X-Git-Url: https://git.cinelerra-gg.org/git/?a=blobdiff_plain;f=parts%2FEditing.tex;h=30d131d580f7e6d2e618d18a02dbb63fa2fd9a94;hb=c8abda99fe527827ce404e84ba56a72eb93e29c8;hp=868712fb0e97378d7ba6261a8bcd682bae948def;hpb=76382b914ad3876b9ac36aa3d3bffbaf80a34e2b;p=goodguy%2Fcin-manual-latex.git diff --git a/parts/Editing.tex b/parts/Editing.tex index 868712f..30d131d 100644 --- a/parts/Editing.tex +++ b/parts/Editing.tex @@ -23,6 +23,7 @@ In the following editing sections, references to common operations are scattered On the left of the timeline is a region known as the patchbay. The patchbay enables features specific to each track as described next. + \begin{description} \item[Textbox] for naming the track. The default names will usually be Video \#, Audio \#, or Mixer \# if using the multi-camera/mixer operations. A \# will be designated for subsequent tracks as in 1, 2, 3 and so on. \item[Expander] which is a down arrow on the right side, is for viewing more options on the patchbay and for viewing the effects represented on the track. You can just click on the expander to expand or collapse the patchbay and the track. If it is pointing sideways, the track is collapsed. If it is pointing down, the track is expanded. Existing effects appear below the media for the track. @@ -31,12 +32,14 @@ On the left of the timeline is a region known as the patchbay. The patchbay ena \noindent Below the textbox name are several toggles referred to as \textit{attributes} for different features (currently there are 5 as shown in figure~\ref{fig:patchbay01}). If the toggle button is shadowed by a color, the feature is enabled . If the toggle is the background color of most of the window, it is disabled. Click on the toggle to enable/disable the feature. -\begin{figure}[htpb] +\begin{wrapfigure}[15]{O}{0.3\linewidth} + \vspace{-2ex} \centering - \includegraphics[width=0.3\linewidth]{images/patchbay01.png} + \includegraphics[width=0.79\linewidth]{images/patchbay01.png} \caption{Patchbay} \label{fig:patchbay01} -\end{figure} +\end{wrapfigure} + Several mouse operations speed up the configuration of several tracks at a time. Click on an attribute and drag the cursor across adjacent tracks to copy the same attribute to those tracks. Hold down Shift while clicking a track's attribute to enable the attribute in the current track and toggle the attribute in all the other tracks. Or you can: @@ -51,13 +54,16 @@ The \textit{attributes} are described here next. \begin{description} \item[Play Track] determines whether the track is rendered or not. If it is off, the track is not rendered. For example if you turn it off in all the video tracks, the rendered media file will have only audio tracks. If the track is chained to any other tracks by a shared track effect, the other tracks perform all the effects in this shared track, regardless of play status of the shared track that in this particular case affects the media output but not fade and effects. \item[Arm Track] determines whether the track is armed or not. Only the armed tracks are affected by editing operations. Make sure you have enough armed destination tracks when you paste or splice material or some tracks in the material will get left out. In addition to restricting editing operations, the armed tracks in combination with the active region determine where material is inserted when loading files. If the files are loaded with one of the insertion strategies which do not delete the existing project, the armed tracks will be used as destination tracks. +\end{description} + +\begin{description} \item[Gang Fader] cause the fader to track the movement of whatever other fader you are adjusting by dragging either the fader or the curve on the track. It doesn't affect the editing made with menu controls. A fader is only ganged if the arm track is also on. This is often used to adjust audio levels on all the tracks simultaneously. Gang also causes Nudge parameters to synchronize across all the ganged tracks. \item[Draw Media] determines if picons or waveforms are drawn on the asset in the track. You may want to disable this if you know that the media/format takes a long time to draw on the timeline. By default it is set to on in order to see picons on the timeline. \item[Don’t send to output] , more commonly called \textit{mute}, causes the output to be thrown away once the track is completely rendered. This happens whether or not \textit{Play track} is on. For example if you mute all the video tracks, the rendered media file will have a blank video track. Mute track is represented on the timeline with a line that has the default color of pink/orange. Use the pulldown View $\rightarrow$ Mute to have the line displayed. It is a keyframable attribute, but Mute track keyframing is a toggle and it has only the two values of on or off. If a track is part of a shared track effect, the output of the track with the shared track effect is overlaid on the final output even though it is routed back to another track (the shared track). Mute track is used to keep the track with the shared track effect from overlapping the output of the source track (the shared track) where the shared track effect is not present. \item[Fader slider] fade values are represented on the timeline with a pink curve that is keyframable. All tracks have a fader, but the units of each fader depend on whether it is audio or video. Audio fade values are in dB. They represent relative levels, where 0 is the unaltered original sound level, -40 is silence, -80 the minimum value set by default. You can move fader and keyframes down to -80 but the parameter's curve won't go below -40. For your convenience you can set a different fade range with the curve zoom. Audio fader’s main purpose is to \textit{fade out} sound or to lower the sound level smoothly to silence, or \textit{fade in} to make sounds appear gradually instead of suddenly. Video fade values are the percentage of opacity of the image in normal overlay mode, the percentage of the layer that is mixed into the render pipeline in the other overlay modes. Click and drag the fader to fade the track in and out. If it is ganged to other tracks of the same media type, with the arm option enabled, the other faders should follow. Hold down the Shift key and drag a fader to center it on the original source value (0 for audio, 100 for video). \item[mixer] in the expanded patchbay for that track designate the multi-camera mixer mode. - \item[Overlay mode] in the expanded patchbay is used for porter-duff operations and is full explained in Overlay Modes chapter 1. + \item[Overlay mode] in the expanded patchbay is used for porter-duff operations and is full explained in \nameref{cha:overlays} chapter. \item[Nudge] is in the expanded patchbay. The nudge value is the amount the track is shifted left or right during playback. The track is not displayed shifted on the timeline, but it is shifted when it is played back. This is useful for synchronizing audio with video, creating fake stereo, or compensating for an effect which shifts time, all without altering any edits (figure~\ref{fig:overlay}). \begin{figure}[htpb] @@ -107,7 +113,7 @@ The \textbf{Audio} and \textbf{Video pulldowns} each contain an option to add a \section{Two Screen Editing}% \label{sec:two_screen_editing} -This is a fast way to construct a program out of movie files. The idea consists of viewing a movie file in one window and viewing the program in another window. Subsections of the movie file are defined in the viewer window and transferred to the end of the program in the program window. Two screen editing can be done simply by using keyboard shortcuts. To get familiar with which keys to use, move the mouse pointer over the transport panel and a tooltip appears, showing what key is bound to that button. +This is a fast way to construct a program out of movie files (in other programs is called \textit{three points editing}). The idea consists of viewing a movie file in one window and viewing the program in another window. Subsections of the movie file are defined in the viewer window and transferred to the end of the program in the program window. Two screen editing can be done simply by using keyboard shortcuts. To get familiar with which keys to use, move the mouse pointer over the transport panel and a tooltip appears, showing what key is bound to that button. To begin a two screen editing session, load your media resources by using the main menu \textbf{File pulldown} and choose \textit{Load files}; make sure the insertion mode is set to \textit{Create new resources only}. This insertion strategy is to ensure that the timeline stays unchanged while new resources are brought in. Go to the Resources window and select the Media folder. The newly loaded resources will appear. Double click on a resource or drag it from the media side of the window over to the Viewer window. @@ -147,6 +153,27 @@ If the destination region is longer than the clip defined in the viewer, the des \paragraph{Copy} The copy icon, or shortcut letter “c”, copies the selection into the copy buffer. +\subsection{Use Case – Working with Sequences} +\label{sub:use_case_working_sequences} + +\textit{From the Viewer to the Timeline with the sequences imported +in a Master Project.} + +A convenient methodology for working on a Master project along with 1 or more previously saved Sub projects or \textit{sequences} use case is described here. A sequence is an edited assembly of audio and video clips generally consisting of a series of videos that relate to the same activity. This use case explains how to work this way and some things you need to be aware of. + +\begin{enumerate} + \item First load your Master project, which you worked on and saved earlier as an \texttt{.xml} file, using an Insertion strategy of \textit{Replace current project}. Generally this Master project consists of media with any of the attributes of clips, autos, possibly keyframes, and effects. You will see your project on the main timeline and the Media files that are part of this Master project will be displayed in the Resources window in the Media folder. + \item Previously you may have also saved a Sub project, which will now be referred to as a Sequence, as an \texttt{.xml} file that may contain any of the same such things: media, clips, autos, keyframes, effects. Second you will want to load the Sequence using an Insertion strategy of \textit{Create new resources only}. When you do the load, this Sequence will show as a file in the Resources window in the Clips folder. The actual media will show in the Media folder. + \item Now Drag and Drop the Sub project from the Clips folder to the Viewer. + \item Set In and Out Pointers in the Viewer to the region of interest in the Sub project and in the Timeline of the Main window of your Master project, move the cursor position to where you would like to insert this In/Out section. + \item Click on the \textit{Splice (v)} button in the Viewer to insert this section into the Master project timeline. All of the attributes of the selected Sub project section will now be inserted in the main timeline to include the autos, keyframes, effects, and labels. + \item Alternatively, if you click on the \textit{Overwrite (b)} button in the Viewer, you can see the Sub project In/Out section in the timeline, but without its autos, effects, keyframes, etc. If in the timeline there were some autos, effects, and keyframes in that Master project, they will be in effect for the new section. +\end{enumerate} + +You can see the advantages of using Splice versus Overwrite to either insert (splice) with all of the attributes of a specific section of your Sequence or to overwrite without the attributes to allow for the smooth operation on the timeline by retaining the timeline’s attributes at that point. + +NOTE: for correct operation of this use case, you should have the same (or more) number of tracks in the Master project as you do in the Sequence. To avoid having to know how many tracks you need, you can use the Nest feature as described in the Nesting section (\ref{sub:nesting}). + \section{Cut and Paste Editing}% \label{sec:cut_paste_editing} @@ -194,12 +221,13 @@ pasted one after the other, keeping the same order they have on the stack. \paragraph{Split --- blade cut and hard edges:} You can cut the tracks into 2 pieces on the timeline by putting the hairline cursor on the place you want to do a cut and then using the character “x” or the scissors tool (figure~\ref{fig:cut}). -\begin{wrapfloat}{figure}{O}{0pt} +\begin{wrapfigure}[16]{O}{0.3\linewidth} + \vspace{1ex} \centering - \includegraphics[width=0.3\linewidth]{images/cut.png} + \includegraphics[width=0.9\linewidth]{images/cut.png} \caption{Blade cut} \label{fig:cut} -\end{wrapfloat} +\end{wrapfigure} A \textit{cut} uses a non-empty selection region, where the \textit{blade cut} or \textit{split} has no duration in the selection, just a hairline. As usual the use of cut when a selection is set, deletes/cuts the highlighted area. In the case where an In point or an Out point exists on the timeline, the clip is split at the location of the In/Out point since it has priority over the cursor location. A blade cut simply splits the edit into two edits. In order to have the video and audio aligned, it works best to have Settings $\rightarrow$ Align cursor on frames. When a blade cut occurs, the edges are created as \textit{hard edges}. These are edges that cannot be deleted by track optimizations. Cinelerra has built-in optimization on the timeline. So that whenever two parts on the timeline are sequential frames, it automatically optimizes by making them into 1 item. So if you are cutting, dragging, editing, or whatever and somehow frame \# 40 ends up right next to frame \# 41, it optimizes them together. This optimization affects many areas throughout the program code. @@ -224,16 +252,16 @@ clips onto the timeline. Cinelerra fills out the audio and video tracks below the dragging cursor with data from the file. This affects what tracks you should create initially and which track to drag the media onto. To drag and drop a file on the Program window, you need to create on the timeline the same set of tracks as your media file. -When you drag your chosen media from the media folder to the timeline, your mouse pointer will drag a thumbnail and, once over the timeline, the outline of a white rectangle, as big as the edit you are going to have appears. Drag the media to the desired position of an empty track of the timeline and drop it. If there are other edits on that track, when you move the white outline over an edit, you will see a bow tie symbol $\rhd\lhd$ appearing at edit boundaries. If you drop the media there, the new edit will start from the edit boundary indicated by the center of the bow tie $\rhd\lhd$. +When you drag your chosen media from the media folder to the timeline, your mouse pointer will drag a thumbnail and, once over the timeline, the outline of a white rectangle, as big as the edit you are going to have appears. Drag the media to the desired position of an empty track of the timeline and drop it. If there are other edits on that track, when you move the white outline over an edit, you will see a bow tie symbol $\bowtie$ appearing at edit boundaries. If you drop the media there, the new edit will start from the edit boundary indicated by the center of the bow tie $\bowtie$. Since the mouse pointer is in the middle of the white outline, when this rectangle is bigger than the visible part of the timeline, it is quite cumbersome to precisely insert it for long media. Lengthening the duration visible in the timeline by changing the sample zoom in the zoom panel will reduce the size of the white rectangle, making a precise insertion possible. \noindent When you drag and drop edits within the timeline: \begin{itemize} - \item If you drop an edit when bow ties $\rhd\lhd$ are shown, that edit will be cut and pasted starting at the edit - boundary indicated by the center of the bow tie $\rhd\lhd$. Following edits on the same track will move. - \item If you drop an edit when there are no bow ties $\rhd\lhd$ shown, the original edit will be muted and pasted + \item If you drop an edit when bow ties $\bowtie$ are shown, that edit will be cut and pasted starting at the edit + boundary indicated by the center of the bow tie $\bowtie$. Following edits on the same track will move. + \item If you drop an edit when there are no bow ties $\bowtie$ shown, the original edit will be muted and pasted where you dropped it. No edits will move. A silence will appear in place of the original edit. \item If you have more armed tracks on the timeline than in the asset you are dragging, only the following edits of the tracks affected by the drag and drop operation will move to the right. This will cause loss @@ -255,7 +283,7 @@ When an edit is marked as selected, it can be cut/copied into the paste clip buf The \textit{edits} popup is activated on a track and a red and yellow colored reticle appears to temporarily mark the location when you click on the middle mouse button. An expanded explanation is provided below. \begin{center} - \begin{tabular}{l p{12cm}} + \begin{tabular}{l p{12.9cm}} \toprule \textbf{Key} & \textbf{Operations} \\ \midrule @@ -291,8 +319,8 @@ The copy/paste behavior respects the armed/disarmed tracks state. A paste of au Attaching transitions to multiple selected edits via the Video or Audio pulldowns is also available. The new transitions are attached at the start of the edits, and will replace any existing attached transitions. -\subsection{Copy/Paste Behavior}% -\label{sub:copy_paste_behavior} +\subsection{Grouping edits}% +\label{sub:grouping_edits} Cinelerra recognizes as a group, the edits of different armed tracks that have aligned beginnings, regardless of whether they have the same source or aligned ends. You can drag these edits around on the timeline to construct your movie by rearranging scenes. If more than one track is armed, Cinelerra will drag any edits which start on the same positions the edit the mouse pointer is currently over. \\ Another method of Grouping of edits is performed as follows: @@ -348,7 +376,8 @@ This feature provides the following capabilities: \item You can see which parts of that particular media are already used so you do not reuse that same piece again. \end{itemize} -Figure~\ref{fig:inter-view01} shows an example of the Inter-View mode mapping preview mini-window.. +Figure~\ref{fig:inter-view01} shows an example of the Inter-View mode mapping preview mini-window. + \begin{figure}[htpb] \centering \includegraphics[width=0.8\linewidth]{images/inter-view01.png} @@ -356,7 +385,7 @@ Figure~\ref{fig:inter-view01} shows an example of the Inter-View mode mapping pr \label{fig:inter-view01} \end{figure} -\noindent Explanation of how to use Inter-View mode will be described here next. +Explanation of how to use Inter-View mode will be described here next. \begin{itemize} \item Do your editing as usual on the timeline until you are ready to see what is used or unused. @@ -364,6 +393,7 @@ Figure~\ref{fig:inter-view01} shows an example of the Inter-View mode mapping pr \quad \includegraphics[height=\baselineskip]{images/fullplay.png}. \item Middle mouse click on a thumbnail in the Resources window and a popup occurs of that media with a white colored bar at the top and a red colored bar at the bottom with black sections. \end{itemize} + The red/white bars represent the presence and the black sections represent the absence of where that media is used on the timeline. To get to a bigger representation, use the “f” key for a full screen. Now you can operate the following buttons to display what you need to see and to move around. It is important to note that \textit{locked tracks} will not be represented. This makes it easy to ignore the audio track segments if you want so there is less confusion in the display. \begin{itemize} @@ -377,6 +407,7 @@ you can operate the following buttons to display what you need to see and to mov \item Shift-click on the bottom bar and a \textit{selection} is made of that section in the timeline and the composer is updated with that start position. \end{itemize} + Figure~\ref{fig:inter-view02} displays Inter-View window and its relation to the timeline, viewer, and compositor. \begin{figure}[htpb] \centering @@ -389,7 +420,7 @@ The Inter-View mode works for Media, Proxy, and User Bins. When the preview win \section{Some Specific Editing Tools}% \label{sec:specific_editing_tools} -\noindent This section covers some more detailed editing tools and scenarios for edit management. +This section covers some more detailed editing tools and scenarios for edit management. \subsection{Edit Length}% \label{sub:edit-lenght} @@ -496,7 +527,6 @@ The next table displays the options and results with the Key Table here first. 01 = flags edits_moved, rest_moved \end{lstlisting} -\vspace{2ex} \begin{longtable}{c c c c c} \toprule @@ -535,7 +565,7 @@ The next table displays the options and results with the Key Table here first. \bottomrule \end{longtable} -\noindent Next, a more immediate and colorful view shows these trimming options ((figure~\ref{fig:trim-color})). +Next, a more immediate and colorful view shows these trimming options ((figure~\ref{fig:trim-color})). \begin{figure}[htpb] \centering @@ -586,10 +616,11 @@ Now to use this feature, create a track with edits that have trims on the left a \paragraph{Cutting/Snapping edits} cuts from an edit handle to the insert point. There are Edit Panel buttons which normally are used to move to the previous or next edit handle/label. -\begin{wrapfloat}{figure}{r}{0pt} +\begin{wrapfigure}[5]{r}{0.2\linewidth} + \vspace{-1ex} \centering - \includegraphics[width=0.2\linewidth]{images/snap.png} -\end{wrapfloat} + \includegraphics[width=0.7\linewidth]{images/snap.png} +\end{wrapfigure} They look like tags and the letter E on the menu bar and are oriented forward/backward. These same buttons can be used to \textit{cut} from the insert pointer to the previous or next edit/label when the \texttt{ctrl+alt} keys are both pressed when the buttons are used. They \textit{snap} off the media instead of doing the standard re-positioning. This is useful to minimize the number of operations necessary to cut between edits/labels. Instead of using the edit panel buttons, you can more easily use the following keyboard shortcuts to perform the same functions: @@ -623,6 +654,30 @@ It is somewhat important to note that nested assets and nested clips will have i \label{fig:nesting} \end{figure} +\paragraph{Usage Examples of Nested Clips} + +\begin{description} + \item[Example 1:] You want to make a flashback/rewind at the end of your video +that represents a quick summary of the entire video in black and white. On +he timeline, you have 60 seconds of edits with clips, cuts, zoom in, zoom +out and any other edits. Now you want to get this 60 seconds "compressed" +to 10 seconds, play in reverse, and in black and white at the end of your + video. + You would copy the 60 seconds in a clip, nest the clip in the Clip folder +of the Resources window and drag it to the timeline. You will see only a +clean clip without all of the edits that were used to create it because +nesting display a clip without having to actually use the Render menu. + Now you can add a Reverse effect, Color3way plugin for black and white, and +use the Speed auto to get the 60 seconds down to only 10 seconds. + \item[Example 2:] You are working on a complex project with a team in a separate +location. You create some sub projects, i.e. sequences, that you or the +team will use in the Master project to merge the sequences in the right +order and to make the final color correction steps. +\end{description} + +In each of the examples you can see the benefit of nesting to create clean +looking timelines because of the automatic rendering capability of nesting. + \subsection{Copy/Paste clips/medias across Multiple Instances}% \label{sub:copy_paste_multiple_instances} @@ -637,13 +692,13 @@ It is easy to copy/paste clips/media within a single instance of cinelerra or ac \item use the Paste icon (shortcut v) to paste the clip to that other instance selection target \end{enumerate} -\section{ShuttlePROv2 and ShuttleXpress Jog Wheels for Editing}% +\section[ShuttlePROv2 and ShuttleXpress Jog Wheels for Editing]{ShuttlePROv2 and ShuttleXpress Jog Wheels for Editing\protect\footnote{credit Eric Messick --- \url{FixedImagePhoto.com/contact}}}% \label{sec:shuttle_jog_wheels_editing} -\vspace{-2ex} {\footnotesize (credit Eric Messick --- FixedImagePhoto.com/contact)} -\vspace{2ex} The ShuttlePROv2 and ShuttleXpress are affordable jog wheels which can be useful for working with Cin, especially if you do a lot of playing forward/backward, fast/slow/normal, and single frames (figure~\ref{fig:shuttle}). +The ShuttlePROv2 and ShuttleXpress are affordable jog wheels which can be useful for working with Cin, especially if you do a lot of playing forward/backward, fast/slow/normal, and single frames (figure~\ref{fig:shuttle}). Directions for using the ShuttlePROv2 and the ShuttleXpress with Cinelerra are described next. These devices work by sending keystrokes used in Cin, corresponding to the shuttle action, to the keyboard buffer. The shuttle has been fully integrated into the Cinelerra code so that after the one initial setup, no further intervention is required. The multi-speed outer wheel works the same and has the same number of S positions on both shuttles but the shuttle Xpress has only 5 keys. Since the majority of user operations will most likely be with the use of the 2 wheels, the slightly smaller Xpress could be a better choice with its 5 easy to reach keys. The Pro is approximately $4x7$\,inches whereas the Xpress is about $4x4$\,inches. + \begin{figure}[htpb] \centering \includegraphics[width=0.9\linewidth]{images/shuttle.png} @@ -653,30 +708,33 @@ Directions for using the ShuttlePROv2 and the ShuttleXpress with Cinelerra are d \noindent The vendor supplied \textit{string} device names for the shuttles are currently: +{\small \vspace{1ex} \texttt{/dev/input/by-id/usb-Contour\_Design\_ShuttlePRO\_v2-event-if00} \texttt{/dev/input/by-id/usb-Contour\_Design\_ShuttleXpress-event-if00} \texttt{/dev/input/by-id/usb-Contour\_Design\_ShuttlePro-event-if00} + } \vspace{1ex} \noindent Only 1 necessary initial setup is required due to permission settings for non-root usage. As root, just copy a file that provides the necessary permissions to use the shuttle, then reboot, Example copy: -\begin{lstlisting}[language=bash] - sudo cp {cindat_path}/doc/99-ShuttlePRO.rules /etc/udev/rules.d/ +\begin{lstlisting}[language=Bash] +$sudo cp {cindat_path}/doc/99-ShuttlePRO.rules /etc/udev/rules.d/ \end{lstlisting} \noindent then the next time after you reboot, the permissions should be correct. This file only needs to contain one of the following lines depending on which shuttle version you have/use, but all will be in the file. - -\begin{lstlisting}[language=bash] -ATTRS{name}=="Contour Design ShuttlePro" MODE="0644" # for newer PRO model \\ -ATTRS{name}=="Contour Design ShuttlePRO v2" MODE="0644" # for older PRO model \\ -ATTRS{name}=="Contour Design ShuttleXpress" MODE="0644" # for the Xpress model \\ -SUBSYSTEMS=="usb", ATTRS{idVendor}=="0b33", ATTRS{idProduct}=="0020", MODE="0666" \\ +\begin{lstlisting}[language=Bash,basicstyle=\footnotesize] +# for newer PRO model +ATTRS{name}=="Contour Design ShuttlePro" MODE="0644" +# for older PRO model +ATTRS{name}=="Contour Design ShuttlePRO v2" MODE="0644" +# for the Xpress model +ATTRS{name}=="Contour Design ShuttleXpress" MODE="0644" +SUBSYSTEMS=="usb", ATTRS{idVendor}=="0b33", ATTRS{idProduct}=="0020", MODE="0666" SUBSYSTEMS=="usb", ATTRS{idVendor}=="0b33", ATTRS{idProduct}=="0030", MODE="0666" \end{lstlisting} - -\noindent If you swap your shuttle, for example upgrade from an Xpress to a PROv2, just stop Cin, unplug the original shuttle, plug in the replacement shuttle, and restart Cin. If you start the cinelerra program and the shuttle does not function as before, stop cinelerra and then simply unplug it and plug it in again. There are a couple of reasons why it may stop functioning. One is because cinelerra was not stopped with the usual Quit command and the shuttle was improperly shut down when there was a crash. The other possibility is that a static discharge occurred in the area. +If you swap your shuttle, for example upgrade from an Xpress to a PROv2, just stop Cin, unplug the original shuttle, plug in the replacement shuttle, and restart Cin. If you start the cinelerra program and the shuttle does not function as before, stop cinelerra and then simply unplug it and plug it in again. There are a couple of reasons why it may stop functioning. One is because cinelerra was not stopped with the usual Quit command and the shuttle was improperly shut down when there was a crash. The other possibility is that a static discharge occurred in the area. A default shuttlerc file is automatically used when a shuttle device is plugged in when Cin is started. This file sets up the key bindings for Cinelerra to use. You can override any default settings by having a local file in your \texttt{\$HOME} directory, named \texttt{.shuttlerc} to reflect your personal preferences. @@ -693,52 +751,54 @@ Next are a few actual examples from the default \texttt{{cindat\_path}/shuttlerc \noindent The next brackets represent sections. Default, Resources, Load windows all use the same key values. -\begin{lstlisting}[language=bash] -[Default] \\ -[Resources] \\ -[Load] \\ -K5 XK_Home \\ -K6 XK_Button_1 # same as mouse button 1 \\ -K7 XK_Button_2 # same operation as mouse button 2 \\ -K8 XK_Button_3 \\ -K9 XK_End \\ -JL XK_Scroll_Up # for example, in the Load menu, use scroll up to get to the next file name \\ +\begin{lstlisting}[language=Bash] +[Default] +[Resources] +[Load] +K5 XK_Home +K6 XK_Button_1 # same as mouse button 1 +K7 XK_Button_2 # same operation as mouse button 2 +K8 XK_Button_3 +K9 XK_End +# for example, in the Load menu, use scroll up to get to the next file name +JL XK_Scroll_Up JR XK_Scroll_Down \end{lstlisting} \noindent Cinlerra with brackets around it next, is the section with some key definitions for the main window. -\begin{lstlisting}[language=bash] -[Cinelerra] \\ - -# Most useful functions have to be on K5-K9 because Xpress only has 5 keys \\ -K5 XK_Home # Beginning \\ -K6 XK_KP_6 # Reverse, or if playing Stop \\ -K7 XK_KP_0 # Stop \\ -K8 XK_KP_3 # Play, or if playing Stop \\ -K9 XK_End # End \\ -... \\ -S-7 REV_16 # Next 6 are reverse keys \\ -S-6 REV_8 # the number on the end represents speed\\ -S-5 REV_4 # number can be decimal up to 64 \\ -S-4 REV_2 # 2 means 2x or double speed \\ -S-3 REV_1 \\ -S-2 REV_0.5 # 0.5 represents 1/2 speed \\ -S-1 XK_KP_0 # Because the Shuttle does not generate S0, have to use S-1 \\ -S0 XK_KP_0 # Hardware does not generate S0 \\ -S1 XK_KP_0 # Because the Shuttle does not generate S0, have to use S1 \\ -S2 FWD_0.5 \\ -S3 FWD_1 \\ -... \\ +\begin{lstlisting}[language=Bash] +[Cinelerra] + +# Most useful functions have to be on K5-K9 because Xpress only has 5 keys +K5 XK_Home # Beginning +K6 XK_KP_6 # Reverse, or if playing Stop +K7 XK_KP_0 # Stop +K8 XK_KP_3 # Play, or if playing Stop +K9 XK_End # End +... +S-7 REV_16 # Next 6 are reverse keys +S-6 REV_8 # the number on the end represents speed +S-5 REV_4 # number can be decimal up to 64 +S-4 REV_2 # 2 means 2x or double speed +S-3 REV_1 +S-2 REV_0.5 # 0.5 represents 1/2 speed +S-1 XK_KP_0 # Because the Shuttle does not generate S0, have to use S-1 +S0 XK_KP_0 # Hardware does not generate S0 +S1 XK_KP_0 # Because the Shuttle does not generate S0, have to use S1 +S2 FWD_0.5 +S3 FWD_1 +... \end{lstlisting} \noindent An explanation for the above REV and FWD key symbol values is necessary to facilitate user preferences. Obviously REV stands for reverse and FWD for forward. You can set any speed up to and including 64x (that is, 64 times the normal speed) on any of the S keys. First in the line is the key name such as S-3 and then the key direction of FWD or REV followed by the symbol for underscore (\_) and then the numerical value to use. For example, if you want the 5\textsuperscript{th} forward position, S5, to play 10$ \frac{1}{2}$ times faster, you would use the statement \texttt{S5 FWD\_10.5}. Integer or decimal numbers are legal. For the Viewer, you may want keys defined to do a Splice or an Overwrite so define differently. Note that assignments that contain single character letters must be enclosed in quotes. -\begin{lstlisting}[language=bash] -[Viewer] \\ -K2 "v" # Splice - Viewer only; may be defined differently than Composer or Cinelerra \\ +\begin{lstlisting}[language=Bash] +[Viewer] +# Splice - Viewer only; may be defined differently than Composer or Cinelerra +K2 "v" K4 "b" # Overwrite \end{lstlisting} @@ -750,12 +810,12 @@ K10 Alt-XK_Left # Go to previous edit \\ K13 Ctrl-XK_Right # Go to next label \end{lstlisting} -\noindent For sequences of one or more \textit{printable} characters, you can just enclose them in double quotes. For example in the \texttt{[Composer]} section, to go into or out of fullscreen mode, automatically start playing and put a label there, you could define a key like this: K7 “f l” - that is printable character f, a space, and printable character l. +\noindent For sequences of one or more \textit{printable} characters, you can just enclose them in double quotes. For example in the \texttt{[Composer]} section, to go into or out of fullscreen mode, automatically start playing and put a label there, you could define a key like this: K7 “f~l” - that is printable character f, a space, and printable character l. After modifying \texttt{.shuttlerc}, the next time you use the shuttle, your changes will automatically take affect without even having to stop and restart Cin. However, the first thing to try if problems is to stop cinelerra, unplug the shuttle, wait a few seconds, plug it in again, and then restart cin. If for some reason, the shuttle keys still do not work after that, you may have an incorrect setup and you will have to correct that first. For example, if you define S5 twice within the Cinelerra setup, it will fail. It is suggested that if you make changes, you should initially uncomment DEBUG in the \texttt{.shuttlerc} file and start up cinelerra from a terminal window so that you can make sure it is working and has no output errors. An error might look like: -\begin{lstlisting}[language=bash] -dupl key name: [Cinelerra]K1 \\ +\begin{lstlisting}[language=Bash] +dupl key name: [Cinelerra]K1 shuttle config err file: /root/.shuttlerc, line:37 \end{lstlisting} @@ -763,38 +823,38 @@ shuttle config err file: /root/.shuttlerc, line:37 Any time you are having trouble with your shuttle, you can copy the default \texttt{shuttlerc} file from \texttt{{cindat\_path}/shuttlerc} to your local \texttt{.shuttlerc} file, and edit that to\ switch to DEBUG mode by removing the \# comment from the DEBUG line. But you will have to have started Cin from a terminal window to see the key values. The first time you use the shuttle or after you change the file, the current assignments will show in the terminal window so will look something like: -\begin{lstlisting}[language=bash] -[Cinelerra] # 1 \\ -K5[D]: XK_KP_0/U \\ +\begin{lstlisting}[language=Bash] +[Cinelerra] # 1 +K5[D]: XK_KP_0/U K5[U]: XK_KP_0/U \end{lstlisting} \noindent When you are in DEBUG mode and are just working away, what you will see is something like this: -\begin{lstlisting}[language=bash] -key: 0058 1 \\ +\begin{lstlisting}[language=Bash] +key: 0058 1 key: 0055 0 \end{lstlisting} or: -\begin{lstlisting}[language=bash] -shuttle: 00 00 00 00 00 \\ +\begin{lstlisting}[language=Bash] +shuttle: 00 00 00 00 00 key: XK_Home 0 \end{lstlisting} \noindent When you change the focus from one window to another, you will see something like this: -\begin{lstlisting}[language=bash] -new focus: 04c00137 \\ -new translation: Viewer \\ +\begin{lstlisting}[language=Bash] +new focus: 04c00137 +new translation: Viewer key: 0059 1 \end{lstlisting} \noindent You can also set an environment variable to temporarily use an alternative shuttle configuration file for testing as in: -\begin{lstlisting}[language=bash] -export SHUTTLE_CONFIG_FILE=/tmp/shuttlerc_test +\begin{lstlisting}[language=Bash] +$ export SHUTTLE_CONFIG_FILE=/tmp/shuttlerc_test \end{lstlisting} \noindent The shuttle wheel occasionally will not \textit{stop} after you have wheeled it to play forward. This is a documented known problem from the original code so you just have to joggle it a little in the other direction and then it will stop. S0 does not always generate a signal to do a stop and that is why S1 and S-1 have to be used to relay the stop instead. Also, if you have a fullscreen Composer or Viewer up and the regular one also, the fullscreen takes precedence. @@ -804,9 +864,9 @@ export SHUTTLE_CONFIG_FILE=/tmp/shuttlerc_test In order to see if you hardware was recognized by the operating system, key in: -\begin{lstlisting}[language=bash] -lsusb -v -d 0b33:0030 # for the Shuttle Pro or PROv2 \\ -lsusb -v -d 0b33:0020 # for the Shuttle Xpress +\begin{lstlisting}[language=Bash] +$ lsusb -v -d 0b33:0030 # for the Shuttle Pro or PROv2 \\ +$ lsusb -v -d 0b33:0020 # for the Shuttle Xpress \end{lstlisting} @@ -819,15 +879,17 @@ lsusb -v -d 0b33:0020 # for the Shuttle Xpress \item From a terminal window as an ordinary user key in: lsusb (the first character is a lower case L ---for list). You will see something like the following depending on which usb device you have the ShuttlePro plugged into: - - \texttt{Bus 003 Device 002: ID 0b33:0030 Contour Design, Inc. ShuttlePro v2} +\begin{lstlisting}[language=Bash] +Bus 003 Device 002: ID 0b33:0030 Contour Design, Inc. ShuttlePro v2 +\end{lstlisting} \item To make sure you have usbmon installed key in: - - \texttt{sudo modprobe usbmon} +\begin{lstlisting}[language=Bash] +$ sudo modprobe usbmon +\end{lstlisting} \item Next key in the following: - - \texttt{sudo od -tx1 /dev/usbmon3} - +\begin{lstlisting}[language=Bash] +$ sudo od -tx1 /dev/usbmon3 +\end{lstlisting} where the last 3 is the same \# as the Bus in above. If it lists \texttt{Bus 002}, then use \texttt{/dev/usbmon2} instead. \item Now with focus in that same terminal window, press any shuttle key just to see what happens and should see about 12 lines similar to these below ---a new set every time you press a single key or the @@ -835,19 +897,19 @@ lsusb -v -d 0b33:0020 # for the Shuttle Xpress have multiple devices on the same bus, you will get responses from any and all of them. Attempt to isolate your shuttle by temporarily unplugging unnecessary devices on the same bus or plug the shuttle into a different usb port that has fewer devices. - \begin{lstlisting}[language=bash] - 0000000 80 70 99 75 53 8c ff ff 43 01 81 02 03 00 2d 00 \\ - 0000020 4e 61 5c 5c 00 00 00 00 8d 2c 06 00 00 00 00 00 \\ - 0000040 05 00 00 00 05 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 \\ - 0000060 01 ff 00 00 00 80 70 99 75 53 8c ff ff 53 01 81 \\ - 0000100 02 03 00 2d 3c 4e 61 5c 5c 00 00 00 00 b1 2c 06 \\ - 0000120 00 8d ff ff ff 05 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 \\ - 0000140 00 00 00 00 00 80 70 99 75 53 8c ff ff 43 01 81 \\ - 0000160 02 03 00 2d 00 4e 61 5c 5c 00 00 00 00 3d d7 09 \\ - 0000200 00 00 00 00 00 05 00 00 00 05 00 00 00 00 00 00 \\ - 0000220 00 00 00 00 00 00 ff 00 00 00 80 70 99 75 53 8c \\ - 0000240 ff ff 53 01 81 02 03 00 2d 3c 4e 61 5c 5c 00 00 \\ - 0000260 00 00 64 d7 09 00 8d ff ff ff 05 00 00 00 00 00 + \begin{lstlisting}[language=Bash] +0000000 80 70 99 75 53 8c ff ff 43 01 81 02 03 00 2d 00 +0000020 4e 61 5c 5c 00 00 00 00 8d 2c 06 00 00 00 00 00 +0000040 05 00 00 00 05 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 +0000060 01 ff 00 00 00 80 70 99 75 53 8c ff ff 53 01 81 +0000100 02 03 00 2d 3c 4e 61 5c 5c 00 00 00 00 b1 2c 06 +0000120 00 8d ff ff ff 05 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 +0000140 00 00 00 00 00 80 70 99 75 53 8c ff ff 43 01 81 +0000160 02 03 00 2d 00 4e 61 5c 5c 00 00 00 00 3d d7 09 +0000200 00 00 00 00 00 05 00 00 00 05 00 00 00 00 00 00 +0000220 00 00 00 00 00 00 ff 00 00 00 80 70 99 75 53 8c +0000240 ff ff 53 01 81 02 03 00 2d 3c 4e 61 5c 5c 00 00 +0000260 00 00 64 d7 09 00 8d ff ff ff 05 00 00 00 00 00 \end{lstlisting} \item Next press the key that you want to verify is functioning --- if no new lines show up, then the key is non-functional so there is a hardware problem. If you get output, then perhaps there is a problem @@ -861,26 +923,29 @@ Another method for testing to make sure your model of the Shuttle does not have \item Locate the shudmp.C program in your Cinelerra directory. \item Compile that with the command: \texttt{c++ shdmp.C -o shudmp} \item Make the file executable with the command: \texttt{chmod +x shudmp} - \item \texttt{sudo ./shdmp /dev/input/by-id/usb-Contour\_Design\_ShuttlePro-event-if00 \# substitute your shuttle} + \item Execute: + \begin{lstlisting}[language=Bash] +$ sudo ./shdmp /dev/input/by-id/usb-Contour\_Design\_ShuttlePro-event-if00 # substitute your shuttle + \end{lstlisting} \end{enumerate} \noindent Then press your shuttle key that is having problems and check the results. They should look like: -\begin{lstlisting}[language=bash] -Example for K7: \\ -event: (4, 4, 0x90007) #The last number, 7, is the expected Key number. \\ -event: (1, 262, 0x1) \\ -event: (0, 0, 0x0) \\ -event: (4, 4, 0x90007) \\ -event: (1, 262, 0x0) \\ -event: (0, 0, 0x0) \\ - -Example for K15: \\ -event: (4, 4, 0x9000f) #The last number f is 15 in octal and is the expected Key. \\ -event: (1, 270, 0x1) \\ -event: (0, 0, 0x0) \\ -event: (4, 4, 0x9000f) \\ -event: (1, 270, 0x0) \\ + \begin{lstlisting}[language=Bash, caption={Example for K7}] +event: (4, 4, 0x90007) #The last number, 7, is the expected Key number. +event: (1, 262, 0x1) +event: (0, 0, 0x0) +event: (4, 4, 0x90007) +event: (1, 262, 0x0) +event: (0, 0, 0x0) +\end{lstlisting} + \begin{lstlisting}[language=Bash, caption={Example for K15}] +Example for K15: +event: (4, 4, 0x9000f) #The last number f is 15 in octal and is the expected Key. +event: (1, 270, 0x1) +event: (0, 0, 0x0) +event: (4, 4, 0x9000f) +event: (1, 270, 0x0) event: (0, 0, 0x0) \end{lstlisting} @@ -888,30 +953,89 @@ event: (0, 0, 0x0) \paragraph{Note 4} For developers, if you have a pre-UEFI Secure Boot kernel it is also possible to do the following for further in depth testing: -\begin{enumerate} - \item \texttt{ls /sys/kernel/debug/hid \# to locate numerical value of the shuttle, e.g. 0003:0B33.0030.0006} - \item \texttt{cat “/sys/kernel/debug/hid/0003:0B33.0030.0006/rdesc” \# substitute your own numerical value} - \item \texttt{cat “/sys/kernel/debug/hid/0003:0B33.0030.0006/events” \# press keys to see the results} -\end{enumerate} + \begin{lstlisting}[language=Bash] +ls /sys/kernel/debug/hid \# to locate numerical value of the shuttle, e.g. 0003:0B33.0030.0006 +cat "/sys/kernel/debug/hid/0003:0B33.0030.0006/rdesc" # substitute your own numerical value +cat "/sys/kernel/debug/hid/0003:0B33.0030.0006/events" # press keys to see the results + \end{lstlisting} +%\begin{enumerate} + %\item \texttt{ls /sys/kernel/debug/hid \# to locate numerical value of the shuttle, e.g. 0003:0B33.0030.0006} + %\item \texttt{cat “/sys/kernel/debug/hid/0003:0B33.0030.0006/rdesc” \# substitute your own numerical value} + %\item \texttt{cat “/sys/kernel/debug/hid/0003:0B33.0030.0006/events” \# press keys to see the results} +%\end{enumerate} \subsection{Shuttle key default arrangement for Cinelerra / Composer / Viewer:}% \label{sub:shuttle_key_default_cinelerra} The following is the default setting for the ShuttlePROv2 and ShuttleXpress (table~\ref{tab:shuttleprov2} and table~\ref{tab:xpress}): -%\begin{sidewaystable} -% \centering -% \begin{tabular}{c c c c c c c c} -% \toprule -% & K1 & & K2 & & K3 & & K4 \\ -% & Label & & Future use & & Future use & & Clip \\ -% & & & Splice (viewer) & & Copy & & Overwrite (viewer) \\ -% \midrule - -% \caption{ShuttlePROv2 key default arrangement for Cinelerra / Composer / Viewer} -% \label{tab:shuttleprov2} -% \end{tabular} - -%\end{sidewaystable} - +\begin{landscape} + \begin{table}[htpb] + \centering + \caption{ShuttlePROv2 key default arrangement for Cinelerra / Composer / Viewer} + \label{tab:shuttleprov2} + \begin{tabular}{c c c c c c c} + \toprule + K1 & K2 & & K3 & K4 & & \\ + Label & Future use & & Future use & Clip & & \\ + & Splice (viewer) & & Copy & Overwrite (viewer) & & \\ + \midrule + K5 & K6 & K7 & K8 & K9 & & \\ + Home & Reverse & Stop & Play & End & & \\ + & & Fullscreen & & & & \\ + & & (viewer / compositor) & & & & \\ + \midrule + Home(Defaults) & MouseBtn1(D) & MouseBtn2(D) & MouseBtn3(D) & End(Defaults) & & \\ + \midrule + \multicolumn{7}{c}{Shuttle Outer Wheel} \\ + \multicolumn{7}{c}{Play forward (first row) or Play reverse (second row)} \\ + S1=Stop & S2=1/2 & S3=Normal & S4=2x & S5=4x & S6=8x & S7=16x \\ + S-1=Stop & S-2=1/2 & S-3=Normal & S-4=2x & S-5=4x & S-6=8x & S-7=16x \\ + \midrule + K14 & & Jog Left & (Inner Wheel) & Jog Right & & K15 \\ + Toggle In & & Frame reverse & & Frame forward & & Toggle Out \\ + & & Scroll up(Defaults) & & Scroll down(Defaults) & & \\ + \midrule + & & K10 & & K11 & & \\ + & & Previous Edit & & Next Edit & & \\ + & & Future Use(Viewer) & & Future Use(Viewer) & & \\ + \midrule + & & K12 & & K13 & & \\ + & & Previous Edit & & Next Edit & & \\ + & & Previous Label & & Next label & & \\ + \bottomrule + \end{tabular} + \end{table} +\end{landscape} + +\begin{landscape} + \begin{table}[htpb] + \centering + \caption{ShuttleXpress key default arrangement for Cinelerra / Composer / Viewer} + \label{tab:xpress} + \begin{tabular}{c c c c c c c} + \toprule + K5 & K6 & K7 & K8 & K9 & & \\ + Home & Reverse & Stop & Play & End & & \\ + & & Fullscreen & & & & \\ + & & (viewer / compositor) & & & & \\ + \midrule + Home(Defaults) & MouseBtn1(D) & MouseBtn2(D) & MouseBtn3(D) & End(Defaults) & & \\ + \midrule + \multicolumn{7}{c}{Shuttle Outer Wheel} \\ + \multicolumn{7}{c}{Play forward (first row) or Play reverse (second row)} \\ + S1=Stop & S2=1/2 & S3=Normal & S4=2x & S5=4x & S6=8x & S7=16x \\ + S-1=Stop & S-2=1/2 & S-3=Normal & S-4=2x & S-5=4x & S-6=8x & S-7=16x \\ + \midrule + & & Jog Left & (Inner Wheel) & Jog Right & & \\ + & & Frame reverse & & Frame forward & & \\ + & & Scroll up(Defaults) & & Scroll down(Defaults) & & \\ + \bottomrule + \end{tabular} + \end{table} + \centering + + + +\end{landscape}