--- /dev/null
+# this should bascically be the same as a static build, but the
+# "make install" is followed by the appimage creation. After the
+# install does its work, the bin directory and subdirectories
+# contain the whole application.
+# Install linuxdeploy (CLI version). Download from
+# https://github.com/linuxdeploy/linuxdeploy/releases/continuous . It is an
+# AppImage, best to use a directory bin under your home directory for all
+# AppImages, because at log-in time this is put in the path if it exists.
+( ./autogen.sh
+ ./configure --with-single-user --with-booby --enable-static-build
+ make && make install ) 2>&1 | tee log
+mv Makefile Makefile.cfg
+cp Makefile.devel Makefile
+mkdir AppDir # create lowest level
+mkdir AppDir/usr
+cp -r bin AppDir/usr/ # copy whole of bin directory
+# We need to specify all executables, so linuxdeploy can pick up dependencies.
+# Any executable code in other places in not picked up (yet).
+linuxdeploy-x86_64.AppImage --appdir=AppDir -o appimage -d image/cin.desktop -i image/cin.svg -e bin/cin -e bin/mpeg2enc -e bin/mplex -e bin/hveg2enc -e bin/lv2ui -e bin/bdwrite -e bin/zmpeg3toc -e bin/zmpeg3show -e bin/zmpeg3cat -e bin/zmpeg3ifochk -e bin/zmpeg3cc2txt -e bin/mplexlo 2>&1 | tee appimage.log
+# There is now an appimage in the cinelerra-5.1 directory.
Asset *asset = fmt_config->asset;
char *format_name = asset->fformat;
- char *replace_name0 = "mov";
- char *replace_name1 = "mpegts";
- char *replace_name2 = "matroska";
+ char replace_name0[] = "mov";
+ char replace_name1[] = "mpegts";
+ char replace_name2[] = "matroska";
if (!strcmp(format_name, "qt"))
format_name = replace_name0; // fixup
if (!strcmp(format_name, "m2ts"))