int x1 = force_1cpu->get_x() + force_1cpu->get_w() + 50;
- int y1 = force_1cpu->get_y();
- PrefsTrapSigSEGV *trap_segv = new PrefsTrapSigSEGV(this, x1, y1);
+ PrefsTrapSigSEGV *trap_segv = new PrefsTrapSigSEGV(this, x1, y);
int x2 = x1 + trap_segv->get_w() + 10;
- add_subwindow(new BC_Title(x2, y1, _("(must be root)"), MEDIUMFONT, RED));
- y1 += 30;
- PrefsTrapSigINTR *trap_intr = new PrefsTrapSigINTR(this, x1, y1);
+ add_subwindow(new BC_Title(x2, y, _("(must be root)"), MEDIUMFONT, RED));
+ y += 30;
+ PrefsTrapSigINTR *trap_intr = new PrefsTrapSigINTR(this, x1, y);
- add_subwindow(new BC_Title(x2, y1, _("(must be root)"), MEDIUMFONT, RED));
+ add_subwindow(new BC_Title(x2, y, _("(must be root)"), MEDIUMFONT, RED));
+ ffmpeg_marker_indecies = new PrefsFFMPEGMarkerIndecies(this, x, y);
+ add_subwindow(ffmpeg_marker_indecies);
y += 30;
ffmpeg_early_probe = new PrefsFFMPEGEarlyProbe(this, x, y);
- x1 = x + ffmpeg_early_probe->get_w() + 24;
- ffmpeg_marker_indecies = new PrefsFFMPEGMarkerIndecies(this, x1, y);
- add_subwindow(ffmpeg_marker_indecies);
y += 30;