return 1;
+CWindowMaskSmooth::CWindowMaskSmooth(MWindow *mwindow,
+ CWindowMaskGUI *gui, int x, int y)
+ : BC_GenericButton(x, y, _("Smooth"))
+ this->mwindow = mwindow;
+ this->gui = gui;
+ set_tooltip(_("Smooth boundary"));
+int CWindowMaskSmooth::handle_event()
+ return gui->smooth_mask(0);
+CWindowMaskGangSmooth::CWindowMaskGangSmooth(MWindow *mwindow,
+ CWindowMaskGUI *gui, int x, int y)
+ : BC_Button(x, y, mwindow->theme->get_image_set("gangpatch_data"))
+ this->mwindow = mwindow;
+ this->gui = gui;
+ set_tooltip(_("Smooth All"));
+int CWindowMaskGangSmooth::handle_event()
+ return gui->smooth_mask(1);
CWindowMaskBeforePlugins::CWindowMaskBeforePlugins(CWindowMaskGUI *gui, int x, int y)
: BC_CheckBox(x,
float cy = mwindow->edl->session->output_h / 2.f;
focus_y = new CWindowCoord(this, x1, y, cy);
+ add_subwindow(smooth = new CWindowMaskSmooth(mwindow, this, del_x, y));
+ add_subwindow(gang_smooth = new CWindowMaskGangSmooth(mwindow, this, clr_x, y));
y += focus_x->get_h() + 2*margin;
BC_Bar *bar;
add_subwindow(bar = new BC_Bar(x, y, get_w()-2*x));
"Shift+LMB: move an end point\n"
"Ctrl+LMB: move a control point\n"
"Alt+LMB: to drag translate the mask\n"
- "Shift+Key Delete to delete the point\n"
+ "Shift+Key Delete: to delete the point\n"
"Shift+MMB: Set Pivot Point at pointer\n"
"Wheel: rotate around Pivot Point\n"
"Shift+Wheel: scale around Pivot Point\n"
- "Ctrl Wheel: rotate/scale around pointer")));
+ "Ctrl+Wheel: rotate/scale around pointer")));
help_h = y + title->get_h() + 2*margin;
resize_window(get_w(), help_y);
+int CWindowMaskGUI::smooth_mask(int gang)
+ MaskAutos *autos;
+ MaskAuto *keyframe;
+ Track *track;
+ MaskPoint *point;
+ SubMask *mask;
+ int create_it = 0;
+ int create_it = 1;
+ mwindow->undo->update_undo_before(_("mask smooth"), this);
+// Get existing keyframe
+ get_keyframe(track, autos, keyframe,
+ mask, point, create_it);
+ if( track ) {
+ MaskAuto temp_keyframe(mwindow->edl, autos);
+ temp_keyframe.copy_data(keyframe);
+ keyframe = &temp_keyframe;
+ int k = mwindow->edl->session->cwindow_mask;
+ int n = gang ? keyframe->masks.size() : k+1;
+ for( int j=gang? 0 : k; j<n; ++j ) {
+ SubMask *sub_mask = keyframe->get_submask(j);
+ ArrayList<MaskPoint*> &points = sub_mask->points;
+ int psz = points.size();
+ if( psz < 3 ) continue;
+ for( int i=0; i<psz; ++i ) {
+ int i0 = i-1, i1 = i+1;
+ if( i0 < 0 ) i0 = psz-1;
+ if( i1 >= psz ) i1 = 0;
+ MaskPoint *p0 = points[i0];
+ MaskPoint *p = points[i];
+ MaskPoint *p1 = points[i1];
+ float dx = p1->x - p0->x, dy = p1->y - p0->y;
+ p->control_x1 = -dx/4; p->control_y1 = -dy/4;
+ p->control_x2 = dx/4; p->control_y2 = dy/4;
+ }
+ }
+ autos->update_parameter(keyframe);
+ update_preview();
+ }
+ mwindow->undo->update_undo_after(_("mask smooth"), LOAD_AUTOMATION);
+ return 1;
CWindowRulerGUI::CWindowRulerGUI(MWindow *mwindow, CWindowTool *thread)
: CWindowToolGUI(mwindow, thread, _(PROGRAM_NAME ": Ruler"), 320, 240)
CWindowMaskGUI *gui;
+class CWindowMaskSmooth : public BC_GenericButton
+ CWindowMaskSmooth(MWindow *mwindow, CWindowMaskGUI *gui,
+ int x, int y);
+ int handle_event();
+ MWindow *mwindow;
+ CWindowMaskGUI *gui;
+class CWindowMaskGangSmooth : public BC_Button
+ CWindowMaskGangSmooth(MWindow *mwindow, CWindowMaskGUI *gui,
+ int x, int y);
+ int handle_event();
+ MWindow *mwindow;
+ CWindowMaskGUI *gui;
class CWindowMaskAffectedPoint : public BC_TumbleTextBox
void update();
int close_event();
void done_event();
+ void handle_event();
void set_focused(int v, float cx, float cy);
void update_buttons(MaskAuto *keyframe, int k);
- void handle_event();
+ int smooth_mask(int gang);
void get_keyframe(Track* &track, MaskAutos* &autos, MaskAuto* &keyframe,
SubMask* &mask, MaskPoint* &point, int create_it);
CWindowMaskFocus *focus;
int focused;
CWindowMaskGangFocus *gang_focus;
+ CWindowMaskSmooth *smooth;
+ CWindowMaskGangSmooth *gang_smooth;
CWindowMaskHelp *help;
int helped, help_y, help_h;
CWindowMaskDrawMarkers *draw_markers;