figure~\ref{fig:dvd02} shows on the upper right side the \textit{Create DVD} window with Deinterlace, Histogram and Resize Tracks checked. Also Scale is set to Scaled. Once the green checkmark is clicked, the \textit{Batch Render} window comes up and in the main window you will see the 3 plugins below the video track on the main window. By clicking on the magnifying glass that appears on the rightmost side, the controls for each will popup and you can make any necessary adjustments. Note the numerous choices for Deinterlace; the Value, Red, Green, and Blue for color adjustments in the Histogram window; and Scale Ratio popup menu for numerical settings control. The \texttt{Scale} parameter gives you a lot of flexibility. A default based on your input media is provided for you but possible choices are None, Scaled, Cropped, Filled, Horiz Edge, and Vert Edge. You will have the opportunity to manipulate the desired results in the \textit{Scale Ratio} window. Values for W (width), H (height), and X/Y coordinates are the number of pixels. For example, if video is $720\times432$, that is obviously 720 pixels by 432 pixels and this would be the values for Dst W and for Dst H. So if you have some media that is off center you can crop by changing the SRC Y value AND then change DST X/Y to non-zero. It will become the output origin. To see what it does, change them from $0.0$ to $400.0$ and you will see big changes in the compositor window. For example, if you have the Cropped choice for the Scale, you will want to manipulate the \textit{ScaleRatio} plugin (the magnifying glass on the main window video track) which brings up the Scale window. For cropped top instead of crop both top and bottom, modify the \textit{Src Y}. As you change the Y scale, you will see the cropping take place in the Compositor. Scaling options are provided in order to preserve image aspect ratio. To determine which scaling option to use, it is important to correctly identify your source/destination video aspect ratios. Next is a short explanation of possible options. \begin{description} \item[None] do not do any scaling. The destination output matches the source input. There is no resizing. \item[Scaled] do not use uniform scaling on X and Y. Just make it fit and you will might end up with squishing/stretching in one direction or the other in order to do that. This happens when the input aspect ratio is different than that displayed on the output. \item[Cropped] removes outer edges of a source image in order to fit the image on the output display. This is done in order to maintain uniform geometry scale on the destination display without being affected by the particular factor of original media aspect ratio. Since cropping omits image area, and the areas which you wish to view may not be viewed when the image is centered, you can pan the image source using the Src X/Y to modify which area is in view. You can also think of this as \textit{scaled up}. \item[Filled] the entire output display will be filled with image content but in order to do so, some of the image may have had to be cut. Any mismatch between the two will be filled with black. Centering of the image can be modified by using the Dest X/Y variables in the Scale Ratio controls. You can also think of this as \textit{scaled down}. \item[Horiz Edge] this indicates preserving of the Horizontal edge. \item[Vert Edge] this option preserves the Vertical edge. \end{description} Horizontal and Vertical are duplicates or restatement of same functionality as Cropped or Filled but are provided as options to accommodate different ways of thinking. In any case, you can choose which outer edges of the image to crop by using the \textit{Show Controls} of the Scale Ratio plugin. For example, you can ensure that no \textit{action} is lost by displaying the center of the screen only or making sure that any textual information on the bottom is not lost by cutting only the top off. \textit{Step 3}: Batch render menu appears with \texttt{m2ts} format selected for blu-ray or \texttt{dvd} format selected for regular/standard DVD when File Format selected is ffmpeg in the previous \textit{Create DVD} menu. It will work just fine without selecting ffmpeg for DVD and may be advantageous not to. Using the audio/video wrench tools (you will have to have the video batch job highlighted to manipulate the video or audio batch job for audio). \begin{itemize} \item Setup the audio bitrate ($192000$ recommended). Data rate is $192K$ default. \item Setup the video bitrate ($6000000 - 12000000$ recommended). $10Mb/sec$ is the current default. \item Click OK check button. \end{itemize} The default bitrate is the largest value possible. The actual \textit{target} bitrate is calculated based on a formula from the blu-ray/DVD code. It divides the media size (in bits) by the video time (in seconds) to find the bitrate that will \textit{just fit} on the target media. This could create a weird bitrate if the media is large, and the video time is small, so the default/target bitrate is limited to $10Mb/s$.Batch jobs are then built and appended to the job list. Once these batch jobs are built, if you make any changes, you have to start over. You will see listed the batch jobs that are created to perform the rendering/tasks -- 2 jobs for blu-ray, one for audio/video processing and one for the scripts. There will be 3 batch jobs created for DVD when not using ffmpeg to include one each for audio and video and then one more for the scripts. When you click on \texttt{start}, it fires off those jobs and you will see the rendering main window progress bar in the bottom corner reflecting the fact that it is currently processing. Be aware that the \CGG{} program will be totally shutdown AFTER the batch jobs finish. Figure~\ref{fig:dvd-batch01} for DVD and Figure~\ref{fig:dvd-batch02} for BD show creation renders with batch jobs queued up and ready to be started. Note that because it is not ffmpeg, the processing of video is done separately from audio. If you need to modify the video tracks, which you can see is ghosted out, you need to highlight the first batch job listed. Be sure to highlight the first batch job before pressing Start so it runs all of the jobs and be sure the X for job enabled is set. \begin{figure}[htpb] \centering \includegraphics[width=1.0\linewidth]{dvd-batch01.png} \caption{Batch render for DVD creation} \label{fig:dvd-batch01} \end{figure} % \vspace{-4ex} \begin{figure}[htpb] \centering \includegraphics[width=1.0\linewidth]{dvd-batch02.png} \caption{Batch render for BD creation} \label{fig:dvd-batch02} \end{figure} When you click on \textit{start}, it fires off those jobs and you will see the rendering main window progress bar in the bottom corner reflecting the fact that it is currently processing. Be aware that the \CGG{} program will be \textbf{totally shutdown after the batch jobs finish} and you will be at the command line prompt. This will produce a new directory in your target path which contains a filesystem image file. For example: \\ \texttt{//bd\_(or dvd\_)/} \\ Directory and file names should not be changed at this time because the scripts and programs rely on the given names in order to proceed. You can change them later for your own purposes. If bluray to test the filesystem you just created, use the command line interface; loopback mount the filesystem image which was generated in the target directory. For example if blu-ray: \begin{lstlisting}[style=sh] cd //bd_(or dvd_)/ mount -o loop,ro ./bd.udfs ./udfs #check the media using a compatible media rendering tool like ffplay umount ./udfs... \end{lstlisting} To burn blu-ray media you will need to run from the command line interface. In the examples below, \texttt{/dev/bd} represents your blu-ray writer device (for example: \texttt{/dev/sr1}) and \texttt{/dev/dvd} represents your dvd writer device (for example: \texttt{/dev/sr0}). \subsubsection*{Blu-ray Media} \label{ssub:bluray_media} \index{BluRay} For rewritable blu-ray (recommended) (BD-RE): Note: new or previously unwritten media must be formatted first using: \begin{lstlisting}[style=sh] dvd+rw-format /dev/bd #only done once and does not take very long \end{lstlisting} To write or rewrite rewritable blu-ray media: \begin{lstlisting}[style=sh] cd //bd_(or dvd_)/ dd if=./bd.udfs of=/dev/bd bs=2048000 #the growisofs command below also works \end{lstlisting} To write blu-ray write-once media: (BD-R) (no pre-formatting needed): \begin{lstlisting}[style=sh] cd //bd_(or dvd_)/ growisofs -dvd-compat -Z /dev/bd=./bd.udfs \end{lstlisting} \subsubsection*{DVD Media} \label{ssub:dvd_media} \index{DVD} For rewritable DVD (DVD+RW): Note: unwritten media must be formatted first using: \begin{lstlisting}[style=sh] dvd+rw-format /dev/dvd #only done once and does not take very long \end{lstlisting} To write a DVD, load blank media and run the following from the command line (requires dvdauthor): \begin{lstlisting}[style=sh] cd //bd_(or dvd_)/ growisofs -dvd-compat -Z /dev/dvd -dvd-video ./iso \end{lstlisting} Figure~\ref{fig:dvd-batch03} shows the availability of 4:2 :2 for a Batch Render seen by clicking on wrench icon. \begin{figure}[htpb] \centering \includegraphics[width=0.99\linewidth]{dvd-batch03.png} \caption{Video options for bluray yuv422p} \label{fig:dvd-batch03} \end{figure} Figure~\ref{fig:dvd-batch04} shows the availability of 10-bit high quality 4:2 :2 for a Batch Render seen by clicking on wrench icon. You need specially compiled \CGG{} in order to use the x265 10-bit as opposed to 8-bit. \begin{figure}[htpb] \centering \includegraphics[width=0.99\linewidth]{dvd-batch04.png} \caption{Video options for bluray yuv422p10} \label{fig:dvd-batch04} \end{figure} \section{Output Terminal Messages from Creating DVDs}% \label{sec:output_terminal_messages_dvd} Below are examples of what the batch jobs generate and you will see on the terminal screen if you started the \CGG{} program in the recommended manner from a terminal window. It is just informational but will let you know if errors. In looking at any of the output, you can safely ignore the errors that read \textit{Unsupported codec with id 100357 for input stream 0} -- this comes from \textit{nav-data} (navigation data). The first 2 examples are seen from running the batch jobs; the last 2 are from the single line execution which records the media output to the DVD hardware. \subsubsection*{SD Example: Partial Output during \CGG{} run} \label{ssub:sd_example_partial_output} \index{DVD!partial output messages run} \begin{lstlisting}[style=sh] ... FFMPEG::open_decoder: some stream times estimated Render::render_single: Session finished. FFMPEG::open_decoder: some stream times estimated Render::render_single: Session finished. running /tmp/dvd_20160407-113530/dvd.sh 1 /tmp/dvd_20160407-113530 INFO: [mplex] mplex version 2.1.0 (2.2.7 $Date: 2012/11/17 01:55:16 $) INFO: [mplex] File /tmp/dvd_20160407-113530/dvd.m2v looks like an MPEG Video stream. . . . INFO: [mplex] MUX STATUS: no under-runs detected. DVDAuthor::dvdauthor, version 0.7.1. Build options: gnugetopt graphicsmagick iconv freetype fribidi fontconfig Send bug reports to INFO: default video format is NTSC INFO: dvdauthor creating VTS STAT: Picking VTS 01 STAT: Processing /tmp/dvd_20160407-113530/dvd.mpg... STAT: VOBU 32 at 15MB, 1 PGCs INFO: Video pts = 0.133 .. 22.789 INFO: Audio[0] pts = 0.133 .. 22.789 STAT: VOBU 46 at 21MB, 1 PGCs CHAPTERS: VTS[1/1] 0.000 INFO: Generating VTS with the following video attributes: INFO: MPEG version: mpeg2 INFO: TV standard: ntsc INFO: Aspect ratio: 16:9 INFO: Resolution: 720x480 INFO: Audio ch 0 format: ac3/6ch, 48khz drc, 'en' STAT: fixed 46 VOBUs INFO: dvdauthor creating table of contents INFO: Scanning /tmp/dvd_20160407-113530/iso/VIDEO_TS/VTS_01_0.IFO To burn dvd, load blank media and run: growisofs -dvd-compat -Z /dev/dvd -dvd-video /tmp/dvd_20160407-113530/iso \end{lstlisting} \subsubsection*{BD Example: Partial Output during \CGG{} run} \label{ssub:bd_example_partial_output} \index{BluRay!partial output messages run} \begin{lstlisting}[style=sh] ... FFMPEG::open_decoder: some stream times estimated Render::render_single: Session finished. + PATH=/usr/lib64/ccache:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/root/bin:/mnt0/build5/cinelerra-5.1/bin + mkdir -p /tmp/bd_20161224-162059/udfs ++ du -sb /tmp/bd_20161224-162059/bd.m2ts ++ sed -e 's/[ ].*//' + sz=19811904 + blks=13769 + mkudffs /tmp/bd_20161224-162059/bd.udfs 13769 start=0, blocks=16, type=RESERVED start=16, blocks=3, type=VRS start=19, blocks=237, type=USPACE start=256, blocks=1, type=ANCHOR start=257, blocks=16, type=PVDS start=273, blocks=1, type=LVID start=274, blocks=13238, type=PSPACE start=13512, blocks=1, type=ANCHOR start=13513, blocks=239, type=USPACE start=13752, blocks=16, type=RVDS start=13768, blocks=1, type=ANCHOR + mount -o loop /tmp/bd_20161224-162059/bd.udfs /tmp/bd_20161224-162059/udfs + bdwrite /tmp/bd_20161224-162059/udfs /tmp/bd_20161224-162059/bd.m2ts + umount /tmp/bd_20161224-162059/udfs + echo To burn bluray, load writable media and run: To burn bluray, load writable media and run: + echo for WORM: growisofs -dvd-compat -Z /dev/bd=/tmp/bd_20161224-162059/bd.udfs for WORM: growisofs -dvd-compat -Z /dev/bd=/tmp/bd_20161224-162059/bd.udfs + echo for RW: dd if=/tmp/bd_20161224-162059/bd.udfs of=/dev/bd bs=2048000 for RW: dd if=/tmp/bd_20161224-162059/bd.udfs of=/dev/bd bs=2048000 \end{lstlisting} \subsubsection*{SD Example – Partial Output during writing disc media} \label{ssub:sd_example_partial_output_writing} \index{DVD!partial output messages writing} \begin{lstlisting}[style=sh] growisofs -dvd-compat -Z /dev/sr0 -dvd-video /tmp/dvd_20161224-160756/iso WARNING: /dev/sr0 already carries isofs! About to execute 'mkisofs -dvd-video /tmp/dvd_20161224-160756/iso | builtin_dd of=/dev/sr0 obs=32k seek=0' I: -input-charset not specified, using utf-8 (detected in locale settings) 75.62% done, estimate finish Sat Dec 24 16:09:51 2016 Total translation table size: 0 Total rockridge attributes bytes: 0 Total directory bytes: 4096 Path table size(bytes): 42 Max brk space used 1a000 6624 extents written (12 MB) /dev/sr0: "Current Write Speed" is 4.1x1352KBps. builtin_dd: 6624*2KB out @ average 0.7x1352KBps /dev/sr0: flushing cache # \end{lstlisting} \subsubsection*{BD Example – Partial Output during writing disc media} \label{ssub:bd_example_partial_output_writing} \index{BluRay!partial output messages writing} \begin{lstlisting}[style=sh] growisofs -dvd-compat -Z /dev/sr0=/tmp/bd_20161224-155658/bd.udfs Executing 'builtin_dd if=/tmp/bd_20161224-155658/bd.udfs of=/dev/sr0 obs=32k seek=0' /dev/sr0: "Current Write Speed" is 2.0x4390KBps. 1605632/24524800 ( 6.5%) @0.0x, remaining 1:39 RBU 100.0% UBU 0.0% 1605632/24524800 ( 6.5%) @0.0x, remaining 2:22 RBU 100.0% UBU 100.0% 1605632/24524800 ( 6.5%) @0.0x, remaining 3:05 RBU 100.0% UBU 100.0% 5865472/24524800 (23.9%) @0.3x, remaining 0:54 RBU 100.0% UBU 33.3% 11829248/24524800 (48.2%) @0.4x, remaining 0:21 RBU 75.8% UBU 37.5% 17858560/24524800 (72.8%) @0.4x, remaining 0:08 RBU 39.8% UBU 79.2% 23789568/24524800 (97.0%) @0.4x, remaining 0:00 RBU 4.5% UBU 4.2% builtin_dd: 11984*2KB out @ average 0.2x4390KBps /dev/sr0: flushing cache \end{lstlisting} \section{Debugging DVDs Creation}% \label{sec:debugging_dvd_creation} \index{DVD!debugging} \index{BluRay!debugging} This section contains helpful hints, how to initially check the results, and some information on determining what might have gone wrong and how to address it. \begin{enumerate} \item For first time users, taking the defaults seem to work very well when running as root. \item You may want to use rewritable media to see how it goes before using permanent media. \item Until you are familiar with the procedure, start with shorter input in order not to waste time. \item Test the generated output with a compatible media rendering tool before burning DVDs. \item Check the list of files and file sizes after the batch jobs are complete before burning DVDs. \end{enumerate} For blu-ray creation, \texttt{cd /workpath/bd\_date-time} directory and look for similar files: \texttt{bd.jobs \quad bd.m2ts \quad bd.sh \quad bd.udfs \quad bd.xml} \texttt{udfs} directory which is used as a loopback mount point Note that the size of \textit{bd.udfs} should be larger than \texttt{bd.m2ts} because this is the final file which is actually going to be written to the disc media. It contains contents of \texttt{bd.m2ts} and all of the required disc structure. For DVD creation, \texttt{cd /workpath/dvd\_date-time} directory and look for similar files: \texttt{dvd.ac3 \quad dvd.jobs \quad dvd.m2v \quad dvd.mpg \quad dvd.sh \quad dvd.xml}\\ \texttt{iso} directory with VIDEO\_TS and AUDIO\_TS subdirectories of non-zero size. Note that there will be no files in the actual AUDIO\_TS directory. \begin{enumerate}[start=6] \item The \texttt{bd.sh} and \texttt{dvd.sh} files are script files that you can carefully run manually from some start point to determine where the failure occurred. You must BE CAREFUL and know what you are doing and what directory you are in because dvd.sh contains an \texttt{rm} command and will delete files. The script takes a command line parameter of the directory where the file was rendered to and which is usually the directory where dvd.sh or bd.sh was created. \item There is also a file in the same directory, called bd.jobs. It was the information that was used in creating the batch jobs and may be helpful in determining what parameters were actually used if there are any resulting problems. With enough background knowledge, you can make changes and rerun. \item For blu-ray check to make sure you do not have any spurious loopback disks mounted that may interfere with the correct generation. Use the df command to check this and then the umount command to unmount these. Also, check to make sure you have used the gsettings command to disable automount. \item For blu-ray loopback mount the \texttt{/bd.udfs} image, and see if it has the BDMV filesystem written to it, and in particular a subdirectory named STREAM. Look at the results in \texttt{./udfs} and check for the stream file which should exist in \texttt{./udfs/BDMV/STREAM/00000.m2ts} and should have the same size as \texttt{./bd.m2ts}. \begin{lstlisting}[style=sh] mount -o loop /bd.udfs /udfs ls -lR /udfs du -sc /udfs umount /udfs \end{lstlisting} \end{enumerate} \subsubsection*{Checklist for Troubleshooting} \label{ssub:checklist_troubleshooting} \index{DVD!troubleshooting} \index{BluRay!troubleshooting} \begin{itemize} \item Are you logged in as root? This is required in order to loopback mount files for bluray and to write media on \texttt{/dev/hardware}. See section \hyperref[sec:bluray_workaround_mount_umount]{13.7} for a workaround for normal user mode. \item Did you startup \CGG{} from a terminal window so you can see informative messages? \item Is udftools installed for BD and dvdauthor installed for SD? \item Do you have loopback not enabled for bluray? At least temporarily, disable automount via: \begin{lstlisting}[style=sh] gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.media-handling automount false \end{lstlisting} \item Did you have sufficient disk space for working/writing files? In the \textit{Create} window, the \textit{disk space} will be displayed in green if sufficient, but in red if less than what fits on the disc media. \item Did you use \texttt{/tmp} as the work device, then rebooted the computer, which deleted files on \texttt{/tmp}? \item If the input media is interlaced, did you check the Deinterlace option to eliminate interlacing? \item Did you change the output name in the \textit{Batch Render} window after the batch jobs were already created? These filenames have already been written to disk. If you want to change either the Title or the \textit{Work\_path}, you have to start over. \item Have you selected a Title in the Create window that is a directory that already exists? The program attempts to create that directory and will give you an error message if it exists. \item Did you replace the \texttt{/dev/bd} or \texttt{/dev/dvd} on the command line with your hardware device name? \item If a warning was issued in the Create BD/SD window of \textit{* non-standard format} and your bluray reader could not play the disc, did you change to a standard format instead? \item Did you correctly interpret the frame rate if using interlaced format to be $\frac{1}{2}$ due to interlacing? \end{itemize} \section{DVD-Subtitles}% \label{sec:dvd_subtitles} \index{DVD!subtitles} \CGG{} supports the .udvd format of DVDs, so you can create subtitles on the timeline and then save them as .udvd files. For how the subtitle tool works see: \nameref{sec:subtitles} The subtitle format for Blu-Ray is PGS with a .sup extension which CinGG does not support. It is an image format (also 3D) so it can be created, converted and extracted only via specific OCR. You can use external programs like ffmpeg; SubTitle Editor; MKVToolNix; etc. \section{Dvd Interlaced Chroma}% \label{sec:dvd_interlaced_chroma} \index{DVD!yuv420p interlace mode} \CGG{} uses 4:4:4 colorspace to edit, so it is necessary to convert interlaced 4:2:0 video to 4:4:4. But you can run into problems, referred to as the \textit{chroma bug}, which you see in DVD media displayed on higher resolution monitors -- streaks or spiky horizontal lines are visible in the chroma channel, especially on diagonal edges. The Chroma Bug is specific to MPEG and 4:2:0 encoding. Now you can use the \textit{YUV420P DVD Interlace Mode} when rendering DV directly to mpeg2 through a yuv4mpeg stream and when using video effects on HDV video. With this option enabled, improved chroma results will be obtained from your DV or HDV source. Editing DV or HDV and rendering it back to the same format does not require any special handling. In order to perform colorspace conversions correctly in \CGG{} and avoid Chroma errors for interlaced 4:2:0 video, check the box as follows: \texttt{Settings $\rightarrow$ Preferences, Interface tab, Operation section, Use yuv420p dvd interlace format} This option maintains the interlacing in Chroma sample addressing, which ordinarily would be deleted because the upsampling of interlaced chroma fields is normally done using a progressive algorithm. With this mode enabled, the MPEG decoder uses a different algorithm for interlaced frames so that the 4:2:0 format chroma interlacing is preserved. \section{MPEG utility programs}% \label{sec:mpeg_utility_programs} There are 2 utility programs that come in handy when dealing with DVD media for creating or reading previously written DVDs. \paragraph{zmpeg3cc2txt} convert closed captioning data to subtitle data. This program can be used to scan captured broadcast data streams and convert the closed captioning text data into subtitle track data. The result can be used to add subtitles to DVDs created from the captured media using the text collected from the closed captioning. usage: \begin{lstlisting}[style=sh] ./zmpeg3cc2txt [-c cc_service ] [-s start:length, ...] [ -t track ] [-v verbose ] [-w wdw mask ] [-x file.xml ] [-o file.udvd ] file.ts \end{lstlisting} \begin{center} \begin{tabular}{lcl} cc\_service&=&closed caption service id\\ start:length&=&start:length frames (comma separated list)\\ track&=&video track number\\ verbose&=&verbose level\\ wdw mask&=&bit mask for windows (-1 = all)\\ file.xml&=&filename for edl xml format subtitle data\\ file.udvd&=&filename for udvd format subtitle data\\ file.ts&=&filename for transport stream\\ \end{tabular} \end{center} To use this program, the input file must be a transport stream (broadcast video) which contains closed captioning services. The service id defaults to one, and the default video track is zero. Either \texttt{-o} or \texttt{-x} must be specified to indicate the output file format desired. If the output file name is a '-' then stdout is selected as the output file. For example: \begin{lstlisting}[style=sh] zmpeg3cc2txt -o - /dvb_data/channel5.ts \end{lstlisting} \paragraph{zmpeg3ifochk} check DVD \texttt{ifo} file for usable features. For some time, DVD manufacturers have been employing a variety of measures to make reading a DVD difficult on a computer. One technique which is widely deployed is to add a bunch of extra program data, so that correct playback is only likely if you can read the DVD virtual machine data and decode a maze of program data to find the undamaged stream definitions. Only a few streams are created which are machine usable, and dozens are created as decoy streams. The decoy streams fail or introduce errors. This program scans the IFO (info file) playlists and verifies the contents of the stream that does not contain obvious damage. The result is a list of program ids which can be entered into the playback preferences to select a program which qualifies. \section{Creating Blu-ray Without Re-encoding}% \label{sec:bluray_without_reencoding} \index{BluRay!without re-encoding} \index{BluRay!camcorders} \index{BluRay!AVCHD} If you have video that is already in Blu-ray format AND you do not want to use \CGG{} to do any editing, you can create blu-ray video media using Cinelerra's \textit{bdwrite} program. This could be the case if you are working with media from a modern Digital Camcorder. Camcorders usually record in a legacy tape-based format or the current file-based format. The most common digital camcorder formats and whether or not they need to be re-encoded are: \begin{itemize} \item DV (1995) to SD-blu-ray video - process in \CGG{} using the File pulldown of BD Render as previously described or use programs documented in their manuals to re-encode video to mpeg2 and then re-encode DV LPCM audio to Blu-ray LPCM. \item HDV (2004) to blu-ray video - process in \CGG{} using the File pulldown of BD Render as previously described or use programs documented in their manuals to copy mpeg2 video and then re-encode MP2 audio to Blu-ray LPCM or AC3. \item AVCHD (2006-current) to blu-ray video; these are the types of videos that do not have to be re-encoded if you do not want to edit anything. \end{itemize} For an explanation of the differences between HDV vs AVCHD see: {\small \url{http://www.differencebetween.net/technology/difference-between-hdv-and-avchd}} Besides digital camcorder file-based format of AVCHD, there are video files in MTS format that are also candidates for burning to blu-ray video media without re-encoding. An MTS file is a video file saved in the high-definition (HD) MPEG Transport Stream video format/H264, commonly called \textit{AVCHD}. It contains HD video compatible with Blu-ray video disc format and is based on the MPEG-2 transport stream. MTS files are often used by Sony, Panasonic, Canon and other HD camcorders. Legal input for Video -- MPEG1VIDEO, MPEG2VIDEO, H264; Audio -- MP1, MP2, AC3, AC3PLUS, DTS, TRUHD. For creating a blu-ray video disc, if you have these HD MPEG-2 media types that are in blu-ray video format, you can save the original quality of your work, rather than rendering it to another format. Note that for older media or media which used MP1 or MP2 audio codecs which will not work on blu-ray video discs, it may be necessary to first transcode the audio while leaving video intact. An example of the transcode line to use if using ffmpeg version 5.1 or higher is shown next. If using a lower ffmpeg version substitute ac3 for pcm\_bluray: \begin{lstlisting}[numbers=none] ffmpeg -i hdv -c:v copy -c:a pcm_bluray -mpegts_m2ts_mode 1 new_hdv.mts \end{lstlisting} Follow the next 2 sets of steps to create the blu-ray video disc. \begin{lstlisting}[style=sh] du -sb /yourHDVfile.MTS # Determine the size of your file in bytes. blocks=((size-in-bytes/2048 + 4096)) # Convert bytes into blocks + a little more. mkudffs -b 2048 /tmp/newfilename.udfs blocks # Create a file with that \# of blocks + some extra. mount -o loop /tmp/newfilename.udfs /mntX # Use a mount point like mntX that is not in use. \end{lstlisting} In order to create the udfs file, you will need access to Cinelerra's \textit{bdwrite} program. If you do not do your own build and compile, but use the AppImage instead, you will have to first extract \textit{bdwrite} from the AppImage as described in the NOTE at \ref{sub:managing_appimage}. \begin{lstlisting}[style=sh] //bin/bdwrite /mntX /tmp/yourHDVfile.MTS # Substitute \CGG{} path. umount /mntX # You must unmount the udfs filesystem growisofs -Z /dev/bd=/tmp/newfilename.udfs # Replace /dev/bd with your bluray hardware device. OR dd if=/tmp/newfilename.udfs of=/dev/bd bs=2048000 # if using rewritable blu-ray; replace bd. \end{lstlisting} \section{Blu-ray Workaround for Mount/Umount}% \label{sec:bluray_workaround_mount_umount} Creating BD images to be written to media requires usage of \textit{mount} and \textit{umount} which typically can only be done by the root user due to security. If you want to avoid running \CGG{} as root, you can implement a workaround by adding a line in \texttt{/etc/fstab} (must be root to edit the file initially) and by creating a directory in your home area, called \textit{bluray}. You only have to do this once unless you upgrade the Operating System and it wipes out the line in \texttt{/etc/fsta}b. Now the \CGG{} program will automatically do the mount and umount for you each time you execute BD Render and you can run as an ordinary user. The line to add to \texttt{/etc/fstab} will look something like the following, assuming your username is \textit{name} and your groupid may be \textit{users} or \textit{name}. If you do an \texttt{ls -l} in your home directory, the $3^{rd}$ and $4^{th}$ fields shown will be your uid or name and gid or groupid which you must substitute in the line below. \begin{lstlisting}[style=sh] /home/name/image /home/name/bluray udf noauto,loop,rw,user,uid=name,gid=groupid 0 0 \end{lstlisting} Also, be sure to do a \texttt{mkdir bluray} in your \texttt{/home/name} directory as this is a requirement (owned by you; uid=gid=name). When the actual image to be written to disc media is created, it will first d any current \texttt{/home/name/image} file. Warning – make sure you do not already have a file called \textit{image} that you want to save as it will be automatically deleted every time you initiate a BD Render. So you will want to burn a bluray disc after \CGG{} creates the \textit{image} since it will written over on the next rendition. The actual writing to your bluray burner (something like \texttt{/dev/sr0}) is done outside of \CGG{} at a terminal prompt and requires root privilege usually. You can either use \textit{sudo} for 1 line or create user wheel group to get around this. \section{Blu-ray from Multiple \CGG{} Output}% \label{sec:bluray_multiple_cinelerra_output} \index{BluRay!multiple output} Writing prepared multiple \CGG{} output files, \texttt{bd.m2ts}, to a single bluray video disc is relatively easy to do but is not done automatically. You can render all of the desired files via the Create BD menu, save each individual \texttt{bd.m2ts} file with a unique name, construct a Menu Title that reflects the contents of each of these files, then manually use a few commands to create a udfs file to be written to blu-ray video media. If using AppImage, you will have to first extract the \textit{bdwrite} program as explained in the NOTE at \ref{sub:managing_appimage}. You can use any other software program that works instead. Usage of the final preparation taken from the bdwrite program comments: \begin{lstlisting}[style=sh] ./bdwrite ... == - | -- | --- may be empty string, or a numeric pgm_pid for current title clip defaults to first pgm probed == ... \end{lstlisting} One title is built for each playlist; playlist-0 is used as first-play item. The separators (\texttt{} represented by the dash character) have unique roles. The double “$--$” means stop after playing, and the triple “$---$” means pause. For example: \begin{lstlisting}[style=sh] ./bdwrite /tmp/dir /path/menu_titles.m2ts --- /path/clip0.m2ts -- /path/clip1.m2ts -- /path/clip2.m2ts \end{lstlisting} The basic idea is to use playlist-0 as a menu or directions to use the bluray player remote control to select the desired Title and start the play, avoiding the need for a menu system. Planning in advance to get the desired results is necessary. The following steps provide an outline to get started. \begin{enumerate} \item Create all of the \texttt{bd.m2ts} files that you want to put on the Bluray. \item Using \CGG{}, design your Title page using a few seconds of video and the \textit{Title} plugin. \item Use BD Create to render your short Title video. \item Next is the most complicated part which is to run \texttt{mkudffs} with a sufficient amount of disk space to hold all of the \texttt{bd.m2ts} files \textit{plus a little more!} To calculate this, you can record the sizes from having run BD Create mkudffs. This number is displayed on the terminal screen when using the command line interface each time and add them together. Or recalculate the size of each \texttt{bd.m2ts} using the formula below and adding them all together. This is the number of blocks used to make a bluray image space for bdwrite to use. For many files, this could require a huge amount of space, so check first. \begin{lstlisting}[style=sh] Total size = File0 size in bytes / 2048 + 4094 "+" File1 size in bytes / 2048 + 4094 "+" ... \end{lstlisting} Now create the image file via: \texttt{mkudffs image } where image or udfs is the image name. \item Loop mount the disk image (refer to Section \hyperref[sec:bluray_workaround_mount_umount]{13.7}). \item Then actually write your multiple bd.m2ts type files onto the \textit{image} where \texttt{} is the location of the \CGG{} binary \textit{bdwrite} file and \texttt{} is your directory path. Below is a single line that wrapped around with 4 Titles. \begin{lstlisting}[style=sh] /bin/bdwrite image /menu_titles.m2ts --- //bd1.m2ts -- //bd2.m2ts -- //bd3.m2ts -- /bd4.m2ts \end{lstlisting} Note that the 3 dashes after the \texttt{menu\_titles.m2ts} lets the bluray player know to \textit{pause} after playing the few seconds video which contains the index to the rest of the files. The 2 dashes after each of the \texttt{bd.m2ts} signify \textit{stop}. That is when you will have to use your remote to \textit{Search Titles} in order to play the next one you want to see. In addition, if for some reason you just want to \textit{play all}, you will have to add another line to the Title menu as a choice and list all of the 4 files in a row at the end of your bdwrite line without any dashes in between. \item Umount the loopback disk. \item Use your favorite \textit{dd} or \textit{growisofs} tool to write to a formatted bluray disc. \end{enumerate} Figure~\ref{fig:dvd-title} demonstrates an example of setting up a Title menu on a 5 second video. There is a list of 4 menu title options that can be searched via remote control using the Title search option for your player. \begin{figure}[htpb] \centering \includegraphics[width=0.9\linewidth]{dvd-title.png} \caption{Title menu for DVD/BD} \label{fig:dvd-title} \end{figure} \section{Use Case: DVD}% \label{sec:use_case_dvd} Example of Video Source with 4:3 Aspect Ratio, Being Transcribed to 16:9 and Creating a DVD to be Displayed on a Digital TV. Illustrated steps to take source input with 4:3 aspect ratio and convert to 16:9, with the bottom of the image being cropped in order to preserve top of video so nobody's head gets cut off are provided here. \begin{enumerate} \item In order to write to a DVD writer hardware device, you must be \textit{root}!! \item Start \CGG{} to bring up the 4 usual screens with main track canvas in the lower left corner. \item Load media via the pulldown \texttt{File $\rightarrow$ Load files}\dots by choosing the directory path with the desired file. \item Bring up the \textit{Create DVD} window using \texttt{File $\rightarrow$ DVD Render}. \item Choose Format: PAL or NTSC with 16x9 aspect ratio for today's digital TV as in below screenshot. figure~\ref{fig:dvd-000}. \end{enumerate} \begin{figure}[htpb] \centering \includegraphics[width=0.7\linewidth]{dvd01.png} \caption{Choose NTSC or PAL for DVD creation} \label{fig:dvd-000} \end{figure} \begin{enumerate}[start=6] \item Modify the \textit{Work path:} parameter to a disk that has sufficient disk space and you will see the amount of disk space in green letters (\texttt{/tmp} is default, but is often deleted so may be a bad choice). \item Note that in the following screenshot, Scale of \textit{Cropped} has been chosen (figure~\ref{fig:dvd03}). \end{enumerate} \begin{figure}[htpb] \centering \includegraphics[width=0.8\linewidth]{dvd03.png} \caption{Set Scale Ratio to Cropped} \label{fig:dvd03} \end{figure} \begin{enumerate}[start=8] \item Click the green checkmark on the bottom left side of the window to close it and proceed. \item Now the \textit{Batch Render} window will appear along with the Scale Ratio brown-colored line below the video in the main track canvas as seen in the screenshot below. Note that in this screenshot the top right most corner of the shot displays the bottom portion of the Compositor window. \item Next, right mouse click the gold-colored magnifying glass, which is on the right hand side of the brown-colored line. This will bring up the Scale Ratio window that you can see below. Note in the Compositor window, the blue legs are only showing up to the knees. \end{enumerate} With the \textit{Scale Ratio} plugin you can manipulate your video so that it will look the way you want it on a different output Display device. In this case we are going to create a DVD for playing on a Digital TV screen. In figure~\ref{fig:scaleratio}, the left side shows the Input Ratio, Width, and Height of input. The top right half shows desired output values. In this particular case, the input was a YouTube video which was not quite $4:3$ aspect ratio. \begin{figure}[htpb] \centering \includegraphics[width=0.6\linewidth]{scaleratio.png} \caption{Scale Ratio plugin} \label{fig:scaleratio1} \end{figure} Left and right sides of the bottom portion show the Source and the Destination X, Y, W, H values. As you change the values on the left side, you can see how this will affect the output as you observe the results in the compositor window. For example, as you change the values for SrcY in a \textit{cropped} Scale scenario, you see up/down movement. Keep in mind that the monitor you are using is NOT the intended output display device -- your digital TV is, which most likely will have different looking aspect/pixels, etc. \begin{enumerate}[start=11] \item In order to \textit{crop} the bottom of the video in order to preserve all of the image on the top, modify the Src Y value on the bottom of the left hand side in the Scale Ratio plugin. Src Y which was $21$ has now been changed to $-18$. You will see in the Compositor window how the bottom dark colored border is now gone so that none of the top portion which contains the Bunny's head will be chopped off. Compare figure~\ref{fig:dvd04} to figure~\ref{fig:dvd03} and note the Bunny's head. \end{enumerate} \begin{figure}[htpb] \centering \includegraphics[width=0.8\linewidth]{dvd04.png} \caption{Better scale on compositor} \label{fig:dvd04} \end{figure} \begin{enumerate}[start=12] \item Click the \textit{Apply} box in the Scale Ratio window. \item Click the \textit{Save to EDL Path} in the \textit{Batch Render} window for creating a DVD. If you do NOT do this, you will get a Warning box as seen in figure~\ref{fig:dvd-batch05}, to remind you to Save because you have changed the EDL by modifying the scaling parameters in the Scale Ratio window. \end{enumerate} \begin{figure}[htpb] \centering \includegraphics[width=1.0\linewidth]{dvd-batch05.png} \caption{Error in Batch Render} \label{fig:dvd-batch05} \end{figure} \begin{enumerate}[start=13] \item Next, make sure you have the Timeline set in the Main window at the beginning of where you want to start rendering. Also, make sure the first line in the \textit{Batches to render} section is highlighted as you can see above by the blue highlighting. Click on the \textit{Start} box in the Batch Render window and you will see the video playing in the Compositor window. \item \CGG{} program will be stopped when done rendering; you will be at the terminal prompt where you will see it has printed out some informational messages (or errors if problems), the last 2 are: \begin{lstlisting}[style=sh] To burn dvd, load blank media and run: growisofs -dvd-compat -Z /dev/dvd -dvd-video /mnt0/dvd_20161027-131723/iso \end{lstlisting} \item Load a blank or rewritable DVD into your DVD writer device, which will be similar to \texttt{/dev/dvd} as in the \textit{growisofs} line above -- something like \texttt{/dev/sr0} on your computer. \item Keyin the \textit{growisofs} line, substituting your actual writer device name. Again, you must be root. \item When back at the terminal prompt, and if there are no errors, keyin \texttt{eject /dev/dvd} substituting. \item Play it on your DVD player connected up to your Digital TV screen. \end{enumerate}