X-Git-Url: https://git.cinelerra-gg.org/git/?a=blobdiff_plain;f=parts%2FGlossary.tex;h=1037a895cb0ec328de81cacb9fae6f943899f31a;hb=ac79c08dfb1261861b2154b797ecb9e4530deaa3;hp=930e25f0ca40f52c25c1d69a6dc119c1617c4ca7;hpb=75641f4f0bff73cbcf9aa9e2fa693f62b9787d66;p=goodguy%2Fcin-manual-latex.git diff --git a/parts/Glossary.tex b/parts/Glossary.tex index 930e25f..1037a89 100644 --- a/parts/Glossary.tex +++ b/parts/Glossary.tex @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ \nomenclature{\textbf{Arm}}{when you \textit{arm} a track, it is enabled so fully affected by editing operations. Tracks are armed with an \texttt{Arm Track} button in the patchbay of the timeline.} -\nomenclature{\textbf{Arrow mode}}{formally known as Drag and Drop editing mode. Drag and drop editing is a quick and simple way of working in Cinelerra, using mainly the mouse. In this mode, you move \textit{things} by dragging and dropping these resources or objects.} +\nomenclature{\textbf{Arrow mode}}{formally known as Drag and Drop editing mode. Drag and drop editing is a quick and simple way of working in \CGG{}, using mainly the mouse. In this mode, you move \textit{things} by dragging and dropping these resources or objects.} \nomenclature{\textbf{Aspect ratio}}{in reference to an image, this is the geometry of the data as in the ratio of its width to its height. There is the display aspect ratio which is the physical display and may not always be square. Then there is the pixel aspect ratio or geometry of the picture.} @@ -42,29 +42,29 @@ \nomenclature{\textbf{Concatenate}}{in File$\rightarrow$Load insertion strategy, means to load from disk or copy from the timeline edits belonging to different media onto the same set of tracks, one right after the other.} -\nomenclature{\textbf{Compression}}{in Cinelerra’s dialogs means compression format. See Codec.} +\nomenclature{\textbf{Compression}}{in \CGG{}’s dialogs means compression format. See Codec.} \nomenclature{\textbf{Context menu}}{a pop-up menu.} \nomenclature{\textbf{Control point}}{as applied to Bezier curves, either the \textit{end} points or \textit{way points}. Controls the derivative at that end or way point of that curve. Vector of the curve point derivative.} -\nomenclature{\textbf{CR2}}{the RAW image format of Canon’s digital cameras. In Cinelerra, it is used loosely to refer to any brand of camera raw images or still pictures, as handled by Dave Coffin’s included code.} +\nomenclature{\textbf{CR2}}{the RAW image format of Canon’s digital cameras. In \CGG{}, it is used loosely to refer to any brand of camera raw images or still pictures, as handled by Dave Coffin’s included code.} \nomenclature{\textbf{Crop}}{rectangularly trim edges to remove unwanted material.} \nomenclature{\textbf{Cut}}{delete or trim to remove material or insert a break so that the media on the timeline is separated into 2 pieces. Cut, when used as a noun can mean the same as an edit.} -\nomenclature{\textbf{Cut and Paste editing}}{an editing mode on the timeline. You select the cut and paste editing mode by enabling the I-beam toggle on the control bar at the top of the main program window. The I-beam cursor pointer on the timeline is why this mode has the nickname of I-beam. In this mode you can copy edits in the same track, copy from different tracks in the same instance, start a second instance of Cinelerra and copy from one instance to the other or load a media file into the Viewer and copy from there. There are many other operations that can be done.} +\nomenclature{\textbf{Cut and Paste editing}}{an editing mode on the timeline. You select the cut and paste editing mode by enabling the I-beam toggle on the control bar at the top of the main program window. The I-beam cursor pointer on the timeline is why this mode has the nickname of I-beam. In this mode you can copy edits in the same track, copy from different tracks in the same instance, start a second instance of \CGG{} and copy from one instance to the other or load a media file into the Viewer and copy from there. There are many other operations that can be done.} \nomenclature{\textbf{Deinterlace}}{the process of converting interlaced video (a sequence of fields) into a non-interlaced form (a sequence of frames). Deinterlacing downsamples/blends the refreshes that reconstruct images with the least motion damage. See the definition of Interlace for an explanation of interlacing.} \nomenclature{\textbf{Disarm}}{when you “disarm” a track, it is disabled so not affected by editing operations. Disarming a track protects it from most changes and operations. Tracks are disarmed with an "Arm Track" button in the patchbay of the timeline.} -\nomenclature{\textbf{Drag and Drop editing}}{drag and drop editing is a quick and simple way of working in Cinelerra using mainly the mouse. In this mode, you move “things” by dragging and dropping these resources or objects. To enable, click on the arrow icon in the timeline editpanel. This arrow is why this mode has the nickname of arrow mode.} +\nomenclature{\textbf{Drag and Drop editing}}{drag and drop editing is a quick and simple way of working in \CGG{} using mainly the mouse. In this mode, you move “things” by dragging and dropping these resources or objects. To enable, click on the arrow icon in the timeline editpanel. This arrow is why this mode has the nickname of arrow mode.} \nomenclature{\textbf{Edit(s)}}{is a fragment of media on a single track of the timeline.} -\nomenclature{\textbf{Edit Decision List (EDL)}}{an XML text file that contains all the project settings and locations of every edit. Instead of media, it contains pointers to the original media files on disk. If you open your .xml project file with a text editor, you will see some of the terminology used in Cinelerra in reference to the editing you perform.} +\nomenclature{\textbf{Edit Decision List (EDL)}}{an XML text file that contains all the project settings and locations of every edit. Instead of media, it contains pointers to the original media files on disk. If you open your .xml project file with a text editor, you will see some of the terminology used in \CGG{} in reference to the editing you perform.} \nomenclature{\textbf{Edit panel}}{the second line on the timeline which shows icons that represent transport controls and editing functions. It is sometimes called the Control Bar.} @@ -86,11 +86,11 @@ \nomenclature{\textbf{Git}}{is a distributed version control system for tracking changes in source code during software development. It is fast and easy to work with git repositories for collaboration among several developers on the same software project.} -\nomenclature{\textbf{GPU}}{stands for the Graphics Processor Unit of a computer graphics board. For Cinelerra, direct decoding or encoding using the GPU via hardware acceleration often reduces CPU usage.} +\nomenclature{\textbf{GPU}}{stands for the Graphics Processor Unit of a computer graphics board. For \CGG{}, direct decoding or encoding using the GPU via hardware acceleration often reduces CPU usage.} \nomenclature{\textbf{GUI}}{Graphical User Interface allows people to interact with the computer by manipulating graphical icons, visual indicators or widgets, along with text labels or text navigation to represent the information and actions available to a user. This is in contrast to Command Line Interface (CLI).} -\nomenclature{\textbf{GUICAST}}{Cinelerra’s GUI library, made from scratch by Heroine Virtual Ltd.} +\nomenclature{\textbf{GUICAST}}{\CGG{}’s GUI library, made from scratch by Heroine Virtual Ltd.} \nomenclature{\textbf{Handle}}{is a graphical grab point to adjust any number of different graphical parameters, such as an edit position or a mask curvature. The handle becomes active when approached within a certain range, then you will generally see a modified cursor indicator. This is the hot point to grab and click to use it.} @@ -98,27 +98,27 @@ \nomenclature{\textbf{Hue}}{that aspect of a color described with names such as yellow, red, blue. Hue also defines mixtures of two pure colors like "red-yellow" or "yellow-green".} -\nomenclature{\textbf{Image list}}{a text file with a specific format containing a list of absolute paths for the still images of a sequence plus additional information like file format, framerate and image resolution. Image lists are human readable and editable. Once loaded in the timeline, image lists behave like a video clip. In Cinelerra they can be used to load multiple images belonging to the same scene as a single video asset. Cinelerra can render video clips to image lists (a text file + multiple still images).} +\nomenclature{\textbf{Image list}}{a text file with a specific format containing a list of absolute paths for the still images of a sequence plus additional information like file format, framerate and image resolution. Image lists are human readable and editable. Once loaded in the timeline, image lists behave like a video clip. In \CGG{} they can be used to load multiple images belonging to the same scene as a single video asset. \CGG{} can render video clips to image lists (a text file + multiple still images).} \nomenclature{\textbf{I-beam mode}}{formally known as Cut and Paste editing mode where a lot of the operations performed on your video are with various copy commands. See Cut and Paste editing definition.} -\nomenclature{\textbf{Index file}}{an .idx, .mkr or .toc file built by Cinelerra in the .bcast5 directory of your home folder in order to quickly, and with less cpu involved, seek into big media files, for skipping, faster playback and drawing waveforms and picons. Index files are not human readable. If an index file for an asset is already built, it is not recreated – this saves a lot of time. However if you switch from a native format to using ffmpeg, or vice versa, you should always rebuild the index. The number of index files to keep can be set by the user and you can easily delete all of them at once from the Settings$\rightarrow$Preferences, Interface menu.} +\nomenclature{\textbf{Index file}}{an .idx, .mkr or .toc file built by \CGG{} in the .bcast5 directory of your home folder in order to quickly, and with less cpu involved, seek into big media files, for skipping, faster playback and drawing waveforms and picons. Index files are not human readable. If an index file for an asset is already built, it is not recreated – this saves a lot of time. However if you switch from a native format to using ffmpeg, or vice versa, you should always rebuild the index. The number of index files to keep can be set by the user and you can easily delete all of them at once from the Settings$\rightarrow$Preferences, Interface menu.} \nomenclature{\textbf{Insertion point}}{a flashing hairline mark that vertically spans the timeline. It marks the starting place of the next operation to be performed.} \nomenclature{\textbf{Interlace}}{(extended definition included here because it is no longer a commonly used technique). Originally media was conditioned for presentation on a cathode ray tube (CRT), like an old-fashioned television set. The image sample was scanned using an image orthicon tube and vacuum tube oscillators. The result is very imprecise and too slow for the human eye. Interlacing, which is scanning the image by fields, first all the even and then all the odd lines, uses phosphor persistence to create a smooth presentation effect and reduce the required signal bandwidth. Today we use a progressive scan at a higher framerate to avoid these issues.} -\nomenclature{\textbf{Interpolation}}{a method of inventing data using keyframe way points on a curve. The shape of the curve represents the type of the interpolation, for example piecewise linear or bezier. In Cinelerra interpolation is the process that inserts many new values in between the user defined keyframes to give a smoother result.} +\nomenclature{\textbf{Interpolation}}{a method of inventing data using keyframe way points on a curve. The shape of the curve represents the type of the interpolation, for example piecewise linear or bezier. In \CGG{} interpolation is the process that inserts many new values in between the user defined keyframes to give a smoother result.} \nomenclature{\textbf{Jitter}}{broken sound or video, frequently due to quantimization encoding, resulting in data loss.} \nomenclature{\textbf{Keyframe}}{a blob of parameter data associated to a position on the timeline. It represents a certain value set by the user at a certain point in the timeline and is used as input to some edit functions such as a fade, an effect, or a compositing parameter. Keyframes are described in detail in the Keyframes section, chapter 8.} -\nomenclature{\textbf{Keyframing}}{a very convenient technique for creating smooth dynamic changes by assigning values to parameters at specific moments in time and letting Cinelerra interpolate the values in between.} +\nomenclature{\textbf{Keyframing}}{a very convenient technique for creating smooth dynamic changes by assigning values to parameters at specific moments in time and letting \CGG{} interpolate the values in between.} \nomenclature{\textbf{Latency}}{refers to a short period of delay, usually measured in milliseconds, between when an audio signal enters a system and when it emerges.} -\nomenclature{\textbf{Locale}}{a set of parameters that defines your language, country and other location related preferences that you want to see in your GUI. Usually a locale identifier consists of at least a language identifier and a region identifier. Example: “[language[\_territory][.codeset][@modifier]]”. It affects the language in which Cinelerra will display menus and messages. To check your locale type locale in your terminal window. To see your available locales type locale -a.} +\nomenclature{\textbf{Locale}}{a set of parameters that defines your language, country and other location related preferences that you want to see in your GUI. Usually a locale identifier consists of at least a language identifier and a region identifier. Example: “[language[\_territory][.codeset][@modifier]]”. It affects the language in which \CGG{} will display menus and messages. To check your locale type locale in your terminal window. To see your available locales type locale -a.} \nomenclature{\textbf{Lossless}}{term describing a compression method that allows the exact original data to be reconstructed from the compressed data, without any changes. Lossless compression is used for text and data files, but also for multimedia when quality is more important than file size.} @@ -128,7 +128,7 @@ \nomenclature{\textbf{Media}}{generic term for audio, videos and images on some kind of storage. This can include items as a short movie recorded on your phone, photos from your camera, MP3 songs, or a movie trailer.} -\nomenclature{\textbf{NLE}}{Non Linear Editing. A modern editing method used by Cinelerra that records the decisions of the editor in an edit decision list (EDL) without modifying the original source files.} +\nomenclature{\textbf{NLE}}{Non Linear Editing. A modern editing method used by \CGG{} that records the decisions of the editor in an edit decision list (EDL) without modifying the original source files.} \nomenclature{\textbf{NTSC}}{stands for National Television System Committee; a standard that defines a video with canvas size of 720x480 and a framerate of 29.97 fps. This was originally based on United States broadcast television.} @@ -146,7 +146,7 @@ \nomenclature{\textbf{Pixel}}{the smallest independent unit of a digital image; a minute area of illumination on a display screen, one of many from which an image is composed. Word was invented from picture element. In the 3D world, this is call a voxel.} -\nomenclature{\textbf{Plugin}}{program fragment that is loaded on demand as in “plugged in”. In Cinelerra, these are often called “effects” and are used to provide a specific function on demand.} +\nomenclature{\textbf{Plugin}}{program fragment that is loaded on demand as in “plugged in”. In \CGG{}, these are often called “effects” and are used to provide a specific function on demand.} \nomenclature{\textbf{Pop-up menu}}{a menu that pops up by clicking the right mouse button. Also called a context menu.} @@ -156,7 +156,7 @@ \nomenclature{\textbf{Proxy file}}{a copy of an original media file but with low resolution or quality, used as temporary media for editing with lower CPU load or I/O. Rendering is then done with the high quality original.} -\nomenclature{\textbf{Raw image}}{an image file containing the unprocessed data from the image sensor of a digital camera or a scanner. Raw images from many different cameras can be loaded in Cinelerra. There are quite a wide-range variety of raw formats in existence.} +\nomenclature{\textbf{Raw image}}{an image file containing the unprocessed data from the image sensor of a digital camera or a scanner. Raw images from many different cameras can be loaded in \CGG{}. There are quite a wide-range variety of raw formats in existence.} \nomenclature{\textbf{Record}}{the acquisition and storage of some media} @@ -178,7 +178,7 @@ \nomenclature{\textbf{SEGV}}{Segmentation Fault Violation - a page fault that fails to read or write memory. For example, attempting to write to a read-only location, or to overwrite part of the operating system.} -\nomenclature{\textbf{Shell}}{a file containing a series of commands that provides an interface for users. In everyday use it indicates the Command Line. Cinelerra has a “shell cmds” icon on the upper right corner of the main timeline where user written shell scripts can be added and easily accessed without exiting.} +\nomenclature{\textbf{Shell}}{a file containing a series of commands that provides an interface for users. In everyday use it indicates the Command Line. \CGG{} has a “shell cmds” icon on the upper right corner of the main timeline where user written shell scripts can be added and easily accessed without exiting.} \nomenclature{\textbf{Shot}}{in filmmaking and video production, a shot is a series of frames, that runs for an uninterrupted period of time. In film editing, a shot is the continuous footage or sequence between two edits or cuts. Loosely used to refer to a single camera image, i.e. a shot.} @@ -234,7 +234,7 @@ \nomenclature{\textbf{Widget}}{a unitary graphical object that performs a specific set. It is usually a single subwindow.} -\nomenclature{\textbf{XML}}{the language Cinelerra EDLs are written in. Extensible Markup Language (XML) is a general-purpose language that combines text and extra information about the text and allows users to make modifications. It creates a text representation of a data object that is designed to be relatively human-legible.} +\nomenclature{\textbf{XML}}{the language \CGG{} EDLs are written in. Extensible Markup Language (XML) is a general-purpose language that combines text and extra information about the text and allows users to make modifications. It creates a text representation of a data object that is designed to be relatively human-legible.} \nomenclature{\textbf{YUV}}{is a color model which splits luma from chroma, similarly to human sight.. Colors are stored as absolute luma representation and the difference signal between luma and chroma complement components. This color model is used by PAL and NTSC standards. Y stands for the luma component and U and V are the chroma components. U and V are actually color difference components (respectively R-Y and B-Y). In fact YUV signals are created from an original RGB source. The weighted values of R, G, and B are added together to produce a single Y signal, representing the overall luma. The U signal is then created by subtracting the Y from the blue signal of the original RGB, and then scaling; V is created by subtracting the Y from the red, and then scaling by a different factor. Previous black-and-white systems used only luma (Y) information and color information (U and V) was added so that a black-and-white receiver would still be able to display a color picture as a normal black and white picture.} @@ -270,7 +270,7 @@ \nomenclature{\textbf{DeSpill}}{process to remove background color contamination from the edges of the subject in foreground, during a chroma key.} -\nomenclature{\textbf{Digital Intermediate (DI)}}{Over time it has taken on different meanings. For Cinelerra GG is meant as the creation of a high quality file that during the various stages of editing and color correction keeps as much information as possible. Being little or uncompressed its manipulation is also faster and more efficient.} +\nomenclature{\textbf{Digital Intermediate (DI)}}{Over time it has taken on different meanings. For \CGG{} is meant as the creation of a high quality file that during the various stages of editing and color correction keeps as much information as possible. Being little or uncompressed its manipulation is also faster and more efficient.} \nomenclature{\textbf{Dynamic range}}{is the ratio between the largest and smallest values (luminance) that an image can assume. The larger the size, the better we can distinguish details in the dark and light parts.} @@ -280,19 +280,17 @@ \nomenclature{\textbf{Gamut}}{In color reproduction, the gamut is a certain complete subset of colors. The larger the gamut of a device (associated with a color space) the more colors can be displayed.} -\nomenclature{\textbf{HDR images}}{are images that have a dynamic range larger than that of the sensor used. They are created directly with a rendering or with the merge of several images at low dynamic range. They require the use of floating points.} - \nomenclature{\textbf{HDTV}}{(high definition TV) standard characterized by a 16:9 aspect ratio, various frames rates and scan modes and with a resolution of at least 1080.} \nomenclature{\textbf{Lanczos}}{algorithm for high quality resampling video signal. It is also used in case of upsampling, weak point of other similar filters.} \nomenclature{\textbf{Letterbox}}{blacks bars on the top and bottom side of the frame. They are due to a smaller frame size than the one set in the project (see also Pillarbox).} -\nomenclature{\textbf{LUT, 3D LUT}}{(LookUp Table) used to map one color space to another. Cinelerra GG uses them through ffmpeg filters. There are downloadable collections or there are specific ones provided by hardware manufacturers.} +\nomenclature{\textbf{LUT, 3D LUT}}{(LookUp Table) used to map one color space to another. \CGG{} uses them through ffmpeg filters. There are downloadable collections or there are specific ones provided by hardware manufacturers.} \nomenclature{\textbf{Nearest neighbor}}{is the simplest method of resampling an image. It is fast and resources saving, but produces less smooth results.} -\nomenclature{\textbf{Panning}}{in video technology, panning refers to the horizontal scrolling of an image wider than the display. In Cinelerra it is done (together with other camera movements) with the camera tool.} +\nomenclature{\textbf{Panning}}{in video technology, panning refers to the horizontal scrolling of an image wider than the display. In \CGG{} it is done (together with other camera movements) with the camera tool.} \nomenclature{\textbf{Pillarbox}}{blacks bars on the left and right side of the frame. They are due to a smaller frame size than the one set in the project (see also Letterbox).}